

Poultry Stealing near .— STA_RTFORTH SCHOOL BOARD. had at heart, but wbieh her trustees, q s, Barnard Castle. the means of accomplishing: (3) erectimra suitable: memorialh4i DEATH OF LIEUTENA.NT-COLONEL the dwellings cu route were drawn. The two se clamee will be held On Wecinemley, at Barnard Cootie, Thomas Beadle to him late brother and siater.in.law. Brit whilst doing this MORLEY HEADLAM. mourning carriages contained the chief mourners: n Jinuary 2nd, 1885. . (Me), was charged with stealing Seven fowls, the The first meeting of the new Board was beld (by Mr Mr Ineht. Morritt was careful to guard the dermas of the property of Henry Bowron, farmer, of Low Shipley. Watson's permission) in the Morritt Memorial Schools, money against interfereuce, by declaring (and which declara- —The Misfits Minnie and Alice Headlam, daughters U of students, a liunted tion he emphatically repeats in his letter) that be phased it MILITARY FITNRRAL AT . or rob) hes been provided The poultry were mimed on the Sunday morning, and on Thursday evening last. All the newly-elected mem- at their disposal, not as Mrs Merritt's trusteee, but as three the deceased, Miss Headlatn, doter of the late Mr on the following Wedneeday prisoner gave a man bers, namely, Meseta Hilton:Wateon, Harrison, Hog- personal friends of his own, unfettered by any fiduciary obli- On Thursday, Lieut.-Col. Morley Headlarn, of the Headhunt Mrs A. W. Headlam, and Mrs Cumby. necessary information gation.; which distinction is also fully recognised by the College, Durham, and of Hall, in the North of the Committee of the named George Patton EL bag which wee afterwards gett, and the Rev, H. Jennings, and also hie E. Win- Next followed the two eldest sons of the deceased, and found to contain the fowls, to send to a person at penny, the clerk, attended, oners of in the memorial recently presented Riding of Yorkehire, succumbed to an illness from Mr C. H. Corbett, the t3faa leum to the Education Department, s copy of which will which be had been under treatment for come time past. the Rev. A. W. Headlam, Vicar of St. Oswald'e, Dur- be applied for at once. Bishop Auckiand. Prisoner was eentenced to two THE ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND vice-cnaiamter. be foiled in the accompanying Teesdale Marcari, of 29th Oct. 'months imprisonment without hard labour. Beam the conveyance deeds of the limeade not contain any Colonel ITeadlam was the third on of the Von, J. ham ; Messrs. Spedding, Myer House, Keewick ; Rev. R friend--A'. Mr Hilton proposed that Mr Watson be elected chairman, at the same time remarking that, in so doing, allusion (beyond the coincidence of names) to Mrs Morritt's Efeadlatia, Archdeacon of Richmond, and was born in W. Curalay, Incumbent of Heighington ; Mr John -one.—On Gainford School.—The work of the term trust and I have had no difficulty in rare:ratty establishing 1822. • 1Cotherst it must not be supposed that he approved of Mr Wat- the He married Louisa Kate, daughter of Mr C. Stanton rend Mr Cornelius Stanton, Stubb House; Mr ahem Leaoson pre' was brought to a conclusion on Thursday, with a my title to the absolute ownership of schools, as snrviv- Beamish, by whom he leaves a large family, and his son's late proceedtngs. The motion was seconded by log grantee in joint tenancy in lee of the groond C. H. Stanton, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Mr Percival crowded congregation. concert and presentation of prizes. The prize list Mr Jennings and unanimousLy carried.—Mr Hilton upon which they stand, and as such amenable to Mr eldest son, John Emerson Beacham, will be of age was as ldorritt alone for their dedication to the purposes for Wilkinson, J.P., Mount Oswald,. Durham ; Mr An- eman from his flock, follows :—Classice—Form IV. (a), Deiglaton ; next proposed himself as vice-chairman, which:poeition which next year. Col. Headlam was thus a younger brother a greet many, for he IV. (b) Hornsby. they were founded. Had the purchases, indeed, been made Mathematics—V., Kidd ; IV., he considered himself entitled toocoupy, not on person- out of the trust fund bequeathed by Mrs Morritt for charit- of the Right Hon. Thos, Emerson Headlam, who was thony Anstr ether Wilkineon, Old Rivet, Durham ; Rev, iberal in his dealings Tennick ; III., Zissler ; 1L. Boddy. al grounds, but es representing a certain section of the able p . the conveyances would have been void under Liberal representative for the borough of Newcaatle J. Barmby, Vicar of Pittington ; Mr Trotter, Lang- improvemeats, under Kidd ; 1Y,, Sharp - III., Calder ; II. Armstrong ; I. ratepayers. The motion not. being seconded, Mr the torlmain Act, unless made the authority of and in for over a quarter of a century, dating from hia first ton ; Rev. H. C. Lipscomb, J.P., Stitindrop ; Mr ust tot be forgotten, the form prescribed by 4 Vict. C. 33, the total area of the election in 1847, and also Judge-d.dvocide General. 4,. Golder. ModernLanguage—IV. (a), Tennick ; Jennings was then proposed by Mr Harrison, and R. A. Morritt, ie charge-of that inter- site being under a Timmer of an acre. Rokeby Park ; Major Sowerby, (b), Sharp; EV. (German), Proud ; IIL Scot-Runsell ; seconded by Mr Hoggett, as vice-chairman, and Mected I trast that. whilst these explanations will have satisfied As a public man in the North-Riding of Yorkshire earnest and aseicluoue IL, Snailharn. Writing prizes—Sharp and Laycock. the Commissioners that the Morritt Manorial Schools do not and in the district of Barnard Castle deceased wee Snow Hall, Gainforci ; Rev. 