3 Minutes of the Meeting of the Council of the City of held in the Council Chamber within the Town Hall, Sheffield, on Wednesday, 5th January, 2011, pursuant to notice duly given and Summonses duly served.


THE LORD MAYOR (Councillor Alan Law) THE DEPUTY LORD MAYOR (Councillor Sylvia Dunkley)

1 Ward 10 Dore & Ward 19 Ward Jack Scott Keith Hill Isobel Bowler Julie Dore Colin Ross Gail Smith John Robson Mike Davis David Barker

2 Beauchief/Greenhill Ward 11 East Ward 20 Ward Clive Skelton Garry Weatherall Anders Hanson Louise McCann Colin Taylor Ali Qadar Simon Clement-Jones Vic Bowden Colin France

3 Ward 12 Ward 21 Richmond Ward Helen Mirfin-Boukouris Roger Davison Martin Lawton Ian Saunders Mike Reynolds Lynn Rooney Chris Rosling-Josephs John Campbell

4 Ward 13 Ward 22 Shiregreen & Brightside Ward Karen McGowan Joan Barton Peter Rippon Bryan Lodge Chris Weldon Jane Bird Peter Price

5 Broomhill Ward 14 Fulwood Ward 23 Southey Ward Alan Whitehouse Janice Sidebottom Gill Furniss Paul Scriven Andrew Sangar Tony Damms Shaffaq Mohammed Leigh Bramall

6 Ward 15 Valley Ward 24 Ward Talib Hussain Cate McDonald David Baker Jackie Drayton Frank Taylor Arthur Dunworth Ibrar Hussain Denise Reaney Vickie Priestley

7 Central Ward 16 Ward 25 & Upper Don Ward Mohammed Maroof Bob McCann Alison Brelsford Robert Murphy Peter Moore Jack Clarkson Jillian Creasy Ian Auckland

8 Ward 17 Ward 26 Ward Sylvia Anginotti Janet Bragg Ben Curran Brian Holmes Joe Taylor Diane Leek John Hesketh Steve Ayris Penny Baker

9 Ward 18 Manor Castle Ward 27 Ward Mazher Iqbal Terry Fox Trevor Bagshaw Mary Lea Pat Midgley Kathleen Chadwick Harry Harpham Jenny Armstrong Alan Hooper

28 Woodhouse Ward Ray Satur Jackie Satur Mick Rooney Council 5.1.2011 Page 2


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Denise Fox and John Knight.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Notice of Motion 16 – Sheffield Financial Inclusion and Advice Project The following Members of the Council declared a personal interest in the above item: Councillor Ian Auckland as his wife was employed at the Advice Centre Councillor Simon Clement-Jones as a Director of Woodseats Advice Centre Councillor Mike Davis as a Trustee of Woodseats Advice Centre Councillor Jack Scott as he is a national Director of Citizens Advice Councillor Janet Bragg as a Director of Hillsborough Area Advice Centre Councillor Jenny Armstrong as a Director of Manor Rights and Advice Service Councillor Leigh Bramall – Foxhill Parson Cross Advice Centre

Councillor Robert Murphy declared a prejudicial interest as his partner’s employment relates to debt specialist caseworkers.

Notice of Motion 14 - Voting Reform The following Members of the Council declared a personal interest in the above item: Councillor John Robson as a member of Make Votes Count and the Labour Electoral Reform Society Councillor Mike Reynolds as a member of Unlock Democracy


RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Clive Skelton, seconded by Councillor Jack Clarkson, that the minutes of the meeting of the City Council held on 3rd November, 2010, be approved as a correct record.


(a) Petition Expressing Concerns at the Possible Loss of Debt Advice Services in the City

The Council received a petition containing 2,938 signatures expressing concern at the possible loss of debt advice services in the City.

Representations on behalf of the petitioners were made by Sheena Hockley who referred to the debt case workers funded through the Financial Inclusion Fund Project which was managed by the Citizens’ Advice Bureau Debt Support Unit. Reference was made to 12 specialist case workers employed in the most deprived areas of the City in partnership with the City Council. Sheena Hockley also referred to the contribution of advisers to debt relief Council 5.1.2011 Page 3

orders introduced in April 2002. The specialist case workers had experience of working with such orders and providing associated support. She stated that the number of signatures collected over the holiday period showed the overwhelming support of Sheffield people for the debt specialist case workers and their contribution to helping people in Sheffield’s most deprived areas. She asked that the City Council consider the service provided through the debt advice project when considering wider cuts to funding for advice services in the City.

(NOTE: Councillor Chris Rosling-Josephs asked for it to be noted that he had signed the above petition.)

The Council referred the petition to the Deputy Leader of the Council (Councillor David Baker) who thanked the petitioners for submitting the petition and gave thanks to Sheena Hockley for coming to see him earlier and explaining her concerns and the problems as outlined. He stated that it was his understanding that the petitioners wished the Council to provide support by telling the Government that the Council would like them to continue funding the project rather than ceasing funding when the current arrangements came to an end and the Council was also asked to consider the general impact of not funding such advice services. Firstly, he stated that he had written to Business Secretary, the Rt Hon Vince Cable MP on this matter and had copied this letter to Sheena Hockley. Secondly, he stated that the Council would not be able to promise not to make reductions in funding to partner organisations that provided such services but he emphasised that the Council would be looking at individual applications for funding and decisions would be made as regards funding for 2011/12. Whilst he could not say with certainty what the outcome of funding applications would be, he did state that he understood the need for debt support services in the City.

(b) Petition Complaining About Frequency, Unreliability and Lack of Buses on the 45, 45A and 46 Routes

The Council received a petition containing 273 signatures and complaining about frequency, unreliability and lack of buses on the 45, 45A and 46 routes.

