PERSONALITY BOLLYWOOD BUZZ “Language is the core of any community’s identity” “Village Rockstars's National Award has emboldened Ayushman Jamwal is a Senior Output Editor at a lot of independent filmmakers in India” CNN-News18. He completed his graduation and post-graduation in Britain on a full scholarship at the She took the global film festival circuit by storm prestigious Cardiff University School of Journalism, with her debut feature film Village Rockstars. and was inducted into the University's Honour Roll. Ayushman is a columnist for leading online and print titles. The same landed Rima Das a national Award. He is also a poet. His first poetry collection 'Chameleon Lights' One of the most sought-after independent featured in the top 10 poetry bestseller list 2017 on Ayushman'ssecond poetry collection 'Silent filmmakers in India presently, Rima, who hails Sun'is out now. from India's northeastern state of Assam, talks Ayushman also serves as a Board member of the Kunwar about her new film Bulbul Can Sing, her outlook ViyogiMemorial Trust, established to promote and preserve the Dogrilanguage spoken by the Duggar community of the towards movie making and her future endeavours Shivalik foothills. He curates the 'Cultural Cocktail: Youth in a chat with Suman Das and Sudipto Maity at What made you to take up the cause of Dogri? Do For Art' initiative, a platform for innovation with a focus on the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). convergence of classical, contemporary, regional and global you feel that Dogri got a fresh lease of life after its inclusion in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution? literature and art forms. Is there any apprehension among Jammu based EXCERPTS: As far as the credit goes, you are the director, cinematographer, edi- In a free wheeling chat with Deepak Raj, he writers that the present generation is more inclined First and foremost, congratulations on receiving the tor, producer, executive producer, screenplay writer...on a lighter note, shares his experiences on different issues. towards Hindi than Dogri? National Film Award. Has life changed? don't you trust anyone with these jobs? How do you manage to wear Excerpts of the interveiw. My grandfather was Group Captain Randhir Singh, also Lots of changes. India is a huge country, where films are made in so many hats at once? Share your work ethic with us. known as Kunwar Viyogi in the world of Dogri literature. a lot of different languages. To recognise an independent movie as the I just managed…like I did in Village Rockstars. No, it’s not about What made you opt for poetry when writing nov- After reading his verses, I realised the richness of Dogri cul- best film in India and award it is itself a huge honour. I am not the only the trust issue. My timings are very different. With Village Rockstars, els is the craze among present day writers to ture and what it has to offer the global community. I read one who is witnessing a change, but it’s a change that can be felt by our it was different. Since I do not belong from any film school, I wanted express their viewpoints on different issues? Dogri folk tales, plays and immersed myself into the works, whole team and other independent directors too. It is very inspiring. to experience it all. For this one, since I am constantly travelling…look, I have been writing poetry since my school days, honing realising that they have the same themes and attributes that (Village Rockstars will release in India on Sept 28, 2018.) after TIFF last year, the film gave be a global recognition and it trav- my expression and trying to understand the human condi- give depth and appeal to other cultural art forms from What is Bulbul Can Sing about? Why did you decide to elled to 70 other festivals, so I had to travel every month. If you hire a tion. Poetic expression is succinct and direct, packing depth around the world. make it? professional team, a lot of things need to be considered, like time slots, in just a few words. It is the best way to put forward a While inclusion in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution The idea of Bulbul Can Sing came to me while making Village Rock- availability. So, that is why I had to do it all by myself. In the future, I poignant point as compared to an extensive explanation in has preserved the language on paper, it needs wider dissem- stars. In Village Rockstars, I worked children. So, I had it in my mind will definitely work with a professional team. a book. Like a good song, good poetry stays with you and ination and evolution to survive for the next generation, to make a trilogy and thought that the next movie should be with Tell us a bit about your editing process. I edit while shooting the film, so, it happens very fast for me. While like a good book, those few words make you contemplate which is growing up in an online world of liberated