'W. lfl. Robertson, by a antiority.—The Chairman, on taking his seat, fall within the operation of the act which they to ably ad- he church debt. hir •Drawing prize—Garcia. Music prize—Bell. alluding to Mr Hilton's remark about himself, said he noted as a bard worker, and although rarely included Durham Cathedral ; Mr Glyn, Arlaw Banks; Mr rain. and wherever he minister, I may neveMhenes count epos thole advice and co-operation in settling a scheme which I am preparing for amongst the speakers at any gathering he took part in, C. Wilson, Hill House, Gainford, chairman of the e best wishes of his The Rev. Chas. R. Green, Castletown Vic- could quite understand that Mr Hittun disapproved of where sound practical counsel was required he was his late proceedings; but he hoped Mr Hilton would securing the benefit of these schools in perrietilZtowAthrsose pa.r- Teeedale Union Board of Guardians ; Mr T. Byrom, A On Sunday morn- arage, near Sunderland, le;ge to eeknowledge with ishioners of Startforth.—I have the honer to be. Sir. your never behindhand furniehing the beat aid. Thus gratitude a bandsotne parcel of clothing from Mim concede to him the same honesty of purpose as he was very obedient servant, Thorpe : Mr G. Amos, Marwood : Mr F. W. de touching allusion willin hie appointment as an Inspector of Works under the Stanton, Park Terrace, Barnard C tle ; from Mrs g to believe had actuated Mr Hilton's own con- The Secretary. Charity Commission. Drainage and Land Improvement Companies Acts Beadon, chief agent to Sir William Eden, Bart., ler. duot ; and he hoped that any illfeeling which might Holmee. The Limes, Cotheratone Mid small sums was held to be one of the best that could be made, as Windlestone Hall ; have been excited by the late contest would be laid Mr Spavia, Heighington ; of 2s. ed. and under from Cotherseene, amounting to Colonel Headlam carried with him to the discharge Mr Best, Surveyor to the Local Board ; Mr 13e. ed. Contributions of money, or clothing, will he aside, and that. the Board would cordially unite with Sin,—Tho CommissiCohr:sityhaCvoemblm3adtihssiuDoono:i. .Whior"884thtee'hiralloo. n8:e.ra., tioia your letter of the 4th ult., explaining the circumstances of his duties a long and famitar knowledge of eeery- R. Arrovesmith, Mr John Hunt. Mr R. Barker, Me- Etiitor. gratefully received and acknowledged by the R87. C. leen ia the common objeot of carrying on the work of thiug appertainieg to such work, backed by sound education in the Parish with the greatest possible in which these schools were erected. J. Pratt, Mr S. leery, Mr J. M. Marshall, Mr "on of opinion, bnt Nvo R. Green, Castletown Vicarage ; or Mr John Mudd, Adverting to your letter of the 16th Angust last, in which judgment and discriminationeend acted and unbiassed J. U. of our correspondents. Oawald Terrace, Castletown, via Sunderland. effloiency, and at the least coat to the ratepayers, The the Holmes, Mr D. Badcock, Mr E. C. M. Cooke, Dr. fidElyj)tt isEtaiStetrathatlt:E t asfulthitulTg method of acting that could not fail to make his course he had taken was forced upon him by the illof ;ahtteallenithsooll,rmroucutare8ehdeneeeirtns Munro, Mr R. T. Richardson, Barnard Castle; Mr gentleman who aged Presentation at the National School, Rich- hostile action of the late Board, who had persistently the advice of the Commissioners before executing a Deed of deoisions and inspections invaluable. He was on the Trust, I ate directed to inform you that the Commissioners h puzzled me at the mond, (Yks).—Ou Thursday afternoon, Canon and ignored, and treated with contumely, every notice and commission of the peace for the county of Durham T. Walton, and Mr J. Walton, jun., ; will be prepared to consider any Deed of Note:anon of Trust and oleo for the North Riding of Yorkshire, end e across some statistics Mrs Roberts on behalf of the teachers and scholars, other communication they had received from him, which you are desirous of Mr W. Dent, Naby ; Mr Wharton, Darlington ; Mr executing for the purpose of carry- during his residence at Whorlton, and subsequently efficient answer ; and, presented leir R.Jaques with a diver pencil case, watch and finally compelled him to eject them from the ing into effect your intention with respect to these schools. John BouefleId, Mrj. Sayer, Mr J. Highmoor, Bowe.; sn eonetant reader of chain, and two vievra of Richmond. Mr jeques has schools, in defence of his legal ownership. Mr Hilton The five deeds enclosed in your letter of the lath August. at Gilmonby, he was rarely missiog from his seat on together with the Probate of Mrs Morrittli will and Mr the Barnard Castle bench, whilst at quaeter Mr Ireland, Mr W. Hutchineon, Mr W. Calvert, Mr tr, kindly now we to just finished hie apprenticmhip as pupil teacher in had on various °mations claimed. on behalf of the Morritt's !otter to you of 5th Arig_ust last, are returned here- er. Tbe question was - the bops' echooleand the boys were anxious to ehow Board, an equitable interest in the Morritt Memorial with, and I request you to acknovviedge their reeeipt.I am, sessions and at petty sessions for the Durham Moines Guy, and Mr H. Thompson, Gihnonby ; Mr as follows :— him that they had appreciated hie labours amongst Schools. Now, seeing that these Schools had been Sir. your obedieet servant, IfEsur M. VANE, division, after his removal to Durham, he Bowman, Whorlton, dm, dm A poem of police from arid ia NV., Watson, Esq, Secretary. oisr ae low as fifteen- them. He leaves the echool with hearty wishes for erected and furnished- with the money of a Church- was regular in his attendance to his the Barnard Castle Petty Sessional Division, under magisterial duties. The deceased gentleman was fer per stone, good tea his future succees.