ELECTORAL COMPENDIUM 1989–2017 Facts and figures about the electoral process for the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly ISBN 978-0-642-60662-4 © Australian Capital Territory, Canberra 2018 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the ACT Electoral Commission. Produced by the ACT Electoral Commission PO Box 272, Civic Square ACT 2608. Phone: 02 6205 0033 Web: www.elections.act.gov.au Email:
[email protected] Printed on recycled paper Publication Number 17/1126 ii ELECTORAL COMPENDIUM 1989–2017 INTRODUCTION This is the fifth edition of this compendium of facts and figures about the electoral process for the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Legislative Assembly. It has been updated to include the change to the composition of the Legislative Assembly to 25 members, the redrawing of the electoral boundaries from three to five electorates, two casual vacancies occurring late in the eighth Legislative Assembly, the 2016 Legislative Assembly election and a casual vacancy early in the life of the ninth Legislative Assembly. The first election for the ACT Legislative Assembly was held in 1989, after the ACT was granted self-government by the Commonwealth parliament. The ACT Legislative Assembly is unique in Australia in several ways. For example: - It is the only unicameral parliament elected by proportional representation. - It is the only Australian parliament that combines State government and local government responsibilities. - In 2001, it became the first parliament in Australia to be elected using electronic voting, combined with traditional paper ballots.