Historical Alterations of Surface Hydrology in Iowa's Small Agricultural Watersheds Katherine Louise Andersen Iowa State University

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Historical Alterations of Surface Hydrology in Iowa's Small Agricultural Watersheds Katherine Louise Andersen Iowa State University Iowa State University Capstones, Theses and Retrospective Theses and Dissertations Dissertations 2000 Historical alterations of surface hydrology in Iowa's small agricultural watersheds Katherine Louise Andersen Iowa State University Follow this and additional works at: https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/rtd Part of the Agriculture Commons, Economic History Commons, Natural Resources and Conservation Commons, and the Water Resource Management Commons Recommended Citation Andersen, Katherine Louise, "Historical alterations of surface hydrology in Iowa's small agricultural watersheds" (2000). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 16854. https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/rtd/16854 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Iowa State University Capstones, Theses and Dissertations at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Retrospective Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Historical alterations of surface hydrology in Iowa's small agricultural watersheds by Katherine Louise Andersen A thesis submitted to the graduate faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Major: Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (Biological and Physical Sciences) Major Professor: Bruce W. Menzel Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 2000 11 Graduate College Iowa State University This is to certify that the Master's thesis of Katherine Louise Andersen has met the thesis requirements of Iowa State University Signatures have been redacted for privacy 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction 1 Thesis Organization 5 CHAPTER 2. HISTORICAL ALTERATIONS OF SURF ACE HYDROLOGY IN IOWA'S SMALL AGRICULTURAL WATERSHEDS 6 Abstract 6 Introduction 7 Description of Study Watersheds 10 Methods and Materials 13 Results 15 Discussion 22 Literature Cited 32 CHAPTER 3. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 45 General Discussion 45 Ecological Implications 47 APPENDIX A: DRAINED LAND BY 1930 50 APPENDIX B: STORM LAKE WATERSHED 52 APPENDIX C: BEAR CREEK WATERSHED 62 APPENDIX D: WALNUT CREEK WATERSHED 72 APPENDIX E: THREE MILE CREEK WATERSHED 80 APPENDIX F: ANDREAS HISTORICAL ATLAS MAPS 92 APPENDIX G: CD-ROM OF STUDY WATERSHED MAPS 99 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE CITED 100 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 104 CHAPTERl. GENERAL INTRODUCTION Introduction Reference Conditions To provide a legal framework for land ownership boundaries and promote settlement, the General Land Office Surveys were established by the Federal Land Ordinance of 1785 (Dodds et al. 1943). Most surveys were completed between 1796 and 1925 (Galatowitsch, 1990). The surveys covered over 70% of the continental U.S., especially in the Midwest (Grim, 1987). This rectangular survey grid is still used today as the basis for modem legal descriptions of property. These first-hand accounts by the early surveyors were also used in state guides and handbooks to promote settlement and agriculture. The socio-economic and historical impact of these early surveys is enormous. The early surveyors and explorers, scientists and land speculators, recorded what they encountered as they first walked across the midwestern plains. Iowa was once part of a vast tall grass prairie ecosystem; a mesic prairie with undulating swales, marshes and sloughs, riparian woodlands associated with small streams and rivers, and isolated stands of trees in small park-like groves. In Iowa, surveying began in 1836 and was completed by 1859 (Dodds et al. 1943). The surveyors recorded a general description of each township, noting the terrain, vegetation, soils, and stream or river crossings, while laying out their rectangular grid of square-mile sections. The exact locations of aquatic features were indicated on the township and section lines (Dodds et al. 1943). Particular attention was paid to recording which townships were 2 "well-watered" and had "first-rate" soils, all to entice new immigrants to settle and farm the Iowa tall grass prairie. Today, these historic descriptions ofIowa's pre-settlement landscape provide valuable "reference conditions" from which we can measure the extent of change in surface and subsurface water features, as well as other landscape components. Other researchers have looked to the early land surveys for baseline information about the conditions prior to European settlement (Bourdo, 1956; Gross and Dick-Peddie, 1979; Leitner and Jackson, 1981; Schafale and Harcombe, 1983; Hutchinson, 1988; Galatowitsch, 1990; Dorney and Dorney, 1990; Thomas and Anderson, 1990; Palik and Pregitzer, 1992; Bandi