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KEy =;;;:--; b ;-· SKIBO


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18 'XI6 '



CART AND fl'fPLE/tiENT SHEDS • tz6'x"'

JotH~'sSHco. TooLHo: SLAtxilfTrA TvlfNIP&PvLPER Ho: CART 5H£.DS. /fOV$£.


COVERED COURT. CoY£R£o CovRr. • • • • • • .$&'X + I ;,e· x .,., ~


i·llEnm T--- ~ SKIBO~

- --+--•

I-I IS magnificent and exceptionally attractive R ESIDENTIAL and SPoRTING T P ROPERTY is situated on the N orth Shore of the D ornoch Firth and I...:. yle of . It includes the picture.quc and thriving Village of Bonar Uridgc, from which it extends a distance of nearly 14 miles to within a mi le and a half of the County Town· of . The Estate is bounded for the most part by the L ands of the D uKE OF S uT HERLAND, but, as will be seen from the Plan annexed, the E states of Ospisdale, belonging to Mr. GILCHRIST, and of Balblair, the Property of Mrs. SvoNEY H ADWEN, march along a portion of its boundary. I t may be doubted whether any E state in the Highlands can ri val S kibo in extent and vari ety of attractions. The beauty of its situation­ thc salubrity of its climate- the combinati on of Sport wi th Low Country and ·wild-Fowl Shooting-the River and the L och Fishing-with the magnificent modern R esidence on the site of the· ancient seat of the Bishops of R oss-all contribute to the residential value and interest of a n E sta te. which, with nearly 2o,ooo Acres and ever 200 T enants, possesses substantial attractions beyond those of sport and pleasure.


Extends to about 19,448 Acres, of which 2862 Acres are good Arable L and, 12,819 Acres M oor and Pasture, 3240 Acres under W ood , and 527 Acres consist of L ochs, R oads, Sites of H ouses, Gardens, & c. The M easurements arc taken from the Ordnance Survey revised to a recent date. 8 ~artfculars of tbe


Is within 10 miles of Station, on the Highland Rai lway, and 4 miles from Dornoch, where there are Churches, D octors, T elegraph and Post Office, also first-rate Golfing Links. Bonar Bridge is reached in two . hours from . On the Property, about 3 miles from the Castle, is the North Pier of the " M eikle Ferry," the south side of which is about 4 miles from the Town of T a in . where there is a Railway Station. This route

SKIUO CAS1'LE ! f'ao~o~ T Vtaw)

is often found convenient, the journey from Inverness to taking one hour and a half, and from T ain to the Ferry, and thence to Skibo, about one hour. Letters are deli vered daily by a Post Runner. A t N ewton Poi nt, 21{ miles from the Castle there is safe anchorag<.: for Yachts; and Coals and other supplies may be landed there at very cheap rates. The R oad from Bonar Bridge to Skibo C astle passes along the face of the richly wooded hills immediately above the Firth through a L and­ scape of rare beauty and variety. On leaving Bonar Bridge the road goes through cultivated land which slopes towards the Kyle of Sutherland, :£state of $kibo. 9 then for a considera ble distance a F orest of fine Scots Fir and Larch is traversed until the Duke of Sutherland's Estate of Creich is reached, through which the road passes for fully a mile. It then intersects the fl ourishing plantation of Ledmore, just before leaving which will be observed a large Oak. said to be the finest in the N orth of . Immediately after­ wards, the picturesque and beautifully wooded Valley of Spinningdale is reached, on the west side of which the bold scarp of Migdale R ock, rising to a height of 700 feet, is a very striking feature. and. with the numerous well­ kept small Holdings, adds much to the Highland character of the scene. On leaving Spinningdale the road goes through a F orcst of old Firs, it then


BONAR BRIDGE VILLAGE (FitOW hn'UCHAIIIIOII). passes between the Farms of Acharry and F lode, and afterwards intersects the Estate of O spisdale for about three-quarters of a mile. The fine Farm of Pulrossie is seen in the distance, and the F arm of Overskibo is next intersected until the North Entrance Gate to the Policies is reached.

THE CASTLE, which was almost entirely rebuilt about ten years ago, is beautifully situated on a prominent site overlooking D ornoch F irth. It stands on a natural platform, the south and west slopes of which are formed into terraces, and is approached from the north and east by stately Avenues 10 ~articulars of tbc

of magnificent old Forest Trees, which arch over the Roadways. Each approach has a neat Lodge and Gateway. The Policies are of great natural beauty and are richly wooded with fine old Sycamore, Lime, and other Trees. The Castle, L awns, vValks, and Drives through the Park are well sheltered. The windows overlook the Garden Terraces and the beautifully wooded Park, and command magnificent views across the to the · mountains of Ross-shire.

The Castle is built of the beautifu! light-coloured Freestone of the district ; and the workmanship throughout is of the best and most substantial description. The internal arrangements are well planned, and arc specially adapted for a large establishment.

