The Decline of the U.S. Rust Belt: A Macroeconomic Analysis Simeon Alder David Lagakos Lee Ohanian Notre Dame ASU UCLA January 31, 2013 Abstract No region of the United States fared worse over the post-war period than the “Rust Belt,” the heavy manufacturing zone bordering the Great Lakes. We argue that a lack of competition in labor and output markets in the Rust Belt were responsible for much of the region’s de- cline. We formalize this theory in a dynamic general-equilibrium model in which productivity growth and regional employment shares are determined by the extent of competition. When plausibly calibrated, the model explains roughly half the decline in the Rust Belt’s manufac- turing employment share. Industry evidence support the model’s predictions that investment and productivity growth rates were relatively low in the Rust Belt. Keywords: Rust Belt, competition, productivity, unionization, monopoly JEL codes: E24, E65, J3, J5, L16, R13 Email:
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[email protected]. We thank Ufuk Akcigit, Marco Bassetto, Pablo Fajgelbaum, Jeremy Greenwood, Berthold Herrendorf, Tom Holmes, Alejandro Justiniano, Thomas Klier, An- drea Pozzi, Ed Prescott, Jim Schmitz, Todd Schoellman, Marcelo Veracierto, Fabrizio Zilibotti and seminar partic- ipants at Arizona State, Autonoma de Barcelona, British Columbia, the Federal Reserve Banks of Chicago and St. Louis, Frankfurt, Notre Dame, Pennsylvania, UCLA, Zurich, the 2012 Einaudi Roma Macro Junior conference, and the 2012 SED meetings (Cyprus) for helpful comments. We thank Andrew Cole, Alex Hartman, Patrick Orr, Samin Peirovi, Billy Smith and especially Glenn Farley for excellent research assistance.