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Institutional Publications Institutional Publications (Other)

1977 The U.S. Navy on the / 1977

Military Publishers v 425 N38 E88 1977 \} 42 5 1'l3iS E-Z-6 Naval Postgraduate School Officer of the Day 2441 1~1 1 Information Operator (Normal working hours) 2411 Military Personnel Office 2346 Public Affairs Office 2023 Master Chief Petty Officer of the Command 2437 BOQ 206012069 BEQ 2436 Fleet Numerical Weather Central Command Duty Officer 2137 Computer Systems Watch Officer 2337 Commanding Officer 2141 Master Chief Petty Officer of the Command 2446 Administrative Office 2143 Navy Environmental Prediction Research Facility Commanding Officer 2928 Executive Officer 2943 Chief Petty Officer of the Command 2965 Director of Research 2675 Naval Telecommunications Center Officer in Charge 2070 Watch Supervisor 2020 Defense Resources Management Education Center Executive Director 2306 Administrative Officer 2104 Naval Reserve Training Center Chief Petty Officer in Charge 372-0528 When dialing from off base, it is nec­ Army Health Clinic of the Presidio essary to add prefix 646 to any 4-digit of Monterey number. The AUTOVON prefix if 878. Novy Medical Administrative Emergency Unit 242-8614 Ambulance (civilian) 911 Clubs 2333 From on base NPS Commissioned Officers and 2333 NPS Fire Department Facu lty Club 2170 Monterey County (Police NPS CPO Club 2049 911 and Fire) NPS Enlisted Club (Criscuolo 2555 NPS Security Hall) 2358 Fort Ord Emergency Room 242-7631 Fort Ord Poison Control Miscellaneous Center 242-5340 Navy Relief Society 373-7665 After hours 242-7631 Navy Federal Credit Union 373-2725 Monterey Peninsula Federal Credit Union 373-2131 Counseling Alcohol 2437 Drug (Information) 2346

UNOFFICIAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE Published by Military Publishers, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps. Opinions expressed by the publisher and writers herein are their own and are not to be considered an official expression by the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps. The appearance of advertisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps of the products or services advertised. D ~Ji-..s·· r.- ,-y VNOX LIBRARY t-..1/l\. ' - •1._:,fV'-..- ESCHOOL MONT~REY CA 93943-5101 bleof

Religi!=>US 24 Services TheNaval Postgraduate 2 School

Housing25 Information l ~~

AWord 4 for Sl'udents

Educational28 Facilities Tenantand ll ~ J Other .. es ... .,, .. ftFim~ 1 Schools

1 ~~ lQGeneralInformation

Montereythe32 Peninsula llbr- _ ORecreation ! ~ J ....MILi ·-·--- IAHY -t"'UBLISHERS s 6136 Mission Gorge Rd. 2 P.O. Box 1000 San Diego, Ca. 92138 (714) 280-8221 ()MILITARY PUBLISHERS, 1977 A Brief Look at the Navy's Graduate School

The Naval Postgraduate School was established at Annapolis, Md., June 9, 1909, with ten officer students and a faculty of three. There was one cur­ riculum, marine engineering. Its pro­ grams expanded through the years in response to growing Navy needs; now, after 67 years of providing grad­ uate education far naval officers, the school offers over 50 different cur­ riculums and ranks academically with the best graduate universities in the country. More than 12,000 academic degrees, from baccalaureate through doctorate, have been awarded since 1945, when Congress authorized the school to grant them. The Naval Postgraduate School is fully accredited by the Western Associ­ ation of Schools and Colleges, with specific engineering curricula accred­ ited by the Engineers' Council for Pro­ fession a I Development. On its multimillion-dollar campus, the school offers more than 600 courses in sci­ ence, engineering, management and other fields. Eighty percent of the students of the Navy's postgraduate program are studying at Monterey, with the remain­ der enrolled at 50 civilian universities in other parts of the U.S. At present, more than 1000 officers of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force and Coast Guard, as well as U.S. govern­ ment civilians and officers from 25 al­ lied countries, are being educated at the Postgraduate School for leadership in the modern world. The NPS campus is now located on the spacious grounds of Monterey's former Hotel Del Monte, where it was moved in 1951.

From NPS to the Moon

Most NPS military graduates go on to assignments at the operational, staff or command level. Many alumni have made significant contributions to their professions and to science-Admiral 3

Arleigh "31-knot" Burke, Admiral U.S. Grant Sharp, Jr. and Admiral Hyman Rickover, to name a few. Seven graduates became astro­ nauts, including Commander Eugene A. Ceman, who circumnavigated the moon in Apollo 10, and Commander Edgar D. Mitchell, who walked on the moon as part of the Apollo 14 mission.

Aviation Safety Programs

Each naval aviation activity, from squadron to carrier level, is required to have a qualified aviation safety officer (ASO) on board. The Naval Post­ graduate School educates these spe­ cialists, either naval aviators or naval flight officers, in two programs. The first is a six-week course given eight times a year for squadron level ASOs who will assist their commanding officers with aggressive accident prevention pro­ grams. The second program, ad­ vanced safety management, is a four-week, four-times-a-year course aimed at the ASO assuming the higher responsibilities of safety officer on a major staff. A one-week command safety course is held five times a year for squadron commanding officers . .• Organization and Educational Programs

The superintendent of the Naval Postgraduate School is a rear admiral of the Navy line. Assisting him is the provost, who is the senior member of the civilian faculty. The school is orga­ nized under two Navy captains of the line who serve as director of military operations and logistics and director of programs. Curricular offices are staffed by offi­ cers who are responsible for the estab­ lishment and supervision of curriculums which meet the objectives of the spon­ sors, and for the administration of the students enrolled in their curriculums. They also provide direct liaison be­ tween students and their program sponsors in the Systems Commands and other offices of the Navy Depart­ ment. Working closely with the curricu­ lar officers are the academic as­ sociates, civilian faculty members ap­ pointed by the provost to advise cur­ ricular officers in developing and moni­ toring curricular programs. Students in each group pursue simi­ lar or closely related curriculums. In most of these areas, a common core program of study is followed for at least half the period of residency. The academic departments are chaired by civilian members of the fac­ ulty. Their primary functions are to pro­ vide classroom and laboratory instruc­ tion, supervise thesis work, and foster research programs. The School's eleven academic de- partments are: Aeronautics Electrical Engineering National Security Affairs Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Meteorology Oceanography Operations Research Administrative Sciences Physics and Chemistry Computer Science The educational programs offered by the Naval Postgraduate School fall 5

~ into several general categories: a. Engineering and scientific educa­ NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL tion leading to designated advanced MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA - 93940 or professional degrees. b. Management education to the master's level. c. Graduate education in the field of WELCOME ABOARD . . . .. naval intelligence leading to o master Let me extend a friendly welcome to you who have been au igned . i_I of arts degree. to duty at the Naval Postgraduate School, and to your families. U you come as a student, you can count yourself fortunate; you have d. Professional education designed been selected to attend a graduate school ranking with the best in the to build upon and broaden the base of nation, but one oriented basically to the needs of the Department of Defense. You will study hard while you are here, but you and your professional naval experience. service will both profit. ln this time of burgeoning technology our nation must place increasing dependence on those key leaders who Ji The Postgraduate School operates have gai:1ed the benefits of advanced education. on the quarter system, with a two-week Others among you jolnlng our NPS community, are I believe, recess over the Christmas holidays, equally fortunate. You will find the atmosphere here to be unique amonK Navy communities, combining as it docs an air o! quiet and another two-week recess at the academic purpose with the more everyday pursuits o! military life. You will alto enjoy our 1mall adjoining communities, rich in Cali­ end of spring quarter (the end of June). fornia history, where life seems to move al a slower pace than in Other than applying themselves to the world at large. My warmest wishes for a happy and profitable to1Jr ii. t the Naval their studies, students hove no major Postgraduate School. duties while in residence. Program schedules are such that students JL_U should anticipate spending several ISHAM LINDER Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy hours in evening study during the Superintendent week, to supplement the study time available between classes. Name Tags: Whether in uniform or civilian dress, students wear name tags Monterey Peninsula Chamber of Commerce~ while on school grounds in a duty and Visitors and Convention Bureau status. llovember 11, 1976 S Dress: Military students will wear uniforms when reporting in. While school is in session, all stu­ dents will wear civilian clothes. Civilian Welcome to the Monterey Peninsula ... attire will be neat and conservative, We are glad to have you here. and wish you a pleasant and and for the men will include coat and rewarding tour of duty. Here on the Monterey Peninsula you shoul cS tie, or turtleneck. find almost anything you are seeking: fine schools and churches The School Day: The daily schedule for your families. unparalleled recreational activities, pleasant consists of nine SO-minute periods on neighborhood living. extensive shopping facilities, and one of the Monday through Friday, with the first world's most even climates are just sane of the area's advantages. class convening at 0810, and the last I believe you will find a wann welcome wherever you go. class ending at 1700. Students ore not For specific infonnat1on on various aspects of the area, I normally required to remain on cam­ ~ nvite you to call the Chamber of Cornnerce at (408) 649-3200. pus during breaks in class or labora­ tory instruction. Absence: Attendance at all sched­ ~ 1 ~ uled classes, lectures, flight periods or Executive Vice President other curricular events is the responsi­ bility of the student. Absence is not au­

thorized, except with the permission of BMP:bc the appropriate curricular officer. Leave: Normally, regular leave may be taken during the Christmas and summer recesses. Emergency leave is granted during the regular academic POST OFFICE BOX 1no • MONTEREY. CALIFORNIA 93940 - TEL. 14081649-3200 year. Defense Resources Management Education Center

The Defense Resources Manage­ ment Education Center (formerly Navy Management Systems Center) was es­ tablished in February 1966 as a jointly staffed DoD-sponsored activity. The center conducts both resident and an­ site defense resource management courses for U.S. and foreign military personnel of all services in grades 0 4 and above and military-related civil­ ians of equal grades. The focus of the programs con­ ducted· by the Center is the develop­ ment of knowledge and understanding of the concepts, techniques and appli­ cations of modern defense manage­ ment systems, with specific emphasis on effective resource management. The Center offers three types of courses. The four-week Defense Man­ agement Systems Course is attended by military/civilian participants 04-06/ GS12-15, who work in planning, pro­ gramming, budgeting, systems analysis or resource-related activities of DoD components in the office of Secretary of Defense, departmental or agency headquarters and selected major commands. The Flag/General Defense Management Course is of­ fered to generals and admirals and senior civilians, GS- 16 to GS- 18. This one-week course presents a broad overview of defense management sys­ tems and develops improved under­ standing of analysis and decision­ moking in the Department of Defense. The third program offered by the Center is international management training. Resident courses ore the four-week Senior International De­ fense Management Course and the 13-week International Defense Man­ agement Course. These courses are at­ tended by military/civilian participants from all services and countries. In addition to resident programs, mobile training teams are available on request and assistance is given to cooperating foreign countries in the 7

general area of defense management. The Center also presents on-site pro­ grams to U.S. service components and selected state governments. Executive Director of DRMEC is Dr. John E. Dawson.

Fleet Numerical Weather Central

Fleet Numerical Weather Central (FNWC) is the master computer center and controller of the Navy' s Worldwide Environmental Data Net­ work . Its mission is to provide meteorologicol and oceanographic products as needed by tlie Depart­ ment of the Navy on an operational basis. 8

oceanographic forecasts. Updated forecasts are then sent directly to the ships during the voyage. Fleet Numerical Weather Central completed its move into the new Edwin T. Harding Building in April of 1975. The building, named for the first Com­ m and er, Naval Weather Service Command, is located at the Naval Postgraduate School Annex adjoining the Monterey Peninsula Airport. The multimillion-dollar meteorological center enables FNWC to operate from one location for the first time in its his­ tory. The Harding Building houses the command's computer, administration and operations departments. Other FNWC departments are located at the NPS Annex. FNWC commanding officer is Cap­ tain R. E. Hughes, USN.

Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility

Naval Environmental Prediction Re­ search Facility (NEPRF), a field activity Forecasting is a fully computerized they operate. Conventional charts are of Naval Air Systems Command, con­ process at FNWC. Weather obser­ supplemented by a number of derived ducts applied research in various vations are received through products and services tailored for areas of environmental science for the computer-to-computer links with the unique Navy operations. purpose of developing objective local, Air Force's Automated Weather Net­ These environmental analyses and regional, and global atmospheric work and the Navy's Environmental predictions are then transmitted on analysis and prediction techniques. Data Network. The raw data are col­ high-speed computer-to-computer NEPRF is located at the NPS Annex. lected at FNWC, quality-checked, links to the Navy's Fleet Weather Cen­ The primary users of NEPRF's re­ sorted and edited by computer pro­ trals around the world (Guam, Pearl search are the Navy meteorologists, grams. The computers use mathemati­ Harbor, Norfolk, and Rota, Spain). At worldwide, who issue operational en­ cal models to produce hemispheric these sites, the hemispheric products vironmental forecasts. The products analyses and forecasts of the total en­ are tailored by computer to fit user re­ developed by NEPRF take several vironment, both atmosphere and quirements. Specific forecasts are then forms, such as sophisticated computer ocean, from these reports. transmitted to operating forces through models for use by Fleet Numerical Numerical analyses transform these conventional Navy channels. Weather Central in Monterey or by observations into a "picture" of the In one area, FNWC hos been tasked Fleet Weather Centrals around the atmospheric and oceanic conditions at with providing direct environmental world. Some are user manuals and a given time. This picture is used to support to ships at sea. This is the Op­ guides for meteorological satellite data provide initial conditions from which timum Track Ship Routing program, users. Others are regional forecasting numerical forecasts evolve. A sophisti­ under which FNWC provides a fore­ handbooks and special publications cated series of prediction programs cast for the least time/least damage on tropical forecasting. Still others are generate forecast variables such as route, upon request, to government documented studies on the effects of wind, temperature, pressure, moisture shipping on the Pacific Ocean. Prior to the environment on naval detection, and sea conditions to provide fleet departure ships requesting this service weapon, or communication systems. In units with a four-dimensional measure are advised of the optimum route short, NEPRF's interests encompass all of the air-ocean environment in which based on long-range weather and atmospheric phenomena that affect the Navy's operating forces. A program of cooperative research and development is maintained be­ tween NEPRF, Fleet Numerical Weather Central, and the Naval Post­ graduate School. Also, a free ex­ change of ideas with other gov­ ernmental agencies and academic in­ stitutions, both in the U.S. and abroad, helps keep NEPRF abreast of devel­ opments in atmospheric science. NEPRF's commanding officer is Cap­ tain Pierre A. Petit.

