Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd h is uaytsi vdne ihahg ereo iest nti ru.Ageapae aftercyanobac- appeared years.appeared Fungi cyanobacteria. million Algae from group. hundred derived protistsap- several were this in chloroplasts last the first their the of because appearance during years, ofdiversity early evidence billion an 2 degree high to recent protists, last a the than within older teria with are is evidenced ago but according and eukaryotes bacteria first years Although O the ago. are years 2billion billion eukaryotes 3 many about Since around peared 1. development appeared Figure the first in of protists timeline presented approximate that is An Earth 2]. on [1, life organisms oxygen-utilizing of of evolution today enable of to % enough respon- 10 thebacteria and to up called of photosynthesis are atmosphere photosynthesis photosynthesis forms of Oxygenic earlier type from photosynthesis. this differed oxygenic for ago called sible years process billion metabolic 3 around microbial started of which result a the as CO in ago of years formed microor- mixture yet a prokaryotic not was H first atmosphere traces was The because in layer develop. environment ozone anaerobic to the in began lived because microorganisms ganisms radiation prokaryotic (UV) the ultraviolet Nevertheless, strong planet atmosphere. to the in exposed microorganism Early modern was of endospores. surface capacity called the forms had have survival may some produce while time to underground from deep period inhospitable this Earth was survive the to Earth sterilized able Early which steam form. Earth of to clouds the create water into and agoafter liquid crushed oceans years allow rocks 3.8billion to space because enough atleast time cooled emerged to had first life crust that of estimate scientists surface and the old years billion 4.5 about is Earth microorganisms of Evolution 1 DOI: Keywords: air. indoor microbiological and and the outdoor materials covers constructing also of of microbiology quality biodeterioration environmental biocorrosion, of induced Field microbially water substances. as toxic such soil, degra- less topics biological or the the non-toxic through in into pollution the pollutants microorganisms environmental reduce of in of to dation present bioremediation study in compounds application the organic their and with complex decom- air many fertility, and concerned of soil is biodegradation cycling, microbiology and biogeochemical Environmental animals for environment. and necessary humans. plants are to sea dead frozen microorganisms harmless of in roles, position communities are microbial many them form their others of whereas Among di- most springs, however ice. extremely every hot Almost boiling skin; large, Earth. in are our live planet can on they including microorganisms life but microorganisms, Some of mind form by dominant of colonized the out are is and therefore surface everywhere and are they sight organisms, of of out group verse are microorganisms people, most For 1 microbiology Environmental Bri Felicita GRUYTER DE hscneti free. is content This Berlin/Boston. GmbH, Gruyter de Walter 2017 © Vukovi Marija Abstract: aut fCeia niern n ehooy nvriyo arb Maruli Zagreb, of University Technology, and Engineering Chemical of Faculty [email protected] etee,i stemcoe h ilhv h atword last the have will who microbes the is it Gentlemen, 10.1515/psr-2016-0118 irognss niomn,idctrmcoraim,boerdto,bioremediation biodegradation, microorganisms, indicator environment, microorganisms, ć 2 Domanovac š O . ki 1 2 aiaVukovi Marija / gas began to appear in significant amount in the Earth the in amount significant in appear to began gas stecrepnigauthor. corresponding the is ć ’ ee n u oi h omto fooelyrsatd O started. layer ozone of formation the it to due and level s Domanovac cyanobacteria 1 ’ ufc.Sm mat eepwru nuht vaporize to enough powerful were impacts Some surface. s . ’ ufc.Nntees oemcoraim were microorganisms some Nonetheless, surface. s ynbcei ruh h O the brought Cyanobacteria . ’ itr odtoswr as.TeEarth The harsh. were conditions history s ć vtg1,H-00 arb rai,E-mail: Croatia, Zagreb, HR-10000 19, trg ev 2 ’ topeebten25ad2billion 2 and 2.5 between atmosphere s eedn,rsaceshdtheorized had researchers dependent, hsclSine eiw.21;20160118 2017; Reviews. Sciences Physical 2 N , 2 n H and , 2 LusPasteur) (Louis ee fteEarth the of level 2 2 ee a high was level aorand vapour O ’ ’ 1 s s Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd r hre o el vle raim uha ug,pat n nml ncmaio ihtebranches the with cells comparison karyotic in animals 3]. and lengths [1, plants branches microorganisms eukaryotic The fungi, lower group. as and the prokaryotic such in for organisms diversity lengths evolved the newly greater for the shorter lengths, branches are the longer the branches; shorter 2: Figure 2). (Figure tree phylogenetic has acid) suggestedthat ribonucleic and others (ribosomal Woese rRNA Eukarya by modern 16S of the research Analysis a to lineages. 1970s, evolutionary led In the three along evolved Earth thecells. on life from extending (flagella) appendages or human in case this in found, was Enterobacteriaceae, it where location as follows: the is from classification comes Its name tract. intestinal The Escherich. Theodor it, bacterium of well-known Classification italicized. always are Latinized. words are coli Both or capitalized. Latin not in isthe given is name are which the names in The microorganisms. word for first used The toclassifying is taxa. nomenclature are called of approach system a systematic called binominal is hierarchy organisms on Earth, classification classifying the of organisms science up different The with of necessary. interactions variety is their organisms great in these and a environments to differ- of out Due variety carry wide organisms. to in ability other appearance, grow their to in ability vary transformations, They biochemical Earth. on ent life all for foundation the growth are Microorganisms and metabolism classification, world: microbial The 2 1: Figure 2 ebr fmcoilwrdcnito w ao eltps h simple the types: cell major two of consist world microbial of Members and with longer tree ofa formation in resulted organisms different many of sequences gene rRNA the Using shape, colouring like differences on morphological wasbased organisms of living classification Traditional Domain: coli E. xml 1 Example speetdi xml 1. Example in presented is Bri ceaiso nvra hlgntcte vle rmacmo ancestor. common a from evolved tree phylogenetic universal of Schematics [1]. Earth on life of history the in timeline Approximate š hlgntcifrainaogwt te aooi nomto a enue ocntutthe construct to used been has information taxonomic other with along information Phylogenetic . iadVukovi and ki samme fgenus of member a is Bacteria, . irsoial,teclsi oan atraadAcaalo iia.Te ontcontain not do They similar. look Archaea and Bacteria domains in cells the Microscopically, . Classification of bacterium Classification hlgntcclassification phylogenetic ć Domanovac Phylum: : Escherichia Proteobacteria, genus Escherichia , ihtefrtlte lascptlzd h eodisthe second the capitalized; always letter first the with , Species: shrci coli Escherichia . It was named after the person who first isolated and described isolated first who person the after named was It . Class: flvn raim in organisms living of Nomenclature E . coli Gammaproteobacteria, . eest h culnmn fognss The organisms. of naming actual the to refers he oan:Acaa Bacteria Archaea, domains: three prokaryotic Order: Enterobacteriales, n h rusmaking groups the and n h complex the and species EGRUYTER DE Escherichia Family name, and eu- : Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd igecle hl tesaemliellr n hycm nagetrneo hpsadszs rmspherical from sizes, and shapes of range great a in to come 0.5 belong with they organisms cells and single-celled multicellular, a are others as while formed algae single-celled The are unicellular 3 Protista. and (conidia) of about moulds spores kingdom of taxonomic slime asexual cell the Protozoa, single and 4(c)). a air typically (Figure the are species in spores the grow Fungal branches. may mycelium aerial of these budding on branches by Some is hyphae. reproduction called Asexual means. are sexual or asexual fission. by or reproduce can Yeasts 4(b)). (Figure diameter fungi. single-celled intheir are Yeasts not havepeptidoglycan walls. do cell archaea but shape; domain Many of and flagella, µm. the size in bymeans in Earth. They Members on life bacteria move walls. of and to cell form fission similar the oldest binary somewhat be by are multiply may archaea and also different of under quite biochemically best cells and genetically (grow The are acidity). they thermoacidophiles however, high and environments) and high-salt temperature andmany in high cells, intwo (live halobacteria cell divides producing), found one not (methane is in which The which flagella. peptidoglycan, fission using compound binary move by chemical can multiply contains They bac- wall rod-shaped domains. of other cell representative in The A organisms µm. 4(a). in 1 Figure is cell in typical presented a sphere (coccus), is of (a) Diameter teria are: (spirillum). spiral bacteria (c) ofcommon and (bacillus) shapes rod (b) flexibility.Typical metabolic greatest the possess They isms. euly h oeo imn st bobsnih,wihageuea oreo nry h elwlsof walls cell The energy. of source a as use algae which sunlight, absorb or asexually to reproduce is They 4(d)). pigment (Figure of pigments other role contain The also sexually. them of some but chlorophyll, pigment 3: Figure a centuryagoby over isdueto developed groups was procedure This two walls. these cell of Gram. their Christian of properties Hans Dr. structure the staining the chemical in in Difference difference negative. the Gram and positive 2). Gram (Example stain groups: Gram the from another. bacteria is group of procedures staining one staining used to distinguish Simple frequently dyes. most is used with of staining stained One Differential and cells. immobilised the stain be to dye must one cells employs Consequently, slide. the about rapidly the move is microorganisms studying for microscope tools important light useful most extremely field the provide of can one and today, microorganisms Even of them. study about the information in role integral an plays Microscopy microscope. make that prokaryotes. cytoskeleton) simple nucleus and the membrane-bound chloroplast than microbial a (mitochondria, plex contain this organelles cells and The internal cells organisms. eukaryotic other multicellular contain and and offourkingdoms: domain single-celled this of in composed iscomprised members is All world Eukarya Protista. rigid The domain and a Plantae domains. by Fungi, are different surrounded Animalia, in archaea is are and cytoplasm they bacteria and therefore nucleotide similarities and composition the structural stored in to is (DNA) Due information acid wall. genetic deoxyribonucleic cell Their of organelles. strand circular lipid-bound a intracellular in other or nucleus membrane-bound a GRUYTER DE The 2 Example of use the without seen be cannot it that small so is that organism an describe to used is microorganism Term bacteria tiigbcei o irsoi observation. microscopic for bacteria Staining Moulds fungi μ . imtr( diameter m rmsann stepoeue(iue3 ywihbcei a esprtdi w major two in separated be can bacteria which by 3) (Figure procedure the is staining Gram r h mletpoaytcclsadtelatsrcual ope nclua microorgan- unicellular complex structurally least the and cells prokaryotic smallest the are r irsoi,wieohr,lk uhom,aemcocpc l ug aecii ntheir in chitin have fungi All macroscopic. are mushrooms, like others, while microscopic, are r iaetu ug n aeamcla tutr.Ln hnflmnsonthemycelium thin filaments Long structure. amycelial and have fungi filamentous are htcnmgiyiae 00.Ms iigmcoraim r erytasaetand transparent nearly are microorganisms living Most 1000×. images magnify can that Prochlorococcus archaea Eukarya r ru facetognssadsbiiin nld methanogens include subdivisions and organisms ancient of group a are algae Yeasts o6 ogmliellrtal ( thalli multicellular long m 60 to ) oss fekroi el n imtro yia eli 10 is cell typical a of diameter and cells eukaryotic of consist r ies ru fpooytei rtss oeo hmare them of Some protists. photosynthetic of group diverse a are a eshrcl vlo yidia,adaeuuly3 usually are and cylindrical, or oval spherical, be can prokaryotes Macrocystis – 0µ ndaee,dpnigon depending diameter, in µm 30 u hydfe nterchemical their in differ they but Bri š iadVukovi and ki .Te l oti green contain all They ). eukaryotes ć Domanovac oecom- more – min µm 5 bright- – 100 3 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd ewe 0° n 1 Cadteeaeuulymmeso h rhe.Clsta eur O O require of that Cells Archaea. the of anaerobes members usually are obligate these are and are metabolism °C °C 110 50 and to °C °C 70 between called are 20 °C are of 50 °C range than 20 the higher below temperatures in optimally optima grow temperatures that with Microorganisms of those boiling. Some prevent another. to to organism pressure one high from vary at levels grow moisture can and them pH temperature, right The availability. water (100×). Rotifera multicellular (f) and (400×) u loo vial oreo hmcl oueas use to environment, chemicals physical of suitable a source on available only on not depends also microorganisms but any of optimum. Growth pH growth. for a water has require it range this 8, to within 5 but pH values, pH of range a within mould (c) (400×), rai opud eurdb ayohrognss ynbcei r motn htattoh that photoautotrophs important are habitats. Cyanobacteria saltwater organisms. and other fresh many inhabit by sources diverse required use to compounds able organic are carbon. they and because habitats energy marine environmental and of many balance. halobacteria in ion Some live for cells. can Na eukaryotic Prokaryotes need in compounds. con- methanogens, species growth especially charged Cl specific bacteria, of Some need under transport Se. needed microorganisms the and elements in Ni important The Cl, is Mn. Na, Na and Ca, Element Mo, Zn Co, Fe, Cu, are are elements dition trace needed macronu- called widely are most constituents The cell up make that Elements or energetics. synthesis trients cellular RNA in and role DNA important for play needed they are and monomers as Nucleotides nucleotides. proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, 4: Figure and cells living inside multiply only [1 can parasites Viruses intracellular coat. obligate protein considered discussed protective are organisms by they world. The a therefore surrounded cylindrical. microbial of acid somewhat body the nucleic typically The of of is 4(f)). members and piece Figure foot, living (Rotifera, just and rotifers all to cytoskeleton trunk are are due head, them above a among shape into and specific divided subgroups a is several have rotifer in them divided of long) Metazoa many mm cell. and 0.5 the wall of cell membrane and outer flagellates rigid shape:ciliates, the a (5 on beneath have larger based not much groups do are three They they into into cell classified amoebae. and incorporated are their organisms Protozoa dioxide in single-cell 4(e)). agar silicon (Figure microscopic and prokaryotes have of carrageenan than as that groups such diverse algae compounds are are other Protozoa contain Diatoms walls. species cellulose. multicellular of Some walls. composed cell are their and rigid are algae 4 source. carbon a as and energy compounds. organic for compounds from organic carbon their derive and sunlight of NH niomna factors Environmental 3 2 NO , and Bri rgtfedpooirgaho el:()rdsae bacterium (a)rod-shaped ofcells: photomicrograph Bright-field š iadVukovi and ki ao elements major 2 acidophiles eooeatanaerobes aerotolerant ‒ rwbs fO if best grow Fe , 2+ Penicillium n H and , ‒ 0° nabiet rvn reig hl tescngo t10° hr ae sunder is water where °C 120 at grow can others while freezing, prevent to brine a in °C 20 ć Domanovac rwotmlya Hblw55and 5.5 below pH a at optimally grow Photoautotrophs eoe;olgt anaerobes obligate aerobes; 2 ‒ )freeg n eietercro rmCO from carbon their derive and energy for S) 2 C ,H ,S ,K n Mg). and K, P, S, N, H, O, (C, p,(0×,()genalgae green (d) (400×), sp., irognssdrv nryete rmsnih rb eaoiigchemical metabolising by or sunlight from either energy derive Microorganisms . that influence microbial growth are temperature, oxygen requirements and pH requirements oxygen are temperature, growth microbial influence that speet u a logo ihu it. without grow also can but present, is olgt emne)aeidfeett O to indifferent are fermenter) (obligate hrohls Hyperthermophiles thermophiles. Chemoautotrophs s h nryo ulgtadCO and sunlight of energy the use – Chlorella nutrients netbae r irsoi utclua raim (0.1 organisms multicellular microscopic are invertebrates antmlil ntepeec fO of presence the in multiply cannot Viruses rc elements Trace rceoihtoh s nrai opud (H compounds inorganic use chemolithotrophs or 40) e igecle tahdpoit(tle ciliates), (stalked protist attached single-celled (e) (400×), , alkalophiles l el oti h armlclsa follows: as macromolecules the contain cells All . Chemoheterotrophs – r o iigognssadte oss fa of consist they and organisms living not are 4]. Bacillus mesophiles Microaerophiles r loesnilt irba nutrition. microbial to essential also are aea piu rwhtemperature growth optimum an have Neutrophiles 2 bv ..Fnly l microorganisms all Finally, 8.5. above p,(00) b yeast (b) (1000×), sp., . 2 ahbceilseiscnsurvive can species bacterial Each . Photoheterotrophs 2 nteamshr osynthesize to atmosphere the in hl hs htgo etat best grow that those while , rceoraorpsuse chemoorganotrophs or utpyi h ag of range the in multiply eur ml amounts small require 2 while , Saccharomyces 2 o rwhand growth for psychrophiles s h energy the use facultative EGRUYTER DE – 0 µm) 500 sp., 2 – , , Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd EGRUYTER DE lcrnacpo o hsrdcn oe,tepoesi called NO is as process such the power, in reducing while this ATP, for of acceptor electron mol 24 to up NADP yield will NAD ATP. is molecule of form glucose (oxidized mol NADH single primary 36 a the to prokaryotes are In cycles up TCA eukaryotes biosynthesis. and in EMP use the for roles, ers anabolic and catabolic for have means can pathways three all Although are: pathways and bydifferent metabolic carbon used important major most are a the of is pathways Three Glucose metabolic ATP. glucose. different of of Several extent catabolism organisms. for the organisms heterotrophic to many not for but source ATP, which bonds, to energy phosphate analogue compounds high-energy of other transfer process are and There the sun. store using the ATP of generate energy phos- radiant can substrate-level utilizing organisms ATP: photophosphorylation, in form Photosynthetic to Energy phosphorylation. energy power. oxidative provide and reducing to phorylation processes and two energy use via Chemoheterotrophs transferred of bonds. and consumption phosphate com- stored complex the of is with biosynthesis systems the usually biological is compounds, Anabolism power. simpler reducing and from energy pounds generating energyfor of metabolism purpose require cellular the cells of for ucts functions Living primary prod- Two different maintenance. conditions. produce and and environmental are may motility species nutrients, same nutritional of the transport different Even biosynthesis, under environment. their grown organic in when non-protein changes ucts are to responses that their coenzyme non-protein in or a ences Cu), require Zn, enzymes Mg, protein ions Some dinucleotide (metal subunit. adenine cofactor nicotinamide one as (e.g. such than compounds activity, more their have for of others group number while limited structure, very thesuffix simple a adding fa- by or a amyl catalysts, arenamed one, like act asbiological only name, They substrate are on known. the that act of enzymes usually different 2000 They are proteins a product. than into More substrates. Enzymes substrate of be important. conversion the may cilitating enzymes different or additional rpris loigte ogo eti ruso raim fitrs n ieteivsiao a to way a investigator the give and interest of organisms differential of and groups selective both, certain possess grow for differentiat- may to used media Some Selective them are widely organisms. allowing population. of properties, bacterial media groups Differential mixed or bacteria. organisms a Gram-positive bacteria, related Gram-negative of like closely as other part ing such organisms of a of growth group is the one that of inhibit growth organism but the an support to isolating formulated are or types detecting medium of purpose the for bacterium of growth the K supports to which added is medium, algae) from salts (polysaccharide used. agar if are results media agar broth. Nutrient complex nutrient water. of and extract types beef to many peptides), which short purposes and on routine medium For a atmosphere. include suitable used These Commonly laboratory. a in and cultivation organism their the for grow conditions appropriate provide H to as ble such chemicals inorganic reduced of oxidation or Fe (photoautotroph) sunlight through either in CO formed are use acid isms lactic or cells ethanol as the such to metabolism response fermentative of use products chain end transport ATP. The electron supplies the rylation using without energy obtain that Cells respiration bic b. a. c. 2 2+ HPO ifrne in Differences the only synthesize Cells ykoigevrnetladntiinlfcosta nlec rwho pcfcpoayts itispossi- prokaryotes, of specific growth influence that factors nutritional and environmental knowing By catabolism n H and ait fcro kltn C,C,C) ihgyeadhd--hsht steedproduct. end the as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate with C5), C4, (C3, skeletons pathway carbon of (HMP) variety hexose-monophosphate or pentose-phosphate The cycle acid citric or (TCA), cycle acid tricarboxylic Krebs, ATP. of amount glycolysis or pathway (EMP) Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (chemoautotroph). + 4 .Rdcn oe a eue ognrt T hog lcrntasotcan hnO When chain. transport electron through ATP generate to used be can power Reducing ). KH , 2 nrygeneration energy ,adpoue ag muto ATP. of amount large a produces and O, 3 2 ‒ 2 stercro oret noprt abnfo CO from carbon incorporate to source carbon their as rSO or PO neoi eprto sals fiin omo nrytasomto hnarbcrespiration. than aerobic transformation of energy form efficient less a is respiration Anaerobic . hmclydfndmedia defined Chemically and ope medium complex 4 irba metabolisms microbial MgSO , anabolism 4 ’ 2 edt aac osmto n h rdcino euigpower. reducing of production the and consumption balance to need ‒ sue ncnucinwt lcrntasotcan hntepoesi called is process the then chain, transport electron with conjunction in used is 4 (NH , enzymes hl M ly e oei upyn abnseeosadrdcn pow- reducing and skeletons carbon supplying in role key a plays HMP while , aaoimi h erdto fasbtaet oehgl xdzdedprod- end oxidized highly more to substrate a of degradation the is Catabolism . + ase n ioiaieaeiedncetd hsht AP oiie omis form (oxidized NADPH phosphate dinucleotide adenine nicotinamide and ) 4 euigpower Reducing ) 2 uretboh ossso nyppoe(rti yrlsdt mn acids amino to hydrolysed (protein peptone only of consists broth, nutrient , rrato aaye,sc sachldehydrogen alcohol as such catalysed, reaction or , SO hyrqiefrgot.Udrtecagdevrnetlconditions, environmental changed the Under growth. for require they 4 CaCl , r opsdo itrso ueceias neapei glucose- is example An chemicals. pure of mixtures of composed are a eatiue atyt eei ifrne n atyto differ- partly and differences genetic to partly attributed be can 2 FeSO , dnsn triphosphate adenosine ssoe ncezm ioiaieaeiedinucleotide adenine nicotinamide coenzyme in stored is – 4 NAD n water. and .coli E. – + – ,o oevitamins. some or ), ovrsguoet yuaeadpoue initial produces and pyruvate to glucose converts xdzsprvt hog ctlCAit CO into acetyl-CoA through pyruvate oxidizes eoi respiration aerobic n otisigeinsa olw:glucose, follows: as ingredients contains and , Selective 2 noclua aeil nryi obtained is Energy material. cellular into fermentation – ( ATP ovrsguoe6popaeinto glucose-6-phosphate converts and ,wihcnan ihenergy high contains which ), Bri ifrnilmedia differential faohreeto acceptor electron another If . š iadVukovi and ki usrt-ee phospho- Substrate-level . ase oeezmshave enzymes Some . Autotrophic ć Domanovac –ase 2 2 stefinal the is ,NH S, oteend the to r used are anaero- organ- 3 or 5 2 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd e sue omauecodns rtriiyo atra upnina rt utr.T esr h wet dry the The measure weighted. To mass culture. cell broth and a removed as liquid down, suspension centrifuged bacterial are a mediums of liquid turbidity growing or cells cell cloudiness weight, the measure the of to cells estimate of used set statistical number is third the the a ter measuring gives each of which and in Instead table, sample. first growth original mass MPN of the of cell an absence mL than against MPN/100 or less compared as precipitate) expressed then 10-fold five or and are receives or concentration, production results set three gas The second (e.g. noted. of the is presence sets that set such the three sample is incubation, of MPN, important After amount the is measured less. a What 100-fold determine receives To soil. set probability. Each or prepared. of water are filteredand as theory medium the volume growth in the same were on the containing based that membranefilter tubes The cells numbers sample. asterile original cell through ofmicrobial of of mL assay 100 the number passed is per reported indicates liquid is filter result the the of on grow amount that known colonies bacteria A of the concentrates areplated. 