Chapter 3

The doctrines and dogma of Weixin Shengjiao The New Religion of the World Weixin Shengjiao

The sect is established by heaven and earth. The principles were established by the sages. Weixin Shengjiao learns the laws of Heaven and Earth and practices them.

Ancestor Shi

Lady of the Nine Heavens)

Three Chinese ancestors

Chiyou Emperor

Gui Gu Immortal Master Wan Chan Lao Chu

Grand Master Hun Yuan


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Ancestor Fuxi Shi makes his first draw as Heaven; second as Earth. Wuji is considered as the Primordial (earlier heaven eight guas), so it is emptiness.

Then Jiutian Xuannu inherited the knowledge. Tai chi is the Manifested (later heaven eight guas). Two polarities give rise to four phenomena.

Then the knowledge of Bagua was passed to Three Chinese Ancestors Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor. The Original Bagua is the knowledge of Feng Shui, describing mountains and rivers or practicing divination. Emperor created the Later Heaven Nine Places and Eight Guas It is three Yuan Nine Yuan .

Then the successor of Sage Gui Gu Immortal Master Wan Chan Lao Chu followed. Wang Chan Lao Chu and Grand Master Hun Yuan united and passed the knowledge to modern time. That is the reason why it is difficult for people to see the mystery of Feng Shui, and now it appeared after so many disasters.

Weixin Shengjiao honors Wang Chan Lao Chu and considered him as the leader of -jie (the ecclesial world) while Grand Master Hun Yuan is a master in mankind’s world.

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The Sutra of Gui Gu Immortal Master’s Heaven Virtues states, “ Fu Xi inherited heaven’s secret by heart created the I Ching to interpret the laws of heaven and earth. Knowledge has passed down for seven thousand years. Things constantly change but the eternal truth remains unchanged. The beauty of the I Ching is to solve the uncertainties of the world.” The Sutra of Gui Gu Immortal Master’s Heaven Virtues added, “ Fuxi invented the I Ching, in which light is regarded as the king of Virtue, the “one”, the “I”, masculine, light, firm, kind, and pure. Thus it is named San Kai-Tai (When the light illuminates, everything thrives). San Yang is white light; thus, the sage uses it in Yi Jing. It nourishes the world and crowds. It contains both merits and faults or good and evil. Therefore, there is no boundary of two polarities. It has the same heart as Buddha, so it is called Da-di (the great emperor).

Taiwan Weixin Shengjiao inherits Guigu culture. Grand Master Hun Yuan gives the teachings, “This religion is derived from the civilization. In 1998, Grand Master Hun Yuan led multitude of his disciples to Xinjiang Tianshan southern road at Tianchi to trace the origin of our ancestors and Guigu culture. took an oath that he would go the Mother Queen Temple every seven years. He has three visits to worship her in 1998, 2005 and 2013 respectively.

Grand Master Hun Yuan in 2007 instructed, “Fuxi is our heart. Whether people follow Chi You culture, the Yellow Emperor culture, or culture, they all practice Fuxi’s method, our ancestors’ heart method, called “Wuji”.

Wuji is heart, in which we can find Chinese culture.

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Therefore, Weixin Shengjiao is an origin of Chinese tradition and culture.

On June 20, 2009, Grand Master Hun Yuan taught about the true meanings of earlier and the later heaven eight guas. He said, “I Ching and Feng Shui are a driving force for world peace, is the dharmachakra of world peace. Sage Fuxi invented the earlier heaven eight guas based on the law of nature. Heaven contains energy, wisdom, emptiness... Tathagata, the Buddha, and it is quiet as well as true. Four hundred years later, the knowledge was passed down to Nuwa Goddess. Goddess Nuwa comprehended and extended the knowledge into the synthetic Nine Places and Eight Guas The synthetic eight guas is tangible. It is a method of obtaining wisdom. It emphasizes action. The truth is somewhat esoteric and empty or beyond that. It is a law without a certain law. Feng Shui can be said a way of living. Grand Master Hun Yuan continued to instruct, “Fuxi’s earlier eight guas and Nuwa’s later eight guas were combined and then passed to three ancestors, the Yellow Emperor’s Liang-shan , Yan Emperor’s Gui-zang and Chiyou Emperor’s Jiu-gong . The knowledge of Liang-shan and Gui-zang is all about mountains and rivers, a natural phenomenon. Things are constantly changing. There are things ineffable, inconceivable. However, Nature is represented through mountains and rivers. That’s the secret to Feng Shui.” He added, “ Master Bodhidharma came to China, saw the beauty of the earth, but also saw humans’ greedy heart, so he did not speak for nine years and observed the change of rivers. Therefore, he wrote the book eighteen Luohan . He presents the unspokenness into the knowledge of eighteen Luohan. When the world is moving, heart should not move. He attempts to transfer the entire evolution of mountains and rivers into “heart,” and return to emptiness, the nature of self, and Buddha wisdom.”

