THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT VOLUME IV DON DeWELT College Press, Joplin, Missouri Copyright® 1976 College Press Publishing Company Second Printing — 1982 Third Printing — 1988 Printed and Bound in the United States of America All Rights Reserved International Standard Book Number: 0-89900-126-2 THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT A WORD TO OUR READERS It has been more than thirteen years since we published Volume One of The Power of the Holy Spirit (1963). Each volume has grown in size. Volume One has 150 pages, Volume Two (1966) has 200 pages, and Volume Three (1971), 250 pages. Volume Four (1976) has more than 400 pages. One day, Lord permitting, we shall offer a study in Volume Four of all the references to the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. At present we want the present material in Volume Four to get into the hands and hearts of those who have waited so patiently for its publication. Please notice the rather complete bibliography in each of the volumes. Such extensive publishing on the subject of the Holy Spirit should give some indication of His importance to many people. In the preparation of Volume Four, we have made ourselves acquainted with several books on each verse we have considered on the Holy Spirit. We want our readers to know of the splendid resources available. We quote from a rather large number of authors. Buy these books and read them. You need not agree with everything you read in a book, but read it. Our estimate of the worth of such books many times accompanies our quotations from them. Because our approach to this subject has been much more personal than that found in some of our other writing we have paused often for a long time before expressing a conviction on the truth being considered. I do indeed want always to be “the first to partake of the fruit.” Yours in Him, Don DeWelt September, 1976 ii BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, VOLUME IV We are glad to acknowledge our indebtedness to Ira J. Martin and his book Glossolalia — A Bibliography, published by Bethany Press, Cleveland, Tennessee, 1970. We recommend that our readers purchase this important book. We do not by any means endorse all the books here listed. We do believe we should know what is available by various authors. BOOKS ON GLOSSOLALIA (1) Anderson, Hans Jorgen. The “ABC” of Acts 2:4. GlosseTongues. Los Angeles: Hans J. Anderson, 1926 (2) Arthur, William. The Tongue of Fire. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1870. (3) The Baptism With the Holy Ghost and Fire. Springfield, Mo.: Gospel Publishing House, n.d. (4) Barratt, Thomas B. In the Days of the Latter Rain. London: Elim Publishing Company, n.d. (5) Bartleman, Frank. Around the World by Faith. Los Angeles: Privately printed, n.d. (6) How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles. Second edition. Los Angeles: Frank Bartleman, 1925. (7) Two Years Mission Work in Europe. Los Angeles: Privately Printed, n.d. (8) Bauman, Louis S. The Tongues Movement. Winona Lake: Brethren Missionary Herald Company, 1963. (9) Baxter, Robert. Narrative of Facts Characterizing the Supernatural Manifestations in Members of Mr. Irving’s Congregation. London: J. Nisbet, 1833. (10) Bishop, A. E. Tongues, Signs, and Visions Not God’s Order for Today. Chicago: Moody Press, n.d. (11) Bloch-Hoell, Nils. The Pentecostal Movement. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1964. English translation, London: Allen and Unwin, 1964 (12) Blossom, Willie W. The Gift of the Holy Spirit. Madison, Wis.: n.p., 1925 (13) Blunt, Hugh Francis. Life With the Holy Ghost. Milwaukee, Wis.: Bruce Publishing Company, 1943. (14) Bosworth, Fred F. Do All Speak With Tongues? New York: Christian Alliance Publishing Company, n.d. (15) Brice, Joe. Pentecost. London: Hodder and Stoughton, Ldt., 1936. (16) Bruner, B. H. Pentecost, a Renewal of Power. New York, Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1928 (17) Caldwell, William. Pentecostal Baptism. Tulsa, Okla.: Miracle Moments Evangelistic Association, Inc., 1963. (18) Campbell, James M. After Pentecost What? New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1897. (19) Campbell, Joseph E. The Pentecostal Holiness Church. Franklin Springs, Ga.: Pentecostal Holiness Church, 1951. (20) Cenac, Michel... “De Certains Languages Creespardes Alienes. Contribution a l’Etude des “Glossolalies. “Paris: Jouve, 1925 (21) Chamillard, G. De Corona Tonsura. Paris: Published by author, 1659. (22) Chery, H. Ch. L’Offensive des Sectes. Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1954 (23) Clark, Elijah C. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and More. n.d., 1928 iii THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (24) Courtney, Howard P. The Vocal Gifts of the Spirit. Los Angeles: B. N. Robertson Company, 1956. (25) Crocket, H. L. Conversations on the Tongues. Louisville: Pentecostal Publishing Company, 1929. (26) Dalton, Robert C. Tongues Like As of Fire. Springfield, Mo.: The Gospel Publishing House, 1945 (27) Damboriena, Prudenzio. Tongues As of Fire. Washington and Cleveland: Corpus Book, 1969 (28) Dolman, D. H. Simple Talks on the Holy Spirit. