In an effort to appease the budget (space stations housing up to two L-5 NEWS watchdogs, both within Congress and hundred people) and, possibly, to space OMB, however, the Committee kept the colonies. A Newsletter from the L-5 Society overall NASA budget within the $3.69 Several Soviet scientists have stated Number 8 * April * 1976 billion figure by dropping some other that many of the experiments being programs that OMB had allowed. carried out within the Salyut space MSFC SYMPOSIUM ON Most significant is a cut of $8 million station program are aimed at developing SPACE INDUSTRIALIZATION from Development Test and Mission new techniques for large permanent Operation (DTMO). These funds are part orbital bases. A two-day symposium on “Space of the Shuttle R&D budget. The Shuttle In an interview with the Soviet news- Industrialization” will be held at the is essential for the construction of the paper, Izvestia, August 1975, NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, 200-person orbiting facility, planned to Academician V. Glushko stated that Alabama, May 26-27. be completed in 1983-85 (given “There can be no doubt that in the future To be sponsored jointly by the appropriate funding), at which solar the crews of orbital stations will be Alabama Section of the American power satellite construction techniques international and space exploration will Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics will be developed. A strong case could be become a matter involving that whole (AIAA) and the Marshall Center, the 1 made that funding power satellite .“ symposium will cover four primary research by diverting Shuttle funds is Another statement by Academician topics: Space Habitation, Space counterproductive. Glushko was, in reference to the Salyut 4 Transportation, Space Processing, and When the NASA Authorization Bill space station, “Today we have an orbital Space Power. reaches the Appropriations Committee, it station to conduct research; tomorrow it Participation will include NASA is likely that the unbudgeted solar power will have production purposes. Today the centers and organizations, other research funds will be rejected, station is handled by two or three men; government agencies, industry and considering the penny-pinching mood of tomorrow tens or hundreds of people will universities, Invitations to present papers Congress. What is even more likely is that work there. Today this is only a station; on the current status of the topic areas is the DTMO cut will also stand, even tomorrow it will be a satellite city with expected to draw national as well as local 2 though its funds had been allowed by everything such as a city has on .“ response. OMB, leaving NASA with even less money Another leading scientist, Academician The general purpose of the symposium on which to operate in FY ‘77. Boris Petrov, said in an interview with is to disseminate the latest information Trud that it will eventually be possible to on planning of expanded space operations build superlarge, multipurpose complexes following the advent of the Space Shuttle designed for a crew of fifty to one to all segments of the scientific and hundred persons. Also he envisioned the technical community. use of standard units that could be James A. Downey III, deputy director assembled in space using space tugs. He of MSFC’s Program Development also foresaw the need to provide artificial directorate, will be the chairman for the gravity in the large orbital stations of event. the future.3 The two-day event will be held in the The construction of large orbital Morris Auditorium of Marshall Center’s stations will require cheap methods of headquarters building (Bldg. 4200). There launching payloads into near-earth orbit, will be no fee for attendance and which invites the use of reusable rockets registration will begin at 8 A.M. on May like, for instance, NASA’s Space Shuttle. 26. Do the Soviets have any plans for a For more information, call Christine reusable rocket? Duncan, 205-453-0034 or write Marshall In an article in the Moscow journal, Space Flight Center, AL 35812. Nauka i Zhizn, cosmonaut Vladimir Shatalov said that “The development of THE SCENE IN WASHINGTON a spaceplane is quite feasible . . . . The In 1972, President Nixon advised REMEMBER THE BUDGET time is not far off when such a plane will NASA officials to lie low, keep quiet, and SPACE COLONIZATION make its first flight.” He described this plan on a constant level budget. They AND THE spaceplane and suggested that the most were told to expect to squeeze by on acceptable design was for an unpiloted Phillip J. Parker somewhere between $3.85-3.9 billion by first stage and a piloted second stage, with 1977, the year in which the Space Shuttle Although the Soviet Union has not with as many units as possible being budget would peak. categorically stated that it will undertake reusable. NASA has had to pull in its belt even space colonization, there are many Soviet space scientists are carrying out tighter than expected. This year, NASA is references in the Soviet press which imply a number of important experiments that getting by on $3.562 billion, and the that this may be a long term goal for will have application in large orbital Office of Management and Budget (OMB) them. stations and, perhaps, space colonies. has allowed only $3.697 billion for Fiscal Russia’s current program, the Salyut- Many of the concepts for space colonies Year 1977 -- an increase so small it does Soyuz space station, is aimed at so far proposed have envisaged the not compensate for inflation. developing techniques for the operation production of “artificial” gravity. On The FY ‘77 budget contains no funds of what Soviet scientists term “orbital November 25, 1975, the Soviet Union with which to continue NASA’s solar stations.” The Salyut space station (of launched the Cosmos 782 biosatellite, and power satellite research. However, as the which Russia has launched four in recent one of the experiments carried aboard was March L-5 News reported, the NASA years) is smaller than the American Sky- a small centrifuge for testing the effect of Authorization Bill for FY ‘77, put lab but appears to be manufactured along artificial gravity on small land tortoises. together by the House and the lines of Europe’s Spacelab, i.e., on a The results from this successful Committee, added $5 million modular production basis. experiment should be significant for for solar power stations. Another $3.5 The Salyut space station has a number future development programs, as the million was added for ground-based solar of interesting experiments that will have earlier Cosmos 605 satellite carried land energy applications. application to the so-called “Spacebases” tortoises in a weightless condition and the Copyright 1976 L-5 Society All rights reserved. See p. 6. two sets of results can be compared and supporting space farm, and having close constructing space hardware in a new experiments devised for further links with the earth and other space cooperative venture. Space colonies testing of ideas for artificial gravity. stations through the use of spaceplanes established by such cooperation would be Another space colony concept which and space tugs. capable of developing solar energy and the Soviet Union has taken the first These “mini-colonies” will be the transmitting it to earth in usable and steps in developing has been the growing forerunners of the larger space colonies economic quantities. of food for orbital base crews. During the that members of the L-5 Society foresee Here are the arguments: Salyut space program, successive crews at the libration points. 