A Porch and large Vestibule g ive access from the front to the magnificent Great H all, around which the R eception Rooms arc conveniently grouped, and a Grand Staircase, constructed of massive Carved O ak, leads to the Drawing-Room and other Rooms on the First Floor. The walls of the Great Hall and Vestibule are panelled with Oak, of handsome design, and the Floors of these and the Reception Rooms are laid with polished Pitch Pine, the Doors being of Spanish Mahogany. There are two Fireplaces, with high carved tone Chimney-Pieces, in the Great H all, which is used as a Lounge or Sitting-Room.

The principal Bedrooms are reached by convenient passages from the head of the Grand Staircase, while there is a Suite of Family Apartments, including a large Children's Playroom, on the Ground Floor, secluded from the R eception Rooms, and communicating by a separate Staircase with the Schoolroom and Children's Rooms above.

The Bedrooms are all well lighted, lofty and spacious, and withi n easy reach of Bath-Rooms, &c. The Kitchen is large and commodious, and the service arrangements in connection with the Dining-Room are excellent. Generally, the structural finish of the Castle is of a high class, and it is replete with every modern convenience.

There is H ot a nd Cold Water on every Floor, and all the sanitary arrangements an.: in perfect order.

The Castle contains the following accommodation :-

Basement-\Vine Cellars, Lamp-Room, Shoe Halls, Lumber Room, Beer Cellar, Box-Room, W.C., Coal and Wood Houses.

c;rotmd Floor-Vestibule, 22! feet by 14 feet; Great Hall, 45 fee t by 24 feet; Dining-Room, 30 feet by 20 feet; Billiard-Room, 24 feet by 19 feet; Library, 25 feet by 17 feet; Morning Room, 17 feet by 13 feet ; Family :Estate of Sltibo. I I

Bedroom, 18 feet by 17 feet; Dressing-Room, 17 feet by 14 ~ feet; Bathroom, Gun-Room, 17t feet by 17t feet; Play-Room, 28 fee t by 19 feet; Gentle­ men's Lavatory and Vv. C. , Cloak-Room, Strong Room, Kitchen, Scullery, Larder, Cook's Pantry, Butler's Pantry, Store-Room, Housemaid's Closet, Linen Closet, Drying-Closet, Housekeeper's Room, Servants' Hall, Butler's Bedroom, Footman's Bed room, Gentlemen's W.C., and two Servants' W .C.'s. First Floor- Drawing-Room, 40 feet by 17 feet, Schoolroom, Governess's Room, fourteen Bedrooms, or ten Bedrooms and four Dressing Rooms, two Bath­ rooms, two W.C.'s, two Housemaids' Closets, Linen Closet, three Servants' Bedrooms. .)econd Floor-Four Bedrooms, or two Bedrooms a nd two Dressing Rooms, Bath­ room, 'vV.C., and Housemaids' Closet. Tltird Floor or T01ver-Two Bedrooms. Detacltcd-\A/ash-House, Laundry, Coal-House, Larder, and other Offices.

In addition to the Grand Staircase there is a General Staircase besides the Turret Stair, which leads to the First, Second. and Third F loors, and to a View Platform on the Roof.

The position and dimensions of the Rooms on the Principal Floors wi ll be seen on the prefixed Plans.


Extend to about 3 ?{ Acres, have a southern exposure, are well sheltered, early, and productive. The GLAss-HousEs consist of two Vineries, Peach-House, Orchard H ouse, Stove-House, Melon-H ouse, and Green-House. The Grapes and Peaches grown are famous for their fin e quality. There is an exceptionally good H ouse for the Gardener, with Bothy attached for his Assistants.

The STABLES and HOME FARM OFFICES have been recently built and are conveniently situated and substantial.

The Stables comprise- Six-stalled Stable, two Loose Boxes, Four-stalled Strangers' S table, Coach-House, 46 feet by 18 fed; Harness Room, 18 feet by 14 feet ; Coachman's I louse of fo ur Rooms, Groom's Room: above the Coach-House is a Room used as a Ball-Room, 6o fee t by t8 feet. I

12 ~articulars of tbc

The H ome Farm Offices consist of- Byres for thirty-five Cattle, Five-stalled Stable, Loose Box, llarnc:;s Room, Straw Barn, Corn Room, '\Iill Room, Granaries, five Loose Boxes, Piggeries, Cart Sheds, Turnip H ouse, Implement H ouse, Bothy and Farm Servants' Rooms, Joiner's Shop, T ool !Iouse, Slaughter House, and two Covered Courts. Saw Mill and Corn Room, with Bruise r, driven by Water power.

Detached there are Farm ~ la nager or Bai liff's !louse, E state Office, Da iry, and Poultry Houses. The Build ings arc all most convenient, and have a good supply of \Vater throughout.



The Farms are all well arranged and conveniently marched, and in most cases subdivided into regular well-sized Fields by substantial Stone Dykes. The Farm Buildings :-~r e generally substantial and sufficient, or could be made so by a very small outlay. The Arable Land is in general a kindly dry loam of superior qtl:l!ity. very early, and well suited fur the g rowth of all kinds of C rops, a nd is JEstatc of $I~ibo . 13

exce ll ent Stock Land. Sloping gently up from the S eashore; with a fine southerly ex posure, the ground rises to an elevation of 1 200 feet. The cli mate is mild, but bracing.

Particulars of the Special Conditions in the Leases arc noted 111 the Rental appended.

