2018-2019We ! ANNUe…A LREPOR T We !e h"e.

H"e is wh#e y$r y$ find y$r family. he dictionary provides a number of definitions for “home”. Yes, it’s “the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.” T But the definition that appeals to me the most is this one: A place where something flourishes, is most typically found, or from which it originates.

I frequently refer to Jewish Life at Duke as a Jewish student’s “home away from home,” because I know that the Freeman Center is a space where students feel comfortable, are able to develop strong friendships, and are nourished – spiritually, intellectually, socially, and literally, with our excellent kosher dining. In everything we do, we seek to make Jewish Life at Duke the community where students can flourish.

In 2018-2019, we not only met Hillel International’s goals for undergraduate engagement – we exceeded them. 70% of undergraduate Jewish students participated in at least one event or activity, and 40% of undergraduate Jewish students participated in either a high-impact experience (such as Birthright Israel), or at least (and usually more) six Jewish Life at Duke activities.

It is because of our thoughtful and committed Advisory Board, our volunteer alumni and parent Ambassadors, our generous donors, and our dedicated team that we are able to reach so many students. I want to thank every one of you for helping provide Jewish students with the opportunity to truly flourish here at Duke.

JOYCE GORDON Director for Jewish Life at Duke he 2018-2019 Fiscal Year was yet another gratifying year with growth and progress for the Freeman T Center and Jewish Life @ Duke. Simply put, total donors increased by 22% year over year and overall giving increased by 40% year over year. We attribute much of this growth to focus, by our staff and board, on a mission we embarked on just a few short years ago to increase visibility, participation, and passion for all that we offer to the Duke community. By continuing to provide our students, alumni, parents, and friends with a platform to express their interests in support of Duke’s Jewish community, Jewish Life at Duke is alive and thriving. While this Annual Report looks back at the great year that was, I want to call particular attention to what’s ahead. This new year marks the 20th anniversary of the Freeman Center, the home for all things Jewish at Duke and a “home away from home” for our Jewish students. The Freeman family couldn’t be prouder of what the Center has become with incredible people and programs that have shaped and transformed students’ lives. It’s truly the legacy of my parents, Brian and Harriet Freeman. I want to once again thank our Advisory Board and the Jewish Life at Duke staff for their passion, dedication and service. I am honored to serve as Chairman of the Freeman Center and Jewish Life at Duke.

HEATH FREEMAN Chair of the Advisory Board Heath Freeman T’02 with his sister and fellow Advisory Board member, Amanda Freeman T’98 2018-2019 J E WISH LIFE AT DUKE ADVISORY BOARD

Alan Bell, P’19 Carolyn Rubenstein-Spoont, T’07, and Ben Rubenstein-Spoont, T’07 Karen Berman, L’92, P’20 Amy Schorr, P’10, P’14 Jason Black, T’05 Justin Segall, T’05 Leslie Chatzinoff, P’11, P’15, P’21 Sarah Shore, P’20 Jordan Feiger, T’82 Gail Silberman, P’11 Amanda Freeman, T’98 Dawn Spiera, P’16, P’18, P’21 Danyelle Freeman, T’96, and Josh Resnick Marilyn Tabak, T’79, P’04, P’08, and Jeffrey Tabak, T’79, L’82, P’04, P’08 Jane Hegleman Freeman and Heath Freeman, T’02 Gregg Tenser, T’89

