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2009 Multiple-Time States and Multiple-Time Measurements In Chapman University, [email protected]

Sandu Popescu

Jeff olT laksen Chapman University, [email protected]

Lev Vaidman Tel Aviv University

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Recommended Citation Aharonov, Yakir, Sandu Popescu, Jeff oT llaksen, and Lev Vaidman. "Multiple-time States and Multiple-time Measurements in Quantum Mechanics." Physical Review A 79.5 (2009). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.052110

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Comments This article was originally published in Physical Review A, volume 79, issue 5, in 2009. DOI: 10.1103/ PhysRevA.79.052110

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Multiple-time states and multiple-time measurements in quantum mechanics

Yakir Aharonov,1,2 Sandu Popescu,3,4 Jeff Tollaksen,2 and Lev Vaidman1 1Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel 2Department of Physics, Computational Science, and Engineering, Schmid College of Science, Chapman University, 1 University Drive, Orange, California 92866, USA 3H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, United Kingdom 4Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Stoke Gifford, Bristol BS12 6QZ, United Kingdom ͑Received 13 December 2007; revised manuscript received 10 March 2009; published 12 May 2009͒ We discuss experimental situations that consist of multiple preparation and measurement stages. This leads us to an alternative approach to quantum mechanics. In particular, we introduce the idea of multitime quantum states which are the appropriate tools for describing these experimental situations. We also describe multitime measurements and discuss their relation to multitime states. A consequence of our formalism is to put states and operators on an equal footing. Finally we discuss the implications of our approach to quantum mechanics for the problem of the flow of time.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.052110 PACS number͑s͒: 03.65.Ta

I. INTRODUCTION stages of measurement ͑Fig. 1͒. Multiple-time states refer to these situations. The main aim of this paper is to introduce a type of quan- To avoid any confusion, we want to emphasize from the tum state, a “multiple-time state.” We will also discuss outset that we do not want to modify quantum theory. Our multiple-time measurements and introduce the notion of results are totally and completely part of ordinary quantum “multiple-time measurement states.” mechanics. Furthermore, we want to make it clear that the The simplest situation, namely, two-time states ͑also ordinary formalism of quantum mechanics is perfectly ca- called pre- and postselected states͒ was first discussed by pable of describing every experiment that we consider here, Aharonov et al. ͓1͔ in 1964 and was extensively studied including experiments that consist of many preparation- during the last two decades, both theoretically ͓2͔ and ex- measurement stages. The issue, however, is to get a conve- perimentally ͓3͔. The idea of multitime measurements and nient, compact and illuminating description; as we will show, the first steps toward multitime states were discussed by multiple-time states are ideally suited tools for this purpose. Aharonov and Albert in ͓4͔. The present paper is based on We can, of course, consider such complex experiments in ideas described in the ͑unpublished͒ Ph.D. theses of Vaidman classical physics as well. In that case however the experi- and Popescu ͓5,6͔. Similar questions were treated via differ- ment can always be decomposed into many elementary ex- ent approaches by Griffiths ͓7͔, Gell-Mann and Hartle ͓8͔, periments, each involving a single preparation-measurement Cramer ͓9͔, and Schulman ͓10͔. stage and there is effectively nothing interesting to note. From a mathematical point of view, the “state” of a physi- cal system is nothing other than a compact description of all t the relevant information we have about that system. The usual quantum state is perfectly suited for the simple situa- preparation tions studied routinely in quantum mechanics, namely, ex- t periments that consist of a preparation stage followed by a 4 measurement stage. The state ͉⌿͑͘or the density matrix ␳,if appropriate͒ contains all the information. Based on it, we can measurement predict the probabilities of any measurement. Of course, we may know much more about the preparation stage than what is encoded in the state, such as details about the measuring t3 devices that were used or about the past history of the sys- preparation tem, but as far as the measurement stage is concerned every- t2 thing is encapsulated in ͉⌿͑͘or ␳͒. It is in fact remarkable that for some systems only very few parameters are needed, such as three real numbers for a spin 1/2 particle, while we measurement might know many more things about the preparation ͑such as the magnetic field that may have acted on the spin during its t1 entire history͒. preparation In any case, while the usual quantum state is perfectly suitable for describing the standard experiment as discussed above, we can imagine more complex experiments that con- FIG. 1. An experiment consisting of three “preparation” stages sist of many stages of preparation interspread with many and two “measurement” stages.

1050-2947/2009/79͑5͒/052110͑16͒ 052110-1 ©2009 The American Physical Society AHARONOV et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 052110 ͑2009͒

Quantum mechanically, however, the situation is far more interesting. t2 B=b In the discussion above we referred to quantum states as 〈Φ| being simply the mathematical tools for describing the sys- tem. However, states also have an ontological dimension. |Ψ〉 This is a highly debated issue, which even for the simple t |Ψ〉 case of a standard state ͉⌿͘ is very controversial. Does the 1 state have a “reality” of its own or is it just a mathematical tool for making predictions? Does the state actually collapse ͑ ͒ ͉⌿͘ or is the collapse simply our updating the mathematical de- FIG. 2. a At time t1 the system is prepared in state and at ͑ time t2 an operator B is measured. The outcome of B happens to be scription following the acquisition of new data the results of ͑ ͒ new measurement͒. Is the state a physical entity ͑such as in b, the nondegenerate eigenvalue corresponding to the eigenstate ͉⌽͘. ͑b͒ This situation we describe by the two-time state ͗⌽͉͉⌿͘t Bohm’s pilot wave model͒? Discussing the ontological status t2 1 of multitime states is bound to be even more controversial. It is not our intention to dwell too much on this issue here. Our II. SIMPLE TWO-TIME STATES: main focus is simply to find out what are the parameters that PRE- AND POSTSELECTION describe the system fully; the structure that we uncovered is independent from its interpretation. We will comment how- We will start with some simple situations and set up the ever in the conclusions on our world view in the light of the general formalism afterward. The physical situation, illus- present results. trated in Fig. 2, is the following. There are two preparation Coming now to measurements, we have two aims. The stages, one at t1 and the other at t2, and one measurement first is simply to discuss “multiple-time measurements.” stage that takes place between t1 and t2. The system is pre- ͉⌿͘ These are measurements consisting of multiple measurement pared at time t1 in some quantum state . At a later time, t2 stages, but which cannot be decomposed into separate mea- the system is subjected to the measurement of an observable surements, one for each time. Considering such measure- B and the result B=b is obtained; suppose that b is a nonde- ments is natural in the context of multitime states. Such mea- generate eigenvalue of B corresponding to the eigenstate ͉⌽͘ surements were introduced in ͓4͔. The second aim is to ͑i.e., B͉⌽͘=b͉⌽͒͘. introduce the notion of “measurement state.” Traditionally, More precisely, there are in fact two interesting different the idea of “state” is never associated with measurements; it physical situations that we can consider. In the first case t1 makes however a lot of sense. Indeed, consider first the no- and t2 are both in the past, t1 in the remote past, and t2 in a tion of the state of the system. As discussed above, the state more recent past. In this case, the measurement of B has is nothing other than a compact description of all the relevant already been performed and the result b is the actual result of information about a system, the totality of the parameters this measurement. The other case is when the second prepa- needed to deduce what will happen to the system in any ration did not yet take place. In this case we cannot guarantee conceivable situation. One may know much more about the that the result b will actually be obtained—the measurement system but this knowledge may be redundant. In a similar might very well yield some other result bЈ. Then, if we are way, we can ask what are all the relevant parameters that interested only in the case in which the second preparation describe a measurement; the totality of these parameters will stage yields b, we have no other option but discard the sys- then form a measurement state. For example, consider the tem and start all over again. This is called “postselection.” usual von Neumann measurement. Suppose we measure an observable A. All the relevant information is encoded in the In both the above cases, the entire information about the two preparation stages relevant for the physics in the time projectors Pn corresponding to its eigensubspaces. We may ͓ ͔ ͉⌿͘ ͉⌽͘ know, of course, much more about the measurement ͑de- period t1 ,t2 is contained in the two states and .We tailed information about the measuring device for example͒ now define a two-time state corresponding to this situation but this information is irrelevant. In fact, in theoretical dis- by cussions one very rarely discusses how such a measurement ͗⌽͉͉⌿͘ ͑ ͒ t t . 1 could be performed—the explicit von Neumann measuring 2 1 formalism is mostly restricted to a few textbooks ͓11͔. Then Note that expression ͑1͒ is not a scalar product ͑i.e., it is not we can view each of the projectors Pn as a state describing the complex number ͗⌽͉⌿͒͘ but a mathematical object the measurement, corresponding to the outcome n. While, of which is comprised of a bra and a ket vector with an empty course, in this very simple example the notion of measure- slot in between. In this slot we eventually insert information ment state is trivial, its full force will become apparent when about the measurement period. dealing with multitime measurements. We use this state in the following way. Suppose that the Again, one may ask what the ontological meaning of a particle evolves from t1 to t according to the unitary operator ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ measurement state is. This is, of course, a perfectly legiti- U t,t1 and from t to t2 according to U t2 ,t . Furthermore, mate question. But whatever the ontological meaning is, suppose that at t the particle is subjected to a von Neumann from a formal point of view the set of projectors Pn are all measurement of an observable C. Let Pn be the projector that is needed to describe the von Neumann measurement, so associated to the eigenvalue cn. ͑ ͒ they form a state. For the main part of this paper we will To obtain the probability p C=cn that the measurement ͑ ͒ focus on the mathematical formalism and discuss possible of the observable C yields C=cn given the two-time state 1 ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ interpretations later. we simply insert the “history” U t2 ,t PnU t,t1 in the avail-