—Richmond Chroniele. man, at a cost of more than .£2,800, and that the Barnard Castle. leth Dec., 1884. the direction of Mr Superintendent Thompson, of gar M twopence hint,--1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your a long time the chairman of the Barnard Castle and sit Board had never paid or contributed one shilling to- Barnard Castle, and also a number of constables from roportionahly low, that Boys' National School, Barnard Castle.— wards the expence of repairs or improvements, and Litter of the 13th inst., together with the whole of the doca. Guardians, but about three years ago, on his other The following ia the complete report, received from mente transmitted to you with my letter of the 16th August duties taking up so much literally Ptarving to bad only been charged the very moderate rent of .C30 last. - of his time, Mr C. Wilson the Greta Bridge Petty Seeeionai Division, under t giving the matter a tbe Dieceean Inepector, on the state of the religious a year for the use of the Schools, be was at a loss to I shall have much pleasure in submitting to you, in due was appointed in his stead. On the inauguration of Inspector Hutchinson, Were present, the deceased employment was the instruction in this school :—" Old and New Testa- coarse, the Draft of the proposed Trust deed, which I will the Volunteer movement, Colonel Headlam was a conceive on what ground Mr Hilton or the tate Board very shortly prepromml have the honor. dm., being chairman of both courts, his commission dating C be a want of employ- ment, tery good : the New Teatament of the highest could possibly advance stash 5 claim. It was alleged warm and steady advocate of the scheme, and was group, excellent. Catechiern and Liturgy, very good; The Secretary, Charity Commission. WM. WATSON. one of the first batch of commissioned officers that the second of November, 1861. As the mournful yet n goea on increasing that the pinfold bad been given up to Mica Teesdale —The following resolutions were then passed, a pro- o-day ae heretofore? repetition, very good. General remarks.—The work as part of the consideration for the conveyance of a were appointed. Mr Headlam rote step by step until imposing procession moved slowly to the place of in this echool was remarkably even throughout. posal by Mr Hilton that a week's time should he given he became lieutenant-colonel of the 2nd battalion, interment the bell of the church of St. Giles, bard by, neeed list of erticIee, building which formed a portion of the site. Grant- for their consideration, being overruled :-1 : " Mr country during the There was neither weak group nor weak subject to call ing this to be so, it was also the feet that Mrs Morritt's whose head-quarters are at . At the commenced to toll, and, on reaching the sacred edifice. attention to. Great interest vras thowu by all, and Watson having announced that, in accordance with great volunteer review at Gasforth Park on Whit made by foreigners, Trustees had paid the full value of Miss Mr Morritda wish, and the prayer of the memorial the coffin, which was of simple polished oak, was For lees wages, than the style of instruction wee well adapted to be of prac- Tuesday last he commanded that division of the Rifle Teasdalds property in hard cash ; atol bad given up from 180 ratepayers within the Startforda School rested near the entrance. Meanwhile the organ C house rents and high tical value to the bop, as was ehown by the readiness to the public apiece of ground, with some outbuildings Volunteers hailing from the county of Durham. In of the lowest group to understand simple moral les- Boardrd oDisn tbtre lt6 tprhesented to the Education Depart- 1675, the death of his brother, the Right Hon. pealed forth with solemn note Chopin's Funeral ntlyd-eennot compete upon it, on the opposite aide of the road. which had moot, C living costa him lees sons, the acquaintance of the highest group with the October last, the Morritt Memorial Thomas Emerson Headlam, caused his succession to March, and wreaths composed of the ohoieest of been laid to the highway, and formed a full equivalent, kenSchools (now attended by ninety-four children) would in England. The use of the Bible and Prayer Book in Church, and the the family estates at Gilmonby, near Bowes, ad at winter blooms were strewn around. The floral dis- both in area and value, for the pinfold. But Mr forth be carried on as NationaL School, open to ed405,000 ; attention of home prayers throughout. Readinese to Hilton talked as though he (Mr Watson) had been Whorlton, near Barnard Castle, and be