Naval Medical Administrative Unit Presidio of Monterey Health Clinic

The Naval Medical Administrative Unit (NMAU) was established at the Army's Presidio Health Clinic when the NRMC Branch Clinic was disestab­ lished on 17December1976. NMAU is charged with the responsibility to facili­ tate naval members' and their families' medical care at the Army facilities. Lieutenant David Gervais, Medical Service Corps, is the Officer in Charge of the Naval Medical Administrative Unit. For additional information see under Medical Services (page 18). Naval Reserve Training Center

A Naval Training Center (NRTC) is Manpower Research and located at 1352 Lighthouse Ave., Mon­ Data Analysis Center terey. It supports a Seabee reserve de­ tachment, several surface units and a The Department of Defense Man­ naval intelligence unit. power Research and Data Analysis Center (MARDAC) became an NPS Naval Telecommunications tenant command two years ago when Center it moved to Monterey from the Washington, D.C. area. MARDAC's A Naval Telecommunications Center chief function is collecting and analyz­ (NTCC) is located in Bldg. 700 of the ing manpower data for DOD and NPS Annex. It has a staff of 24, and is other government agencies. Located a manned 24 hours a day to provide few blocks from the NPS campus, communications support for naval ac­ MARDAC utilizes the NPS computer tivities in the Monterey area. NTCC is facilities and receives research assis­ an activity of the Naval Communica­ tance from NPS students and faculty tions Station, Stockton, Calif. members. Reporting In

During normal working hours report in uniform of the day to the Military Personnel Office, Rm. 131, Herrmann Hall. After working hours, report to the OOD at the Quarterdeck, located just inside the main entrance to Herrmann Hall. Information on reporting in may be obtained from the Quarterdeck by call­ ing 646-2441.

Uniform Information

Staff personnel must wear Service Dress Blue or optional uniforms as out­ lined in NPS Instructions. All students will wear civilian clothes, with coat and tie. For men a turtleneck sweater may be worn in lieu of shirt and tie. BOQ

Bachelor Officer Quarters are avail­ able for single officers only. There are no government quarters within the BOQ for dependents. Information on housing is contained in another sec­ tion. BOQ RESERVATIONS ARE RE­ QUESTED. BEQ

Bachelor Enlisted Quarters· are lo­ cated in Bldg. 259, directly behind Herrmann Hall. Facilities include a rec­ reation room, TV lounge and a laundry available only to BEQ residents. Senior enlisted quarters for those in paygrades E-6 through E-9 are located on the east end of the second deck of the BEQ. Information concerning authorized guests in the BEQ is available from the BEQ manager or assistant manager, in the BEQ office located on the first deck.

Privately Owned Vehicles

Personnel attached to the Post­ gr9duate School are required to regis­ ter their cars with the Security Police 11

Office in order to operate on school property. Upon presentation of proof of insurance in required amounts, a Vehicle Station Pass (decal) will be issued. Do not sell or transfer automobiles with the station decals still affixed, and keep the Security Officer advised of all vehicles sold or transferred so that the decal can be voided. This is most im­ portant for security reasons. Motorcy­ cles are permitted on the campus grounds. Detailed traffic regulations are issued lo reporting personnel upon checking in.

Post Office

A branch of the U.S. Post Office is located at the rear of Herrmann Hall. Stamps, money orders, registry service and box rentals are provided from 0830-1630 Monday through Friday. Money order sales close at 1615. Student Mail Center

A Student Mail Center, located in the basement of Herrmann Hall, distrib­ utes U.S. Mail and official notices to students. Window service is from 0800 lo 1630 Monday through Friday. Ex­ cept for distribution and forwarding of mail, no postal services are provided. Student Mail Center (SMC) box numbers are assigned when the Post­ graduate School receives a student's orders. Students are notified by mail of their SMC box number and new ad­ dress.

Dependent l.D. Cards

Application forms for Un iformed Services Identification and Privilege Cards (DD-1172) are available in the Military Personnel Office in Herrmann Hall. Cards will be issued between 0800 and 1600, Monday through Fri ­ day. 12

Household Goods

For information and arrangements concerning household goods ship­ ments, contact the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Army or Air Force, Household Goods Office nearest your residence or duty station. The Personal Property Office at the Naval Postgraduate School handles household goods shipments from and to the Monterey area for Novy, Morine Corps and Coast Guard personnel. Shipments for Army and Air Force per­ sonnel are handled by Fort Ord. The Naval Postgraduate School House­ hold Goods Office is located in Build­ ing 221, East Wing, Herrmann Hall, Room E-107 A, telephone number area code (408) 646-2151. The Autovon number is 878-2151. When Autovon is not available and urgent communica­ tion concerning a shipment is neces­ sary, the Household Goods Office will accept collect calls from the member or spouse. Parking space is available in parking lot "E" (see map following last white page.) Help reduce government costs for yourself and other taxpayers by dispos­ ing of unwanted items prior to pickup dates for shipments or storage. Dona­ tions of items to charitable organi­ zations may be tax deductible. Novy and Army housing units ore equipped with kitchen ranges and re­ frigerators. Some Navy housing units also have dishwashers. If you are to be a student for a period in excess of 20 weeks and expect to occupy partially furnished private or government hous­ ing, you are entitled to government­ poid nontemporary storage at your present duty station for stoves, dish­ washers, refrigerators, freezers, rugs, and other household goods not needed during this tour. This storage entitlement does not increase your au­ thorized weight allowance and is in lieu of shipment entitlement. The House­ hold Goods Office nearest your resi­ dence or duty station can assist you in 13

arranging for this nontemporary stor­ age. Nontemporary storage near the point of origin will reduce movement and handling and thereby decrease damage possibilities to your house­ hold goods. If you ship your household goods to Monterey and then decide to live in private housing, you are authorized temporary storage of household goods for 90 days but you are not au­ thorized government paid nontempo­ rary storage in Monterey. Military per­ sonnel (student·or staff) who are within their authorized household goods weight allowance and who move into government quarters ore eligible for nontemporory storage at government expense in the Monterey area for household goods which cannot be ac­ commodated in the assigned govern­ ment quarters. If you are in excess of your authorized weight allowance and move into government quarters and desire to place some household goods in nontemporary storage, you must pay for packing, drayage, handling and storage charges for the total of the excess weight. The Personal Property Office originating your shipment has specific consignment information for shipments 14

to Monterey. When possible, ship­ livery address is correct. If the carrier paydays when hours are 0900-1500. ments should be consigned to a spe­ tries to deliver on the scheduled deliv­ There is a branch of the Monterey cific residence address. ery date and you or your authorized Savings & Loan Association just out­ Unaccompanied baggage ship­ agent are not present, you may be side the NPS Ninth Street gate. Hours ments of 225 pounds or less should be charged for waiting time and redeliv­ of operation ore 0830- 1700 Monday consigned to the Transportation Offi­ ery costs. through Thursday, and 0830-1800 Fri­ cer, Naval Postgraduate School, Build­ If you discover items have been day. ing 229. After arrival, owners may pick damaged during the move, please no­ these shipments up during normal tify the Household Goods Office as Credit Unions working hours or have the items deliv­ soon as possible. The carrier is not li­ ered upon a minimum of 24 hours able for damages to items not un­ Two credit unions are located in the notice. packed by the carrier unless notifica­ basement of Herrmann Hall: Please call the Household Goods tion in writing is made within 30 days. The Monterey Peninsula Federal Office (646-2151) as soon as you ar­ Failure to properly report all damaged Credit Union (373-2131) is open from rive on the Monterey Peninsula. Do not or missing items promptly may result in 0945 to 1600, Monday through Friday. wait until you have found permanent a reduction of the amount the Gov­ Services include real estate, auto and housing or until you have reported. ernment will pay on your claim. other loans, and savings accounts. All Your early call may help expedite de­ By contacting the Household Goods military and civilian personnel attached livery of your shipment, or may help Office and paying removal and access to the Naval Postgraduate School, as avoid unnecessary temporary storage charges, you may withdraw partial lots well as those who live or work in the expense for the government. Short­ of household goods from nontempo­ city of Monterey, are eligible far these term storage for one day costs the rary storage without forfeiting your services. same as storage for one month .. . right to continued storage. The Navy Federal Credit Union approximately $600 for l 0,000 It is to the member's benefit to keep (373-2725) is open from 0800 to 1630 pounds. Avoiding temporary storage receipts and records of moving ex­ Monday through Friday, and from reduces extra handling, thereby de­ penses. The Navy does not include 0900 to 1300 Saturday. Services in­ creasing damage possibilities to your amounts paid to the member for clude savings accounts, home im­ household goods. mileage or dislocation allowance in the provement, furniture and vehicle loans, If you do not have a private or gov­ annual W-2 forms; however, the and signature loons. Services are ernment residence available on the amounts received should be reported available to the Navy military commu­ day your shipment arrives in Monterey, on income tax returns since the Internal nity, active and retired. shipments over 225 pounds are placed Revenue Service considers these in temporary storage with local carriers amounts as part of gross income. Even or contractors. You are entitled to 90 though the member uses the standard Enlisted Dining Facility - days temporary storage at govern­ deduction or a tax table, the IRS allows 2063 ment expense. If you are unable to ac­ certain specific moving expenses to be cept your shipment within 90 days, deducted on income tax returns. IRS Located just inside the contact the Household Goods Office Form 3903 should be used to deduct Del Monte Ave. gate. for information concerning an exten­ travel expenses {including meals and sion of the storage period. lodging far member and family), cer­ Hours ore: In the event suitable permanent tain costs of selling, purchasing or leas­ Weekdays ...... 0630-0730 housing is not available upon arrival in ing a house and costs of temporary 1130-1230 the area, a portion of your household quarters. Your local legal or JAG office 1630-1730 goods may be delivered to a tempo­ can furnish more specific information. Weekends 0730-1000 rary residence without forfeiting the & 1100-1200 right to continued temporary storage Banking Facilities Holidays 1630-1730 and delivery of the balance at a later dote. The Bank of America Notional Trust Delivery and unpacking services ore and Savings Association operates a Enlisted Men's Club normally available Monday through banking facility in the basement of Friday. You are responsible for making Herrmann Hall. It handles all banking Located in Criscuolo Holl, the En­ arrangements with the Household transactions, with the exception of loan listed Men's Club is open to all active Goods Office to accept your ship­ grants. Operating hours are l 000- and retired enlisted men and their de­ ments. Please make certain that the de- 1500 on workdays except on Novy pendents. 15

Hours are: Monday-Friday ...... 1600-2330 Saturday 1200-2330 Sunday ...... 1600-2330 Friday Band Nights .. 1600-0115 Snock Bar: Monday-Friday ...... 11 00- 1300 Bingo: Every Wednesday 1930-2230 ' Chiefs' Club (at NPS Annex)

{open to E-6 also) located just inside the Annex main gate. Hours ore: Monday ...... 1100- 1300 Tuesday-Thursday . . . 1100-2330 Friday ...... 1100-0200 Saturday ...... 1100-2330 Sunday ...... Closed

Commissioned Officers and Faculty Club - 372-1339

The Naval Postgraduate School Of­ ficers and Faculty Club is among the finest in the Navy. Its services ore pro­ vided lo alt active duty officers of the armed forces, civilian students, faculty members and other specific groups. BankAmericard and Mastercharge ore accepted for package store, evening food services and El Prado bar. Continental breakfast -0730-l 030, El Rancho. Luncheon-1100-1330, Trident Room; 1100-1315, El Rancho (caleterio) . Dinner-1830-2030 Thur. ; 1830- 2130 Fri . & Sot., El Prado. Attractive rooms at the Club are available for private parties, and the Club will provide prepared menu se­ lections for home parties. For details coll 372-1339. Remember to make reservations early and do let the Club know ii you must cancel them. 16

Guarantee on Party Reservations

Private parties in our dining rooms for which reservations have been made for 20 or more persons, must sign a contract (at least 24 hours prior to the event} guaranteeing 95% atten­ dance.

Disbursing Facilities

The Disbursing Office serves the Postgraduate School, Environmental Prediction Research Facility, Fleet Nu­ merical Weather Central, Naval Re­ serve Training Center and the Defense Language Institute. It is located in Herrmann Hall on the first floor of the East Wing. Business is transacted from 0800 to 1630 Monday through Friday. The school's disbursing personnel strive to give the best service possible, but there are two things you can do to help them improve the service. ( 1} Avoid calling or visiting the office on paydays and the last working day of the month. (2) Try to give Disbursing at least three days notice before picking up advance pay, travel TRs, special pay, etc. Regular Paydays: Military personnel are paid on the 15th and 30th of each month or on the preceding workday if a regular payday falls on a weekend or holiday. Civilian personnel are paid every two weeks. Allotments: Registration of allot­ ments is accomplished on all working days, except paydays and the last working day of the month. Travel claims: Travel claims are ac­ cepted for payment during any work­ ing day. Under normal circumstances travel claims are processed within four working days. Automatic Crediting of Pay Checks: Using the power of attorney proce­ dure, personnel may have regular pay checks mailed directly to the financial organization of their choice. Personnel desiring to make use of this procedure should contact the Disbursing Office. 17