Representations on behalf of the petitioners were made by John Sheldon. He stated that First Bus had decided to no longer run buses to Firth Park and people wishing to continue their journeys would be required to wait for a community bus. He stated that this affected shops and the level of trade in Firth Park. He also referred to the lack of frequency of services and to occasions when several buses came at the same time and because of the width of the road, often buses had to reverse to allow other traffic through. He stated that he had contacted First Bus and they stated that they would investigate the timing and frequency on these routes. However, the situation was still the same. He also referred to the 46A which was a Sunday service and did travel through to Firth Park, unlike weekday services.

The Council referred the petition to the Cabinet Member for Business, Transport and Skills (Councillor Ian Auckland) who stated that the City Council 5.1.2011 Page 4

Council did not control bus services, but he stated that, as a member of the Integrated Transport Authority, he would raise the issue of timing on the petitioners’ behalf. He understood that First Bus were to withdraw the 45A and 46 routes in order to deal with the issue of reliability and replace these with three other services, the detail of which he could share with the petitioner. He stated that First Bus had said that they were trying to listen to people’s concerns and make appropriate changes.

(c) Petition Requesting Traffic Calming Measures and Road Safety Improvements around the Yorkshire Muslim Academy

The received a petition containing 224 signatures requesting traffic calming measures and road safety improvements around the Yorkshire Muslim Academy.

The Council referred the petition to the Cabinet Member for Business, Transport and Skills (Councillor Ian Auckland). Councillor Auckland stated that the petition would be dealt through the Council’s usual process relating to requests for traffic calming and road safety improvements.

(d) Petition Objecting to the Rise in Tuition Fees

The Council referred the petition to the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services (Councillor Colin Ross) who referred to the Notice of Motion relating to tuition fees passed at the meeting of the City Council in November 2010.

4.2 Public Questions

(a) Public Question concerning the Sheffield Blitz Memorial

Patrick Strafford referred to Sheffield Blitz Memorial which commemorated those people who lost their lives and those who worked and lived through the bombing and air raids of 1940. He spoke of the experience of bombing and the terrifying experience of delayed action bombing. He stated that it was important that the memorial to the Sheffield Blitz be put in a prominent position as both a reminder and a message to young people in particular of those killed, injured or involved in the bombing.

In response, the Leader of the Council (Councillor Paul Scriven) thanked Mr Strafford for sharing his experiences and stated that people like him were the silent heroes of Sheffield in World War 2. He stated that he wished to say thank you on behalf of Sheffield for the determination of those living at that time, recognising the loss experienced by families but also the achievements of people in rebuilding the City.

Councillor Scriven stated that the memorial on Devonshire Green was not in a prominent position as it should be and he referred to the joint Notice of Motion at this meeting which resolved to consider bringing the memorial into a more prominent position to remember the Sheffield Blitz and to mark the Council 5.1.2011 Page 5

determination of Sheffielders at that time.

(b) Public Question concerning and Escadon

Brian Hanson referred to the establishment of a company offering work experience to the long term unemployed whereby people with relevant experience would provide training for those not in employment. He asked if the company, Escadon, could have the Council’s permission to sub-manage Nether Springs, the footpath at which had deteriorated as it had not been maintained by Sheffield Wildlife Trust who had originally constructed the path. He also referred to ideas including the clearance of grass cuttings on footpaths in Gleadless Valley and the establishment of a fruit farm at Nether Springs and made reference to various photographs which he had produced to support his questions.

In response, the Cabinet Member for Communities (Councillor Shaffaq Mohammed) stated that he recognised the energy and enthusiasm for Gleadless Valley shown by Mr Hanson and suggested that he hold a further meeting with Mr Hanson to discuss how these proposals might be taken forward and to view the photographs which he had provided.

(c) Questions concerning Sheffield Homes and the Application of the Freedom of Information Act

Martin Brighton referred to an instruction by the Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and Planning to Sheffield Homes, asking them to issue a payment card to him. He stated that six months later he had not received the payment card.

Mr Brighton asked the City Council to note that in relation to the issue of a payment card from Sheffield Homes, he had received a telephone call from the Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and Planning (Councillor Penny Baker) stating that he would be issued with a new payment card and he thanked Councillor Baker. In response, Councillor Penny Baker stated she was glad Mr Brighton was to receive his payment card and asked him to inform her when he did receive it.

Secondly, he referred to an alleged failure to comply with the Freedom of Information Act and particularly to the Subject Access Request of January 2009 placed upon the Leader’s Office and asked whether this particular request would be processed. He also referred to information requests to Sheffield Homes.

Finally, he asked what the Chamber and the Administration were going to do to ensure that democratic decisions and policies were applied?

In response, the Leader of the Council (Councillor Paul Scriven) stated that he would follow up the issue raised relating to the Subject Access Request of January 2009. He also stated that in relation to the application of democratic decisions and policies, the City Council had a programme and a set of policies Council 5.1.2011 Page 6

and in cases where these were blown off course or not implemented as quickly as one might like, Members could use the good offices of the Council’s Executive Directors.

4.3 Petition Regarding the Closure of the Cashiers Facility at Howden House

The Council received a petition, containing 6,230 signatures concerning the closure of the Cashiers Facility at Howden House.

Representations on behalf of the petitioners were made by Mr Ken Curran. He requested that the City Council give consideration to the petition “calling on Sheffield City Council to look again at their decision to close the Cashiers facility at Howden House. This vital service is used by thousands of our citizens including many elderly and vulnerable people. The City Council should work to expand this frontline service so it can be more widely used and take all forms of payment for public utilities, etc.”

Mr Curran stated that the proposed closure of the Cashiers facility at Howden House would adversely impact on thousands of Sheffield’s residents and asked the City Council to reconsider its decision for a number of reasons. Firstly, he stated that 241,000 transactions which took place at Howden House could not be replaced by transactions at Post Offices as the City Council proposed. Second, the consultation undertaken was by way of what was considered a dubious questionnaire. Thirdly, the savings forecast may be wrong as it did not account for pension costs, for example. The City Council could not guarantee that revenues would be collected by other means and should be able to ensure that as much income was collected as possible.