took up his play was most appropriate and touching, many of answer and large numbers answering characterised all denominations, with the protection of the residence at tbe former piece. In polities he was a were, X450.000; china Wanting to deprive the Parishioners of the use of the Conscience Clause, and free of cost to the ratepayers, these last tributes of respect having been sent from 410.000; silk manufac- the two lower groups. Group three was less distin- steady adherent of the Conservative party, but in this Schools, whereas the very reverse was the case, as be and having invited the aid and eo-operattoa of the very distant places. Mrs Sowerby, of Putteridge ufactures,£7,780,000; guished in these reep-ects—severel boys answering but was then in communication with the Charity Com- as in every other position he was to be found in, he little, from irregular attendance I understand—hut Board ;" ReeoLved, " That the Board approves of this preferred giving quiet and unostentatious help. The Park, Beds,, end Mrs Merritt, of Rokeby Park, sent Uri and manufactured missioners, with a view to vest the Schools in Trustees arrangement. and pledges itself to render melt assist- ..£1,6,000; more for excellence of individual anawera, The diffi- far the benefit of the Pariah i perpetuity; and be unostentatious demeanour was also to be found in the really beautiful wreathe, not excelled even by those cult New Testament subject had been most suoceeefully ance as it may be able, both as regards obtaining the aid he might afford either in the way of charity or to s, £25621000 ; gloves, would presently read to them the correspondence Government Grant and otherwise, provided that the tenderly prepared by the subordinates of deceased's linen mentifectures, taught. The slate./ of group two were good but not whieh had taken place. Meetiwtille be announced any humble end struggling acquaintance. In his perfect ; the composition was good both iw'Mlitter and requirements of 'the Elementary Education Act are charity he had a worthy partner in Mrs /leathern, own household. On the ooffin were the deceased's .£880,000 ; toys, that it was bis intention, with the full approval of strictly complied with by the managers of the echoole." sword and helmet, and the interior of the early eighty millione expression, especially in the Neve Testament subjeote. Mr Morritt, as virtual owner of the Schools, to carry who both in Barnard Crude and Durham bad placed church was There were very few omissions in the Desire and 2: " Thst inasmuch as the arrangement embodied in herself in the front rank of that group of persons filled by an attentive congregation. The clergy pre- re admitted duty free, them on as voluntary S-chools on the National system, the foregoing resolution will amply provide for the cemeteries of life, and Duty to Neighbour. The order of the Church's year in connection with the Church of England, but open who can always find the time to organise relief and eent were the Rev. C. B. Wet-dale, M.A., Vicar of was very well written out." Entry made on Head education of all the children within the District -" aid to all objects that appeal to the benevolent. AfMr at a slight profit, to children or all other denominations, with the pro- Resolved, " That the Board School heretofore carried Bowes ; Rev. G. Hales, Rector of Barninghain and are put on any tid- Maater's Bishop' Certificate :—" The tone of this tection of the " conscience clause," and inasmuch as he a short residence at Gilmonby, Colonel Headlam school is very good, and the teaching both painstaking on in Thorngate, Barnard Castle, is deemed by this removed to Durham, as his younger brother, the Rev. Rural Dean ; Rev. Canon Brown, M.A., Vice of ed:Nally being elbowed was not going to ask the Betepayers for any contribu- Board to be unnecessary ; and that the sanction of Barnard Castle ; ROY. R. Tilbury, Rector of Brignal Cr, whose goods we and likely to be practically uaeful."—At the recent Arthur W.Headleon, M.A., had just removed from the ; tion, he thought he might fairly appeal to the Board the Education Department be requested for its dis- Rev. R. Lean:ion, late Curate-in-charge of Cothers- Isesty tax on any we Diocesan examination of pupil teachers, Albert Braith- to assist and oo-operate with him in carrying out this vicarage of Whorlton to that of St. Oswald, vacant waite (second year) was placed in the first clime, being continuance ; and -that the requisite notices be given by the death of Dr. Dykes ; the great object of the tone, and Chaplain to F. Company, 2nd Battalion Me to know why the object. He had ascertained that there were now for terminating the engagements of the Master and favoured, and the third on the list out of over one hundred competitors. ninety-four children attending the Schools, of whom change being to secure additional educational &dyer's Durham Rifle Volunteers ; Rev. J. Wharton, Gilling; fir ▪ Tbis entitle-e him to a prize from the Diocesan Board, Mistress." 