͑ able slot, and make the contractions i.e., we apply the op- evolve into pure states. Let Ak be the operator that describes ͑ ͒ ͉⌿͘ ͒ erator U t,t1 to t , then act with the projector Pn, etc. to the evolution given the measurement outcome k, i.e., the 1 ͉⌿͘ ͑ ͒ ͉⌿͘ obtain the complex number initial state evolves into the unnormalized state Ak , ͗⌽͉ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͉͒⌿͘ ͑ ͒ ͉⌿͘ → ͉⌿͘ ͑ ͒ U t2,t PnU t,t1 . 2 Ak . 7 ͑ ͒ The probability p C=cn is then given by The operators Ak are called Krauss operators. They are linear operators and they are arbitrary ͑not necessarily Hermitian͒, 1 p͑C = c ͒ = ͉͗⌽͉U͑t ,t͒P U͑t,t ͉͒⌿͉͘2. ͑3͒ up to the normalization condition n N 2 n 1 † ͑ ͒ ͚ AkAk = I, 8 The normalization constant N is given by k ͉͗⌽͉ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͉͒⌿͉͘2 ͑ ͒ I N = ͚ U t2,t PkU t,t1 4 where is the identity. The probability of obtaining the result k k is given by the norm of the postmeasurement state, namely, ͑ ͒ ͗⌿͉ † ͉⌿͘ ͑ ͒ and ensures that the probabilities for all possible outcomes p k = AkAk , 9 add up to 1. This formula is known as the Aharonov- Bergman-Lebowitz ͑ABL͒ rule ͓1͔. Note that the normaliza- and the normalization condition ensures that the probabilities tion constant N could not have been included in the defini- add up to 1. tion of the state itself because its value depends not only on Note that von Neumann measurements are particular the state but also on the experiment to which the state is cases of detailed POVMs in which the Krauss operators Ak subjected. = Pk are projection operators. Time evolutions can also be easily included into the Krauss operators: A The case of multiple measurements performed between t1 k ͓ ͔ =U͑t ,t͒P U͑t,t ͒ describes a von Neumann measurement and t2 can also be dealt with easily 1 . Consider, for ex- 2 k 1 ample, two von Neumann measurements of the observables preceded and followed by unitary time evolutions. Further- more, a series of von Neumann measurements is also a par- C and D performed at t and tЈ, respectively, and let Pn be the ticular detailed POVM. Indeed the operator projector corresponding to C=cn and Qk be the projector U͑t ,tЈ͒Q U͑tЈ,t͒P U͑t,t ͒ considered in Eq. ͑5͒ above can associated to D=dk. Then 2 k n 1 be viewed as a Krauss operator Ank corresponding to the ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ p„ C = cn & D = dk … outcome given by the pair k,n . For simplicity, from now 1 on, unless explicitly specified otherwise, we consider the ͉͗⌽͉ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͉͒⌿͉͘2 ͑ ͒ = U t2,tЈ QkU tЈ,t PnU t,t1 5 Krauss operators to cover the entire measurement period they N refer to. with Dealing with detailed POVMs in the context of pre- and postselected states is identical to the way in which we dealt ͉͗⌽͉ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͉͒⌿͉͘2 ͑ ͒ N = ͚ U t2,tЈ QjU tЈ,t PlU t,t1 . 6 with von Neumann measurements. We associate Krauss op- j,l erators Ak with the entire experiment that takes place be- tween t and t ͑considering all unitary evolutions as part of Finally, going beyond von Neumann measurements, gen- 1 2 the measurement itself͒ and the probability of obtaining the eral measurements can be described in the positive-operator- result k is given by valued measure ͑POVM͒ formalism. Any measurement can be viewed as an interaction between the measured system 1 p͑k͒ = ͉͗⌽͉A ͉⌿͉͘2, ͑10͒ and the measuring device, followed by “reading” the out- N k come indicated by the measuring device, i.e., by performing a von Neumann measurement on the measuring device itself. where N is a normalization factor which ensures that ͚ ͑ ͒ We will first discuss POVMs in the usual context of a one- kp k =1. time state. A general POVM is different from a detailed POVM in Consider first a “detailed” POVM. In such a measurement that we do not perform a complete reading of the measuring we leave no information unread. That is, we subject the mea- device. To find the probabilities in this case, we can imagine suring device to a complete von Neumann measurement, i.e., that after finishing the original POVM we proceed to read a von Neumann measurement which is such that all the ei- the remaining information but this new information is simply genvalues correspond to one-dimensional projectors. Follow- disregarded. ͑Since the measuring device no longer interacts ing such a measurement, the system ends up in a pure with the system, whether or not we make this supplementary state—it may first get entangled with the measuring device reading of the measuring device makes no difference to the but then the entanglement is destroyed by reading the mea- system.͒ In effect, what we now have is a detailed POVM suring device. ͑Note that as discussed below, following a which is such that to each outcome k of the original POVM general POVM, the system may remain entangled with the correspond a number of different outcomes ͑k,␮͒. All we measuring device.͒ have to do, then, is simply add the probabilities for the dif- A detailed POVM is described by the operators that de- ferent outcomes of the detailed POVM corresponding to the scribe the evolution of a quantum state due to the measure- same k. Formally, to each measurement outcome k of the ment. As noted above, under a detailed POVM pure states original POVM correspond, in general, more Krauss opera-

052110-3 AHARONOV et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 052110 ͑2009͒ tors Ak␮ where the index k refers to the measurement out- repository of all the relevant information about the system. come, and the index ␮ describes different results that could That is, we considered that the system actually is in a state ͉⌿͘ ͉⌿͘ have been differentiated but are lumped together and associ- at time t1, that the state evolves into U1 just prior to ͉⌿͘ ated to the overall outcome k. Again, the Krauss operators the measurement, that it then collapses into PnU1 and so are arbitrary linear operators subject to the condition on. Of course, this usage may seem very appealing from the ͚ † k␮Ak␮Ak␮ =1. For this POVM, the probability of obtaining point of view of an intuition established in standard discus- the result k is given by sions about quantum experiments. Nevertheless, conceptu- ally this is a very different usage of the notion of state. In the 1 ͑ ͒ ͉͗⌽͉ ͉⌿͉͘2 ͑ ͒ p k = ͚ Ak␮ , 11 situation in which we are interested, when we have informa- N ␮ tion about the system at two different times, the two-time state ͑1͒ is the only mathematical object that can be called a where N is a normalization factor that ensures that ͚ p͑k͒ k state in the sense of containing all the relevant information. =1. The full power of this approach will become evident in Sec. We thus conclude that any measurements performed on a III. pre- and postselected system can be described using the mathematical object ͗⌽͉͉⌿͘. We therefore are entitled to view ͗⌽͉͉⌿͘ as the state of the system. III. TWO-TIME STATES Up to this point, however, the situation is rather trivial and ͑ ͒ can be handled quite simply with the standard formalism of Let us now return to the two-time state 1 . Although the quantum mechanics ͑in the manner indicated below͒. It suf- case of pre- and postselection described above can be dealt fices to consider the simplest case of a single von Neumann with relatively simply by the ordinary formalism, our formal- ͗⌽͉͉⌿͘ ism which uses the two-time state t has advantages. measurement discussed above; all other cases can be dealt t2 1 Not only is it more compact, but it also leads us to ask new with in a similar manner. For simplicity, we will write U1 ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ questions that could not be easily articulated in the old lan- =U t,t1 and U2 =U t2 ,t . In the usual formalism we say that ͉⌿͘ ͉⌿͘ guage. the system starts in the state and evolves into U1 just The two-time state is a mathematical object living in a prior to the measurement of C. The probability to obtain cn is H H†  H H Hilbert space = t , where t is the Hilbert space of ͗⌿͉U†P U ͉⌿͑͘12͒ t2 1 1 1 n 1 the states at t and H† is the Hilbert space for t . The dagger 1 t2 2 H† H and the state after the measurement becomes indicates that is a space of bra vectors while t is a t2 1 ͉⌿͘ space of ket vectors. PnU1 . ͑13͒ The remarkable thing about two-time states is that, similar ͱ͗⌿͉ † ͉⌿͘ U1PnU1 to ordinary quantum states, we can form superpositions ͑ ͓ ͔͒ The probability to obtain b, the eigenvalue corresponding to which originally were named generalized states 12 .In H H†  H ͉⌽͘ other words, any vector in = t is a possible state of when measuring B at t2 is the absolute value square of t2 1 the scalar product between ͉⌽͘ and the state ͑13͒ after it the system. undergoes propagation by U2, i.e., Consider the state ͗⌽͉ ͉⌿͘ 2 ␣ ͗⌽ ͉͉⌿ ͘ ␣ ͗⌽ ͉͉⌿ ͘ ͑ ͒ U2PnU1 1 1 1 t + 2 2 2 t , 17 ͯ ͯ . ͑14͒ t2 1 t2 1 ͱ͗⌿͉ † ͉⌿͘ U1PnU1 ͗⌽ ͉ ͗⌽ ͉ ͉⌿ ͘ ͉⌿ ͘ where 1 , 2 , 1 , and 2 are arbitrary states. What The overall probability to obtain cn and then b is does this state represent and how can we prepare it? The answer to this question is obtained by looking at the prob- ͗⌽͉U P U ͉⌿͘ 2 ͯ 2 n 1 ͯ ͗⌿͉U†P U ͉⌿͘ = ͉͗⌽͉U P U ͉⌿͉͘2. abilities for different measurements when the system is in ͱ͗⌿͉ † ͉⌿͘ 1 n 1 2 n 1 U1PnU1 this state. Suppose that at time t, between t1 and t2 we mea- ͑15͒ sure an observable C and let the projection operator corre- sponding to the eigenvalue cn be denoted by Pn. Applying This, however, is the probability to obtain cn and then b. The the rule used for simple two-time states, the probability for conditional probability to obtain cn given that the measure- obtaining cn is given by ment of B obtained b is given by the usual conditional prob- 1 ability formula, by dividing the above probability by the p͑C = c ͒ = ͉␣ ͗⌽ ͉U P U ͉⌿ ͘ + ␣ ͗⌽ ͉U P U ͉⌿ ͉͘2. overall probability to obtain b ͑given that we measured C at n N 1 1 2 n 1 1 2 2 2 n 1 2 ͒ t , i.e., ͑18͒ ͉͗⌽͉U P U ͉⌿͉͘2 2 n 1 , ͑16͒ One way to prepare a two-time state that leads to this result ͚ ͉͗⌽͉U P U ͉⌿͉͘2 is the following. Consider our system and a supplementary k 2 k 1 particle, an ancilla. Consider now an ordinary pre- and post- which yields our formula ͑3͒. The case of multiple measure- selection as described before, but this time let both the pre- ments can be handled in a similar way. selected state and the postselected state be entangled states Note however that in this standard way of computing we between the system and the ancilla. Specifically, let the state use the notion of “state” in an ontological way, not as a at t1 be