G RAZINGS .- Thc I I ill Grazings of Clais-na-Sinncig, Achorm­ lary, and Achavaich arc all fine mi xed ground capable of carrying the best class of Black-faced or Cheviot Sheep. The Valley of the Evelix River contains some of the finest Ewe ground in Sutherland.


CROFTS.- The Crofting District is divided into the Townships of Tulloch. :\I ig(blc. Spinningdalc, .Achu, and Acharry. I n most cases the Rents \\'ere fixed by the C rofters Commission in 1 886, and these R ents are regularly paid. The Buildin

/ ~articulars of tbe

find profitable employment, and are not, as in some places, dependent on the slender resources their crofts.

FEU ARS.-A considerable revenue is derived from F eus in Bonar Bridge Clashmore Villages. The former is a large and flourishing village, Summer on account of its fine situation and healthy bracing climate.

WOODS.-The Woods, which extend to 3251 Acres, are all very thriving and of value. a large proportion consisting of full-grown Larch, Scots Firs, and Hardwood Trees, T of which could be cut without the slightest loss of amenity. Many of the Standard Hedgerow Trees in the Policies and throughout the Property arc of great size and beauty, and add much to the beauty of the Estate.

SHOOTINGS. The Shootings, which include over 12,000 Acres of excellent Grouse Grourrd, contain requisite element of sport. The Preserves in the neighbourhood of Skibo Castle, and Covers, make the Low Ground Shooting, without exception, the finest in the County Sutherland. In addition to the ordinary L ow Ground Game, Roe Deer and Black the W oods contain a number of Red Deer, and the way in which the Arable Land and Woodlands are laid oyt is _peculiarly adapted for rearing and retaining a large stock of Pheasan Rabbits, which are already numerous, could be increased to any quantity in the Preserves, or 1 enclosed Warrens on the Links along the Seashore. lEstate of ·$hfbo . I 5

Excellent Duck and Snipe S hooting is also obtained on the Shores and E stuaries of the of Sutherland, and in the various L ochs throughout the Property, all of which are regularly •"'"'";" by every variety of D uck, Snipe, and other W ater-Fowl. The neig hbouring Estates are strictly preserved. There is a H ead Gamekeeper's House the Policies, and three H ouses for his· Assistants in the outlying parts of the

FISHIN GS. The Salmon Fishing on the Kyle of Sutherland is let at the R ent of £250. The Lease, is for three years, expires at the end of Season I 89 I. There is Salmon and Trout Fishing River Evclix: and L ochs Migdale, Buidhe, Lagain, and Ghobhair afford excellent Trout On the last two the Proprietor of Skibo has the sole right of F ishing.

The M USSEL BEDS, which are very extensive, were inspected"and reported on last :::r by Professor CossAR EwART, and he Tecommended a system of cultivation which has been of this season. One thousand Baskets have been planted on cleared ground under e, and skilled superintendence, and it is expected that the Beds will shortly return a 1e s. •y great demand for the Mussels by Fishermen on the Banffshire and 16 :Estate of $J-tibo.

The GRoss RENTAL of the EsTATE, exclusive of the Rent of the Castle, Shootings, and Mussels, is £3293 2 5 And the Public Burdens amount to 56516 6 Leaving a Nett Rental of £2727 5 11 E xclusive of the R ent of the Castle, Shootings, and Mussels.

Of the above GRoss RENTAL there is derived from-

FARMS, £1875 0 2 GRASS PARKS, HILL AND WOODLAND G RAZINCS, 328 4 8 S~IALL H OLDINGS AND CROFTS, 625 19 2 Hou sES AND GARDENS, 85 10 6 FEu-D uTIES, 128 7 II SALMON I:'ISHINCS, 250 0 0 £3293 2 5 T he Teinds are valued and exhausted.

The Estate is held partly of the Crown, partly of the Duke of Sutherland, to whom a Composition of £315 has lately been paid, and partly of the Heirs of Francis, Lord Egerton, the entry with whom is taxed at l OS.


~{INISTERS' STIPENDS, £174 10 11

P AUSU. BAtUY. - - --1------I. J T, U.. Ql:... . p, C.. QT. .£ 1. t/, .£ 1. li, £ 1, t/, CUICU1 • 9 6 4/. 7 0 0 0 3.\ 16 8 10 6.$ 16 81 4 10 0oJ.NOC11 1 2:Z: 8 4h 16 I 0 I It. 38 7 0 42 9 8o 16 t ._LA_.._ c, __ . _:.._ __ _,______:______:_ •_•_ •o--.::.0 12. 10 o

174 JO ll

Pooa AND ScHOOL RATES, 221 0 I

CREICH, £117 13 I

00RNOCK • 1 103 7 0

£••• 0 1

COUNTY RATES, • 15 u 10 RoAD Ass£SSw2NT, 67 19 5 CJtEJCH, £40 18 11 DORNOCU, • 27 0 6

.£67 '9 5

LAND TAX, 14 9 0 To DuKE o•· Su tiiERLA~~ou, F•v-lluTIES, £12 0 " To Low.o EcBHTON'S HEIRS, ! 0 3 4 ---- 1 2 4 3

TO'!' AI., ~6~ 16 6

NOTE.-The above includes th e Burdens on the Castle, Shootings, W oods, &c. DETAILED RENTAL OF THE ESTATE.


