News Coverage prepared for: The European Union delegation to

. Disclaimer:

“This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of authors of articles and under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of IPSOS or the European Union.”


. Thematic Headlines  Domestic Scene  Parliament Rejects MP’s Indirect Apology  McCain: Tantawi Vowed to Resolve NGO Crisis  Wafd Party to Support Moussa, Hassan for President  Hamedeen El-Sabahy: Egypt Cannot Be an Islamic State  Egyptian Interior Ministry Rejects Beard-Growing  The Parliament Approves Transferring Mubarak to Tora  Shura Elections Updates  Reruns to Shura Council  The Advisory Council Discusses the Consensual President and the Aqsa Issues  The European Union Special Representative Defends Egyptian Sovereignty  Abu al- Futouh: the Regime is Reluctant  Al-Jamaah al-Islamiya: the Constitution is the Parliament Responsibility  Amr Mussa: the Plot against the Presidential Elections Will Soon be Uncovered  Suspects of Violence in Qena  The Supreme Administrative Court Declares One Third of the Parliament Null  MB and Salafists Might Withdraw Confidence from al-Ganzouri’s Government


Newspapers (21/2/2012)

Page: 3 Author: Abi al-Marasi

The Advisory Council Discusses the Consensual President and the Aqsa

The Advisory Council is to discuss the management of the rest of the transitional period and the possibility of choosing a consensual president.

The council is also to discuss the steps of forming the constituent commission that will draft the constitution.

Egyptian interior issues apart, the council is also to discuss the ongoing Israeli attacks against the Aqsa Mosque in Palestine.


Page: 5 Author: Suad Tantawi and Rania Abd al-Ati

Reruns to Shura Council

Reruns to the Shura Council are to be held today in single-member constituencies in Luxor. The elections were canceled according to a court ruling.

Runoffs of the second phase of elections to the Shura Council will start tomorrow in 12 governorates: Giza, Qalyoubiya, Buhairah, kafr al-Shaikh, Sharqiyah, Ismailiyah, Suez, port Said, beni Suef, Menia, Sohag and Aswan.


Page: 9 Author: Dina Kamal

The European Union Special Representative Defends Egyptian Sovereignty

The European representative for the Southern Mediterranean Bernardino Leon hailed the democratic change in Egypt and stated that no one has the right to give Egypt lessons.

He stressed the European respect for the Egyptian independence and the independence of the judicial authorities.

Bernardino also stated that the European aid program to Egypt would be executed soon.


Page: 1 Author: Muhammad Hamdi and Muhammad al-Samkouri

Suspects of Violence in Qena

12 detainees were released in Qena. The detainees were arrested following riots in the city over the past few weeks. They were facing charges of murder and destruction of public facilities. Meanwhile, three suspects were detained.

In another context, the Qena Criminal Court declared Hindawi al-Sayyid and Qirshi Abu al-Hajjaj innocent. The two were involved in the murder of seven people following Coptic Christmas mass in January 2009 in what was called the “Nagei Hammadi “massacre.” Six and the soldier who was guarding the church were killed and nine other people were injured.


Page: 3 Author: Adel al-Darjali

Abu al- Futouh: the Regime is Reluctant

Potential Presidential Candidate Abd al-Munim Abu al-Futouh expressed his “concerns” about the High Presidential Elections Commission’s performance. He said the press conferee that the commission held before yesterday did not bring about any clear timeline for the presidential election.

Abu al-Futouh accused the current ruling system in Egypt of Reluctance.

Abu al-Futouh statements were in the course of his electoral conference in Buhairah.


Page: 3 Author: Muhsin Samikah and Yasser Shams

Amr Mussa: the Plot against the Presidential Elections Will Soon be Uncovered

Potential Presidential Candidate Amr Mussa considered the consensual president to be a “negative” president. He argued that a consensus might at many times mean “a deal” between some political players and parties. He said that the idea of a consensual president indicated an interference that would be clarified when the plot being drawn to fail the presidential elections is uncovered.

Mussa told al-Masry al-Yom upon an electoral conference he held in Damanhour that as soon as he becomes president the Armed Forces will be back in their barracks.

