s:recoil of President the effect of a singleAot '`Shooting at taped melons t 'dt:iVen away from:the, rifle •„eotion. We. analyse previous •er film by cri and failure of t

41,60,0h* „4., Alvaro-z)` .clit6h)

Aze .listed here is meant, to indicate content' is the work of k, The tests of a hypothesis by L.W. 4 whia

the report to yen fOr: your el-Lab:it*. flents. of article on the- .p ygic's 'of,the problem to 1 for physicists. i...1e 0 distribute port to studentsOf't sport after been considered, and after ort version e Phyttics Today article well, picked up by Ahis Material strictly confidential at#this time.

-t 1970 ,eastrertypy aer,the Report of the aarran C-laission on Der busheid ow, that s;lerpky, Dbmwrneadaltion of,Proidont Irisready bas booth. question of the number nairaiwoulse ~U. & looked Itsettelt 11101.4. .001-410411sWer the sate fired. If shots oar from two dIffc-rent directions, notion is *nigh* mast ha* isemmitia4 /21110‘ shit ligpeleals,heme boom a conspiracy. Critics of the Whrren hour: have drawn from the treat, es this Dr...46 J4 IMOOWN401161C, 41, 0MOOtkagainst the Commission's conclusions from the principal physical ph ysiclat adlimarelegists 100004 of the assassination, a 25-second color film taken by amateur photographer &simony lbw** hit* a projarte3044 is. Uproar* given a sale& that deratiom as that of the RweJwwtillow At a shoot* , the ducks fall 404,4,0011,the sat detailed study yet published of this and other photographs of martini s. athwart if someone is shot, advise eat strelmealoWthe of rersiX will* 047 400 ,,,igio.empoggiaamien is ALE &mood* ew Xnllss, by Haver/oral philosophy professor toward - the (Page Deseahasis added) • ' • 1 . ,,-. ifhSelefs Thompson (Bernard Geis, 1967). Thompson analysed in detail the one part I &ow of Dr.Abadamehterest in the &men Import frOhis ansayll• et 'Caw Segroder film Which appears most strikingly to contradict the Commission's the impaar !Dim is 1969. bed found :rano that Zaprudor bad jiggle* bas • agolussion that all of the shots were fired from behind and above the President. tamer*, preably, in rseetia to a shot, at a point before the Commission thought ppm* is obviously driven backward and to the left by the shot which strikes the first shat hie han fitiS. (A1ra:a oamsunioated these observations to 'bee im tho head, producing a massive and fatal wound. As we will discuss below, triads of his at Cis 1Mheare prominatly featured in the "CBS Report", a the Wren Commission ignored this evidence, but several critics have claimed that for-tarprogrup pr Lift the saner of 1967.) . lb had agreed that Cie had first two bah mad motion is in itself evidence of a shot from the right front (the adoestalsyhaiehod tistiiiiiikep of the bacroardatiom after the fatal' abet, aid direrWa of 4 the "grassy knoll"). Thompson measured the motion of the President's I told [loses of the detailed steely of this point in lbeasee's Oak. Iodated 4 forward acceleration followed Minot immediately by a comparably After reeding thempsom's work, Alvaro pointed nut to me that the fist Weeeleration, leading to the backwards motion which is visible bachamadation eight bo Jot what be would expect from a single shot from the Italie of the film. This, Thompson concluded, was evidence that rear, ender certain cireostances. As Dr, Riddle woidesilstodey realised, asseratisor,, - leo dUteripat shots bed struck the President at about the same time - one from of momenta has staple and easily predictable oonsogoemess only fer'arogigema year, and another from the front. of rigid or nearly rigid bodies. (Riddle did qualify the osmsi t,,;,410spite the inherent implausibility of two shots striking the President pr r.ewrwop tho "wool direction" of the inched! ice, 40144 tenth of s second of each ether, it was not at all obvious that the Arid easily lie bashardiation-auld be owalletont with a shot'from any direction emapt the frog. Thespeon considered 'ejected the most obvious alternative explanationet that Kennedy's head struck suns surface and bounced back, that Mrs. Kennedy pulled the ems sor,tmo from aft*10aigt4 'Oar's suggested that the lUeereingiilmotie, •■ •

- 3 -

energy of the bullet could be made available to drive enough material forward, mator7 effect. („In a rigid body eellieion where the billet is stopped in the

fast enough, so that its forward momentum was greater than the forward momentum Agree. almost all of the Incident kinetic energy would be lost as heat.) • . carried in by the bullet: if this were the case, the law of conservation of Just 6ecausi'1 1.1rp6theeis :is consistent with momentum and energy conservation

momentum would require the remaining part of the head to recoil backwards - of' not 4140) tt is SlAysimaiiit pqsaible. Some dynamical mechanism is needed

toward the gun. plain hes„there can tie iier. momentum in the direction of the bullet

When Alvarez saw Thompson's quantitative analysis and graphs of the rresident.O. ftterlt h4 ittteractedSith the-itarget than before. (Once this is understood.

motion, he realized for the first time that he had to treat the 7retregride tAie clear that the part of the target which is not driven forward must recoil

motion" seriously, With some simple "back of the envelope" calculations (using bacia.) This is not as unlikely as it:may at first seem. All that is required

a one-dimensional model for the collision) he quickly showed that the observed is that the bullet, As it is slowed down, pulls material from, the target along

motion could easily be made consistent with conservation of momentum and enerOy. with it, at speeds up-to that of the bullet.