and teenagers. At first, I decided to make a teenage love story, but later on taking the shots, I know what should be captured and what shouldn’t the world around you. My aim is to continuously refine my dynamic expression. Language is the core of any communi- as I started writing and explored the idea more, it became more about expression with the changing times. Working in a dynamic love and friendship. Bulbul Can Sing explores how friendship and love be, it’s all in my mind. Having said that, it is a tiring job, my so far I ty's identity. Pushing the promotion and preservation of have managed. climate like a newsroom offers me great doses of inspira- Dogri culture via policies of community and government are very instinctive, they come very naturally to us and how societal tion and drive. While many don't visit a bookstore to pick norms, especially in a village, influences these. Rima, a lot has happened since we last spoke, a year ago...I am talk- leaders, to engage with the youth through a concerted strat- ing about the Hollywood scandals involving some big names and the up a book of poems, I am trying to channel my expression Last year, you said that Village Rockstars took around four egy is essential to protect and conserve the language from aftermath, with the rise of TimesUp and MeToo. While Hollywood via different styles on social media and other visual plat- years to make. So time was a luxury. What about this movie? the domination of English and Hindi. stars have been very vocal about their sufferings, In India, it has not forms where there is greater consumption of poetry. It took me a year to make this film, but I shot for 60 days, basical- Tell us about the Kunwar Viyogi Memorial Trust. ly in the last three months (Laughs). I followed the same process that been anything more than a murmur here and there. Have you ever What are the two books - Chameleon Lights and Why has it been formed & what are its objectives? I had for Village Rockstars. I had derived a lot of confidence from the come across any such circumstances, personally, or do you know of Silent Sun all about? Have you been able to do jus- The Kunwar Viyogi memorial Trust has three missions - earlier film. You know, certain stories require more time than others. any such sexual harassment incident? tice to issues raised in your books? Any other book one - supporting young Dogri scholars through grants to For this one, I just managed to finish it within a year. Not at all. Fortunately, I have not experienced anything like that at in the pipeline? expand the academia surrounding the language - two - give There were reports that you missed the Cannes deadline for this all. While making the film, even though I knew it was under my con- Chameleon Lights was my first poetry collection high- a bigger and multimedia platform for the spread and evolu- movie...tell us a bit more about that incident. (Laughs). It’s not right. trol, I was worried about travelling alone, but, like I said, nothing of lighting a journey of self-discovery. It expressed the confu- tion of Dogri culture and art forms in the modern era - three I had just started it then, it was not yet ready. Sometimes a lot of what that sort has touched me so far. Every time I have visited a place, peo- sion of a young soul searching for an anchor or place in the - fulfil Kunwar Viyogi's vision to create a platform for the I say gets mis-phrased. I didn’t even try for Cannes. So, that’s it. ple have looked at me with respect and I am very happy to share that. world, trying to make sense of the challenges unfurling before youth to promote and hone talent. We are now three years Going back to Village Rockstars, you had shot the movie You are, by far one of the most sought-after movie mak- with young amateurs. However, there's one professional him. I think the justification of that youthful yearning old and our school of artists continues to expand. We seek ers in the Indian contemporary circuit, by virtue of Village actor in this movie. Was it a conscious choice? emerged in Silent Sun. In this book, I have focused on more out and support creative innovation that can help keep Dogri Rockstars. So, there must be more pressure on you now? culture alive. No, it was more like going with the flow. In Village Rockstars, there topical themes, from women's rights, service of soldiers, too was a professional actor who played a guest role, a very important What do you reckon? mythology to the state of refugees to highlight the powerful What have been the prime achievements in your I am very passionate about movie making and while making my career so far? part. It’s not planned, it is how stories come to me. In the very begin- drive in all humans to find purpose, communion and strive ning, I started with amateurs, but later on the story and the role first film, I believed that I had nothing to lose. The second film after for fulfilment