Navy Exchange La Mesa Beauty Shop-372-1121 Monday-Saturday ..... 0930-2100 Monday-Tuesday ...... 0800-1530 Sunday ...... 1000-1800 Wednesday-Saturday .. 0800-1700 Most activities are centrally located Main Cafeteria-Bldg. 2017, in Bldg. 301 on Fleming Road. Hours of Navy Exchange Office (East Wing of 2nd Avenue at 6th Street operation are: Herrmann Holl)-2576, 375-3737 Monday-Saturday .. .. . 0630-2030 Monday-Friday ...... 0800-1630 Retail Store-373-3575 Sunday, Holidays ...... 0800-2030 Main Cafeteria (in basement of King Outdoor/Garden Store-373-5666 Beauty Shop-Main PX Personalized Services-373-2725 Hall) Monday-Friday ...... 1100-1330 Some hours as Main PX Sport & Bike Shop-373-0828 Snack Bar and Fountain (in Herrmann Uniform Shop Other Exchange Facilities Tuesday-Friday ...... l 030- 1700 Hall, main dining level, across from Saturday ...... l 000- 1700 Photo Lab) Monday-Friday ...... 0730-1515 At the Presidio of Monterey, there is Bookstore-373-7343/1121 a Branch PX in Bldg. 267. Its inventory Monday-Friday ...... l 030-1700 Snack Bar (in swimming pool solarium) includes a small food section which Saturday ...... 1000- 1700 Open when pool is open. carries milk, bread, beverages, etc. There is also a beauty shop upstairs in Main Barbershop-373-2232 Beer and Soda Sales Outlet (at service Bldg . 228, behind the gymnasium. PX Monday-Saturday ..... 0830-1700 station) Same hours as service station. hours are: Appointment Barbership, Bldg. 220- NPS Package Store-373-7511 Monday-Friday...... l 000- 1800 373-5505 Saturday ...... 1000-1700 Monday-Friday ...... 0830-1630 Located adjacent to the Post Office, near parking lot "E" at the rear of Presidio gas station, Bldg. 230: Laundry, Drycleaning and Cobbler Herrmann Hall. Beer, liquor, wine, mix­ Shop-373-7660 ers, cocktail snacks and bar acces­ Monday-Friday...... l 000- 1700 Monday-Saturday .... . 0900-1700 sories are available. Saturday ...... 1000-1500 Tailor Shop-373-7660 Monday-Saturday . . . . . l 000-1700 Monday-Friday ...... 0900-1700 Open Thursday and Friday evening Commissary Store Saturday ...... 0900-1330 until 1800. Personalized Services (in Bldg. 301 )- There is no commissary at NPS; Cashier-373-7393 however, the Army commissary at Ford Monday ...... 1100- 1400 373-2725 Services include an optical shop, Ord is available. The main store is lo­ Tuesday-Friday ...... l 030-1700 cated in Bldg. 4240 off Gigling Road . Saturday ...... l 000-1700 engraving, key duplicating, color lV rental, typewriter rental, floor polisher Phone 242-3663. Hours of operation Service Station-373-7271 rental, rug shampoo rental, floral or­ are: Retail & Service ders, gift wrapping, plaques, ring or­ Monday-Friday...... l 000-1800 Tuesday-Saturday . .. . . 0800-1700 ders, film developing and printing. Saturday ...... 0800- 1600 Pumps operated Same hours as Retail Store. Sunday ...... 0930- 1530 Tuesday-Saturday . . . . . l 000-1700 Information and application regard­ ing Exchange Privilege cards may be La Mesa Convenience Store-375- Child Care Centers obtained from the Navy Exchange 0959 Office. Monday-Saturday . . . . . l 000- 1900 At Naval Postgraduate School, the Sunday ...... 1200-1800 Child Care Center is located in Bldg. Delicatessen-373-7807 Ft. Ord Exchange 238. Children must be at least six Monday-Saturday . . . . . 1130-1900 months old, and parents must submit a Sunday ...... 1200- 1800 Main PX-Bldg. 4235, shot record upon their initial entry. Gigling Road Rotes are 75 cents for the first hour and Ice Cream Store-373-7807 60 cents each additional hour for the Monday-Friday ...... l 000-1800 Monday-Saturday . . . . . 1430-1900 l st child, 2nd child 40 cents for each Saturday and Sunday . . l 000-1700 Sunday ...... 1200- 1800 hour. Lunch is served from 1100-1200 Country Store-Bldg. 3125, and supper (on Friday and Saturdays 4th Avenue only) from 1730- 1800 for a charge of 18

ant activities are required to personally deliver their medical records to the Naval Medical Administrative Unit. The Si las B. Hayes Army Hospital, located at the Fort Ord Army Base, provides outpatient care, inpatient care and consultation services. All ac­ tive duty personnel, and dependents under the Presidio of Monterey Family Practice program are required to go to the Presidio Health Clinic first except in the case of emergencies.

Military Outpatient Care

Military Sickcall is held at the Pres­ idio of Monterey Health Clinic, Mon­ day through Friday, from 0700-0930. There is no sickcall on weekends and 60 cents per child. Attendants will feed liver comprehensive and quality medi­ holidays. All eligible beneficiaries who infants their own food for a charge of cal care to active duty and dependent require care on the weekends or holi­ 30 cents. Hours of operation are: personnel of the Presidio of Monterey, Naval Postgraduate School, and its days are directed to the Acute Minor Monday-Thursday . . ... 0800-1700 tenant activities. The Health Clinic op­ Il lness Clinic at the Silas B. Hayes Army Friday ...... 0800-0130 erates under the concept of Family Hospital. The AMIC Clinic operates on Saturday ...... 1700-0130 Practice which provides the opportu­ a walk-in basis from 0730-2100 hours Sunday ...... Church hours only nity to receive health care from a pri­ daily. Please pick up your medical rec­ Reservations are required for use of the mary care physician/nurse team. ord from the POM Health Clinic prior Child Care Center. All active duty personnel and their to going to this Clinic. The Child Care Center operates pre­ dependents who are assigned to the Active Duty members may also school classes for three and four­ Presidio of Monterey, Naval Post­ utilize the Health Clinic's appointment year-olds mornings and afternoons graduate School, or its tenant activi­ system for medical care with a physi­ during the school year and a Summer ties, and other Navy/Marine Corps cian outside of normal sick call hours Fun Program June through August personnel stationed in the Monterey by calling 242-8235. from 0930-1200. Check with the office area are eligible for care. In addition, for further information. Phone 646- all retired military personnel and their Dependent and Retired 2734. dependents who maintained their Outpatient Care Nurseries are provided at Ft. Ord health records and received the major­ (242-3013) off 9th Street in the old ity of their health care at the old Pres­ Appointments: The Presidio Health hospital area, and at the Defense Lan­ idio of Monterey and Naval Post­ Clinic provides outpatient care to ac­ guage Institute in Bldg. 234. Children graduate School Dispensaries during tive duty personnel and their depen­ between the ages of three months and the 1975-76 year are eligible. dents, and to retirees on an appoint­ 12 years are accepted at the main Ft. The Naval Medical Administrative ment basis only. Appointments may be Ord and DU nurseries. Unit is located in the Presidio of Mon­ scheduled by calling 242-8664/8670/ terey Health Clinic. The Unit is respon­ 8671 during duty hours (0700-1600, Medical Services sible for the coordination of medical Monday thru Friday). care of all Navy and Marine Corps Emergencies: If an acute illness de­ The Presidio of Monterey Health beneficiaries stationed in the Monterey velops during duty hours, phone 242- Clinic is a· combined services outpa­ Area. The Unit maintains custody of the 8235 and a time will be set so that the tient medical facility located on the Health Records of all Active Duty patient will be seen as quickly as pos­ Presidio of Monterey, in Bldg. 422 on Navy/ Marine Corps personnel. sible. For emergencies and acute Kit Carson Road. As of 17 December Navy/Marine Corps personnel report­ illnesses after normal duty hours, you 197 6, the Army and Navy have under­ ing for duty to the Presidio of Monterey will be referred to the Silas B. Hayes taken a new mission in an effort to de- Naval Postgraduate School, or its ten- Army Hospital Emergency Room. 19

Other Clinic Services

The Presidio Health Clinic provides general outpatient medical care. Addi­ tional services are available at the clinic by appointment only: a. Well Baby Clinic: Wednesday 1300-1600. b . Prenatal Checks: Thursdays 1300-1600. c. Wart Clinic: Thursdays 0900- 1100. Treatment must be prescribed by a physician. d. Physical Exams for dependents: by appointment only. Pharmacy,X-Ray,and Laboratory Services

These services are maintained to as­ sist the medical officers in diagnosis and treatment and are available from 0700- 1600, Monday through Friday. Requests from civilian physicians for laboratory and x-ray procedures will be accepted within the capabilities and workload of the Health Clinic. Prescrip­ tions from civilian physicians will be filled only if they are written properly Physical Examinations for Dental Services and if the drug is on hand. Prescrip­ Active Duty Personnel tions from civilian physicians should be The Dental Department is located on written generically, if possible, since no Physical Examinations for all active the fourth floor of Herrmann Hall. Per­ drug substitutions can be made. duty personnel are performed by the sonnel reporting to the school are in­ lnnoculations Physical Examination Clinic, Silas B. structed to make an appointment for Hayes Army Hospital, on an appoint­ examination. Annual examinations are ment basis only. Appointments may be required. There is no designated pe­ Monday through Friday 0800- 1100 scheduled by calling 242-7611 . All riod for sick call. Appointments may be and 1300-1545. No appointments are Aviation physical examinations are made by telephone. Personnel having necessary. Allergic/desensitizing injec­ scheduled through the Flight Surgeon, emergency conditions may report tions are administered in this clinic dur­ Army Hospital Physical Examination without prior arrangement. Telephone ing the same hours. Patients must be Clinic at 242-4468. All Navy/Marine 646-247712478. prepared to remain for 30 minutes after Corps physical examinations are co­ receiving immunizations/injections. ordinated by the Navy Aviation Medi­ Fort Ord Small Animal Ambulance Services cine Technician attached to the Army Facility Hospital Physical Examination Clinic. l . La Mesa Housing Residents : Dial Bldg. 3144, four buildings in from the 911. CHAMPUS Information corner of 9th Street and 5th Avenue. 2. Residents of the Monterey Civi­ The fa cility does not provide exami­ lian Communities: Dial 911. A Health Benefits Counselor is nations or treatment, but it does give 3. Personnel living on/working on available for information and help inoculations for a small fee. Distemper, the Naval Postgraduate School Cam­ concerning CHAMPUS and other hepatitis, lepta and rabies shots are pus and Naval Postgraduate School health care benefits. Call 242-4823 given on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Annex: Dial X-2333. during normal duty hours. 1300- 1515. Swimming Pool

The swimming pool is open from May through September. Operating hours are: Tuesday-Sunday ...... 1200-1800 Dependents and bona-fide guests may use the pool.

Putting Green

There is a putting green conveniently located on the east side of Herrmann Hall. All Postgraduate School per­ sonnel may use it.

Tennis Courts

There ore 12 courts of championship quality, two of which ore located below the swimming pool, two forward of Herrmann Hall, two in La Mesa Vil­ lage adjacent to the La Mesa School, two lighted courts in La Mesa Village, two behind the housing office in La Mesa Village and two beside the NPS dispensary. Courts may be used only by authorized personnel. See posted rules.

Ping Pong

Table is located in King Hall, Bldg. 237 during the winter season and in the solarium at the swimming pool during the summer season.


An indoor court is located in the gymnasium. Racquets and shuttle­ cocks ore available in the Gear Issue Room.


There is a regulation size court in the gymnasium.


There is one court at the picnic 21

grounds, one court behind the NPS dispensary and one court next to Spanagel Hall. There are also two courts in the gymnasium.


A diamond is located on Garden Drive across from Del Monte Lake. Its use should be scheduled through the Recreation Office.

Picnic Grounds

The picnic grounds are open from 0700-1800 daily. Reservations for use of the barbecue pits are required and can be made with the Recreation Of. fice Monday through Friday. Rules for use of the picnic area wil l be explained at the time reservations are made. The grounds will accommodate a maxi­ mum of 200 people. Special requests for parties lasting later than 1800 must be made to the Recreation Office in writing. There is also a softball field available.

Golf Course

The 18-hole Navy Golf Course is lo­ cated in back of the Monterey Fair Grounds. Active and retired military Twilight, weekdays ...... $2.00 Golf Lessons: The golf professional personnel, their dependents and Twilight, Sat., Sun., hol...... $3.00 and his assistants give lessons on an guests are eligible to use the course. Monthly, individual player .. $12.00 appointment basis. Youth programs Membership is open to all active and and group lessons are also available. retired military personnel and their de­ Bona fide civilian guests of the above pendents. Hours of operation are 0730 personnel: to dusk during weekdays, and 0700 to Weekdays ...... $4.00 Bowling dusk during weekends. Saturdays, Sundays and holi- The golf course has a clubhouse days ...... $6.00 Postgraduate School: A six-lane snack bar, lounge, and shower rooms. Twilight, weekdays ...... $3.00 bowling facility is located in Bldg. 228. Th ere is also a Pro Shop which offers a Twilight, Sat., Sun., hol...... $4.00 Bowling costs 45 cents per line. Shoe variety of retail merchandise to meet The U.S. Army has 36 excellent holes and locker rental are available, and the golfer's needs. Rates are as fol­ the facility also sells bowling equip­ at Ft. Ord, approximately six miles from lows: the School. ment. The lanes are open seven days a week. Call Ext. 2288 for hours of oper­ Green Fees Driving Range: Adjacent to the Pro ation. All authorized players, military (active Shop, the range has the same hours of or retired) and civilian, and their de­ operation as the Golf Course, and pendents: anyone eligible to use the court is eligi­ Gymnasium Weekdays ...... $3.00 ble to use the driving range. Range Saturdays, Sundays and holi- balls are available for the convenience The gym, with two four-wall hand­ days ...... $4.00 of patrons of the range. ball courts, two squash courts and an 22

exercise room, furnished with all the equipment necessary for any physical fitness or reducing program, is located in Bldg. 239. One-wall courts are lo­ cated adjacent to the swimming pool. Issue Room: The Gear Issue Room has an extensive selection of athletic and camping equipment which may be checked out by eligible personnel for a nominal daily fee. A complete list of available items and their cost may be obtained from the Issue Room between 0800 and 1630 on Monday through Friday. Sailing

The School owns three Shields Class sloops, two 22' Santanas and two 22' Columbias. In order to use the boats one must first obtain a qualification as cruising skipper. The NPS Recreation Department has regularly scheduled training. The NPS Sailing Association maintains an active racing program. Tickets for sailing may be obtained at the Recreation Office.


Fort Ord and Defense Language In­ stitute schedule movies during the week and on weekends. Consult the recreation department for movie schedules.

Vacation and Entertainment Information

There are many activities on campus such as the Sailing Association Flying Club, Lacrosse Club and Theater Workshop, to name just a few. Folders, maps of camping areas, and lists of motels and entertainment facilities are available. Contact the Recreation Office for the details.

Hunting and Fishing

Information on hunting and fishing in the Los Padres National Forest area may be obtained by calling the Fish 23 and Game Commission at Hunter­ Liggett Military Reservation, or the NPS Recreation Office.

Little Theater

The NPS Little Theater puts on two major and three minor productions a year. Anyone who is interested should call 646-2466.

United Services Organization

There is a USO at the corner of Webster and El Estero in Monterey. Regular attractions include folk and ballroom dancing, craft classes, ping pong, shuffleboard, pool and billiards, movies, stage shows, family suppers, guided tours, television, reading room, classical and popular records, letter­ writing facilities and a snack bar. For further information, call 375-4546. Personnel reporting to the Naval Postgraduate School may look forward to participating in one of the Navy's finest chapel programs. The extensive list of services which follows is an indi­ cation of the dynamic religious ac­ tivities which attract a large majority of military personnel and their depen­ dents in this area. Your Chaplain is as close as your telephone. Catholic-646-2242. Protestant-646-2241. Jewish-242-3631.