and Huggins, 1995). Agriculture Transforms The Prairie Ecosystem Agricultural land use over the past 150 years has played a major role in the transformation of the midwestern landscape. A matrix of intense row crop agriculture occupies what was once native tall grasses, wet prairie marshes, and riparian woodlands. The demise of the native ecosystem occurred in less than a human life-span (Bogue, 1963; Whitney, 1994). Once the prairie was "broken" (and drained), row crop agriculture developed, and the land became vulnerable to soil erosion by wind and water. Cultivation proceeded at a rapid pace, most of the land conversion occurring in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The landscape most drastically altered by Euro-American settlement and subsequent cultivation was that of the "wet prairie," a region now called "The Prairie Pothole Region." North-central Iowa, known scientifically as the Des Moines Lobe ecoregion, is located within this pothole region which extends west into the Dakotas and Minnesota, north to Canada. 3 "Wet prairie" is a description not commonly used today, but at the time of European settlement in Iowa, it was characterized as a poorly-drained prairie with different vegetation from that found elsewhere in the drier, upland prairie (Gamble, 1972). Iowa's "wet prairie" coincides with the most recent glacial advance to occur in Iowa, the Wisconsin Glacier 15,000 to 12,000 years ago (Prior, 1991). The prairie potholes and marshes found on the Des Moines Lobe were looked upon by settlers with disdain, and considered a nuisance and health menace. The passage of state drainage laws and the formation of "drainage districts" in the later half of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century facilitated the spread of large-scale drainage enterprises (Bogue, 1963). Once under way, the drainage of the Midwest's wet prairie region proceeded rapidly (Whitney, 1994). For nearly a century, fanners drained, dredged, and plowed the wet prairie to "reclaim" wet acres for row crop agriculture. The wet prairies of northern Iowa and western Minnesota were the last to be reclaimed in the early 1900's (Hewes and Frandson,1952). Wetland ecologists estimate that approximately 99% of the original wetlands, marshes, and prairie potholes of northern Iowa were drained, tiled, and plowed (Bishop et al. 1998; Dinsmore, 1994; Dahl, 1990; Tiner, 1984). By the 1970's and 1980's, drainage activities in the north central states had converted over 45 million acres of wetlands to arable land (US Bureau of Census, 1981). In the Midwest, modem agriculture's impact on surface waters (lakes, rivers, and streams) has been dramatic. This production-driven agricultural system has dealt serious environmental consequences to the terrestrial and aquatic systems. Aspects of water quality, habitat structure, and energy transfer are integral components of stream ecological well being, and are often profoundly affected by agricultural land use practices (Menzel, 1983). 4 Contributing to the alteration and degradation of surface waters, are those agricultural practices implemented to bring wetland acres into row crop production. Such practices included drainage tiling, dredge ditching, and stream channelization. Recently, crop diversity has declined, with com and soybeans dominating, and average field size has increased at the cost of reducing, isolating, and degrading other ecosystem elements such as wetlands, riparian grasses, and forage cover crops. These combined agricultural practices have contributed to such environmental problems as non-point source (NPS) pollution of surface waters, hydrological changes in surface and subsurface water flow, and the elimination of natural riparian habitat (Schultz et al. 1995). Most small, first and second order streams are in direct contact with row crops, livestock, and narrow cool season grass buffer strips, and are significantly impacted by agricultural practices. Natural resource managers, agricultural agencies, and landowners are working together to address water quality issues at both the state and federal levels. Knowledge about the "reference conditions" of Iowa's small prairie streams is a valuable insight toward setting and reaching stream restoration goals. Duff and Grehm (1986) have listed more than 1000 citations regarding literature on stream restoration research. Recent studies focus on headwaters of streams to establish and quantify cause and effect relationships between riparian habitat and water quality conditions (Medley et al.1995; Osborne and Kovacic, 1993; Richards et al. 1993; Wiley et al. 1990). This historical study attempts to reveal the cause, extent, and ecological implications of transforming a tall grass prairie landscape to an intense mono-crop "agri-scape." 5 Thesis Organization This thesis follows the guidelines for the alternate fonnat and consists of one paper written with the intent for submission
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