From July 10th to 15th in 2013, Grand Master Hun Yuan led many disciples to have a pilgrimage to Qinghai Kunlun Mountains. In Za Ma Long, Phoenix Mountains, he worshiped at the temple of Goddess Jiu Tian Xuannu, and he said, “Nuwa culture is part of the Kunlun Culture. She understood the laws of the nine planets, invented the Nine places and eight guas . Her knowledge had passed down to Chi You emperor. The shape of the mountain behind the temple is a spot, which tells the Kunlun culture. In front of the Temple, the Stone reveals that liang shan gui-zang is all concerned with mountains, rivers and earth. This place shows Chinese heritage and its origin.” When Huangshui River comes, the earlier heaven is located in gen. This is a good place and there will be remarkable mankind.

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It symbolizes the inheritance of continuous Chinese culture.

On November 12 in 2008, Grand Master Hun Yuan said, “Chinese culture and tradition can be traced back to the ancient time, Hong Jun Lao Chu of Kunlun civilization. Going through three emperors’ civilization, Xia, Shang and Zhou dynastrys’ civilization, Confucius’ teaching, Wang Chan Lao Chu’s uses of I Ching, and combining the original Bagua , synthetic Bagua and Feng Shui together had created a new culture and future civilization.

Grand Master Hun Yuan, on December 9, 2015, in Weixin Shengjiao College stated “About 14,500 years ago, when the universe was chaotic, Hong Jun Lao Chu disclosed the secret of chaos, which was developed into the Kunlun civilization. 7,352 years ago, Fuxi founded the Bagua (eight trigrams), in which invented first line as heaven and the second line, Earth. Sun is considered as Wuji, representing heart. Wuji is light, a Buddha, and emptiness. This Fuxi civilization is later inherited by Jiutian Xuannu. She developed Tai Chi, a so-called Manifested (later heaven eight guas), synthetic Bagua, in which two polarities give rise to four phenomena and so on. After that, the knowledge was passed down to three ancestors. Inheriting from Fuxi civilization, Huangdi and Yandi developed Lian Shan Gui Zang. Yellow Emperor invented humanities, clothing, food, housing, transportation so the noble Yellow Emperor is considered as patriarch of humanity. He advocated human closeness, which meant people helped each other. Yan Emperor invented medicine and agriculture so the noble Yan Emperor is considered as the agriculture and medical patriarch. He advocated to raise and cultivate talented people. Emperor Chiyou inherited Jiutian Xuannu and invented the Later Heaven Nine Places and Eight Guas . It is three Yuan Nine Yuan and rule of nine planets movement, which emphasized application. Emperor Chiyou developed metallurgical technology, so Emperor Chiyou is the patriarch of industry. He advocated the idea that the noble should cherish his virtuous subordinates. The knowledge of Yellow Emperor, Yan Emperor and Chiyou Emperor was transferred to Wang Chan Lao Chu, forming Guigu culture. Guigu culture is the future of the world as well as a beacon of peace. It is the cornerstone of Chinese culture. Grand Master Hun Yuan applied Guigu culture to the present time and made it flourish in Taiwan and overseas. The Weixin Shengjiao is thus derived from the Kunlun civilization.

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- 38 - Chapter 3 The doctrines and dogma of Weixin Shengjiao

The doctrine of Weixin Shengjiao is in the Past, Present and Future.

Weixin Shengjiao believed in Wang Chan Lao Chu’s mantra. In November 1953, the Taoist Tai Shang descended to instruct the Taoist mantra at the Taiwan Hsing Hsin Temple. However, it was not until the summer of 1984, this precious mantra was received by Grand Master Hun Yuan.

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Sage Wang Chan’s teachings in the mantra:

On cloudy mountains, Taoist Chi is high. The mundane gives favors. In bitter world, there are blessing granted and misfortunes dismissed. Gods attempt to save the world without hesitation.

Wang Chan Lao Chu often teaches, “Weixin Shengjiao conducts mercy for Heaven. All my Weixin sages should cultivate themselves, pray for people and achieve national harmony. They should not violate this oath. They need cooperate to rotate the wheel of the World Peace.

With the heart of compassion and mercy, Weixin Shengjiao has dismissed countless misfortunes since 1983.