1) Arms expenditures by the U.S. and planted and grew several “crops” in the Comments made by many of the the U.S.S.R. have been escalating since “Oasis” experiment. These included peas Soviet Union’s leading space system the end of World War I I. These nations and onions. Of 20 peas planted in Oasis, designers and administrators indicate that have not been able to agree to stop the by the first Salyut 4 crew, only four they wish to see the development of race or even to slow it perceptibly. The sprouted. The second crew planted 28 space to be undertaken on an race could be slowed by diverting the peas and a greater number sprouted. In international level for the benefit of energies of our respective military another container, microscopic alga humanity. This wish, which is also the industrial complexes away from using our chlorella was grown. hope of many people in the USA and limited earth resources to build military Soviet scientist Alexander Kamin Europe, has already begun to be realized hardware for destruction, and direct them pointed out that these “cosmic factories” through the joint USA-USSR Apollo- instead toward producing hardware with producing albumen and oxygen can be Soyuz project and the USA-Europe a potential for the acquisition of energy described as “models of the future space Shuttle-Spacelab program. usable on earth. 4 industry.“ Will the next step be an orbital 2) A joint space venture financed At the Institute of Medico-Biological complex in the early 1980s involving equally from U.S. and U.S.S.R. military Problems of the USSR Ministry of Health, the American Shuttle, Europe’s Spacelab, budgets would not impair the respective problems of life support during prolonged and the Russian Salyut? This would be military security of either side vis-a-vis space missions are being studied, the forerunner of humanity’s first inter- each other. including closed ecological systems of the national space colony! 3) A number of reputable economists type that will be required for space believe that public economic indicators colonies.5 USSR Novosti news service bulletins: are now of such reliability that Russian 1. 16315, August 5, 1975. At the Institute, vivarium experiments 2. 15759, January 14, 1975. cheating by secretly keeping their military are being conducted using poultry. They 3. 15835, February 5, 1975. expenditures high while inducing the U.S. feel that human food must include animal 4. 15584, November 21, 1974. to divert its military expenditures to joint protein; in selecting animals for an 5. 16096, April 29, 1975. space ventures, would easily be 6. 16315, August 5, 1975. ecological system, emphasis is being 7. 15775, January 21, 1975. detectable, thus mitigating the perennial placed on species that are not fastidious 8. 16177. June 23, 1975. problem of verifiability in negotiating about the choice of feed and are easy to agreements with the Russians. care for. Other factors include caloric SPACE PROGRAM: 4) Americansand Russiansalready have content and taste. BOONDOGGLE TO BOON worked together to explore the Antarctic The Institute considers that soil in a and have cooperated in space ventures. Reprinted from Foreign Affairs space farm will be replaced by micro- The scientists of both societies in many Newsletter, March 1, 1976. organisms which will decompose solid spheres have subordinated their organic substances and purify liquids. A number of people think that it ideological differences and worked They also consider that the atmosphere would be both practical and desirable to together for a recognized common good. will be filled with oxygen by using algae. establish a permanent manufacturing 5) The space programs of the U.S. and The Institute has conducted a facility in space. . . . Government interest the U.S.S.R., bred in a race to the , successful one-month experiment in in high-orbital manufacturing stems in are now in search of missions. What better which a man, isolated in a test chamber, part from calculations about its mission than a joint effort to capture the lived with the air being cleansed using economics. The task of colonies in space solar energy of space for use on earth chlorella. would be to build and operate huge where existing sources of energy are In another laboratory, plantations of power plants that would convert sunlight finite and where their use is too often white cabbage and beets are growing in to lo w-density microwaves and beam damaging to the environment? beds set up at table level. The sprouts of them to earth where they would be 6) The economic impact of a shift in these crops are in special holders with the converted to. . . ordinary electricity . . . . Government spending from military roots placed in baths holding nutrient The levels of technology required to do hardware components to space hardware solutions. The Sun is being simulated all this have already been achieved. . . . should be minimal for each society. using xenon lamps. These early tests are A private, perhaps multinational, Finally, after 30 years effort we seem aimed at developing a fully-closed investment in the first colony could be to have exhausted all means to bring arms ecological system for future orbital bases returned several times over in profits. expenditures under control. We all and they definitely have application to This may read like Jules Verne. In recognize that excessive resources of the space colonies. fact, it is a New York Times Magazine American and Russian societies are Besides the growing of small plants in editorial note of January 18 which dedicated to creating better means to Salyut-4, the Soviet Union also accompanied Professor Gerard K. destroy life rather than to preserve it. demonstrated the recycling of water in O’Neill’s article, Colonies in Space. It should not be beyond the ingenuity this space station. Condensate was All we need to turn what many have of our respective governmental leaders to collected and purified and used for viewed as space boondoggles into take first steps toward substituting domestic purposes. Later in the mission, practical and economic ventures on earth, cooperative space ventures for the boon- the two cosmonauts used the purified it