in a chaotic world. I have tried my level best to Juggling my role as a journalist and primetime news edi- Village Rockstars, I thought, was going to be very important. A lot of tor at CNN-News18, managing the creative strength of a demanded that I hire a professional. The character played by the pro- rally and express these myriad perspectives, drawing from fessional actor is that of a complex human and I though that with an my friends advised me to take time and make it. Look, with a movie, my experience as a journalist. Everyone, from all walks of life growing cultural foundation like the Kunwar Viyogi Memo- amateur I will not be able to extract that performance. sometimes it may work, sometimes it may not work, but, I’ll keep mak- rial Trust and writing 2 books before I am 30. I love work- can find a piece of themselves in the verses, connecting to There are a few factors that have gone unchanged for this ing movies, since I love doing them. Village Rockstars brought so much ing in creative spaces which drives me to set higher targets. these contemporary tales and the all-encompassing pursuit movie as well. The movie is in Assamese and is shot in Assam love. I want my audience to love this film as well. I am nervous and ter- There is a lot more to do and a lot more to come. to be a little more than nothing in our existence. and the crew is by and large Assamese. You have said that rified. However, I am not terrified to make another movie. What is the 'Cultural Cocktail: Youth for Art' Assam is your place and you understand your people better. I am currently writing my first novel, a war drama on the You have said that Village Rockstars was a learning curve. project that you are handling and what are its objec- Now, tell me, do you plan to get out of your comfort zone and What's your take-away from this movie? pivotal 1947 military operation that saved Jammu & Kash- make movies somewhere else, involving something other tives? I am still learning. Every film is different, it throws a different chal- mir, which was led by Brigadier Rajinder Singh, the recipi- than Assam? It is KVMT's mission to give a platform and support to lenge when you work with a different cast and a different story. Village ent of the first Mahavir Chakra in independent India. artists, namely those who have found innovative ways to Yes, of course. I would love to come out of my comfort zone. Right What is your opinion about national TV channels now, I am going with the flow, with the stories that come to me natu- Rockstars and Bulbul Can Sing are not similar film. The treatment isn’t promote and develop traditional art forms in the social similar and even during editing, I try and do it differently. I am happy which are accused of creating more confusion media era. 'Cultural Cocktail: Youth for Art' has given cre- rally. We are planning a Hindi film, not necessarily a Bollywood film, that so far it has worked. (IBNS/TWF) among viewers on various national issues than giv- ative direction to artists and a stage in multiple cities includ- but just the language. ing a clear picture? ing , Chandigarh, Jaipur, Srinagar and Jammu to I completely disagree with the opinion that national TV showcase their talent. KVMT's last two 'Innovation in Art' HEALTHLINES channels spread confusion about issues. While primetime award recipients - theatre director Aarushi Thakur Rana and shows have editorial stands, viewers get the facts from all Kathak dancer Sanchita Abrol have used this platform to channels, and their multiple online platforms. CNN- cultivate their art and innovate by infusing Dogri culture News18 is a leader in the news market and TV journalism into their work, presenting it in the artistic hubs of the coun- Health benefits of Pecan nut because of its focus on facts as well as an editorial edge. Our try. We are focused on expanding our creative base and out- viewers who engage with us on television and social media reach, and any artist who wants support to hone his/her tal- Dr. Sohnika, Dr. Arti Sharma REDUCES BLOOD PRESSURE are well-informed and they frame their own opinions which ent can get in touch with us via our website Pecan nut (Carya illinoinensis) is one of the Magnesium in pecans has been shown to help lower we encourage. ( The youth has an abundance of cre- blood pressure. Though pecans cannot cure hypertension, ativity and we are committed to share it with the world. most popular edible nut native to North they do help lower it. MOVIE­REVIEW America and Mexico. In India, pecans were REDUCES THE RISK OF STROKE introduced from USA by Punjab Government Studies have proved that consuming 100 milligrams of in 1937 and now in India, it is mainly grown magnesium per day reduces the risk of stroke by 9%. Pecan being a good source of magnesium can form part of your A simple tale told beautifully in Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. diet to reap