HAGGARD/HOGGARD FAMILIES a Person's Most Treasured Possession
HAGGARD/HOGGARD FAMILIES A person's most treasured possession, their most valued asset, is their name. Everyone at heart is an ancestor worshipper. No one need to be ashamed of a proper and wholesome family pride. All the races of mankind, from the most primitive tribes to the most sophisticated, have preserved by some means the descent of their great families, their chiefs and commoners. The sacred contain a great many genealogies, passed down by word of mouth, in poem, song and chant, for many generations before they were committed to writing. The family is the cornerstone of our civilization, vital to our racial, national and personal security. For most of us it is not possible to trace with accuracy before the time when surnames were first adopted. The nomads of the dark ages felt no need of surnames, nor did their contemporaries in the established communities, the hamlets and manors where all lived under the patronage of their local Lord. At first there was but one house, the Lord's hall whose inhabitants bore personal names related to their occupation or their personal characteristics, or their aspirations in this world or the next. By the time the whole of Europe was won to Christianity most of the names familiar to us today as Christian names had been chosen. In those days when communities were small and men were closely bound by personal allegiance to each other, each was identified by a single name only, but as the population increased, communication, trade and travel became easier, confusion would arise unless there was some way of identifying particular persons of the same name.
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