0.2 method sizes This waters. (pore they natural as before such filtration environment agar with previously dilute by of in occur surface might over the as low, spread tively is then rod. glass This solution bent sterilized medium. agar nutrient solidified a taining 5: Figure (Figure5). agar surface cells on the individual the appear hardens Petri agar liquid. colonies the andthen still When distinguishable is dish agar. after incubation, agar Petri liquid temperature, and, with saline this sterile cells in place At mL microbial into °C. 9 is mix transferred fixed 45 in to are to sample swirled dilution cooled gently mL final been then (1 and has the is dilutions increments that of dish the 10-fold agar mL make in nutrient 1.0 to diluted melted used method, with is is plate overlaid 30 sample water) pour between The in the is NaCl cells. is In % count it the solution). countofthecolonies (0.9 therefore to out saline and colonies plating physiological number simple before of sterile this A samples number a than plate. the cells ideal microbial dilute The more to theagar sample. many necessary to contain initial frequently the samples applied However, in 300. is were and cells ofmicroorganisms many how methods the suspension plating determines Plate different two multiplying. numberofcolonies The in how of plate. the agar capable an cells differ to determining by of added cells sample number of a the from theconcentration arise quantify that to measure used both filtration are distinguish membrane not counts does and generally cell counts but Viable suspension, a cells. in dead cells isolates. of and number culture living a the pure determining as of obtaining methods to rapid allows most referred procedure the then of by this is measured numbers, colony be bacterial can Each growth of cell. Bacterial estimate microbial an one providing from theory for medium The Except medium. agar agar solid solid a a unit on on forming plating colony arises and colony sample the one of that dilution by is followed medium, liquid a in growth CO increased pro- with are shaken, condition atmospheric media conditions. requires containing anaerobic species flasks bepowerfuldi- or microbial or mediamicroaerophilic can tubes other when Some These best aeration. grow maximum aerobes themedia. appropriate viding Obligate with obtained. an be Furthermore, to reaction has visible settings. growth ona environmental in based tools agnostic group the in differences discern 6 ntesra lt ehd01m ftefnldlto staserddrcl notepaearaycon- already theplate onto directly is transferred dilution final the of mL 0.1 method plate spread the In [1 methods used widely most The Bri orpaemethod plate Pour š iadVukovi and ki a edtrie.Ti a edn ymauigthe measuring by done be can This determined. be can – .5µ) h itri lcdo naporaeaa eimadte nuae.Thenumber incubated. and then medium agar on anappropriate is placed filter the µm), 0.45 ć Domanovac ( CFU ebaefiltration Membrane – n h euto h nlssepesdi em fCUm rCUgo sample. of CFU/g or CFU/mL of terms in expressed analysis the of result the and ) eildltosfrteetmto fval elcount. cell viable of estimation the for dilutions serial – ietcl counts cell direct ,5 ntesuyo irognsspeeti ifrn ape stheir is samples different in present microorganisms of study the in 5] 3, sue hntenmeso raim nasml r rela- are sample a in organisms of numbers the when used is and otpoal number probable most ibecl counts cell viable turbidity topei condition atmospheric or ietmcocpccuti one is count microscopic Direct . r weight dry MN ehdi statistical a is method (MPN) orplate pour spectrophotome- A . and o microbial for pedplate spread EGRUYTER DE 2 , , Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd fetaellrezms(..ayae rtaeadcluae hc yrlsssac,poenadcellulose, and protein starch, compounds. hydrolyses aerobic; other which production or or cellulase, products, 6) (anaerobic and Figure fermentation protease respectively; requirements amylase, of growth (e.g. generation enzymes range), sources, areused. extracellular and nitrogen of optimum and conditions pH growth carbon or range, and of using temperature-optimum chemicals inclusions) utilization nutrients, cellular include: characteris- media, other wall tests growth (cell and These specific motility morphology test morphol- colony of cell of biochemical and mechanisms For characteristics, pigmentation microscopy. observation and sporulation byvisual characteristics Gram-staining, surface - followed size, tics media, shape, artificial ofmi- as an such on ogy culture classification pure of taxonomic as microorganisms substantiation of and identification in are used croorganisms commonly methods The ganism. Answer: 3. Example 10 in × presented is population bacterial of time generation mean of Calculation generations population of initial the time if generation calculated The be known. can generations of number The 2 where initial an with Starting equations. of series a in cells.The expressed bacterial viable be of can number generations ofthe population and numbers indoubling cell of yeast results of relationship which and fission, one conditions binary example, by laboratory bacterium reproduce For the organisms bacteria grown. rate. Most under single-celled a is constant minutes model it at 20 eukaryotic which in and in off double prokaryotic conditions the die studied and cells is intensively microorganisms as most occur of decreases the to species population the division the on cell constant; in depending relatively for cells varies remains taken viable population of time the number the in total Theoretically, cells when viable period of the number is total during measured the is and time nutrients the (generation and interval enter grown time cells When each multiplication); during flask. active percentage or this same the tube by a increase in numbers in stages: in their weigh- contained distinct multiplication; four before broth active through hours to in several goes prior for bacteria grown macromolecules of °C typically population 105 are a at conditions cells bacteria batch laboratory, centrifuged under the the drying In by them. determined is ing mass cell the of weight GRUYTER DE h eeto fmtosue for used methods of selection The 3 Example for equation the Solving 7 el e Li orhuso growth? of hours four in mL 1 per cells n t g stebceilpplto after population bacterial the is 4minutes 24 = N 0 . h oa population total the , n hti eeaintm fbceilpplto hticessfo 10 × 1 from increases that population bacterial of time generation a is What q (3): eq. , hntpcanalysis phenotypic 푡 푔 n t g log q (2): eq. , = seulto equal is ⋅ 푡 = 푁 log 푁 N irba identification microbial log 2 tteedo ie iepro ol eepesda q (1): eq. as expressed be would period time given a of end the at and 푡 → 푁 푡 t n ttoayphase stationary g tetm hc lpe between elapsed which time (the 0 generations. = 푛 ⋅ oeua methods molecular 푔 푛 푡 푁 = 푁 log = 푡 → exponential 240 2 g = 푛 → 10 10 0 ⋅ = log ⋅ 4 7 2 ⋅ 푡 log 푛 2 log hnte aeehutdterspl fenergy of supply their exhausted have they when 푡 → 푁 푁 log 표 engnrto time generation mean or 2 eed ntetp n aueo h microor- the of nature and type the on depends 푔 − 푁 hntpcaayi fe novsgrowth involves often analysis Phenotypic . o phase log acaoye cerevisiae Saccharomyces = log 240 N log 2 0 ⋅ 3 n h population the and 푁 0 . 0 301 el iiea osatrt and rate constant a at divide cells , N 0 and Bri š iadVukovi and ki N a phase lag iie ytenumber the by divided ) or n9 o10minutes. 120 to 90 in obigtime doubling 4 el e Lt 1 to mL 1 per cells N ć Domanovac el synthesize cells fe time after et phase death .coli E. This . t can are (3) (2) (1) 7 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd rliogncpaeta sotnascae ihogncmte;()alqi rslto hs htcontains that phase solution or liquid a (b) matter; organic NO with (e.g. minerals associated essential often all is almost that phase microorganisms. inorganic of diversity etc. eral rich fuel, a jet leather, contain paper, soils as all such paints materials of man-made The case degrade the materials. in and (e.g. non-biological attack problem food fungi recycle a Some also be thus plastics). Earth can are and microorganisms and the some Microorganisms metals by all halt. compounds utilize of man-made a base of also biodeterioration to the microorganisms at come some are provide quickly and material, they to would Earth biological and parts on Earth organisms biomass component higher on of their some recyclers life to for are activities degraded Microorganisms recycling organisms. be living closed their must new a organisms without grow is dead to Earth continue, needed the to ingredients Since phosphorus life nitrogen, the organisms. carbon, for living of of order cycling for components in necessary essential system, are all they cycles), roles, (biogeochemical many be their sulphur to Among and considered 7]. locations 5, [2, geographical life including to ecosystems, extreme aquatic and terrestrial inhabit Microorganisms environment the in diversity Microbial 3 con- bacterium, identify to sequence gene rRNA is 16S species uses isolated that that firmed characterisation molecular The reactions culture waste. biochemical the bacterial tobacco The Index, test. Profile Analytical NE aeruginosa the P. 20 to API referring by as applying cell wereGram and identified Table out was Reading staining carried the Gram were to after according tests and read biochemical were and motile, of cells series rod-shaped Bacterial were A pigment. colonies microscope yellow-green negative. field analysis soluble water bright phenotypic produced a to and with According raised observed circular, conducted. were were culture pure method isolated molecular of and phenotypic culture lated National the by provided GenBank is database of bacterium aeruginosa sequence Pseudomonas identification gene Microbial http::// used (NCBI, Commonly Information information Biotechnology taxa. sequence for Centre and of complete 18S number or accurate large 16S with a as such databases from regions polymerase requires genomic is identification conserved methods genotypic of the comparisons Reliable of sequence rRNA. One of samples). consists other which and (PCR), water reaction soil, in microorganisms (e.g. chain non-viable samples or complex viable and of cultures methodsare concentrations pure molecular low The both of detection on known organisms. allow data to enough sensitive withdocumented considered amicroorganism of profiles protein or viride niger 6: Figure 8 of nonculturable of identification time for the applied at moisture are soil sequencing on RNA depends As or weight). soil DNA (dry microorganisms. of as soil weight such CFU/g dry of methods actual terms Molecular therefore in diluting. expressed out, is weighed sample originally in is bacteria soil of moist number microbiological The assays. of sam- count methods soil direct traditional or of The 8) 8]. Methods 7, etc.). [5, units, grid sampling sample re- systematic and of or analysis strategy needed two-stage size Sampling transect, data auger. samples, random, the be of soil of can precision types a pling of and or level numbers shovel a study, sites, a the (sampling with of requirements objective obtained the are consideration samples into Soil taking quires soil. in population carbon microbial and in pool carbon nutrients, plant of tative source dropstoa Acidity, Humification structure, and diversity. decrease. soil ofsoil microorganisms activity of soil on microbial regulator of as influence number water content have and the also activity supply When nutrient metabolic foraerobic and the water. temperature with desert) up are unfavourable or soils (drought filled wet level are low For spaces example, very air microbial of conditions. free composition environmental the and by because density affected microorganisms The is atmosphere. or soil phase the gas of a species (c) and roots plant for nutrients inorganic ersra environments Terrestrial 4 Example (DNA,RNA) sequences acid nucleic ofthe on the comparison relies methods, molecular using Identification, n iaetu bacterium filamentous and nwo hpa oesuc fcarbon. of source sole a as chip wood on apigo soils of sampling Bri mlltcatvt a n rtoyi ciiy()idctdb aosaon ooiso mould of colonies a around haloes by indicated (b) activity proteolytic and (a) activity Amylolytic š fsi ape nld utrlasy tlzn