English Congregation
CONTAINING THE JRise, <25rotDtf), anD Present ^tate of tfie ENGLISH CONGREGATION OF THE #rXrer uf ^t* Umtttitt, DRAWN FROM THE ARCHIVES OF THE HOUSES OF THE SAID CON GREGATION AT DOUAY IN FLANDERS, DIEULWART IN LORRAINE, PARIS IN FRANCE, AND LAMBSPRING IN GERMANY, WHERE ARE PRESERVED THE AUTHENTIC ACTS AND ORIGINAL DEEDS, ETC. AN: 1709. BY Dom IBcnnet melDon, i).%).TB. a monk of ^t.cJBDmunD's, Paris. STANBROOK, WORCESTER: THE ABBEY OF OUR LADY OF CONSOLATION. 1881. SFBSCEIISER'S COPY A CHRONICLE OF THE FROJVL THE RENEWING OF THEIR CONGREGATION IN THE DAYS OF QUEEN MARY, TO THE DEATH OF KING JAMES II BEING THE CHRONOLOGICAL NOTES OF DOM BENNET WELDON, O. S. B. Co C&e laig&t EetierenD illiam TBernarD C3Uatl)ome, D. D, ©. ^. 'B. TBifljop of TBirmingtam, Cfiis toorfe, Draton from tfje 3rc[)ii)es of Us a^onaflic &ome, anD note fira puiiltfljeD at Us requeft, is, toitb etierp feeling of eUeem ann reference, DetiicateD Dp Us lorDlijip's Ijumtile servant C&e (ZEDitor. ^t. ©regorp's Ipriorp, DotonfiDe, TBatt). jFeafl of %t TBeneDift, mDccclrrri. PEEFACB THE following work is offered to the public as a contribution to the history of the CathoUc Church in England during the seventeenth century. There ia, indeed, a good deal told us in it concerning the history of the Benedictines ia England before that period, but the chief value of these Chronological Notes con sists in the information which they contain on the reestahlishment of the English Benedictines under the first of the Stuarts, and the chief events in connection with their body down to the death of James IL TiU very recently the supply of works illustrative of the condition of the CathoUc Church in this country subsequent to the Eeformation has been extremely scanty.
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