FARMS. £ d. '· I Valued rent. 1 and lA Skibo Mains and Parks (H ome Farm), Proprietor, - - - •6o 0 0 - Mutual bn:a.k.s at end of every 6rth year on one yeaTs not itt". Proprietor has right 2 and 17 Rosebank and Dalvrae, Colin Maclenna n, Whits. 1890 20 years Whits. 1910 86 0 0 Marts. and Whits. after to resume the lands of Do~lvr;~.e on giving twelve months' notice, and combcnsa· tion for crops, &c., and reduction of ren t a: o.v"r:LJC rate. Pr~rietor to a Jo,.,• a entry. sum or £40 in overhauling and repairing dwelling-house, o . c~ 1nd ploua:h· m:Ln's ho~, whc~ nect'.Wry. These repairs arc being done.

3 Ardallie, . Alexander Gran I, Whits. 1890 5 years Whits. 1895 6s 0 0 Do.

Whits. 1887 20 years Whits. 1907 •so 0 0 Do. Tenant m1y terminate the lease :u any term of Whi tsund~y, on gi\•ing two )'l!:ln' 4, 5, 7, and 9 Cuthill ond Ferryto n, Kenneth Suther la nd, previous notice. Either po.rty an h~vc the rent fixed ~ ubitntion every recurring 6ve yean. The Ten:t.nt to rt)\l.ir the walls nn roofs only of the tlutched buildings on the f.:um. The P ro pri~tor h:u ~eed to allow ro~ timber in t h~ plantation for rep:a.iring the rh·er banks when required. The Li are let q n nbbit warren nnd for gnulng only ; the Proprietor bas no right of shootmg o r taking rabbitt, and the Tenant no right of shooting on said Links.

Proprietor agr«

48 Ewen M. Sutherland , Whits. 1887 •o years Whits. 1907 300 0 0 Marts. and Tcru1nt may terminate the lease at any term of Whit.Sund:.y on giving two ye~' I Pulrossie, Whits. after previous notice. Either party a.n h:a\•e the rent fixed by arbitr:a.tion e•:t fifth ye:u-. The Tenant to repair the ..-:a.ll.s and TOOft only of the tlutchcd bui dings entry. on the farm. Fields on Ordna.nc:e Map numberrd 1378, 1379. IJSo, 1386, aod E-n of 1401, and tJSs, •J89, 1393, 1395. :a.nd 1403 are let as a ra.bbit warren. fhe Pr~rietor has no rig_bt of ,.hooting or taking rabbits, and the Tenant no right of ooting on said nelds.

52 Flodc, Representath·es of Donald Munro, Whits. 1874 18 years Whits. 1892 •ss 0 0 Do.

Proprietor agreed to erect a new dwelling·hou&e, which has IM:"t n tlone. 60 Acharry, Ale xander Neish Whits. 1676 15 years Whits. 189 1 135 0 0 Do.

Do. Whits. 1905 48 0 0 Do. ~tutual b r ~lr:s at end of every fifth ynr on one year's notice. The Propridor 91 and 92 .J\cha\·aich, William and George Fraser, Whits. 1890 hu agreed-( 1.) to provide wootl for repairing the buildin1:5, the Tenant doing the work; (2. ) to gwe the T~n:1nt 10 boll$ of Jime :md 6o posts; a.nd (J.) to cxpc::nd .£15 in d ~epcning and scouring the bum.

Whits. 1910 0 0 Do. Mutual breaks every fifih ynr on twelve months' notice. The buildi"&': a.re being 98 and 94 Achormlary, l H ugh Ros", Whits. 189o 20 yean 72 repaired, and :.. new fence is being erect rei in term~ of agrecm~nL Proprietor r~sc:rved lite for hou~. and l.;ecp of cow for gamekeeper.

172, 173, & 174 Lillie Cre ich, Ale>. G. Mowat, Whits. 1887 Yearly - Do 0 0 Do. This rcut include'S £ t9: o : 2 ol intere-t a.t S per cent. on outlay on 5teading. 17:>, 176, & 177 S wordale, William and Adam Macdonald, Whits. 188o 15 years Whits. 1895 69 0 • Do. Proprietor .ao exp(nd :l sum or £6o on huildins:J;. which M• ~" done. 2:>5, 2:>6 (part of), Lillie Sn·ordale, Do. do. Whits. 1887 8 years Do. 6s 0 0 Do. & 2:>7 18715 0 2 GRASS PARKS, HILL; AND WOODLAND GRAZINGS. 1. GRASS PARKS.

162 Spinningdale, Forester's Park, 0 0 v~lued rent.

214 Morket Stance, George .Murmy, Yearly 2 9 0 Includes rent of 4 st:ancn ::at t L e:1ch.

248 Tulloch, . John A. Polson, I 6 8

Bon3rbridge, Da,·id S~aw, 8 0 0 2:11 (port of) { Do. Donald Matheson, 6 9 0

2:58 (part of) S wordale, W. Reid, •9 0 0

2:19 Do. ProprietorJ 3 0 0 \'alued ren t.