seems, is money. And money is easy to doggle of military competition. Within water for drinking purposes.6 find if we and the Russian use our heads. American society we should be able to Even from the few references given What is needed now is a vigorous look to the Arms Control and here it can be seen that the Soviet Union effort to get agreement with the Russians Disarmament Agency and the National is intent on creating large orbital bases in to reverse the arms race by each reducing Aeronautics and Space Administration near-earth orbit that will house up to one expenditures on military hardware-by for imaginative and sustained leadership. hundred people, providing them with say 5 percent a year-over the next few Carl Marcy artificial gravity, a closed-system self- years and to devote those savings to April 1976-2 US-USSR L-5 VENTURE? the Johnson Space Center in Houston, months-but I’ve been told that for the and primarily involves discussions of last six months.” Carl Marcy, Legislative Counsel to the current lunar studies, as well as of studies Richard R. Vondrak, of Stanford Council for a Livable World (CLW) has on returned lunar samples. This year, Dr. Research Institute, discussed the informed the L-5 News that they are David Criswell, of the Lunar Science possibility of a large radio astronomy “trying (to put the matter baldly) to do Institute, organized a special session. The facility on the lunar farside. He stated all we can to get the U.S. and U.S.S.R. to topic was “Utilization of Lunar Materials that such a facility could involve an agree to cut back funds spent for military and Expertise for Large Scale Operations Arecibo-type installation: a lunar crater hardware and to devote them instead to in Space.” converted into a radiotelescope. such constructive projects as L-5.” The meeting was held from 2:00 P.M. Alternatively, it could involve a phased- Writing to James C. Fletcher, through about 6:00 P.M., March 16. The array composed of a large number of Administrator of NASA, Charles Price, speakers had been invited to present a smaller radiotelescopes. A prime use for Chairman of CLW and a former president broad, comprehensive view of the such a system would be in searching for of the American Chemical Society, problems and opportunities. Nearly every civilizations of other star systems. proposed that, “I would like to see us and paper either touched directly on the There were then several papers on the the Russians each reduce our military matter of space colonization, or availability of lunar resources. expenditures by, say, 5% or more over the contained material pertinent to this Grant Heiken, of Los Alamos next few years and devote those savings matter. Scientific Labs, discussed the chemical to scientifically and economically feasible Hubert P. Davis of JSC led off with a composition of the lunar regolith. cooperative space programs, such as review of NASA’s interest in, and support James R. Arnold, of University of proposed by Professor O’Neill. . . . By of, work on power satellites. The bulk of California at San Diego, reviewed a 1962 beginning to work together in developing his talk concerned the approach of paper by Watson, Murray, and Brown, on solar energy in space we should be able to assembling powersats in earth orbit from the availability of water on the moon. He get away from competition in using material brought up from the ground. He suggested that permanently shadowed limited Earth resources to produce noted that the greatest problems then regions near the lunar poles might act as weapons of destruction and move toward would involve construction methods and cold traps for the trapping of water. cooperation in the acquisition of energy productivity, and that there was in Charles B. Sclar, of Lehigh University, usable on Earth.” progress a study at the Martin Co. on suggested that lunar iron could serve as a Fletcher replied, saying: “We believe automated assembly in orbit. He that a strong case can be made for a source of process heat for lunar expressed the hope that there would be operations. greater investment in space, and ten powersats by the year 2000, and 100 Turning to environmental concerns, international cooperation is an important in 2025, each generating ten gigawatts of John W. Freeman of Rice University way of increasing the return on that power. stated that release of 100 grams per investment. . . .Space may be an In response to questions, he noted that second of gas would, over time, suffice to important factor in utilizing solar energy, the power beam density would be such as build a tenuous lunar atmosphere. and if we proceed with it, the possibility to deliver no more than 35 milliwatts per Robert C. Reedy, of LASL, raised the of working in cooperation with other square centimeter of power, absorbed question of whether there have existed nations could be considered very within the atmosphere. He stated this was super intense solar flares, much more seriously. an environmentally safe level. He also powerful than any observed to date. He “As for the Soviets, a key question is described NASA experiments in power presented isotopic evidence to show that the attitude which they may take toward transmission in California, and noted that data of the last ten years is typical of future space cooperation. For our part, “no dead birds have been found beneath flare activity over the last million. we hope to maintain the momentum the rectenna. However, this may be due Krafft Ehricke, of Rockwell developed in the Apollo-Soyuz Test to the presence of coyotes.” International, suggested the use of Project. Gerald Driggers of Southern Research nuclear explosions for engineering “We have sensed a similar interest on Institute noted that oxygen, available as a purposes on the Moon. He noted that the the part of the Soviets, but we are not by-product of metal extraction processes, near absence of such nuclides as yet able to assess its depth and scope. We would greatly lower the propellant strontium and iodine would ease the do expect to meet with representatives of requirements for space flight. He problem of radioactivity. He expressed the Soviet Academy of in the discussed a class of launch vehicles with next few months to discuss post-ASTP confidence that the existing international payload of 500,000 pounds, noting that cooperation. treaties, which forbid such explosions, availability of lunar oxygen would permit “To cooperate in the development of would be amended to permit them. a fourfold reduction in the gross liftoff solar energy in space would require skills David Strangeway, of the University of weight. and confidence far beyond what were Toronto, proposed methods for lunar David Criswell reviewed O’Neill’s work developed in ASTP. Therefore, assuming prospecting. He noted that lunar soils on lunar mass transportation, and the most positive attitude on the part of contain 0.5% metallic iron, and suggested suggested that hydrogen from the solar our Soviet colleagues, we would still be that one means of prospecting would wind, implanted in the lunar regolith, some years away from so complex an involve generating a magnetic field over would be a valuable resource. The undertaking.” the surface and noting the nature of the concentration is 40 parts per million. In CLW is currently awaiting a response remnant magnetism after the field is a subsequent paper, Richard J. Williams, to their request for a cooperative U.S.