47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016) 1940.pdf TERRESTRIAL OPERATIONAL ANALOG OF THE MARS MISSION: LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE GLACIER SIMULATION AMADEE-15 BY AUSTRIAN SPACE FORUM. G. Groemer1, A. Losiak1,2, A. Soucek1,3, C. Plank1, L. Zanar- dini1,4, N. Sejkora1, S. Sams1; 1Austrian Space Forum (
[email protected]), 2Planetray Geology Lab, Institute of Geologi- cal Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences; 3European Space Agency, Headquarters; 4INSYN AG. Introduction: Analog studies and analog instrument val- providing planning input for a flight control team to manage idation have been supporting all planetary surface missions a complex system of field assets in a realistic work flow, so far [1] and are considered as an effective tool to prepare including: two advanced space suit simulators, four robotic for future missions to Mars [2]. Examples of such past ana- and aerial vehicles. A dedicated flight planning group, an log campaigns include: the NASA DESERT-RATS [3,4], the external control center tele-operating the PULI-rover in Bu- NASA HI-SEAS [5], the MOONWALK [6], the NASA dapest/Hungary, and a medical team supported the field op- NEEMO, the ESA CAVES [7] and others. erations. A 10 minute satellite communication delay and Austrian Space Forum: The Austrian Space Forum other limitations pertinent to human planetary surface activi- (OeWF, Österreichisches Weltraum Forum) is a non-profit, ties were introduced. A detailed description of the mission citizen-science organization of aerospace specialists and should be soon published in [14]. enthusiasts. One of its specialisations is Mars Analog re- search. Since 2006, the OeWF has conducted 11 Mars analog field campaigns in diverse locations representative of: 1) average current Mars conditions such as the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in Utah in 2006 [8] and the Northern Sahara near Erfoud, Morocco in 2013 [9]; 2) re- sembling the early and wet Mars-analog site of Rio Tinto Spain in 2011 [10]; and also 3) subsurface exploration simu- lations at Dachstein Ice Caves in 2012.