Scott Gorlick, T’11 Spencer Waxman, T’86, P’21, P’23

Sheree Cooper Levy, T’89, P’18, P’21 Matt Weiss, T’00

Laura Lieber, Faculty Elizabeth Winter, T’03

Jim Woldenberg, T’86 We !e student lead#s. Community. Learning. Worship. Kosher meals. These are some of the many reasons students engage with Jewish Life at Duke. We !e student lead#s. The outcome? Opportunities to lead and to grow in uniquely Jewish ways. Leadership comes in many flavors at JLD. For instance, leadership may look like a formal role in a student organization. Students make a significant impact on campus through their leadership in the groups affiliated with Jewish Life at Duke. Jewish Student Union leaders, for example, view it as their responsibility to not only program great events and activities for the Jewish student community, but to also to engage with peers one-on-one, in order to grow and deepen the community’s connections on campus. Jewish Life at Duke also offers a space for students to transcend traditional leadership roles. Our student leaders served the Duke Jewish community as JFAM (Jewish First-Year Advisory Mentorship) “parents,” helping first-years acclimate to Duke and connect to one another and to the wider Jewish community at Duke. Student leaders help facilitate our Jewish Learning Fellowship classes, meeting one-on-one with each class participant during the semester to learn more about them and their Jewish journey. Students recruit peers for our annual Birthright trip, lead prayers during Shabbat and High Holiday services, organize hamentaschen baking for Purim, and so much more. We !e le!n#s and %avel#s. There’s a reason that we talk about a student’s “Jewish journey;” it’s because we know that being Jewish means the opportunity for lifelong learning and discovery without end. Jewish Life at Duke provides many diverse occasions for students to explore and strengthen their own Jewish identities, through study, travel, worship, and building relationships with their Duke Jewish community. Jewish students (70% of self-identified Jewish S HARI NG PERS PECTIVE S students on campus) participated in Jewish Life at 522 Each year, we bring speakers to Duke who challenge, Duke events, programs, and holiday services. inspire, and encourage students to be curious. students and 4 student interns participated in the In 2018-2019, we welcomed: 40 fifth cohort of Jewish Learning Fellowship: Life’s Deborah Lipstadt, the Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish Big Questions, where for ten weeks they explored Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory University approaches to friendship, honesty, disagreement, intimacy, and (co-sponsored with the Office of the President, Office more. of the Provost, Duke Center for International and Global Studies, Department of Religious Studies, Duke Office students traveled to Israel in 2018-2019 Birthright Israel of Civic Engagement, POLIS, the Coalition for Preserving trips, connecting personally with our history, our people, 64 Memory, and the Center for Jewish Studies), who spoke and our land. to a packed audience about her timely and important book, students extended their trips on Birthright Excel, Onward, Antisemitism: Here and Now. 11 or other programs, seeking deeper engagement with Yair Rosenberg, Senior Writer at Tablet Magazine, who Israel. spoke about how viral fake news makes its way into both left- and right-wing narratives. students celebrated the festival of lights at 316 Latkapalooza, noshing on latkes and jelly donuts Erin Schrode, activist, social entrepreneur, and COO of while adorned in the best of tacky sweaters. #ChefsforPuertoRico, Chef Jose Andres’ feeding program in Puerto Rico that now invests in local, sustainable students served in ongoing leadership roles in one of agriculture and food systems island-wide. She spoke about 43 the Jewish Life at Duke-advised student groups, helping leading a progressive, activist life, and supporting Israel. build and strengthen the Duke student Jewish community. Judith Ruderman, retired Duke Vice Provost for Academic students were called to the Torah and became B’nai and Administrative Services, who discussed her recent 2 Mitzvah, surrounded by family, loved ones, and friends. book, Passing Fancies in Jewish American Literature and Culture – and had the students all singing along to a tune from a 1962 song from MAD Magazine. We !e The Freeman Cent#. The Freeman Center for Jewish Life serves as the hub for Jewish life on campus. Students can be found meeting up over a kosher dinner, playing UNO or pool with friends, singing and strumming along during Shabbat Shira, studying in the Sassower Library, or sharing the best part of their week at the end of every Shabbat service. In 2019, students gained the opportunity to put their stamp on the Freeman Center, with our new, interactive, free-expression wall. Each semester, we will refresh the wall with a new question intended to provoke thought about our Jewish identities – and students will respond with words and art. We !e a c"munity...