Further, he stated that the cost of transactions featured in the report to the Council’s Cabinet had not considered the scope of other services being offered at Howden House. There was a wider cost, he stated, which was the cost to vulnerable people in the City of the withdrawal of services at Howden House. In relation to Sheffield Homes, contact was also made with the Howden House Cashiers Service to see if tenants had made payments where they were under threat of eviction from their homes or, for example, emergency payments which could be facilitated through the Cashiers facility. Such communication and services may not be provided by other means.

Ken Curran also referred to the closure of Post Offices during the period of snow in December 2010 which would affect people’s ability to make transactions if there were no alternative. Overall, he stated that it was felt there was a rush to close what was an important community facility.

Mr Curran stated that, in relation to consultation regarding the proposed closure of Howden House, a questionnaire had been given to some members of the public accessing services there, but he was concerned that there had not been adequate consultation with black and minority ethnic groups and other organised groups in the City. He also suggested that there would not be redeployment opportunities for staff working in the Howden House Cashiers Service. Finally, he stated that over 6,000 people had signed the petition and Council 5.1.2011 Page 7

asked the Council to look again at the decision to close the Cashiers facility and engage with service users on the issues now raised.

Members of the City Council debated the issues raised by the petition and matters relating to the proposed closure of the Cashiers facility at Howden House.

(NOTE: Councillors Julie Dore, Bryan Lodge, Harry Harpham, Martin Lawton, Jackie Drayton, Tony Damms, Jack Scott, Terry Fox, Lynn Rooney and Mick Rooney asked for it to be noted that they had signed the above petition.)


The following two proposals were moved in response to the petition received relating to the closure of the Cashiers facility at Howden House and subsequent debate.

1. It was moved by Councillor Simon Clement-Jones, seconded by Councillor David Baker, that this Council:-

(a) notes that the number of people wishing to pay for services in person by cash is falling rapidly and that the cost to run an in-house cashiering service is no longer value for money, especially when you consider that residents will continue to be able to pay by cash in local Post Offices;

(b) welcomes the support being put in place to vulnerable customers to make them aware of other forms of payment and how they can continue to pay for rent or council tax with cash;

(c) welcomes the move to encourage more business to go to local Post Offices in order to make Sheffield’s Post Office network more sustainable and believes that even more should be done to allow local people to access services in their local Post Office;

(d) notes that although redundancies cannot be ruled out, the contract with Capita specifically requires Capita to seek alternative employment for cashiering staff within the organisation and therefore resolves to actively work with Capita to ensure that potential redeployment takes place at the earliest possible date.

2. It was moved by Councillor Julie Dore, seconded by Councillor Bryan Lodge, that this Council:-

agrees that the Council revisits its decision regarding the closure of the cashiers facility at Howden House and further agrees that representatives of both the Administration and Officers should hold discussions with the relevant Trade Unions to work through the outstanding issues raised by the petition, following which a further detailed report should be submitted to the Cabinet with a copy being Council 5.1.2011 Page 8

circulated to all Council Members.

On being put to the vote, both Motions were carried, as follows:

That this Council:-

(a) notes the receipt of the petition containing 6,230 signatures “calling on Sheffield City Council to look again at their decision to close the Cashiers facility at Howden House”;

(b) notes that the number of people wishing to pay for services in person by cash is falling rapidly and that the cost to run an in-house cashiering service is no longer value for money, especially when you consider that residents will continue to be able to pay by cash in local Post Offices;

(c) welcomes the support being put in place to vulnerable customers to make them aware of other forms of payment and how they can continue to pay for rent or council tax with cash;

(d) welcomes the move to encourage more business to go to local Post Offices in order to make Sheffield’s Post Office network more sustainable and believes that even more should be done to allow local people to access services in their local Post Office;

(e) notes that although redundancies cannot be ruled out, the contract with Capita specifically requires Capita to seek alternative employment for cashiering staff within the organisation and therefore resolves to actively work with Capita to ensure that potential redeployment takes place at the earliest possible date;

(f) agrees that the Council revisits its decision regarding the closure of the cashiers facility at Howden House and further agrees that representatives of both the Administration and Officers should hold discussions with the relevant Trade Unions to work through the outstanding issues raised by the petition, following which a further detailed report should be submitted to the Cabinet with a copy being circulated to all Council Members.


RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Jillian Creasy, seconded by Councillor Clive Skelton, that in accordance with Standing Order A14(vii), the Council do now proceed to the consideration of the item of business Nod. 16 on the Council Summons.


It was moved by Councillor Jillian Creasy, seconded by Councillor Pat Midgley, that this Council:- Council 5.1.2011 Page 9

(a) notes the imminent loss of 12 experienced Face to Face Debt Specialist Caseworkers in the most deprived funded through the Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF) project, a project managed by the CAB Debt Support Unit in partnership with the City Council;

(b) notes that during 2009/10, 1,930 clients were referred to the Debt Caseworkers who dealt with £25.6 million of debt and prevented the loss of 110 client's homes;

(c) notes that the Caseworkers are taking on no appointments from 14th January, 2011 as casework has to be rundown ahead of the end of contract;

(d) believes that this is especially worrying as after Christmas is a time when many people face financial hardship;

(e) is concerned at the anticipated loss of debt support services from April 2011, especially given the impact of escalating debt, high unemployment and changes in the welfare system and the current and future economic climate;

(f) believes the Sheffield FIF Debt Advice Project has successfully engaged with clients in greatest need, particularly those experiencing financial exclusion, such as those on low income, not having bank accounts, using high interest credit or those not having insurance or savings and believes the benefits of the project spread far beyond their client group;

(g) urges the Government to continue this successful project which benefits both the most vulnerable in our society and the wider community;

(h) will provide any appropriate support to the project in its efforts to secure continued funding; and

(i) directs that a copy of this motion be sent to Vince Cable MP at the Department for Innovation and Skills and to all Sheffield MPs.