- turned off. Different minerals would of NASA Headquarters, made similar U.S.S.R. L-5 venture which they made react in different ways. Alternately, there suggestions concerning nitrogen. He March 15, 1976, to Fred C. Ikle, Director would be electromagnetic methods of stated the nitrogen concentration is 100 of the Arms Control and Disarmament prospecting. An electromagnetic pulse, parts per million and is higher in fine- Agency. directed into the soil, would induce eddy grained materials. currents, measurement of which would SPACE COLONIZATION AT Charles Holbrow, one of the leaders of permit determination of the dielectric LUNAR SCIENCE CONFERENCE last year’s Summer Study, reviewed the constant. llmenite might be detected by work of that study and suggested that its property of reflecting back a radar T. A. Heppenheimer further attention be directed to pulse. Strangeway stated that such The Lunar Science Conference is one colonizing the moon. In response to a prospecting could be conducted by an of the major technical meetings involving question, he said the Summer Study automated roving vehicle of the size of the space sciences. It is held annually, at report might be out in “two or three the Apollo lunar rover. But he warned

April 1976-3 that rich deposits would contain only the sessions as observers on invitation The official languages of the Habitat two or three times the concentrations of only. Forum are French, English, and Spanish. ordinary soils on the Moon. In order to communicate with the media Michael Gaffey of MIT then discussed THE NON-GOVERNMENTAL FORUM of all the nations represented at the the asteroids as material sources. He For representatives of non- conference, the team is asking any L-5 described the spectral features which governmental organizations and members with a scientific or technical indicate the presence of metals, noting individuals interested in human background who are fluent in Spanish or that these features are found in the settlement issues, a complementary French to please attend the conference spectra of such asteroids as 3 Juno, 40 conference, called Habitat Forum, will be and help translate L-5 press releases. Letitia, 54 Eunomia, and a number of organized at Jericho Beach in Vancouver Spanish is an especially critical language others. However, such features are not starting May 24, a few days prior to the as no one of the team speaks it, and observed in the spectra of Apollo governmental meeting. Prepared by the Maruyama’s experience at a previous asteroids, such as 1976 AA, which would International NGO Committee for international conference is that video be the ones most easily reached from Habitat, the Forum has the following crews are anxious to tape interviews in Earth. objectives: their home language. (What this means is Two short papers were given by people -to increase public awareness of some that L-5 volunteers had better not be too from JPL. James D. Burke discussed the of the gigantic problems with which camera shy!) Volunteers who speak other prospects for polar lunar exploration. humanity is confronted; of the solutions languages, even only English, are also Roger Brouke described classes of which are available to many of these welcome. trajectories from the Moon to the problems; and of the consequences which Following is the official L-5 Society libration points. the solutions may have on life styles; statement to the Habitat Forum, which Finally, Allan M. Russell, of Hobart -to build up the popular support will be published by the Forum in a hand- College, another of the leaders of last which governments need in order to make book available to all who attend. year’s Summer Study, suggested the use the far-reaching decisions and undertake Human Settlements in Outer Space: of a gas-gun, or modern version of Jules the actions which are needed to cope with Energy for Earth and New Lands for Verne’s moon cannon, for materials these problems; transport or for use as a reaction device. -to coordinate the points of view of Humanity In addition to the presented papers, NGOs for presentation to the UN The construction of self-sufficient the session organizers received some two Conference and to make an effort to have earth-like habitats for human settlements dozen submitted short papers which were these points of view reflected in the in outer space (in high earth orbit) has not presented. All received papers will be Conference decisions; been demonstrated to be practical and published in the Proceedings of this -to enable the UN and member economical within the next fifteen years. session, which will be available in about governments to make use of the vast Such habitats (sometimes called “space two months from David R. Criswell, experience and expertise of professional communities” or “space colonies” can be Lunar Science Institute, 3303 NASA and other organizations from developed as attractive as the most pleasant parts of Road 1, Houston, Texas 77058. and developing countries around the the Earth, with abundant fresh food, world in fields related to human energy, and room for the inhabitants, but HABITAT CONFERENCE: settlements. without pollution. L-5 SOCIETY PLANS FOR The L-5 Society is participating in the This astonishing option for humanity WORLDWIDE IMPACT non-governmental Habitat Forum. Our has been under serious study since 1969 team is coordinated by Peter Vajk, a at several universities (including Princeton HABITAT, UN CONFERENCE with Science Applications, Inc. and M.I.T.) and by the National ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS He is the author of the ground-breaking Aeronautics and Space Administration During the United Nations Conference study, “The Impact of Space (NASA). Space communities have also on Human Environment, held in Colonization on World Dynamics,” in been discussed in committees of both Stockholm in 1972, attention was mainly press, Technological Forecasting and houses of the United States Congress and focussed on the problems of the natural Social Change, 1976. in the Outer Space Committee and the environment. At that time, it was decided Magoroh Maruyama is another team Political Committee of the United that a separate international meeting member; he is a professor of Systems Nations General Assembly. should deal with the man-made Science at Portland State University. He No technological developments more environment. It