iuinadpaigmtoooy(iue7adFigure and 7 (Figure methodology plating and dilution utilizing assays cultural include samples soil of iadVukovi and ki s4 C hsioae pce a ut cieydgaignctn t5 Cdrn composting during °C 50 at nicotine degrading actively quite was species isolated this °C, 42 is . ioiedgaigbceimwsioae rmtecmotn as[] oietf iso- identify To [6]. mass composting the from isolated was bacterium degrading nicotine A suooa aeruginosa Pseudomonas ć Domanovac sdsrbdi xml 4. Example in described is scuilfrdtriaino irba iest,itrcin ewe hmadshifts and them between interactions diversity, microbial of determination for crucial is Streptomyces r h ihs n h otcmlxadvr rmari oett eet but desert, a to forest rain a from vary and complex most the and richest the are .aeruginosa P. 3 ‒ Cl , lhuhi skonta h aiu eprtr o growth for temperature maximum the that known is it Although . p n c ellltcatvt niae ygot fmould of growth by indicated activity cellulolytic (c) and sp. ‒ N(Nfs ioiedegrading). nicotine (FN-fast FN CO , 3 2 ‒ SO , Soil 4 strepaesse ossigo:()asldo min- or solid a (a) of: consisting system three-phase is 2 ‒ Ca , 2+ Mg , ’ odcan.Aatfo eyln dead recycling from Apart chains. food s 2+ Na , + K , + – ,wihaepiaysuc of source primary are which ), CO 2 eusrto.Represen- sequestration. Trichoderma Aspergillus EGRUYTER DE – humus of Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd uret,tmeaueadsnih.Teuprlyri xgnrc u oteatvte fmn photosynthetic O many of dissolved relative numbers activities of the typesand to concentration The due oxygen-rich on is layer depend upper The environments terrestrial. sunlight. marine and rivers resembles temperature and andnutrients, lakes down, inhabiting instreams flow microorganisms Streams environment river. of microorganisms to of terrestrial or begins surrounding stream from profile larger melt population a a snow heterotrophic form thus to and or together matter rain join organic slowly bacteria, spring, accumulate may rivers thermophilic and streams a and These like formed. source are ofarchaea streams a small from and species Water different bacteria. many sulphur for photosynthetic species springs bacterial hot many for springs are or iron There thermal waters. specialized algae, and ground and hot and bacteria thermal, oceans) (cold, (seas, springs environments of marine types lakes), and rivers streams, (springs, O require protozoans most and in [9]. or- energy found surface for of also soil removal sunlight are the and protists on near cycling Various depend nutrient bioremediation. generally in and Algae important biodegradation soils. are of most fungi processes and the bacteria macromolecules the by complex soil contaminants in using Many are ganic found and materials cellulose. degrading usually organic and matter, wherever are plant lignin found decomposing are as they in they such and crucial and are aerobes material fungi organic are soil from fungi energy The derive present. Most Fungi greater. soil. of much cm legume seeds is 10 of (eukaryotes) top fungi for bacterisation of is biomass but bacteria nitrogen-fixing of use practical (symbiotic and Importance nitrate). of envi- to terrestrial species nitrite in as live such to bacteria adapted bacteria nitrifying chemoheterotrophic of (-) species G are Some ronments odour. give musty which genus characteristic geosmin, the called its of metabolites soil produce bacteria also (+) They G endospores. Filamentous to of unrelated heat. spores extreme bacteria desiccation-resistant or rod-shaped drought spore-forming, as (+) such periods G adverse are common most the genera Among bacteria. (G-) Gram-negative than anaero- and facultative nitrifiers, and sulphur-oxidizers, aerobic bacteria. sulphate-reducers, of nitrogen-fixing methanogens, range the denitrifiers, a zones, as saturated include the such deep and in In diversity chemoheterotrophs limited state. microbial bic nonculturable more limited a much with in lower are sub- be even nutrients the may are Since population numbers within soils. the surface communities of in proportion microbial than greater diverse The a less subsurface, structure. and and number in texture lower soil are surface on depends distribution microbial colonies. the 300 and dilutions. 30 subsequent between from has result it c) since and counted (b be plates should two C other plate The plates, dilution). three soil (lowest these colonies From fungal most the has (a) 8: Figure colonies. 300 and dilutions. 30 subsequent between from has result it c) since and counted (b be plates should two B other plate The plates, dilution). three soil (lowest these colonies From bacterial most the has (a) 7: Figure GRUYTER DE qai environments Aquatic soils in abundant more are bacteria (G+) Gram-positive inhabitants. soil numerous most the are Prokaryotes and protozoa, and algae, fungi, bacteria, archaea, of populations indigenous by occupied are soils Surface Bacillus uglclne htrsl rmicbto olwn iuinadpaigo olsml.Tepaeo h left the on plate The sample. soil of plating and dilution following incubation from result that colonies Fungal left the on plate The sample. soil of plating and dilution following incubation from result that colonies Bacterial – Rhisobium and Clostridium p n non-symbiotic and sp. ztbce,Arbceim Rhizobium Agrobacterium, Azotobacter, cuymr hn7 fteEarth the of % 70 than more occupy hs pce omedsoe nievgttv el,ealn hmt survive to them enabling cells, vegetative inside endospores form species These . Gallionella Nitrosomonas and ztbce chroococum Azotobacter Sphaerotilus tasomamnu ontie and nitrite) to ammonium (transform – rn upu,rdocie.Cl pig r aia for habitat are springs Cold radioactive). sulphur, iron, n upu pig o htsnhtcadnon- and photosynthetic for springs sulphur and and ’ ufc n antpsae ufc waters surface are: types main and surface s Pseudomonas .Poaytsaems ueosi soil, in numerous most are Prokaryotes ). n mn chemoautotrophs among and , Bri š iadVukovi and ki Streptomyces 2 Nitrobacter ote r found are they so , ć Domanovac produce (oxidize 2 and 9 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd etn nie st hte h ae a enplue ihhmnfea ats(g41rto ranimal for or handy ratio) is (\gt4:1 FS wastes to faecal FC human of with numbers polluted the been Comparing has water faeces. the animal whether in more to common much as more have idea faeces are an Human FS getting contamination. while of polluted FS, source and faecal the than soils to on coliforms in FC faecal information naturally of provide ratio occur The can genera animals. (FC:FS) warm-blooded These by streptococci contamination conditions. faecal adverse a indicate during also time but waters, long a survive can spores ncmaio ihngtv n n c akclu ooiso rnbcei ihmtli hn nWngasyagar. Winogradsky on shine metallic with bacteria iron of colonies colour dark (c) and one negative with comparison in 10: Figure for24 agar mFC on incubation after filter membrane on bacteria coliform °C faecal 44.5 of at colonies hours blue of appearance (b) and 9: Figure such medium growth selective using 9(b)). and (Figure C agar 44.5 mFC to or temperature broth incubation mFC the as increasing FC) by and cultured (TC are water. bacteria and of coliform quality faecal general and Total the coli [10]. evaluate range to dilution used greater been a have require likely will microbiological method (Fig- specially water MPN using for polluted by applied andmultiple-tube or are samples 9(a)) 10(a)) grab (Figure multiple ure filtration of Membrane shortperiod portions devices. a combining sampling estuar- by automatic over or conven- obtained designed shorelines site be receiving lakes, a can large supplies rivers, at samples water streams, Composite wastewater supplies, ies. waters, spot groundwater surface protected specific well-mixed for: some a treatment, minutes) from tional or collected seconds samples (typically single time are of samples Grab sampling. posite and fresh ditches [9]. of drainage regions sources urbanized pools, important and swimming are industrial is ponds, lakes in activity stagnant and aquifers. plants microbial rivers of treatment deep water, wastewaters here comprises or Ground general, environment nutrients. shallow aquatic In of include Man-made predominant. concentration water. and poor are zone the bacteria subsurface to and due the inhabitants low in sole inland the found are are Microorganisms waters Ground consumption action. the to wind due anaerobic be may lakes O of layer of bottom the contrast, In cyanobacteria. as such organisms 10 w te ruso atrata r rsn nfee r:fea tetcci(S and (FS) streptococci faecal are: faeces in present are that bacteria of groups other Two wastewater and Water rgnt pcfclyfo h netnltato amboddseis(..hmn,baes racoons,etc.) beavers, humans, (e.g. species ofwarm-blooded tract the intestinal from specifically originate 2 yhtrtoh.I epsa ae sO is water sea, deep In heterotrophs. by Bri a ebaeflrto paau:1 ae ape itainfne,3 aumpm,4 eetv agarmedia; selective pump, 4. vacuum 3. funnel, filtration sample, 1. water apparatus: filtration Membrane (a) š iadVukovi and ki P iuinsre:()ts ue fe nuain-tresre ihfv elct ue,()pstv testtube (b)positive tubes, replicate five with series three - incubation after tubes test (a) series: dilution MPN ć Domanovac sampling sgnrlypromdb n ftomtos rbsmln rcom- or sampling grab methods; two of one by performed generally is analysis 2 strtddet iigascae ihtds urns and currents, tides, with associated mixing to due -saturated fntrlwtr n atwtrsras oee more however streams; wastewater and waters natural of aclclfr bacteria coliform Faecal n hi representative their and Clostridium Clostridia . EGRUYTER DE E. Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd atrawr e n eoiso rnwr le codn ofraino hiso el,ioae bacterium isolated iron cells, of of cells genus chains microscope, the of to formation light belong to the According sample under water blue. were examination the iron in By of present [11]. deposits transferred method and was Meyers colonies red the by were of bacteria stained one from cells culture and of amount slide of small colonies onto a of growth incubation, the After 10 observe 10(c)). to × (Figure plate 1.4 According bacteria agar Winogradsky iron was 10(b)). onto bacteria Figure transferred was iron and culture of 10(a) tube test (Figure number positive positive From precipitate estimated scored brown the were Tubes of table, days. formation MPN three and statistical for growth to °C bacterial 17 of at basis incubated the and dilution (10 10(a)) on ofeach (Figure prepared [11],) were medium sample water liquid of (Winogradsky tubes test five of Replicates series. atce ofreterdpsto noasldo eisldsrae h olcinsraei sal nagar an usually 11). is (Figure surface fungi for collection agar The malt surface. or semi-solid bacteria the of for or inertia agar solid the nutrient airborne a utilizing as by of onto such air deposition deposition medium the forced from their the particles is force separates Impaction to method liquid. impaction particles a The a into surface. in and solid practices a inlet airborne on the of particles trapping through the air drawing is Impingement by [12]. matrix impingement liquid and impaction on based are samplers (e.g. Bacte- endospores air. bacterial fungal through while general, transport susceptible during In more stress genera. are environmental within algae to and and resistant microorganisms somewhat ria are of microorgan- viruses groups airborne enteric between viable and survival of spores in number variability the and is decrease humidity there (desiccation, to survive stresses isms, tend to environmental conditions order to environmental adapt In air. harsh microorganisms the these While temperatures from that radiation). high microorganisms important with is the washes it associated air, rain been the the have in weather surfaces wet In plant humidity. from relative low released and bacteria of (e.g., numbers microor- spores increased of airborne fungal humidity and some their relative influx of by the and the concentrations to affected temperature are contribute Increased are also currents, particles ganisms. bioaerosols humidity or air relative of droplets and of Temperature settling the factors. magnitude fromminutes and environmental of are transport while ranges shape The and characteristics, it and km. physical density 100 important size, to and distance The most up factors. time is environmental asfollows: m of and 100 properties from terms in deposition physical and and ofbioaerosols days air defined in or be µm). dispersion Pathway hours can via to 30 to transport generated bioaerosols subsequent of are the Transport surfaces, They water surface. (0.5 bioaerosols. or on sizes soil called from different are air of the particles into