...of pe&le who c!e 2018-2019 HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Recognizing gifts made between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019 Louis & Rose Klosk Fund PILLARS: $100,000+ Allison Fritz Feuer & Jack Jeffrey Feuer* BENEFACTORS: $2,500+ Allison Lipshultz & Michael Lewitton* ^ Jill A. Klein & Frederick Leon Klein^ Sara & Jason Ader Irene & Stephen Moff David M. Rubenstein Mark Lerner & Amanda & Richard I. Lerner / David Berman* Risa & Steven Raich Lerner Family Foundation Jason Claire & Mark Dybul Shari & Joel Ronkin* PATRONS: $50,000+ Andrea Kott & Mark Levine* The Wooster Family Ellen & Gary S. Davis* Rachel Simon & Ron Rothblatt* Stacey & Dan Levitan*^ Annette Cohen & John Feder* Lauren & Scott Scher* ^ CORNERSTONES: ShereeLouis &Cooper Rose Levy Klosk & PeterFund Levy^* Lisa & Brad Greenbaum Tami Schneider* $25,000+ Wendy & Brett Prager^ George Lewis Grody^ Marci Guttentag Settle & Jordan Howard Feiger^ Melissa & Neil Roth* Lee Suzanne Murnick Daniel Fielding Settle* Stacey Marshall & Daniel Feldstein Amy Beth Schorr & Brian Lewis Schorr^ Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein^ Ramy & Robert Sharp* Larry & Judy Moneta^ Sarah & Neal David Shore* Heidi & Alan Turobiner* Diane & Steven Siegel Danyelle Freeman & Josh Resnick The Spiera Family*^ Joanna & Matthew Weiss^ Rachael & Michael Smolow^ Caroline Sassower Sack & Jody & Ari Storch* Lynne & Michael Wolitzer* Robin & Robert Waldman Jonathan S. Sack* Marilyn Dickman Tabak & Jeffrey E. Tabak^ Terri & Evan Wein* Bettina & Spencer Waxman*^ Benjamin Tromberg II^ CHAI: $1,800+ Vicki & Brian Zell Anonymous VISIONARIES: $18,000+ Elizabeth Heyman Winter^ Robin Shaffert & Dean Brenner BUILDERS: $1,000+ Jane Hegleman Freeman & Heath Freeman^ Nicole & James Woldenberg^ Amy & Derrick Hall* Zoila Airall^ Marcia Eisenstein Segall & Suzanne & Jeffrey Citron* Justin Isaac Segall^ LEADERS: $5,000+ Erica Hartman-Horvitz & Richard Horvitz Anonymous Cynthia Jill Yag-Howard & Amy Cohen Epstein & Matthew Epstein SUSTAINERS: $10,000+ The Bienenfeld Family / Henry & Helen Corey Lee Howard*^ Jill & Mark Eshman^ Anonymous Bienenfeld Foundation Amanda Freeman^ Lori Rubin & Seth Frank* Lauren & Ari J. Ackerman Kathy Manning & Randall R. Kaplan^ Fern & Steven Kaplan*^ Lauren Gilman Gaviser & Michael Gaviser* Karen Bussel Berman & Daniel Berman*^ Eileen & Liad Meidar Karen & Fred Kastenbaum* Melissa & Evan Goldstein Lynne & Bill Bermont^ Caroline Nisbet^ Miriam Sapiro & Stephen Labaton* Laurie & Michael Goldwasser^ Amy & Jason Daniel Black Gloria F. Ross Foundation Danielle Goldman Laker & Adam Laker Scott Lucas Gorlick^ Leslie & Howard Chatzinoff*^ Gail & Mark Illan Silberman^ Lori & Raymond Levin* Amy Gotterer Gutenplan & Bruce Gutenplan* Amy & Neil Steiner ^ Denotes donors to endowment funds * Denotes Parents’ Circle donors (parents of students in the classes of 2019 – 2022) Emily M. Klein^ Claire & Jon Chassen Allison & Kenneth Jacobs* Carol & Frederick Laub^ Sandra & Harvey Cohen Lisa & Jonathon Kadis* Laura & Gary Lauder* Laura Di Giantonio & Michael Dockterman Debbie & Peter Kahn^ Lea & Jeffrey Levin Lisa & Stephen Eisenstein* Stefanie & Douglas Kahn* Scott Lieberman Adrienne & Edwin Epstein Lauren Hurvitz & David Katz* Robert Satloff & Jennie Litvack (z”l)* Jessica Serell Erenbaum & Lawrence Peggy & Robert Kaufman Michele & Robert Raphael* Erenbaum* Sharon Kerson Staci & Scott Reznik Sigrid & David Feder* Elizabeth & Tony Khazzam* Vitina Biondo & Yosef J. Riemer Debra & David Feldman Thalia & Eric Kingsley* Laura & Jason Schwalbe Dean R. Feldman Marina & Jorge Kotelanski Heather & David Schwartz* Marla & Steven Feldman* Lori & James Krantz Michele Sweetwood* Joan Taback Frankle & Andrew Joel Frankle Suzanne & John Carl Landa, Jr.* Steven Sweetwood* Joyce & Melvin Fratkin Yvonne Gutierrez & Steven Lerman* Stacey & Stuart Udell* Lisa Bernstein & Neil Freder* Jill Asch Levenson & Jeff Levenson* Randi & Jay Vodofsky Gisela & Jeffrey Friedman* Ruth Orloff & Michael Levin* Lisa & Neil Wallack* Julie & Gregg Friedman* Kaiya & Todd Levine* Beth & Lahav Gabay*^ Michelle Smith-Levitin & Joel Levitin* PARTNERS: $360+ Ellen & Paul Ganus* Anonymous Rachael & Barry Lichman Andrea Garai* Sherry & Matthew Altman Michele & Michael Littenberg* Jill & Seth Gardner* Honnavara Ananthaswamy Carrie & Ronald Ludwig Lori & Robert Gelman* Laura Cohen Apelbaum Susan Stern & Bruce Manson* Laurie & Jeffrey Goldberger* Marian & Neil Aronin Joan & Steven Marks Caroline Bergman Gottschalk* Phyllis & George Asch* Susan & Darryl May Holly Newman Greenberg & Blair Greenberg Gladys A. Williams & Steven R. Asher^ Fred Meyer^ Lesley & Neil Greenstein* Melissa & Ron Igdaloff Attar* Aleksandra & Geoffrey Meyerson Anita & Richard Greenwald* Janice & Jeffrey Beckmen* Wendy & James Miller* Arielle & Jeffrey Grill* Jonathan & Laurie Blank Kimberley & Brian Model* Jennifer & Eric Halper Michele Ann Cascardi & Kenneth R. Blank* Janina Montero^ Dana & Michael Hubbe* Becky & William Blank Deborah & Peter Moses* Kevin P. Jackson^ Richard Burns* Jane & Jeremy Moskowitz Michael Lee Jackson^ Dayna & Daniel Charlick* Ruth & Moises Nagiel*

