DISSERTATION Inculturation: Rooting the Gospel firmly in Ghanaian Culture. A Necessary Requirement for Effective Evangelization for the Catholic Church in Ghana. Verfasser Mag. Emmanuel Richard Mawusi angestrebter akademischer Grad Zur Erlangung des akademischen Doktorgrades der Theologie (Dr. Theo.) Wien, im Mail, 2009 Studenkennzahl: 0006781 Dissertationsgebiet Dogmatik Betreuer: Univ. Prof. Dr. Bertram Stubenrauch ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express my sincere thanks, gratitude and appreciation to all whose collaboration and support enabled me to complete this work. During the period of my studies and the subsequent writing of this Thesis, I was privileged to benefit from the magnanimity and benevolence of various individuals whose invaluable assistance has enabled me to complete this work. I wish to express my special thanks to Univ.Prof. Dr. Bertram Stubenrauch, of the Lehrstuhl für Dogmatik und Ökumenische Theologie, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität, München, Deutschland, who directed my doctoral Thesis. I am most grateful to him for his supervision, guidance and especially for reading through the entire work and making the necessary corrections and suggestions. I am also grateful to Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Ingeborg Gerda Gabriel, Vorständin des Instituts für Sozialethik, Universität Wien, for her assessment of the entire work.. I am equally indebted to my Mag. William Bush of the Department of Social Ethic, University of Vienna for reading through the entire work and making the necessary corrections. I am grateful to Univ. Prof. Dr. Paul Zulehner, of the Pastoral Theological Faculty, University of Vienna. To all who helped in one way or the other, many thanks and gratitude. I owe special gratitude to the Archdiocese of Vienna, Stift Klosterneuburg and Afro- Asiatische Institut - Vienna (AAR ARGE) for supporting me financially during the period of my Studies at the University of Vienna.
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