is at the invitation of the was a speaker at the 1975 Princeton advanced than NASA’s Space Shuttle are Government of Canada that this meeting, Space Manufacturing Facilities necessary for the construction of the first entitled Habitat, will take place in Conference and a participant in the few such space communities. Raw Vancouver from May 31 to June 11, NASA/Ames Research Center Summer materials mined on the moon would be 1976. A special section of the UN Study on space colonization. His used extensively, with energy supplied Secretariat, headed by Enrique Penalosa formulation of reciprocal causality abundantly and freely by the Sun. The as Secretary General, assisted by a (American Scientist, 1963) has been establishment of this first foothold in governmental preparatory committee of widely used in the analysis of ecological space for permanent human expansion 58 delegates, has been working for over systems. He has been an organizer of the beyond the confines of Spaceship Earth two years to prepare the Conference. In a annual Cultural Futuristics Symposia for will required a significant (but not continuous plenary session and three the American Anthropological exorbitant) investment for the first ten committees, there will be discussed: Association since 1970. to fifteen years. Peak annual costs would -a draft Declaration of Principles for A third member of the team is Robert be only 0.1-0.3% -- a few thousandths -- of Human Settlements; Anton Wilson, a free-lance science-fiction the combined Gross National Products of -Recommendations for National writer Ulluminatus, Dell Books, 1975) the principal industrialized nations of the Action on Settlement Policies, Strategies and a former editor of Playboy. Wilson world. and Planning; is handling the publicity for the L-5 Beginning in about 1990, the first -Proposals for International Action Habitat presentation. space communities (ten thousand or more on Human Settlements. As a native of Hungary, Peter Vajk people living in each) would build Habitat is a conference of delegates of speaks the language fluently; Magoroh Satellite Solar Power Stations (SSPS) for the 145 member governments of the Maruyama’s native language is Japanese. Earth. Such a satellite in geosynchronous United Nations. Representatives of non- The also speak, between the two of them, orbit, where it would appear to hover governmental organizations can attend Swedish, Danish, French, and German. motionlessly above a fixed point on the April 1976-4 Earth, can collect solar energy with large terms of the construction of entirely new NASA ARTIST DONATES mirrors (ten to fifty square kilometers in forms of human settlements in the space PAINTING FOR area) and convert it into short-wavelength communities. The United Nations HABITAT FUND radio beams for transmission to large Conference on Human Settlements is receiver antennas located anywhere on urged to endorse further work on these Andre Fontaine-Gagnon, a NASA the Earth. This will provide large amounts new concepts, and to propose that all artist and student of Jackson Pollock, has of safe, environmentally clean electrical national governments participate in the donated a concave, flourescent, textured energy twenty-four hours a day at prices most rapid possible development of abstract painting to the L-5 Society. lower than for fossil fuel or nuclear human settlements in outer space for the Entitled “The Door of the Universe,” powerplants in the United States and benefit of all of humankind. the work is described by Fontaine- Canada today, rapidly repaying the entire Gagnon in this way: “What is the door of investment for establishing these first the universe? The answer is very simple! Peter Vajk and Robert Wilson are space communities. When people learn to live in Peace and planning to remain at the conference for In the developing countries, SSPS Harmony with themselves and each other 12 days in order to be able to make a electricity can be used to make synthetic the door of the universe shall be opened presentation to the Governmental fuels (either gaseous or liquid) and for them. All the wisdom and knowledge section of Habitat after the Forum has synthetic fertilizers at costs much lower in the heavenly bodies shall be theirs.” ended. Professor Maruyama will stay only than present prices in these countries for When the 24” x 32” painting arrived, during the week of the Forum. The fossil fuels or firewood and for fertilizers. the first thing the L-5 staff did was to team’s budget is as follows: This would provide meaningful assistance shine an ultraviolet light (used by Analog Transportation: $824 for economic development and Precision to erase microprocessor Telephone: agricultural productivity improvements. 100 memories) on it. We can guarantee “The Literature: Moreover, the use of such synthetic fuels 400 Door to the Universe” will satisfy black can halt the massive environmental damage Food : 300 light fans. It has the brilliance of a Housing: due to the presently unavoidable excessive 562 surrealistic hummingbird. Misc.: use of trees and animal manures for fuel. 200 The artist has given the L-5 Society These practices, especially since the Total: $2,386 permission to sell his painting to raise recent price increases for petroleum, If any people can be located in funds for the Habitat presentation. It is contribute to erosion and flooding of Vancouver who can provide the local appraised at $900. Slides of it are agricultural lands in South America and transportation and housing the team available to those who are interested. If South Asia and to the southward needs, the expenses can be cut by about your heart is set on owning a Fontaine- expansion of the Sahara Desert. Shortly $700. That would leave a balance of Gagnon painting, but your bank balance after the year 2000, importing of metals $1,686 for the projected expenses. Of objects, let the L-5 staff know and (steel, aluminum, titanium, etc.) from the that, L-5 members William O’Boyle of perhaps we can negotiate. asteroid belt to any country on Earth is New York City and Norrie Huddle of Fontaine-Gagnon’s next major art likely to become economically attractive, San Francisco have already committed a show, “Probing the Universe,” will further assisting economic development. total of $750, leaving less than $1,000 premiere next August in Montreal as part Without any drain on Earth’s to be raised, assuming the team gets free of the 1976 Olympic program. One of resources, the space communities will also housing and local transportation. his works will be titled “The L-5 Society” build additional space communities Why are we making the Habitat and will be sent to the Society beginning in the 1990’s. Available presentation? Jesco von Puttkamer of headquarters after the show. resources in just a few of the larger NASA’s Office of Space Flight has urged The L-5 staff will survive parting with known asteroids are