S A S A ͉⌿ ͘ ͉1͘ + ͉⌿ ͘ ͉2͘ ͑19͒ t2 t2 1 t1 t1 2 t1 t1 and the state at t2 be ␣ A ͗1͉S ͗⌽ ͉ + ␣ A ͗2͉S ͗⌽ ͉, ͑20͒ 1 t2 t2 1 2 t2 t2 2 where the indices S and A denote the system and the ancilla. The two-time state for the two particles is then ͑␣ A ͗1͉ S ͗⌽ ͉ + ␣ A ͗2͉ S ͗⌽ ͉͒ ͉͑⌿ ͘S ͉1͘A + ͉⌿ ͘S ͉2͘A ͒. 1 t2 t2 1 2 t2 t2 2 1 t1 t1 2 t1 t1 t1 t1 ͑21͒ SAS Suppose now that we perform a measurement on the system a) b) while the ancilla is left completely undisturbed—no mea- FIG. 3. ͑a͒ The system S interacts with the ancilla A. The arrows surement is performed on it and its Hamiltonian is zero. represent states propagating “forward” and “backward” in time, i.e., Since neither the projection operator Pn associated with the ket and bra vectors. The wiggled line connecting the forward in measurement that is performed on the system nor the unitary time propagating states ͑i.e., ket vectors͒ describes ͑arbitrary͒ en- evolutions U1 and U2 affect the ancilla, we obtain tanglement. The continuous line connecting the backward in time ͑ ͒ p͑C = c ͒ propagating states i.e., bra vectors illustrates maximal entangle- n ment. More precisely, since it refers to the bra vectors, it denotes 1 post-selecting the maximally entangled state for the system and the = ͉͑␣ ͗1͉͗⌽ ͉ + ␣ ͗2͉͗⌽ ͉͒U P U ͉͑⌿ ͉͘1͘ + ͉⌿ ͉͘2͉͒͘2 N 1 1 2 2 2 n 1 1 2 ancilla. The dotted line illustrates how entanglement is transferred from the ancilla onto the system. The diagram ͑b͒ illustrates the 1 same situation as ͑a͒ but from the point of view of the system alone. = ͉␣ ͗⌽ ͉U P U ͉⌿ ͘ + ␣ ͗⌽ ͉U P U ͉⌿ ͉͘2. ͑22͒ N 1 1 2 n 1 1 2 2 2 n 1 2 So as long as we are interested in the system alone and ͚ ␣ ͗j͉͉i͘ . ͑25͒ ij t2 t1 trace over the ancilla the system is described by Eq. ͑17͒. i,j The state ͑17͒ is a pure, entangled two-time state. The en- tanglement is between the states of the system at the two To prepare this state we start with our quantum system and different moments of time, more precisely between the “for- an ancilla in the preselected state ward in time” propagating states prepared at t1 and the “backward in time” propagating states prepared at t2. Note that there are many other—in fact infinitely many ͚ ␣ ͉i͘S ͉j͘A , ͑26͒ ij t1 t1 other ways—in which the state ͑17͒ can be prepared. For i,j example we can preselect ␤ ͉⌿ ͘S ͉ ͘A ͑ ͒ which is a “map” of the desired state. We then postselect the ͚ i i i 23 t1 t1 maximally entangled state i=1,2 and postselect SA͗⌽+͉ = ͚ S ͗n͉A ͗n͉. ͑27͒ S A t2 t2 t2 ͚ ␥ ͗⌽ ͉ ͗j͉͑24͒ n j t2 i t2 j=1,2 ␥ ␤ ␣ ͑ ͒ with i i = i. This freedom in preparing the state 17 is This can be done, for example, by measuring the well known similar to the freedom in the way in which an ordinary den- Bell operator and selecting the appropriate result. By postse- sity matrix for a system can be obtained by entanglement lecting the maximally entangled state ͉⌽+͘, we effectively with an ancilla—there are infinitely many pure entangled transfer the state of the ancilla into the backward-in-time states that lead to the same reduced density matrix for the propagating state of the system. In other words, postselecting system. on the maximally entangled state ͉⌽+͘ acts as a channel by The generalization of state ͑17͒ and of its method of which a ket vector of the ancilla is transformed into a bra preparation ͓Eqs. ͑23͒ and ͑24͔͒ to a superposition with an vector of the system ͑see Fig. 3͒. arbitrary number of terms is obvious. Indeed, the pre- and postselected state of system+ancilla Yet another way to prepare arbitrary superpositions of is two-time states is to put all information about the two-time state in the initial state of the system and ancilla and to use a ␣ SA͗⌽+͉͉ ͘S͉ ͘A ͑ ͒ standard postselection to transfer information from the an- ͚ ij i j . 28 cilla onto the system ͑Fig. 3͒. The simplest way to describe ij this method is to use a decomposition of the desired two- ͗ ͉͉ ͘ H time state using orthonormal basis vectors j i t in t2 1 When only measurements on the system are concerned, we H†  H = t . Consider an arbitrary two-time state can contract the ancilla states obtaining t2 1

052110-5 AHARONOV et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 052110 ͑2009͒

␣ SA͗⌽+͉͉ ͘S͉ ͘A ␣ A͗ ͉S͗ ͉͉ ͘S͉ ͘A ͚ ij i j = ͚ ij n n i j ij ijn t4 ␣ S͗ ͉͉ ͘S A͗ ͉ ͘A = ͚ ij n i n j ijn

= ͚ ␣ S͗n͉͉i͘S␦ = ͚ ␣ ͗j͉͉i͘ , ij nj ij t2 t1 t3 t3 ijn i,j ͑29͒ t2 t2 which is the desired state ͑25͒. Until now, we discussed two-time states of a single quan- tum system. Of course, any number of particles can be grouped together into a single system, so the discussion was t1 t1 completely general. We may, however, find it convenient to describe different particles separately. Consider for example a quantum system composed of two particles, A and B.A a)b) general pure two-time state is

A B A B ͚ ␣ ͗i͉ ͗j͉͉k͘ ͉l͘ . ͑30͒ t4 ijkl t2 t2 t1 t1 ijkl t3 t3 In general, such a state is entangled both between the two particles, as well as between the two times. For example there are states in which the postselected state of particle A is entangled with the preselected state of particle B, etc. Finally, we note that along with pure two-time states we t2 t2 can have mixed two-time states. A mixture arises when we t t prepare different pure two-time states with different prob- 1 1 abilities. c) d) IV. MULTIPLE-TIME STATES FIG. 4. Different multi-time situations. In ͑a͒ both the past and The two-time states discussed above are just the simplest the future are well defined, i.e., they are part of “preparation” example of multiple-time states. They correspond to the situ- stages. In ͑b͒ the future is uncertain, in ͑c͒ the past is uncertain ation in which there is one measurement stage sandwiched while in ͑d͒ both the future and the past are uncertain. between two preparation stages, as illustrated in Fig. 2. Our and measurements, any physical state of a quantum system formalism however applies equally well to situations consist- can be described by a vector ⌿ in H or by mixtures of such ing of multiple preparation and measurement stages. vectors. Furthermore, to any vector or any mixture of vectors Consider an experiment as illustrated in Fig. 4. To each in H corresponds a physical state of the system. time boundary between a preparation period followed by a In the above, the word “mixture” is taken to have the measurement period we associate a Hilbert space of ket vec- same two different meanings as in standard quantum me- tors and to each time boundary between a measurement pe- chanics: ͑a͒ the preparer throws a die and prepares a different riod followed by a preparation period we associate a Hilbert multitime state for each outcome; when the preparer gives us space of bra vectors. The total Hilbert space is the tensor the state but does not inform us about the outcomes of the product of the Hilbert spaces for all the time boundaries, die, from our point of view we have a mixture and ͑b͒ the H H͑·͒   H†  H  H†   H͑·͒ = ... t ... . Note that the tn tk+1 k tk−1 t1 multitime state of the system is entangled with an ancilla. bra and ket Hilbert spaces alternate due to the alternation of For simplicity, in the present paper we restrict ourselves to preparation and measurement periods. Furthermore, note the case of “pure” multitime states. A density matrix formu- also that we marked the first and last Hilbert spaces with the lation for mixed multitime states will be developed else- index ͑·͒ to denote the presence or absence of †. This is where. because there are four different cases ͑Fig. 4͒ depending on It is important to note that, unlike in standard quantum whether the first and last Hilbert spaces are bra or ket spaces, theory, we do not require the multitime states to be normal- i.e., whether the procedure starts ͑ends͒ with a preparation or ized. This is because there is no advantage in normalizing the measurement period. Which of these four cases occurs de- multitime states. Indeed, normalization of multitime states pends on whether the past and future are uncertain or well does not automatically imply normalization of the probabili- defined. We will discuss the significance of the difference ties of measurement outcomes. Normalization of probabili- between these four cases shortly. ties is an issue that can only be resolved when it is known We are now ready to state the basic result of our paper. what measurements were actually performed. For any given Let ⌿ denote a state in H. set of measurements the state ⌿ prescribes only the relative Theorem. In the case of multiple periods of preparation probabilities of the different outcomes of the measurements