A 160-grain bullet traveling at 1S00 feet per second carries shout 40 foot-pounds We felt that no such hypothesis could be taken too seriously unless it

per second of momentum. (These numbers correspond roughly to those for the bullet was experimentally verifiable, especially since it violated our intuitive notions.

allegedly used in the assassination, but for this semi-quantitative argument Alvarez asked Sharon (Buck) Buckingham, an expert with guns (who, along with

approximate values are suffioient. See Appendix 1 for more details.) Thompson Alvarez and me, works at the University of California Lawrence Radiation Lab) to

measured the backwards velocity of Kennedy's head after the shot to be about set up an experiment to test this theory. 3uckinmham thought it seemed unlikely

1.6 feet per second. Estimating the weight of the recoiling part of the heal and 'o work, but agreed to try. The ran -emaster at the San Leandro rifle range was

body at 20 pounds (that is, recoil momentum = 32 foot-pounds per second), we see just as skeptical, but generously arranged for us to use the range. Buckingham that Newton's lairs (conservation of momentum) require that 40 + 32 = 72 foot-oeunds shot at eight targets of various kinds, and reported that Alvarez' hypothesis per second of momentum be carried forward by the fragments of bone, metal, and did seem to work. We decided that Photographs were essential, and returned to tissue which are driven forward. (For example, 1 pound of matter goin' at about the rifle range some months later with a full experimental team. (In addition

70 feet per second would suffice.) It is probably not possible to estimate to Or. Alvarez and Buck Buckingham, the team consisted of Dewey Machinelli as accurately the amount and speed of the forward-going fragments, but it does not marksman, and Don Olson and myself as photographers and "consultants" on the seem inconsistent with the Zapruder film and other evidence for them to he Warren Report.) We set up a remote-controlled 8:mm, movie camera and recorded carrying about 70 foot-pounds per second of momentum forward. Since the bullet the impact of a bullet on several water- and gelatin-filled containers.' We mass (weight) is so small compared to the mass of the target or the fraoments. found that the results were inconclusive with such targets, and that melons (as there is no difficulty in reconciling this hypothesis with the law o' ener,7, had been used in Bmckingham's first tests) were the best for simulating what we conservation -- most of the incident ki,netic energy (enercy of motion) can he thought we saw in the Zapruder film. After the melon season opened, we went to dissipated as heat, with plenty left over to produce the observed "rocket San Leandro a third

(The (The

before before

the seven seven the

the interior of of interior the

of of

a skull covered covered skull a

any forward motion motion forward any

stretch rather than to to than rather stretch

to to

see see

the interior, etc. That is, under under is, That etc. interior, the

was more cohesive than than cohesive more was

3. 3.

melons did we we did melons

the tensile strength of of strength tensile the

structure of the target: the strength of the the of strength the target: the of structure

of Life.) Life.) of

sound in in sound

of of

issue issue

Sintion between frames 312 and 313 of the Zapruder film. film. Zapruder the of 313 and 312 frames between Sintion


suggest that the time that elapses before the recoil starts starts recoil the before elapses that time the that suggest

In none of our tests with taped taped with tests our of none In

Although taped melons consistently shoved the "rocket" effect, different different effect, "rocket" the shoved consistently melons taped Although

The results shown in Figure 1 are not just a flukes in six six in flukes a just not are 1 Figure in shown results The

slowly-varying apparInt length of a fixed line. AB, st frame 312. This was was This 312. frame st AB, line. fixed a of length apparInt slowly-varying

raw data (sage 2/1V11A7lE212! in Dallas) shows a large fluctuation in the the in fluctuation large a shows Dallas) in 2/1V11A7lE212! (sage data raw

i.e., the ftn;n01 the i.e.,

in my mind at Qtr evidence that Thompson presents for s forward acceleration - acceleration forward s for presents Thompson that evidence Qtr at mind my in

and go forward, before the "rocket" effect tikes omier, There are some lauestiOns lauestiOns some are There omier, tikes effect "rocket" the before forward, go and

certain circumstances the target would act like a rigid body for a Ohert timh timh Ohert a for body rigid a like act would target the circumstances certain

shell, the viscosity and speed speed and viscosity the shell,

might depend on the details of the the of details the on depend might

the recoil. We We recoil. the

fragment.) fragment.)

the melon, and the rubber "shell" presumably tended tended presumably "shell" rubber the and melon, the

from the rifle. (Apparently the gelatin gelatin the (Apparently rifle. the from

with gelatin. Such targets showed little jetting, and they tended to go away away go to tended they and jetting, little showed targets Such gelatin. with

with shim.) Wore melons were in season, we shot at toy rubber balls filled filled balls rubber toy at shot we season, in were melons Wore shim.) with

explosivehyt the tape was neceep47 to hold the hard shell of the melon together together melon the of shell hard the hold to neceep47 was tape the explosivehyt

(reasonably well simulating, we feel, feel, we simulating, well (reasonably

kinds of targets reacted differently. An untaped melon would typically shatter shatter typically would melon untaped An differently. reacted targets of kinds

results are presented in Appendices 2 and and 2 Appendices in presented are results

, but neglected to do so.) Photographs showing more details of our , , our of details more showing Photographs so.) do to neglected but recoiled,

thirds of the interior. (Me should have weighed the part of the melon that , , that melon the of part the weighed have should (Me interior. the of thirds

entry and exit holes up to a few inches in size. and perhaps one-half to two- to one-half perhaps and size. in inches few a to up holes exit and entry

of the melon that recoiled typically consisted of the taped shell, with distinct distinct with shell, taped the of consisted typically recoiled that melon the of

tests we filmed using taped melons, wp observed recoil toward the gun. The part part The gun. the toward recoil observed wp melons, taped using filmed we tests

in color in the October 2, 1964 1964 2, October the in color in

Warren Commission, with frame. 314 and 315 interchanged. some were published published were some interchanged. 315 and 314 frame. with Commission, Warren

