Year 8 – Religious Education In this series of lessons, we will be continuing our learning about the religion of . We will begin looking at how the Jewish faith day to day life.

Lesson 4 – What are the Tanakh and the ?

Where Do You Rules From?

We all follow certain rules: make a list of the different places or people that give you rules to follow.

Do these rules have a purpose? If so, what purpose do they have?

Jews will receive some of the rules they follow from the Tanakh and Talmud. This lesson, you will be looking at what the Tanakh and Talmud are.

Information Hunt

Below, there is some information about the Tanakh.

Find as many answers as you can in ten minutes and summarise them into the correct box.

Check Your Learning

Answer this exam style question…

Outline the three sections of the Tanakh. (5)

You need to outline (describe or define) each of the sections and you may briefly explain what it means.

Student response..


• 1 mark: consists of the first five books of Moses. • 1 mark: Nevi’im consists of the prophets. • 1 mark: Ketuvim consists of the writings. • You can give up to 2 additional marls for extra information about any of the sections.

Read the information below and then answer the questions that follow.

Lesson 5 – How do Worship?

Write 5 questions about this image using the following words as questions starters:






Why Do Jews Worship in Public?

Read the copy of :12-19. Using two different colours, underline or highlight the following:

• Beliefs about G-d • Ways of showing respect to G-d

Remember to add a key for your colours

The Western Wall

The Western Wall is a very important place of Worship for Jewish people. Read the information on the next page and answer the following questions:

1. What is the history of the Western Wall?

2. How does the Psalm suggest the importance of worshipping at the Western Wall?

3. How do Jewish people publicly worship at Western Wall?

Stretch Question

Do you think that Jewish people should all attempt to visit the Western Wall? Why?


A synagogue is a Jewish place of worship. Watch the video clip below and create an information poster about a synagogue. Try to include some definitions of key words and ensure you cover any rules about how Jews should behave when they are in the synagogue.

Lesson 6–What is ? Starter Task

What do you think these items which are used during Shabbat are and why do you think they are used?

The History and Purpose

Read the extract below from Exodus and use two colours to underline or highlight the following using a key:

• Reasons why Shabbat is celebrated. • Ways in which Shabbat is celebrated.

Remember that Shabbat and Sabbath means the same thing.

This text gives a summary of the history behind the celebration of Shabbat as well as some guidance on how to celebrate Shabbat.

Shabbat in the Home

Read the Shabbat in the Home information below carefully. Use this information to draw a Story Board of the events of the Shabbat in the home on your story board sheet