and the normalization of the probabilities is then calculated ͚ ␣ ͗l͉͉k͘ ͗j͉͉i͘ . ͑32͒ ijkl t4 t3 t2 t1 so that the total probability is 1. Ultimately this stems from ijkl the fact that the overall probability to prepare such a state depends on the probabilities of success of the different post- Let us denote the Krauss operators acting in the first and selections involved, and these probabilities depend not only second measurement periods by A␮ and B␯, respectively, ␮ ␯ on what happens during the preparation times but also on the where and denote the corresponding results. ͑ ͒ measurements to which the state is subjected. This is differ- Acting on state 32 with the Krauss operators according ent from the case of ordinary one-time states which are pre- to step 1 above, we obtain pared in advance; the probability of preparation is in this ͚ ␣ ͗l͉B␯͉k͘ ͗j͉A␮͉i͘ ͑33͒ ijkl t4 t3 t2 t1 case equal to 1 and it is independent of the measurement to ijkl which the system is thereafter subjected. Finally, note that when discussing the case of multiple which is a complex number. According to step 2, the relative quantum systems, we may have a different number of prepa- probability to obtain the results ␮ and ␯ is the norm-squared ration and measurement stages for each system. For example of this complex number. Dividing these relative probabilities by their sum ͑step 3͒ we obtain the absolute probabilities of ͉⌿ ͘A A ͗⌿ ͉͉⌿ ͘A ͉⌽͘B ͑31͒ ␮ ␯ 3 t3t2 2 1 t1 t1 the results and , 1 represents a state of two quantum systems, A and B in which ͑␮ ␯͒ ␣ ͗ ͉ ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉ ͉ ͘ 2 ͑ ͒ p , = ͚ͯ ijkl l B␯ k t j A␮ i t ͯ , 34 system A is subjected to two preparation stages, from t= N t4 3 t2 1 ϱ ijkl − to t1 and from t2 to t3 while system B is subjected to a ϱ ͚ ͑␮ ␯͒ single preparation stage, from t=− to t1. This idea general- where N is such that ␮,␯ p , =1. izes easily for multiple particles and multiple times. A second example corresponds to the situation illustrated in Fig. 4͑d͒. In this example, both the future and the past are uncertain, i.e., they belong to the experimentalist who per- V. MEASUREMENT PROBABILITIES forms measurements not to the preparer. There are three ͑ Ͻ ͒ ͑ Ͻ Ͻ ͒ ͑ Ͻ ͒ FOR MULTITIME STATES measurement periods t t1 , t2 t t3 , and t4 t . The four-time state corresponding to this situation is As in the case of two-time states, the meaning of the multitime states is defined by the probabilities they yield ͚ ␣ ͉l͘ ͗k͉͉j͘ ͗i͉. ͑35͒ ijkl t4t3 t2t1 when the system is subjected to measurements. The prob- ijkl abilities for the outcomes of different measurements are ob- Let A␮, B␯, and C␰ denote the Krauss operators correspond- tained from multitime states in a very similar way to that in ing to the measurements performed in the three measurement which they are obtained from one- and two-time states. Con- periods and ␮, ␯, and ␰ denote the corresponding results. sider first the case of detailed POVMs. To obtain the prob- Then the first step is to act on the state with the Krauss ability of a given outcome we must: ͑ ͒ operators. The result of acting with the Krauss operator and i Step 1. Act on the multitime state with the correspond- making all the contractions ͑all the scalar products͒ is ing Krauss operators, i.e., insert the Krauss operators in the appropriate slots and make all the scalar products with the ͚ ␣ C␰͉l͘ ͗k͉B␯͉j͘ ͗i͉A␮, ͑36͒ ijkl t4t3 t2t1 bra and ket vectors to which they apply. ͑Note that if in a ijkl certain measurement period nothing is done, this corresponds which is a tensor product between ket and bra vectors corre- to a Krauss operator that is simply the identity͒ ͑ ͒ sponding to the initial and final time, respectively. Indeed, ii Step 2. Compute the norm-squared of the resulting ͗ ͉ ͉ ͘ note that in the above formula k B␯ j t is just a complex vector. Note that the four cases discussed in the previous t3 2 ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉ number while C␰ l t and i A␮ are uncontracted vectors. section ͑i.e., uncertain or well-defined future and past͒ are 4 t1 slightly different: indeed, after acting with the Krauss opera- According to step 2, the relative probability to obtain the tors we end either with a ket, a bra, a superposition of tensor results ␮, ␯, and ␰ is the norm-squared of this vector. Divid- products of a ket and a bra or just a complex number. Com- ing these relative probabilities by their sum ͑step 3͒ we ob- puting the norm has to be done in the appropriate way. tain the absolute probabilities of the results ͑ ͒ iii Step 3. Normalize the probabilities. That is, do steps 1 ͑␮ ␯ ␰͒ ␣ ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉ ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉ 2 1 and 2 for each particular outcome—this will determine the p , , = Ͱ͚ ijklC␰ l t k B␯ j t i A␮Ͱ 4t3 2t1 relative probabilities of the outcomes. To obtain the absolute N ijkl probabilities divide all the relative probabilities by their sum. 1 ͘ ͗ ͉ †͉ ͘ ͉ † ͉ ͗ ␣ ء␣ We now consider two examples. First consider the four- = ͚ ijkl lЈ C␰C␰ l t jЈ B␯ kЈ t N iЈjЈkЈlЈ t4 4t2 3 time state corresponding to the situation illustrated in Fig. ijkliЈjЈkЈlЈ 4͑a͒ in which there is a well-defined past and future ͑deter- ϫ ͗ ͉ ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉ † ͉ ͘ ͑ ͒ k B␯ j t i A␮A␮ iЈ t , 37 mined by the initial preparation and final post-selection͒ and t3 2t1 1 two measurement periods ͑t ϽtϽt ͒ and ͑t ϽtϽt ͒. The ͚ ͑␮ ␯ ␰͒ 1 2 3 4 where N is such that ␮,␯,␰p , , =1. multitime state ⌿ for this example is a vector in the Hilbert It is important to note that when dealing with multitime H H†  H  H†  H space = t t and can be expanded in t4 3 t2 1 states that describe a situation with multiple measurement terms of basis states as periods, in order to be able to predict the probabilities for the

052110-7 AHARONOV et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 052110 ͑2009͒ outcomes of a given measurement we need, in general, in- formation about all the measurement periods, not only the t8 ones when the measurement takes place. Indeed, it is easy to see that what happens in other periods may influence the ͑relative͒ probabilities of the different outcomes. Consider t7 for example the four-time state ͚ ͗⌽͉͉i͘ ͗i͉͉⌿͘ where the it t3t t1 t6 t ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉ 4 2 6 states i t and i form complete bases in their Hilbert 3 t2 spaces. This state describes a situation with two measure- ment stages, from t1 to t2 and from t3 to t4. Suppose now that t5 t5 a measurement takes place from t3 to t4, and suppose also t4 that during the period from t1 to t2 some action is performed on the system, say a unitary evolution U. Then the probabili- ties p͑k͒ turn out to be t3

t2 t 1 2 p͑k͒ = ͉͗⌽͉A U͉⌿͉͘2, ͑38͒ N k

t1 t1 where Ak are the corresponding Krauss operators. Clearly these probabilities depend on U. Similarly, also in the case a) when the measurement takes place first, ͑i.e., measurement b) between t1 and t2 and unitary evolution between t3 and t4, the FIG. 5. ͑a͒ The second and the fourth “measurement” stages, probabilities are also influenced by U. In this case i.e., from t3 to t4 and from t7 to t8 are correlated with each other but not with the other two “measurement” stages. If we are interested in 1 measurements that occurred during the first and the third stages, the ͑ ͒ ͉͗⌽͉ ͉⌿͉͘2 ͑ ͒ p k = UAk . 39 ͑ ͒ N second and the fourth stages are irrelevant. b An effective state describing the periods t1 to t2 and t5 to t6 can be obtained simply by Basically, what happens during one time period influences ignoring the other stages. what happens during another time period via the correlations between the vectors associated with these periods. The only 1 2 p͑␭͒ = ʈP␭͉⌿͘ʈ , ͑41͒ case when we do not need to know information about all the N periods is when some periods effectively decouple from the rest, i.e, when the vectors that refer to these measuring peri- ods are not entangled with vectors from any other measure- where P␭ is the projector associated to the eigenvalue ␭ of ment period ͑see Fig. 5͒. In this case we can reduce the the measured observable and where N=͗⌿͉⌿͘. multitime state to an effective state covering only the con- nected periods of interest. Finally, the formalism can be made far more compact in VI. PREPARING MULTITIME STATES I the following way. When there are multiple measurement periods, each characterized by its Krauss operator, we can There are many ͑infinite͒ ways of preparing multitime define a global Krauss operator as the tensor product of the states. Here we will present one particular method, which is individual operators corresponding to the different measure- a generalization of the last method of preparing two-time ment periods. For example, when there are two measurement states presented in Sec. III. Yet another way to prepare two- periods, such as in the first example above, one described by time and multiple-time states is to perform multiple-time A␮ and one by B␯ we can define the total Krauss operator measurements which will be analyzed in Sec. IX ͓13͔. K␭ =A␮  B␯ where the index ␭ describes now the outcome In this section we discuss multiple-time states in which of the two measurements and is, in this case, nothing other the first time corresponds to a ket vector, that is, in which the than the pair ͑␮,␯͒. Then the probability formula is whole experiment starts with a preparation period. The cases that start with a measurement period are discussed in the next section. We exemplify our method for an arbitrary four- 1 2 p͑␭͒ = ʈK␭ · ⌿ʈ ͑40͒ ͓ ͑ ͔͒ N times state Fig. 4 a ; generalizations are obvious. The preparation procedure is illustrated in Fig. 6. Consider the four-time state with N such that ͚␭p͑␭͒=1. Here by the dot product K␭ ·⌿, we simply mean that every bra ͑ket͒ vector belonging to K␭ is contracted with the ket vector belonging to ⌿ and corre- ͚ ␣ ͗l͉͉k͘ ͗j͉͉i͘ . ͑42͒ sponding to the same time and the contraction is the scalar ijklt4 t3t2 t1 ijkl product. This formula is the direct equivalent of the well- known formula for determining the probability of a von Neu- We start by using three ancillas and preparing at t1 the mann measurement in a standard one-time experiment, state