^ Denotes donors to endowment funds * Denotes Parents’ Circle donors (parents of students in the classes of 2019 – 2022) Judith Wolf-Nevid & Jeffrey Nevid* Rebecca Simons Lynn & Jonathan Norton Lori & Bret Sokoloff*^ Marcy & Tal Oren Meryl & David Spigelman* We !e alumni Adrienne & Stevan Pardo* Celeste & Danie Strohl Davida & Thomas Parham^ Lisa & Craig Swill* Janie Pearlman Pollack & Mark Pollack Lois Baskin & William Taubenfeld* who give back The Prince Family*^ Rebecca & M. Grant Tolson* Lisa & Jonathan Pruzan* Rochelle & Joshua Waldman* So many alumni embody the Forever Duke spirit by giving Karen Levy & Mitchell Rabinowitz* Suzanne J. Wasiolek^ back to Jewish students on campus. This past year, we’ve Jeanne & David Radvany* Carolyn & David Wasserman* Linda, Alan, Lauren, & Evan Rosen* Julie Sandorf & Michael Weinberger connected alumni and students in person and digitally. Debbie & Mark Rosen* Tammy & Steven Weinfeld Alumni have offered advice, mentorship, and a sounding Jill Golden Rosenthal Bonnie Panter & Jack Weinreb* board for students exploring their academic, career, and Alice Furman Rovit & Hugh Rovit* Courtney & Michael Weinstein Jewish pathways. Through this engagement and through Marta Lederman Rub & Beny Rub* Robyn Levy & James Weisz* generous giving, alumni sustain Duke and its Jewish Linda & Bruce Ruzinsky Amy & Richard Wohl* community. Laura & Bradley Sacks Hope & Gavin Wolfe* Cynthia & Marc Samwick* WITH GRATITUDE TO ALL Stacy & Jeffrey Sandler* OUR DONORS Lori & David Schnadig* Lynn & Alan Abramson Barry Evan Schneirov Rose & Victor Ackermann Matthew L. Schorr Tina & Clifford Adler^ Charles & Lynn Schusterman Foundation Liliana & Jeffrey Agron Katherine & Michael Schwartz Hannah Ahrendt Nicole Schwartz Anne Micheaux Akwari Bari Seiden-Young & Brad Young* David Ambler^ Naomi & Adam Shapiro* Marissa & Shawn Amuial Nicky & Daniel Shatz Jorge Wagner & Jill Arnold Sara & John Shlesinger*^ Carol & Todd Atwood Dina & Ron Shuster* Daniele & Alan Baklor Orli Etingin & Jonathan Silver Lynn Baklor

^ Denotes donors to endowment funds * Denotes Parents’ Circle donors (parents of students in the classes of 2019 – 2022) Margaret Anderson & Harold Baranger Jay Canarick Karen & David Ecanow^ Adrienne Lawler Baroff & Kenneth Baroff^ Carol Cantagallo^ Roberta Weiss & James Edelstein Michelle Kaufman & Dave Barry Daniel Carp Michael Eisemann Harry Bass Julia Carp Linda Engel Dori & Stephen D. Bayer^ Lynn Chamberlin Leah & Sarah Beckmen Gisela & Igor Cherches Jodi & Bruce Falbaum Dahlia Bendavid Cynthia Cherrey^ Spencer Fallek Joshua Berg Doris Ching^ Lily & Parviz Farahzad Nicole & David Berger Yvette & Richard Chipman David Feiger Rhonda & Gordon Berger Jill & Daniel Ciporin Amy & David Feldman Janet & Robert Berger^ Elizabeth Cobb Kim & Steven Fields Rachel & David Berger Stephanie Butnick & Benjamin Cohen Andrea Galambos & Sylvia Berman^ Juliane Park & Aaron Cohn Jose Claudio Figueiredo De Souza Marcie Beskind Jennifer Colton Robin & Benjamin Fink Sherri & Michael Besmer Joseph Cooper Fay & Stanley Fink Beth Israel Congregation Sara Corin Scott Finkelstein Livia & Sean Biederman Deena Cowans June Firestone Andrea & Jonathan Berlowe Binder Alys Nagler Daniels & Steven Daniels Eileen & Roberto Fischmann Elaine & Richard Binder Elana Berger Davidovits^ Peter Fishman Sheila & Mark Black Suzanne & Bradley Davis Flora Flam Clare & Richard Blaser Dara Blachman Demner & Maury Demner Arlene and Michael Flatto^ Deborah & Richard Blatt Sara & Benjamin Diamond Russell, Maria, Noa, & Ethan Flatto^ Emma Blumstein Heidi & Joel DiCicco Scott Flatto^ Steven Brenner Courtney A. DiGia Susan Raanan & Robert Fleischer Kathe Brown^ Leisa & Andrew Dillon Bryan Fleming Jennifer Brown Lerner^ Kim Diluzio Penny & James Fleming Lara Buchwald Emily & Aaron Dmiszewicki Marjorie Strauss Flink & Charles Albert Flink II Anne Dering Williams & John Burness^ Rachel & John-Peter Silverman Dolphin Deborah & Jonathan Forrest Linda & James Burstein Amanda & Andrew Domenico Nancy & Richard Freed Anna & Darin Buxbaum Frederic E. Dorkin Brian Fried Bernadette & William Campbell Gary Dworkin^