334 Lar:~chan, Hugh Calder, t 0 0


Clais·OO·sinneig, John Logon ond Others, 26 0 0 Let for fi ve yean from Whitsund:ty r890.

Tulloch, . Proprietor, 3 0 0

~ligdale, Do. 45 0 0 no.

Achu, Do. 45 0 0 Do.

Woodlands, Do. 163 0 0 Do. 2203 4 10

Small Holdings a.nd Crofts, as per AptlCndix No. 1., page •3· 6•s ' 9 2

H ouses a.nd Gardens, as per AppendL~ No. II., page 24, ss 1 0 6

Feu-Duties, as per Appendix No. III., page 25, 128 II

Salmon Fisbings, . •so 0 0 Ltt to Powrie :lnd Pi tc::~.ith ley for three ye:m, upiring with Seuon 1891. 3293 2 5 20




£ '· 10 Cuthill, R. Sutherl.lnd, •• 10 0"· Motts. ofter entry.

18, lt, & 10 Lon more, Lilly Murr>y, * to 0 0 l)o.

16 Do. John Mackenzie, *9 12 0 Do.

33 Yearly (rom WhitsunJ::~.y. Rent per CI>Shmug>ch, John Ross, 5 13 4 )hrts.and Wbits. t~ftcr cutry. lc:lSe £So illttrtsl 01\ CO:.l O( ftllCC: IJS. 4Ll.

80&86 Do. Wm. ~bcle:1y :1nd G. Murra)', 11 q 0 Do. Let for ten years (rom \\ hitsunchy t Sgo. Proprietor has ~ecd to ~:i vc wood ~~!:~ to ~~r~=~in~h;c::; :t.nd limc~vc b«n supplied

37 Do. John Cordon, * 3 8 0 Marts. after entry. 88, 89, & 4Z Do. William llnin, 10 1 6 6 ~l art s. and Whit$. Let for fh·c )'c:LU (rom Whitsunday 1890. (part of) after eotry. Same IU above. 41 Do. Daniel Dowie, •5 15 0 Uo.

42 (part of) & Do. Robert Cordon, *3 3 0 Marts. :liter 48 entry. 40 & 46 no. Uonald Mathieson, I 13 6 0 ~huu.url Whill Let for 6\c y~ from Whiuund.ay 18go. alt~r entry. Same a.. :tbovt', \Vhiteface, OS, 00, & 08 Dona.ld Cuming, 7 10 0 Marts. and Whits.

06 Reid mohr, Donald Ross, '7 0 0 Marts.

07 Do. Elspet Ross, . •5 6 0 Do.

61 Bogaobuidhe, William Munro, *1 10 0 Uo.

62 Acharrymuir, Gilbert Ross, .4 0 0 M>rts. and Whits.

68 Do. Thom:t.s ~1 unro, ., 1J 0 Do. 64, 68, 74, & 78 } Do. Sinclair Moore, ., 10 0 Do. 60 Do. Do. 2 0 0 Do. l..d. for 6vc ynrs (rOm \Vbit.IWM)ay 189o-

66 & 69 Do. W. M'lntosh, ., 18 0 Marts. 70 Do. Widow Dingwall, 1 15 0 Mans. and Do. Whits. 71 Do. Do ., 5 0 Marts. 72 Do. David Campl>ell, .3 5 0 Oo. 78 Do. George Murr:1)., 1 15 0 Marts.a.nd Do. Whits. 70 Do. Catherine M 'Kay, ' 3 6 Do. Do. 76 Do. Margaret Murray, . : *1 10 0 Marts.

77 Do. Robert Murray, .1 14 0 Do. 102 & lOS Reidhbre3t, Andrew M'Kay, *4 0 0 Do. 104 Claisbhan, John Logan, • 3 18 0 Do. I 100 Sleasd:tiridh, Donald Ross, *3 15 0 Do.

106 Do. Donald Fraser, •s 0 0 Do. 107 Badguioe:tch, Willi:tm Gr:mt, 4 4 0 Do. Yearly. 109 & 110 Ce:a.nnabhaid, William Ross, * 7 5 0 Do.

B>dachuil, John M'Kenzie, 5 0 0 Morts. and Do. 111 & 112 { Whits

Do. (part of), William Grant, 4 0 0 Do. Let for th e yurs from \\'hltsund:l)' 189o- I Proprietor rtsu"cs right to resume ~~ ~~~~ ~!~1ic:.ru~:nt0t~ ~~~;~uc~ lOS. in the event of sach ttillmplion. Carry forward, qo q ! I 4 I 21

APPENDIX N o. 1.-coutiuued.



£ I. Drought forward, 170 14 "·4 Achu, 113 John Murray, 5 5 0 Marts. :md Le:t for five Jc:;11'1 from Whitaundayt89o. Whits. 0 r:~~~i~ bui!Ji~~~;J ';=n:ed~ lime 1H (p:trt of) Oo. Willi:1m Ros s, 4 0 0 Marts. and Let for fh•c years from Whitsunday 189o. Whirs.

11~ Do. john Ross, *• 10 0 Morts.

116,117,&118 Do. Willi.o.m Gunn, *7 0 0 Do.