sufficient to provide the L-5 Society to “bring this concept to “The Door of the Universe” only because at least three thousand times the total the Third World,” citing the need to make we know another of the artist’s paintings land area of Earth. Each physically the U.S. space program relevant to the will be coming in the future! separate space community (ranging in problems of the entire Earth. NO SNAKE OIL SALESMEN size from a few square kilometers to Peter Jankowitsch, Austrian several hundred kilometers, and Ambassador to the U.N. and Chairman NEED APPLY accomodating from ten thousand to of the U.N. Outer Space Committee has “A new wind is blowing,” asserted several million people in each) can have reported to us that “space colonization Jesco von Puttkamer of NASA’s Office of a completely different type of climate, . . . is gaining increasing attention from a Space FIight. weather, and landscape, as well as totally number of member countries. . . .” “We expect to have our orbiting space distinct cultures, languages, and life- Our Society has become an inter- station (planned to house two hundred styles. The principles for human national organization, with members in workers) by 1983-1984. Notice we have settlement in these conditions can be the United States, Canada, Australia, moved up the date a bit since last month radically different from the principles for England, and Switzerland. The time has -that is because public attitudes are Earthbound settlements. come for us to speak out to the entire changing.” The accelerated economic international community. Please help our Von Puttkamer added, “We feel public development of the less affluent nations team at Habitat make our voices heard participation in its planning is feasible.” will help to lower birth rates, without around the world! He said that while Skylab carried a few coercion. This reduction in birth rates, Those who can attend the conference citizen and student experiments, the combined with modest levels of migration or who have located free housing in orbiting space station is planned to take to the new lands in outer space, has been Vancouver should contact J. Peter Vajk, advantage of large scale public projected to stabilize the Earth’s 57 Oakdene Court, Walnut Creek, participation. FASST (which now stands population perhaps as early as 2020 or CA 94596. for Forum for the Advancement of 2030. Those who wish to contribute to the Students in Science and Technology) is It is clear that any discussion of human Habitat Fund should send donations to: currently working closely with the Office settlement policies for the next fifteen to Habitat Fund, L-5 Society, 1620 N. Park, of Space Flight to coordinate citizen fifty years must take cognizance of this Tucson, AZ 85719; the phone number is input to the program. new option for humanity, both in terms (602) 622-1344. Von Puttkamer suggested that L-5 of the abundant energy and materials For more details on the Habitat members (whether or not they are resources which will thus become budget, contact Carolyn Henson at the students!) might wish to contact FASST available here on the Earth as well as in L-5 Society headquarters in Tucson. on this project. Those interested should April 1976-5 write or call Leonard David, 1785 Atlanta, April 24; Washington, D.C., and The First International Syncon is part Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC Dallas, May 1; San Francisco, May 8; of the U.S. Bicentennial Exposition on 20036, or phone (202) 483-2900. Seattle, Miami, and Boston, May 15; Science and Technology at Cape Von Puttkamer predicted that in the Tucson and Memphis, May 22. Horizons Canaveral from May 30 to Labor Day, building and operation of this space Day leaders trained at these sessions will September 6, 1976. President Ford station, which he sees as the crucial first also receive: recently announced the theme of the step toward the colonization of space, Special worksheets, ballot boxes and Exposition: “The prospects for a better “a lot of hardships should be encountered forms for their Future Assembly life in 1976 and for the next one hundred and overcome. What we don’t want is for years thereafter.” Idea Kit containing a digest of current these hardships to generate a backlash. and advanced thinking on solutions for The Committee for the Future, Inc., Supporters of space colonization should basic problems and techniques for the Washington-based nonprofit show a measured judgement -- no snake oil implementation (including space organization which developed the Syncon salesmen are needed!” colonization). technique and is coordinating the When asked what makes a “snake oil” Horizons Day program, is the only Publicity Kit to help organize and salesperson, von Puttkamer replied that citizens group participating in the publicize the event. they were people who belittle the Exposition. obstacles to be overcome by the space Public Service Announcements for The Committee for the Future, Inc., is program, or claim that it could be done local TV and radio stations. a nonprofit public foundation dedicated far cheaper, or in far less time, than Dramatic Skit, “Everyone,” depicting to bringing the options for a positive NASA has predicted ($100-200 billion, humankind’s search for understanding future into the public arena for decision and no sooner than 1990). of one another. and action. Since its inception in 1970, “Now, don’t misunderstand me,” he Suggestions for Visual Aids to help add The Committee has produced twenty-two added. “There are no snake oil salesmen a festive note to Future Assemblies. citizens’ participatory conferences called in the L-5 Society. You are doing a good Syncons, covering a wide range of topics: job.” After the Horizons Day leaders return the environment, crime, technology and NATIONWIDE LOOK AT from their training sessions, they will society, quality of life, information, have two months to organize their Future politics, and many others. It has AMERICA’S THIRD CENTURY Assemblies. Here is how it will be done: supported the development of the ON HORIZONS DAY The Participants: The leaders will concept of space colonization since 1974, We are on the edge of a new millenium, invite as many people as possible to and has been a major ally of the L-5 on the brink of a new stage of participate. Horizons Day head- Society. development, racing blindly in to the quarters will provide participation Bicentennial communities and future. But where do we want to go?” profiles to guide leaders toward wider interested organizations who wish to -- Alvin Toffler representation. Twenty to fifty people participate in ‘Horizons Day can call per group has been found to work Horizons Day headquarters toll-free at Communities and groups across the best. So, if there will be more than 800-424-2488. nation will meet in Future Assemblies on fifty participants, additional people In order for them to do their planning