which the forward-in-time propagating state of the ancilla is entangled with the backward-in-time propagating state of the system. In particular the swap operator allows for the transfer of ket vectors of ancilla into ket vectors of the system and of bra vectors of the ancilla into bra vectors of the system. The overall procedure for preparing state ͑42͒ is the fol- lowing: ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ i At t1 prepare the entangled state 43 of the system and of the ancillas. ͑ ͒ Ͻ Ͻ ii At time tЈ, t2 tЈ t3 perform the swap operation SS,A2 between the system and ancilla A2. The system is kept un- disturbed at all other times between t2 and t3. ͑ ͒ Ͻ Ͻ iii At time tЉ, tЈ tЉ t4 perform a Bell operator mea- surement on ancillas A1 and A2 and postselect the maximally ͉⌽+͘ entangled state A1,A2. ͑ ͒ iv At t4 perform a Bell operator measurement on the S A2 A1 A3 S system S and ancilla A3 and postselect the maximally en- ͉⌽+͘ tangled state S,A3. a) b) The resulting state of the system and ancillas is

͑ ͒ S,A3 + A1,A2 + S,A2 S A1 A2 A3 FIG. 6. a The system S and the three ancillas, A1, A2 and A3 ͗⌽ ͉ ͗⌽ ͉S ͚ ␣ ͉i͘ ͉j͘ ͉k͘ ͉l͘ . ͑46͒ t4 tЉ tЈ ijkl t1 t1 t1 t1 start in an entangled state that gets transferred onto the system via ijkl the interactions of the system and the ancillas and via appropriate ͑ post-selections. The continuous line describes maximal entangle- By contracting the states of the ancillas i.e., by making the ͒ ment while the wiggled line describes arbitrary entanglement and appropriate scalar products and by propagating in time the arrows represent states propagating “forward” and “backward” ͑without any change, since the system is undisturbed during ͒ in time, i.e., ket and bra vectors. Note the SWAP interaction between these times the state of the system, the bra from tЈ to t2 and Ј ͑ ͒ the system S and the ancilla A2; it is nothing other that maximal the ket from t to t3 we obtain the desired state 42 . The entanglement between bra states of the system and ket states of the procedure is illustrated in Fig. 6. There the transfer of the ancilla and vice versa. The dotted line illustrates how entanglement ancilla states onto the system can be seen clearly. is transferred from the ancillas onto the system. The diagram ͑b͒ Preparing a state for the case when the first period is a illustrates the same situation as ͑a͒ but from the point of view of the preparation and the last period is a measurement period, i.e., system alone. a state in which both the first and the last vectors are kets is done by a simple modification of the procedure described ␣ ͉ ͘ ͉ ͘ ͉ ͘ ͉ ͘ ͑ ͒ above. Consider for example the three-time state ͚ ijkl i S j A1 k A2 l A3 43 ijkl ͚ ␣ ͉k͘ ͗j͉͉i͘ . ͑47͒ ijk t3t2 t1 which is a map of the desired state ͑42͒. The ancillas are kept ijk undisturbed except when we use them to transfer their states We prepare it in the same way as the four-time state above, onto the system. The transfer is performed via postselection only that the last ancilla, and therefore all the actions involv- of maximally entangled states and SWAP operations. ing it, are missing. That is we start from the state The role of maximally entangled states as channels for transforming ket states of the ancilla into bra vectors of the ␣ ͉ ͘ ͉ ͘ ͉ ͘ ͑ ͒ ͚ ijk i S j A1 k A2 48 system was discussed in Sec. III and illustrated in Fig. 3. The ijk swap operation has a similar role. Indeed, the swap S1,2 is a unitary operator that swaps the states of two quantum sys- and we perform the exact procedure described above, except tems, S and A the final measurement at t4. ͉ ͘ ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉ ͗ ͉ ͑ ͒ SSA = ͚ j S i A A j S i . 44 ij VII. PAST AND FUTURE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Note that this operator can also be written as In the previous section we discussed experiments which start with a preparation stage. Correspondingly, the multitime ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉ ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉ ͑ ͒ SSA = ͚ͩ i AS i ͚ͪͩ j SA j ͪ, 45 states that describe them start with a ket vector. However, we i j mentioned in our general theorem that we can also consider which is a product of two mathematical objects, each of them experiments that start with a measurement stage, and thus the looking like a maximally entangled state, but one in which a corresponding multitime states start with a bra vector. At first ket is entangled with a bra. The swap operator then repre- sight this seems puzzling. Indeed, there is always some state sents two entangled channels, one in which the forward-in- prepared in the remote past, either explicitly prepared by the time propagating state of the system is entangled with the experimentalist or naturally occurring. So it seems that we backward-in-time propagating state of the ancilla and one in should always start with a ket vector. The key however is to

052110-9 AHARONOV et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 052110 ͑2009͒

͒ which the kets at t0 come with equal probability . It is worth at this point looking in more detail at the “fu- ture boundary condition” as well. By analogy with the past t1 boundary condition, we conclude that the future is akin to the postselection of the identity density matrix. In other words, 〈Ψ| we can view the standard one-time state ͉⌿͘ either as a pure t1 one-time state or as a two-time mixture ͑in which the bra Ͼ ͒ FIG. 7. A simple one-time state with uncertain past. vectors at t2 t1 come with equal probability . Finally, similar arguments show that we can prepare states in which a given time boundary does not have a correspond- realize that this problem can be avoided if we make the past ing bra or ket vector, just by making this boundary com- “neutral,” i.e., if we arrange a situation such that all states pletely uncertain. For example, in the situation described in coming from the remote past toward our experiment are ͑ ͒ ͓ ͔ Fig. 4 b , to which we would generally associate a three-time equally probable 14 . In other words, a neutral past is one in ͚ ␣ ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉͉ ͘ state ijk ijk k t j i t we can also prepare an effective which the initial state of the system is not any pure state but 3t2 1 an equal mixture of all possible states, i.e., ͑up to normaliza- two-time state of the form tion͒ the identity density matrix. This can be done for ex- ͚ ␤ ͉k͘ ͉i͘ ͑52͒ ik t3 t1 ample by actually starting the experiment with a preparation ik stage in the remote past, in which we maximally entangle the system with an ancilla. by making the “future” boundary condition at t2 completely An example suffices - all multitime states starting with a uncertain. bra vector can be constructed in a similar way. Consider the To conclude the last two sections, we showed that any one-time state ͗⌿͉ which is supposed to describe the situa- multitime state can be prepared. There are many ways to t1 tion illustrated in Fig. 7 where the experiment consists of a prepare them, and the general method presented here may measurement period followed by a preparation. not be the most efficient, that is, the probability for the suc- According to our definitions, the meaning of this state is cess of all the required post-selections may not be optimal, that if during the measurement period we perform a detailed Indeed, we did not make an optimality study here. However, the main point, namely that all these states are possible, has POVM described by the Krauss operators Ak, the probability to obtain the outcome k is given, up to normalization, by the been made. ͓ ͔ ͗⌿͉ norm 15 of the vector t Ak, i.e., 1 VIII. PARTICULAR EXAMPLES OF MULTITIME STATES 1 p͑k͒ = ͗⌿͉A A†͉⌿͘. ͑49͒ An interesting case is the two-time state N k k n A procedure for obtaining ͗⌿͉ is to prepare the pre- and t1 ͚ ͉i͘ ͗i͉, ͑53͒ t2t1 postselected state of the system and ancilla i=1 S + SA ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉ ͗⌿͉͉⌽ ͘ , ͑50͒ where the vectors i t and i , respectively, form complete t t 2 t1 1 0 H H† orthonormal bases in 2 and , respectively. Here the vec- where t Ͻt and where ͉⌽+͘SA is the maximally entangled 1 0 1 tors propagating backward in time at t1 are completely cor- state ͑27͒. Note that the ancilla A is then left unmeasured. ͑ related with those propagating forward in time at t2, i.e., the One can explicitly see that this state is equivalent to ͗⌿͉. ͒ t1 bra vectors at t1 and the kets at t2 are “maximally” en- Indeed, tangled. In effect they form an identity operator. ͑Note that 1 this is very similar to the ordinary entanglement of two par- ͑ ͒ SA͗⌽+͉ †͉⌿͘S S ͗⌿͉ ͉⌽+͘SA p k = t Ak t t Ak t ticles in a singlet type state, but here it is entanglement be- N 0 1 1 0 tween bra and ket vectors and represents total correlations in 1 all possible bases while total correlations are impossible in A ͗ ͉S ͗ ͉ †͉⌿͘S S ͗⌿͉ ͉ ͘S ͉ ͘A = ͚ t n t n Ak t t Ak͚ m t m t the case of entanglement between two sets of ket states—the N 0 0 1 1 0 0 n m singlet state represents total anticorrelation not total correla- 1 tion.͒ Most importantly, this state can be prepared by simply = ͚ ␦ S ͗n͉A†͉⌿͘S S ͗⌿͉A ͉m͘S nm t0 k t1t1 k t0 leaving the system unperturbed between t1 and t2. In this N nm case any information reaching t1 is then propagated to t2. For 1 example the state = ͚ S ͗⌿͉A ͉n͘S S ͗n͉A†͉⌿͘S t1 k t0t0 k t1 N n n ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉͉⌿͘ ͑ ͒ ͚ i t i t 54 1 2t1 0 = S͗⌿͉A A†͉⌿͘S. ͑51͒ i=1 N k k is ͑up to normalization͒ nothing other than the standard state Incidentally, this means that we can view the state ͗⌿͉ ͉⌿͘ as one can see by verifying that all the probabilities for t1 t0 both as a one-time pure state and as a two-time mixture, ͑in all the possible measurements are the same for Eq. ͑54͒ and