119 Do. Williom Ross, Jun. *5 7 0 Do. 120 Do. Proprietor, ., 0 0

121 Do. George Ross, ., ro 0 Do.

122 Do. Proprietor, ., ' 5 0 128 Do. Widow An n M'Donald, ., 5 0 Do. 12{ & 120 Do. Alex.tnder M'Kny, *5 0 0 Do. 126, 127, 128 } Do. Donald M'Kay, & 129 (p:trtof) 7 10 0 Mll!U. ond WhitJ. HI Spinningdnlc, Heirs or W. Gunn, • 6 0 Marts. U 2, HS, & Do. Hugh Calder, Yearly from Whitsunday. Ht (porto!) } 7 0 0 Marts. ond Whits. 140 Do. \Vidow Gunn, *• 18 0 Marts. H 6 (p:trtof) Do. R ein of John Gunn, • 10 0 Do. 147 Do. Kenneth Gordon, . .. 5 0 Morts. ond Wh it5.

148 Do. George Munro, 4 •5 0 Do. Lc:t for five y~n from Whitsunday 189o. 149 & 150 Do. Will.iam C:alder, *3 10 0 Marts. 153 & 163 llo James Chisholm, *5 10 0 Do.

161 & 161A llo. Alexander Gunn, 3 10 0 JJo. I \'early from Wbitsancby. 16{ llo. James Chisholm, *3 10 0 Do.

16.5 Do. David Graham, 5 ' 3 4 Do. Do. 166 Rhivr:t, Do. *6 , g 0 Oo.

167 Do. Colin ~l'Lcod, *3 0 0 Do.

178 Migd•le, Donold Gordon's Heirs, •o 10 0 Do.

179 Oo. Widow M'Otrtney, I I 0 Marts. and Do. WhitJ.

180 & 181 Do. William M'l\.enzic, *ro ' 5 0 Do. 182 Do. John ~{I Kenz1e, ... • 0 Do. 183 Do. Donald Munro, *6 10 0 Do.

184 Do. Duncan Matheson, ... 0 0 Do. 185 Do. Alexander Matheson , * •3 0 0 Do.

186, 187, & 188 Do. Robert Campbell, *7 10 0 Do. , 189 & 190 Do. George Munro, . .. 0 ~lart5. 191 Do. Christy Motheson, ., 0 0 Do. 192 Do. Widow William Leith, ., 10 0 Do.

193 Do. George Munro, 3 0 0 Do. Do. 194 Do. Andrew Gordon, *6 17 0 Marts. •nd Whits. Otrry forward, I 341 8 8 I 22

APPENDIX No. I .-co~tlinued.



£ '· "· Brought forward1 341 8 8

1 9~ ~figdal<, Robert Calder, .3 s 0 ~hrts. ancl Whits.

196 & 197 Do. Jessie Ross, . ., 0 0 Marts . 198 & 200 Do. Donald Compbcll, • 4 s 0 Do.

201 Do. Elspet Duff, • I I 0 l>o. \'e::u ly from WhitliunJay. 202 Do. George Campbell, ., 0 0 Do.

203 Do. Marian Campbell, *I IS 0 Do.

20i & 20~ Do. Aleundcr Murray, ·~ 7 0 Do.

206 Do. Ceorgc Murray, • 2 10 0 Do.

207 Do. Simon Fraser, 14 10 0 Marts. :u\d Let for fifteen years from Whitsunday Whits. 189o- The wood llnd lime have been Juppli~ in terms of •c:feement.

208 Do. (Croft and Mills), John S1ewor~ 35 0 0 Do. Tenacyterminable :u any tenn of Whit· l unJ:.y on two ye:u-t' not ice on either ::;· tol'~~~~tob-!iJJi:;i:elt"~~~~~ crform the: work. Part of material • been supplied. 210 (part of) Do. James Chisholm, 5 10 0 Do. Let for fi ve years from WbilSurub.y tSgo.

211 Do. George Cordon, *I I 0 Do.

212 & 213 Do. Ebenezer Gr:~.nt , • 4 7 0 Marts .

2 1 ~ & 216 Tulloch, Murdo Munro, 3 0 0 Do. Vr&rly from Whitsunday.

217 Do. Donald Forbes, 2 0 0 Mons. and Do. Whits.

218 Do. Norma.n Mackenzie, 5 0 0 Do. Let (or Ave ye~ (rom Wbitsuoday 18go.

219 Do. Angus Munro, *4 2 0 Do.

220 Do. James Mackay, • 4 0 0 Do.

221 Do. William Campbell, • 4 5 0 Do.

222 Do. Widow Janet Munro, I I 0 ~!arts.

223 Do. \Vidow Janet Leith, *I t O 0 Do.

224 Do. Alcx.nder Chisholm, *7 0 0 Mnrts. and Whits.

22~ Do. Holen Log:tn, •o 15 0 Do.

226 & 227 Do. James M:uheson, *J 0 0 Marts.