particles biological mat- launching or organic Airborne of water. droplets is amount available polydispersed Atmosphere In low of as microorganisms. variations, km. scarcity temperature 16 contains a about to also to due and air up microorganisms matter, ter tropics for other in environment and while hospitable km particles a 11 not dust about droplets, to water Earth up plantsand to extends the troposphere in addition of terrestrial regions, found temperate be the survival In to for Earth. known the only air suitable currently layers, is different animals at terrestrial vary pressure atmospheric and content 5). (Example applied be may can method To bacteria MPN system. iron the well by well the water generated of in components slime bacteria other The iron and of screens, iron. reddish- number pipes, of of clog the begin production oxidation and estimate and is the equipment, wells introduced plumbing from in be and may by-product iron pipes bacteria with metabolic corrode iron associated a the problem as well, major a slime A or enters favourable. brown rocks soil are as or conditions such water if in surface surface thrive hydroxide If solid to ferric group. a chains of to bacteria form iron attach deposition and to the the functions to bacteria by genera life iron characterized The their enables water. also flowing for sheath are in a source groundwater) wood They within energy distribution or sheath. clustering an river, water or This as (ocean, of tube, sheaths. iron environments part their a use aqueous a within bacteria and are encased Iron soil cells which world. the of wells, the of of in part parts problems natural most cause a in they are cases bacteria some Iron in system. but and health, 0.6:1 to cow hazardous and duck from while 4.4:1, is wastes faecal human respectively. from 0.2:1, ratio FC:FS example For (\lt1:1). wastes GRUYTER DE o olcinof collection For the in layers Various 5 Example representative their and bacteria coliform faecal While . h ubro rnbcei nwtrsml rmwl a siae yapyn P dilution MPN applying by estimated was well from sample water in bacteria iron of number The i samples air atmosphere aydvcsaeue ntebsso hi apigmtos u most but methods, sampling their of basis the on used are devices many , aloel,Leptothrix Gallionella, a ercgie pt h egto bu 00k 9.Atog air Although [9]. km 1000 about of height the to up recognized be can Leptothrix and . .coli E. Crenothrix Cladosporium r elhproblem, health a are Bacillus ’ rpshr.Ti ae stenaetto nearest the is layer This troposphere. s hc r rmngtv os belong rods, Gram-negative are which , 3 p)aeqieresistant. quite are sp.) 10m foiia ae sample. water original of mL /100 p and sp. Bri š iadVukovi and ki Nigrospora ‒ rnbacteria iron 1 10 , ć ‒ Domanovac notorair outdoor in ) 2 n 10 and r not are ‒ 3 mL) 11 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd ula eco aiiis neapeo atru hti nsal eitn outailt( is ultraviolet radiation to kGy) resistant 5 unusually to is (up that ionizing bacterium of and example An facilities. reactor nuclear can It semiconductor). bacterium in of used resistance water Radiation chips. pure there. of computer (ultra environments design crystal in extreme flaws nutrient-free cause in survive to known are aim eur atcnetain o rwhta r ihrta hs on nsawtr h xmlsof examples The water. sea genera in found the those to than belong higher bacteria are halophilic that growth extreme for concentrations salt require ganisms as genus such to others, belong that bacteria genera by inhabited the vents to thermal and belonging springs archaea hot Pyrococcus concentra- In thermophilic low irradiation. availability, obligate high water and low are compounds concentrations, toxic there salt temper- of high high concentration values, include high pH tolerate nutrients, high to of tion and able low be boiling, must to microbes cause near that grow. also atures conditions they environmental can as of but acid extremes produce hydrocarbons, The to habitat. and ability cloth their leather, of because as metal such and materials glass in attack change can degradative fungi other Some toxicosis. usrt lc perne hsfnu sasrospolmi oe n ulig n n ftecauses the of one and buildings and homes in problem serious a the is the giving andon fungus conidia of panelling, This and andwood conidiophores appearance. of wood black amounts on with large a carpets produce of substrate usually covering products, material, will paper paper fungus ininsulation tiles, The the debris. ceiling on pipes, organic leaks,condensation, based general oninsulated common orfloor cellulose most wallpaper, covering wall is on paper It found fibres, be growth. natural roof, can maintain but and pipes, board, initiate wall from broken to gypsum required are damage conditions or water Wet etc. flooding sustained have which fungus The colonizer. secondary as ates materials. building of variety activity requirements wide water a lower versicolor colonize have which to tend microorganisms Fungi, other hasoccurred. than condensation) and (flooding leaking of water contamination microbial with associated are effects ments health human adverse and odours, sive genus streets in bioaerosols of of origin the as serve agar. malt on colonies fungal (c) and agar nutrient on colonies bacterial (b) dishes, 11: Figure 12 ldsoim lenra Penicillium Alternaria, Cladosporium, xml 6 Example of conditions The Agricultural practices, wastewater and solid waste treatments (sanitary landfill operations and composting) operations landfill (sanitary treatments waste solid and wastewater practices, Agricultural atraadagego naeswt tnigwtrsc shmdfcto ytm n ie where and sites systems humidification as such water standing with areas in grow algae and Bacteria . Bri “ ikbidn syndrome building sick š iadVukovi and ki r fe sltdo alae n re agn fwte al,while walls, wetted of margins drier and wallpaper on isolated often are apigo iarsl yteipcinmto:()mcoilarsmlradatricbto fPetri of incubation after and sampler air microbial (a) method: impaction the by bioaerosols of Sampling cdcevrnetsc smnn at tem n aiu iea xdzn niomnsare environments oxidizing mineral various and streams waste mining as such environment Acidic . . Cladosporium Bacterial biofilms have been found growing on the surfaces of spent nuclear fuel rods storedin fuel nuclear ofspent onthe surfaces growing found been have biofilms Bacterial hoailsferrooxidans Thiobacillus ć Domanovac xrm environment extreme n erbidnsgenus buildings near and ” . .chartarum S. udo environments outdoor looiiefrost ercio o T eeain aooeator- Halotolerant generation. ATP for iron ferric to ferrous oxidize also , and enccu radiodurans Deinococcus tcyorschartarum Stachybotrys enccu radiodurans Deinococcus Thiobacillus Aspergillus ral etitterneo irba pce htcngo nsuch in grow can that species microbial of range the restrict greatly rdcsamctxnta a as nmladhmnmyco- human and animal cause can that mycotoxin a produces Caulobacter Halobacterium Stachybotrys oeseisoiieol upu opud,while compounds, sulphur only oxidize species Some . a epeeti udo i nct ak,na busy near parks, city in air outdoor in present be may and nsme n uunmud uha genera as such moulds autumn and summer In . sms omnyfudi oe rbuildings or homes in found commonly most is hsbceimcnsriedsso radiation of doses survive can bacterium This . suooa fluorescens Pseudomonas and speetdi xml 6. Example in presented is ehntems uflbs Pirodictium Sulfolobus, Methanothermus, eeirto fbidn aeil,offen- materials, building of Deterioration . Halanaerobium Penicillium eyfwmicroorganisms few Very . Cladosporium r nw ob present be to known are p and sp. λ 0 o25nm) 295 to 100 = norenviron- indoor p prolifer- sp. EGRUYTER DE Aspergillus and , Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd uretaalblt,hg rmr n eodr rdciiy n fe,oye elto ntelwrwater lower the in increased depletion oxygen of often, phases through and productivity, cycle systems secondary combina- Upwelling and change. or primary is structure, high eutrophication availability, community of phytoplankton nutrient element in key shifts A clarity, blooms these. water macroalgae, of in tions filamentous reduction of algae, growth toxic or accumulation, noxious biomass of and rate growth phytoplankton in increase environment marine coastal the by faced threat pollution greatest [17]. the at highrisk represents over-enrichment in are nutrient Coastal ecosystems risk, ofwater, at sources 16]. countries. retention and [15, indeveloping inten- stratification eutrophication agriculture to conducive developing of more rapidly are industrialization for even conditions the where world, as the andspreads escalate of to parts for use many world fertilizer requirements the developed for consumptive in is higher trend with current sifies expand will the eutrophication to and coastal fuel, continue and that will food likely Populations is globally. it expand discharges, to urban continue and deposition, atmospheric drainage, terrestrial nitrogen. fixed 12: Figure countries. developed in globally evident became trajectories similar particularly quality, of and water sequence patterns in the is changes the events documenting with loads, began of them nutrient scientists sequence correlating As same and eutrophication This 12). toward (Figure countries. progressing developed countries symptoms among developing scale in global evident a more on becoming courses time similar follow systemtion the outside source from The or ecosystem. (autochthonous) aquatic system an the in within carbon from of come the accumulation (allochthonous). may is the carbon Eutrophication or organic carbon increased rate. of the accelerated ge- of production an the of at rate and worldwide the symptoms, increasing in the all increase process, are the eutrophication Second, of the suiteofaerobic processes. locations biogeochemical ographic and in involved bacteria bacteria, anaerobic picocyanobacte- sulfide-oxidizing and microorganisms: dinoflagellates, are diatoms, quality water cyanobacteria, nitrogen-fixing of degradation ria, subsequent microbiology? the environmental and in process included eutrophication be eutrophication of topic the would Why process Eutrophication 4 introduce to cloning After advantages. safety which and [14]. bacteria, economic chlorobenzene with has site decontamination the sub- of seeding into radioactive work while genes of expensive, the levels is out high manually with carry sites contaminated such then sites at in pollution found up radiation Cleaning the stances. survive can it propos- because are strategies them Bacterium among resistance. the Notable radiation of hypotheses. to keys nature numerous to condensed molecular rise the the given understand that to has als Attempts capability [13]. phoenix-like growth (deoxynu- this normal DNA of resume active basis soon unusually cells an the from and results 3 chromosomes, of these complete period do a over to and ability system, repair Its acid) organisms. cleic living other kill would that GRUYTER DE Symptoms? from principally countries, developing and developed both in loads nutrient future of trajectories the Given eutrophication: of course Historical eido h xlsv nraei osa urpiaini eaint lbladtoso anthropogenically of additions global to relation in eutrophication coastal in increase explosive the of Period .radiodurans D. h nta epneo netaieo osa ytmt nices nlmtn uret san is nutrients limiting in increase an to system coastal or estuarine an of response initial The twudalwti atru odgaetxcpluat uha rclrehln or trichloroethylene as such pollutants toxic degrade to bacterium this allow would it Deinococcus .radiodurans D. “ hne nntinsa ela h yposo utrleutrophica- cultural of symptoms the as well as nutrients in Changes Given the growing magnitude of the problem and the significance of the re- of significance the and problem the of magnitude growing the Given – or,oelpigfamnso N r pie oehrinto together spliced are DNA of fragments overlapping hours, 4 eoeo nuuulcpct oaodpoenoiainis oxidation protein avoid to capacity unusual an or genome so neett cetssdvlpn e bioremediation new developing scientists to interest of is is,teognssivle nthe in involved organisms the First, Bri š iadVukovi and ki ć Domanovac 13 ” Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd oyrmtchdoabn PH) aincie n eas[,18 [7, (PCBs), biphenyls metals polychlorinated and oil), radionuclides transform (e.g. (PAHs), hydrocarbons degrade, hydrocarbons including to polyaromatic compounds diversity of range catabolic huge microbial a occurring, accumulate naturally or astonishing, methods biotransformation the and harness Bioremediation to forms. endeavour toxic less the environ- into in contaminants environmental the mobility compound.degrade solubility, organic (or the the no affect