.:)e .:)e


our our

well well

of the the of

that that

as as

of the the of

of of

the left, left, the

so so

(labeled (labeled

feel feel

around the the around

from from

the melon melon the

considerable considerable

recoil dominates dominates recoil

jetting out of of out jetting

rest of the the of rest

the the

all directions directions all

speed, the the speed,

above 'round level level 'round above

frame after impact impact after frame

somehow bounce back after after back bounce somehow

material jetted out of the entrance entrance the of out jetted material

in Volume IS of the Hearin7s Hearin7s the of IS Volume in

and the Zaoruder film Is quite stron.-, stron.-, quite Is film Zaoruder the and

ejected backwards and to the left; left; the to and backwards ejected 5), 5),

5 5

others have pointed out, out, pointed have others

rather quickly dissipates, dissipates, quickly rather

and cannot be reproduced here. All All here. reproduced be cannot and

In the first first the In

. .

target target

inside the melon can be seen seen be can melon the inside

frames), about 3 times that observed in the the in observed that times 3 about frames),

by Life Life by

produce a recoil toward the rifle. We We rifle. the toward recoil a produce

recoil does suggest that the shot came came shot the that suggest does recoil

in 8 8 in

film of of film

As Thompson and and Thompson As

a position perpendicular to the line of flight flight of line the to perpendicular position a

owned owned

Matter appears to be sprayed in in sprayed be to appears Matter

our our

by the bullet.) the by

from from

that a bullet can produce a jet from the entrance hole hole entrance the from jet a produce can bullet a that

no possibility that it would would it that possibility no

right. right.

subsequent subsequent

between between

shows shows

second). second).

(The target was planed a couple of feet feet of couple a planed was target (The

the exit, and still still and exit, the

* position about 35 yards to the the rights the film was taken at at taken was film the rights the the to yards 35 about position *


per second second per

It is of interest to note that the recoil velocity in Figure 1 is about about is 1 Figure in velocity recoil the that note to interest of is It

We found that We meads/mite enhaistently prodaoe the ''sosexpected" result. result. ''sosexpected" the prodaoe enhaistently meads/mite We that found We

frames around the head shot are published published are shot head the around frames

(The Zapruder film is is film Zapruder (The

as from from as

experiment experiment

matter from President Kennedy's head was was head Kennedy's President from matter -similarity -similarity

frames frames

instead of the the of instead

melon, and the the and melon,

4 feet per per feet 4 hole as well as the exit, and the recoil backwards was noticeably slower (about (about slower noticeably was backwards recoil the and exit, the as well as hole

Zapruder film. In another case (target # # (target case another In film. Zapruder

6 feet per second (2 feet feet (2 second per feet 6

shot.' shot.'

gravity. When these frames are projected at normal normal at projected are frames these When gravity. and produces a great deal of ambiguity about the "apparent" direction of the the of direction "apparent" the about ambiguity of deal great a produces and

continues backwards and, of course, starts to fall down under the influence of of influence the under down fall to starts course, of and, backwards continues

melon is recoiling back. As the spray spray the As back. recoiling is melon

the exit hole. In the next frame, the jet is bigger, ant' ant' bigger, is jet the frame, next the In hole. exit the

1). a fins spray of material from from material of spray fins a 1).

being driven downward downward driven being

that there would be be would there that

the bullet. bullet. the

24 24

from a pron a from

The target is a 3-pound hemsydew melon, well wrapped with 1-inch Scotch Scotch 1-inch with wrapped well melon, hemsydew 3-pound a is target The filament tape. A 30.06 rifle fired a 150-grain round-nose reloaded bullet bullet reloaded round-nose 150-grain a fired rifle 30.06 A tape. filament a backwards retail. Sighre I shown clearly the effiet we were looking for. for. looking were we effiet the clearly shown I Sighre retail. backwards a 7.444: 2 q F trostivt 3" • pew s.,...e.oittlp I ff E CT" DA/ OP OuL -7- - 8 - apparently corrected for, but I do not understand in detail what was done. I to analyse this interaction in details we feel thatthe. experimental results would also like to be convinced that the error estimates were properly done. presented here do basically resolve the issue by providing a countrnuousple to •

My own impression on viewing the Zapruder film was that the forward motion the hypothesis that backward motion could be produced only by a shot from the was consistent with the continuation of a forward slump that was apparent in front. As noted above, although Dr. Alvarez felt confident that he understood

previous frames.) Regardless of any questions about the magnitude of the what would happen in the test, we did feel that no such explanation would be forward motion (which probably could be rsolved if first-generation slides of at all convincing unless it could be experimentally verified. Fortunately. the relevant frames were made available), the forward motion cannot be urei the experiment was a rather easy one; thus we were led to ask why it had not as evidence for a shot from the front. been done before. How did the critics of the Warren Report (myself included)-

It should be emphasized that we did not attempt tm simulate the condl'iors come to accept a conclusion that was not correct, but nonetheless so convincing ,

Of the assassination, but only to show that a recoil towards the !min is that we did not feel the need to test it experimentally? Why did neither the physically possible. A more complicated experiment, using high-speed photoFrachy Warren Commission nor its defenders come up with this rather straightforward o and an animal head from a slaughterhouse, has been suggested. but I do not feel way of supporting the conclusions of the Commission? As we turn to these that such an experiment would allow us to make a conclusive statement about the questions we see how a rather simple bit of scientific investigation can be- assassination. obscured, more or- less unintentionally, by extraneous considerationsu in the case