this benefit. The area under pecan nut in Jammu region is around ANTI-CANCER PROPERTIES 464.68 ha with production of about 104.03 metric tonnes Pecans are rich in phytochemical substances such as SUI DHAAGA – MADE IN INDIA is a heartwarming miss that. Sharat Katariya’s dialogues are witty and play in 2015-16. Maximum area under pecan nut is in Rajouri polyphenolic antioxidant ellagic acid, vitamin E, beta- story of pride and self-reliance. Mauji (Varun a major part in contributing to the laughter quotient. district i.e. 163.0 ha with production of 60.20 MT followed carotene, lutein and zea-xanthin. These compounds play Sharat Katariya’s direction is brilliant and enhances by Poonch having 125.0 ha area under pecan nut with pro- an important role in removing toxic oxygen-free radicals, Dhawan) stays in a village near Delhi with the well written script. He could have made the film a bit duction of 7.00 MT. The pecan tree is a large deciduous thus protecting your body from diseases, cancer and infec- his wife Mamta (), father tighter and less convenient and predictable but thankful- tree belonging to the hickory family. The pecan has a sweet, tions. Ellagic acid possesses anti-proliferative properties () and mother (Yamini Das). ly these are minor flaws. rich and buttery flavor and texture which can be attrib- which inhibit DNA binding of certain carcinogens such as SUI DHAAGA – MADE IN INDIA ‘s first shot is very uted to its high levels of monounsaturated oils. Pecans nitrosamines and polycyclic hydrocarbons, thus protect- Varun works at a shop that sells sewing machines, impressive and captures a lot simply in one take. After have a fat content of over 70% which is the highest among ing the human body from cancers. owned by Bansal (Sidharth Bhardwaj) and his son establishing the characters and setting, the film wastes no all the nuts. Shelled pecans are available all year round STRENGTHENS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Prashant (Ashish Verma). Both have a habit of ill-treat- time in getting on point soon. The hospital sequence is ing Mauji and make him do fun antics. When Prashant Pecans are a rich source of manganese which is a pow- lovely but in the first half, what takes the cake is the pre erful antioxidant. This trace mineral helps boost your gets married, Bansal invites Mauji and his entire family. interval sequence. Notice how the makers raise tension immunity and protects your nerve cells from free-radical Mamta feels humiliated when she sees Mauji being asked levels! In the second half, the film drops a bit. Also the damage. Adequate intake of manganese is vital for nerve to imitate a dog by the Bansals. Mamta encourages him manner in which Mamta and Mauji get shortlisted for the conduction and brain function. to start his own business, especially since he is a pro at fashion tournament seems a bit convenient. But the finale PREVENTS SKIN PROBLEMS sewing. However, Mauji’s grandfather was a tailor who makes up for it (though it gives a déjà vu of the 2008 com- faced immense losses. Hence, his father vowed never to ic caper MONEY HAI TOH HONEY HAI) and the film is The outside appearance of our skin depends upon how we treat it from the inside. Thus, adequate nutrition is get into this business again. Mauji at first rejects Mam- sure to leave viewers with a smile. ta’s suggestion but later leaves his job and puts a stall on inevitable for maintaining a healthy skin and preventing SUI DHAAGA – MADE IN INDIA belongs to Varun skin problems. The toxins inside your body can make your Dhawan and Anushka Sharma. Both skin suffer by causing breakouts, dullness and excess oil. actors deliver powerhouse performanc- Pecans are a good source of fiber which can do wonders es. looks every inch a vil- for your health and hence, for your skin. It aids in the elim- lage simpleton and is sure to be loved. ination of toxins and waste from the body, thereby improv- He plays his part with earnesty and that while unshelled pecans are available in autumn. Their rich buttery flavor makes them suitable for both ing the appearance of your skin. shows. Notice his reaction when Bansals savory and sweet dishes. Raw pecans can be salted or ANTI-AGING BENEFITS force him to act like a dog and how he sweetened and make for a delicious snack. They can be beautifully hides his embarrassment. Pecans contain numerous antioxidants including ellag- sprinkled over desserts, particularly sundaes and ice ic acid, vitamin A and vitamin E. These antioxidants fight Also in the climax scene especially in the creams. They are also widely used in confectionery as an and eliminate the free radicals which are responsible for hotel lobby sequence, he’s too good. addition to biscuits, sweets and cakes. Pecan nut butter is causing premature skin aging. Thus, pecans can prevent a popular spread for breads, toast etc. Anushka Sharma gets mentioned before the occurrence