Clashes took place between Mussa’s supporters and other activists in Damanhour where Mussa met the bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Similar news was reported in al-Shurouk, p. 5 Dustour, p. 3


Page: 3 Author: Shaima al-Qerinshawi

The Supreme Administrative Court Declares One Third of the Parliament Null

The Supreme Administrative Court referred in a ruling yesterday a number of laws of the People’s Assembly to the Supreme Constitutional Council to examine their compatibility with the Constitution.

The texts are suspected to be defective in issues related to elections of single member constituencies.

The current laws permit independent candidates who belong to political parties to be nominated.

According to the Constitution, one third of the current members of parliament are illegally there, and consequently one third of the Parliament is null.

Similar news was reported in al-Shurouk, p. 1


Page: 4 Author: Munir Adib

Al-Jamaah al-Islamiya: the Constitution is the Parliament Authority

Dr. Tariq al-Zumur, member of al-Jamaah al-Islamiyah shura council said that the parliament was exclusively responsible for drafting the Constitution.

Al-Zumur believes that no other authorities, including the judiciary, have the right to draft it.

Similar news was reported in al-Shurouk, p. 1


Page: 4 Author: Hamdi Dabsh and others

MB and Salafists Might Withdraw Confidence from al-Ganzouri’s Government

Well informed sources at the ’s Freedom and Justice Party told al- Masry al-Yom that the Freedom and Justice Party and Salafist al-Nour Party were intending to withdraw the confidence from al-Ganzouri’s government in case the Ganzouri’s communiqué that will be presented in the Parliament on Sunday did not satisfy the parliament members.

The Freedom and Justice Party is ready with a coalition government to replace al- Ganzouri’s government.


Pages: 1, 14. Authors: Fathi Al-Serawi, Mohamed El-Toukhi (and others).

Mubarak Stands before Civilian Court Not Military One

Cairo’s Criminal Court listened for three hours for the arguments of the Public Prosecution and civil rights lawyers which responded to the pleading of the defense team of former president , his two sons Alaa and Gamal, former minister of interior Habib Al-Adli, six security officials, and fugitive businessman .

The prosecution confirmed that all the arguments presented by the defendants’ lawyers are fabrications and they all reflect a lack of understanding of the criminal law. They said some civil rights lawyers attacked the course of investigations because of the relation of the Public Prosecutor with the old regime; however, the trial proved that the prosecution has done their job properly.

In their argument, the prosecutors said that the right of assembly and peaceful protests is provided by Article 54 of the constitution before SCAF disables this article by issuing Decree No. 21. According to them, facts and witnesses confirmed that the crowds of protesters took off to the streets in peaceful protests, including all the victims who were killed by the police, and they used their constitutional and legal rights to present their legitimate demands to the former regime. They have not committed any crimes nor prevented authorities from carrying out their responsibilities, thus attacking and killing them is a crime.

The session also included examining other crimes directed against the defendants including misuse of powers and wasting public funds.

Similar news was reported in: Al-Shorouk: Pages 1, 8; Youm 7: 1, 4; Al-Masry Al-Youm: 1, 6; Al- Akhbar: 6, 7; Al-Dostour: Page 1.


Page: 3. Author: Intessar Al-Nemr.

Ibrahim: Police is a National Establishment, Reform will Begin

Minister of Interior General Mohamed Ibrahim declared that a committee, headed by first assistant of the minister, was formed to begin restructuring the ministry.

The minister denounced the term “purging the Ministry of Interior” as he confirmed that the MOI is a national establishment which proved to have many achievements and any officer who failed to perform his work was excluded.

The minister demanded all those who have documents, which indict any of the policemen, to present them immediately to the prosecution in order to take necessary legal measures against them, if proven true.

These statements were given during a meeting for the minister with policemen of the security directorates in Assiut, Sohag and Al-Wadi Al-Jadeed, as he was inspecting work there.


Page: 1 Author: Israa Hamed

Hamedeen El-Sabahy: Egypt Cannot Be an Islamic State

Presidential potential candidate, Hamdeen El-Sabahy, stated that the country is in dire need of transferring power to an elected civilian authority pointing out that Egypt cannot be transformed to a religious or a secular country but a democratic and civilian state.

He stated that the French regime is the best for Egypt, where there are powers related to the president and others for his vice president.

Similar news was reported in Shorouk page 5


Page: 1. Author: Amira Gad.