^ Denotes donors to endowment funds * Denotes Parents’ Circle donors (parents of students in the classes of 2019 – 2022) Jamie Rincker & Rabbi Elana Friedman^ Sandy & Jared Green Paula & Howard Friedman Steven Green Pearl Friedman Stacey Sern & Jonathan Greenberg We !e p!ents Joshua Furth Andrea & Todd Greene Charles & Carol Ganz Shari Cohen & Robert Greenwald Michele & Mitchell Garber Linda & Sanford Guttler who make a diff#ence Glenda & Scott Garland Carol & Daniel Haft Jayson Garmizo Wendy & Jordan Handler^ Duke parents are incredible. Not only have they raised, David Gastwirth^ Erin Hoffman Harding^ educated, and nurtured the amazing students that make Erica Berg Gavin & Douglas Gavin^ Manya & David Helman Rechel Geiger Jennifer Herz Jewish Life at Duke what it is, but they continue to Natalie Geisler Thomas Hill^ support the entire Jewish student community through Andrew Gerst Lindsay Hirschhorn the gifts of their time and resources. Parents strengthen Joseph Gezelter Jamie Yavelberg & R. Hunter Hogewood Jewish life on campus – thank you! Jaime & David Gilman Jesse Honig Linda Kornberg & Stephen Glantz Samuel Honig Brittany Glassberg Greta Kessel & Michael Horowitz^ Laurence Levy & Richard Glick Stanley Issokson Ofir Golan Margaret Jablonski^ Arthur Goldberg^ Rachel & Michael Jacobs Richard Goldberg Judith Lichtman & Steven Jeffries Benjamin Goldenberg^ Barbara & Bruce Jentleson Lenore & Richard Goldsmith Rebekah Johnston Bernard S. Goldstein Donald K. Joseph^ Gwen & Ronald Goldstein Rachel Joseph^ Cathy & Michael Goodman Kyra Josephson Joyce & David Gordon^ Robert Kagan^ Jill & David Goret Arielle Kahn Susan & J. Michael Gower Whitney & Scott Kaiser Mitchell Grant Cheryl & Mark Kaplan Stephanie & Brett Gratz Daniel Kaplan

^ Denotes donors to endowment funds * Denotes Parents’ Circle donors (parents of students in the classes of 2019 – 2022) Terri Stein & David Kaplan Amy & Jeffrey Leibach Rosaly & Morton Meltzer Isabelle & Jeremy Kargon Jeffrey Lerman Alexander Merriman Adam Katz Elissa Lerner Sheila & Sam Miglarese Rachel Katz Selma & Harold Lerner Haylee & Chad Mihalick Sheri Katz Leslee & Lewis Levey Melissa Segal & Aaron Miller Dena Kaye-Phillips Sonda Panico & Stuart Levin Caroline & Bret Miller Rayna Keenan Elissa Levine Elizabeth & Mark Mirkin Kimberly & Charles D. Kennedy, Jr.^ Nancy & Eric Levine Susan & Bruce Moldow David Kenyon, Jr. Lauren & David Levinson Jeremy Moneta^ Melissa Oyer-Klein & Evan Klein Jordan & Carol Levitin Liane Moneta-Koehler^ Steven Klein^ Alexa Levy Jacob Moroshek Shara Aranoff & David Korn Jill & Matthew Levy Karen & Jonathan Morton Daniel Kornblau Raquel Levy Cynthia & Donald Murinson Lisa & Kenneth Kornblau Stephanie & Craig Lewis Susan Murphy^ Alec Koss Ivy & Harold Lewis Kathleen & Steven Neibart Amy Kramer Noreen Lewitton Rebeca Benchimol Neman Ronnie Kramer Noah Lieberman Aleeza Nemirof & Dmitry Nemirovsky Ruth & David Kreger Rochelle P. Lieberman Cathy & Edward Newman Amy & Edward Kronsberg Elina Kaplan & Daniel Lipkin Tina & Emanuel Newmark Kevin Kruger^ Tara Cook-Littman & Owen Littman Edward A. Ney Martin Krupnick^ Paul LoGrasso^ Roy Niedermayer Stacey Paradise & Noah Kushlefsky Michal & William Loventhal Irma & Warren Nimetz David LaBanc^ Joshua Lowentritt Amy Oates Lawrence Laifer Kaitlin & Eric Lu Marci & Adam Oberfeld Stacy & Tim Lamkin Jordana & Douglas Lubliner Nina & Fabian Oberfeld Laura Landau Laura Newland Lukens Ronald Oser Roger S. Lash Meredith Josephs & Matthew Mariani Jordan S. Panter Melissa & Andrew Lawson Jessica Pearl Matthys Robin Paradny Danielle Lefland Sydney McAuliffe Stacey Parks Radine Legum Linda McBride Rebecca Passman Daniel Leib N. Allison Haltom & David McClay^ Aleksandar Pekec^