3 : " That copies of the two foregoing tape for his family. Having resided near the Cathe- C ? Anyone can eee eighty-one belonged to the Church, and the remaining reeolutions be forthwith transmitted to the Education Rev. W. Rigg, Bowes ; Rev. A. J. Williams, Vicar of h unwilling idlers. John French' Gent (first year) obtained a good posi- thirteen to other denominations ; and he felt aseured dral inahouse previously made testable by ita ocicupa- tion in the eecond class. At the examinations MI con- Department." tion by Miss Tiaorp, he removed in 1883 into the house Whorlton; the Rev. W. H. Canon Walter, and the t on foot to provide that Mr Hilton, who so strenuouely advocated freedom rea. EMERSON. Id more gladly earn. nection with the South Durham and North Yorkshire of ooneoienoe in religious and other matters, would at the Bouth corner of the College, just vacated by the Rector of St. Mary-le-Bow, Durham. The Rem. Popil-teachede Association for special prizes for It appearing that Mr Emerson, the master, had been family of the late Archdeacon Prem. There Colonel R. Leaman read the 90th Psalm in a most impressive laity it ie to hoped admit that in Schools built and supported by Church- engaged by the late Board without the previous formal ghly roueed, and get Scripture knowledge, given by Sir Joseph Pease, men, it was only right and reasonable that children, Efeadlain resided up to the period of his death, manner, and the Rev. Canon Walter followed with the Bart., M.P., Albert Braithwaite and Williasn Hunter notice required by the Act, and that his engagement suffering from internal complaints which surgical trade of this country whose pimento desired it should be taught the cate- was terminable at the will and pleasure of the Board, lesson, which was also read with much Solemnity. government of carried off respectively the first and second prima skill could not reech. e the chism and dootrines of their own Church : whilst, on it was ordered ,on the motion of Mr Jennings, seconded After the singing of a hymn the coffin was conveyed may represent, to For general secular work, Braithwaite scoured the the other haled. the Conscience Clause would fully second prize of his year of pupil teacherehip ; and hyu ottilic:. Chairman, that he be presented with a gratuity A correepondent ban handed to us the following for to its last resting piece, which is at the south-east end ecal - nyettee, iii will protect the children of Dissenters from being taught of .£8 6s. 8d,, being one month's salary, in lieu of fairplay.—I am, Sir, at the four last quarterly examinations in secular anything of which their parents disapproved.— publication :— or the graveyard, and within a few feet of the burial- I. H. work in connectioa with the above association, he has " DEATH OF MORLEY HEADLAII. Mr Hilton inquired what, under these circumetan- TR2 Wert BOARD. lace of the late Right Hon. T. E. EfeadMun the held the premier position. ces, the Board would have to do ? Were they simply " Though we have all been for many days, almost A number of cheques were then signed for eateries weeke, expecting to see this announoement in the papers, brother of the deceased, Lieut.-colonel Headline. to Mend aloof, and look on whilst Mr Watson carried rent of Scbool-rootn,in Thorngate, and other liabilities The organist (Mr F. Raper, of Barnard Castle) .DALL on the schools ?—Mr Watson replied that the Board who is there of those who knew him who did not read of the late Board, who, it appeered, had a balance of these few vrordameith a sudden, startled feeling of sad- played Handers " Dead March in Saul." On 'mei"- ollowing questions :— CH.RISTMA.STIDE. would occupy the same position as many other School about £70, being the amount of last year's capitation ness and oared*? The sorrow for the dead is one of g first necessary M Boards did at the present time, He held in his grant, standing to their credit in the Bank- ing at the rave-side the Vicar of Bowes officiated, the Ties shop windows, equally with the weather, are ' hand a list of 65 School Boards who had no the most, enobbling sentiments of the human heart, and reverend gentleman reading the burial service with . TIM BECEtETAECT. one from which we would not willingly be hoots closed ? indicative of the approach of Yuletide, and the various Board Schools, and whose duty simply was divorced. much feeling and emotion. Angther hymn was song. Mr E. Winpenny, in reply to a question. intimated Even the most. inveterate enemy has some kind thought .dowmeet being ens- recorded acts of benevolence further testify that old to see that all the children were properly his willingness to retain the office of Clerk : both Mr and a last and loving farewell *as then taken of the educated in one or other of the voluntary schools —some feeliog of regret that he should have ever Father Chrietmes is close upon us. In the absence of Jennings and the Chairman complimenting him on remains of the deceased gentleman by those nearest according to within their district. The duty and responsibility of entertained a sentiment of rancour for One who is now the these nasal:sable philanthropic movements scores of the manner in which he bad hitherto] discharged his powerless to harm him, or resent hie anger ; but, of and dearest to him, as well as by hie numerous per- OBSEE,VER.