MB Leaders Permitted to Invest in Stock Exchange

After nearly a year since MB leaders, Hassan Malek and Khairat Al-Shater, were acquitted from false charges over which they were imprisoned, the Public Prosecutor decided to allow them to put their money in stock market.

Misr Al-Maqasa, and all brokerage firms, received a letter from the Public Prosecutor that acquits them from all charges and permits them the right to dispose of their money.

A source in the stock market told Al-Tahrir newspaper that Al-Shater and Malek do not have assets or firms in the stock market, confirming that the letter sent to the stock market is a routine measure that aims to put into effect the court’s decision to end the reservation on their funds.


Page: 1. Authors: Ismail Al-Wassemi and Eman Al-Beseili.

Shafik Might Withdraw If Suleiman Decided to Run for Presidency

Arab League Secretary General Nabil Al-Arabi exited presidential race quickly before it begins. Talks now surround , former intelligence chief, who was one of the main figures of the Mubarak regime.

Sources from Ahmed Shafik’s campaign told Al-Tahrir newspaper that he will withdraw his presidential bid if Suleiman decided to run for presidential elections. The source explained that Shafik depends on a certain bloc of voters and this bloc might be divided if Suleiman joined the presidential race. Shafik’s campaign will continue to collect signatures of citizens to meet the conditions of presidential nomination and his conferences will continue to be held, said the source.

A source close to Suleiman refused to hold any relations between Suleiman’s decision to run for presidency and the court decision that will be issued in the case of ousted president Mubarak and his cronies. “What does Omar Suleiman have to do with Mubarak’s verdict if he was sentenced to death or was acquitted? What will harm Omar Suleiman in both cases?” said the source.


Page: 1 Author: Younis Darweesh, Mohamed Abdo

Egyptian Interior Ministry Rejects Beard-Growing

Interior Minister, Mohamed Ibrahim, threatened police officers who grew their beards with suspension and being referred to investigation. He said that the Ministry’s regulations ban this and he will face those who break the rules.

He said during an inspection visit in Assuit that he refuses using the term “purging” while talking about the Ministry because “it is a national apparatus that has an honorable history in serving the country.”

Similar news was reported in Masry Youm page 1&8; Dostour page 8


Pages: 1&4 Author: Mohamed Abu Zeid, Mohamed Khayal, Mohamed Salem, and Asmaa Badawy

The Parliament Approves Transferring Mubarak to Tora

In its session yesterday, the People’s Assembly approved the Health Committee’s report of the stating that Tora Prison Hospital is ready to receive ousted president Hosni Mubarak. PA Speaker, Mohamed Saad El-Katatni transferred the report to the Public prosecution.

MP Mohamed El-Beltagy revealed that over 46 are currently in the presidential secretariat working for Mubarak since his ouster.

The Legislative Affairs Committee discussed introducing amendments to the Presidential Elections Law issued by the Military Council. Committee members agreed on sending a request to the Military Council to cancel Article 28 of the constitutional declaration that immunizes the rulings of the Presidential Elections Commission.

Mohamed Saaed El-Katatni, PA Speaker, received yesterday the US Congress delegation, headed by Senator, John McCain to discuss the points of contention between both countries.


Page: 6 Author: Hassan Saleh, Sayed Noun, (&others)

Shura Elections Updates

Runoffs of the second phase in the Shura elections kicks off tomorrow. In Qalyoubia, the competition is confined between two FJP candidates and two independent candidates.

In Suez, the competition is between 4 candidates; one MB, one Salafist, another belongs to El-Gama’a El-Islamiyah, and one independent candidate. The FJP candidates compete with the El-Gama’a candidate over the bracket seat.

In Beni Sweif, the competition is between one FJP candidate and a former NDP candidate.

After the Administrative Court cancelled slate polls in Luxor, elections in the multi- member constituencies start tomorrow in the governorate.


Page: 4 Author: Ehsan el-Sayed, Amin Saleh, Sara Allam, Kamel Kamel, Mohamed el-Bahrawi and Mahmoud Osman

Wafd Party to Support Moussa, Hassan for President

Al-Wafd Party will support former foreign minister and Advisory Council Chairman Mansour Hassan in the presidential elections, a high-level source inside the party said.