Protestant (the Chapel, Herrmann Hall)

Sunday Services . . . . . 0930 & 1100 Sunday School ...... 0930 & 1100 (ages two through adult, second floor, Root Hall) Catholic (St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel)

Sunday Masses ...... 0900 & 1100 Daily Masses ...... 1215, Saturday at 1715 Holy Days ...... As announced Child Care Center: For children over six months. Open on Sunday morning from 0845 to 1230. Located in Bldg. 238. Confessions: Before and during all weekend masses, the first Saturday of each month from 1900-2000, at noon on weekdays, and upon request. Baptism: After all masses, Chapel. Please make arrangements beforehand. Jewish

Services are conducted at the First Street Chapel, Fort Ord. Friday ...... 2000 Saturday ...... 0930 The Monterey Peninsula is a fast growing resort area with three large military installations: the Naval Post­ graduate School, Ft. Ord, and the De­ fense Language Institute. Their com­ bined population exceeds 50,000 serv­ ice personnel, making the military a "major industry" here. All three installations have experi­ enced some growth in recent years, but unfortunately efforts to provide government housing have not fully met demands. As a result, private rentals have been at a premium for more than a decade. Public Quarters

There are 877 Public Quarters in La Mesa Village, located one-and-a-half miles from the Naval Postgraduate School campus. An additional 130 quarters available for assignment to eligible enlisted personnel are located at Fort Ord, approximately 5 miles from the Naval Postgraduate School. As­ signment to these quarters is coordi­ nated through La Mesa Village Hous­ ing Office. Application for Navy housing must be accompanied by a copy of orders. Control data for placement on the ! waiting list is based upon the date of r detachment from the previous duty sta­ tion, provided advance application is made prior to detachment date and the date of detachment is confirmed within l 0 days of arrival in the area. Mail the completed Application for Military Family Housing on page 37 and a copy of your orders to: I- Superintendent (Code 43H) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 Separate waiting lists are maintained by grade categories and family size but not for specific types of quarters, i.e., Capehart, Wherry or Funded. Separate waiting lists for 2, 3 and 4 bedroom requirements are maintained within each of the following categories: Senior office-commander or lieuten­ ant commander; junior officer­ lieutenant and below, including all 26

warrant officers; eligible enlisted-E9 to E4 . The minimum number of bedrooms to be assigned, based upon family size, will be: La Mesa Village Couple 2 bedrooms Couple and 1 child 2 bedrooms Couple and 2 children, same sex, both under 10 years 2 bedrooms Couple and 2 children, both over 10 years 3 bedrooms Couple and 3 children 3 bedrooms Couple and 4 or more children4 bedrooms Forfeiture of BAQ for these quarters includes all utilities except telephone. Kitchen ranges and refrigerators are provided. There are limited quantities of quarters furniture available. Quarters are wired for 110-volt washers and 220-volt dryers. Com­ mercial cable TV service is available at a nominal cost. Outdoor TV antennas are not permitted. Pets are limited to one dog or cat for each sponsor occupying public quar­ ters. Poultry, rabbits, rodents or ani­ mals other than dogs or cats are not permitted.

Temporary Quarters

The Navy does not have temporary quarters available in Monterey. Guest Housing and Visiting Officer Quarters are sometimes available at Ft. Ord and the Presidio of Monterey. BOQ rooms are limited to single personnel. Because the Monterey Peninsula is a resort area, advance reservations for motels are advisable, particularly dur­ ing the summer months. Rates range from moderate to high.

Private Rentals

The Peninsula is a high rent area. Basic rentals average: 1 bedroom­ $160 to $225; 2 bedrooms-$250 to $350; 3 bedrooms-$300 to $450; 4 bedrooms-$400 up. Add $40 to $60 a month for utilities. All incoming mili- 27

tary personnel are required to report to the Housing Referral Office, at Fort Ord (242-2437), prior to negotiating for private housing. Current listings of rentals and sales may be reviewed personally; this information is not given by telephone or correspondence. Unless a lease contains a clause which provides for early termination under the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relif Act, there is no protection what­ soever against liability to a landlord for damages incurred by him due to early termination of a lease by the tenant. If you desire to rent in the local commu· nity, you are urged to check the lease with the Postgraduate School Legal Of· ficer before you sign it. A so-called "military clause," or any similar clause, should be included in the lease, if at all possible.

Liability Insurance

Liability insurance is available from most commercial insurance companies to cover the occupant's liability for damage to the quarters arising from a fire or explosion. The cost is relatively small. No insurance policies are avail­ able through the Command, and noth­ ing in this section should be construed as an endorsement by the Command of liability insurance, or as a require· ment that an occupant of government quarters carry insurance. However, a prudent occupant would be well ad­ vised to investigate the coverage af­ forded by such insurance. Before pur­ chasing a policy, the occupant of gov­ ernment quarters should make sure that the policy extends to coverage of government quarters. In case of doubt, consult the NPS Legal Office. Mortgage Insurance

If you are contemplating the pur­ property on which the Navy has been chase of a home, check your eligibility paying mortgage insurance premiums for reduced premiums in SECNAV In · to the FHA, you must execute a Certi­ struction 1741.4 series. If you are eli gi­ ficate of Termination (DD Form 803) as ble, and you want mortgage insur­ soon as possible after the sale. ance, submit DD Form 802, "Request for Certificate of Eligibility." If you sell Educational Facilities

The Monterey Peninsula has an ex­ cellent school system. The regular edu­ cational program includes: Elementary: Kindergarten through Grade 6 Junior High School: Grades 7-8-9 High School: Grades 10- 11- 12 There are special education classes available for the mentally retarded, visually handicapped, and the men­ tally gifted students. The schools for the La Mesa housing area are: La Mesa Elementary School, Walter Colton Junior High, and Mon­ terey High School. The staffs of these schools are familiar with the problems of the Navy dependents and make every effort to help the children adjust to the new school system. Textbooks and other supplies are provided for all grade levels with the exception of gymnasium clothing in grades 7-12. School buses provide transportation to the junior high and high schools. Hot lunches are served daily in the cafeterias. The school year for La Mesa Elemen­ tary has been changed from that of the other city schools to coincide with the Postgraduate School year. A child must be four years and nine months old as of September 1 to enter kindergarten. Verification of birthdate is required. All new students must present immuniza­ tion records. Children must be up to date on DPT, polio and measles (rubeola) immunization. California has recently passed a law requiring physi­ cal examinations for ALL children enter­ ing the first grade. Forms for the exami­ nation can be obtained from the school office at the time of registration. Arrangements may be made through the Navy dispensary for these physi­ cals. Report cards from the previous school year are helpful in class as­ signments. Registration for junior high and high school may be completed at any time during school hours. Immunization records must be presented at the time of r1:1gistration. Report cards from the 29

previous school year should be brought in order to select those classes needed to meet graduation require­ ments. The opening day of school will be September 7 for grades 7-12. In­ formation on bus stops and times can be obtained from the offices. The school system offers parents the opportunity to participate in the instruc­ tion of the students by volunteer work as teacher aides, library attendants and office helpers. Contact the offices for further information. La Mesa School: 649-7474. Walter Colton Junior High: 649- 7175. Monterey High School: 649-7482. Monterey Peninsula College (649-1150)

Located on Fremont Avenue in Mon­ terey, Monterey Peninsula College is one of a hundred California Commu­ nity Colleges which offer day, evening, off-campus and weekend college classes on a credit and non-credit basis. Classes are comparable to instruc­ tion offered by the University of California campuses or any of the California State Universities or Col­ leges. MPC is open to all high school grad­ uates and to anyone age 18 or over who may benefit from further educa­ tion. The Associate in Arts degree or the Associate in Sciences degree can be earned after two years of full-time study, and allows students to transfer their college credits to a four-year in­ stitution for completion of advanced degrees. The student may also enroll in terminal programs in aver 50 technical and vocational fields. MPC has an extensive community services program including renowned guest lecturers, music and theatrical groups, exhibits and demonstrations which are open to the public. For more information about MPC programs, call 649-1150. Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies (649-3113)

The Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies, located at 425 Van Buren Street in Monterey, is an independent, fully accredited upper division and graduate school. With a predomi­ nantly foreign-born faculty, MIFS pre­ pares students for foreign service, international conference interpretation, teaching and other related positions.• Providing students with a better under­ standing of global relations, the cur­ riculum stresses the importance of cul­ tural and linguistic traditions of other nations. Small classes provide students with individualized instruction and flex- 31

ibility in everyday situations. For further information, please contact graduate degrees are offered in vari­ MIFS is approved by the Veterans the Office of Admissions & Records, ous fields of administration and man­ Administration, and veterans who at­ 649-3113, open Monday through Fri­ agement. tend are eligible for G .I. benefits. The day from 8:30 to 5:00. On-campus vis­ convenient proximity to military bases its are warmly welcomed. and to the Naval Postgraduate School Chapman College makes the Monterey Institute of For­ (899-4164 or 242-2331) eign Studies particularly well suited to Golden Gate University serve military personnel. (373-4176) At Fort Ord is a branch of Chapman Degree programs available Include College, which offers liberal arts and Education, International Economics, A branch of Golden Gate University social science courses to all qualified International Management, Interna­ offers evening classes at Fort Ord and applicants, and grants both bachelor's tional Studies, Languages and Civiliza­ at York School (off the Salinas High­ and master's degrees. Most classes tions, Translation and Interpretation. way). Five undergraduate and two are held in the evening. The Monterey Peninsula is one of the country's loveliest areas, from the sand dunes fronting the wide arc of its bay to the pineclad hills rising behind its towns. Monterey Bay was sighted by ex­ plorer Juan Cabrillo only fifty years after Columbus discovered the new world. The bay was later named by Sebastian Vizcaino for the Viceroy of New Spain. The first permanent build­ ing in the area, San Carlos Borromeo Mission, was built in 1770, and in 1775 Spanish and Mexican ranchers began to settle on immense land grants in the region. The small town of Monterey soon became the center of govern­ ment, trade and culture for the growing population, and was California's first state capital. With the move of the capital to San Jose, and the discovery of gold inland in California, Monterey went into a long period of decline. Then in the decade of the eighties, the charms of the Peninsula began to be rediscovered. This rediscovery was helped by the building in 1880 of the Hotel Del Monte, a luxury establish­ ment that was soon attracting promi­ nent guests from all over-Chauncey Depew, Andrew Carnegie, President Benjamin Harrison, Joseph Pulitzer. In 1889 Monterey became an incor­ porated city. In 1900, however, it had less than 2000 residents, and aside from its splendid hotel was still only a dilapidated town of frame and adobe buildings. But eventually the impact of thousands of tourists, among them art­ ists and writers who came and re­ mained, brought boom days to the Peninsula. Since pre-World War Two days it has undergone an enormous population increase. Monterey County embraces some two million acres of mostly mountain­ ous terrain extending for l 00 miles along the Pacific Ocean. Salinas is the county seat. Climatically, the Monterey Peninsula resembles other areas of the central California coast, without extremes of heat or cold and moderately low 33

yearly rainfall. The sun shines most of the year. There are two seasons-the dry summer season extending from May to October, and the wet season, from November to April. Weather changes are infrequent from day to day and week to week. The Peninsula is the ideal playland, with its forests, beaches, parks, golf courses and the nearby ocean. Nearly a million people each year visit the county's two state parks, Big Sur and Point Lobos, and the three state • monuments. Countless others sun on the beaches, play golf or tennis, fish, hunt, camp or take scenic excursions. Hundreds of special events are held each year. There are salmon derbies, yacht races, dog shows, butterfly pa­ rades, art exhibits, craft shows, car races, rodeos, antique car shows. Many of the special events, such as the blessing of the fishing fleet, have old and meaningful histories. The Bing Crosby Pro-Am Tournament is held here annually, as are the Salinas Valley Fair at King City in May, the Monterey County Fair at Monterey in August, and the Monterey Jazz Festival in Sep­ tember. Seventeen Mile Drive This is one of the best known scenic drives in the world. It is talked about, advertised, celebrated-and it will ex­ ceed your expectations. A private toll road, the Seventeen Mile Drive can be entered from Pacific Grove, State Highway l or Carmel, and leads through the most beautiful coastal area of California. The scenery changes from low white sand dunes to fairytale forests of Monterey cypress trees, twisted in ghostlike shapes and hung with moss. The bird rocks and seal rocks can be seen from the drive, and an occasional whale spouts in the ocean. The Del Monte Forest, through which the drive passes, contains some of America's most beautiful homes. 34

Monterey The Monterey of today is a city of old adobe houses, blue and white boats in the harbor, a colorful fisherman's wharf and the busy life of the twentieth century. It has much to offer the visitor and the permanent resident alike. Monterey's historical buildings are indicated by a "Path of History," an orange line painted in the street for the convenience of visitors. Many are open to the public. Among these is the Old Custom House, where the flag was first raised by Com­ modore John Drake Sloat in July 1846. Colton Hall played an even greater role in the history of California. In 1849 it housed the Constitutional Conven­ tion when California, as the first Pacific Coast state, was admitted to the Un­ ion; the California constitution was written there. The Royal Presidio Chapel was es­ tablished by Padre Junipero Serro on June 4, 1770. The government had in­ tended the chapel as part of a mission, but Father Serra wonted the mission to be closer to the Indians of the Carmel Volley. So the chapel remained as part of the Presidio, and Father Serra estab­ lished his mission in Carmel. The pres­ ent chapel building was dedicated in 1795 and has been in continuous use ever since. Monterey's beautiful gardens are in bloom the year round. By Colton Holl is Friendly Plaza; right below is a charming little memory garden. The Stevenson House and California First Theater, both state monuments, have gardens too. Perhaps best loved is Memory Garden, back of the Pacific Building, where every year on June 3 Montereyons celebrate the Merienda, the city's birthday party. People who have read John Stein­ beck's Cannery Row and Sweet Thursday can see echoes of these stories in Monterey's Cannery Row. Most of the canneries are closed now, but the spirit of the old times lingers. The Presidio of Monterey was 35

founded by Spain in 1770 and in one form or another has been active ever since. There've been marked changes, of course. It's still in the same place, high on the hill overlooking the bay. Gone are the Spanish soldiers and their horses; the U.S. Army now has its language school there. The city today sprawls around a gently curving arc of Monterey Bay and reaches back into the hills to an altitude of 600 feet. Its busiest street is Alvarado, once part of El Camino Real, the old Spanish Royal Road that con­ nected the California missions. There are still a few old adobes wedged in between modern business houses on the street. Monterey has a city manager form of government, centered in historic Colton Hall in the heart of the old city. Fisherman's Wharf juts out into the bay in front of the Old Custom House. The first wharf at this site was built in 1845. Today, Monterey's chief industries are the military, tourism and fishing; Fish­ erman's Wharf remains a busy and popular place. The city has 161 acres in developed parks, 62 acres of greenbelts and open space, city beach and playgrounds. The latter include Dennis the Menace playground off Pearl Street, a gem conceived by Hank Ketcham, creator of Dennis the Menace. 36