of with toxicity may compound, or Biotransformation original complexity. ment, the molecular of of properties characteristic loss some minor) of only alteration or loss the mediated in biologically resulting any pound, almost describe substrate. degraded. to easily a used normally generally in are is environ- substrates change biodegradation natural in term of pollutants the those organic cases to most of similar in However, persistence structures have the Lackof that cell. for pollutants reason each microbial Thus, degrading common the source, ment. by carbon one the is made of enzyme under enzyme specific structure biodegrading example) a the by appropriate an catalysed of is Irrespective as pathway re- 13. glucose, the Figure and in (taking step in growth degradation shown compound for is organic energy conditions an and anaerobic and carbon of and bacteria, both Mineralisation aerobic providing mainly cells. process comprising microbial a forms water, of life and production of dioxide assortment carbon form huge or to biodegradation a Complete compound by organisms. out other carried possibly and is fungi, materials sense, organic microbiological all the of In ing organisms. microbial living by microorganisms pounds where particularly lev- alternative. measures, pollution better remedial increased a of for suitable tool spite using useful in minimized a industrialization provide be restrict not can do these countries however, Most els; entities. They such source. by nutrient cleaned their be as both elements in noxious applied many be use can can and con- omnipresent, major andmore. like diverse, a advantages highly reusability, many is characterized, no has by-products, which microorganisms or rate, of rapid use few the effectiveness, a available, cost at are industrialization increasing techniques rapid remediation is to we many level Due Though times, them. pollution cern. early using the in In world activities, negligence the environment. anthropogenic and in the large-scale carelessness resources our of and the however, today, degree, quality resources; lesser overall and or land the greater of to in abundance show, inextricably unlimited linked an had is we Earth that believed on life of quality The bioremediation and biodegradation in Microorganisms 5 otherwiselimit would that excessnutrients by caused often [15]. phytoplankton ismore of inorganic growth century and eutrophication the twenty-first organic enrichment, and of carbon anthropogenic input twentieth or the the natural in direct in increase include an may hydrology, causes or in the grazing, changes Although reduced as nutrients. as such system such the interactions of biological characteristics in physical changes in changes include may causes The column. 14 Biodegradation Bri š iadVukovi and ki ć snature is Domanovac Biotransformation nsitu in ’ and a frccigwse,o raigdw rai atrit mle com- smaller into matter organic down breaking or wastes, recycling of way s xsitu ex odtos nadto,mn xrm niomna odtoscan conditions environmental extreme many addition, in conditions; stemtblcmdfcto ftemlclrsrcueofacom- structure the molecular of modification metabolic the is Bioremediation steueo aual curn irognssto microorganisms occurring naturally of use the is Microorganisms mineralisation – 21]. “ biodegradation r edl vial,rapidly available, readily are novsoiaino parent of oxidation involves ” en httedecay- the that means EGRUYTER DE Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd hs opud biul r edl eonzdb irba aaoi nye.Fgr 4smaie the microorganisms. summarizes by [18]. 14 degraded compounds Figure xenobiotic enzymes. are of catabolic that microbial fate products by possible industrial recognized readily of are number obviously xeno- compounds a are These are indeed There moieties recalcitrant. structural necessarily of which not determine sense to the easy in always biotic not is it However, 21]. dioxide. rapidly. [19, iscarbon oxygen biodegraded without anaerobically, degradation the or oxygen, of with aerobically, product degraded be final can the material frequently process. Organic growth but biodegradation not greatly, microbial in involved do vary support are they processes bacteria organic that because and Biodegradation substrates Compounds of fungi secondary ofagrowth including source. degradation called microorganisms, energy Several are complete presence growth. substrates and a inthe support Co-metabolic carbon substrates. in primary primary results as the compound known process of an organic as are This used energy. is the metabolism and that as carbon substrate of defined source is and Co-metabolism or sole growth pollutants. metabolic as processes: through two used substance on is the based transform tant organisms is microor- microbial It the The processes. of work. understanding enzymatic process an the requires make biodegradation the biologically that of as ganisms process The the defined compounds. possess is chemical genera of Biodegradation fungal complexity and pollutants. bacterial organic of degrade number to huge capability A [15]. (bioremediation). en- forms remediation reactive investment environmental via more the with microorganisms to and co-reactants by proceed, key to facilitated other reaction are and a oxygen for but convert overcome to limitations, be energy must kinetic biochemical that of to energy activation due the catalyst, in lower occur which biological not zymes, a do often of transformations absence contaminant biological feasible the However, Thermodynamically reactions. environment. the photochemical from or ganics chemical to subject organisms are contaminants environmental Many pollutants organic of Biodegradation 6 pHand are temperature, of biodegradation rate the unrestricted influence for that proportions proper 18 factors in [7, and Other moisture form occur. usable to a in growth available be microbial must oxygen of and ability nutrients enzymes metabolic of specific amounts the the of is function factor a tothe largely microorganisms biotic their is and A metabolized involved are related environment. contaminants either the which to are to extent factors associated The microorganisms. So, or bymicroorganisms requirements environment. degradation nutritional the ofpollutants, their of pollutants of and environments. characteristics andthe concentration rate inhospitable physicochemical the to nature the influence adapt and that thechemical to microorganisms, capacity to organic including availability their of factors, their to on many numerous cycle. and degrade carbon depends machinery can global efficiency Microorganisms metabolic the Their biodegradation. their of term to maintenance the and owing environment in pollutants our included of are survival renewal for activities the needed These functions for biological important other very and are reproduction, growth, activities for needed energy [18]. gain organisms organisms the living to harmful are indeed xenobiotics many as but of xenobiotics compounds, toxic definition are The biotransformation. just biodegra- resist or may biodegradation compounds incomplete Xenobiotics undergo performance. biodegradation they control or properties even dation, physicochemical and of the affect may habitats, anddegradation environment natural In the microorganisms. of means transformation of in resides Earth on thedominant compounds xenobiotic Actually, compartments. environmental different in fate caused their use. effects environmental for on redeveloped or health be efforts adverse to international of site risk to the the led enable to the has to response and years a or as worldwide, recent contamination land isa either over by is sites, discovery these problem continual thatcontaminated of its The many remedy and recognized time. to widely health, of is now human It period to long threat significant. potential is a sites over contaminated application of number indirect estimated or direct for vironment 13: Figure GRUYTER DE hra eoitc a ess nteevrnetfrmnh n er,ms ignccmonsare compounds biogenic most years, and months for environment the in persist may xenobiotics Whereas associated mostly and management waste ecology, to relation in used often is biodegradation term The because but us to favour a as not done is degradation The microorganisms? by degraded compounds some are Why xenobiotics? are What en- the into released and synthesized been have compounds organic toxic highly decades, few last the In eoi raarbcboerdto fa rai compound. organic an of biodegradation anaerobic or Aerobic – ‘ atclrymicroorganisms particularly oeg olife to foreign – i,wtr soil water, air, 21]. “ affinity ‘ oeg olife to foreign Xenobiotic ’ exhibiting ” o h otmnn n h viaiiyo h otmnn.I diin sufficient addition, In contaminant. the of availability the and contaminant the for or , sediment opud r hmcl hc r oeg otebopee Depending biosphere. the to foreign are which chemicals are compounds ’ tsol entdta rai hmcl fatrpgncoii are origin anthropogenic of chemicals organic that noted be should It . ‘ unnatural – eoitcpluat a eoeaalbet irognssin microorganisms to available become may pollutants xenobiotic , lyamr motn oei h eoa fmn aadu or- hazardous many of removal the in role important more a play ’ tutrlfaue osntncsaiyipyta xenobiotics that imply necessarily not does features structural co-metabolism Bri ngot,a rai pollu- organic an growth, In . š iadVukovi and ki catalysed ć Domanovac euto in reduction Microbial . 15 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd il ofiin,gg h usrt erdto aecnas eepesdb h olwn eq.(6): following by the also beexpressed can rate degradation The substrate g/g. coefficient, yield and degraded is substrate the biomass, the is: of rate production degradation the substrate as the time for same equation the the At 1/d. biomass, of rate growth where where for important 21]. is [15, processes. ecosystem parameter treatment microbial of kinetic restrictions the of and within determination applicability microorganisms the the the or- be into surrounding of insight can concentration degradation gain events substrate biological to of The describe used one to groups are developed from or models been The events differ have matter. models some can ganic kinetic complex, that Several very model. factors are a biological using rate processes and presented the microbial physical, and Though chemical, another. complex, on very to depends are ecosystem biodegradation conditions biodegradation of environments, degree natural and In matter. contamination organic of of persistence words idation other in [18]. or processes contamination environmental metal by heavy decomposed inafood instance, be occurs for cannot chain of, that food which result the ofsubstance a enter is or inconcentration humus, It soil theincrease chain. is the of Biomagnification part biomagnification. metabolic become to environment, and leading xenobiotics the persistent in However, importance. accumulate microbial will ecological by products enormous biodegradation dead-end of and be processes to to thought Co-metabolic leading are bioconver- consortium. eventually consortia maybe of microbial microorganisms, products the other the by by environments, degraded degradation natural or complete reduced transformed In further microbially habitats. be be anoxic may in can processes carcinogen, sion trichloroethane known hazardous and more a even tetrachloroethane chloride, or example, vinyl hazardous as to For be compound. may they original or compound, the original than the as harmful less be may xenobiotic 14: Figure 16 foreq. (4): equation kinetic the first-order yields following volume the constant by at described reactor is batch which the rate on growth balance biomass biomass and substrate the Performing o odsrb idgaaino rai matter? organic of biodegradation describe to How 7 Example pcfcezmsb h el a nraeo eraetert fcnaiatdegradation. expression of rate ofcontaminant or the the present ordecrease of microorganisms can increase thenumber the cells by ofcontaminant, enzymes specific concentration affects that factor Any Bri r r S x

