April 17, 1951 H. W. WILLIAMS 2,549,404 BOTTLE STOPPER Filed May 7, 1946 J& Z. 24 B 1. 2 2 L2 12 2YaaaZZYaz27.277 NWENOR AAPOZA M/ M/7// van/s BY 7 -ész.AORNEY %2. Patented Apr. 17, 1951 2,549,404 UNITED STATES PATENT of FICE 2,549,404 BOTTLE STOPPER Harold W. Williams, Pawling, N.Y. Application May 7, 1946, Serial No. 66,860 5 Claims. (C. 25-48) 2 The invention herein disclosed relates to a sufficient elasticity to conform to the neck of a bottle Stopper of the kind that includes a plug bottle in which it is inserted, and make a fluid portion that is adapted to be inserted in the neck tight fit therewith. Desirably, as illustrated, the of a bottle. Side wall of the plug makes a right angle with Bottle stoppers of the kind mentioned that are 5 the end wall. This provides the necessary rigid Commonly used include, in general, a cork plug. ity and prevents the plug from collapsing when and a WOOden end piece or cap glued or cemented inserted in the neck of a bottle. to the plug. Such bottle stoppers have many in There are several materials, moldable thermo herent and well known disadvantages, and var plastic materials, that are pliable at ordinary ious attempts have heretofore been made to pro O temperature and therefore suitable for the bottle duce a, bottle stopper of this kind to replace the stopger of this invention. One such material that cork Stopper. Except for the glass stopper, has been found especially suitable for the pur which has limited application because of its cost, pose is “Polythene.' This is a thermo-plastic none of these prior attempts have met with any material that is available on the open market and measure of success.
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