Oothoon Awakening Sexuality and Gender Roles in Visions of the Daughters of Albion
Oothoon Awakening Sexuality and Gender Roles in Visions of the Daughters of Albion GABRIELA SUTTON Visions of the Daughters of Albion, in which William Blake examines the dynamic of gender roles and sexual relations, is a crucial component of his criticism of society and his intensive study of the psychology of liberation, or, in his own particular mythological system, the building of Jerusalem, which “is called Liberty among the Children of Albion” (Jerusalem 54.5). In Blakean literature, each individual must struggle for social justice in a complex, multi-faceted reality that is formed around the fracture and suppression of the deepest aspects of human consciousness—here specifically, real and natural sexuality unfettered by the manmade restrictions of institutionalized heterosexuality and monogamy (Aers 511). His poem examines the widening of the consciousness of Oothoon, a young woman, from innocence to experience, in suffering first the violence of rape and later the unmerited censure of society, and her subsequent assumption of the prophetic voice of the piece. He carefully constructs her radical feminist critique of her own situation and the larger plight of the Daughters of Albion who are “enslaved” by Religion and the Law, which control human society, but leave the dialectic unresolved— with Oothoon bound to Bromion, crying out to the deaf Theotormon—in what could be interpreted as an offering 201 to the reader, as his generation of thinkers looked to the west, to America, where solutions to the problem of gender inequality and sexual repression would hopefully manifest. At the heart of the Visions, then, is the birth of a revolutionary consciousness, as a young woman realizes the magnitude of her potential outside of the fate patriarchy has predetermined for her and demands the freedom to fulfill that potential—a demand that, in Blake’s time, was yet to be met.
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