We do feel that a taped melon is not an unreasonable simulation of a person's of the critics, insufficient appreciation that what is completely obvious need head,' but we are certainly not claiming that our exrert- t alone proves that the not be true; on the other side, what was at best bureaucratic, political, and

President was shot from the rear. We do conclude triad, contrary to what rany organizational obstructions coupled with a reluCtance to examine evidence that critics of the Warren Report have claimed on the basis of intuition and an strongly appeared to contradict the quickly-reached conclusions of the Warren inadequate Analysis of the physics of the situation, the motion of the ?resident's Commission. head as recorded in the Zapruder film iv completely consistent with a single We have already discussed the logical basis of Thanpson's analysis. Not shot from the rear. Dr. Alvarez feels that the conclusion should be stated more being a physicist, he had to rely on the conclusions of experts. Them Newts strongly' although no one can prove by examining the Zapruder film that the shots may or may not have been aware of the possibility thatteroard,i00,11reapents cane from the fifth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, the direction of were carrying off sore. than the ineident namente4* if !they were they the material ejected from the President's head, plus the direction of motion of 444444144 444 '1$$040' 1, a P04143011 to 44114'4* ladsPosesirt or4444tSol his head and body immediately thereafter, are just what our experiments would iktmlas bock. N% ildroolo to lead us to expect if he had been shot from that location. A1pOPoc! explanation is hardly obvious - when

We do not now have a detailed explanation of how a bullet interacts with a haglike lend snap after his work on other aspects of the target to produce a high-momentum forward jet, and we do not think it is necessary ZanruOnr film few Ckne•ke fiist thought of neuromuscular, rather than physical.

explanations. In addition. Withal% the viewers Carter Steenj has 4sf the President s body back sod of the others that had been britaibt, PO* to the loft ,And Gseton Penni conclusively demonstre treeing the position of the body attention by the critics, after bevileillink jc by the Arm in su s and projecting ene slide epee 1966,4at my suggestion - (as we shall see), and many of then nieti persimeAvely and elogamatigre::- The lohia Maxasine. August 1966, page W, irenfhta•• proof that the bullet what the Zapruder film showed. bk quirts sows of these comments hire, lot to • that Mak backward and to his left vas fired in frent:-" the car and not from the Beek Depositary..'.- deprecate the critics, but to Ohms the significance that has been,atiribeted Some sin was published no spokesman for the Warren the data at the accompanying oomalenis6 to this evidence (perhaps the strangest item of incontrovertible physical that someehers on the grassy knoll. (intigast evidence that appears to contradict the fundamental conclusion of the Women': tic.mt ske. • '10. ) The stedi hgv,KIK1160le en which Thompson based his conclasinal, Senates! Report), and to place in perspective our analysis of the failure of the above, was quoted et IIIIgth in an article by David *ash or David Lifts* Commission and its defenders to examine this matter. (Ramparts, Jasemar1961t). The authors agreed with Riddle's canal's/cm; In November 1964, two months after the Warren Report was published, the On the assonsien that a neepomescular reaction cam be ruled out..., any Hearings of the Commission were released. The black-and-white stills from the motion of the bed, tumid bliFgoverned by the lame of *mice, which govern the eillisise be any two objects. The motion of Kennedy's Zapruder film published there gave critics their first chance -o study all the body in tra ms 31,-323 impact is in frame 313.3 is totally inconsistent with the impact of a t from above and behind.... (Page 89) frames at the time of the head shot. (This was slightly complicated by the poor Dr. Riddle noted. noennows, that "vs must be careful how we apply these quality of the reproduction and by the exchange of the two fra,..,es immediately principles (oonsorvatiaa of momentmej. It is only in oases where the impact after. the impact.) The backwards head snap can be detected, hut becomes striking is with bone, i.e. a rigid part of the body, that a definite statement of the only in the film. One of the earliest written reports of a v ,:ging of the result-,ng motion can be made," We conclude that he erred in saying that "this Zapruder film by a critic is that of Thomas Starve, who saw the film at the is true of the present case, but not, for example. of a hit in the stomach." National Archives in September 1965. He wrote (quoted in Accessories After the once one regards the problem as the collision of two objects which do net broth DA. Peg* 33): uc, and neglects the relatively small amount of bone and other material that is Of greatest importance in the film is the sequence of the fatal shot and its aftermath. This sequence shows President Kennedy thrust violently driven forward, the erroneous conclusion must follow. .beek against the rear 'seat, from which he bounces forward and spins off to his lift into Mrs. Kennedy's arms.... The sudden explosive violence Independently from Thompson, Herold Welebergpeted the, f0100141 1160410. 1 with ehich President Kennedy is slammed back against the rear seat is unmistakable. It is within the realm of speculative possibility that notion of the President's hw#1. 3b Sy 1,04, the violent backward thrust of the President was caused by the sadden acceleration of the limousine.... The violent backward thrust of kresident C).ana AVelag reasnedy °enure, to the eye, at the instant of impact of the fatal shot. The two events *sear to be simultaneous and to have the obvious relatiOnehip of smoke and effect. The service of truth requires no is . e other explanation.,.. Writing in late 1966, Sylvia Meagher commented on subsequent analysis of tea Vass - 11 •