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The future goal is still based on the misfortunes disposals. (Misfortunes disposal in documentary record)

Saving the world without hesitation is the common wish of our sages. World peace and harmony

Therefore, the establishment of the Weixin Shengjiao is a new emerging world religion. It has its noble values so it is like the lighthouse of world peace. It creates ideal Pure Land and a realm of peaceful mind. Only putting this Taoist method in mind can people achieve humane thoughts.

After thirty three years of verification, such as understanding the truth, proving the truth, practicing the truth, and carrying the truth forward, this religion has helped many co-work to rotate big world peace wheel.

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The doctrine of Weixin Shengjiao

Grand Master Hun Yuan teaches: “Weixin Shengjiao is based on I Ching. The great way of I Ching is that there is no obsession interior and exterior, no everything or nothing. Why is it obsessed? To break obsession, there must be methods. We know the method but we will not be bound by it. We are able to go beyond all laws and unbound by laws. Only to realize the I Ching, to be familiar with it, study, learn and respect it, then we can overcome it easily. The mind, the origin of I Ching, is the only way to achieve Nirvana.

Grand Master Hun Yuan and are one. They are I Ching. So I Ching followers, according to its law and sermons, should cultivate themselves, act with them and verify the truth as well as preach to help people. This is Weixin Shengjiao.”

Grand Master Hun Yuan taught the great way of I Ching: “I Ching is a road, not divination, not ghost, not God, not monster. It is not metaphysic, nor is mysterious. It is not people, not things. It is not big, not is it small. It is not the inside or outside. Such is I Ching. Grand Master Hun Yuan also teaches: “Mind is the only method. Heart has no size, no good and evil, no rich or poor. All those distinction is just an idea.” “The realm of Nirvana is that

All are one. One is the I Ching. There is no good and evil. It is pure. There is no life and death in Nirvana.”

Grand Master Hun Yuan taught “Weixin Shengjiao respected various religions and methods established by saints.” Master Hun Yuan taught, “The Weixin mind is Heavenly mind. All the laws and doctrines in the world are all out of the mind.” The heavenly mind of Weixin Shengjiao refers to the endless of universe, countless stars, and ten thousand creatures within heaven and earth. The cosmic phenomena are eternal

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as if it is with unchanging heart, so the name, Heavenly Mind (Tian-xin) is given.”

Grand Master Hun Yuan taught: “All laws start from the mind and then express in words to the world .Weixin Shengjiao can tolerate every religious methods and thoughts, so it is inclusive like Sacred Heart, Heavenly Heart, Buddha’s heart, Taoist heart, Confucian heart, the heart of God. Therefore Heavenly mind is always called.”

Grand Master Hun Yuan instructed “The Great Ten Heavenly Mind”: “Chinese orthodoxy”- The great way of I Ching, a consistent path. “Chinese culture”- The treasure of Feng Shui, favoring human beings. “Glow like the sun” - Spiritual sublimation, spreading love. “Great enterprises” - Preaching for well beings, eternal life. “Golden mean”- No extremities, righteous mind. “Foster sages and talents” - Be courteous to subordinates, educating future generations. “Promote well beings and educate virtues” - Respect for humanity, give love. “Dignify mind” - Exercise the method, perfect life.

“ Pure land of humanity” - Recites Buddhist classic, achieving peace and harmony.

The method of this religion is to cultivate the mind for the country and world, pray for the people, like the heart of Buddha. The sect is established by heaven and earth. The principles were established by the sages. They stand between heaven and earth, observing the moving of the moon and stars. They know that every creature is doing their duty to harmonize with each other, and so do human being. The rising and falling of everything depend on the mind. So this religion is named as Weixin Shengjiao. All is the mind.

Practicing Wang Chan Lao Chu’s Profound Sutra Grand Master Hun Yuan makes it

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as the Weixin Shengjiao doctrine. Its teaching, regardless of race, regardless of country, is the same. It is a supreme law for the mind.

Dogma of Weixin Shengjiao

Weixin Shengjiao is a comfort and with altruism, a way to eliminate the disaster

The true meaning of Weixin Shengjiao all lies in the classics of Weixin Shengjiao.

In 2003 Grand Master Hun Yuan instructed Guiguzi’s Methods of Mind and said: His method was first handed down in four lines. That is “Yin and Yang, Sun and Moon of longevity. Unfortunately, the heavenly truth is hard to comprehend. If the world has Guiguzi, the world will certainly be at peace.” The whole secret of Guiguzi’s Methods Of Mind lies on this four lines. All his mantra of Wang Chan Lao Chu’s Profound Sutra, Feng Shui Sutra, Mind Comfort Fa Chi and Sutra of Gui Gu Immortal Master’s Heaven Virtues contain these four lines.