͉⌿͘ ␴ for t . This example contains a most important message: a time to shift it proportional to − x. Indeed, the time evolu- 0 ␴ ͑ ͒ −ip x time interval when nothing happens, such as between t1 and tion corresponding to the first interaction is U t1 =e ␴ t2 here, is equivalent to a preparation in which the backward- which is a shift operator shifting q by the value x while the in-time and the forward-in-time propagating vectors emanat- evolution corresponding to the second interaction is a shift ␴ ͑ ͒ ip x ␴ ing from this time interval are “maximally” entangled. operator U t2 =e representing a shift of q by − x. Assum- Another interesting state is ing that during the time interval between the two measure- ments the pointer is preserved in an undisturbed quantum ͚ ͗i͉͉i͘ . ͑55͒ state ͑i.e., the effective Hamiltonian of the measuring device t2 t1 i is zero between the two interactions with the spin͒ the Heisenberg equations of motion show that ͓16͔ Here the vectors propagating forward in time at t1 are com- pletely correlated ͑i.e., maximally entangled͒ with those q = q + ␴ ͑t ͒ − ␴ ͑t ͒. ͑57͒ propagating backward in time at t2. This state represents a final initial x 1 x 2 “closed time loop”—any information that reaches time t2 is “propagated” back to time t . As the initial position of the pointer is known, qinitial=0, the 1 ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ final value of q indicates x t1 − x t2 . Furthermore, note IX. MULTIPLE-TIME MEASUREMENTS that since we did not read the position of the pointer after the first interaction, when the whole measurement is finished we ␴ ͑ ͒ Up to this point when we discussed measurements we no longer have the possibility of finding out what x t1 was. ␴ ͑ ͒ considered the usual quantum mechanical measurements, Also we cannot find out what x t2 was because we do not such as measuring the observable C at time t. But such mea- know the position of the pointer before the second interac- surements are very simple in the sense that they are “one- tion. time” measurements. One can consider far more complex The second way to perform such a measurement relies on measurements, namely multitime measurements ͓4͔;itis the method of nonlocal measurements ͓17͔. It involves two very natural to consider such measurements here, when dis- independent measuring devices one interacting with the spin cussing multitime states. at t1 and the other interacting at t2. Let the two pointers be A simple example of a two-time observable is described by q1 ,p1 and q2 ,p2, respectively, and let the inter- ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ x t1 − x t2 , the difference between the x component of the action Hamiltonian be spin of a spin 1/2 particle at two different times ͓here the ␴ ͑ ͒ ␦͑ ͒ ␴ ␦͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ notation x t1 means the Heisenberg representation of the Hint = t − t1 p1 x − t − t2 p2 x. 58 ␴ ͔ operator x at time t1 . We would like to emphasize that ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ x t1 − x t2 is a “two-time observable” in the sense that it To ensure that we do not get any information about the spin refers to two different times, not in the sense that it is, or it at t1 and t2 but only about the difference we prepare the ͉ ͘ has to be, described in a multitime formalism; nevertheless, pointers in the entangled state q1 −q2 =0, p1 +p2 =0 . In this as we show below, a multiple-state-like description is the state the initial position of each pointer is completely uncer- most appropriate. The important thing to note is that this is tain so by reading their indications after the measurement we ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ an observable that gives the value zero in the case when the cannot infer x t1 and x t2 separately, only their differ- x component of the spin is the same at the two times, but ence. ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ does not offer any information about the actual value of the x While the observable x t1 − x t2 clearly represents the component. Measuring this operator is therefore not equiva- difference in the x component of the spin at times t1 and t2, lent to measuring the x component of the spin at t1, followed its actual significance in the context of the usual quantum by another measurement at t2, and finally subtracting the setting is subtle and somewhat obscure; its significance be- values of the results. Indeed, such a measurement would comes natural however in the context of multitime prepara- yield too much information: it would tell the actual value of tions. the spin at the both times, not only the difference. How to In the usual setting one starts by preparing a state, say ͓ ͔ ͉⌿͑ ͒͘ measure such an observable has been described in 4 and we t0 at t0 and then subjects the system to a measurement describe it here for completeness. which, in our case, takes place at t1 and t2. In this situation it Two ways to accomplish the above task are the following. is natural to want to relate the measured observable to the In the first method we use a single measuring device that we properties of the preparation that took place at t0. What hap- ␴͑ ͒ couple to the spin twice, once at t1 and once at t2. Following pens however is that in general t2 is different from what it the von Neumann measuring procedure ͓11͔ we consider a would have been had the interaction with the measuring de- measuring device consisting of a pointer whose position is vice at t1 not occurred. Consequently the measured observ- ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ denoted q and its conjugate momentum p. The initial state able x t1 − x t2 is also different from what it would have of the measuring device is the pointer indicating zero, i.e., been, had we not performed the measurement but simply ͉q=0͘. The measuring device interacts with the spin via the calculate it on the initial state. Indeed, let the spin evolve interaction Hamiltonian under the Hamiltonian H0. If no other interactions take place then the observables ␴ ͑t ͒ and ␴ ͑t ͒ are given in terms of H = ␦͑t − t ͒p␴ − ␦͑t − t ͒p␴ . ͑56͒ x 1 x 2 int 1 x 2 x the Schrodinger operators by The first time the coupling is such as to shift the pointer’s /ប͑ ͒ /ប͑ ͒ ␴ ␴ ͑ ͒ iH0 t1−t0 ␴ −iH0 t1−t0 position q by an amount proportional to x and the second x t1 = e xe ,

052110-11 AHARONOV et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 052110 ͑2009͒

/ប͑ ͒ /ប͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ iH0 t2−t0 ␴ −iH0 t2−t0 ͑ ͒ x t2 = e xe . 59 observable itself is enough. This is similar to the case of ordinary one-time variables usually studied in quantum me- On the other hand, if we do perform the measurement then chanics. For example when considering a von Neumann ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ x t1 is still the same as before but x t2 , just before the measurement of an observable C we do not need to describe second interaction, is now given by the entire measuring procedure. We just use the state which /ប͑ ͒ ␴ /ប /ប͑ ͒ is measured and the projectors on the different eigenvalues ␴ ͑t ͒ = eiH0 t2−t1 ei xp eiH0 t2−t1 x 2 of C. To do this for a two-time observable such as /ប͑ ͒ ␴ /ប /ប͑ ͒ ϫ␴ −iH0 t2−t1 −i xp −iH0 t1−t0 ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ xe e e 60 x t1 − x t2 we will now use a multi-time-state formalism. /ប͑ ͒ ␴ /ប The observable ␴ ͑t ͒−␴ ͑t ͒ could yield three possible −iH0 t2−t1 −i xp ␴ ͑ ͒ x 1 x 2 When e does not commute with e then x t2 values: +2, 0, and −2. To each of these values we associate a is different from what it had been, had the interaction with ␴ multitime projector. The value +2 is obtained when x is the measuring device at t1 not occurred. For example, let ␴ “up” at t1 and “down” at t2. The corresponding multistate H0 =B z which produces a precession of the spin around the ␴ projector is z axis. Let t2 −t1 be such that during this time y rotates into ␴ . In this case the observable ␴ ͑t ͒ is the same as ͉↓ ͘ +͉↑ ͘ + ͗↓ ͉ ͗↑ ͉ ͑ ͒ x x 2 P2 = x t x t t− x t− x , 61 ␴ ͑ ⑀͒ 2 1 2 1 y t1 + Now, if no measurement takes place at t1 then ␴ ͑ ⑀͒ ␴ ͑ ⑀͒ − ⑀ + ⑀ y t1 + = y t1 − but if we do perform the measurement where we denoted t1 =t1 − , t1 =t1 + and so on. The projec- then they are no longer equal. tor corresponding to −2 is In the context of multitime preparations however, the ob- ͉↑ ͘ +͉↓ ͘ + ͗↑ ͉ ͗↓ ͉͑͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ P−2 = x t x t t− x t− x 62 servable x t1 − x t2 becomes very natural, because in this 2 1 2 1 case we can directly prepare any state of the spin at times t 1 Finally, the projector corresponding to 0 is and t2. and the observable refers to these values. For example ͉↓ ͘ ͉↑ ͘ ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ in the state x t −⑀ x t −⑀ the value of x t1 − x t2 =2 while ͉↑ ͘ +͉↑ ͘ + ͗↑ ͉ ͗↑ ͉ ͉↓ ͘ +͉↓ ͘ + ͗↓ ͉ ͗↓ ͉ ͑ ͒ 2 1 P0 = x t x t t− x t− x + x t x t t− x t− x . 63 ͉↑ ͘ ͉↑ ͘ ͉↓ ͘ ͉↓ ͘ 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 in the entangled state x t −⑀ x t −⑀ + x t −⑀ x t −⑀ we have ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ 2 1 2 1 x t1 − x t2 =0. The way to use these projectors is identical to the way Now, although in the discussion above we described in the projectors for one-time measurements are used: we insert ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ detail how to measure x t1 − x t2 it is important to note them into the state, in the corresponding slots and make that in order to predict the probabilities for the different out- the scalar products. Then the probability to obtain, say ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ comes we do not need to know the specific way in which the x t2 − x t5 =0 when the spin is, say, in the four-time state ͗⌿͉͉⌽͘ ͗⌶͉͉⌰͘ Ͻ Ͻ Ͻ Ͻ Ͻ measurement is implemented; just knowing the state and the t t with t t t t t t is t6 4t3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 ␴ ͑ ͒ ␴ ͑ ͒ ͉ ͗⌿͉ ͉↑ ͘ + ͗↑ ͉ ͉⌽͘ ͗⌶͉ ͉↑ ͘ + ͗↑ ͉ ͉⌰͘ p„ x t2 − x t5 =0… = t U6,5+ x t t− x U5−,4 t t U3,2+ x t t− x U2−,1 t N 6 5 5 4 3 2 2 1