- the new Board would therefore be limited to that sonal friends,:and the bereaved family and acquaintan- duties. Morley Headlamp it may be truly said he never made the poor residents in our- own immediate neighbour- extent ; but at the same time he (Mr Watson) would site coectusiorie ces moved slowly away, The D. and F. Companies, hood would experience no accession of comfort or be glad of their assistance in enforcing the attendance an enemy, or lost a friend. A kindly, honourable, The Chairman thee closed the meeting, congratulots uneelfish, christian gentleman in every relation of life, which composed the numerous firing party. were Deo 22nd, 1884. - enjoyment, whilst thoueands of our fellow north- of the children, and alo in obtaining the Government ing the members on its generally harmonious tone ; drawn up in position extending from west to east, and, 17th int. William grant, provided that the conditions of the Education the record of whose teamelese life would bear the light sountrymen and their families are the occupanta of whilst Mr Hilton, although concurring in this as fearlessly as that of any human being of my ao- under the command of Major Bainbridge, Middleton- ale, appears, ae being Act were etriotly complied with. lie was, however, expression, reserved to himself the right of unsparing in-Teesdale, Bred three volleys, with remarkable cheerlese homes, and without even the common nixes- quaintance. God's ways and dispensations are, indeed, age Tureen I beg prepared, if necessary, to carry on the Schools, at any criticism in future, whenever the occasion leould call precision. The ceremony then concluded, and tnent, as it woe John sariea of life to eatisfy the cravings of the poor half- rate during the period of °Moe of the present Board, inscrutable to us with our finite powers of reason, and, for it. as Pope beautifully says, 'All chance is direction perhaps never in the annale of the historical Teeedaie. I am the starved children. Despite the fact that a dark without the grant., if it could not be obtained; al- village of Bowes has s ail:whir imposing event been eton-its-Teesdale, and which we canoot see,' or else, in human arrogance, we cloud has bung over the North for some time, the though be was at a lose to know on what ground it witneseed. n injury. could justly be withheld, if fairly earned. Mr Wat- might be tempted to ask why so good, so useful a life respectfully. labouring classes in thie district have had a fair /Mare son concluded by reading the following oorrespon- ehould be removed from the sphere of its utility; and the prayer which must come in ohriatian resignation EADFERN, of employment, thanks to the publio works now in deuee between himself and the Charity Commission- At this Beason of' the year, when there is " Rr-r-ru-ans."—White's Moe-Main Lever. leton-in-Teesdale. ers:— from the lips of the nearest and dearest of those who Truss is the most effective invention for the treannent progress, and the continued openness of the weather ; so much done in the way of giving 011RISTMAR and mourn his loss can be their only answer. 0 teach us mud, whilst we are thankful for small mercies, let us Barnard Castle, 15th A.tignat,, 1884. New Yeitods Pens:mem, intending purchasers will find of Hernia. The use of a steel spring, so hurtful in its , Dec. 22nd, 1884. eeprene a hope that the advent of the new year will Startforth, The Morritt Memorial &heel& from our hearts to say,—` Thy will he done 7' Let us effects, is avoided, a soft bandage being worn round ElInt—ier compliance with the requeert contained in your it to their best interests to visit the establishment of perpetuate end sanctify to our own hearts the memory eel, Welt?, about the bring about a better state of things. The well-stocked letter of the 13th inst. I have the honour to transmit to you, jmout T. YOUNG, Watchmaker, jeweller, Silversmith, the body, while the requisite resisting power is sup- or no information bops at Barnard Castle abundantly prove that the by registered Book-post. herewith, the following documents, Sec., the Bank, Barnard Castle. He having just of our lost friend by remembering and carrying out plied by the Moe-Maim Pad and Patent Lever, fitting . P," Allow mato '' inner man" has been well catered for, whilst the r--- received (specially for Christmas Sale) a large and the lemma which hie life should teach us, and hence- with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be de- (1). Probate of the will of the late Mrs Myrna. forth be more faithful and effectionate in our dutiee to tected. Send for descriptive circular, with testimonials of coet of lighting dieplay of beef, mutton, game, and poultry, in the (2). Five conveyance deeds of the sites of the Morritt varied assortment of Watetes, Jewellery, Silver, and are 27 tamps, each market last Wednesday, is especially worthy of note. Memorial Schools. Electro-plated and Farm Goods (euitable for presents), the Living. Campbell beautifully says, To tire in and prices, to .1. White and Co. (Limited) 228, r hoer, 5 hours each Indeed the " Knights of the Cleaver" appeared to (3). original letter from Mr R. A. Merritt, explecitey his stock will be found to embrace the newest and hearts we leave behind is not to die.' Therefore we Piccadilly, London. Do not buy of Chemists, who months in the year, have vied in excelling each and where all ,mas declaring his intention as donor of the benefaction with which most artietie designs ever offered to the public. whilst may truly say of Morley Headlam,—' He is not dead, often MU an nerreanoe