Sage Gui Gu Immortal Master Wan Chan Lao Chu instruct that the classics of Weixin Shengjiao are Wang Chan Lao Chu’s Profound Sutra, the Sutra of Weixin Shengjiao Heart Calmness, the Sutra of Gui Gu Immortal Master’s Heaven Virtues and Feng Shui Sutra.

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The Classic of Weixin Shengjiao - the Sutra of Weixin Shengjiao Heart Calmness

On the Chinese Lunar Year, 26 March 2009, Sage Wang Chan Lao Chu’s birthday, the instruction was given by Gui Gu Immortal Master Wan Chan Lao Chu. Grand Master Hun Yuan humbly recorded the sutra at the Heavenly Alter on Hsien Fo Temple, Chan-Chi Mountain as the rules of Weixin Shengjiao for mind reassuring.

The patriarch of Weixin Shengjiao, Sage Gui Gu Immortal Master Wan Chan Lao Chu handed down the central thought of Weixin Shengjiao in the heaven by the Sutra of Weixin Shengjiao Heart Calmness.

Sage Gui Gu Immortal Master Wan Chan Lao Chu instructed, “The main temple of Weixin, dedicating to Amitabha, honors humanitarian truth. On the left of the temple is Sage Wang Chan Lao Chu, on the right is Bodhisattva. They have their own truth. Gui Gu Immortal Master Wan Chan Lao Chu is the sage of Chinese, is proficient in five arts, divination, physiognomy, and mystery.” Therefore, his knowledge had become the essence of Weixin Shengjiao. He continued to say, “After the Immortal Guigu’s teachings, all are joyful. To understand the secret of I Ching is

Guigu’s mercy. He descended to save numerous spirits. His methods are in favor of the people and help achieve world peace.”

Therefore, the Sutra of Weixin Shengjiao Heart Calmness is the practice mentor for Weixin Shengjiao’s disciples.

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The Classic of Weixin Shengjiao - the Sutra of Gui Gu Immortal Master’s Heaven Virtues

The patriarch of Weixin Shengjiao, Sage Gui Gu Immortal Master Wan Chan be quenched. It is a sutra for world peace and peaceful mind: the Sutra of Gui Gu Immortal Master’s Heaven Virtues.

Grand Master Hun Yuan taught: “Grand Master Hun Yuan humbly recorded the sutra at the Heavenly Alter on Hsien Fo Temple. Heaven dropped sweet rain. And on the Chinese Lunar

crowds are happy.”

Grand Master Hun Yuan taught: “The Sutra of Gui Gu Immortal Master’s Heaven Virtues instructed that every rules are inseparable from Bagua...... Bagua is the truth, is invisible, incredible and contains intricate life. It is the driving force of life, the basic elements of survival for all creatures. It is the noble eightfold path. He said, “Gui Gu Immortal Master Wan Chan Lao Chu handed down the Sutra of Heaven Virtues, which is based on the complex of Bagua. By I Ching, the wisdom of Bagua can be developed. It can be applied to everyday life, on the career, or self-cultivation. It leads to the state that knowing is acting, the highest realm of epiphany.”

Grand Master Hun Yuan taught: “The gate of Nan Tien is over the head in the Ni Wan Palace. The holy gate of Nan Tien is our wisdom, thoughts, so opening the gate of Nan Tien means opening wisdom. If we can understand and comprehend the Sutra of Heaven

has 33 Sages, eight doors and the gate of Bagua. It means infinite. Nan Tien is the city of Bagua. In the Bagua city, the countless plights have existed in

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the three thousand worlds. It is the birthplace of Chinese culture. It is I Ching, a light of the world, a XYZ three dimensions and Six spaces of the world. “Three-three sages” designates Heaven, Earth, Human, Precepts, meditation and wisdom, or Spirits and Chi (jing-chi-shen). It is a consistent Tao (method) and it all turns to the “mind.”

“Heaven and human virtues united as one. The world is Qian, an auspicious beginning and bright thinking. It is masculine Chi (Chunyang), platinum, and brightness. Its nature is toughness and it contains compassionate virtues. Human wisdom is infinite, affecting everywhere and illuminating the three thousand world. Everything has its Karma. An idea to drop is the act of Buddha.”

Tai (auspicious beginning) refers to the authentic Chi formed by the unity of Heaven, Earth and Human. It has Bright thinking, bright mind. Beyond thinking, the world is no I; it is the spirit of light, good health. This is, “the mind is the Buddha.” peaceful mind is I (I Ching). The followers of “I” are minds.”