Al-Wafd has also excluded from its support list a number of candidates, including Islamists Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh and Hazem Salah Abu-Ismail; and former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq for his links with the former regime.

Meanwhile, sources said the Muslim Brotherhood prepared a blacklist of presidential candidates that includes Shafiq and Moussa as well as former intelligence officer Hossam Kheirullah.


Page: 3 Author: Hisham Mubarak and Ahmed Magdi

McCain: Tantawi Vowed to Resolve NGO Crisis

Head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi tackled with US Senator John McCain the work of NGOs in the country under the transitional period.

The two sides exchanged points of view on ways to resolve the NGOs issue.

Speaking to a press conference, McCain said Tantawi has vowed to exert efforts to solve the issue soon.


Page: 3 and 8 Author: Not mentioned

Parliament Rejects MP’s Indirect Apology

The People’s Assembly rejected a vague apology by MP Ziyad el-Alimi over his offensive statements to SCAF Head Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi and Salafist preacher Mohamed Hasan.

Addressing the parliament, Alimi said he apologizes for any statements he gave that could have been misinterpreted and that could have offended anyone.

Parliament Speaker Saad el-Katatni deemed the “apology” indirect and vague and asked Alimi to give a direct one but the latter rejected.

Alimi, who was taking part in a march in Port Said on Friday, told a crowd that the recent incidents in Egypt were masterminded by someone who wants to divide the country. Those events add to the long list of crimes perpetrated by SCAF, Alimi said.

To add insult to injury, Alimi said “I don’t understand why are we standing idle against the criminal, why are we leaving the ‘donkey’ do whatever he wants and focus instead on his ‘saddle’”. He went on wittily “and we all know who that donkey is.”

Similar news was reported in Al-Dostour (page 3)


TV Coverage (20/22/2012)

Program: Al-Hayat Al-An Channel: Al-Hayat Host: Maha Bahnasy People’s Assembly sends a delegation to Tora Prison Hospital and reports to the Public Prosecutor to take legal actions in transferring Mubarak.

Ministry of Interior announces that the Former President can’t be transferred to Tora Prison Hospital because it is not ready yet.

The final results of the Shura electionswill be announced next Saturday.

Public prosecution submits 13 remarks on the defense of Mubarak and former regime figures.

Head of the Central Bank denies that Mubarak has secret bank accounts and warns from the consequences that will happen to the Egyptian economy if the situation remains as it is.

Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yoom Channel: Al-Hayat Host: Sherief Amer Field Marshal Tantawi meets Senator Johan McCain and a delegation from the US Congress.

Parliament MPs reject the Head of the Presidential Elections Commission.

Program: Masr Al-Gadeda Channel: Al-Hayat 2 Host: Moataz Al-Demerdash

Wednesday is the final date for pronouncing the verdict in the case against Mubarak, El- Adly and his adies.

Program: Hona Al-Asema Channel: CBC Host: Lamis Al-Hadidy

The ceiling of publicity activities of the presidential elections is EGP 10mn for each candidate.


The government will not financially support presidential candidates.

Decision of freezing funds of Malek and Al-Shater suspended.

Program: Momken Channel: CBC Host: Khairy Ramadan Retired military officers call for organizing a march toward the parliament premises to condemn MP Ziyad Al-Elimy statements.

News Channel 1 ‘State TV’ Time: 12:00 PM – 3:00 AM – 5:00 PM

McCain visits with the aim of resolving the NGOs case Program: 24 hours News Channel 1’State TV’

Ministry of Finance stops granting compensations to the families of victimsafter attacking the ministry’s premises.

News Channel 2 ‘State TV’ People’s Assembly Health Committee sends its Tora Prison Hospital report to the Public Prosecutor. 26:00:00 MP Ziyad Al-Elimy was referred to the People’s Assembly Bureau 26:00:00

The Parliament rejects MP Ziyad Al-Elimy apology over his offensive statements against Preacher Mohamed Hassan and SCAF Head Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi. 26:00:00

US Senator John McCain and Tantawi’s meeting gave priority to discussing the NGOs case and cooperation between the two countries. 26:00:00

McCain said Tantawi vowed that Egypt will doits best to resolve the NGOs case. 26:00:00

People’s Assembly Speaker Saad Al-Katatny discusses with McCain the NGOs case and means of boosting cooperation between the two countries. 26:00:00


Links 215443-220519.rar 180110-180956.rar 195556-201603.rar 202718-203442.rar


Radio Coverage (20/22/2012)

News Channel: Radio Masr Time: 12:00 PM The minister of interior said restructuring the Ministry will be in its best interest.