Interests during its investigation, touched on this plik of the early showings of the film as fells/us There ens intense anticipation em the 'Wiens' waited iidr .-. • shot. it reddish puff - that appeared to 0O.40101 --staloora the When ths ballet struck the Presideat"eided, as ono 11041116111. scream. ?here wak e gasp free the ewe. Did ther-Frosidalt"fal1 photogrephs, he was thrown to his 10041,4m4 tovords the ..fht; forward or backward? Newman looked far' thaw is the key limousine. How could the comiersis ielplain that eaddehvieiestrove en which hinges the controversy. T' r " (Feb. 14. 1969. p. 14) of the President's body direoiltin the left and to the resat long as the Commiasion meinteilied that the bu.Urot efts almost dirsetly (*. just asking which way the President fell, the reporter meet have been from the rear, it implied that th• Lens of phYsiss vacated in this instance, for the President did not fall forward. (Pare 55) straining to be !impartial. You don't have to look very intently to see that Hew Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison picked up what others had be did not fall forward.) noted An the Zapruder Shales lawyers reluctantly found thoeselies in the ametWiable Polit4-k- A number of reliable witnesses irnistifieducto the Marren Commission 7 ef defending not only their client bat the Warren Cainission..They lairsienblo that they heard shots ring out frge hoh the nicketfilase Cto the front area right of the President] and saw a puff of slake drift into to challenge the prosecution sastiseafely an the matt* of-the heaatornep. the air. Additional evident* supporting this can be found In the Zapruder film published in Life, which reveals that the President was John Nichol, testified that the iatward ;motion 'is oompatible Oita; a gostiftet slammed backward by the impact of a bullet; unless you abrogate Newton's third (sic) law of notion, this means the-e- was shot from the having been delivered from the front" (Tiwee-Picayune, Feb. pi 1969. 1P4110H44 front. (pla y gE, October 1967, page 165) transcript, Feb. 17. pages 43,44). Irvin Dymond, chief mama for Shoo. ached In the same interview, Garrison claimed that "our office has developed on cross-etheinmtion if that motion could have resulted from an acceleration Of evidence that the President was adassinated by a precision guerrilla team the car (there was none at that instant); hs asked Nichols tf he had considered of at least seven men, including anti-Castro adventurers and members of the the possibility of a delayed reaction, or the effect of the wind. (States-Itme. paramilitary right." In March 1969, it took a jury less than one hour to Feb. 19; transcript, Feb. 17. pages 69-72) Other testimony on the head snap acquit Clay Shaw, of conspiring to murder the President; even among those Warren was given by FBI agent Lynda]. Shaneyfelt, who described the examination of the Report critics who had remained open-minded about Garrison despite his Zapruder film which he had done on behalf of the *roan Cbmmiasion; his testimony consistent distortions, errors, and wild speculation, few thought he had is considered below, in the analysis of the Warren Consission's falipre to presented a substantial case against Shaw. However. it was widely felt that analyse this point. he bad presented a strong case against the Warren Commission's version of the The importance; that even assassination. One of the points he mephasisod-heavily was the bead snap after the fatal shot. He had subpoenaed the Zapredir film from Life in March 1962, deniertnnte ehat and showed it several times during the Shaw trial. Milton 3ranor wrote that esis„fwas the arose* 'if "seasoned reporters ... expressed the opinion that Shaw would be convicted by the morn than ore direotion. the .-' One sequence - which was she's blood and gore of the Zapruder film which the jury watched in rant fascination" clearly shows the President fallkag deourence if he were being struck by (The Garrison Case, Pare 255). The Hew Crleans Times-:icayuns retorted on one The Warren Commission Report has already lepnedy fell backward because his Q. (Serdlay) And if I threw a ball at that wells:4C bounce book, wouldn't it? A. (deobt) lee, sir. '4. And Isn't that what is likely to havishappemad'uhel, the front of the skull - that the body would 'go booklet*: the resistance?'. ; -- The Court (Balleck)- Following your analogy, the tolls* bounce back. lads Willer tones r.berdloy- It won't bounce. I an suggesting this. I saffigib oatholorist, and 1 think I got a D In physics'. to akerilmenedy jerking hack as if hit free the front, Mes tetNW this !meld have restated from seddie Ile 1.0441040 ear. Alt it was the total Utast of /*Lily teerried Cia,y ibex's lavers, Ihe have repeatedly which Weekt admitted was a Possibility. Obrimu04,110101 Oben they argued that the events im Dallas are bet • preesedimge. 'Yoe think the jury rdll think it's suggestion conslasive, for he ,:tater ruled that enemik. crime that somebody should may for it?' defines attorney a was asked. 'Tee,' he answered. 'That's exactly lest had been alined to entitle Garrison to have enemies to the • (ftmlA, Feb. 24, 19611, IOW 33) (9y that time Garrison had let the ease bsommelamot.) • tars alike eaten the edge of their seats when Ills of the assassination was Shona for the first As pdrt of their extensive4maination of the Darrel , ply And Wroder himself described what he bed witnessed. • obviously made a telling point with the film, run base critics in July 1967, C35 purported to present neSiOntitiO at normal speed sad once freme-hy-frams. Whoa what eopears to Alarnianied shot hit the President his body was flung bedleard. the head snap. The C35 explanation, as it was presented to an Ill basis of Garrisep's argument that. the fatal shot came free t, bet 'bile it babegrks tho distriletterney's case it hardly perhaps 30 nillien, frankly defies adequate sommenry or be. An F51 mallet nbaneyfelt pointed out later that Orefereard on a vertical (sic) line from the frealdent's is in full (Prue the transcript as reprinted in Maga iadiMtin that the bullets struck him from behind as the Warren sin °entente. But Garrison's lieutenants take advantage of ever, Amen Deport, by Stephen White, one of the associate pro444,4, ty to rerun the grin file for the jurors. Their exclanation is that they mint to establish where each new Dallas witness was at the time pror,ram)i the genehots ware fired. Bat their real intent is transparentt to burn faifik sea juror's mind the picture of the President's head and body becksurd. . (Tines-lost Service in the San Francisco • Chronicle, Feb. 17. 1969, pate 10) !law trial was going on, the head wisp was d:sc:-sed in a 1001■1:Preaeading, a'bearing in Washington on Garrison's attempt to the photos and X-rays which had been made durinr the Named, 4,01104 sepprossed. Dr. Cyril *act, a forensic pathologist, that he considered it Ihighlyimprobable" that the President'a • consistent with a shot from! the rear. He was err,ss-exaninied by