š ssbtaecnupinrt,g/L·d, rate, consumption substrate is sboasgot ae g/L·d; rate, growth biomass is iadVukovi and ki osbeevrnetlft fxnboi compound. xenobiotic of fate environmental Possible . h rdcso ata idgaain rbornfrain rc-eaoi ovrino a of conversion co-metabolic or biotransformation, or biodegradation, partial of products The ć Domanovac X steboascnetain g/L, concentration, biomass the is 푟 푟 푟 S S S X − = − = stelmtn usrt ocnrto,gL and g/L, concentration, substrate limiting the is = irba erdto sgnrlydfnda ilgclox- as biological defined generally is degradation Microbial d d d d d d 푋 푡 푆 푡 푆 푡 휇푋 = = 푞푋 = 휇푋 푌 t stetm,d and d, time, the is Y μ stespecific the is stegrowth the is EGRUYTER DE (6) (5) (4) Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd hne( change data? experimental yicroaigteihbto constant inhibition the incorporating by respectively. plot, of intercept and slope of regression Linear microorganism of production the to substrate (13). organic rate eq. consumed by respiration of shown Endogenous dependency is substrate. cells The removed rate. of decay unit biomass by the produced concentration biomass represents 9. Example in presented is parameters important calculate to How where reactions which involves metabolism substances. the endogenous cell to consume that corresponds cells coefficient in food This coefficient, becomes decay population model. or cell endogenous weaker Monod the a decay, original substrate, biomass of to lack Due process, growthrate. the one. the to specific healthier of due the end maximum removed, for the is half the At matter substrate. organic at of the removal of the most with when growth of substrate microbial in results the concentration process as biodegradation The defined g/L, constant, saturation model, Monod traditional this In substrate: thelimiting and the biomass process, of the of rate behaviour growth dynamic specific the used the describes between commonly which relationship are model, the Monod model shows the Endo-Haldane it is Monod i.e. the applied modified frequently and the Most model, model, 22]. mod- Haldane Monod 9, be the [6, the simplicity, may metabolism, and process, reliability endogenous the their with to during model Due occur models. may kinetic which various by concentration elled substrate limiting modelling, bioprocess In growth. biomass to relation in sumed consumption substrate Specific ( rates specific the relate calculate which expressions several are There (4) eqs Re-arranging process. tion where GRUYTER DE pcfcgot rate, growth Specific hnasbtaeihbt t w idgaain h oo oe siaeut n utb modified be must and inadequate is model Monod the biodegradation, own its inhibits substrate a When coefficient yield Growth 9 Example 8 Example q k d steseii usrt erdto ae /·,tesnl aaee hc hrceie thedegrada- which characterises single parameter the g/g·d, rate, degradation substrate specific the is X μ stedcycefcet /.Cl ocnrto euto skona noeosrsiainstage. respiration as endogenous known is reduction concentration Cell 1/d. coefficient, decay the is ntm,uige.(9): eq. using time, in ) and . . o ocluaegot il ofiin n h ims ea rate? decay the biomass and coefficient yield growth calculate to How o ocluaeseii rwhrt n pcfcsbtaecnupinrt ietyfromthe rate directly consumption substrate specific and rate growth specific calculate to How q speetdi xml 8. Example in presented is µ and µ a ecluae ietyfo xeietldt ae nboasconcentration biomass on based data experimental from directly calculated be can , q Y eedny ae nes()ad(0,produces (10), and (9) eqs on based dependency, soeo h otipratprmtr sdi ilgclkntc oes It models. kinetics biological in used parameters important most the of one is q µ – acltduige.(0,rpeet h aea hc h usrt scon- is substrate the which at rate the represents (10), eq. using calculated , max 6,teeuto o ims rwhrt a epeetdb h expressions: the by presented be can rate growth biomass for equation the (6), ersnstemxmmseii rwhrt,1d and 1/d, rate, growth specific maximum the represents K = 푞 i : = 휇 = 휇 (푆 푞−푘 − 푌푞 = 휇 = 휇 푟 0 푟 X 퐾 ln X 푆 − 휇 S 푞푋푌 = max (푡 푋 푟 = (푋 퐾 휇 푆 + 푖 푖 푖 S max /(푡 ) 푋 − 푡 − 푆 푖 S 푆 + /푋 푌 푘 − 푆 0 푑 0 0 0 ) ) 푡 − ) d μ 푖 ) and q otesbtaecnetain o to How concentration. substrate the to ) Y k Bri d utb noprtdi the in incorporated be must , and š iadVukovi and ki k d aaeesfo the from parameters K ć S Domanovac stesubstrate the is k (11) (10) (13) (12) d (9) (8) (7) 17 is Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd a dp n rwa u-eotmeaue,a ela xrm et eetcniin,i ae,wt an with water, in conditions, desert heat, extreme as well as temperatures, sub-zero at grow and in adapt was registered can agent remediation abiological for studies early of these patent ex- strain of home first out a in grew 1974, The assistant bioremediation isolated degradation. Robinson, of had hydrocarbon technology drainage he M. treatment petroleum that the George new on cultures supply. The into bacterial 1960s. water went with the over drinking sumps in spill begun spill nearest periments The oil the the loose. into treated broke engineer, eventually cleanupa shaft petroleum (located and Canyon county pump Cat stream oil in and a effectively an spill into after oil to safely USA) accidental system, an California, following microbes Barbara, 1960s occurring Santa late ofnaturally in the in use occurred disaster commercial environmental first toxic The 1940s. the since to [15]. contaminants compounds landfill- organic the as transfer detoxifying simply such without techniques approaches, medium remediation treatment another alternative physicochemical many than Further, sustainable incineration. more or and ing expensive less or is biostimulation thus by and either enhanced be will atten- bioremediation natural enough, the complete If or pollutants. bioaugmentation. of enough range quick wide not with is contaminated uation is which decontamination site for technology 20]. [19, oxygen by and also nutrients enhanced of microbial addition be a for by can of activities capacity the pollutants efficient The accelerate degrade implementation. highly in exert to can challenge key that population organisms a strains is degrading exogenous environments of new contaminant to adaptation transformation of the pollutant addition cases, such the In wherein rates. absent, ac- transformation is even transformation or pollutant quantities the low that ensure to bioaug- concentrations attenuation, pollution natural is tive. in on variations bioremediation for based of monitored are method only a bioremediation simplest are hence of The pollutants, principles removing biostimulation. The for and applied. tool mentation low-cost be a and to still water, process but strategy, soil, viable impact very in us- high bioremediation tools Moreover, a procedures. removal represents bioremediation biodegradation pollutant other over ing excellent advantage as their considered breakdown natural to this be due accelerated mostly use might involves sediments, often Microorganisms that that source. microorganisms process anaerobic energy alternative or an an aerobic either is involve can Bioremediation into This substances. pollutants biodegradation. of toxic degradation less biological the or through non-toxic pollution reduce to microorganisms uses Bioremediation bioremediation? is What 7.1 bioremediation of Principles 7 rate without growth specific themaximum of substrate one-half highest equals the rate to growth deathand/or corresponds inhibition. specific cell constant and the modelisfre- inhibition which This highconcentrations, The at at concentrations. concentration model. of inhibition low effect at astheEndo-Haldane the metabolism to assess to maintenance ability its referred of subsequently because used model, quently Haldane modified the is This account. decay, form: into in of microbial following taken decline the be assumes the should coefficient equation substrate, that the the proposed attaching of have consumption after complete authors Therefore, after decay, some constant However, biomass inhibition i.e. substances. the population, inhibitory account cell by into inhibition takes to which model sensitivity Haldane the is This 18 h niil workforce invisible The bioremediation: of History resources fewer and energy less consumes often it because increasing is bioremediation of popularity The friendliest environmentally and effective cost cleanest, safest, the of one as considered is Bioremediation Bioaugmentation Bri š iadVukovi and ki suooa putida Pseudomonas ć Domanovac suulyapidi ae hr aua ciemcoilcmuiisaepeetin present are communities microbial active natural where cases in applied usually is irognsscnb sltdfo lotayevrnetlcniin.Microbes conditions. environmental any almost from isolated be can microorganisms , irmdaini o e ocp:mcoilgsshv tde h process the studied have microbiologists concept: new a not is Bioremediation htwsal odgaeptoem[9 20]. [19, petroleum degrade to able was that = 휇 = 휇 퐾 S 퐾 푆 + 푆 + S 휇 푆 + 푆 + max 휇 max 푆 2 /퐾 푆 2 /퐾 i biostimulation 푘 − k i d nteepeso fteHlaemdl the model, Haldane the of expression the in , d aua attenuation natural fteidgnu microorganisms indigenous the of K i /·,wihi esr of measure a is which g/L·d, , nwihsoils which in , EGRUYTER DE (15) (14) Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd essec fmn fteecnaiat nteevrneti etmn otefc htteenaturally these that fact the to testament a is environment the in long-term contaminants the However, these compounds. of hazardous transform many to of ability persistence the possess microorganisms Many 1,2 ment. -dichloroethane. and a trichloroethylene against aliphatic active chlorinated is the and range including substrate compounds, broad of a range has wide monooxygenase, methane degradation, aerobic for pathway used substrates Common cobs. pollutants. environmental corn toxic or or dust, saw persistent straw, of include range diverse extremely sediments, an river degrade in (PCBs) biphenyls chloroform. polychlorinated and (TCE) of trichloroethylene solvent bioremediation the for of used dechlorination bacteria anaerobic in terest as contaminant the energy. use and bacteria carbon these of of source Many sole compounds. the polyaromatic and alkanes both hydrocarbons, are and abilities degradative their for Rhodococcus recognized Sphingomonas, bacteria aerobic of Examples Aerobic: 1. microbes of groups Some 7.2 1: Table to likely are microorganisms of 23]. types 1)[19, diverse numerous site, Since (Table contaminated contaminants. mediation a chemical effective are in of for and encountered range required agents, be limited be polluting to a the are within of pollutants survive nature only of they chemical types as the aswellthe carefully on selected depending vary, be utilized to available are that are that organisms The ation. [18 materials systems ofsoluble aquatic generally and terrestrial is and amount of 8.5 pH decrease to kind and of contaminant °C 6.5 pressure the 10 of osmotic rate influences the each pH influences for it a Moisture however, one-half systems. because pH; terrestrial roughly metabolism and of by aquatic wide-range decreased most in a is biodegradation under biodegradation for optimal occur 95 of about needed can rate constitutes is Biodegradation The it and temperature. cells. nitrogen forms and in of oxygen, living weight hydrogen, of to the element addition them of basic In of % elements. most All other contaminants. the than the is quantities down Carbon break greater carbon. to in and enzymes necessary phosphorous, the nitrogen, building involves create basic need usually to the will Biostimulation microbes are allow nutrients stimulated. These and be microorganisms. life indigenous must of help blocks activity to oxygen required and and numbers nutrients growth the of Their in addition there the site. be or the necessarily degrade waste cannot of to they any bioremediation used soil, for on contaminated be in or can present these compounds are systems, microorganisms hazardous an biological the are of other requirements main and presence The microbes hazards. the environmental of remediate with adaptability the conditions, of anaerobic Because in stream. and oxygen of excess GRUYTER DE tropicalis Candida spp Streptomyces spp Mycobacterium spp Rhodococcus Flavobacterium Bacillus spp Arthrobacter spp Alcaligenes chemicals Toxic Pseudomonas Organism spp irognsspa oeipratrl ntermvlo ayhzrosognc rmteenviron- the from organics hazardous many of removal the in role important more a play Microorganisms the in enzyme initial The energy. and carbon for methane utilizing grow bacteria Aerobic Methylotrophs. 4. fungus rot white the as such in- Fungi increasing fungi. an Ligninolytic is 3. There bacteria. aerobic as used frequently as not are bacteria Anaerobic Anaerobic. 