19 March 2021

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19 March 2021 PLANNING WORKSHEET 11 – DELEGATED / PCG REPORT - GENERAL Valid Date: 29 July 2020 Extension of time agreed till: 19 March 2021 Application Ref. 20/00916/RES Site Address Land On The East Side Of Doncaster Road Langold Nottinghamshire Proposal Reserved Matters Application for the Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale for 165 Residential Dwellings Following the Granting of Outline P.A 17/01462/OUT Case Officer Jamie Elliott Decision Level Delegated after referral to PCG Recommendation GRANT Reason(s) for Reserved matters application following Committee decision on outline ref: PCG referral 17/01462/OUT PCG Sign off and date 8th March 2021 Signature Date Case Officer JE 04/03/2021 Authorised signing Manager 8th March 2021 Policy Having regard to Section 54A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Considerations the main policy considerations are as follows: National Planning Policy Framework The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government’s approach for the planning system and how these are expected to be applied. Paragraph 8 explains that there are three dimensions to sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. These dimensions give rise to the need for the planning system to perform an economic, social and environmental role. Paragraph 11 explains that at the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. For decision-taking this means approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay; and where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out-of-date, granting permission unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole or specific policies in this Framework indicate development should be restricted. The relevant policies are as follows: Part 12. Achieving well-designed places Part 15. Conserving and enhancing the natural environment Part 16. Conserving and enhancing the historic environment Bassetlaw District Council – Local Development Framework Core Strategy & Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (Adopted December 2011): CS1 - Settlement hierarchy CS5 – Carlton-in-Lindrick and Langold DM4 - Design & character DM5 – Housing Mix and Density DM8 – The Historic Environment DM9 - Delivering open space and sports facilities DM11 - Developer contributions and infrastructure provision DM12 - Flood risk, sewage and drainage Hodsock and Langold Neighbourhood Plan The approval of the Examination Report by BDC Full Council included arrangements for a referendum on whether the Plan should be adopted. In accordance with the Coronavirus Act 2020, the referendum will not be held until Thursday 6 May 2021, but the Plan will be afforded significant weight in decision- making in the interim. The relevant policies are as follows: Policy 1: Housing Requirement in Langold Policy 3: Design Codes for Sites 1 and 2 Policy 4: Housing Mix Policy 11: Historic Environment Other relevant Bassetlaw District Council – Successful Places: A Guide to Sustainable guidance/SPDs Housing Layout and Design (Adopted December 2013) Relevant 17/01462/OUT Outline planning permission granted for residential development of Planning upto 165 dwellings. September 2018. History Consultation Consultation and Publicity Expiry Date: 10 March 2021 date(s) Summary of NCC Policy No comments to make. Consultation Responses NCC Highways No objections. NCC Flood Risk Management Team. No objections subject to conditions requiring the submission, agreement, implementation and maintenance of surface water drainage. BDC Conservation. No objections BDC Operational Services Manager. The development would need to provide adequate access for refuse vehicles and wheel bin collection points. Hodsock Parish Council object to the development on the following grounds: 1. Langold has insufficient services and facilities to accommodate the new dwellings; 2. Permission has already been granted for 300 dwellings on the other side of the road; 3. Increase in traffic would lead to congestion and increase in accidents. Summary of This application was advertised by neighbour letter, site notice and press notice Publicity and 8 letters have been received from local residents objecting to the development on the following grounds: 1. Would increase the risk of flooding; 2. Result in increase in noise disturbance and loss of privacy and amenity; 3. Increase in traffic would be detrimental to highway safety; 4. Would result in over development of the village; 5. The school would require investment; 6. The size of the village should be retained; 7. Views should be maintained; 8. Brownfield sites should be developed first; 9. Village services are at full capacity; 10. Adverse impact on wildlife; 11. Would result in light pollution; 12. Would be detrimental to landscape setting; 13. The Wood should not be affected; 14. No affordable housing is provided; 15. Hedges and trees should be retained. Site Context The site is located to the north of Langold, to the east of Doncaster Road (A60) and is 7.56 hectares in area, and is currently in agricultural use. The site is bounded to the west by Doncaster Road (A60), residential development to the south and agricultural land to the north and east. The site is located in Flood Zone 1, which has a low probability of river flooding, being land which is the least susceptible to flooding. Goldthorpe Farm and Barns located to the north east of the site are Grade II listed buildings. The site is identified in the Hodsock and Langold Neighbourhood Plan for residential development for up to 165 dwellings. The Proposal The scheme proposes the submission of Reserved Matters application for the erection of 165 dwellings following the granting of outline planning permission. The development consists of 2, 3 and 4 bed dwellings. Assessment of PRINCIPLE Proposal As outline planning permission was granted for the erection of upto 165 dwellings in September 2018, and the site is allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan, the principle of residential development of the site has clearly been accepted. SUSTAINABILITY OF THE DEVELOPMENT Paragraph 8 of the NPPF sets out three dimensions for sustainable development, economic, social and environmental: “an economic objective – to help build a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right types is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth, innovation and improved productivity; and by identifying and coordinating the provision of infrastructure; a social objective – to support strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by ensuring that a sufficient number and range of homes can be provided to meet the needs of present and future generations; and by fostering a well-designed and safe built environment, with accessible services and open spaces that reflect current and future needs and support communities’ health, social and cultural well-being; and an environmental objective – to contribute to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment; including making effective use of land, helping to improve biodiversity, using natural resources prudently, minimising waste and pollution, and mitigating and adapting to climate change, including moving to a low carbon economy. In reaching a decision on this case, the NPPF at paragraph 9 makes it clear that the objectives referred to above should play an active role in guiding development towards sustainable solutions and are not criteria against which every planning application should be judged against. VISUAL AMENITY Policy DM4 of the Bassetlaw Local Development Framework states that permission will only be granted for residential development that is of a high quality design, respects the character of the area. Similar advice is contained in paragraph 127 of the NPPF which states that development should be sympathetic to local character including the surrounding built environment and landscape setting. Policy 3 of the Neighbourhood Plan states that residential development of this site should have regard to the Langold Design Code in respect of building scale, form and design. It is considered that the general layout and design of the proposed dwellings would be sympathetic to the character and appearance of the area and in-keeping with the existing form of development in the village. Accordingly, it is considered that the development would comply with the policies outlined above. RESIDENTIAL AMENITY Policy DM4 of the Core Strategy requires that development does not materially or detrimentally affect the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties. This requirement also forms part of paragraph 127 of the NPPF. The District Council’s ‘Successful Places’ Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) also provides guidance on sustainable housing layout and design and states that new dwellings should normally have a minimum single area of private amenity space of : 90m2 for 4 -5 bed dwellings, 70m2 for 3 bed dwellings and 50m2 for 2 bed dwellings. The majority of the new dwellings would be provided with rear gardens in excess of and therefore in compliance with, the minimum standards outlined above. It is considered that the layout and orientation of the new dwellings would ensure that the development would not result in any significant loss of privacy or overlooking of existing dwellings at the boundaries of the site.
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