Carmel Valley

Carmel Valley extends from the mouth of the Carmel River to the Jamesburg area, 26 miles east. Post offices are located in Carmel Valley Vil­ lage and the Mid-Valley Shopping Center. The population is 7,500. In the valley are several good resorts and guest ranches, three golf courses and numerous tennis courts. Sunny Carmel Valley's moderate year around temperatures average 74.5 maximum in summer, and 61 max­ imum in winter. Carmel Valley schools are excellent, and boast small class-size. There are two elementary schools, a junior high school and high school. Also available are Catholic and Episcopal parochial schools. Churches in the Valley include the non-denominational Community Chapel, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic, St. Dunstan's Episcopal, First Baptist, St. Philip's Lutheran and Chris­ tian Science. Beside Carmel Valley Village is a fog-free, 2,400-foot airstrip suitable for singles and light twins. Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, Lions, Women's Club, Garden Club, Parents Club, Community Center with own building and swimming pool, Trail & Saddl(3 Club, Horsemen's Assn., Gem and Mineral Society, Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Little League, Flying Club, property owned associations and church groups are some of Car­ mel Valley's community organizations. A fine volunteer fire department and forestry crews provide excellent fire protection. Carmel Valley Village and three other shopping centers have restau­ rants, art galleries, intriguing shops and general retail services. 37

Seaside The largest city on the Monterey Peninsula, Seaside, is located in the sunshine belt on the coast, bordering Monterey to the north. Primarily a resi­ dential and retail business community, Seaside offers a variety of homes and homesites with panoramic views of Monterey Bay. Only minutes from Monterey, Car­ mel and Pacific Grove, Seaside pro­ vides a centralized location for resi ­ dents to enjoy the entire Peninsula. In recent years, Seaside has grown dramatically through redevelopment projects and commercial and private development. The population is now over 37,000, including part of the resi­ dential area of Fort Ord incorporated within Seaside's city limits. The newly constructed Monterey Peninsula Auto Center, located in Sea­ side, provides complete sales and serv­ ice. The majority of auto dealers have moved into this giant new complex. The California Deportment of Motor Vehicles is adjacent to the new, mod­ ern Seaside City Hall. Seaside has 14 parks, 2 youth cen­ ters, and 9 schools (6 elementary, 2 junior and one senior high), which are part of the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District. Twenty churches repre­ sent every denomination. With a council-management form of government, Seaside offers full munici­ pal services, including police, fire, building, planning, public works, porks and recreation. As a young and dynamic city, Sea­ side offers a convenient place to live, close to the Naval Postgraduate School and the most beautiful natural scenery in the world. 38


Monterey, Seaside, Del Rey Oaks, Marina, Carmel and the Carmel Val­ ley. The pineclad heights of its southern boundary offer a striking contrast to the wide, white dunes on the west and the dark rugged shoreline of the north, challenging the long surge of the Pa­ cific. A half mile from the center of town are an 18-hole golf course, a protected beach with secluded bathing coves and picnic grounds. Pacific Grove's municipal flower beds along the wa­ ter's edge are world-famous. There are a public library, fire de­ partment, police department, recrea­ tional facilities, and top-ranking schools, as well as churches of all de­ nominations. Scientists come from all over the world to study the marine life off the Pacific Grove beaches. The Hopkins Marine Laboratories of Stanford Uni­ versity are here, as well as the Hopkins Marine Life Refuge, a two-mile stretch of beach extending outward to a depth of 60 feet. Asilomar Conference Ground through the years has been a place where educational, religious and youth groups have lived, convened and worked together. This cultural resource yeor long. The penalty for disturbing contains sixty acres and has numerous Pacific Grove the butterflies is $500. meeting rooms, two auditoriums and Pacific Grove is a residential, incor­ complete facilities for housing and Pacific Grove was founded in 1875 porated community of some 14,000, feeding 500 guests. by California Methodists, who estab­ and occupies the sandy slope between Glass-bottomed boats operate out lished a conference center there. The Point Pinos and New Monterey. The of the Pacific Grove Marine Gardens city is probably best known for the mil­ district also includes the suburban on trips that will toke you into a marine lions of Monarch butterflies that mi­ Monterey Peninsula Country Club, fairyland of fantastic shapes and grate there each winter, giving the 2250 population, and Del Monte Park, undreamed-of creatures of the plant town its unofficial title, "Butterfly Town, 2000. and animal worlds. You'll see striped U.S.A." Each year the butterflies mi­ Many military personnel live in Pa­ convict fish, sea stars, sea bats, grate from Canada and the state of cific Grove, a short and pleasant drive senorita fish, cabazone, giant sea ur­ Washington to a favorite grove of from the Postgraduate School and the chins, and sea anemones. pines in Pacific Grove. Even naturalists Defense Language Institute. Fort Ord, The Pacific Grove Museum of Natu­ are mystified by this annual migration; the largest military activity in the area, ral History contains unusual and in­ although it is the first trip for each but­ is less than ten mnes away. teresting exhibits of butterflies, marine terfly, they head unerringly for that The distance from the heart of Pacific and bird life, plants, shells, Indian ar­ same pine grove every year. They ar­ Grove to the heart of Monterey is only tifacts and historical presentations. It is rive in late October and leave in two miles; and it is just a few minutes' open every day but Monday, with no March. A few strays hang around the drive to Pebble Beach, Presidio of admission charge. 41 Carmel By-the-Sea

Less than 10 minutes from the Naval Postgraduate School, Carmel-by-the­ Sea lies on the oak and pine-covered sand dunes of Carmel Bay, its perfect white sand beach edged by the pic­ turesque cypress trees for which it is world-famous. One hundred thirty miles south of San Francisco and 350 north of Los Angeles, Carmel is easily reached by automobile along State Routes 1 or 101. Local bus, taxi and limousine serv­ ice to the town is available from the airport and from Monterey. Carmel's beautiful beach is city­ owned for its entire length and is avail­ able to visitor and resident alike. Al­ though treacherous tides make swim­ ming dangerous, the beach is incom­ parable for sunbathing and picnicking. Carmel's climate is mild and enjoy­ able the year round. The flowers never stop blooming. Days from March to June may be warm, occasionally reaching 80, but night temperatures remain in the low 50s. Summers are mild, with the warmth of the sun often tempered by fog. But there are many bright clear days with temperatures in the 70s. Nights remain cool and pleas­ ant. The months from October through of artists and craftsmen whose works available, both close in and along the December offer beautiful days, with can be seen in the many art galleries coast. If possible, reservations should crisp, clear air and bright sun. October and studios of the village. be made in advance. Conventions, is the warmest month, with tempera­ There are two little theaters and a golf tournaments and other events fre­ tures sometimes reaching 85. Rain may cinema. The community supports many quently leave the village without ac­ occur from late September through excellent musical events, including commodations for last-minute arrivals. May. concerts by a local symphony orches­ Carmel has an oustanding library, its Carmel is known for its charming tra and the annual Carmel Bach Festi­ building designed in 1929 by Bernard shops. Most of these are small and val held in July at the Sunset Center. Maybeck, the great California ar­ specialize in one type of merchandise, Outdoor music, dance and theatrical chitect. from candles and brassware to im­ performances are held at Forest The residents of the village are pro­ ported foods and golfing apparel. Theatre, and there is an annual series tected by a fine police force and volun­ Within the business district are many of dance programs at the Sunset teer fire department. Visitors should be secluded shopping courts of great Center. warned to park cars properly and not charm and character, often missed by Excellent restaurants serve a variety leave them too long in a limited park­ the visitor who does not stray far from of food, from French haute cuisine to ing zone. Complementary parking is his car. Oriental fare. available at the Sunset Center, San Carmel also has a large community There are many hotels and motels Carlos and 9th. 42

department. Then in 1924, the main hotel again was demolished by fire. This time it was rebuilt as it appears today, in on opulent neo-Sponish style, with much use of tile, plaster and richly carved wood. The green lawns and groves were sprinkled with tile-roofed cottages far exceptionally well-heeled guests. But the old Del Monte fell on hard days in World War II, and the facilities were leased to the Navy far a pre-flight school. At war's end the Navy bought the entire property-600 acres in all, including golf course, tennis courts, the fabulous Roman Plunge, all the sump­ the sun penetrated the mists. He tuous buildings, and the beach area, plunged his walking stick into the ice­ for $2, 149,800. In 1951 the Naval plant and declared the search was Postgraduate School moved from An­ over. It was an inspired move; even napolis to become established on the today, when the rest of the Monterey site of what had been one of the Peninsula is bathed in fog, those some world's most fabled hotels. grounds often bask in sunshine. Since that time, many large, modern The great establishment opened its academic, laboratory and office doors in 1880. It immediately began facilities have been added to the spa­ attracting the rich, the famous and the cious grounds. The polo grounds have talented from all over, aided by a spe­ become an athletic field. But the tennis cial train from San Francisco that dis­ courts, the pool known as the Roman gorged passengers right at its gates. Plunge, the golf course, the carefully Room rotes began at three dollars a landscaped grounds, and the main day; a private parlor cost a dollar hotel building, now Herrmann Hall, extra. By the end of its first decade, the remain much as they were in the Del The Old Hotel Del Monte hotel was hosting 17,000 visitors a Monte's days of glory. Where the likes year, almost eight times the population of Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, Carole Robert Louis Stevenson called it a of Monterey. Landis, Greer Garson, John Steinbeck, "flaunting caravansary," and doubted Monterey Bay soon became a popu­ Gertrude Stein, and Salvadore Dali that the "poor little town" of Monterey lar site far the holding of naval maneu­ once played, officers of the U.S. and would be able to resist its vulgar influ­ vers. In their free time the Novymen allied services now go to classes and ence. Others wondered why anyone bowled, golfed, played tennis and work on advanced degrees. would choose the shores of the Pacific, swam alongside bigtime politicos, fa­ rumored to be "deficient in salt," to mous writers and artists, and rafts of build a huge pleasure dome. They social elite. were all speaking of the old Hotel Del But successful as it was, the great Monte, which advertised itself as "The hotel had an implacable enemy: fire. It Most Elegant Seaside Establishment in burned to the ground in 1887, and was the World." And so it may have been. rebuilt the same year on an even At any rate, it had no competition west grander scale. It now had a great bal­ of the Rockies. lroom and a ladies' billiard hall. Beach Legend has it that , cabanas were replaced by a bath­ one of California's original robber house with 21 aprivate dressing rooms. barons, chose the hotel's site himself. Some years later the men's Trudging about Monterey's sand clubhouse went up in flames; saved dunes one foggy afternoon with some was $20,000 worth of liquor, heroically pals, Crocker spotted an area where carted to safety by the Monterey fire APPLICATION FOR AND ASSIGNMENT TO MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING (NOTE: Upon arrival at your new duty station you MUST report to the Family Housing Office serving your duty station BEFORE making arrangements for any housing. You should have DD Form 1747 (Status of Housing Availability) to present for verification or advice of changes in housing conditions.) SEE REVERSE OF THIS FORM FOR INSTRUCTIONS SECTION A - APPLICATION (To be completed by applicant.) 1. NAME OF I NSTALLATION [2. CATE SUBMITTEO (M o., day, )'car)

3. SPONSOR'S NAME ( Last, first, middle initial) 4. AOORESS FOR REPLY (Street , cit y, State, and ZIP Code)


6a. EFFECTIVE CATE OF CHANGE IN OUTY STAT I ON (Mo, day, year) b . DATE OEPARTURE CONUS (oversea assiBnment only) (M o., day, year)

711. EST I MATEO ARR I VAL CATE OF FAMI LY ( "10 ., day, year) b.



e. OTHER DEPENDENTS I. DEPENDENCY AUTHORITY ( DD Form 137 - Date o f approval o f dependent~ in item Be of this form .) NUMBER SEX RE LAT I ONS HI P AGE ( S)





SECTION B - ASSIGNMENT (To be completed by Family Housing Office.) 1311. DATE AND T I ME APPLICATION RECE I VED b. EFFECTIVE DATE OF APPLICATION 14. DATE 00 FORM 1747 SENT OR GIVEN TO APPLICANT (Mo., day, year, h o ur) (Mo., day, year) ( M o., day, year)

15. HOUS I NG AVAILABILITY ( lnd1care the 16a. APPLICANT PLACED ON THE FOLLOWING HOUSING WA ITING b . EFFECTIVE DATE ANO TIME Bpplicable box( es) checked under item 2, DD LIST: (i f not applicable, check itFm I 7.) ( Mo., day, year, hour) Form I 747.)

17.Q APPLICANT NOT PLACED ON A HOUSING WA I TING LIST ( If applicable , 1 Ba. ASSIGNED TO HOUSING UNIT ( List b. DATE ( Mo., day, year) give reason . housing unit, it applicable.)




Section A is to be completed by each applicant for Military Family Housing and Section Bis to be completed by the Family Housing Office. No assignment to housing is to be made prior to submission of this form to the Family Housing Office.


Item 1 - Name of installation. Enter the name of the installation operating the Family Housing Office.

Item 2 - Date submitted. Enter the date the application is mailed or otherwise submitted to the Family Housing Office.

Item 3 - Sponsor's name. Name of applicant.

Item 4 Address for reply. Complete if reply is to be mailed.

Item 5 - Personal data. Enter current rank/ rate, identification number and length of service to nearest whole month. Enter the time remaining on active duty and date of rank.

Item 6 - Effective date of change in duty station. Enter the date you were dropped from personnel accountability at your previous duty station and gamed on the rolls at your new duty station for record purposes. For overseas assignment enter your date o f departure from CONUS.

Item 7 - Estimated a"ival date of family. Enter the estimated date under a., if appropriate. If family is not to arrive until housing 1s available, check b.

Item 8 - Dependency. Complete items a. through f., as applicable.

Item 9 - Pertinent Family Information. Briefly describe any special family health problems which might influence your prefer· ence for a particular type of housing (i.e., single level vs. two story, etc.). Enter the nearest whole month mvoluntarily separated from family during last 12 months due to deployment or assignment. Check appropriate box for last assignment.

Item JO - Assignment preference. Check affirmatively or negatively as the case may be.

Item 11 - Remarks. Ent.:r any add itional information which might have a bearing on assignment to military family housing.

Item 12 - Signature. The apphcant must sign this application.


Item 13 - Date and time application received. Enter the date and time the application was received by the Family Housing Office. Effectil•e date of application. Enter the date of change of duty station, or such date as the application is received, as applicable.