sy ()general Carl Bardley, who anneared to hval in mind soma ther then a neamoseascular'reaction or an acceleration of the car on the phyla.* of colliding abject.), " a




; •




h i









Ma ranirail

is a rs;ibililY

llet will depend


the man u


fill that tbe:




wimple collision, but a ,

l, nib a b


of the






that the skull will nerve beidn the relationship is not so !sie ple.

Juana goes further

bgger a'




Ma counterforcei.

of conservation of stroperalleek whieh ir between a golf ball :and '1




direction) and mosette barite' Ind: apes

d a ho



law k i






of the bullet. To top Valet.




a slight




the inspect. But io



act re

the eullilion takes:


invoked is the er

skull is a bony structure within which there pm liquids and after

et unsure of this physicist's explanation. White goes into The yekseities and masses can be measured quite: simply'


limt at his book, %tits managed to.cumg quite A 'Milldam.'

Thus most physicists will agree that considering only the

- bw establishes the relationship between velocities (aml,VelOeity solves both speed collision. The relationship is a simple one: The maw must be the same before and after. Ash. With a skull ipati when solids under restraint. A bullet entering the skid' sets op all kinds ters of forces and counterforecs. If they are such as to drive forward, at high velocity, a part of the skull, it may well be that the rest

of the skull will h


a s Arils T i althougli

10 net always a sisple law to apply,

01,2,111341 a vary poor tbS :

impact in determining the subsequent motions

In fact, of course, if part of the skull is driven




bulb is

a rmamosi$0 otolsaatibm of the head snap. Ra..Ilat

wessisitult although implausible, is not in itself a violation of tbaa,404

enough, the rest swat - not nay - move backward.

long discussion of the possible effect of neuromuscular tension at the tine

the is





r to ma' of




eiploilloo, occurs for-

ilearindieste the ballet

the location of the "explosion"

1144 aim

the entrance and exit holes. Can

that by suggesting what, as far as I

professor at Duquesne

but in fact material was ejected both hea4, and our experiment has shown that

absolutely nothing about the motion of correct in noting that

occur on the exiting aide, and its very simi-

of a thirty calibre bullet beii;g shot through

have seen too many biological and physical


backward after being struck from

No, quite contrary. It does helical, that the bullet


Well, I don't believe any physicist has ever said that.

obviously that, despite Cronkite's introductory move

'Well. you're aware that WOW exities say that by the very been struck by a bullet that hit him in the back of


occur in forensic pathology to say that it would have

explosion to

weesir: I

the bullet came from the front.

and hegslly rinalifiral. Dan Rather pit the


nagnen: But nestridm

ward of the President, corning from the famt? WYCKOFF:

was coming from behind.

RATHER: fact that in the picture you can death. see the explosion bullet on the front side of the Presidesid, that that certainly cates WYCKOFF:

This picture might explain the principle that we've been talking shout just a little bit more.elearly. It's a picture taken in a mil-

lionth of a an electric lightbulb. The ballet was traveling from this direction, entered the lightbulb here, passc;c1 through and caused a rather violent lar to the situation in the Zapruder Kennedy assassination films.

ceoxisrre: That is one explanation from a physicist as to how a head could seems to many laymen not possible. Forensic pathologists are experts in the examination of victims of violent death, both medi-

cally then], Dr. Cyril W. Wecht,

variations been impossible. I say that it is quite unlikely. I say that it is difficult for Me to accept, but I would have to admit that it is a possibility that his body could have moved in that directionafter the head.

be a spray of material from both


The resin problem is

comments and summary, WY the President's head. Wyckoff was

suggestive of a shot from the rear, forward and backward from Kennedy's there

know, no responsible critic has claimed -

'Rather then completely confused the issue

s s

83). 83).

the the

One Assassin One

conservation of of conservation

force liquid to to liquid force

miles per hour (Page (Page hour per miles

Kennedy: Kennedy:

up editing job.) job.) editing up


15 15

F. F.

which, as it occurs, will will occurs, it as which,

aimed °container filled with with filled °container aimed

suetainer, it will burst burst will it suetainer,

bailduo will will bailduo

the the

y botched y


labs $ $ labs

ran across one book written on the the on written book one across ran

-18- -18-

pressure pressure

fired fired


esmOsite to the liquid jetting out through through out jetting liquid the to esmOsite

a a

to verify and present our conclusions, and and conclusions, our present and verify to

• •

the week spot first, first, spot week the

a week spot in in spot week a

how how

initial initial

iriviersty jet oropdlsion oropdlsion jet iriviersty

of of

Ain be demonstrated (nick a safe place) by firms firms by place) safe a (nick demonstrated be Ain

is is

bullet is is bullet

colt colt

f f

deciding deciding

lakihoCarIptien lakihoCarIptien

Dr. Wyckoff did eventually answer enteral of the questions questions the of enteral answer eventually did Wyckoff Dr.