of OUP Moo-Main. J. White other, the Schools were built. but eleepethe e dui . per thousand, mat- so good it is no easy task to deride the premier posi- These deonments, I venture to tbink, furnish conclusive the prima are such as to defy competition. J. P. Y. and Co. have not any Agents. ompany charges 29s. tion. Mr James Peacock exhibited a prime four-year- proof that the School", although emoted to the memory of alvrays makes it his special study to procure goods of leaving a net profit Mrs Morritt-and her late husband, and for an object which ghest q The following imoentioned in the regimental orders:- old ox, which was fed by Mr T. Byers. of South would presumably have met with her approval, eise: the the hi uality and the newest designr, thus giving BIRT118. ye the ratepayers to Thorpe. The animal weighed about ninety stones, bisctttomars the same advantages ar they have in much ,' It is with feelings of the deepest regret that the education of children in Church principles, in reality form Maine next in command has the painful duty of an- At Mickletom on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr J. E. -Facts are stubborn and was well fed. Mt Peacock also showed some no part of her trust estate. At the same time I may mate larger towns. He also takes this opportunity to Rains, of a son. will attend the Gas classical Scotch wether mutton fed by Mr S. Rowland- that tEl settling a permanent scheme for the future manage- return his 'sincere thanks to his numerous patrons and nouncing to the officers, non-COMM insionecl oftleers, and in harmony with this view. it is my desire and At Mickleton, on the 12 tie ult., the wife of Mr J.. 2601 Met. The Gat son, of Kirkby Stephen, in addition to some grand most of them friends for the very liberal amount of patronage and men of the battalion, the lamented death of their late intention 'to am the advice of the Commissioners, Wore respected sod esteemed commending W. Harrison, of a daughter, in private house!. heifer beef. Suoking pigs, dairyefed pork, geese, executing a deed enrolled tinder no Mortmain Act vesting support conferred upon him during the last four years, -officer, Lieuto ,the Schools in perpetuity in Trustees, or in the Commis. Col. Morley Headlam, which occurred at Durham, on At Middleton. on the 7th inst., the wife of Mr V. within a mediae of ducks, chickens, turkeys. and tongues completed the and wishes them all a merry Christmas and a happy Walton, of a son. RATEPAYER. goners thensaelves.-1 have the tumor to be, Sir, our very the morning of the 18th December, 1884, aud he feels array. which was, indeed, an excellent show. Masers. obediTheenstereervtAarynt,„ charity co mthisaioz, Wm, WLondon.WATSON. New Year.—Aterfiseinerte. MARRIAGE. R. Arrowsinitis and Son were not a whit, behind in sure that all ranks will join him in ex-preasion of sin- Whitehall, cere sympathy and condolence with his afflicted At tba Register Office, Barnard Castle, on the 20th ton-in-Teesdale, I their display, which comprehended the carcase of a family." inst. Mr Joseph Foster, of Butterknowle, to Kiss grand three-year-old ox, upwards of ninety stones in Charity Commission, nehitehan. Parish of Barnard Caste.—The Bishop of r valuable peper, 29th Oct.. 1884. Durham will hold a Confirmation on February 27th, Sarah' Jana Bainbridge, of Egeleatone. weight, which was by Mr H. C. Howard, of Grey- tad queetiona, are fed Sra,—I have laid before the Commissioners your letter of in the Parish Church. Candidates are requested to DEATH-S. commercial etate of stoke Castle ; two Prime Highland kyloes, fed by sir the 16th August last axed its Intl/assures in this matter. The Commissioners tire desirous of beieg tarnished with an give in their names at once to the Vicar, at the Vicar- At Gosforth Howie, South Dulwich, London. on le out of their let h- Talbot Constable, Bart., of Scargill lodge; four-year- explaurition of tho statement in Mr Morritt'a letter toyer' of age, or after any of the serviees, or in the church on THE INTERMENT. Sunday the 21st inst., Constance Hilda, the eldest general expenditure old Scotch +embark fed by Mr G. Atom', of Merwood; the 5th augriet last, that the ptucha.se money of the site was Sunday, January 4, at 2 p.m., when all candidates are daughter of G. B. Monkhouee,.. Req., in the tenth Roby Castle, dairy-fed pork, and r acd not a little six fallow deer from virtually his, and that the grantees were selected as being requested to be preterit. Yesterday afternoon the mortal remains of the year of her age. ntea have gone up game of every description besides turkeys and geese. personal private friends of his own. and not in their capacity deommed- as executors and trusteestander the will of the late Mr. gentleman were interred in the Pariah At Barnard Castle, on the 14th inst., Jane, wife of rig total, which it Mr Robert Thomee, jun.. of Cotherstone, showed a Merritt. This statement appears to be at variance with the Churchyard, at Bower, amid every demonstration of Mr George Dobson aged 69 years. really aplendid heifer, which was fed by Lord Boyne, Have you heard of the immsnse sale of lly when tko many statement contained in the succeeding paragraph to the respect, the body having been conveyed from the city At Barnard Castle, on the 18th inst.. Jane. widow of thaee who have of Brancepeth Castle. and it is undoubtedly due to effect that Mr Merritt did repose a trust in the persons R. W. flame's Concentrated Ginger cordial ? This named to carry out certain wishes of the late Mrs Morritt-. of Durham the previous day. The Mr William Robinson (late of Arial. Banks) aged 62 be hoped that the this pushing young tredeeman that he made a very preparation, when mixed with sugar and water scoord- cortege left years, much respected, The Commissioners desire farther to learn what is the total the directions g thing, nay every- excellent show, and his grand ',ether mutton attracted area of the site manbased.