Chairman of the High Elections Commission (HEC) said the results of the Shura Council elections will be announced next Saturday.

PM Kamal el-Ganzouri calls for discussing and resolving all the issues facing press institutions in Egypt. 18:00:00

Spain vows to extradite businessman Hussein Salem to the Egyptian authorities. 18:00:00

The People’s Assembly sends its Tora Prison Hospital report to the Public Prosecutor to take the legal actions to transfer Mubarak there. 18:00:00 - 22:00:00

Public prosecution submits 13 remarks on Mubarak and former regime members’ defense statements. 18:00:00 - 22:00:00

Court of Appeal refuses a challenge in the case of killing protestors, which was known as the ‘Camel Battle’ in the media. 18:00:00

SCAF Head Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi meets Senator John McCain and a delegation of the US Congress. 22:00:00

Ministry of Finance decides to stop disbursing compensation to revolution victims’ families after the ministry premises was attacked. 22:00:00

News Channel: Al-Shark Al-Awsat

US Senator John McCain said the US is committed to US-Egyptian economic cooperation and plans to fully support Egyptian citizens. 23:00:00

Senator McCain and SCAF Head Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi’s meeting gave priority to discussing the NGOs case. 22:00:00


Internet Coverage (21/02/2012)


We are all khaled saeed

If we applied Article285 of the Parliament’s internal regulations that states that the Speaker is the only one entitled to interrupt a MP while talking, the performance inside the People’s Assembly would be a lot better.

What Egypt needs right now”;

A timetable for the presidential elections that will be held soon.

A consensus constitution that reflects the hopes of Egyptian.

Improving the Foreign Cash Reserve, as there is an economic crisis after the mismanagement of the transitional period.

Egyptian Cabinet

PM Kamal el-Ganzouri met with Chief editors of national newspapers to discuss all the problems they have been facing for years.

People’s Assembly Human Rights Committee discusses the homeless children phenomenon.

Ganzouri inaugurates tomorrow the third phase of the underground subway.

Minister of Antiquities said that they retrieved 6,000 Egyptian artifacts from Israel.

People’s Assembly reviews Health Committee report regarding Tora and Al- Mazraa Prison Hospitals.

People’s Assembly Culture Committee will discussmeans to revive tourism in Egypt.




Ahmed Said was paralyzed after being shot in Suez during the protests that followed the Port Said massacre. Today, he died and the funeral prayer will be held at 12:00PM at Al-Ghareib mosque in Suez. May he rest in peace!


“Khader Adnan is still held in administrative detention with no charges. Today's tag is #HungerStrikingFor65Days, pls help make it trend #1”

“New on Arabist: In Translation: The "Tintin" of the Arab uprisings”

“New on Arabist: A point of clarification on US aid to Egypt and peace with Israel”

“New on Arabist: WSJ on "Egypt's derailed revolution"”


I believe Hamdeen Sabbahi should withdraw from presidential race and support Hossam Mo’nes. I really respect Hossam Mo’nes!

“Indefinite detention without charges or trial is torture! #KhaderExists64 days on hunger strike. Free #KhaderAdnan”

Thieves, liars and hypocrites.. SCAF and the Muslim Brotherhood! iyad_elbaghdadi

“Joint declaration by 107 Muslim scholars from 15 countries in support of #Syria's revolution & denouncing Assad.”

“Liberty can be evolutionary or can be degenerative. The key is to be liberated towards something, not merely from something.”

“Nothing more difficult than liberating someone from chains he has grown very comfortable in.”

“#Assad is gathering reinforcements. He wants to do to #BabaAmrwhat #Gaddafi wanted to do to #Benghazi. #Syria”


“The awful choices the medics in #BabaAmr have to make. They must choose to treat those they have hope of saving. #Syria #Homs”

“If you're badly injured in #BabaAmr you just have to await death. Priority is children and treatable injuries. #Syria #Homs”


Islam Harbi, 16 years old, was charged of armed robbery. He was tried before a military court and sentenced 7 years in prison, the same sentence that those who killed Khaled Said received!

