ACTRESS PROFILE together for four years in a breasts. " I ’ ve always been pru­ "hippie" shack made from packing dish about my body,” she blushes. crates on Malibu. They moved when "I have been willing to do alot FILMS it was condemned by the California of films where a woman is decor­ Authorities. ative, standing around, and CUL-DE-SAC After recovering from a nervous irrelevant. The size of the part CASINO ROYALE breakdown and after leaving never concerns me, I ’ l l do a part TWO FOR THE Sarrazin, she left for France for six really good lines.” ROAD where she acted in Francois Bisset is now on location in Truffaut’ s "Day For Night"; her the Mediterranean island of Cor­ most distinguished role to date. fu where she is filming ”The AIRPORT Truffaut is the only director Greek Tycoon,” in which she plays JUDGE ROY who has blended her beauty with a widow of an assassinated Ameri­ BEAN her acting talents, for whom she can President who ends up marry­ DAY FOR NIGHT played a film groupie who starts ing a Greek shipping billionaire, ST. IVES out as a script girl and ends up played by . THE DEEP (Soon running o ff with the stunt man. Halston,who designs Bisset’ s playing in "Day For Night" is a comic look costumes for "", area) at what goes into a making of a says that she has "a very womanly THE GREEK film, all the trials and tribula­ body, beautiful shoulders, beau­ TYCOON tions. Truffaut is very impressed tifu l le g s.” , who with her. "She is probably the directed her in his ”Two For The most beautiful actress I ’ ve Road” starring and Jacqueline Bisset may be worked with. Most women with sexy , states, ”she has Americafs hottest new star, but bodies lack that spark of considerable sexual appeal, but her roots go back to England mystery, she has both. She’ s also she doesn’ t have a good figure. where she was born in the village very loyal and brutally frank. She has very bad legs, and she Is of Surrey, in 1944. Her father, I appreciate that very much." too fa t." Edith Head, the world Frazer Bisset, is a Scotish physi­ "Truffaut", says Jacqueline, renowned clothing designer, says, cian whose French ancestry dates "is a director who really likes "Jackie has a great body, one of back to the eleventh century. Her women. You can feel i t . He is the greatest bodies I’ve ever mother, a lawyer, is half French. very interested in the female worked with. But besides that They are now both divorced after psyche and looks for things that she is rather the opposite, thirty-two years of marriage. enhance a woman." because she is so damned in t e lli­ Jacqueline and her older brother This year Jacqueline acted in gent. I t ’ s a strange combination, were brought up in the atmosphere the film "The Deep", starring almost a double personality." of books, art lessons, and music. and Robert Shaw. The Peter Yates, who directed "The After some modeling and "walk story plot centers around, the Deep" makes the same point, "peo­ on” movie parts, she got an audi­ good guys (Bisset, Nolte, and ple are inclined to be skeptical tion with (Rosema­ Shaw) and the bad guys (Louis about Jackie because she is so ry’ s Baby), who cast her in his Gosset and Eli Wallaoh) in a tug beautiful; but she has that quali­ th riller "Cul-De-Sac” . Polanski of war over wno will get the mor­ ty i f intelligence that goes with told her she was too fat and put phine flasks. The flasks, which that face and makes it something her on a diet for four months were accidently found when Bisset more." before shooting started. and Nolte were diving in the For Anthony Quinn, making his The part in "Cul-De-Sac” led wreckage of an old ship, are want­ 134th film, ”The Greek Tycoon” , into her part in Stanley Donen’ s ed by Gosset who wants to put the is just a good time. "There are production of ”Two For the Road", morphine on the streets of New two ways to make a picture", he which for a number of years was York in the form of heroin. In says, "chewing razor blades or considered her best role in a the meantime, Bisset finds some enjoying it. Here we’re enjoying motion picture until "Day For long treasure of the Spanish it." Quinn broadcasts loudly, Night". main. The story ends with one "If I wasn’ t married and Jackie "The Sweet Ride", her next pic­ bad guy (Gosset) being k illed by was not involved, we’ d be in ture, Jacquelin starred with the hudge eel, the other bad guy, trouble." One night, old Anthony and Michael by his own stupidity opening the sought to romance Bisset by hiring Sarrazin (They Shoot Horses Don't door which was booby a launch to take them across the They?). "That film started with trapped with dynamite. Jacqueline, Ionian Sea to a simple restaurant a girl coming out of the water, Nick, and Robert survive the or­ unreached by road. They wound up having lost her bathing suit, "re­ deal with the treasure. in a fisherman’ s dungy, and Quinn calls Bisset, "then it went on to "The Deep’ s" most impressive raged, "here I am playing the a group attack by fifteen motor­ aspect, aside from its beautifully, richest shipping tycoon in the cycle freaks. I took one look at done technical underwater photog­ world, and I end up taking one of the script and said I was going raphy and well trimmed suspense, the most beautiful, glamorouc back to ." The studio modi­ is Jacqueline Bisset. Even stars in the world to dinner in a fied the topless scene and allowed though she has acted in a total smelly fishing boat." for only one motorcycle freak to of thirty pictures in ten years ra pe her. time, Its taken until this year The only real satisfaction to make Bisset a box o ffice name. PONTIAC "■; 1 Jacquelin got from "The Sweet Ride" She stopped Columbia pictures was her relationship, for seven from promoting "The Deep" with an years, with . She out take frame of her in a wet Is anything and Michael lived T-shirt outlining her well rounded worth the terror of

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