Item 14 - Date DD Form 1747 sent. Self explanatory.

Item 15 - Hou sing arailability. Enter the item letter for applicable box( es) checked under Item 2, DD Form 1747, which were chel: kcd on that form for return to the applicant. For example, an entry might be "a." and "g."

Item 16 - Wa iting list. Enter the 1dentif1cat1on of the assignment waitmg list to which the applicant is assigned ; and the effective date and time of his placement on this li st.

Item 17 - Check 1f applicant is not placed on an assignment waiting hst. State reason.

Item 18 - Ent.:r id en t1fication of housing unit to which the applicant was assigned and the date of the assignment.

Item 19 - Enter the date the housing assignment was terminated.

Item 20 - Check items a. orb. and enter the date Form was submitted to stop or start BAQ entitlement. Enter military pay order (MPO) number.

Item 21 - Check to indicate whether or not the assigned housing was inspected on termination of assignment, and enter the date house was inspected.

Item 22 - Enter the results of the inspection.


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----r=I I I MILITARY BUYER'S GUIDE The appearance of advertisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Navy or U.S. Marine Corps of the firms, products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication must be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, creed, color, national origin or sex of the purchaser, user, or patron.

/·~~~ (HOLMAN'S) (tilt~~'\ Seaside Travel Service Discovery Travel ~If . ! y 1760 FREMONT BLVD. Tickets• Tours by Air, Rail, Ship 542 LIGHTHOUSE A VE. J,~1 ... lj/. Olympia Shopping Plaza Reservations for Car • Camper Rental 408/649-3451 ~, ~ -. 408/394-3367 Military Rates • Hotels SPECIALISTS IN GROUP TRAVEL OPERATORS OF SCUBA DIVING TOURS TO MEXICO & HA WAii & SKI TOURS AIR TRAVEL BOB McGINNIS TRAVEL AIRLINE RESERVATIONS Carmel Rancho Shopping Center, Carmel 624-2724 & INFORMATION (See our Ad - this classification) Ma1or Credit Cards Accepted AIRLINE RESERVATIONS MONTEREY TRAVEL AGENCY 446 Pacific St., Monterey ...... 373-3266 (See our Ad - this classification) AIRLINE TICKETING MONTEREY PENINSULA DISCOVERY TRAVEL Open Mon. thru Fri. g.5 & Sat. 9-3 , (DBA SEASIDE TRAVEL) 446 PACIFIC ST. DOWNTOWN MONTEREY 203 - 16th St., Pacific Grove ...... 649-3451 1760 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 394-3367 Convenient Parking · Across from New City Park ing Garage (See our Ad - this classification) APARTMENTS OCEAN HOUSE - HARBOR HOUSE ~Carmel Rancho Shopping Center 624-2724 1 Surf Way, Monterey ...... 372-1889 EXPERIENCE 4i*• (See our Ad - this classification) INTEGRITY ~ VILLA HALCYON APARTMENTS RELIABILITY • TRAVEL 1141 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove ...... 373-3141 I . SS SERVICE ""f) (See our Ad - this classification) Representative Ocean House/Harbor House For Information Please Call 372-1889 OCEANHOUSE/HARBORHOUSE - A NEW EXPERIENCE IN LIVING on Del Monte Beach ONE SURF WAY - MONTEREY - WALKING DISTANCE TO NAVY P.G. SCHOOL


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1141 LIGHTHOUSE AVENUE, For Information PACIFIC GROVE Call 373-3141 ----= 2 APARTMENTS - TOWNHOUSES - AUTOMOBILE PARTS & SUPPLIES APARTMENTS-TOWNHOUSES MONTEREY- TOWNHOUSE APARTMENTS One of the Peninsula's Biggest and Best 825 Casanova, Monterey ...... 375-811

APPLIANCES MONTE MART 815 Canyon Del Rey, Monterey ...... 394-65~ (See our Ad - Groceries) "YOUR NEIGHBOR" DICK SEARLE APPLIANCES OFFERS Maytag-General Electric 680 Broadway, Seaside ...... 394-65( Sales • Service • Leasing on the following fine products AUCTION STUDIOS THE AUCTION STUDIO *Pontiac 485 Lighthouse Ave., Monterey ...... 375-604 *Cadillac (See our Ad - this classification) * International *Winnebago AUTOMOBILE BODY REPAIR & PAINT *American Clipper CLIFF'S AUTO BODY * Traveleze 836 Afton, Sand City ...... 394-23~ * GMC Motor Homes AUTOMOBILE DEALERS - NEW & USED BUTTS PONTIAC- CADILLAC W1••••11aa The Auto Show Place e Heitzinger Plaza, Seaside ...... 394-674 ~ (See our Ad - this classification) Monterey Peninsula Auto Center Seaside 394-6741 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS - USED AMERICAN AUTO RENTAL CO., INC. 801 Airport Rd., Monterey ...... 375-114 (See our Ad - Automobile - Rentals) 375-444

AUTOMOBILE PARTS - FOREIGN CONTINENTAL AUTO REPAIR (Foreign & American) 443 Wave St., Monterey ...... 375-403 (See our Ad - Automobile Repair & Service) 375-223 Serving Monterey County Since 1924 Now Three Generations AUTOMOBILE PARTS & SUPPLIES MONTEREY AUTO SUPPLY AUCTIONEERS 451 Washington, Monterey ...... 372-455 (See our Ad - this classification) • HOME FURNISHINGS UNITED AUTO-SWEET SERVICE CO. • ART OBJECTS • ANTIQUES 435 Washington, Monterey ...... 373-447 • JEWELRY • COLLECTOR'S ITEMS 1121 Forest Ave., Pacific Grove ...... 372-588 (See our Ad - this classification) We Offer A Confidential Service To Administrators & Trust Officers In Handling Estates Auto Parts & Accessories Discount to Military Estates Purchased Outright & Dependents Or Sold On Consignment AMERICAN CARS AUCTIONEERS ... FOREIGN CARS SPEED EQUIPMENT W.R. LA PORTE • DAN TURRENTINE MACHINE SHOP • CRAIG HEMPHILL Everything for Your Car Since 1953 eaa 375-6043 MONTEREY AUTO SUPPLY IF NO ANSWER CALL - 375-6431 & MACHINE SHOP 485 LIGHTHOUSE A VE. • MONTEREY 451 Washington St. Monterey, Calif. ~:t~~~;:~go Mon.-Fri. 1-IANKAM" ' ~' l•·•I 372_4553 AUTOMOBILE PARTS & SUPPLES - AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS & SERVICE 3 United Auto AUTH O RIZED

-8117 Sweet Service Co. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS & EQUIPMENT •435 Washington MACHINE SHOP ' 1121 Forest Ave. Monterey ELECTRICAL - CARBURETOR - BATTERIES - SHOCK ABSORBERS Pacific Grove ·6525 Phone: 373-4471 !- Both Stores ]•·Ill Phone: 372-5887 Sat. 8:00 - 12:00 ·iriiili Mon. thru Fri. 8:oo _5 :oo · · Sat. 8:00 - 5:00

AUTOMOBILE - RENTALS 6505 AMERICAN AUTO RENTAL & SALES CO., INC. I FOREIGN CAR SERVICE I 801 Airport Rd., Monterey ...... 375-1144 (See our Ad - this classification) 375-4444 I Specializing in British Cars, I BEATTIE FORD I Sport Cars and Imports Specialists I Washington & Franklin Sts., Monterey .... 375-4151 I TOYOTA, DATSUN, V.W., TRIUMPH & ROVER I 5043 I (See our Ad - this classification) THIRFTY RENT-A-CAR I PARTS & SERVICE I 2600 Sand Dunes Dr., Monterey ...... 899-2541 I CONTINENTAL AUTO REPAIR= (See our Ad - this classification) I EDDIE ~~E~ GLING I AUTOMOBILE REPAIR - FOREIGN !331 1 I C & S REPAIR IE ~l- 1 2066 Sunset Drive, Pacific Grove ...... 373-5355 I 443 Wave St., Monterey • 375-4036/375-2236 ! (See our Ad - this classification) Current Model Chevrolets and Other Fine Cars Sub-Compacts 741 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS & SERVICE ABREGO UNION 76 SERVICE 398 Fremont at Abrego, Monterey ...... 372-0365 HR IFTY ~~ ~~~ ~::: " '' c .. I (See our Ad - Service Stations) CONTINENTAL AUTO REPAIR (Foreign & American) ® RENT·A·CAR 144 443 Wave St., Monterey ...... 375-4037 1i J44 (See our Ad - this classification) 375-2236 • Special rates for every occasion. ~ • Insurance replacement rates. 9.a:ma MORE THAN JOO OFFICES IN ALL • - ~ PORSCHE SOSTATES·CANADA·EUROPE ~ For Out-of-Town Reservations or lnformation- J Independent Repair 36 800-331-4200 TOLL FREE 36 G - OL-­ FOR LOCAL SERVICE OR INFORMATION- Tune Up • Major Overhaul (408) 899-2541 ;3 Transmission • Brakes Holiday Inn - Monterey Russell Service Center Cal Hwy. 1 at Del Rey Oaks Moldenhauer 2066 Sunset Drive FROM CARMEL r1 Pacific Grove, CA 93950 (408) 373-5355 17 625-0999 RENT A CAR -L:,...... _ 02 CREDIT CARDS HONORED * s5 DAY ~· -.-.. Thrifty BankAmericard American Express Master Charge mertcan •S

WE TRY TO PLEASE BANKS BANK OF AMERICA 1490 Fremont Blvd.• 899-3747 •Seaside Naval Post Graduate Facility, Herma Hall, Monterey (See our Ad - Outside Back Cover) GENE HEALY, D.C. VALLEY NATIONAL BANK 35 Bonifacio Plaza, Monterey ...... 649-1800 CHIROPRACTOR (See our Ad - Last Editorial Page) BY APPOINTMENT BANQUETS (408) 375-1226 CASA MUNRAS 582 Lighthouse Ave. Pacific Grove, CA 93950 A Garden Hotel 700 Munras Ave., Monterey ...... 375-2411 (See our Ad - Hotels) BICYCLES CUPERTINO BIKE SHOP-RUSSEL SERVICE CENTER 2098 Sunset Drive, Pacific Grove ...... 373-6003 BOAT SALES & SERVICE MODERN MARINE CO. 300 E. Market St., Salinas ...... 758-1616 Country Club Gate Center David at Forest BOOKS BOOKWORKS Pacific Grove 198 Country Club Gate Center, 372/2242 Pacific Grove ...... 372-2242 (See our Ad - this classification) CABLE TELEVISION OCEAN VIEW CABLEVISION, INC. 1780-A Fremont Blvd. Seaside ...... 394-6861 (See our Ad - this classification) COUNTRY CLUB GATE CAMERA SHOPS COUNTRY CLUB GATE CAMERA SHOP CAMERA SHOP 186 Country Club Gate Center, c Pacific Grove ...... 649-6111 All Major Brands of (See our Ad - this classification) Cameras & Accessories CARPETS INCLUDING DARKROOM SUPPLIES TOWNER CARPET CO. 1490 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 899-3747 AND ON PREMISES REPAIR SHOP (See our Ad - this classification) 186 COUNTRY CLUB GATE CENTER CERAMICS & POTTERY PACIFIC GROVE, CA. 93950 (408) 649-6111 OAK GROVE POTTERY (Instructions Available) 329 Ocean Ave., Monterey ...... 373-7971 OCEANVIEW CABLE CHANNEL GUIDE CAllLE ORIGINATING AFFILIATED CHANNEL CHANNEL LOCATION NETWORK

2 2 IKTVUI San Francisco IND. 3 3 IOVCI Local Origination 4 4 IKRONI San Francisco NBC s S IKPIXI San Francisco CBS 6 8 IKSBW-TVI Salinas NBC 7 7 IKGO-TVI San Francisco ABC 8 8 iOVC l 24·HOUR A.P. NEWS·STOCKS·TIME·WEATHER 9 9 IKQEDI San Francisco PBS 10 46 UHF IKMSTI Monterey CBS 11 54 UHF IKTEHI San Jose EDUC. OVC II 12 11 IKNTVI San Jose ABC 21 HOUR NEWS 13 36 IKGSC-TVI San Jose IND. SERVING: SEASIDE-MARINA-DEL REY OAKS PACIFIC GROVE-ASILOMAR BEACH 1780-A Fremont Blvd., Seaside 1180-H Forest Ave., Pacific Grove 394-6861 372-1014 Also Featuring 28 FM Channels CHIROPRACTOR - FRENCH PASTRY 5

If you don't want to work full-time don't. Kelly Girl Your Community Kelly needs qualified office skills for Credit Union long and short term assignments. 453 Pierce St., Monterey 372-8188 • 758-9113 Monterey Federal Credit Union

CHIROPRACTOR 649-3600 • 550 El Estero, Monterey or GENE HEALY, D.C. 373-2131 • Hermann Hall N.P.S. 582 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove ...... 375-1226 (See our Ad - this classification) CLUBS CHIEF PETTY OFFICER'S CLUB Naval Air Facility, Monterey ...... 646-2049 (See our Ad - this classification) OFFICERS & FACULTY CLUB Hermann Hall, NPS ...... 372-1139 (See our Ad - this classification) CREDIT UNIONS MONTEREY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 550 El Estero, Monterey ...... 649-3600 Hermann Hall, NPS ...... 373-2131 (See our Ad - this classification) NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Hermann Hall NPGS, Monterey ...... 373-2725 (See our Ad - Last Editorial Page opposite fold-out map) DAY-CARE SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL MONTESSORI SCHOOL (Ages 2 1/2 to 6) 950 Casanova, Monterey ...... 373-3411 Member NCUA DRAPERY CLEANING OAK GROVE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING Draperies, Leathers & Laundromat Service 1100 Del Monte Blvd., Monterey ...... 375-9279 EMPLOYMENT-TEMPORARY the granary KELLY GIRL ''We really can't describe it" 453 Pierce Street, Monterey ...... 372-8188 (See our Ad - this classification) FABRICS - COTTONS & COTTON BLENDS fabrics - cnttons and cotton blends THE GRANARY oodles of tiny tiny things 311 Third Street, San Juan Bautista ...... 623-4451 and cookie cutters. (See our Ad - this classification) 311 third street FRENCH PASTRY san Juan bautlsta ca telephone 623-4451 f1J PATISSERIE BOISSIERE shutl on very special holidays dba Mission St. between Ocean & 7th, Carmel 624-5008 open almost all the other days 11·5 (See our Ad - Restaurants)