Devote some of your time to listen to the testimonies of detainees. Some of them were released while others remain in prison waiting for us to liberate them:

Protest on the anniversary of Al-Nakba, 17 children were arrested and released two days afterwards. Later, they received one-year suspended sentence. #Nomiltrials


. Publication overview

 Al-Ahram: Egyptian state-run official daily newspaper

Founded in 1875, is the most widely circulating Egyptian daily newspaper, and the second oldest after al-Waqa'i`al-Masriya (English: The Egyptian Events, founded 1828). It is majority owned by the Egyptian government.

 Al-Akhbar: Egyptian state-owned semi-official daily newspaper

It was founded in May 1952 as a part of Akhbar El Yom.

 Al-Gomhoria: Egyptian state-owned daily newspaper

An influential state-owned Egyptian Arabic language daily newspaper. It was established in 1954.

 Al-Shorouk: Egyptian daily independent newspaper

Is a prominent Arabic newspaper published in Egypt [1] and several other Arabic nations It is a daily independent newspaper, covering mainly politics, militant affairs and sport.

 Al-Masry al-Yom: Independent daily newspaper

On 7 June 2004, it published its first edition. The paper initially circulated primarily amongst Cairo’s intellectual elite, providing objective news coverage in the belief that good news would beat sensationalist reporting found in other Egyptian print media. After 3 years, it was challenging Al-Ahram for the status of being the national paper of record. Though

 Tahrir: Daily independent newspaper

 Dostor: Daily independent newspaper

 Yom 7: Daily independent newspaper


Table of Content: Newspapers ………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………3-22 Al Ahram Newspaper The Advisory Council Discusses the Consensual President and the Aqsa……………………………….…………………3 Reruns to Shura Council ………………………………………………………………………………………….………………4 The European Union Special Representative Defends Egyptian Sovereignty …………………………………..…………..5 Al Masry Al Yawm Newspaper Suspects of Violence in Qena…………………………………………………………………………………………………….6 Abu al- Futouh: the Regime is Reluctant ………………………………………………………………….…………………..7 Amr Mussa: the Plot against the Presidential Elections Will Soon be Uncovered……………………………………..8 The Supreme Administrative Court Declares One Third of the Parliament Null……………………………………….9 Al-Jamaah al-Islamiya: the Constitution is the Parliament Authority…………………………………………………..10 MB and Salafists Might Withdraw Confidence from al-Ganzouri’s Government……………………………………….11 Al Gomhouria Newspaper Mubarak Stands before Civilian Court Not Military One ………………………………………………..……………..12 Ibrahim: Police is a National Establishment, Reform will Begin …………………………………………….………..13 Al Dostour Newspaper Hamedeen El-Sabahy: Egypt Cannot Be an Islamic State……………………………………………….………………..14 Al Tahrir Newspaper MB Leaders Permitted to Invest in Stock Exchange……………………………………………………..…………………15 Shafik Might Withdraw If Suleiman Decided to Run for Presidency…………………………….……..………………..16 Al Sherouk Newspaper Egyptian Interior Ministry Rejects Beard-Growing …………………………………………………………….……………17 The Parliament Approves Transferring Mubarak to Tora …………………………………………………………..……….18 Shura Elections Updates ………………………………………………………………………………………..……………..19 Al youm al sabea Newspaper Wafd Party to Support Moussa, Hassan for President……………………………………………………………………....20 Al Akhbar Newspaper McCain: Tantawi Vowed to Resolve NGO Crisis……………………………………………………………………………21 Parliament Rejects MP’s Indirect Apology…………………………………………………………………………………....22 TV Coverage………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….……23 Al-Hayat tv Channel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23 Al-Hayat tv 2 Channel………………………………………………………………………………………………………….23 CBC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23-24 CHANNEL 1….………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………..…….24 CHANNEL 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………24 Links……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….25 Radio Coverage……………………………………………………………………..………..……….………….……..………..26 Radio Misr……………………………………………………………………………………….………………………..….……26 Al shark al awsat……………………………………………………………..……………….…………………………...….…..26 Internet coverage………………………………………………………………………………...………...…………..…………27 Face book………………………………………………………………………….……………….………………...……………27 Twitter...... 28-29