7 7

were were

of a discussion of the spelling effect for one of the head head the of one for effect spelling the of discussion a of

high-velocity high-velocity

assassination which indicates a good understanding of the "rocket" "rocket" the of understanding good a indicates which assassination

high-velocity hunting rifle bullet into a one gallon plastic bottle bottle plastic gallon one a into bullet rifle hunting high-velocity

to the fact that the car was moving at about about at moving was car the that fact the to

over with some very thin material such as wax rarer. No natter where where natter No rarer. wax as such material thin very some with over

cololetely filled With water that has had its scout opening sealed sealed opening scout its had has that water With filled cololetely

orooulsion" of orooulsion"

Shots, Three Hits, Bo Misses. (Naylor Co., San Antonio, 1969) 1969) Antonio, San Co., (Naylor Misses. Bo Hits, Three Shots,

force the *container *container the force

the week spot.i, Bothogonfined liquid" bursting effect and "jet "jet and effect bursting liquid" Bothogonfined spot.i, week the

blow out or Jet Jet or out blow

explosively, but the the but explosively,

momentum momentum

a liquid and there there and liquid a

If a a If

Hanson attributes the apparent backwards motion of matter from the head head the from matter of motion backwards apparent the attributes Hanson

dhile we we dhile

can simply be attributed to to attributed be simply can

(Although (Although

propulsion" effect as follows, follows, as effect propulsion"

container. (This is a consequence of Pascal's lam.) He describes the "jet "jet the describes He lam.) Pascal's of consequence a is (This container. incompressible liquid is transmitted throughout the entire surface of the the of surface entire the throughout transmitted is liquid incompressible

propulsion" effects. The former is the fact that pressure applied to an an to applied pressure that fact the is former The effects. propulsion"

He explains the head motion in terms of the "confined liquid" and "jet "jet and liquid" "confined the of terms in motion head the explains He

wound wound

Three Three

effects of gunshots, he wrote The Shooting of John John of Shooting The wrote he gunshots, of effects

eyewitness and medical testimony, and his own extensive experience with the the with experience extensive own his and testimony, medical and eyewitness

effect which can explain the backward motion. William Hanson is a retired retired a is Hanson William motion. backward the explain can which effect

Air Force officer whose interest in the technical aspects of the assassination assassination the of aspects technical the in interest whose officer Force Air

Kennecy Kennecy was spurred by the four-part CBS program. Based on a study of some of the the of some of study a on Based program. CBS four-part the by spurred was

snap snap waitin.- until melons were available, I I available, were melons until waitin.-

subrtitution subrtitution

asked to study it and had rot dons so. Thus, I do not think that that think not do I Thus, so. dons rot had and it study to asked

backward motion. He did tell Monroe Moen laic:m.40.1y that he had not been been not had he that laic:m.40.1y Moen Monroe tell did He motion. backward

1 raised in a letter to him, he never explained what he thought of the the of thought he what explained never he him, to letter a in raised 1

own own

his his

out experimentally. experimentally. out

book did not not did book

a film with with film a

mystery that that mystery

suyzest that if if that suyzest

the the

framents framents

such such

the ,:arren aecort., aecort., ,:arren the

along along

with with

for not showing showing not for

bullet together together bullet

ligely to support support to ligely

- 17 - • • - 17 -

For example, White noted that that noted White example, For

most of the momentum momentum the of most

have been been have

not restrained, might have driven the bulb bulb the driven have might restrained, not

is that the theory presented in his his in presented theory the that is

there there

scientific opinion. In fairness, we should not praise praise not should we fairness, In opinion. scientific

carried away away carried

of motion, the skull itself might have moved in in moved have might itself skull the motion, of

bulb were were bulb

Given the fact that the the that fact the Given

There is indeed a mystery in the motion of the president's president's the of motion the in mystery a indeed is There

To bear this out, a photograph was taken at one millionth millionth one at taken was photograph a out, this bear To

direction direction

any direction at all. all. at direction any of skull skull of

slightly back. None of this is at all mysterious: it is is it mysterious: all at is this of None back. slightly

direction of the bullet. bullet. the of direction

ordinary high-school physics. physics. high-school ordinary

if the the if

proceeds from inadequate knowledge. There is nothing in that that in nothing is There knowledge. inadequate from proceeds

head after impact, but it is the ordinary kind of of kind ordinary the is it but impact, after head

light bulb: an explosion occurred on the side of the bulb bulb the of side the on occurred explosion an bulb: light

away from the point of entry of the bullet. That explosion, explosion, That bullet. the of entry of point the from away

of a second showing a bullet passing through an electric electric an through passing bullet a showing second a of

• •

. motion that would lead a physiologist to deduce from it the the it from deduce to physiologist a lead would that motion .

