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W Pacific Citiroil INSIDE PAGE 9 CoLTbm Sakaimito: MIS Nisei GIs feced aihird’ war WEiloUWwd I92« Pacific Citiroil Notkxxjl PubScaflon of the Japanese American Cittzans LBogue (JACL) >d (US.. Canj / $1 JO (Japan Air) 2822/ Vol. 124. No. 10 I i.'ioy i 6-June 5 i997 Mainland ties suspected in graffiti at Oahu cemeteries HONOLULU—Joint police and etery in Kaneohe, Gov. Ben FBI task forced collected evidence C^ayetano said as he was leaving a and analy^ the blood-red spray defaced col umbarian wall Sunday. graffiti which desecrated some 260 This desecration is the worst I grave markers at seven Oahu cem­ have ever seen. It’s outrageous. ” eteries and 22 walls of the The message on the wall read: columbarium at the Nati<mal Me­ “My love was greater that your morial Cemetery of the Pacific (the love. Now my hate is greater than Punchbowl ) during the nigh t hours your hate. HPD [Honolulu Police of April 19-20. Department] ignores hate crime. ^ j VV Police Capt. Doug Miller Let them ignore this tag ." Wednesday (April 23) said the in­ The same message on one marble vestigators believe the vandalism wall at the Punchbowl was signed: was done by a group of individuals, “We are Ps.A.R.I H- (Psychos po^bly with ties to the Mainland. Against Racism in Hawaii. T “Differences in handwriting would Police ChiefMichael Nakamursu indicate more than one individual promising Action, declared; “I will ri#-'' was involved," he felt. And since stick my ne^ out and say it will be there were seven sites involved in solved eventually. ” a short time elemenL “there may On Wednesday, April 30‘. federal P.C. PHOTO have been more than one person. ” and local police reported “signifi ­ PARK-PARTNER CEREMONY—National Paik Service Supt. Brian O'Neill stands before BkJg. 640, a hangar Content of the messages, which cant prepress” in their investiga ­ facing Crissy Reid at the Presidio of San Francisco, where the firet MIS class studied from November 1941 till included racial co mment about tions but declined to provide fur­ the school was moved to MinnesoU in June. 1942. See story page 7. l^waii and itspoiiqe, furtherpoints ther details. Rewards for informa ­ to someone who may be finm out of tion leading to arrest of vandals state, he said. climbed past $20,CKX) by the end of COMMENTARY: At Hawaii State Veterans Cem­ See OAHU/page 6 Peruvian Nikkei now feel they’re ‘no longer foreigners’ in Pern Census update: the budget angle looms WASHINGTON—IftheSen- area, and then use that data to BY HARRY K. HONDA known candidate in a brand new ate Appropriations Committee calculate what the remaining Editor «rTwrttus party on a low-bud^t nation-wide action —ordering the (Densus 10% of the households would I OS ANGELES-’Without a campaign —a political outsider- r BY BOB SAIKANIWA Bureau not to spend money de­ presumably be like. Meanwhile, W«thing(6nD.(D.C. JACL n«p( I doubt. President Alberto managed to force the internation ­ veloping statistical sampling two views expressed in USA Fi^imori is the most famous ally known author and frnnt-run- tools to increase accuracy —sur­ Today May 1 addressed the pro­ WASHINGTON—During the first Japanese descendant in the worid. ” ner frnm the outset, Mario Vargas vives, “the prohibition on samp ­ posed “multiracial" category. week of May. the COTgressional This was the opening line by Dr. Uosa, into a run-off. The latter had ling may affect minorities and The newspaper was for; “Ameri­ Asian Pacific American Caucus In­ MaryPukumo- polled 28% to Fujimori ’s 25% in the groups that are traditionally cans shouldn't be denied their stitute (CAPACI) holds its annual to as she lec­ primaries. While Nisei candidates undercounted," said Director identity because it is kaleido ­ gala dinner here in Washir)gton. tured on “Pre­ spoke of ethnic solidarity in their D.C. It was a busy week not only Martha Farnsworth Riche of scopic." John J. Miller of the sident Alberto campaigns in the Nikkei commu ­ the Census Bureau . Center for Ek^ual Opportunity, because CAPACI was holding its Fujimori, the nity, Fujimori spelled out his goals The bureau proposes for the in an opposing view, said the - dinr>6r. legislative conference and Peruvian Nik­ for Peru, repeating the party slo ­ 2000 census lo use statistical “multiracial box ... would afeo briefings but other APA groups were kei Commu ­ gan, “Honesty. Technology and having events as well. sampling onc^ it had counted increase the poisonous racial- nity and the Work," to renew the moral stan ­ Among them were the Asian Pa­ 90% ofthe households in a given ization of American life." ■ Current Hos ­ dards of the nation. cific Arnerican Heritage Council. tage Crisis.” With scant support from the Federal Asian Pacific American May 1 at Nikkei community, Fujimori won Council. National Asian Pacific UCLA the runoff election with 56% to American Bar Association, and the Vargas Uosa ’s 35%, a “trouncing," Youth ‘keeping memories National Conference on Korean As president, Fpjimori tamed the hyperinflation rate after he as ­ reported a U.S. correspondent. 