—I am, Sir, year obedient ser- ing to iven with each bottle, yields the Gilmonby Hall a little after two o'clock, the At. Hutton Fields, on the IStb time, Thomas, son of done to im retort- no l.-m attention than his neatly-cut beef. Mr vant, EIESTRT M. VANE. most agreeable and cheapest Temperance Bever:No approaches to the residence being lined by Volunteer', Mr George Fuller, aged 1 year. g W. Watson,Esq. ever introduced. At all times and mune.. --a • ' . -eh and enormous Richard Gill, also of Cotherstone, slau htered a enached to the 2nd Durham Volunteer Battalion, of At Middleton, on tbe 20th ult„ Miss Nancy Bell, number of prime fat heifers .fed by Mr P- Amos, of it is a delightful and grei-" - C working people Barnard Comte, 4th SecNovrc. talSrel which the deceased was Lieun-CoIonel. The day was aged 76 years. , a working-man . Langton, and lir T. Birkett, of Wert End. and, to- SIR.-1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your R. W. Rains, chemist, e ue the maximum getber with first-clam mutton from Mr W. /Imam:), letter of the 29th ult. by D. Finlay F. W. La wintry but seasonable, and the prospect commanded In emeanation of the apparent inconsistency of Mr Moe- Castle, &n, e. riee.e -DiRifigGTON AUCTION MART, Momeer.— ave certainly had the noted breeder, of High House, Marwood, placed ritos letter, _I beg to submit the following statement:— fiont the adjoining raoorland . WEM of a truly Alpine Messrs Tarn sold at their mart 43 cows. There was y be mid about him in the front rank of exhibitors. Mr Thonme Mr Wm. Merritt, Mr Robt. Merritt's late brother. was at character. Preceding and following the coffin were a fair attendance and a better trade, Trice 13,-)..s seeking we bay° to pay Thompson, of Gelmete, Barnard Ca-tie, emulating his the thee of lam death indebted to Mr Robt. Merritt in a arm Barnard Castle - a a eiroui t.—Tlke large bodies of the deceased'a comrademin arida. good prices, as follows —27 calved cows. £10 to offered for sale a prime four-year-old bul- of £4.000, which debt was discharged by the executors of Mrs December quarterly meeting was held on Thuridet The £21 n certificated ones compeers. Merritt. the widow and sole executrix and legatee under Mr Battalio 1.5n.; 16 c 'trine cows. .£10 to £22 54. lock, which met with the full approbation of all afternoon, when representatives were present from n Band played the" Dead March in Saul," range out of the Wm. Morrittn wilt who only survived her husband a few NEWCASTLE CATTLE MARKIrr. Is unty two are purchase-re, and certainly more useable or better beer months. I inclose a copy of the voischer which Mrs Merritt's Bowess Barningham, Cotherstone, Moor, Stainton, and and the riderless home of the departed colonel was YeYterclog.—B,y Special Despaiehl executors hold for this payment. Subsequently a Scheel gess preeteemmem • ed adaptation of has not been in the local market for many a tong day. Barnard Castle.—The Rev. A Bur led in the procession by a volunteer privets,. The un- The supply uf mock *wailer, trade dull. Prips, /loath was established in Startforth, one of the three parishes nrbe. mild we not be Mr Robert Errington, Mr Reuben Sayer, Messrs which Mrs Merritt desired to benefit but as no part of her Tejtrt. marnpodso.MnBera,ioD pretentious cuffin was borne to its lest resting place hy viz :— Johneon, Mr Meat, Mr Rolmon, Mr Walton, Mr re.vidreiry estate was at that time available for the erection and Mr if we eropioyed the eervants and tenantry of the estate, the pall- d. .e. d. thsm, There in Nicholson, Mr Smitb, Mr Maclean and other hutobers of a school, Mr Rola. Merritt generously appropriated for ;Da' dradgy ect°. cchico talspewegleuracaertltreeeIretalcyrt in;" tet rn1'1.11 that purpose A portion of the £4,000 (about R3,SaCr) with the bearers being mean C tT W atone , pen Ca t O.Ort,Atki Beef 6 fl to 9 6 Ut imum will have 4:lasted capital beef ; and the confecitionem, wine- three.fold object of (1) hrid 'ng over the break -dowd in the At the annual meeting of the Yorkshire c3Ptilin French and. Com 'tin Metcalfe-Oilman. Pigs (per Same of PPM.) 5 6 to 9 0 e merchants*, grecers and colosiiel were:lento throughuut voluntary system which hui.l necessitated the establislameot Sheep (per lb einkirm the i ffal)..., 0 01 e 0 0 idd rmeeo sdale hems eiceptiongly putt stocks to choose of a. Selltxd Board. and so paying the way for its eventual Agricultural Society, on Tuesday, Lord Loudes- Major Allan (adjutant) and other officers of tiA_TEPAYeE. re umpteen: (2) carrying out an obiret whieh Mee Morritt Nos. Shown :—Cattle. % borough was elected president. ibis Woollen were also present. The blinds of Sheep 1.106