THE NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL OFFERS YOU The No. 1 Spot in Monterey for Private Parties & Receptions

Officers & Faculty Consolidated Chief Petty Officers Club Package Store Club For The Best In Complete Line E-6 - E-9 Atmosphere, Fine of For the Best in Cuisine And Prices Beverages & Liquors Atmosphere, Entertainment and Prices Hermann Hall Hermann Hall Naval Air Facility .... 372-1339 373-7511 646-2049 6 FURNITURE - HOTELS SHOP MONTE MART STORES FOR FOOD VALUES THAT ADD UP TO LOWER FOOD BILLS! "Take A Tip It's Worth The Trip To Shop Monte Mart" THREE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU ... r SALINAS DEL REY OAKS r CARMEL VALLEY' 1030 EAST ALISAL 815 CANYON DEL REY OPEN 24 HOURS Open 7 Days A Week Open 7 Days A Week SHOP OUR INSTORE WEEKDAYS ... DELI AND BAKERY SHOP Our Salinas locations oHers you Everyday Our Del Rey Oaks locatwn offers you Every­ Low Food Specials PLUS a complete selec­ day Low Food Specials PLUS a complete se­ Our Carmel location offers you Every­ lion of Mens, Womens, Childrens, Major le ction of Mens. Womens, Chddrens. Ma1or day Low Food prices and Weekly Ad­ Appliances, Automotive and Garden, Toys. Appliances, Automotive and Carden. Toys. Shoes, Jewelry and Record, Camera and Record, Camera and Mu ~ic Department, vertised Food Specials PLUS Gourmet Music Department, Health and Beauty Aids, Health and Beauty Aids. Dome>hcs and Foods, Li quors, a nd Health & Beau ty "'Domestu:s and Housewares. .J Housewares, Liquor, Wine, Beer Depnrlmenl. Aids. '

FURNITURE WOODCRAFT TAN NERY WO 0 DC RA f T Exclusive - Monterey 603 Palm Ave., Seaside __ ... _...... _. .. __ 394-2221 A New Concept in Genuine (See our Ad - this classification) Suede Leather, Solid Oak Furniture FURNITURE REFINISHING MACHINE WASHABLE TANNERY ANTONIO COSENTINO 603 PALM AVE. •SEASIDE• 394-2221 1795 Del Monte Blvd., Seaside ...... _.. _ 899-4445 FURNITURE - RENTALS ALL WEST FURNISHINGS 105 Central Ave ., Pacific Grove ...... 373-2465 GIFTS THE SECOND LOOK SEUONDLOO 510 Broadway, Seaside .... _. __ ...... 899-4442 A Couroc {See our Ad - this classification) GROCERIES Factory Store MONTE MART 815 Canyon Del Rey, Monterey . .. _. . _... 394-6525 {See our Ad - this classification) GROCERIES - LIQUORS What is Couroc? ... VALNIZZA'S MARKET {OAK GROVE) Couroc products are fine quality giftware Free Delivery Service and serving pieces, exclusively manufac­ tured in the Monterey Bay area, and sold throughout the world. Each 401 Ocean Ave., Monterey ...... 375-6839 Couroc design is painstakingly hand inlaid, and has its own character. HOME LOANS No two serving pieces are exactly alike. TRI-CITY REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Discontinued Items & Seconds with slight imperfections Washington at Pearl, Monterey _... _. ___ .. 375-2442 Available at substantial savings. {See our Ad - Map Section) HOTELS THE SECOND LOOK CASA MUNRAS WHERE THE UNUSUAL IS NOT UNUSUAL A Garden Hotel Mon.-Sat. 11-5 • 510 Broadway, Seaside• 899-4442 700 Munras Ave., Monterey . _..... _. __ . _. 375-2411 {See our Ad - this classification) HOTELS - MACHINE SHOP 7

Insurance COMPl.ETE INVESTMENT JOHN MORISH AGENCY SERVICES. Auto • Fire • Homeowners • Renters Easy Monthly Payments • Pension Reform Act Consultation • Listed Options Olympia Plaza Shopping Center •Common & Preferred Stocks •Corporate Bonds 1760 F-2 Fremont Blvd.• 394-6821 • lnd1v1dual Research Fac1l 1t1es • Municipal Bonds •SEC Rule 144 Transactions• Commodity Trading HOTELS CON'T 750 Del Monte Center HIGHLANDS INN Monterey, California 93940 4 miles So. of Carmel on Hwy One Telephone (408) 373-1861 Carmel Highlands ...... 624-3801 (See our Ad - Map Section) OJD~~&CO. INSURANCE JOHN MORISH AGENCY 1760 F-2 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 394-6821 (See our Ad - this classification) Tulk to us now. INVESTMENTS DEAN WITTER & CO., INC. You could thank us later. 750 Del Monte Center, Monterey ...... 373-1861 (See our Ad - this classification) PAINE, WEBER, JACKSON & CURTIS, INC. PaineWebber 534 Abrego, Corner of Washington & Del Monte, Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis Inrnq><>ralcd Monterey ...... 373-0921 (See our Ad - this classification) Offices throughoul Lhe United Stales and abroad. Including: MACHINE SHOP 373-0921 MONTEREY AUTO SUPPLY MONTEREY, CA. 451 Washington, Monterey ...... 372-4553 Corner of Washington and Del Monte (See our Ad - Automobile Parts & Service)

What a wonderful choice! Two of the most popular places on the whole Monterey Peninsula, yours to enjoy.

COME TO THE CASA SWING OUT TO RANCHO • Grand food and beverages, perfectly • A beautiful place to entertain guests in a prepared, served in attractive country-club setting - for lunch or surroundings, at moderate prices. ,, for the famous Friday-night "Baron of • Splendid facilities for banquets or group Beef & King Crab Buffet." dinners, from 10 to 200. • Golf at its f111est on the Peninsula's two • Dancing to the music of a popular trio, championship 18-hole "R iver Courses." seven nights a week. • A pleasant place to stay until you are • Elegant banquet rooms and unsurpassed established. Convenient for friends service for parties, receptions, and relatives, too. dinners and other group affairs.

CflSf[ alUlJR}IS RANE?Hla eANAflA THE GARDEN HOTEL GOLF CLUB Munras at Fremont, Monterey Carmel Valley Road, One Mile (408) 375-2411 from Highway 1. (408) 624-0111 8 MARKETS - MOTELS

CHAMPUS accepted Telephone { 408) 649-4848 Ranch Market DR. EDUARD SIMSON-KALLAS FEATURING: Fresh Produce Excellent Meats - Formerly Chief Clinical Psychologist Cut to Your Desires Monterey County Mental Health Services ANNOUNCES THE TRANSFER OF HIS OFFICE TO: j Wines to Supplement Your Meals j 98 VIA ENCINA Free Local Delivery MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA 93940 Practice Limited To 1 Block from Navy School Hypnotheraphy, Psychotherapy, Marital Problems 1193 - 10th St., Monterey [ 372-65551

MARKETS RANCH MARKET 1193 - 10th St., Monterey ...... 372-6555 (See our Ad - this classification)

MARRIAGE & FAMILY COUNSELING DR. EDUARD SIMSON-KALLAS 98 Via Encina, Monterey ...... 649-4848 (See our Ad - this classification)

MOTELS CYPRESS GARDENS MOTEL 1150 Munras Ave., Monterey ...... 373-2761 (See our Ad - this classification) EL ADOBE MOTEL 936 Munras Ave., Monterey ...... 372-5409 (See our Ad - this classification) EL CASTELL MOTEL 2102 Fremont St.. Monterey ...... 372-8176 (See our Ad - this classification)

ON CARMEL HILL • 20 Deluxe Insulated Units • King-Queen & Some Extra Longs • AAA Approved - Special Winter Rates • Family Units- Reasonable Rates • Cable TV. Radios & Courtesy Coffee Color Cable T.V. - Individually controlled heat in Each Room and room phones in every unit. • Sun Deck & Patio - Pets Allowed King & Queen Size Beds Available - Also Water Beds • Quiet Off The Highway Rooms Family Rooms - Some Kitchens CREDIT CARDS • Within Walking Distance to HONORED Restaurants & Downtown Heat Enclosed Pool and Sun Deck Monterey & Wharf FOR RESERVATIONS: El Castell Motel (on Hwy. 1 Monterey) 2102 Fremont Street• Monterey Callfomla 93940 936 MUNRAS AVE. Phone: (408) 372-8176 372-5409 ~~~~ q


HEATED POOL• DIRECT DIAL PHONES• CABLE T.V. IN EVERY UNIT MOTELS 9 <:J1laf!ic -earpet ~dfle MAGIC CARPET REAL TY ONE OF THE NEWEST ON THE MONTEREY PENINSULA Special Rate in Our Lodge CONOOMINIUM & TOWNHOUSE LIVING AT MOTEL RATES 4 lllnutea from thivr P.G. School for Closing Home Buyers m 40 Rooms • Poot • 0 1rec1 Dial Phones • Ce>Jor TV • Kmg & Queen Size Beds Deluxe Su1les • K1tchenelles • Conference Room (408) 899-3377 For Re-rvetlona Diel Toll Free (800) 528·1234 or 81111·4221 All Mator Credit Cards 1875 Fremont Ave. 1875 FREM ONT AVE., SEASIDE Seaside, Ca. 93955 REALTOR.

MOTELS CON'T FRANCISCAN INN 42 Modem Units with Combination Bath Including 2058 Fremont St., Monterey ...... 375-9511 .e(Uf,B e; al,, 13 One, Two & Three Bedroom Kitchen Units. (See our Ad - this classification) EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATIONS FOR ONE TO SI X PEOPLE - Military Welcome - LONE OAK MOTEL D•llJ - W-IJ - MonlhlJ R•IH MoJeL & M•lor Credit C•rdl Honored - Ne•r All Polnta of lnlernt 2221 Fremont, Monterey ...... 372-4924 ConlrallJ Locatod - BJ 24 Hour Rntouront (See our Ad - this classification) Cloae To Navy Poat Greduate School LA CASA SIESTA f1oliGau PLAY YARD 2221 FREMONT MONTEREY 37:J.-J/.9:J.J/. Munras Ave. & Cass St., Monterey ...... 375-2679 MAGIC CARPET LODGE 1875 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 899-4221 (See our Ad - this classification) ...... ,. MONTEREY MOTOR LODGE 55 Camino Aguajito Rd., Monterey ...... 372-8057 RAMONA INN (See our Ad - Last Editorial Page) PACIFIC GROVE MOTEL INDOOR SPA e POOL e COLOR T.V. Lighthouse Ave. & Grove Acres, ~ DIAL DIRECT PHONES• RESTAURANT Pacific Grove ...... 372-3218 KITCHEN UNITS • KINGS• QUEENS (See our Ad - this classification) RAMONA INN Just Opened - 34 New Units - Convenient to All 2332 Fremont St., Monterey ...... 373-2445 (See our Ad - this classification) RAMONA INN REEF MOTEL 2332 FREMONT ST., MONTEREY 1300 Munras, Monterey ...... 373-3203 (See our Ad - this classification) 373-2445 ...,. "" ""


!Jclux'' Urnb • F.uni\1; U1111~ w11h K1t c lw11 ~ & •.iuliiul Hl'.ilPd f'ool • T.\I. • Coff"" Nl',11 . . g,.,ic h •Golf C"1" ~ " • Shopp1n!1 • R('~l.iuranh THE REEF is distinctive two-story motel featuring a south sea island motif, woth queen beds, large family suites and heated pool. Cable TV, direct dial phones. complimentary coffee and safe steam heat in all rooms. 372-3218 1300 Munras Ave., Monterey 373-3203 Acron from Del Monte Shopping Center Lighthouse Ave. & Grove Acres • Pacific Grove

Color T.V. & King or Queen Beds in Each Room HEATED SWIMMING POOL• SAUNA• THERAPY POOL Lovely Kitchen Units, Economy Units, Weekly & Monthly Rates Available GOLF PRIVILEGES Very Special Accommodations for Commercial Travelers DIRECT DIAL TELEPHONES • FREE LOCAL CALLS Adjacent to Monterey County Fairgrounds & 5 Restaurants BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS Most Credit Cards Accepted • Reasonable Rates AAA Approved

2058 FREMONT ST. • MONTEREY • 375-9511 10 MOTELS - PAINTS SLUMBER INN - MOTEL of Monterey • Direct dial phones • Waterbeds ~cottish •Color Cable T.V. •Kitchenettes • Reasonable rates lilllll 5 Minutes from Jairroa~ mot£1 P.G. School New Units with Electric Kitchens 2227 FREMONT Weekly Rates - Color T.V. - Pool MONTEREY 2075 Fremont Street Telephone: (408) (408) 373-5551 Monterey, California 93940 372-7586

MOTELS CON'T MONTEREY SCOTTISH FAIRWAY MOTEL 2075 Fremont St., Monterey ...... 373-5551 (See our Ad - this classification) "A Merit Award Winner" SLUMBER INN MOTEL OF MONTEREY Coffee in Rooms Heated Pools • T.V. • Phones 2227 Fremont Blvd., Monterey ...... 372-7586 675 MUNRAS AVE. (408) 373-1876 (See our Ad - this classification) Located on Hwy. 1 at corner of Fremont & Abrego Sts. TRAVELODGE 675 Munras Ave., Monterey ...... 373-1876 (See our Ad - this classification) WHITE HOUSE LODGE 1262 Munras, Monterey ...... 372-8088 LARGE HEATED POOL (See our Ad - this classification) CABLE COLOR T.V. DIRECT DIAL TELEPHONES SOME UNITS WITH TUBS NATURAL FOODS THE GRANARY KING SIZE 173 Central Ave., Pacific Grove ...... 372-2533 AND (See our Ad - this classification) WATERBEDS OFFICE SUPPLIES AVAILABLE PACIFIC OFFICE PRODUCTS (408) Kitchenette-Unit 459 Alvarado St. , Monterey ...... 373-2642 1262 Munras Ave. (See our Ad - this classification) 372-8088 Monterey, Calif. 93940 ORIENTAL RUGS NANCY McCULLOUGH INTERIORS, INC. (Interior Decorator) 420 Pacific St., Monterey ...... 375-8127 (See our Ad - this classification) Stone Ground Breads NATURAL CHEESES Baked Fresh Dally HERBS PRODUCE PAINTS BULK GRAINS JAY-MAR PAINT CO. THE GRANARY 1872 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 394-2743 A Natural Foods Bakery (See our Ad - this classification) 173 Central Ave., Pacific Grove • 372-2533