^ Denotes donors to endowment funds * Denotes Parents’ Circle donors (parents of students in the classes of 2019 – 2022) Ann & William Peyser Anne & Gary Salenger Vivian Olkin & David Pfeffer Sydney Sarachek^ Sim Sitkin^ Francine & Benson Pilloff^ Wendy & Philip Schaefer Andrea Cohen & Jeffrey Sklaroff Penny Lustig & Mario Pitchon Samantha Schafrank Allie & Daniel Skolnik Alaina Rose Pleatman Schain Family Foundation^ Joel & Barbara V. Smith Jodi Posner Jean & Dean Scheinert Catherine & Robert Snowden Michele Pas & Barry Poss Lao Rubert & Stephen Schewel^ John Spencer Anne Mountcastle Post Joshua Schneirov Heather Shapiro Spetalnick Sara & David H. Pottenger III^ Michael Schoenfield Emily Spiera Pamela Friedman & Robert Preminger Caryn Schorr Zachary Spiera Marsha & Peter Pront Michelle Simon & Brian Schwalb Dana & David Starr Norman Rabin Michelle Narin & Maurice Schweitzer Robert Stein Lori Reesor^ Carol & David Sclove Jody & Jeffrey Steren Sherri & Abraham Reich Nancy Bernstein & Terry Seelinger^ Nella & David Stern Barbara R. Renner Howard Seidel Susan & David Stollwerk^ Laura & Barak Richman^ Gladys Villegas & Michael Seidman Nancy Strauss Deborah Charna Rick Jennifer Semler Martha Sullivan^ James Tucker Risman Eduardo Sensel Schechner Ellen Medearis & Richard Superfine^ Michelle Cohen Rissman & Glenn Rissman Shana & Richard Senzel Stacy & Gary Suskauer Carolyn & Glenn Rivkees Jacqueline van der Horst Sergent & Hervé Deborah & Thomas Swirsky-Sacchetti Lisa & Howard Roitman Sergent Harrie & Bradley Tabak Kim & Stephen Rosen Karen & Timothy Shapiro^ Michelle Talal Tammy & Michael Rosenbaum Rachel Shapiro Cheryl & Alan Talpalar^ Jennifer & Daniel Rosenthal Evan Shaw Jordan Taylor Holly Rosenthal Aviv Sheetrit Julia Korenman & Howard Tracer Denise Rotatori Shelly & Gregory Sherwin Prany Vadisirisak Lilli & Jonathan Roth Sophie Shiffman Laura Svetkey & Eric Rothman Jean Michelson & Ronald Shorr Charles van der Horst Jill Rubin Judith & Lewis Siegel Ellen & John Villa Julie Littky-Rubin & Leonard Rubin Marc Siegel John Jesse Villa Judith L. Ruderman^ Rebecca Kristol Silver & Elliot Silver