2 ͗⌿͉ ͉↓ ͘ + ͗↓ ͉ ͉⌽͘ ͗⌶͉ ͉↓ ͘ + ͗↓ ͉ ͉⌰͘ ͉ ͑ ͒ + t U6,5+ x t t− x U5−,4 t t U3,2+ x t t− x U2−,1 t , 64 6 5 5 4 3 2 2 1

where U2−,1 denotes the unitary operator describing the evo- where Ak is the corresponding Krauss operator. − lution of the spin between the times t1 and t2 and so on. In the usual way of looking at preparations as described above, the role of the operator Ak, is to transform the initial state into the final state. However, as we will now show, this X. PREPARING MULTITIME STATES II way of looking at the problem obscures the true role of Ak. The operator is not there in order to evolve the state, but it is In Sec. VI we presented a particular method ͑based on part of the state itself. A few examples will make this situa- SWAPs and postselection of maximally entangled states͒ that tion clear. allows the preparation of any arbitrary multitime state. It is Suppose a quantum system was prepared at time t in the important to note however that any measurement can be used 0 state ͉⌿͘ . Furthermore, suppose that between times t and t to prepare multitime states. This is similar to the situation in t0 1 2 a measurement was performed and the outcome k ͑corre- the standard discussions of quantum measurements, but the ͒ multitime approach introduces a very important twist. sponding to Ak was obtained. The result is the three-time The usual case is the following. Suppose that the state of state ͉⌿͘ t ,t a system at time t1 is and then a measurement is per- A 2 1͉⌿͘ ͑65͒ k t0 formed between t1 and t2. When the measurement is a de- tailed POVM and the outcome k is observed, the state of the where we added upper indexes to the Krauss operator to ͑ ͉͒⌽͘ ͉⌿͘ system at t2 becomes up to normalization =Ak , denote the times between which it acts. To better understand

052110-12 MULTIPLE-TIME STATES AND MULTIPLE-TIME … PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 052110 ͑2009͒ the meaning of the above state, note that any Krauss operator t acting between t1 and t2 can be written as 4 t4

At2,t1 = ͚ ␣ ͉j͘ ͗i͉. ͑66͒ k i,j t2t1 i,j t8 t8

Indeed, any linear operator acting on ket vectors at t1 and t7 t7 transforming them into ket vectors at t2 can be written in this form. Hence, explicitly written, state ͑65͒ is t 3 ⊗ t3 ␣ ͉ ͘ ͗ ͉͉⌿͘ ͑ ͒ ͚ i,j j t i t . 67 2t1 0 t2 t2 i,j In the above we considered the POVM performed on a t quantum system that was prepared at t in state ͉⌿͘ . The 6 t6 0 t0 effect of adding information from the POVM was to expand t5 t5 the state from a one-time state to a three-time state by simply adding the Krauss operator into the state. This procedure is t however far more general: Whatever a multitime state is, if 1 t1 we are further told that a POVM was performed between t and tЈ, we simply add the corresponding Kraus operator into Ψ Φk =Ak Ψ ⊗ Φk the description of the state ͑and therefore expand an n-time a) state into an ͑n+2͒-time state͒. b) The true force of the formalism however only becomes FIG. 8. Using measurements for preparation. To the original ⌿ clear when we consider multitime measurements such as state we add the information that the result of a POVM per- those described in Sec. IX. A multitime measurement has no formed between t5 to t6 and t7 to t8 yielded the outcome k corre- A A simple description in the standard quantum formalism. There sponding to the Krauss operator k, The operator k can also be viewed as a multi-time state ⌽ . The new state that takes into ac- is no ordinary Krauss operator that simply propagates an k count all the information is ⌿  ⌽ which is simply the composition initial state into a final state, since there is no well defined k of ⌿ and ⌽ , as illustrated in ͑b͒. “final” state. Indeed, the measurement takes place at many k times, and there can be any other interactions in between. In the multi-time formalism however any multitime measure- the sense that they encode all the relevant information about ment can be described by Krauss operators—they are how- the measurement. But we find it now very useful to think of ͑ ever multitime operators. An example is the spin measure- both the ordinary multitime states that describe the way in ͒ ment described in Sec. IX. The Kraus operators which the system was prepared and the measurement states ͑ ͒ corresponding to this measurement are the multitime projec- that describe the measurements on equal footing. This view tors ͑61͒–͑63͒. To obtain the state of the system given the allows a lot of flexibility. ⌿ outcome k of the POVM all we do is, again, just to insert the Let the state of the system be and let us denote the ⌽ multitime Krauss operator into the original multitime state. Krauss operators Ak that describe a given POVM by k to Figure 8 illustrates the procedure. emphasize that each of them can be interpreted as a state. Now, if we use the measurement as part of the preparation, i.e., if in addition to the information that the system was ⌿ XI. OPERATORS VERSUS STATES prepared in the state we also are informed that we ob- tained the result k, then the new state of the system is simply One of the main advantages of the multitime formalism the tensor product presented in this paper is to put states and operators on an ⌿  ⌽ ͑ ͒ equal footing. Indeed, to start with, operators and multitime k, 68 states look formally identical—they are both just superposi- tion of tensor products of bra and ket vectors at different where by the tensor product we mean combining the two times. But this similarity is by no means only superficial or states, as described in the previous section. What this for- coincidental. In the standard quantum mechanical formalism mula tells us is that the total history is simply the combina- states are meant to describe how the system was prepared tion of the two histories. while operators are meant to describe measurements per- On the other hand, suppose that we want to use a POVM formed on the system. But physically preparations and mea- not to prepare a state but to test it. That is, suppose we ask, surements both involve exactly the same processes— given the state ⌿ what are the probabilities to obtain differ- interactions of the system of interest with other quantum ent outcomes k? In general, of course, there is no definite systems and/or with measuring devices. The multistate for- answer—the answer may depend on other things that malism succeeds in making this explicit. may occur to the system meanwhile. For example, suppose ͗⌽͉͉⌿͘ we are given the two-time state t and the POVM As we argued in Sec. I, the projector operators describing t2 1 a von Neumann measurement ͑or indeed, more generally, the takes place between two intermediate times, tЈ and tЉ, ͒ Ͻ Ͻ Ͻ Krauss operators can be viewed as “measurement states,” in t1 tЈ tЉ t2. Then, the probabilities of the outcomes of the

052110-13 AHARONOV et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 052110 ͑2009͒