of signs of aging such as fine lines, wrin- Varun in the opening credits and has a HEALTH BENEFITS OF PECANS kles and pigmentation. very crucial part. One forgets that she is Like most other nuts, pecans contain various nutrients, Just like our skin, healthy hair is also a reflection of a THE Anushka Sharma and gives her minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that offer some won- healthy body. Thus, our hair follicles require adequate hundred per cent. In a scene where she derful health benefits. supply of vital nutrients to maintain their health and pre- asks her mother in law if she’s fine and CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH vent hair problems. The nutritional value of pecans makes whether she liked the hospital, the Pecans are rich in fiber which boosts the health of your them beneficial for your hair. actress seems so natural. Raghubir heart by reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and STIMULATES HAIR GROWTH Yadav gives a very touching perform- preventing some forms of cancer. It also contains Pecans are an excellent source of L-arginine, an amino ance. Towards the finale especially, he’s monounsaturated fats like oleic acid along with phenolic sure to make viewers teary-eyed. Yami- antioxidants that are healthy for your heart and help pre- acid which, when applied topically helps treat male pat- ni Das plays her part perfectly, especially in the hospital vent coronary artery disease and strokes. As per research, tern baldness as well as encourage the growth of healthy the streets in Delhi. On the other hand, Mauji’s mother hair. Vibrant blood flow throughout the body and to the scenes. Puja Sarup (Harleen Bedi) leaves a huge mark. pecans may help prevent coronary heart disease by falls down in their house and she’s hospitalized. The tests hair roots is vital for healthy hair growth and scalp. L-argi- Same goes for Namit Das (Guddu). Bhupesh Singh inhibiting unwanted oxidation of blood lipids. reveal that she has multiple blockages in her heart. The nine is beneficial in this regard as it improves the health (Naushad) is damn good. The actors playing Majnu, DIGESTIVE HEALTH family is already having a hand-to-mouth existence and of the artery walls by making them more flexible and less Majnu’s wife, Palteram and others are also very good. Mauji’s mother’s hospitalization further add to their The fiber contained in pecans promotes colon health prone to blood clots which can block the flow of blood. ’s music goes very well with the film, and facilitates regular bowel movements. It enables the woes. Moreover, Mauji has left his job as well. What hap- Anemia is one of the common causes of hair loss. It is although it’s not of chartbuster variety. The title song colon to work at greater levels of efficiency by cleaning out pens next forms the rest of the film. caused by iron deficiency in the blood. Pecans, being a comes at a very crucial juncture and makes an impact. the gastrointestinal system. Besides, it prevents constipa- Sharat Katariya’s story is simple and the need of the good source of iron, can be included in your diet to improve ‘Chaav Laaga’ is melodious. ‘Khatar Patar’ and ‘Tu Hi tion and reduces the risk of colitis, colon cancer and hem- hour. It reminds one of the films of Hrishikesh Mukher- orrhoids. your blood iron levels and hence, combat hair loss. Aham’ are situational songs and work. ‘Sab Badhiya Hai’ Recently a study was carried out by the Division of Fruit jee and gives a nice ode to that kind of adorable cinema. HELPS IN WEIGHT LOSS Sharat Katariya’s screenplay however is much more is missing from the film. Andrea Guerra’s background Science, FOA, SKUAST-Jammu, in pecan nut growing dis- impressive. He does total justice to the characters and the score is in sync with the film’s mood and is also subtle. Research has indicated that a diet comprising of nuts tricts of Jammu province to assess the genetic diversity setting and also keeps the viewers involved. However, On the whole, SUI DHAAGA – MADE IN INDIA is a such as pecans helps in losing weight. This is because nut among the seedling pecan nut trees and to find out the best unlike his previous outing simple tale told beautifully with strong emphasis on emo- consumption enhances satiety and increases metabolism. selections with excellent traits of interest which can be [2015] which had plenty of funny moments, SUI DHAA- tions. At the box office, the film will have to rely on a very REDUCES THE RISK OF BREAST CANCER used directly as cultivar after completing all codal formal- GA – MADE IN INDIA is more dramatic. There’s not good word of mouth to attract audiences. Pecans contain oleic acid, a fatty acid which has been ities for variety release or can be further used in breeding much scope for humour and a section of audiences might Courtesy : found to reduce the risk of breast cancer. programmes to get segregates.