~PRATI & IJ\~~.~~I DOWNTOWN MONTEREY Furniture For Adding Machines JAY·MAR PAINT CO. Office and Home Calculators Wallpaper In Stock Stationery Supplies & Typewriters 1872 Fremont Blvd., Seaside • 394-2743 Ribbons For All Models SALES• RENTAL• SERVICE (Pacific Office Products) ORIEN'l'Ah RUGS if 459 Alvarado, Monterey 373-2642 181. .... J/;{rq Jf~~@fll'J &ttn&rt, Ok 420 PACIFIC ST. MONTEREY 375-8127 PET SHOPS - REAL ESTATE 11

GOLDEN DOLPHIN KIMBERLY PET SHOP PUPPIES, KITTENS, BIRDS, REPTILES PET SHOP TROPICAL & SALTWATER FISH Complete Line of PET FOODS A SPECIALITY Pets & Pet Supplies All Breeds - Grooming, Trimming & Bathing The Most Complete Pet Shop on the Monterey Peninsula . Specializing in Professional Advice On Pet Care (408) 899-3721 624-2388 - - 1280 FREMONT BLVD. CARMEL RANCHO SHOPPING CENTER, CARMEL SEASIDE, CALIF. 93955

PET SHOPS GOLDEN DOLPHIN Carmel Rancho Shopping Center, Carmel 624-2388 aro: (See our Ad - this classification) KIMBERLY PET SHOP 1280 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 899-3721 (See our Ad - this classification) Ramon's Workshop PHARMACY MONTE MART CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING 815 Canyon Del Rey, Monterey ...... 394-6525 Over Thirty Years Experience (See our Ad - Groceries) PICTURE FRAMING RAMON'S WORKSHOP 518 Lighthouse, Monterey ...... 375-4039 f;~ 518 LIGHTHOUSE AVE., MONTEREY (See our Ad - this classification) 375::1 PRE-SCHOOLS Ollll C\1101110111 INFANT CARE CENTER Kimball & Neche Buena, Seaside ...... 394-1744 (See our Ad - this classification) TUMBELINA CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER 1910 Grand View, Seaside ...... 394-6964 312 Reindollar Ave. , Marina ...... 394-7611 (See our Ad - this classification) PRODUCE RANCH MARKET 1193 - 10th St., Monterey ...... 372-6555 (See our Ad - Markets) PSYCHOTHERAPY DR. EDUARD SIMSON-KALLAS 98 Via Encina, Monterey ...... 649-4848 (See our Ad - Marriage & Family Counseling) REAL ESTATE AMERICAN REAL TY 7 Navajo Dr., Salinas ...... 449-2285 • Homes • Apartments 1999 Del Monte Blvd., Seaside ...... 899-4608 • • Hardworking Results • 546 Abbott St., Salinas ...... 422-6865 • Commercial [B (See our Ad - this classification) • • Professional • • • Free Comparative REALTOR' • Infant Cau • Market Analysis •... • WE GET RESULTS Ages: 6 Weeks To 12 Years o;,~ms~~!:;~ V~gh" • "WE WORK HARDER" • r CALL ANYTIME Ages: 6 Weeks To 5 Years ... AVAILABLE 24 HOURS "WE STAKE OUR 394-6964 394-7611 • Call 7 DAYS A WEEK RESULTS ON IT" 394-1744 or 394-6964 • SALINAS • W.H. Vaughn 449·2285 312 Reindollar Ave. 394-7611 or 394-7111 • OR 449·2491 ·-c.eam3ili ___ .... ~ • Marina, California #7 NAVAJO DR. Kimball & Noche Buena 1910 Grand View EXCLUSIVE MONTEREY COUNTY BROKER • l P.O. Box 35 • Seaside, California Seaside, Callfornla 93955 •••••••••••••••• 12 REAL ESTATE

HOMES - RENTALS - INVESTMENTS Donna Dou8herty Qeal Estate Lincoln & 7th P.O. Box 1067, Carmel-by-the-Sea

~ 625-1113 member Monterey & Carmel Board of Realtors

REAL ESTATE CON'T BUD BOWDEN REAL TOR 366 Main St., Salinas ...... 758-6407 (See our Ad - this classification) MILITARY RELOCATION SPECIALISTS CENTURY 21 REAL EST ATE 550 Camino El Estero, Monterey ...... 373-4477 - Serving the Entire Monterey Pennisula - 578 Polk St...... 373-3393 Arndt Associates Marie H. Williams, Inc. (See our Ad - this classification) (408) 373-4477 (408) 373-3393 DICK CHALLIS, SEAMONT REAL ESTATE 1501 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 899-2345 550 Camino El Estero 578 Polk St. Rt. 2 Carmel Valley Hill Center, Carmel ... 624-3707 Monterey, California 93940 (See our Ad - this classification) DONNA DOUGHTERTY REAL ESTATE Lincoln & 7th, Carmel ...... 625-1113 (See our Ad - this classification) CARMEL SEASIDE MACK REAL TY, INC. OFFICE OFFICE 123 E. Alisal, Salinas ...... 424-0724 Oak Hills Tract Office - Salinas ...... 633-2436 624-3707 899-2345 Monterey ...... 375-9156 Marina Office, 3166 Vista Del Camino .... 384-5000 (See our Ad - this classification) MAGIC CARPET REAL TY SALES• RENTALS• MANAGEMENT 1875 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 899-3377 (See our Ad - Motels) DICK CHALLIS REAL TOR PORTER-MARQUARD REAL TY Rt. 2 Box 700, Carmel Valley Hills Center, Carmel, CA 93921 312 W. Carmel Valley Rd., Carmel Valley . 659-2268 1501 Fremont Blvd., Seaside, CA 93955 (See our Ad - this classification)

366 MAIN ST. MEMBER OF WE SPECIALIZE IN SERVICE TO OUR SALINAS CUSTOMERS & CLIENTS We have quality homes available 758-6407 in the Sunshine Belt. Multiple Listing 15 MINUTES FROM P.G. SCHOOL


American Financing Home Shield Specialists Warranty MACK REALTY, INC.


Marina Office PHONE 424·0724 Oak Hills Tract Office 3166 Vista Del Camino Toll Free (Salinas - 633-2436) Tel: 384-5000 123 EAST ALISAL ST. • SALINAS Toll Free (Monterey - 375-9156) REAL ESTATE - RESTAURANTS 13 For CARMEL VALLEY Real Estate t PORTER-MARQUARD REAL TY Pioneers in Carmel Valley Real Estate Since 1926 rl Carmel Valley & Boronda Roads, Carmel Valley, Ca. 93924 M (408) 659-2268

,,---"'~- ..... ,.~~ -~ t._;. :r., REAL ESTATE CON'T SEVEN CITIES REAL ESTATE ~ 780 Munras Ave., Monterey ...... 375-2273 SIWEN (See our Ad - this classification) _J_,,CITIBS fl!~ r SHANKLE REAL TY ••r ' .-t-" d ~RealEstate 1350 Fremont Ave., Seaside ...... 394-1401 VENTURE PROPERTIES (408) 624-7711 56 La Playa, Monterey ...... 373-1736 Carmel Rancho Shopping Center • Carmel. CA. 93021 ' (See our Ad - this classification) (4081 375-2273 (408) 455-1875 TRI-CITY REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 780 Munras Ave. Portola Drive Washington & Pearl, Monterey ...... 375-2442 Monterey. CA. 93!140 Salinas (See our Ad - Map Section) Serving the Entire Monterey Pennisula

REAL ESTATE - RENTALS TRI-CITY REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Washington & Pearl, Monterey ...... 375-2442 (See our Ad - Map Section) .Q.VENTURE(B PROPERTIES REALTOR RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL BUTTS PONTIAC-CADILLAC The Auto Showplace INVESTMENTS • APPRAISALS • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Heitzinger Plaza, Seaside ...... 394-6741 Complete Satisfaction (See our Ad - Automobile Dealers - New & Used) With Every Transaction RENTAL SERVICE (408) 373-1736 HODGES RENT ALL, INC. Party-Rollaways-Baby Furniture-Tire Chains L.A. Watson 528 Foam St., Monterey ...... 372-7381 56 LA PLAYA, MONTEREY 93940 RESTAURANTS CASA MUNRAS A Garden Hotel 700 Munras Ave ., Monterey ...... 375-2411 (See our Ad - Hotels) THE CLOCK GARDEN RESTAURANT 565 Abrego, Monterey ...... 375-6100 (See our Ad - this classification) GRANDMA'S KITCHEN 1126 Forest Ave., Pacific Grove ...... 375-3828 2310 Fremont Blvd., Monterey ...... 375-3033 (See our Ad - this classification) HIGHLANDS INN 4 Miles So. of Carmel on Hwy. One Carmel Highlands ...... 624-3801 (See our Ad - Map Section)


~ La Marmite 1V.IAR1'/1 ITE l •~ Dinner daily except ii I Carmel ...,< • 4f ~ Square ;: rf/bu?iE fk. &"i/Nl/~" Sundays 5:30 'til 10 SAN CARLOS NEAR 7th, CARMEL San Carlos In Carmel Square• 624 -0444 Robert and Andree Boudesseul 14 RESTAURANTS - SERVICE STATIONS t].,,,"bt:t.,,,ts'"' ){_"'},"' Restaurant Curries • Rysttafel Dinners • Fried Bananas New Serving American & Indonesian Lunch Fresh Seafood• Omelettes• Salads• Sandwiches Your favorile Wine & Beer "served wilh Meals" 127 Central Ave., Pacific Grove 372-6605 Closed Tuesdays

RESTAURANTS CON'T INDONESIA RAJA RESTAURANT 127 Central Ave., Pacific Grove ...... 372-6605 (See our Ad - this classification) LA MARMITE RESTAURANT In Carmel Square - San Carlos near Seventh, Carmel ...... 624-0444 (See our Ad - this classification) THE LITTLE EUROPEAN RESTAURANT AND LODGE (House of Gourmet Specialties) Carmel Valley Village ...... 659-2788 PATISSERIE BOISSIERE PATISSERIE Mission St. between Ocean & 7th, Carmel 624-5008 BOISSIERE (See our Ad - this classification) QUITOS FINE FOODS OF MEXICO "French Pastry" (Open 7 Days a Week) The Real French Pastry Sherwood Gardens Shopping Center, Lunches, Dinners & A La Carte Salinas ...... 757-1676 Wine and Beer (See our Ad - this classification) 10 am - 9 pm Closed Wednesday CARMEL PLAZA - MISSION ST. SAVINGS & LOAN BETWEEN OCEAN & 7th AVES. MONTEREY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 449 Alvarado St., Monterey ...... 375-1500 Tel. 624-5008 CARMEL NAVY SCHOOL BRANCH 900 Sloat Ave., Oak Grove ...... 373-2612 (See our Ad - this classification)

SERVICE STATIONS ABREGO UNION 76 SERVICE 398 Fremont at Abrego, Monterey ...... 372-0365 We've pinpaintad yaur 1r11 (See our Ad - this classification) WITH SEVEN OFFICES TO SERVE YOU BEITER

ABREGO un1en 76 SERVICE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE ~- ~ _ ·: __-_J SERVICE & REPAIR ~~@~~ Official Headlamp - Brake Service Oak Grove-Navy School Branch Local Pickup & Delivery 900 Sloat Avenue MONTEREY Hours: 8:30-5:00 Monday-Thursday 8:30-6:00 on Friday 398 FREMONT 372-0365 === SERVICE STATIONS-WATER CONDITIONING 15 BARTOLl'S T.V. Sales - Service 24 HOUR TOWING B & W & Color TV Stereo & Audio EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT "ONE OF THE PENINSULA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL 639 Lighthouse • Monterey • 372-8258 & COMPLETE SERVICE CENTERS"


STARKS SHELL STATION ~ 1083 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 899-2111 (See our Ad - this classification) STARKS & SON SHELL TIRES MUFFLERS 1600 Humbolt, Seaside ...... 394-2020 (See our Ad - this classification) BATTERIES • BRAKES • ACCESSORIES • TUNE-UPS - MECHANIC ON DUTY - TELEVISION - SALES & SERVICE "OUR SERVICE - 2nd TO NONE" BARTOLl'S T.V. T.V. LOUNGE 639 Lighthouse, Monterey ...... 372-8258 NIGHT LUBES FEMALE (See our Ad - this classification) & REPAIRS STARKS ATTENDANTS TRAVEL AGENCIES MONTEREY PENINSULA DISCOVERY TRAVEL SHELL SERVICE (DBA SEASIDE TRAVEL) CALL 203 - 16th St., Pacific Grove ...... 649-3451 FREMONT BLVD. & 899-2111 PICKUP & 1760 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 394-3367 IF NO ANSWER CALL DELIVERY CANYON DEL REY BLVD. (See our Ad - Airline Ticketing) 3114-0325 SEASIDE BOB McGINNIS TRAVEL Carmel Rancho Shopping Center, Carmel 624-2724 STARK'S & SON SHELL (See our Ad - Air Travel) 1600 Humbolt - Seaside at the K-Mart Shopping Center MONTEREY TRAVEL AGENCY I 446 Pacific St., Monterey ...... 373-3266 394-2020 IF NO ANSWER CALL 3114-0325 l!!;'!!!i (See our Ad - Airline Reservations) TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU l- i f TRUCK RENTALS ANDY'S U-HAUL ~ 1124 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 394-7977 (See our Ad - Welding) SUSIE SAYS: EVERY BODY NEEDS WALLPAPER SOFT WATER JAY-MAR PAINT CO. ! 1872 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 394-2743 Call for a Two Week (See our Ad - Paints) FREE SERVICE in La Mesa Village. WATER CONDITIONING CULLIGAN 375-9519 ' 1945 Del Monte Blvd., Seaside ...... 394-6771 500 KOLB A VE. (See our Ad - this classification) MONTEREY SERVISOFT CONTRACTORS LIC. #T-55204202 500 Kolb Ave., Monterey ...... 375-9519 (See our Ad - this classification)


CAMPER & TRAILER STORAGE WATER SOFTENERS CULLIGAN CAMPER REPAIR U+IAUL 1945 Del Monte Blvd., Seaside ...... 394-6771 MOTOR HOMES • TRAILERS (See our Ad - Water Conditioning) • Body Repair SERVI SOFT HOUSEHOLD MOVING • Hitches • Welding 500 Kolb Ave. , Monterey ...... 375-9519 (See our Ad - Water Conditioning) • Generators LOCAL • Refrigerators ONE-WAY • Air Conditioning LONG DISTANCE WELDING ELECTRICAL ANDY'S WELDING 1124 Fremont Blvd., Seaside ...... 394-9331 ANDY'S WELDING (See our Ad - this classification) 394-9331 394.7977 1124 FREMONT BLVD.• SEASIDE




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