229 Do. George Murray, *13 0 0 Marts. and Whits.

230 Do. William Mackay, 12 0 0 Do. Leue for nin~tecn yeau from Whitaunday 1879. Tenint at bis outcoing to receive valuation (or the whole build- ill£ o( the bam, walls &nd slates or dwclline-housc, and the walls of byrc and l tllblc, saKI nl~tion not to exceed £100. Rouefl wood to be aupplicd by proprietor for buildiQ£:1. 231 & 232 Do. \Vido w Margaret Gunn, *3 5 0 Marts. 233 Do. Robert Barclay, .4 14 0 Do.

23i & 239 Do. William Mackenz.ie, •6 8 0 IJo.

230 Do. Margaret Calder, *6 10 0 Marts. nnd Whits.

236 Do. Willi:un lb.rday, *lo 0 0 Do.

237 & 238 Do. Alexander S~.: the1la nd, *I 10 0 Marts. ., 2i2 Do. Kenneth Murray, . ---5 --0 no. Cn.rr)' (orv.•:ud, s ~ s 4 8 AP PEN DIX N o. I.-co•ttiuued.



I £ '· d. Brought fr,r.,ard, 518 4 8

248 & 244 Tulloch, ; Barbara Chishnlm, *7 6 0 Marts.

246 (part of) Do. Euphemia Munro, 3 10 0 Do. Yearly from Whitsunday.

246 Do. Margaret Munro, 10 0 0 Marts. ond J..use for ten yt~n from \Vhi tsund :~.y Whits. !!f"po i ~ro!~i~O: o}0 d:elffi~-~=~ give trees for erecth>n o{ cut-shed, a.nd posts to rc~r fences. Tenants to perform wor and re~ir inside of ~e~lr~f;~~~::~:~:' ing. These

247 & 249 Do. Alexander Mackenzie, Whits. (part or) } 20 0 0 Ynrly from Wh itsuoday.

249 (part of) } Do. John and Oonold Mackenzie, *18 0 0 Marts. and &2W Whits. 2~2 Swordole, John Macpherson, 16 0 0 Do. Do.

2~3 Do. Andrew ~lackcnzic, II 0 0 Morts. Do.

261 Uo. Angus Matheson, * 13 0 0 Marts. and Whits.

2~6 (port or) I } Do. Dr Macpherson, 8 r8 6 Do. Do. 81. 6d. is interest on 262 & 263 ------outlay on drainage. 62~ 19 2

NOTE.- The R ent s marked • were fixed by the Crofters Commission in 1886.






£ I. J, £ I , J, G:trdrner's House, Proprietor, . JO 0 o Brought forw:ud, 65 2 o North Lodge, Do. 3 0 0 199 Migcble, C reich Parochial llo3td, ' 0 0

E:ut Lodge, M. Munro, ' o o 251 (p:art of) Swordalc, H ugh Sutherland, I 0 0

11 Cuthil~ Barbara ~bcin t osh, I 0 0 208 (p:art of) Do. P. Maclean, l 12 0 12 Lon more, William Wotson, 3 0 0 260 !Jo. 1), Mackay, 3 0 0 18 & 20 School >nd School· Proprietor, 5 0 0 26~ & 266 Do03tbridgo, .Mrs. Nicolson, 2 9 0 House, Cl3shmore, 267 no. Donalu ~hckenzie, I 2 6 Clash more, \V, Cumming, 7 0 0 276 Do. Jane Murr.>y, 0 12 6 Do. R. Macby, 0 10 0 277 & 278 flo. Willi.:lm \Valker, I I 0 Cl:uhmug>ch, Alexander Ross, 2 0 0 279 Do. Heir> of John Urquhart, 0 10 0 H Do. John Coruon, 0 ' 0 280 Do. Heirs or Willbm Gair, 0 10 0 i9 Newton point, Donald Ross, 2 0 0 281 & 282 Do. Alex.:mder )l::ackay, 0 q. 0 50 Do. Mttrgaret M::~.c rac, I 0 0 283 Do. John hf:lckcnz.h..·, 0 I I 0 51 Ca>l Store, do. Proprit'tor, I 0 0 I 284 Do. Alex. Sutherland, 0 7 0 \Vhitcfa.ce, Crcich Paroch ial Do:ud, 2 0 0 280 Do. Ceo. M'Cillivr.>y, 0 7 0 Do. Ann Sutherland, 2 0 0 286 Do. John Clnrk, 0 4 0 Do. Mary Campbell, I 6 0 287 Do. William Mocby, 0 4 0 lH (part of) Achu, M3ttha Ros•, 0 5 0 289 Do. John A. Polson, 0 8 6 129 (I""' of) Do. IV. Reid, 0 I 0 290 Do. Geo. ?tlunro, 0 8 6 182 Tn.cherinroad, Proprietor for Game­ 2 0 0 keeper. 291 Do. Heirs of Alex. Gordon, 0 10 0 & Do. 183 13i Creich P~uoch i:1 l Bcxud, 292 I>o. Heirs of Uuncan Mac· 0 JO 0 millan. H i Spinningdale, Donald Calder, . : : : I 293 Uo. John Holmes, 0 10 0 101 Do. Creich P3rochial llo3rd, 2 10 o I 294 Oo. Heirs of Robert Calder, 0 10 0 160 Do. Proprietor for Forester, 2 0 0 290 Do. John Calder, 0 7 6 108 & 109 Kyloag, Do. (o r Gamekeeper, 5 o o Total, 8~ 10 6 170 Creag a Dhe.13ich, James Ross, ' 8 o ~

C:ury forward, 65 'J o I NOTE.-T he Rents of the H ouses and Gat•de ns are payable h a.lf.yearly at WhHsunday and Ma.rtinmas for the previous six months' possession.

