Dominican Calendar and Indulgences, 1920

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Dominican Calendar and Indulgences, 1920 DOMINICAN CALENDAR AND INDULGENCES, 1920 JANUARY Dedicated to the Holy Name lat, Thur. New Year's Day. Cir­ reception of sacraments on the fit:&t cumcision of Our Lord. Holy Day of Saturday of the month, prayers in Obligation. Feast-day of the Confra­ honor of Mary Immaculate and pray­ ternity of the Holy Name. General ers for the Pope's intention. absolution with plenary indulgence. 4th, Sun. Octave of Holy Innocents. Indulgences: 1. Plenary for Tertiar­ First Sunday of the month. Indul­ ies, who, having received the sacra­ gences: Four plenary indulgences for ments, visit a Dominican church, or Rosarians, who, having received the one having a chapter of Tertiaries, sacraments, fulfil the required condi­ and there pray for the Pope's inten­ tions, namely: 1. By visiting the tion. Those unable to receive the <;hu rch or c1iapel of the Rosary, and sacraments but fulfilling the other there praying for the intention of the conditions gain a partial indulgence Holy Father. 2. By being present at of 7 years and 7 quarantines. If the the exposition of the Blessed Sacra­ above churches do not exist, the par­ ment in any church where the Rosary ish church may be visited. 2. Plenary Society is established and there pray­ for members of Living Rosary Soci­ ing for the Pope's intentions. 3. By ety who say one decade of Rosary attending the Rosary procession, daily for one month and fulfil the praying for the Pope's intentions and usual conditions for gaining a plenary making a visit to the Rosary altar or indulgence, i. e., receive the sacra­ chapel. 4. By saying the entire Ro­ ments, visit a church and pray for the sary of fifteen decades for the inten­ Pope. 3. Partial indulgence of 30 tion of the triumph of Holy Church years and 30 quarantines for Tertiar­ and visiting a public church or chapel. ies and for Rosarians who visit five It is to be noted that Rosarians who altars of any church (in a church are travelling, or engaged in actual where there are not this number, five employment (e. g., soldiers in actual visits to one or more altars will suf­ service) and unable to make the visit, fice) and pray for the Pope. 4. Plen­ can gain the indulgence for the reci­ ary and partial indulgences for all the tation of the entire Rosary; the sick, faithful. 5. The faithful in general however, by reciting one-third part of may gain an indulgence of 352 years the Rosary before an image of the and 105 quarantines, if they visit a Blessed Virgin. Partial indulgence of Dominican church or a church of any 7 years and 7 quarantines for Rosar­ of the other Mendicant Orders, and ians and all the faithful who attend there say three times in honor of the the Rosary procession. most Blessed Trinity the "Our Father" 5th, Mon. Vigil of Epiphany. the "Hail Mary" and the "Glory be 6th, Tues. Epiphany of Our Lord. to the Father." General absolution with plenary in­ 2d, Fri. Octave of St. Stephen, Pro­ dulgence. I. Plenary and partial for tomartyr. First Friday of the month. Tertiaries. (Cc. See January 1, No. 1.) 3d, Sat. Octave of St. John the 2. Partial of 30 years and 30 quaran­ Evangelist. First Saturday of the tines for Rosarians and Tertiaries. · month. Plenary indulgence for all (Cc. See January 1, No.3.) 3. Plenary th11 faithful, granted by Pope Pius X, indulgence for members of the Living to increase devotion to the Immacu­ Rosary Society. (Cc. See January 1, late Mother of God and make repara­ No.2.) 4. Plenary indulgence for Ro­ tion for insults offered to her. Cc. sarians who, having confessed and 60 Dominican Calendar and lndul.renc:ea received Holy Communion, visit the church of the Confraternity and pray­ chapel of the Rosary, or the church of ing for the Pope. the Confraternity, and there pray for 12th, Mon. Of the Octave of the the intention of the Pope at some Epiphany. time between first Vespers and sun­ 13th, Tuea. Octave of the Epiphany. set, on the feasts of Epiphany, Easter, 14th, Wed. St. Hilary, Bp., C., Doct. Ascension, Pentecost, Immaculate 15th, Thur. Bl. Francis Capillas, M., Conception, Nativity of the Blessed 0. P. First day of the novena to St. Virgin. Annunciation, Visitation, Raymond of Pennafort, 0. P. Seven Do­ Purification, Assumption, Stephana, V., 0 . P. lors, All Saints; likewise on any two 16th, Fri. Bl. F ridays of Lent, once within the oc­ 17th, Sat. St. Antony, Abbot. tave of All Souls, on the Sunday 18th, Sun. Feast of the Holy Name within the octave of the Nativity of of Jesus. Third Sunday of the month. the Blessed Virgin, on the third Sun­ Plenary indulgence for the members day of April, and on Christmas. 