Weather, Local Knowledge and Everyday Life Issues in Integrated Climate Studies
Weather, Local Knowledge and Everyday Life Issues in Integrated Climate Studies Edited by Vladimir Jankovic and Christina Barboza Weather, Local Knowledge and Everyday Life Issues in Integrated Climate Studies Weather, Local Knowledge and Everyday Life Issues in Integrated Climate Studies Edited by Vladimir Jankovic and Christina Barboza MAST, Rio de Janeiro, 2009 Weather, Local Knowledge and Everyday Life: Issues in Integrated Climate Studies. Vladimir Jankovic and Christina Barboza (Eds.) ©MAST 2009 Book and cover design by Felipe Cavalcanti Catalogação na fonte do Departamento Nacional do Livro Issues in Integrated Climate Studies Acknowledgements We would like to thank the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA), the Cultural Association of the Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences Fellows (SAMAST), and the Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation of Support to Research in the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) for their support to the ICHM “Weather, Local Knowledge and Everyday Life” Conference, held in Rio de Janeiro, 26-30 May 2008. We would also like to thank the members of the organizing committees, namely Cornelia Lüdecke (ICHM President), James Fleming (ICHM past-President) anad Samuel Randalls (UCL), Alfredo Tolmasquim (Director of MAST), Priscila Faulhaber and José Antônio Queiroz. Luís Felipe Ferrão helped us with registration fees and ready money, while Ethel Handfas, Felipe Cavalcanti and Cecília Moura were invaluable in the production of printed materials. Finally, we would like to give a special thanks to Roseana Costa, the Conference secretary, who worked full time to create the most stimulating ambience for friendship and our scholarly reflections on the weather.
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