June 26, 1976 -- Horizons Day -- to should be trained as Volunteer Leaders effectively, they must hear from you examine goals for America’s Third at one of the five national training soon! Century. centers. If needed, additional training A local Future Assembly will involve SPACE COLONIZATION sessions will be held. a community cross-section of ORGANIZATIONS The Place: Leaders can convene their approximately fifty citizens. They will Space Colonization Now! reach consensus on the best actions the Future Assembly in a home or town hall, community center, school gym, 1601 N. Main St., Suite 203 United States can take to build a better Walnut Creek, CA 94596 future. church recreational facility, college This is a non-profit organization with a As Horizons Day (June 26) ends, auditorium or meeting room. Special membership of about four hundred. results of Future Assemblies will be prices are being considered by both “Space colonization is possible today. telephoned toll-free to the First the Holiday Inn and Sheraton Hotel . . . The sad fact is, present political International Syncon (June 23-26) at chains for the Future Assemblies. priorities being what they are, few of us Cape Canaveral, Florida. The Procedure: Having completed the here today will be able to participate in At the First International Syncon, an Horizons Day training, leaders will use this grand adventure. There is no time to officially recognized Bicentennial project the Shared Participation process to delay till the next century what we can of The Committee for the Future, Inc., conduct the Future Assemblies. With and must do today!” two hundred participants will use the the aid of the ballot box, special Syncon conference technique to reach forms, and idea kit, they will facilitate Phoenix Foundation consensus on goals for America’s Third agreement on new actions for a future 1021 California Ave. Century. They will meet at Press Site of the community’s choice. In Klamath Falls, OR 97601 39, Kennedy Space Center. addition, the Future Assemblies can be This is a non-profit, tax-exempt The combined results of Horizons Day enhanced by other festivities and religious organization. “The Foundation and the First International Syncon will be program events. believes in the basic goodness of man- read into the Congressional Record, Horizons Day: When the group has kind. . . . Its purpose is to help mankind submitted to the President of the United reached agreement, it will call in its set and achieve the very highest of goals. States, and featured on national television. results on a toll-free line to the First . . . The best way to accomplish this task Community leaders will be trained in a International Syncon at Cape is to arrange a marriage between religion consensus-building process, “Shared Canaveral. There, participants will be and science, or intuition and intellect. . . . Participation,” to be used on Horizons discussing issues similar to those being Currently, the Foundation is Day. This process was developed by discussed by Future Assemblies across concentrating its efforts on the Warren Avis, founder of Avis Rent-a-Car the nation on Horizons Day, the last promotion of Dr. O’Neill’s SSPS concept.” and Avis Research Center. day of the First International Syncon. International Society of The Committee for the Future, Inc., Both Syncon and Future Assembly Free Space Colonizers will conduct the Shared Participation results will be presented in a nationally P.O. Box 9743 training in ten locations: Chicago and televised program. Seattle, WA 98109 April 1976-6 “Quest, the journal of the BIBLIOGRAPHY UPDATE United for Our Expanded Space international Society of Free Space “Colonies in Space,” Eric Burgess, Programs has a bumper sticker reading Colonizers, presents approaches to Astronomy, January, 1976, pp. 18-25. “Space is the Place.” They can be fighting and defeating altruist- contacted at P.O. Box 7807, San Diego, “Colonies in Space May Turn Out to collectivism. Quest represents the first CA 92107. Be Nice Places to Live,” Ron Chernow, wave of an emerging hard-core capitalist Entries in the L-5 bumper sticker February, 1976. revolutionary movement which promises Smithsonian, contest are: to reform the course of two hundred “Space Colonies: The High Frontier,” SPACE IS SURVIVAL years of history and bring forth the Gerard K. O’Neill, The Futurist, L-5 A GIANT STEP FOR MANKIND triumphant rise of the Creator Class both February, 1976, pp. 25-33. L-5 IS FAR OUT on and off this planet. 12 issues, $9.” “Initial Space Colonization: Concepts WE NEED SPACE TO LIVE IN Earth/Space and R&D Aims,” T.A. Heppenheimer and TROUBLE PARKING? 2319 Sierra Mark Hopkins, Astronautics and JOIN A SPACE COLONY Palo Alto, CA 94303 Aeronautics, March, 1976, pp. 58-64, 72. MOON YOUR FELLOW MAN – L-5 (415) 326-3216 CoEvolution Quarterly, Spring, 1976. BE A STAR – L-5 This organization publishes the Earth/ [Box 428, Sausalito, CA 94965.] Public FLY HIGHER WITH AN L-FIVER Space Newsletter, $5 per year. figures such as Buckminster Fuller, COME ALIVE – JOIN L-5 “Dedicated to free space enterprise,” the Paolo Soleri, Hazel Henderson, and John BE A PERSON IN YOUR OWN MOON: L-5 newsletter heavily emphasizes space Todd make public statements for the first L-5 WANTS TO GET HIGH colonization. time on space colonization. Writings from L-5 LET’S GET HIGH The March 1976 issue carries a plan researchers in the field, such as Peter L-5 ON THE LAST FRONTIER for a low earth orbit, large scale human Vajk, T.A. Heppenheimer, and Eric L-5 ON THE NEW FRONTIER habitat built within a surprisingly small Drexler are also included. L-5 A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE budget. While the newsletter admits that L-5 LET’S LIVE IN SPACE TOGETHER its analysis glosses over the radiation L-5 TAX STATUS L-5 IS THE PLACE TO LIVE L-5 FOR MORE JOBS IN SPACE shielding problem, the subject is in The L-5 Society recently received its SAFE, CLEAN ENERGY FROM SPACE general well researched. nonprofit, tax-exempt status under SPACE POWER: L-5 The Network section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue L-5 BY ‘95 P.O. Box 317 Code. Donors may deduct contributions L-5: THE HIGH FRONTIER Berkeley, CA 94701 to the L-5 Society as provided in section A writeup on this organization can be 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, As some of the contest entries are found in Fate, March, 1976, pp. 49-57. devises, transfers, or gifts to the Society from members of the L-5 staff, we don’t The Network is interested in a gestalt of or for its use are deductible for Federal trust our objectivity. How about a vote? star flight, immortality research, and estate and gift tax purposes if they meet No fair writing in under pseudonyms, one “higher intelligence.” It is notable among the applicable provisions of sections vote per member! space-oriented organizations in its hearty, 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Code. if