Solanaceae) (Lamarck
The JapaneseSocietyJapanese Society forforPlant Plant Systematics ISSN OOOI-6799 Acta Phytotax, Geobot. 45 (2):95-109 (1994) Distribution of infraspecific taxa of Petunia axillaris (Solanaceae) in Uruguay as revealed analyses by discriminant TOSHIO ANDOi, SHINICHI IIDAi, HISASHI KOKUBUNi, YOSHIHIRO UEDAi and EDUARDO MARCHESI2 iFkeculty 2Flicultad of Hbrticalture, Chiba U}iiversity, 648 Matsudo, Chiba 271; de Agronomia, Uhiversidad de la Republica, Garzon 780, Montevideo, U)uguay Abstract. A survey of native habitats of Petunia species over 5 seasons revealed the co- occurrence of two subspecies of P. axittaris sensu tato in Uruguay. Typical subsp. axiUaris and subsp. parodii were found in south eastern and north western departments, respectively, Using floral measurements (length of corolla tube, corolla limb, pedicel, and calyx lobes, and the length of corolla tube1length of corella limb ratio) of specimens collected in these de- partments, we performed stepwise discriminant analyses. After substituting measurements of 174 specimens collected in the whole of Uruguay into the three discriminant functions thus obtained, we determined them to bc either subsp, c[xittaris or subsp. parodii. Distribution of the two subspecies thus determined by the discriminant functions was roughly delimited by the Rio Negro. A considerable number of doubtfu1 specimens were found in the south west- ern dcpartmcnts, which are on opposite sides of the river de La Plata from the place where secondary intergradation betweell thc two subspecies had been suggested by Wijsman (1982) to have occuiTed, Key words: discriminant function, disnibution, gardcn petunia, geographical taxa, Petunia urillaris, Solanaceae. Received Plebruary 14, i994; accqpted September 30, l994 In 1834, the breeding of garden petunias was started by crossing Petu- nia axitlaris (Lamarck) Britton, Sterns & Poggenburg and P.
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