Whereupon, it was moved by Councillor David Baker, seconded by Councillor Diane Leek, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by the deletion of the words “especially given the impact of escalating debt, high unemployment and changes in the welfare system and the current and future economic climate” in paragraph (e) and their replacement by the words “although acknowledges that the majority of debt support services will continue including those that have received additional funding from Community Assemblies;”.

On being put to the vote, the amendment was negatived. Council 5.1.2011 Page 10

After a right of reply from Councillor Jillian Creasy, the original Motion was then put to the vote and carried as follows:-

RESOLVED: That this Council:-

(a) notes the imminent loss of 12 experienced Face to Face Debt Specialist Caseworkers in the most deprived areas of Sheffield funded through the Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF) project, a project managed by the CAB Debt Support Unit in partnership with the City Council;

(b) notes that during 2009/10, 1,930 clients were referred to the Debt Caseworkers who dealt with £25.6 million of debt and prevented the loss of 110 client's homes;

(c) notes that the Caseworkers are taking on no appointments from 14th January, 2011 as casework has to be rundown ahead of the end of contract;

(d) believes that this is especially worrying as after Christmas is a time when many people face financial hardship;

(e) is concerned at the anticipated loss of debt support services from April 2011, especially given the impact of escalating debt, high unemployment and changes in the welfare system and the current and future economic climate;

(f) believes the Sheffield FIF Debt Advice Project has successfully engaged with clients in greatest need, particularly those experiencing financial exclusion, such as those on low income, not having bank accounts, using high interest credit or those not having insurance or savings and believes the benefits of the project spread far beyond their client group;

(g) urges the Government to continue this successful project which benefits both the most vulnerable in our society and the wider community;

(h) will provide any appropriate support to the project in its efforts to secure continued funding; and

(i) directs that a copy of this motion be sent to Vince Cable MP at the Department for Innovation and Skills and to all Sheffield MPs.

(NOTE: 1. The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Sylvia Dunkley) and Councillors Clive Skelton, Louise McCann, Simon Clement-Jones, Alan Whitehouse, Paul Scriven, Shaffaq Mohammed, Sylvia Anginotti, Brian Holmes, John Hesketh, Keith Hill, Colin Ross, Mike Davis, Colin Taylor, Vic Bowden, Roger Davison, Mike Reynolds, Janice Sidebottom, Andrew Sangar, Denise Reaney, Bob McCann, Peter Moore, Ian Auckland, Joe Taylor, Steve Ayris, Gail Smith, Anders Hanson, Ali Qadar, Colin France, David Baker, Council 5.1.2011 Page 11

Arthur Dunworth, Vickie Priestley, Alison Brelsford, Jack Clarkson, Diane Leek, Penny Baker, Trevor Bagshaw, Kathleen Chadwick and Alan Hooper voted for paragraphs (a) to (d) and (f) to (i) and abstained from voting on paragraph (e) of the Motion and asked for this to be recorded. 2. Councillor Robert Murphy, having declared a prejudicial interest, left the meeting during the consideration of this item of business taking no part in the debate or voting.)

7. MEMBERS’ QUESTIONS Urgent Business

There were no questions relating to urgent business under the provisions of Standing Order A18(6).


A schedule of questions to Cabinet Members, submitted in accordance with Standing Order A18(2) and which contained written answers, was circulated and supplementary questions under the provisions of Standing Order A18(4) were asked and were answered by the appropriate Cabinet Members.

South Yorkshire Joint Authorities

A question was asked by Councillor Mick Rooney in relation to Fire and Rescue, which was answered by Councillor Paul Scriven under the provisions of Standing Order A18(6). There were no questions relating to the discharge of the functions of the South Yorkshire Joint Authorities for Integrated Transport, Pensions and Police.


RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Clive Skelton, seconded by Councillor Jack Clarkson that:-

(a) approval be given to the following changes to the memberships of Committees, Panels, Groups, etc.:-

Culture, Economy and Sustainability - Councillor Anders Hanson to Scrutiny Committee replace Councillor Colin France

Health and Community Care Scrutiny - Councillor Janice Sidebottom to Committee replace Councillor Anders Hanson

City Centre South and East Planning - Councillors Clive Skelton and John Committee Campbell to replace Councillors Martin Brelsford and Terry Fox

Admissions Committee - Councillor Bob McCann to replace Councillor Diane Leek Council 5.1.2011 Page 12

Standards Committee - Appoint Councillor David Baker to serve as an additional member of the Committee

Planning Policy Advisory Group - Councillors Tony Damms, Gill Furniss and Mazher Iqbal to fill vacancies

(b) approval be given to waive the provisions of Standing Order A33(2) so as to facilitate the resignation of Councillor Frank Taylor from the City Centre, South and East Planning Committee;

(c) the appointment of Councillor Pat Midgley to serve on the Great Places Housing Group Local Board be approved; and

(d) the action taken by the Chief Executive in appointing Mr. Mike Pye and Mr. John Neill to serve as Trustees of the Ecclesall Bierlow Poors’ Land Charity be confirmed.


RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Clive Skelton, seconded by Councillor Jack Clarkson, that this Council:-

(a) notes the application of the political proportionality framework as set out in the report now submitted;

(b) (i) agrees that, in order to ensure that each political group has the required number of seats overall in comparison to the total number of seats available on all Committees to reflect their composition on the Council as a whole, the Liberal Democrat Group’s adjustment of one seat be from the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee and the Green Group’s adjustment of one seat be from the Appeals and Collective Disputes Panel, with those two seats being allocated to the Labour Group and (ii) accordingly, Councillor Keith Hill be replaced by Councillor Terry Fox on the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee, and Councillor Jackie Satur be appointed to serve on the Appeals and Collective Disputes Panel to fill the vacancy currently held by the Green Group; and

(c) determines that political proportionality be reviewed in December each year to reflect any changes to the political composition of the Council occurring since the Annual Meeting of the Council each May.


RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Clive Skelton, seconded by Council 5.1.2011 Page 13

Councillor Jack Clarkson that this Council:-

(a) adopts the revised Petitions Scheme set out at Appendix B to the report now submitted, incorporating an e-petitions facility from 15th December 2010; and

(b) authorises the Standing Orders (Council Procedure Rules) of the Constitution to be amended accordingly.


RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Clive Skelton, seconded by Councillor Jack Clarkson that this Council:-

(a approves the changes proposed to the Articles of the Constitution;

(b) approves the changes proposed to Part 3 of the Constitution;

(c) approves the changes proposed to Part 4 of the Constitution;

(d) approves the changes proposed to Part 5 of the Constitution;

(e) approves the changes proposed to Part 7 of the Constitution;

(f) delegates to the Director of Legal Services, in consultation with the Lord Mayor, the authority to make any minor and consequent drafting changes to the Constitution, to be reported back to the next meeting of the Council following the making of the amendment; and

(g) notes the Leader’s Scheme of Delegations.


It was moved by Councillor Shaffaq Mohammed, seconded by the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Sylvia Dunkley) that this Council:-

(a) notes the recent unseasonably severe weather and thanks all Council staff, teachers, snow wardens, local residents and others who helped keep Sheffield moving;

(b) notes the measures agreed in the 27th October 2010 Cabinet report ‘Great Snow Debate: Winter Service Improvements’ and believes that this kind of planning ahead has led to Sheffield being better prepared than ever to deal with adverse winter weather;

(c) particularly thanks local people who volunteered to become snow wardens, believes the scheme has been a success and recommends expanding the snow wardens scheme in the future; and Council 5.1.2011 Page 14

(d) notes it is forecasted for severe cold weather to continue this winter and therefore resolves to do what it takes to keep Sheffield moving and ensure that vulnerable members of our society do not suffer.

Whereupon it was moved by Councillor Jillian Creasy, seconded by Councillor Robert Murphy, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by the addition of a new paragraph (e) as follows:-

(e) therefore hopes that any future winter planning will include:

(i) emphasising the importance of leaving the car at home and using public transport and walking if at all possible;

(ii) identifying important pedestrian routes and bringing them up the priority order in terms of clearance and gritting; and

(iii) mapping the distribution of snow wardens and finding ways for them to coordinate their efforts.

On being put to the vote paragraphs (e) (i) and (e) (iii) were carried. Paragraph (e) (ii) was negatived.

(NOTE: The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Sylvia Dunkley) and Councillors Clive Skelton, Louise McCann, Simon Clement-Jones, Alan Whitehouse, Paul Scriven, Shaffaq Mohammed, Sylvia Anginotti, Brian Holmes, John Hesketh, Keith Hill, Colin Ross, Mike Davis, Colin Taylor, Vic Bowden, Roger Davison, Mike Reynolds, Janice Sidebottom, Andrew Sangar, Denise Reaney, Bob McCann, Peter Moore, Ian Auckland, Joe Taylor, Steve Ayris, Gail Smith, Anders Hanson, Ali Qadar, Colin France, David Baker, Arthur Dunworth, Vickie Priestley, Alison Brelsford, Jack Clarkson, Diane Leek, Penny Baker, Trevor Bagshaw, Kathleen Chadwick and Alan Hooper voted for paragraph (e)(i) and against paragraphs (e)(ii) and (iii) and asked for this to be recorded.)

After a right of reply by Councillor Shaffaq Mohammed, the original Motion, as amendment, was then put as a Substantive Motion in the following form and carried:-

RESOLVED: That this Council:-

(a) notes the recent unseasonably severe weather and thanks all Council staff, teachers, snow wardens, local residents and others who helped keep Sheffield moving;

(b) notes the measures agreed in the 27th October 2010 Cabinet report ‘Great Snow Debate: Winter Service Improvements’ and believes that this kind of planning ahead has led to Sheffield being better prepared than ever to deal with adverse winter weather;

(c) particularly thanks local people who volunteered to become snow Council 5.1.2011 Page 15

wardens, believes the scheme has been a success and recommends expanding the snow wardens scheme in the future;

(d) notes it is forecasted for severe cold weather to continue this winter and therefore resolves to do what it takes to keep Sheffield moving and ensure that vulnerable members of our society do not suffer;

(e) therefore hopes that any future winter planning will include:

(i) emphasising the importance of leaving the car at home and using public transport and walking if at all possible; and

(ii) mapping the distribution of snow wardens and finding ways for them to coordinate their efforts.

(NOTE: 1. The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Sylvia Dunkley) and Councillors Clive Skelton, Louise McCann, Simon Clement-Jones, Alan Whitehouse, Paul Scriven, Shaffaq Mohammed, Sylvia Anginotti, Brian Holmes, John Hesketh, Keith Hill, Colin Ross, Mike Davis, Colin Taylor, Vic Bowden, Roger Davison, Mike Reynolds, Janice Sidebottom, Andrew Sangar, Denise Reaney, Bob McCann, Peter Moore, Ian Auckland, Joe Taylor, Steve Ayris, Gail Smith, Anders Hanson, Ali Qadar, Colin France, David Baker, Arthur Dunworth, Vickie Priestley, Alison Brelsford, Jack Clarkson, Diane Leek, Penny Baker, Trevor Bagshaw, Kathleen Chadwick and Alan Hooper voted for paragraphs (a) to (d) and paragraph (e)(i) and against paragraph (e)(ii) of the Substantive Motion and asked for this to be recorded.

2. The Lord Mayor (Councillor Alan Law) and Councillors Jack Scott, Julie Dore, John Robson, Helen Mirfin-Boukouris, Ian Saunders, Chris Rosling- Josephs, Karen McGowan, Bryan Lodge, Talib Hussain, Jackie Drayton, Ibrar Hussain, Mohammed Maroof, Mazher Iqbal, Mary Lea, Harry Harpham, Garry Weatherall, Joan Barton, Chris Weldon, Cate McDonald, Janet Bragg, Terry Fox, Pat Midgley, Jenny Armstrong, Isobel Bowler, David Barker, Martin Lawton, Lynn Rooney, John Campbell, Peter Rippon, Jane Bird, Peter Price, Gill Furniss, Tony Damms, Leigh Bramall, Ben Curran, Ray Satur, Jackie Satur and Mick Rooney voted for paragraphs (a) and (c) to (e) and abstained from voting on paragraph (b) of the Motion and asked for this to be recorded.)


