Apollo 13 Is 'On Course9 for Splashdown
Hahne Zoning Disappoints Middletown Foes SEE STORY PAGE 19 Sunny, Milder Sunny and milder today. Clear, cool tonight. Cloudy, FINAL Tain possible tomorrow. Red Bank. Freehold Long Branch EDITION • (See Details, Page 3X Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL- 93, NO. 205 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1970 ' 34 PAGES , 10 CENTS Apollo 13 Is 'On Course9 for Splashdown By HOWARD BENEDICT their lunar module engine for gine burn later to refine the 'discard two sections of their men back from the brink of ar module jets. be needed for the re-entry groped through the two dark- SPACE CENTER, Houston 15 seconds as the world held trajectory. space train — a powerless disaster. They will seal off the three- and landing sequence. ened spaceships with. flash- '(AP) — Back on coarse to- its breath. Lovell, Haise and Swigert service'modU'le and the lunar A tentative plan "calls for foot-long tunnel between the Wafer for cooling the lun- lights. The command ship, ward earth,-Apollo 13's astro- Had the midcourse firing continued to ration the vital module which has been their Lovell, Haise and Swigert to lunar and command ships and ar module electronics and ox- which had become essential- nauts concentrated today on failed, Apollo 13 would have oxygen, water, power and oth- life-saver since the command enter the command module pressurize it about two hours ygen continued to be the most ly a Tsedroom, had turned unique, critical maneuvers missed earth by 104 miles er resources on which their ship was crippled by an oxy- and power up its systems before the approximate 11 critical supply.
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