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, n.d. (29) DuPlessis, David J. Pentecost Outside Pentecost. Dallas: Privately printed, 1960 (30) _________ . The Spirit Bade Me Go. Dallas: Published by author, 1961. (31) Erickson, E. C. The Bible on Speaking in Tongues. Published by author, n.d. (32) Ewart, Frank J. The Phenomenon of Pentecost. A History of the Latter Rain. St. Louis: Pentecostal Publishing House, 1947. (33) Fisher, J. Franklin. Speaking With Tongues. Published by author, n.d. (34) Flicoteaux, Dom Emmanuel. The Splendor of Pentecost. Baltimore: Helicon Press, 1961. (35) Flournoy, Theodore. Des Indes a Ia Planete Mars: Etude sur un Cas de Somnambulisme avec Glossolalia. Geneve: Ch. Eggiman & Cie., 1900. (36) Gaebelein, A. C., and F. C. Jennings. Pentecostalism, the Gift of Tongues and Demon Possession. New York: Our Hope, n.d. (37) Gee, Donald. God’s Great Gift. Springfield, Mo.: The Gospel Publishing House, n.d. (38) . Pentecost. Springfield, Mo.: The Gospel Publishing House, n.d. (39) . The Pentecostal Movement, Including the Story of the War Years, 1940-47. London: Elim Publishing Company, 1949. (40) . Upon All Flesh. Springfield, Mo.: The Gospel Publishing House, 1935. (41) Goforth, Jonathan. “By My Spirit.” Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1942. (42) Henshaw, T. The Latter Prophets. London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 1958. (43) Hilgenfield, A. Die Glossalalie in der Alten Kirche (Glossolalia in the Primitive Church). Leipzig, 1850. (44) Hoy, Albert. The Gift of Tongues. Published by author, n.d. (45) Hunt, George L. Speaking in Tongues. Yalcima, Wash.: Gospel Hall, n.d. (46) Jeffrey, George. Pentecostal Rays. London: Elim Publishing House, n.d. (47) Klubeck, Gloria G. What God Hath Wrought. The definitive history of Canada’s largest Pentecostal organization, The Pentecostal Assemblies. Toronto: The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, 1948. (48) Lang, G. H. The Earlier Years of the Modern Tongues Movement. Winborne, England: G. H. Lang, (49) Lombard, Emile. De Ia Glossolie Chez Les Premiers Chretiens et des Phenomenes Similaries, Etude d’Exegese et de Psychologie. Lausanne: G. Bridel & Cie., 1910. (50) Lowry, Oscar. The Pentecostal Baptism and the Enduement of Power. Chicago: Moody Press, 936. (51) Mackie, Aleaxander. The Gift of Tongues. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1921. (52) Massee, J. C. The Holy Spirit. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1940. (53) McClintock, J., and J. Strong. Cyclopoedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. 10:279. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1869-81. (54) McConkey, James H. The Three-Fold Secret of the Holy Spirit. Pittsburgh: Silver Publishing Society, 1897. (55) Molenaar, D. De D op Met de Heilige Geest. Kampen: Kok, 1963. (56) Mosiman, Eddison. Das Zungenreden Geschichtlich und Psychologisch Untersucht. Leipzig: J. B. Hirschfeld, 1911. xii, 64 p. Also by J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck(, 1911. (57) Mountain, J. Authority, Demons, and Tongues. Have Christians Authority Over Satan and May They Possess the Gift of Tongues? Tunbridge Wells, England: Published by author, n.d. (58) Myland, Wesley T. The Latter Rain. Published by author, n.d. (59) Neighbor, R. E. Talking in Tongues. Elyria, Ohio: Gems of Gold Publishing Company, n.d. (60) Ness, Henry H. The Baptism With the Holy Spirit, What Is It? Hayward, Calif.: Evangelism Crusaders, n.d. (61) . Manifestations of the Spirit. Published by author, n.d. (62) Ockenga, Harold J. Power Through Pentecost. Grand Rapids: Win. B. Eerdmans Publishing iv BIBLIOGRAPHY Company, 1959. (63) Owen, John. On the Holy Spirit. 2 volumes. Philadelphia: Protestant Episcopal Book Society, 1862. (64) Panton, D. M. Irvingism, Tongues, and the Gifts of the Holy Ghost. London: Chas. J. Thynne and Jarvis, Ltd., n.d. (65) Pearlman, Meyer. Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible. Springfield, Mo.: The Gospel Publishing House, 1937. (66) . The Heavenly Gift. Springfield, Mo.: The Gospel Publishing House, 1937. (67) Peele, T. W. The Miracle of Power. London: Rivington’s, 1862. (68) Perkins, J. E. The Brooding Presence and Pentecost. Springfield, Mo.: The Gospel Publishing House, 1926. (69) Pierson, A. T. Speaking With Tongues. New York: The Gospel Publishing House, n.d. (70) Pilkington, G. The unknown tongues discovered to be English, Spanish, and Latin; the Reverend Edward Irving proved to be erroneous in attributing their utterance to the influence of the Holy Spirit. London: Published by author, 1831. (71) Pollock, A. J. Modern Pentecostalism, Foursquare Gospel, Healing, and Tongues. London: The Central Bible Truth Depot, n.d. (72) Pridie, J. R. The Spiritual Gifts. London: Robert Scott, 1921. (73) Ramm, Bernard. A Study of Some Special Problems in Reference to the Speaking in Tongues. Los Angeles: Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 1947. (74) Schauch, Margaret. The Gift of Tongues. New York: Modern Age Books, 1942. (75) Scottish Church Society. The Pentecostal Gift. Edinburgh: Maclehose, 1903. (76) Simmons, J.
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