2. bioremedi- for used agents prime the are (introduced), extraneous or indigenous either organisms, Natural irognsshvn idgaainptnilfrxenobiotics. for potential biodegradation having Microorganisms p aoeae yrcros phenoxyacetates hydrocarbons, Halogenated spp Cs formaldehyde PCBs, diazinon hydrocarbon, halogenated Phenoxyacetate, hydrocarbons polycyclic Hydrocarbons, Aromatics hydrocarbons branched aromatics, biphenyl, Naphthalene, chain cresol long phenol, aromatics, alkanes, aromatic, polycyclic phenoxyacetate, pentachlorophenol, hydrocarbons, Benzene, PCBs aromatics, polycyclic sulfonates, alkylbenzene linear hydrocarbons, Halogenated PCBs hydrocarbons, anthracene, Benzene, and , Mycobacterium hs irbshv fe enrpre odgaepesticides degrade to reported been often have microbes These . – hnrcat chrysosporium Phanerochaete 20]. energy oreada and source Bri š iadVukovi and ki carbon suooa,Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas, aeteaiiyto ability the have ore Although source. ć Domanovac 19 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd l fteehg-nrycmonsbcmsehutd h ops eprtr rdal erae and decreases of gradually phase final temperature matter. the sup- compost organic for over the the take As exhausted, again plants. and once becomes microorganisms in fats, compounds mesophilic molecules proteins, high-energy structural of major these breakdown the of the hemicellulose, ply accelerate and temperatures below cellulose temperature high like the phase, keep microbes carbohydrates to complex of thermophilic mixing forms the and many aeration During kill use point. managers °C compost this 65 decomposition, about of over rate are temperatures the that Because limit microorganisms destroyed. many and by above, tem- are and replaced pathogens the °C are plant 55 readily As and of or competitive temperatures rise. soluble, human At less heat-loving. rapidly become the or to microorganisms thermophilic, down mesophilic temperature are that the compost break others °C, the 40 rapidly causes about above which produce rises they microorganisms, perature heat mesophilic The by compounds. phase. and out maturation degradable which carried cooling phase, a several-month is high-temperature or (3) composition finally, thermophilic, and weeks, the several (2) to days, days few of a couple from a last can for lasts which phase, temperature are process composting the myces in involved numerous microorganisms most common are most Bacteria The genera product. produce biodegraders. end and primary organic stable the matter relatively are organic com- the and down of humus, break process and actinomycetes, the heat, water, and In dioxide, process. fungi, carbon the bacteria, to as vital such all microorganisms are posting, which microorganisms of purpose types the various involves on Composting 25]. dependent [24, by-product is compost compost the in of desired use destruction prop- intended complete pathogen soil-building and because and its composting compost for stabilization desirable gives of nor that degree practical matter organic The neither degradable erties. slowly is the stabilization mat- all Complete organic destroy water. the would of growing stabilization and portion the dioxide degradable throughout carbon readily available into the become converting ter by that matter nutrients at- odours, organic without with unpleasant stabilizes handling plants Composting oreliminate and provide season. storage and facilitate vectors, minimize seeds, and weed to insects and stabilized tracting pathogens sufficiently viable been eliminate decomposition. or has and reduce of that dead substantially by-products of conditioner biomass stable soil the and organic of material, consists an man- composting raw and of designed by-product non-degradable be The microorganisms, can process. systems living the but accelerate nature, and in occur enhance composting to in aged used processes The amendment. soil like Composting nature is Composting composting? is What 8.1 Composting 8 20]. that [15, environments pollutants incontaminated of risks processes and all natural andbiopiles. mass, of mobility, the effects landfarming, reduce combined composting, the bioventing, to refers sparging, water and remediation air Intrinsic the spills biofiltration, when oil either bioreactors, up problems be clean pollution anaerobic can to cause Treatments and/or used not pollution. are will organic microorganisms it of bioremediation, types that this Through other so In environment. matter biodegradation. the organic of into down forces released of break natural is types to accelerates is some also purpose up treatment the Wastewater clean case organic resource. and convert valuable wastes and a reduce biodegradation to natural can decay.wastes accelerate eventually people we will composting, biodegradation, all Through of but contaminants. others, forces environmental than natural waste faster the these much down products down harnessing breaking waste break while By The will energy recycled. materials and gets organic nutrients everything providing Some because others, matter. for waste organic food no the is become there organism nature, one from In organisms. other by used be hydrology. and geochemistry as techniques such engineering disciplines, and other microbiology Thus, environmental with processes. of microbial integration key throughcare- of the are involves rates health. theselimitations or bioremediation the human enhancing substrate successful thereby canovercome and key environment, contaminated another ecosystem bioremediation the or protect cases, of engineering In many pollutant to ful the enough numbers. of fast sufficient availability in are the present that by not rates limited are at microorganisms occur the not Frequently, do often processes occurring 20 ifrn omnte fmcoraim rdmnt uigtevroscmotn hss Initial de- phases. various composting the during predominate ofmicroorganisms communities Different Microorganisms nature is Biodegradation ne pia odtos opsigpoed hog he hss 1 h eohlc rmoderate- or mesophilic, the (1) phases: three through proceeds composting conditions, optimal Under . Bri ails suooa,Cluooa,Tihdra rcoprn ldsoim hrocioye,Strepto- Thermoactinomyces, Cladosporium, Trichosporon, Trichoderma, Cellulomonas, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, š iadVukovi and ki stecnrle eoi eopsto fogncmte ymcoraim noasal,humus- stable, a into microorganisms by matter organic of decomposition aerobic controlled the is ncmotn rcs eops h oeraiyaalbecroaeu compounds. carbonaceous available readily more the decompose process composting in ć Domanovac ’ a frccigwse,o raigdw rai atrit uret htcan that nutrients into matter organic down breaking or wastes, recycling of way s ’ a frecycling of way s xsitu ex or nsitu in “ curing h ehooycnivleaerobic involve can technology The . ” rmtrto fteremaining the of maturation or Compost EGRUYTER DE is Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd 8 a la D mlaK ehd o apigsi irbs n HrtC,eio.i he) aulo niomna irbooy Wash- microbiology. environmental of Bri Manual [9] Chief), in editor. 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Whit AA, Salyers [1] References Figure 10, Figure 9, 978 Figure 8, Figure 7, Figure 6, Figure for photographs and 11. 4 Figure for photomicrographs of are and decompose to Notes: continues matter organic curing, During turning. biologically to without converted stockpiled be the can composting enters compost active compost the the As pile. and 40 compost under pile, the to turning declines gradually or temperature aeration, subsides, forced phase or this passive in through killed replenished pathogens be Common must plants). to toxic are compounds phase (organic compounds phytotoxic down break to 15: Figure GRUYTER DE 1]Rdn G ehd nautcmcoilg.Blioe ayad nvriyPr rs,17:358 1972: Press, Park University Maryland: Baltimore, microbiology. aquatic in Methods AG. Rodina Association, Health [11] Public American DC: Washington, ed. 2nd wastewater, and water of examination the for methods Standard APHA. [10] called is 55 pile This to compost weeks. rapidly several the increases for typically in maintained 40 pile temperature above compost As temperatures the thermophilic. at in to function ture then that (microorganisms and thermophiles mesophilic increases, to and ambient 45 from between rises is temperature pile compost temper- the in of 6.5 rise content pH the moisture and as ideal weight, well The by as process. 25 % decomposition, composting 60 C:N the the is of in range most occurs starting for of that account ideal quality actinomycetes ature important The and an ratio. fungi is C:N bacteria, (N) the as nitrogen as to such relative designated (C) is carbon It of feedstocks. supply compost The oxygen. and temperature, pH, ture, 87 383 1997: Press, ASM DC: ington, 2012;66:1103 Paper. Chem leachate. in transformations of analysis kinetic and bacteria degrading 113 83 2004: Toma Engineering, Environmental in: available also ‒ is article This active the In 1998. 15, Figure in shown As activity. microbial of function a is limitation process or decomposition of rate The happen? composting does How š š 3 – iFZa F ki Kop F, ki – ‒ 1 113 91, 3,169 139, h uhr fti hpe r hnflt r.Mrjn iaoi ntcnclspoti preparation in support technical on Vidakovic Marijana Mrs. to thankful are chapter this of authors The 11 eprtr hne na vrg ops pile. compost average an in changes Temperature ‒ – .cl,Sahlccu ues ailssubtillus Bacillus aureus, Staphylococcus coli, E. š – 0,785 103, iaokoli tita 046801 č 3,179 134, – i ć 174. N, Ć “ – thermophilic – osi ‒ 797. š 185. i rain,Fkle eiso in kemijskog Fakultet Croatian), (in a 4 ć ,Ku I, č tbeadmtr compost mature and stable i ć ,Vukovi D, – – 8.0. 391. ” hs,tmeaue r iheog okl ahgn n edsesand seeds weed and pathogens kill to enough high are temperatures phase, uigphase curing ć o ucsflcmotn irbsne nutritious need microbes composting successful For .Boerdto ftbcowseb opsig eei dnicto fnicotine- of identification Genetic composting: by waste tobacco of Biodegradation M. h ciepaeo composting of phase active the h aeo xgncnupindcie otepitwhere point the to declines consumption oxygen of rate The . ž nesv enlgj Sveu tehnologije i enjerstva [25]. and , – 65 o o .Temspii irognssrclnz the recolonize microorganisms mesophilic The C. lsrdu botulinum Clostridium ihn24 within C č – ili 5 265 15, š – auZgeuiEeet arb 06 46 2016: Zagreb, Element, i Zagrebu u ta š 2huso iefrain hc is which formation, pile of hours 72 cZlc eGutr(07,isbn (2017), Gruyter De ic/Zelic. . – – 293. 94. – Bri – 1110. 368. š o uigti hs,oxygen phase, this During . iadVukovi and ki )tk vr h tempera- The over. take C) – “ 51 Microorganisms 35:1. – food 155. ć ” Domanovac utbemois- suitable , – 2 439 32, – 49, – – 50, 452. 21 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. usin n Problems and Questions Appendix A 15 2011: Press, CRC FL: Raton, Boca management. facilities and engineering environmental 2000. composting: NRCS, Industrial DC: Washington, E. 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Nature environments. waste mixed radioactive 620 1997: Press, ASM DC: Washington, microbiology. environmental aees ae.2013;27:51 Cabeq. rameters. ecietepoeso composting. of process the Describe and biostimulation? bioaugmentation between difference the is What bioremediation? is What fromtheexperimental rate directly consumption substrate data? specific and rate growth specific calculate to How matter? organic of biodegradation describe to How xenobiotics? are What and biotransformation? biodegradation between difference the is What effectof adverse eutrophication? the is describe What and indoor environment of contamination fungus the microbial causes effect What contamination. of source the plate is mFC what on deduce ofthisgroup? coliform faecal member of the 10 number · is the river 1.7 which nearby was from sample water onebacterium of analysis name bacteriological and After bacteria of coliform definition the is What species bacterial of role growth the exponential Describe of beginning 10 the · at 2.5 if is time concentration generation cell mean initial the calculate data Which following viruses. the 4. From bacteria, 3. algae, answer? 2. correct protozoa, is 1. following include: the world of microbial the of members eukaryotic viruses. The 5. archaea, 4. answer? bacteria, correct 3, is fungi, following 2. algae, the 1. of include: Which world organisms? microbial living the of of evolutions members later prokaryotic The the possible make cyanobacteria the did ways what In – Bri 246. š ć iadVukovi and ki oaoa M, Domanovac tcyorschartarum Stachybotrys – 1093. 2 10m n aclsrpooc nF lt a . 10 · 3.0 was plate FS on streptococci faecal and mL /100 – 39. ć Domanovac Ć osi – ć 56. ,Soj I, č i ć ,Bri M, . – ieo cec.Rjk:ITc,21:289 2013: InTech, Rijeka: science. of life 3 š A m,and /mL, iF ramn ftbcods ecaeb ciae lde vlaino ikntcpa- biokinetic of Evaluation sludge- activated by leachate dust tobacco of Treatment F. ki ,2 1, . Nitrosomonas

A ,2 1, . t 0huscl ocnrto s1·10 · 1 is concentration cell hours 10 = B

,3 2, . and – –

621. 1172. B Nitrobacter eooocsradiodurans Deionococcus – ,3 2, . 9233. C

,4 3, . – 320. nsoil. in 1 10m.CluaeteF:Srtoand ratio FC:FS the Calculate mL. /100 C ,4 3, . –

231. o raooltn erdto in degradation organopollutant for – 3,177 135, D ,5 1, . – 5 212. /mL. – 191. EGRUYTER DE – 24. t 0 =