5. The of the Living Rosary Society. (Cc. See faithful in general may gain an indul­ January 1, No.2.) gence of 352 years and 105 quaran­ 19th, Mon. Bl. Andrew of Peschera, tines, if they visit a Dominican church C., 0. P. or a church of any of the other Men­ 20th, Tuea. SS. Fabian and Sebas­ dicant Orders, and there say three tian, MM. First day in preparation times in honor of the most Blessed of novena to feast of Translation of Trinity the "Our Father," the "Hail St. Thomas Aquinas, 0. P. Mary" and the "Glory be to the 21st, Wed. St. Agnes, V., M. Father." 22d, Thur. St. Vincent, M. 7th, Wed. Of the Octave of the 23d, Fri. St. Raymond of Pennafort, Epiphany. C., 0. P. Indulgences : 1. Plenary for 8th, Thur. Of the Octave of the the faithful in general, if they receive Epiphany. the sacraments, make a visit to a Do­ 9th, Fri. Of the Octave of the minican church and there pray for Epiphany. the Pope's intention. 2. Plenary and lOth, Sat. Bl. Gundisalvus, C., 0. P. partial for secular Dominican Ter­ First day of the novena in honor of tiaries. (Cc. See January 1.) the Holy Name of Jesus. 24th, Sat. Bl. Marcolinus of Forti, 11th, Sun. Finding of the Child C., 0. P. Jesus in the Temple. Second Sunday 25th, Sun. Conversion of St. Paul of the month. Holy Name Commun­ the Apostle. Members of the Angelic ion day. Indulgences : On the sec­ Warfare (St. Thomas Sodality) may ond Sunday of each month members gain a partial indulgence of 7 years of the Holy Name Confraternity who and 7 quarantines, if they visit a receive the sacraments may gain two church of the Confraternity after re­ indulgences; namely, a plenary if ceiving the sacraments. First day of they t ake part in the procession and the novena in preparation for the pray for the Pope, and a partial, of 7 feast of Our Lady's Purification. In­ years and 7 quarantines, if they visit dulgences. A plenary indulgence may the altar of the Holy Name in the be gained on any one day of the no­ church of the Confraternity and pray vena, or on the feast itself, by those foe t ile P ope. Members who do not making the novena, provided they re­ receive the sacraments, but are in the ceive worthily the sacraments and state of grace, may receive an indul­ pray for the intention of the Pope. gence of 200 days for assisting at the A partial indulgence of 300 days may procession, whenever held, and pray­ be gained on each day of the novena. ing for the Pope. On the same day Last Sunday of the month. A plenary they may also gain the same indul­ indulgence may be gained by the gences for as sisting at the Mass said faithful in general who recite in at the altar of the Holy Name in the unison with others, at least three Dominican Caleaclar aacl lnclul•••c" 61 times a week, the third part of the 27th, Tuea. St. John Chrysostom, Rosary, and, on the aforesaid Sunday, Bp., C., Doct. receive the sacraments, visit some 28th, Wed. Translation of St. church or public oratory and there Thomas Aquinas. Feast-day of the pray for the Pope. This is the first Angelic Warfare. Indulgences: 1. of the six Sundays consecrated to the Plenary for members of the Confra­ honor of St. Thomas Aquinas. The ternity, if they receive the sacra­ devotion consists in receiving the sac­ ments, visit a church of the Confra­ raments and making a meditation, or ternity and there pray for the Pope. saying some prayers. in honor of the 2. Plenary and partial for secular Do­ saint on each of the six Sundays pre­ minican Tertiaries. (Cc. See January ceding his feast (March 7). Those 1, No. 4.) who fulfill the required conditions 29th, Thur. St. Francis of Sales, may gain a plenary indulgence on Bp., C., Doct. each of the six Sundays. 30th, Fri. St. Peter's Chair at Rome. 26th, Mon. Bl. Margaret of Hun­ (January 18) gary, V., 0. P. 3ht, Sat. St. Peter Nolasco, C. FEBRUARY Dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of Blessed Virgin lat, Sun. Septuagesima Sunday. Dead in a Dominican church, and First Sunday of the month. Indul­ pray for the Pope. gences: 1. Plenaries and partial. (Cc. Sth, Tb.r. St. Agatha, V. M. First See Jan. 4). 2. Plenary for those mak­ day of novena in honor of St. Cather­ ing the six Sundays in honor of St. ine of Ricci, 0. P. Thomas. (Cc. Jan. 25). 6th, Fri. St. Dorothy, V., M. First 2cl, Mon.
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  • UPS-QT04199.Pdf
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