II l I I I ..,. .


D ETA I L E D L I S T 0 F F E U S.


I. d. I. d. 6 Meikle Ferry, '· '· Sutherland Roo.d Trus- •s 0 0 Brought for ward, 101 9 to! tees, 300 Bonar Bridge, John Holmes, I 0 0 21 Clash more. Heirs of R . Forsyth, 0 " 3 801 Do. Duncan Macmillan, I • 0 0 zs Do. Do. John Grant, .I 0 0 802 Do. Heirs of Alex. Gordon, 0 10 6 2i Do. Angus Matheson, I 0 0 803 Oo. Georg(' Mu nro, 0 JO s 20 Do. James Mackintosh, I JO 0 80i Do. Heirs or Donald Ross, 0 JO 26 s Do. Heirs of Don>ld Cameron 5 0 0 800 Do. Wm. Campbell, 0 15 0 27 Do. H eino of A. Mockay, 0 JO 0 806 Do IV. Mackay, 0 9 6 Z8 Do. Betsy Murmy, 0 J 0 307 Do. John Cbrk, 0 7 0 29 Do. Do. 0 10 0 (Privilege of Drain u .) 808 Do. Geo. MacGilliVTOy, 0 12 0 80 Do. Alex. Mackay, 0 J( 0 309 Do. Alex. Sutherland, 0 8 JO 81 Do. \Vm. M'Leay, 0 .. 0 810 Do. J. and D. Mackenzie,. 1 0 0 82 Do. Heirs of R. Gordon, J JO 0 811 Do. Heino of Donald Mac· J 0 J O 108 Clash Coig, William Grant, 3 5 0 Intosh. H3• Spinningdale, Ospisdale Feu, t33 8 7 812 Do. Do. of Wm. Gair, 0 '5 0

146 (part of) Do. Heirs of John Gunn, 6 ''7 818 Do. Do. of John Urquhan, o •s 0

102 Do. Alex. Mackenzie, 0 1 2 6 814 Do. JSt Sutherland H.R. 0 ,g 2 Volunteers. 1l)i.9 Do. Heirs of John Ross, 6 8 0 (rri•ilcge or JbkchouK u .) 316-16 Do. Dr. Munay, 0 16 171 Kyloag, Neil Ross, . 0 .. 0 ' • 817 Do. Euphemia Munro, I 3 4 210 (part of) Migdale, James Chisholm, I 7 6 818 Do. Heirs of Alex. Munro, 0 s 0 228 Bonar Bridge, Creich School Boo.rd, . 0 I 0 319 Do. Hugh Matheson, I I 0 2-lO(partof) T ulloch, Euphemia Munro, J 0 0 (Water 1.. ) 820 Do. Alex. M'lntosh, . 0 s 6 2M Sword.tle, Sutherland Combination ••o 0 0 (\Vatu as.) Poor-House. 821 Do. J. A. Polson, J 19 (Watcru.) •I 268 Don:a.r Dridge, Caledonian Dank, 0 2 0 822 Do. Heirs of Andrew Fraser, J 0 0 (Water privllq:n.) 269 Do. J. A. Polson. . 2 4 0 szs Do. J. A. Polson, 0 10 0 (u W2tcr prlwilts:n.) 270 Do Representatives or . 3 0 0 32i Do. Alex. Matheson, 0 10 0 Rebecca Macken•ie. 32~ Do. Heino of Geo. M'Gregor, 0 '3 9 271 Do. Heirs of Robert Mac- 0 10 0 I kenzie 326 Do. Do. of Alex. Mac- I 10 0 kenzie. 272 Do. Do. of Wm. Mackenzie, 0 5 9 827 Do. Donald Mackenzie, r 2 0 278 Do. Do. of Alex. Munro, 0 1 0 0 828 Do. Geo. Anderson, 012 27-l 0 Do. Do. of Sarah· Bethune, o •s 7t (Pri"ilege orDrOl in u.) 829 Do. Jane Cuthbert, 0 12 6 270 Do. Do. of Robt. Munro, I 3 • 380 Do. Heirs of Bernard Camp- 0 12 6 288 Do. George Ross, I 8 0 bell

296 Do. David Finlayson, I 0 5 381 Do. lsabelb Nicolson, 0 ' 7 6 297 Do. J. A. Polson, o •s 0 382 Do. Peter Ross, I '4 0 (Water 2s. ) 298 Do. Elizabeth Macleay, 0 1 0 0 888 Larachan, Creich School Board, . I I 0 (Wattrlt:.) 299 Do. H eirs of Andrew Calder, 0 '4 0 Total, 128 711 ~ Cany forward, I O J 9 JO~

NOTE.-The Feu-Duties, with the exception of those marked •, which are payable at Whitsunday, and the one marked t , which is payable at Whitsunday and Martinma.s, are paid ye arly a.t Martinma.s.