POVM depend also on what happens between t1 and tЈ and Krauss operator? In other words, given a Krauss operator, between tЉ and t2 and therefore we cannot determine them can we always find some multitime measurement such that unless we are given this supplementary information. But if this operator describes a particular outcome of the measure- we are given the whole information, that is, if in effect the ment? Or, to put it in a yet other way, can every arbitrarily POVM covers the whole measurement period from t1 to t2 given measurement state be implemented by a measurement? than we can predict its results. In the operator language, as Second, a measurement is described not by a single described in Eq. ͑40͒ we have to apply the different Krauss Krauss operator but by a whole set of them. For example, a operators to the state and compute the norms of the resulting von Neumann measurement is characterized by a complete vectors. On the other hand, we can interpret the same for- basis of orthogonal projectors. Then what are the conditions mula as telling that the probability is given, ͑up to overall that a set of operators must satisfy in order to describe a normalization͒, by the norm square of the scalar product be- measurement? That is, even if each Krauss operator in a set tween the two histories, the state of the system and the mea- is legitimate, i.e., if each Krauss operator separately de- surement state, scribes an outcome of a possible measurement, does the set of them describe a possible measurement? 1 ͑ ͒ ͉⌽ ⌿͉2 ͑ ͒ One major issue here is that measurements must obey p k = k · . 69 N causality. That is, by acting on the system in the future we should not be able to change the probabilities of outcomes of This formula generalizes for arbitrary multi-time states measurements in the past. While this condition is obeyed and measurements. Of course, in order for the probabilities automatically for measurements that are sequences of one- to be well defined, the POVM must entirely cover all the time measurements, it is not the case that any arbitrary set of measurement periods ͑or only some of the measurement pe- legitimate histories obeys this constraint. A somewhat similar riods, in the case they are disconnected from the rest—see situation is encountered when dealing with instantaneous the discussion at the end of Sec. V͒. In case when the POVM nonlocal measurements. Indeed, there are sets of legitimate covers all the measurement periods, then we use in the prob- Krauss operators that are not measurable because they would ability formula ͑69͒ the full state ⌿; otherwise we use the lead to superluminal signaling ͓18͔. That is, each operator reduced state. separately is legitimate in the sense that it describes an out- Finally note that depending on the past and future bound- come of a possible measurement, but together they cannot be ary conditions, the “scalar product” of the two histories is not measured. always just a complex number but may also be a bra vector, Furthermore, it is also conceivable that there are cases of a ket, or a superposition of bra and ket pairs ͑see the discus- sets of Krauss operators that do not lead to causality viola- sion in Sec. VII͒. In those cases the “norm square” of the tions but still there is no actual way to implement them in scalar product is to be taken as the norm of the resulting quantum mechanics. vectors. Again, a similar situation is encountered in the case of In any case, conceptually, what formula ͑69͒ does is to nonlocal measurements: there are known cases ͓19͔ when a generalize the usual notion that when a system is in a state set of Krauss operators is unmeasurable although such a ͉⌿͘, the probability of finding it in the state ͉⌽͘ is the norm measurement would not lead to superluminal communica- square of the scalar product between ͉⌿͘ and the measured tion; the reason they are unmeasurable is that this would state ͉⌽͘, i.e., ͉͗⌽͉⌿͉͘2. allow for establishing of nonlocal correlations stronger than allowed by quantum mechanics ͑Popescu-Rohrlich-type cor- XII. MEASUREMENTS—OPEN QUESTIONS relations ͓20͔͒. Finally there may be other cases of nonmea- As far as the states of the system are concerned, the situ- surable sets of Krauss operators in which the reason for un- ation is completely solved: any superposition of products of measurability is different from the above. Coming back to bra and ket vectors is a legitimate state of the system. Com- multitime measurements, we expect to find similar behavior. ing now to measurements, there are open questions. Partial answers to the above questions and other related As discussed in previous sections, a measurement can be problems are discussed in ͓21͔. described in two different ways. One way is to say exactly how the measurement is performed. Of course, every mea- XIII. DISCUSSION: THE FLOW OF TIME surement for which we are given the explicit recipe of how to implement can, in principle, be performed. The second So far in this paper we approached the idea of multiple- way of describing measurements is via its Krauss operators. time states from a rather formal point of view and avoided It is in connection with this latter way of describing measure- questions of interpretation. That is, we considered physical ments that there are very interesting open problems. situations in which a quantum system is subjected to multiple In the case of ordinary one-time measurements, any set of stages of preparation and measurement. We then asked, Krauss operators ͑provided they fulfill the normalization given the preparation, what is the set of parameters that are condition ͑8͒ represents a possible measurement. This is not relevant for inferring as well as possible the results of the the case for multitime measurements. In fact there are two measurements. What we found is that these parameters can questions here. be expressed as vectors in a “multitime” Hilbert space First, is it the case that any superposition of products of ͑which is the tensor product of Hilbert spaces associated with bra and ket vectors as discussed above represents a possible each time boundary between preparation and measurement

052110-14 MULTIPLE-TIME STATES AND MULTIPLE-TIME … PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 052110 ͑2009͒ stages͒. Each vector, or mixture of vectors, describes a pos- white and black balls and extract one ball at random and put sible physical situation, and each possible physical situation it, without looking, into a bag containing only black balls. can be described in this way. Clearly this is a basic fact about The probability that the ball is white is 1/2. But suppose we the structure of quantum mechanics and it is here to stay, no then extract a ball from the second bag and see that the ball matter what philosophical interpretation we may associate is white. In the light of this new information we can now with these states. It is very tempting, however, to go further infer that in this situation the probability that a white ball and ask what does this all mean. was extracted from the first bag is actually 1 and not 1/2. The As we mentioned in the introduction, trying to give a future information affects our knowledge about the past, but philosophical interpretation for multitime states is certainly there is nothing surprising about this. Similarly, there is noth- ͑ not easy. Indeed, even the interpretation of the ordinary one- ing surprising about the fact that post-selection at t2 affects time͒ quantum state is highly controversial. We ourselves do the probabilities for events that happened at the earlier time t. not have one preferred interpretation of multitime states—in So, as long as we view the vector ͗⌽͉ just as a mathematical fact we have two of them, and we find both these points of tool for calculating probabilities, it is nothing surprising that view useful. We will describe here one of these points of it “evolves” backward in time. But if ͗⌽͉ has objective view while the other one, the “block-time universe,” is pre- meaning, then we have to admit that it really propagates sented in a forthcoming paper ͓22͔. backward in time. It is quite usual when thinking about the ordinary quan- At first sight it appears that the idea of a state propagating tum state, to regard it not just as a static collection of param- backward in time is ridiculous and should be immediately eters associated to some preparation stage, but to think that at abandoned. The example of the classical postselection de- each moment in time the system is described by a “state,” scribed above seems to show that an attempt to interpret the i.e., by a ket vector, and that this state evolves in time, being change in the statistics of results of experiments due to post- affected by all the interactions the system has. On one hand, selection as a true backward-in-time influence is trivially one can view this “evolution” as a simple mathematical pro- wrong. However, we do feel that the situation is far more cedure by which we transform the parameters given at the interesting in quantum mechanics. Indeed, there is a funda- preparation time t0 into a more convenient form for comput- mental difference between post-selection in the classical and ing what happens at the moment of interest t. In effect, we quantum cases. In the classical case, probabilities are only simply interpret part of the measurement stage, namely the due to our subjective lack of knowledge. In principle, we period from t0 to t as being part of the preparation stage. On could have had complete information about the system from the other hand, one may view the state as a physical object the initial moment, and then there is no issue of probabilities that evolves in time, undergoes collapses, etc. Obviously, and a future measurement does not really provide new infor- although the probabilities we compute using these two dif- mation. On the other hand, it is one of the most important ferent notions of state are the same, there is a great concep- aspects of quantum mechanics—perhaps the most important tual difference here—the state being a simple mathematical aspect—that even when we have whole information about ͑ ͉⌿͘ ͒ recipe for computing probabilities versus the state having an the past say, we know the state at t1 , in general we still objective physical existence. cannot predict with certainty the result of a later measure- But consider now the simple example illustrated in Fig. ment. The later measurement does therefore yield truly new 2͑b͒. As far as the preparation is concerned, the system is information about the system. In other words, the future is described by the two-time state ͗⌽͉͉⌿͘ . Suppose further t t1 not completely determined by the past. Hence the whole no- 2 Ͻ Ͻ that the moment of interest is some time t, t1 t t2. We can tion of past and future in quantum mechanics is fundamen- then mathematically “evolve” the vectors ͉⌿͘ forward and tally different than in classical mechanics, and the whole idea ͗⌽͉ backward until they reach that moment, t. The ͑ket͒ vec- of time flow may need to be reconsidered. ͉⌿͘ tor originates at t1, it is determined by the time boundary Of course, as we emphasized from the very beginning of condition in the past, and “evolves” toward the future. The this paper, all our results are fully consistent with ordinary ͑ ͒ ͗⌽͉ bra vector originates at t2, it is determined by the time quantum mechanics. In particular they could all be obtained boundary condition in the future and “evolves” toward the using the traditional view of a single quantum state evolving past. Again, in effect all we do is to include the period from in time. But we personally found it very useful to think of t1 to t and the period from t to t2 into the preparation stage states propagating forward and backward in time. In particu- instead of in the global measurement stage. On the other lar, during each measurement period we think of two vectors, hand, we could think of the vectors ͉⌿͘ and ͗⌽͉ as having a ket propagating from the past time-boundary condition to- objective physical meaning. This view however implies a ward the future and a bra propagating from the future time- dramatic conceptual change, far greater than that related to boundary condition toward the past. Each moment of time is the interpretation of the standard quantum state. Indeed, the therefore described by these two vectors ͓23͔. Of course, issue now is no longer only whether or not the quantum state more generally each time moment can be described by en- has objective meaning or is just a mathematical tool for com- tangled bra and ket vectors or mixtures of them. puting probabilities. The issue is now that of the flow of time. Thinking of vectors propagating forward and backward in To start with, it is a quite trivial fact that if we acquire time opens many new possibilities that we found very in- new information we can affect the probabilities of events that triguing. In particular, one can ask about the possibility of happened in the past. This happens not only in quantum me- having such time flow consistent with freewill. As we show chanics but in ordinary classical probabilities as well. For elsewhere, that is consistent ͓24͔. It is also possible to take example suppose we have a bag with an equal number of forward and backward in time propagation as a starting point

052110-15 AHARONOV et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 052110 ͑2009͒ for possible modifications of quantum mechanics. Finally, it support in part by the European Commission under the Inte- is tempting to try and apply the idea of multi-time states in grated Project Qubit Applications ͑QAP͒ funded by the IST cosmological context, in particular to speculate about the directorate as Contract No. 015848 and S.P. acknowledges possibility that the universe has both an initial and a final support from the U.K. EPSRC Grant No. GR/527405/01 and state which are given independently of each other. the U.K. EPSRC QIP IRC project. J.T. acknowledges support from Grant No. N00173-07-1-G008 of the Naval Research ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Laboratory; J.T. and Y.A. acknowledge support from Grant Y.A. and L.V. acknowledge support from Grant No. No. 70NANB7H6138 of the National Institutes of Standards 990/06 of the Israel Science Foundation. L.V. acknowledges and Technology.

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