The Sutra of Heaven Virtues reveals that we need to have mind, a positive mind. Mind should be big enough to contain all things and creatures. It is just as a mentor. To learn ’s mercy and greatness, learning the nature

exercise, spiritual cultivation is also to achieve Shan Yang Kai Tai. To have a successful and bright life is to apply the above mentioned to life. There are two couplets of hymns in the Eternal Bliss Hall on Hsien-Fo Temple, Chan-Chi Mountain: “Within the Buddha’s Pure Land, the mind is the king,” which is to instruct people that a generous mind contains ten thousand beings in the heart. void, then it is matched to the world.”

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Grand Master Hun Yuan taught: “Bright mind, acting according to righteousness, can make people return to the pure land. That is, to think and act positively. The depth of the Sutra of Heaven Virtues is to stabilize one’s mind. Like Guigu’s disciples’ Su Qin and Zhang Yi, they came down with wisdom. Relying on the mind, they achieved,

could be seen waging a war; however, from the perspective of “Tao,” they inspired the world. Yin and Yang are called Tao. Between a yin and yang is positioned the mind. The mind is in the middle. Yin and yang harmonize with each other. The cause and effect are in mutual complement. It is the truth of “Anti-sophistication.” He added, “the converging of six directions together is a complete world, which is Nantian’s 33 sages. There is a Taoist revelation that taught people to open mind, be a righteous man, and be responsible and selfless. ... People should respect the heaven, act according to its justice and give love to people. People should act with the virtues of 33 sages, learn to respect and comply with them. Frequently being frank in mind, then one can achieve heavenly virtues. To understand the nature of mind is to reach the realm of peaceful mind.

Grand Master Hun Yuan has repeatedly taught: The Sutra of Heaven Virtues is dharma. To understand the truth of dharma and its victory and solemn, and to apply it in everyday life is to obtain a positive status called true way of understanding Buddha’s wisdom. Therefore, study I (I Ching), understand its truth and follow Guigu’s instruction to promote oneself, then one can get over all plights and reach the comfort and peaceful life.

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The patriarch of Weixin Shengjiao, Sage Gui Gu Immortal Master Wan Chan Lao Chu in the heaven handed down his mantra to construct the Weixin pure land by Feng Shui Sutra.

On the Chinese Lunar Year, January 24, 1995, at the Heavenly Alter on Hsien Fo Temple, Gui Gu Immortal Master Wan Chan Lao Chu preached his truth in heaven human beings. He instructed in Feng Shui Sutra, “Feng Shui is the only way to reach the Buddhist idea of Kong Si (emptiness), which means what is visible and invisible or in the other way around. The wind is invisible or called emptiness while the water is visible, called the colored. The invisible is positive, bright, and wise; the color is behavior, substance, practice, and compassion.”

Therefore, Gui Gu Immortal Master Wan Chan Lao Chu guided, “The truth of dharma has emerged the world will be peace and harmony; because of it, all are

Grand Master Hun Yuan, according to the decree, pass his mantra to the world to build the Buddhist pure land.”

Grand Master Hun Yuan taught: “Guiguzi Heart sutra and the phenomenal world are together fused as one. That is Feng Shui studies. Wind and water exist forever, which is Taosim and life.” He went on to teach “the rules of Feng Shui are the twelve-longevities

to accept a law that is not suitable. So he passed the rules of Feng Shui. The rules of Feng Shui are inherited from Guiguzi’s Feng Shui Sutra, which is environmental science. The unique knowledge of Shi-Kong (That is the visible is the invisible).”

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Weixin Shengjiao Classics: Revelation from heaven Feng Shui Sutra, Hun Yuan Bao Zhao Jue Sutra, The Weixin Sutra of Three Chinese Ancestors, The Sutra of Holy Spirits of Chinese Ancestors’ Merits and Virtues, The Sutra of Gui Gu Immortal Master’s Heaven Virtues, Grand Master Hun Yuan Worship Thirty-Six Tina Gang Achievements, Prayers For World Peace and Inviting Five Hundred Immortal Nobles Together to Turn the Wheel of Falun, Worship, Worship Seventy-Two Immortals to Turn the Wheel of Falun, The Weixin Sutra of Tracing the Chinese Soldiers Souls, The Sutra of Weixin Shengjiao Heart Calmness, The Souls Of Chinese Ancestors Returning Sutra, The Immortal Guigu Chinese Three Ancestor’s Mystery Sutra, The Sutra of Weixin Shengjiao 2013 Annual Ninety-Nine Puja, Plead Seventy-Two Immortals For Eighty-Eight Wishes , The Sutra of Gui Gu Immortal Master’s Five Road Fortune God.

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