Investigation on Hydrobiology and Water Quality Parameters of Periyar Lake, Thekkady, Kerala
INVESTIGATION ON HYDROBIOLOGY AND WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS OF PERIYAR LAKE, THEKKADY, KERALA THESIS SUBMITTED TO MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY, KERALA AS PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF Doctor of Philosophy in Botany IN THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE BY JITHESH KRISHNAN.R ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE RESEARCH LAB DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY ST.BERCHMANS COLLEGE CHANGANACHERRY KERALA 686101 JANUARY 2008 i Dedicated To My parents and wife ii DECLARATION I, Jithesh Krishnan. R, do here by declare that the thesis entitled “Investigation on hydrobiology and water quality parameters of Periyar Lake, Thekkady, Kerala” is an authentic record of research work done by me under the guidance and supervision of Dr. J.G Ray, Reader, Environmental Science Research Lab, Department of Botany, St. Berchmans College, Changanacherry. This work has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma earlier. Changanacherry Jithesh Krishnan. R Date: iii CERTIFICATE I certify that the thesis entitled “Investigation on hydrobiology and water quality parameters of Periyar Lake, Thekkady, Kerala” is an authentic record of research work carried out by Mr. Jithesh Krishnan. R in the Environmental Science Research Lab, Department of Botany, St. Berchmans College, Changanacherry, under my guidance and supervision. I further certify that this work is original, and no part of this has been presented for the award of any degree or diploma of this or any other universities. Changanacherry Dr. J.G Ray Date: Reader Environmental Science Research Lab, Department of Botany St. Berchmans College, Changanacherry iv ABSTRACT This is the case study of anthropogenic impacts on the hydrobiology of a Lake, which is commercially exploited over a hundred years and is integral to a wildlife sanctuary.
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