^ Denotes donors to endowment funds * Denotes Parents’ Circle donors (parents of students in the classes of 2019 – 2022) Blake Vogel GIFTS IN HONOR William Griffith Sherry & Lawrence Wachtel Alphabetical by Honoree Susan & David Stollwerk Melissa Wachtel Professor Joel Fleishman Stephen Barringer Julie Sandorf & Michael Weinberger Jeffrey Martin Walker Laurie & Jonathan Blank Aubrey Rose Howard, T’19 Sue Moss & Michael Weiner Sophie Barry’s first year at Duke Cyndi Yag-Howard & Corey Howard Cynthia & Andrew Weinfeld Michelle Kaufman & Dave Barry Sarah Jacobs, T’21 Alexandra & Benjamin Weingarten Sarah Beckmen’s graduation Allison & Kenneth Jacobs Dayna Weintraub^ Janice & Jeff Beckmen Catherine & Robert Snowden Ilana Beth Weisman Rachel Berlowe Binder’s graduation Alexis Sherwin James, T’00 Andrea & Jonathan Berlowe Binder William Weitzer^ Shelly & Gregory Sherwin Josh Berman, T’22 Stanley & Nina Weitzner Jewish Life at Duke David Berman in honor of a beautiful Reunion weekend Deborah & Allan Weksberg Jason Black, T’05 Irene & Stephen Moff Susan & George Welton Sheila & Mark Black Jewish Life at Duke’s efforts Gwen & Howard Werman Dean Brenner and Neal Shore – to fight anti-semitism Beth Citrin & Skip West, Jr. Jewish Dukies Jonathan & Karen Morton Paige Wexler Steven Brenner Marley Kaplan, T’21 Lori White^ Evan Charney Terri Stein & David Kaplan Ofir Golan Kasey Wien Robert & Marcia Kargon Rebecca Diluzio, T’20 Elisabeth & John Wiener^ Isabelle & Jeremy Kargon Kim Diluzio Lilly & Barry Wilen Dr. Eugenie Kleinerman Rabbi Elana Friedman Honnavara N. Ananthaswamy George Williamson^ Margaret Anderson & Harold Baranger Dr. Eugenie Kleinerman & Dr. Leonard Victor Wilson^ Lori Rubin & Seth Frank Zwelling Joan Wohl Cyndi Yag-Howard & Corey Howard Michael L. Eisemann Amy & Edward Kronsberg Joan & Terris Wolff Nancy & Richard Freed Jodi Posner Stacey Meryl Wolfson Julie Littky-Rubin & Leonard Rubin Kenneth Kornblau, T’79, L’83 Ashley Wolitzer Robert Satloff & Jennie Litvack (z”l) Daniel Kornblau Alison & David Wynn Jordan Taylor Robert Landau, T’79 Laura Landau Marissa Faye Zarco Samantha Garland, T’20 Glenda & Scott Garland The birth of Naomi Eliana Lichman Adam Zell Jerry Stein Gimesh Rachael & Barry Lichman Sarah & Marc Zemel Marc & Cynthia Samwick Victoria, Jacob, & Michelle Meyerson Sasha & Geoff Meyerson

^ Denotes donors to endowment funds * Denotes Parents’ Circle donors (parents of students in the classes of 2019 – 2022) Micah Segal-Miller, T’21 The Class of 1959 – 60th Reunion Roslyn and Jack Roitman Melissa Segal & Aaron Miller Carol & Jordan Levitin Lisa & Howard Roitman Ethan Miller’s graduation Shabbat Across the Nation Gerald Schwartz Wendy & James Miller Leisa & Andrew Dillon Katherine & Michael Schwartz Shane Neibart, T’16 Iosef and Khaya Talal Kathleen & Steven Neibart GIFTS IN MEMORY Michelle Talal Aaron Niedermayer T’03 Alphabetical by Honoree Jaqueline H. Wilen Roy Niedermayer Dr. Fred Berger Lilly and Barry Wilen Sheri Nusbaum’s birthday Celeste & Daniel Strohl Elizabeth & Mark Mirkin Myles Beskind THE LEGACY SOCIETY Anonymous Dylan Posner’s graduation Marcie Beskind Estate of Nathan Ancell (z”l) Jodi Posner Henry and Helen Bienenfeld Evan Rosen, T’21 The Bienenfeld Family Dr. Richard & Judy Berg Linda & Alan Rosen Lynne Cohen Scott Richard Berg & Freddi Lipstein Dr. Judith Ruderman Amy Cohen Epstein & Matthew Epstein Frances K. Burka (z”l) & Dmitry Nemirovsky & Aleeza Nemirof Frances Finkelstein Metric Leonard W. Burka (z”l) Benji Satloff’s graduation Scott Finkelstein Estate of Alyse Cooper (z”l) Robert Satloff & Jennie Litvack (z”l) Harriet and Brian Freeman Lawrence L. Friedman Evan Seiden, T’21 Amanda Hope Freeman Barbara Gaden & John B. Mann Danyelle Freeman & Josh Resnick Bari Seiden-Young & Brad Young Estate of Dorothy Kamsly (z”l) Jane Hegleman Freeman & Heath Freeman Aviv Sheetrit Ellen P. Myerberg & N. James Myerberg John Spencer Robin & Robert Waldman Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Jordan Sokoloff, T’22 Stanley Garber Judith L. Ruderman Lori & Bret Sokoloff Michele & Mitchell Garber Philip Sassower & Dr. Laura Svetkey & Dr. Charles van der Marian Gold Krugman Susan Oppenheimer Sassower Horst (z”l) Natalie Geisler Anne Akwari Robert Kramer Benjamin Tromberg II Yael Loeb, Aviva & Patrik Donahue Villani Amy Kramer Vicki & Brian Zell Steven Klein Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lowentritt, Sr. Ethan, Seth, & Aviva Weiss Joshua Lowentritt Joanna & Matt Weiss Jay Panter and Ruth & David Weinreb The B’nai Mitzvah of Aubrey Howard & Bonnie Panter & Jack Weinreb Jackson Prince Joseph C. Ramage Rachel Shapiro Sophie Shiffman

^ Denotes donors to endowment funds * Denotes Parents’ Circle donors (parents of students in the classes of 2019 – 2022) This year, we celebrated our friend Larry Moneta before he retired as Duke’s Vice President of Student Affairs in June 2019. Over his 18 years of service to Duke University, Larry not only transformed the many student spaces and places on campus, but was a stalwart advocate for Jewish Life at Duke, helping us grow through the years – all in order to enrich Jewish students’ experiences at Duke. In his honor, we established The Moneta Family Endowment for Jewish Life at Duke. When Jewish students seek study, socializing, worship, social justice, and celebration, this endowment will ensure that these opportunities are always available for them – as Larry has been there for Jewish Life at Duke for so many years. We thank the following donors for their generous and meaningful gifts to The Moneta Family Endowment for Jewish Life at Duke.