sometimes bizarre sense of humor. Donations dating back to the People who would like to attend a beginning of the L-5 Society are also tax- deductible under the provisions of the Network seminar can call (415) 841-9470 I’ve been advocating some commercial Code. for more details. space transportation company for ten United For Our Expanded Space Programs years or so to stop the taxpayer drain. P.O. Box 7807 BUMPER STICKER CONTEST We really can’t expect a war effort to San Diego, CA 92107 Two bumper stickers are available go for such national push like the Apollo “A non-profit organization dedicated from other organizations. FASST has job. to propaganda and education for the one labeled “America Needs Space to This should be stockholder run and increased exploration and exploitation of Grow,” with the Earth rising over the dividend-paying some day. the space environment. . . . Either we will horizon of the Moon. They are five for Let us not go so far down toward go forward to the Void or we will hold $1.OO, up to 25; ten cents each for 25 or socialism. We can do it with stockholders back and create the Void here on Earth. more; minimum order of five. Write like we did with Comsat. The latter is War while the former is Leonard David, 1785 Massachusetts Ave., Maitland McLarin Space!” NW, Washington, DC 20036. Mountain Lakes, NJ April 1976-7

L-5 SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP FORM (please type or print)





I am --am not-- interested in being active locally. ___ Back issues of L-5 News available, $1.00 each. ___ Please enroll me as an L-5 Society Member. I am enclosing a check for $ (regular membership, $20.00; student membership, $10.00; memberships include subscription to L-5 News). ___ Please enter an institutional membership to receive L-5 News for our organization/library as indicated above. We enclose a check for $ (institutional or library membership, $100.00; special library subscription with one month delayed mailing, $20.00). Ian Richards sent me a copy of his I have noticed that each time you MIT “CAN” paper (for which many thanks) and a mention Neil Ruzic in your newsletter A graduate level course in advanced little summary of what he’s doing. you add that he is the author of The Case systems engineering at the Massachusetts Apparently, he’s thinking along the lines for Going to the Moon. You might also Institute of Technology is studying the of a system based on direct cultivation of add that he is the author if the just as, if design of a small, early industrial colony. lunar soil rather than hydroponic culture. not more important Where the Wind Taught by Professor John F. McCarthy, He has therefore been using terrestrial Sleeps. Jr., it focuses on a structural design for production rather than hydroponic Is it possible that someday when 1000-2500 people, depending upon the production figures, which are much ERDA remembers that solar energy agricultural productivity which can be higher. In the later stages, Model II and research is supposed to be in their budget, achieved. The design plans to avoid major beyond, soil cultivation might become that they might ask you for a study of resupply problems by providing food and important, if we are going to consider SSPS construction methods and costs. landscaping of the space habitats. For Even though they say that they are renewing the air with a system of farms agriculture, hydroponics beats soil considering SSPS as a possible alternative and parks. The design parameters are 0.75 g cultivation hands down, especially with source of future energy, it appears that 2 regard to the area parameter. I’m going they are neglecting this proposal. (7.36 m/sec ), an RPM of 2.6, an to write Ian Richards an encouraging Keep up the good work. Thank you. atmosphere 0.4 that of sea level, with a content of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrogen, note, as I seem to recall a report around David M. Dryden 1969-1970 in Science by someone at the radiation shielding of 5000 kg/ma, and a Toledo, Ohio location at L-5. University of Houston who did a L-5 SOCIETY UNWHELMED cultivation experiment with lunar soil The habitat is a cylinder with rounded samples from one of the first Apollos Thanks to last minute donations from endcaps; sunlight will be brought in members (see “Underwhelming Response, through windows in the endcaps. Area is (and found that the plants actually grew 4 2 L-5 News No. 7, pg. 7). Bill Weigle of the 6.28 x 10 m in the cylindrical part plus better in lunar soil!). 5 2 Another factor just occured to me -- Tucson L-5 Chapter was able to represent 1.26 x 10 m in the endcaps. Diameter the L-5 Society and FASST at the April is 100m. atmosphere. CO2 content has received much attention, but I’m not sure if any- 2 convention of the National Conference Participants in the course refer to the colony as the “MIT Can.” one has looked into the effect of on Aerospace Education. Special thanks Fourteen students and two faculty decreasing or eliminating nitrogen. One go to Bill O’Boyle of New York, New members are participating in the study. plant group which might suffer is the York, and to Frederick H. Osborn of The results will be published. For copies legumes, since they harbor symbiotic Garrison, New York, who sent in his of the report, available some months bacteria on root nodules which fix free donation with the note, “Hope this will hence, write Professor John F. McCarthy, nitrogen from the air to supply the plant unwhelm you!” Jr., Center for Space Research, MIT, with nutrients. If we can compensate for Cambridge, MA 02139. this, we might be able to save considerable mass by using an all oxygen atmosphere. COMING UP IN L-5 NEWS: Jim Kempf MILITARY ASPECTS OF SSPS Koror, Palau West Caroline Islands POWER, Keith Henson

. . . I’d be interested in corresponding A-STROLLING THE ASTROTURF with anyone interested in discussing space T. A. Heppenheimer colonization and other future prospects ORBIT such as computer progress, human- NEED TO EVALUATE machine symbiosis, and other activities in FEASIBILITY OF SPACE- space. BUILT SSPS, Sklarew & Vajk Terry Nielsen LATE DEVELOPMENTS 731 Bond St. Green Bay, WI 54303 AND MUCH MORE!

NON PROFIT ORG. L-5 NEWS U. S. POSTAGE Copyright 1976 PAID L-5 Society TUCSON, ARIZ. 1620 North Park Avenue PERMIT No. 14 Tucson, Arizona 85719 (602) 622-1344 BOARD OF DIRECTORS T. Stephen Cheston, Georgetown University David M. Fradin, Environmental Balance Association of Minnesota H. Keith Henson, Analog Precision, Inc. Carolyn Meinel Henson, Analog Precision, Inc. William H. Weigle, University of Arizona News-media, such as newspapers, wire services, radio, and TV stations, may quote up to 100 words from L-5 News without permission. For quotes in excess of 100 words, prior permission from L-5 Society is necessary. Please send in address changes as soon as possible. Type or print clearly and include Zip Code.