It was moved by Councillor Bryan Lodge, seconded by Councillor Jack Scott, that this Council:-

(a) notes the cut in Government Grant of 12.6% to Sheffield announced in the 2010/11 Local Government Finance Settlement on 13th December, 2010 and notes that according to the Government’s own figures, this reduction is almost double the national average;

(b) further notes that this Government is hitting the most deprived Council 5.1.2011 Page 16

communities hardest, which can be demonstrated through the contrast between Sheffield receiving a 8.35% cut in ‘spending power’ and Dorset a 0.2% increase;

(c) regrets that the Government is taking this excessive approach and believes that any reductions in funding should not fall disproportionately on the most deprived communities; and

(d) is concerned that these cuts are frontloaded, which will have a damaging impact upon this Council's ability to effectively deliver frontline services.

Whereupon it was moved by Councillor Simon Clement-Jones, seconded by Councillor Paul Scriven, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by:-

1. The deletion of the words “and notes that according to the Government’s own figures, this reduction is almost double the national average” in paragraph (a) and replacement by the words “was in line with what this Council was planning for and is a direct result of the previous Government’s reckless spending bringing our country to the brink of bankruptcy;”.

2. The deletion of paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) and the addition of new paragraphs (b) to (e) as follows:-

(b) believes it is deeply dishonest for the very people who supported spending billions on embarking on an illegal war in Iraq, creating an unfair unsustainable benefits system and hiring unprecedented numbers of highly paid public servants to now complain that the money has run out;

(c) notes that despite the fact Sheffield will see four times as much investment from the local government grant per head than places like Buckinghamshire after this settlement, the present Administration will continue to lobby the Government to provide Sheffield with extra investment”;

(d) welcomes the announcement that the Government will provide funds to give the option of freezing Council Tax, if the assumed increase is in line with last year’s increase, and resolves to take up this offer; and

(e) supports the proposal of freezing pay and increments for two years, with the exception of a pay rise of £250 for low paid staff, and urges trade unions to accept this proposal in order to save jobs in the long run.

On being put to the vote, sub-clauses (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 were carried. Paragraph 1 and 2, sub-clauses (b) and (e), were negatived. Council 5.1.2011 Page 17

(NOTE: The Lord Mayor (Councillor Alan Law) and Councillors Jack Scott, Julie Dore, John Robson, Helen Mirfin-Boukouris, Ian Saunders, Chris Rosling-Josephs, Karen McGowan, Bryan Lodge, Talib Hussain, Jackie Drayton, Ibrar Hussain, Mohammed Maroof, Mazher Iqbal, Mary Lea, Harry Harpham, Garry Weatherall, Joan Barton, Chris Weldon, Cate McDonald, Janet Bragg, Terry Fox, Pat Midgley, Jenny Armstrong, Isobel Bowler, David Barker, Martin Lawton, Lynn Rooney, John Campbell, Peter Rippon, Jane Bird, Peter Price, Gill Furniss, Tony Damms, Leigh Bramall, Ben Curran, Ray Satur, Jackie Satur and Mick Rooney voted for sub-clauses (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 and against paragraph 1 and 2(b) and (e) and asked for this to be recorded.)

After a right of reply from Councillor Bryan Lodge, the original Motion, as amended, was then put as a Substantive Motion in the following form and carried:-

RESOLVED: That this Council:-

(a) notes the cut in Government Grant of 12.6% to Sheffield announced in the 2010/11 Local Government Finance Settlement on 13th December, 2010 and notes that according to the Government’s own figures, this reduction is almost double the national average;

(b) further notes that this Government is hitting the most deprived communities hardest, which can be demonstrated through the contrast between Sheffield receiving a 8.35% cut in ‘spending power’ and Dorset a 0.2% increase;

(c) regrets that the Government is taking this excessive approach and believes that any reductions in funding should not fall disproportionately on the most deprived communities;

(d) is concerned that these cuts are frontloaded, which will have a damaging impact upon this Council's ability to effectively deliver frontline services;

(e) notes that despite the fact Sheffield will see four times as much investment from the local government grant per head than places like Buckinghamshire after this settlement, the present Administration will continue to lobby the Government to provide Sheffield with extra investment”; and

(f) welcomes the announcement that the Government will provide funds to give the option of freezing Council Tax, if the assumed increase is in line with last year’s increase, and resolves to take up this offer.


It was moved by Councillor David Baker, seconded by Councillor Alan Hooper Council 5.1.2011 Page 18

that this Council:-

(a) believes that it is unfair to concentrate funding on a few favoured areas, which ignores the fact that there are individuals in need of support across Sheffield;

(b) furthermore believes that everyone is entitled to basic council services and that these services should be prioritised on a ‘worst first’ basis, instead of picking out a few favoured areas for preferential treatment; and

(c) therefore resolves to preserve the current ‘fairness for all’ policy in delivering council services and in particular is committed to keeping the current fair distribution of funds for Community Assemblies in future budgets.

Whereupon it was moved by Councillor Julie Dore, seconded by Councillor Bryan Lodge, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by the addition of the following words at the end of paragraph (c) “whilst adhering to the principles outlined within the Council’s Future Shape document”.

On being put to the vote the amendment was carried.