L-R: Director Joyce Gordon, Vice President of Student Affairs Larry Moneta, and Advisory Board member Leslie Chatzinoff P’11, P’15, P’21. T HE MONETA FAMI LY ENDOW MENT

Tina and Clifford Adler Beth and Lahav Gabay Kevin Kruger Michael and Elizabeth Schoenfeld Zoila E. Airall David Gastwirth Martin Krupnick Amy and Brian Schorr David Ambler Erica and Douglas Gavin David LaBanc Marcia and Justin Segall Adrienne and Kenneth Baroff Arthur Goldberg Carol and Frederick Laub Karen and Timothy Shapiro Dori and Stephen Bayer Benjamin Goldenberg Jennifer Brown Lerner Sara and John Shlesinger Elana Miriam Berger Laureen and Michael Goldwasser Stacey and Dan Levitan Sarah and Neal Shore Janet and Robert Berger Joyce and David Gordon Paul LoGrasso Gail and Illan Silberman Karen and Daniel Berman Scott Gorlick Ellen Medearis and Richard Superfine Lori and Bret Sokoloff Sylvia Berman Billy Weitzer and Lisa Grant Fred A. Meyer Rachael and Michael Smolow Nancy K. Bernstein and Terry Allen Seelinger George Lewis Grody Jeremy Moneta The Spiera Family Amy and Jason Black N. Allison Haltom and David R. McClay Judy and Larry Moneta Carolyn and Ben Rubenstein-Spoont Kathe Brown Wendy and Jordan Handler Liane Moneta-Koehler David and Susan Stollwerk Anne Williams and John Burness Erin Hoffmann Harding Janina Montero Martha Sullivan Carol Cantagallo Thomas Hill Susan Murphy Marilyn and Jeffrey Tabak Leslie and Howard Chatzinoff Greta Kessel and Michael Horowitz Caroline Nisbet Cheryl R. S. Talpalar and Alan M. Talpalar Cynthia Cherrey Cynthia Yag-Howard and Corey Howard Vivian Olkin and Sim Sitkin Christine McCracken and Gregg Tenser Doris Ching Margaret Jablonski Davida and Thomas Parham Sue Wasiolek Gary Dworkin Kevin P. Jackson Sasa Pekec Bettina and Spencer Waxman Karen and David Ecanow Michael L. Jackson Francine and Benson Pilloff Dayna and Larry Weintraub Jill and Mark Eshman Donald K. Joseph David and Sara Pottenger Joanna and Matthew Weiss Jordan Feiger Rachel Joseph Wendy and Brett Prager William Weitzer Arlene and Michael Flatto Robert Kagan Darnell Cox and Jonathan Prince Lori White Maria and Russell Flatto Debbie and Peter Kahn Lori Reesor Elisabeth and John Wiener Scott Flatto Kathy E. Manning and Randall Kaplan Laura and Barak Richman Gladys Williams and Steven Asher Amanda Hope Freeman Fern and Steven Kaplan Laurie Silvers and Mitchell Rubenstein George Williamson Danyelle Freeman and Josh Resnick Kimberly and Charles Kennedy Judith L. Ruderman Victor K. Wilson Jane Hegleman Freeman and Heath Freeman Emily Klein Sydney Paige Sarachek Brian Joseph Fried Jill and Frederick Klein Schain Family Foundation Rabbi Elana Friedman and Jamie Rincker Steven M. Klein Lao Rubert and Steve Schewel JEWISH LI FE AT DUKE STAFF

Joyce Gordon Director [email protected]

Rabbi Elana Friedman Campus Rabbi [email protected]

Ethan Helfand Associate Director for Programs and Leadership [email protected]

Aviv Sheetrit Associate Director of External Relations [email protected]

Lena Wegner Assistant Director for External Relations [email protected]

Mishael Hershkowitz 2017 – 2019 Jewish Agency Israel Fellow [email protected]

Reuven Remez 1415 Faber St. 2019 – 2020 Jewish Agency Israel Fellow Durham, NC 27708 [email protected] [email protected] 919-684-6422 P. Renee Moore studentaffairs.duke.edu/ Manager, Operations and Events jewishlife [email protected]