1116 American Leadership. sumed office from 5,600% to 10% other ballots were ether blank or Although ail of the events were irr^ular. Over 4.5 million total alive ’ at Manzanarpilgrimage important to their respective com ­ thifi year, according to the Central Bank of Peru, and foreign invest­ votes were cast. Several Nisei also BY CAROUNE AOYAQI grimage. munities and well attended, clearly There’s no sign of Barrack 17 ments, especially from Japan, have won seats to Ck>ngress. Fujimori Assistant Editor the largest gathering was for the was inaugurated on his52ndbirth­ today, the temporary unit where developed the nation economically. MANZANAR,Calif —For Honey CAPACI dinner where, for the past day, July28, Peru’s Independence Wada spent a year of her life. Only The Nikkei identity in Peru h^ Wada, this year's 28th ann ual two years, President Clinton was Day. a police post and sentry house re­ gracious enough to be the keyrKrte since been transformed, so that Manzanar Pilgrimage was an an ­ Japanese Peruvians “no longCT re­ ^kumoto said the Peruvian main of tile camp that once housed speaker. The CAPACI dinner is an niversary of sorts but it wasn ’t lO.OOOJAk,butWada doesn ’tmind. gard themselves as foreigners. ” Nikkei community initially did not important event for the APA com ­ know him well as an educator and something she had planned. The scenic mountains cradling Japanese Peruvians have long Wada, a resident of New Jer^y, munity because it brings in repre- university rector. It was feared if Manzanar, tKe snowcapped tips to maintained a low profile while qui­ was visiting relatives in Southern sentativesfromAPAgroups around his government performed badly, .the west, and the colorful peaks to etly integrating into Spanish cul­ C)alifomia when she came across a the nation. National JACL as well “we would suffer by it." Nisei lead ­ the east are all she needed to re­ ture and Peruvian life, aware of local paper annoimdng thepilgi^- as Vne D.C.^ Chapter had tables at ers who supported Vargas Uosa member back half a century ago. the history of anti-Ohental racism age. Fifty yesis had pass^ since this event. ' Former congressman also feared fellow Peruvian Nikkei “We took the situation of where in Peru. Thus, as victims of alien ­ she last visited the site where she Norman Mineta currently serves as would be targeted by leftist rebels we were and we made the best of ation and regarding themselves as and her family had been interned . the chair of the CAPACI’s board bent on overthrowing a govern ­ it,” she said, gazing up at the moun ­ foreigners in their native country, during World War II. so she de­ In a year that has seen the APA ment headed by a Japanese Peru­ tains, thinking back to the bitterly See SAKANIW A/page 7 Peruvian Nikkei participation in cided to take part. vian. cold winters and searing summer politics was very limited compared “I’m amazed at all the people with the Nikkei experience in the __________ See PERU/page 7 heat of life in the desert. who turned out here,” said tiie 76- JACL-PSWsupports United States which b^an to bloom ’Hie land ti'ansfer of the Man ­ year-old Nisei, who saw doee to zanar National Historic Site from in the 1950s. JANM expanskin JACLcQ^piciuds 500 people of all generations and the Los Angeles Departmoit of Hie Peruvian Nikkei political LOS ANGELES-JACL Pacffic bact^;rouiKis at the April 26 pil­ See MANZANAR^I^ 7 picture took form in 1979 when a pcBscge of Arizona Southwest District Council Is sup­ Nisei, Lima businessman Manuel porting a$5million augmentationto Kawashi^ was elected a del^ate hate dimes M the state’s Parks and Recreation to the national Constituent Assem­ PHOENIX—Governor File Sy­ txjdget for the Japanese American bly to ratify a new constitution mington signed into law on April 28 National Museum and its expansion that restored civilian government. Senate Bin 1047, a bniihat he vras project, according to PSW regional Kawashita was among the 225 widely expected to veto and similar director Abort Muiatsuchi in a letter hostages who were released Dec. to one that he had vetoed last year. to Assembly Budget Committee 22 frrra the beleaguered Japanese The new law gives judges Jhe dis­ chair Denise Ducheny. Ambassador ’s residence. (A histori ­ cretion to impose stiller criminal The appropriation would be con ­ cal note: No less than 22 constitu ­ sentences where a convicted felon sistent with the state's past efforts to tions were pas§pd since Peru pro ­ intentionally selected the victim be­ support large-scale (nuseum mulgated its in 1823.) cause of the viclim's race, color, pn^ects including the'Discovery A few Nisei won seats in local reli^an.
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