It was then moved by Councillor Robert Murphy, seconded by Councillor Jillian Creasy, as a further amendment that the Motion now submitted be amended by:-

1. the substitution of the words “would be” for the word “is”, in paragraph (a), the addition of the word “exclusively” after the word “funding”, and the deletion of the word “favoured", also in that paragraph;

2. the substitution of the words “additional funding” for the words "these services" in paragraph (b) and the deletion of all the words after the word "basis" in that paragraph; and

3. the deletion of paragraph (c) and the addition of new paragraphs (c) and (d) as follows:-

"(c) regrets that the current Administration has failed to do this, as exemplified by dividing the highways budget equally between the Community Assembly areas rather than taking account of accident statistics, traffic levels or any other demand indicator"; and

"(d) therefore resolves to pursue fairness in delivering council services by prioritisation according to need when allocating Community Assembly and other budgets and by ensuring that Elected Members are better informed about the distribution of need in their local areas and city wide". Council 5.1.2011 Page 19

On being put to the vote, the amendment was carried.

The original Motion, as amended, was then put as a Substantive Motion in the following form and carried:-

(a) believes that it would be unfair to concentrate funding exclusively on a few favoured areas, which ignores the fact that there are individuals in need of support across Sheffield;

(b) furthermore believes that everyone is entitled to basic council services and that additional funding should be prioritised on a ‘worst first’ basis;

(c) regrets that the current Administration has failed to do this, as exemplified by dividing the highways budget equally between the Community Assembly areas rather than taking account of accident statistics, traffic levels or any other demand indicator"; and

(d) therefore resolves to pursue fairness in delivering council services by prioritisation according to need when allocating Community Assembly and other budgets and by ensuring that Elected Members are better informed about the distribution of need in their local areas and city wide.

(NOTE: The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Sylvia Dunkley) and Councillors Clive Skelton, Louise McCann, Simon Clement-Jones, Alan Whitehouse, Paul Scriven, Shaffaq Mohammed, Sylvia Anginotti, Brian Holmes, John Hesketh, Keith Hill, Colin Ross, Mike Davis, Colin Taylor, Vic Bowden, Roger Davison, Mike Reynolds, Janice Sidebottom, Andrew Sangar, Denise Reaney, Bob McCann, Peter Moore, Ian Auckland, Joe Taylor, Steve Ayris, Gail Smith, Anders Hanson, Ali Qadar, Colin France, David Baker, Arthur Dunworth, Vickie Priestley, Alison Brelsford, Jack Clarkson, Diane Leek, Penny Baker, Trevor Bagshaw, Kathleen Chadwick and Alan Hooper voted for paragraphs (a) and (b) and against paragraphs (c) and (d) of the Substantive Motion and asked for this to be recorded.)


At the request of Councillor Jackie Drayton (the mover of the Motion) and with the consent of the Council and the seconder, the Notice of Motion numbered 13 on the Summons was withdrawn.


RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Denise Reaney, seconded by Councillor Jillian Creasy that this Council:-

(a) believes the present electoral system of first past the post for general and local elections is unfair; Council 5.1.2011 Page 20

(b) therefore supports the Coalition Government’s proposal to hold a referendum regarding voting reform on moving to a system of alternative vote for the general election;

(c) believes a form of proportional representation would be the best system for voting at elections, but moving to the alternative vote system would be a step towards fairer votes for the people of Sheffield and the wider UK;

(d) therefore supports the “yes campaign” in the upcoming referendum and urges all local MPs to support the referendum in the House of Commons and the ‘yes campaign’ in the ensuing referendum; and

(e) directs that a copy of this motion be sent to all Sheffield MPs and the ‘yes campaign’ regional and national organisers.

The votes on the Motion were ordered to be recorded and were as follows:-

For the Motion (46) - The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Sylvia Dunkley and Councillors John Robson, Clive Skelton, Louise McCann, Simon Clement-Jones, Alan Whitehouse, Paul Scriven, Shaffaq Mohammed, Robert Murphy, Jillian Creasy, Sylvia Anginotti, Brian Holmes, John Hesketh, Keith Hill, Colin Ross, Mike Davis, Colin Taylor, Vic Bowden, Roger Davison, Mike Reynolds, Janice Sidebottom, Andrew Sangar, Denise Reaney, Bob McCann, Peter Moore, Ian Auckland, Joe Taylor, Steve Ayris, Jenny Armstrong, Isobel Bowler, Gail Smith, Anders Hanson, Ali Qadar, Colin France, Martin Lawton, David Baker, Arthur Dunworth, Vickie Priestley, Alison Brelsford, Jack Clarkson, Ben Curran, Diane Leek, Penny Baker, Trevor Bagshaw, Kathleen Chadwick and Alan Hooper.

Against the Motion (24) - Councillors Helen Mirfin-Boukouris, Chris Rosling-Josephs, Jackie Drayton, Mohammed Maroof, Mazher Iqbal, Mary Lea, Harry Harpham, Garry Weatherall, Joan Barton, Chris Weldon, Cate McDonald, Janet Bragg, Terry Fox, Pat Midgley, David Barker, Lynn Rooney, John Campbell, Jane Bird, Peter Price, Gill Furniss, Tony Damms, Ray Satur, Council 5.1.2011 Page 21

Jackie Satur and Mick Rooney.

Abstained on the Motion (10) - The Lord Mayor (Councillor Alan Law) and Councillors Jack Scott, Julie Dore, Ian Saunders, Karen McGowan, Bryan Lodge, Talib Hussain, Ibrar Hussain, Peter Rippon and Leigh Bramall.

(NOTE: Councillor Martin Lawton voted for paragraphs (b) and (d) and abstained from voting on paragraphs (a), (c) and (e) of the Motion)


RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Pat Midgley, seconded by Councillor Penny Baker that this Council:-

(a) remembers that this City endured two nights of intense bombing from air raids during December 12th and 15th, 1940, killing and injuring over 2,000 local people and making over 40,000 Sheffielders homeless;

(b) notes that was one of worst hit areas during the Blitz, with much of it flattened, including The Moor, which had to be totally rebuilt and tragically remembers the biggest single loss of life experienced by a direct hit upon The Marples Hotel, which killed an estimated 70 people; and

(c) recognises the current memorial to the Sheffield Blitz at Devonshire Green and resolves to consider creating a more visible and prominent memorial to commemorate not only those who lost their lives, but also Sheffield’s defiance in the face of such devastation.


RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Steve Ayris, seconded by Councillor Jackie Drayton, that this Council:-

(a) celebrates the release of Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest by the military junta and requests the Lord Mayor to invite her to Sheffield, the first City of Sanctuary, to formally accept the Freedom of the City she was awarded in 2006, by this Council;

(b) continues to support the Karen people in Sheffield, calls for the restoration of human rights and democracy in Burma and resolves to send a message of support to Aung San Suu Kyi from Sheffield; and

(c) resolves that a copy of this motion be sent to the Karen Community Association in Sheffield and to Burma Campaign UK.


At the request of Councillor Julie Dore (the mover of the Motion) and with the consent of the Council and the seconder, the Notice of Motion numbered 18 on the Summons was withdrawn.


It was moved by Councillor Helen Mirfin-Boukouris, seconded by Councillor Ian Saunders that this Council:-

(a) is extremely concerned about this Government’s policy on animal rights and notes that in a series of little-noticed moves, this Government has set-back or cancelled the previous Government’s initiatives to improve animal welfare, such as:

 delaying by five years a ban on beak mutilations for hens;  removing a ban on keeping game-birds in cages;  halted a series of prosecutions of abattoir operators based on secret footage which caught slaughterhouse workers kicking cattle, pigs and sheep;  reducing the presence of official veterinarians at livestock markets;  stalling on a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses;  overturning the previous Government’s opposition to a nationwide badger cull; and

(b) resolves to write to all Sheffield MPs and the Minister for Agriculture, James Paice MP, with a copy of this motion, to express both our disappointment and opposition to this Government’s policies on animal welfare.

Whereupon it was moved by Councillor Andrew Sangar, seconded by Councillor Keith Hill, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by:-

1. the deletion of the words “is extremely concerned about this Government’s policy on animal rights and notes that in a series of little- noticed moves, this Government has set-back or cancelled the previous Government’s initiatives to improve animal welfare, such as:-“ in paragraph (a) and their replacement by the words “notes the article in ‘The Independent’ newspaper regarding animal welfare, including reference to:-“

2. the deletion of paragraph (b) and the addition of new paragraphs (b) and (c) as follows:-

(b) notes the following statement from the Minister for Agriculture, James Paice MP;

"I was astonished to see Saturday's front-page story. It was not based on knowledge of the facts and what surprised me was the Council 5.1.2011 Page 23

accusation that I am taking away protection for animals. Nothing is further from the truth. It was claimed that my decision on beak-trimming is one of the most disappointing changes. This is just not true. The Farm Animal Welfare Council, an independent group, recommended that an outright ban should not be put in place until there are alternatives to stop pecking and cannibalism."

(c) believes that animal welfare policy should be made by listening to expert groups and basing decisions on robust scientific evidence, working regularly with groups on welfare issues including circuses, gamebirds, tackling bovine TB and making sure robust evidence is used in animal welfare prosecutions.

On being put to the vote paragraph 2 (c) of the amendment was carried. As there was an equality of votes, in relation to paragraph 1 and paragraph 2, sub-clause (b), that part of the amendment was negatived by virtue of the Lord Mayor (Councillor Alan Law) exercising his casting vote against paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 sub-clause (b).

(NOTE: Councillors Robert Murphy and Jillian Creasy voted for paragraph 2 sub-clause (c) and abstained from voting on paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 sub-clause (b) of the above amendment and asked for this to be recorded.)

The original Motion was then put to the vote and carried, as follows:-

That this Council:-

(a) is extremely concerned about this Government’s policy on animal rights and notes that in a series of little-noticed moves, this Government has set-back or cancelled the previous Government’s initiatives to improve animal welfare, such as:

 delaying by five years a ban on beak mutilations for hens;  removing a ban on keeping game-birds in cages;  halted a series of prosecutions of abattoir operators based on secret footage which caught slaughterhouse workers kicking cattle, pigs and sheep;  reducing the presence of official veterinarians at livestock markets;  stalling on a ban on the use of wild animals in circuses;  overturning the previous Government’s opposition to a nationwide badger cull;

(b) resolves to write to all Sheffield MPs and the Minister for Agriculture, James Paice MP, with a copy of this motion, to express both our disappointment and opposition to this Government’s policies on animal welfare; and

(c) believes that animal welfare policy should be made by listening to expert groups and basing decisions on robust scientific evidence, Council 5.1.2011 Page 24

working regularly with groups on welfare issues including circuses, gamebirds, tackling bovine TB and making sure robust evidence is used in animal welfare prosecutions.


RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Ian Saunders, seconded by Councillor Paul Scriven, that this Council:-

(a) supports Sheffield students in their campaign against a further increase in tuition fees; and

(b) directs that a copy of this motion is sent to all Sheffield MPs, the National Union of Students, Sheffield University and Sheffield Hallam University Student Unions and the Rt. Hon Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills.


At the request of Councillor Robert Murphy (the mover of the Motion) and with the consent of the Council and the seconder, the Notice of Motion numbered 21 on the Summons was withdrawn.


RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Jillian Creasy, seconded by Councillor Robert Murphy, that this Council:-

(a) notes that OFGEM has warned that the UK is likely to face an energy gap as early as 2015 but that if nuclear power stations are built they will not come into operation until 2019 at the earliest;

(b) agrees with the national Liberal Democrat Party’s manifesto for the 2010 General Election which stated that they would “reject a new generation of nuclear power; based on the evidence nuclear power is a far more expensive way of reducing carbon emissions than promoting energy conservation and renewable energy”; and

(c) directs that a copy of this motion be sent to all Sheffield MPs and to Chris Huhne, the Secretary of State for Energy.


Pursuant to Standing Order A7(3) relating to the time limit for meetings of the Council, Item No. 22 on the Summons relating to Observations on the minutes of the meetings of various Council Bodies for the period 8th November to 3rd December, 2010, was not considered. Council 5.1.2011 Page 25