What reason could could reason What

We have seen how Thompson came to the wrong conclusions based on careful careful on based conclusions wrong the to came Thompson how seen have We

Although such arguments are hard to prove or disprove, we have shown shown have we disprove, or prove to hard are arguments such Although

experiment like ours had seemed seemed had ours like experiment

an an

(What seams more likely likely more seams (What presented on the TV program.) Perhaps it is not unfair to to unfair not is it Perhaps program.) TV the on presented

would have done it. it. done have would

occur to White until after the embarrasingly bad "explanation" had been been had "explanation" bad embarrasingly the after until White to occur

solution so unlikely that it was not worth trying to check it it check to trying worth not was it that unlikely so solution

claim that this is "ordinary high-school physics," he considered considered he physics," high-school "ordinary is this that claim

experiment far more elaborate than ours. I suspect that despite White's White's despite that suspect I ours. than elaborate more far experiment

an unrestrained bulb? Certainly CBS had the facilities and money for an an for money and facilities the had CBS Certainly bulb? unrestrained an

inadequate their procedures were? were? procedures their inadequate

CBS for coming close to the correct solution without pointing out how how out pointing without solution correct the to close coming for CBS

measurement and expert expert and measurement

physiological arguments: arguments: physiological

immediately follows the last-quoted sentence - is basically correct, correct, basically is - sentence last-quoted the follows immediately

that they are not needed in this case. White's conclusion - which which - conclusion White's case. this in needed not are they that because of or in spite of the fact that it does not follow from his his from follow not does it that fact the of spite in or of because

ambiguous as to to as ambiguous

to mean mean to

shot struck the President. President. the struck shot

and Muchmore films which which films Muchmore and

the third third the

Zapruder, Zapruder,

/ /

An April 1964, Warren Commission Assistant Assistant Commission Warren 1964, April An

-20- -20-


ctard ctard

for thlfi for

portray the impact at which which at impact the portray

to determine the frames in the Nix Nix the in frames the determine to

Over the last several months, we have held conferences in an attempt attempt an in conferences held have we months, several last the Over

Ina meamorendMm meamorendMm Ina

The Zanruder film was studied extensively for and by the Commission. One One Commission. the by and for extensively studied was film Zanruder The

The Commission's investigation did touch on several areas which might might which areas several on touch did investigation Commission's The

believed (by the Commission)" rather than "believable." "believable." than rather Commission)" the (by believed

Counsel EolvirEisedwirg noted that that noted EolvirEisedwirg Counsel

transcribed. The contemporary newspaper reports are somewhat somewhat are reports newspaper contemporary The transcribed.

the rear on the direction of the excelled fragments; that is, he apparently did did apparently he is, that fragments; excelled the of direction the on rear the

reprinted IeNppondAX'4.), IeNppondAX'4.), reprinted

on it. The approximate transcripts from the two New Orleans newspapers are are newspapers Orleans New two the from transcripts approximate The it. on

whether he noticed the backwards motion, but he clearly did not base his opinion opinion his base not did clearly he but motion, backwards the noticed he whether

not consider the head snap. (Unfortunately, his testimony has not yet been been yet not has testimony his (Unfortunately, snap. head the consider not

in the film about the direction of the fatal shot. When he testified in the the in testified he When shot. fatal the of direction the about film the in

Shaw trial, he indicated that he based his opinion that the shot had come from from come had shot the that opinion his based he that indicated he trial, Shaw

of the car at the time of the fatal shot (among other things). (WR 109-110, 109-110, (WR things). other (among shot fatal the of time the at car the of

`H159-160) ;n his testimony, Shaneyfelt did not make any reference to evidence evidence to reference any make not did Shaneyfelt testimony, his ;n `H159-160)

with a single bullet or two shots from Oswald's rifle) (WR 96 ff.). FBI FBI ff.). 96 (WR rifle) Oswald's from shots two or bullet single a with expert Lyndal Shaneyfelt studied the film in order to determine the location location the determine to order in film the studied Shaneyfelt Lyndal expert

of the main objectives was to deteimine when the President was first hit and and hit first was President the when deteimine to was objectives main the of

when Governor Connally was wounded (to see if the time interval was consistent consistent was interval time the if see (to wounded was Connally Governor when

did not give any consideration to the motion after impact. impact. after motion the to consideration any give not did

have been expected to result in interest in the head snap. At the Commission's Commission's the At snap. head the in interest in result to expected been have

Although they did view the Zapruder film (5H96, 5E142), it appears that they they that appears it 5E142), (5H96, film Zapruder the view did they Although

with gelatins they managed to duplicate reasonably well the damage done to to done damage the well reasonably duplicate to managed they gelatins with

the President's skull and the fragmentation of the bullet (WR 585-6, 5587-90). 5587-90). 585-6, (WR bullet the of fragmentation the and skull President's the

reqtezt, personnel at Edgewood Army Arsenal shot several human skulls filled filled skulls human several shot Arsenal Army Edgewood at personnel reqtezt,


evidence) is Comprehensible only if "credible" is redefined redefined is "credible" if only Comprehensible is evidence)

other other

7) 7)


es, es,

any any

it it

e6-87) e6-87)

(CD 29e, Page Page 29e, (CD

lieges lieges

weakened by a glancing glancing a by weakened

(Renort, cage 19) This This 19) cage (Renort,

been been

7.- 7.-

of only one reference, an F3I F3I an reference, one only of

- -


know know



t t

from the spout (the weak spot) while blowing blowing while spot) weak (the spout the from

and in that part of the Commission's files at the the at files Commission's the of part that in and

Hearings, Hearings,

182 ff., 198, and 202 of Hanson's book.) book.) Hanson's of 202 and 198, ff., 182

173, 173,

Nix photographed the left side of the Presidential car with 1:ra. 1:ra. with car Presidential the of side left the photographed Nix

left foothold. foothold. left snaps to the left and the car picks up speed as a man jumps on the the on jumps man a as speed up picks car the and left the to snaps

Kennedy in the foreground waving when the President's head suddenly suddenly head President's the when waving foreground the in Kennedy

Having critically examined varibus analyses of the head snap set forth forth set snap head the of analyses varibus examined critically Having

The only flaw in Hanson's case is that he did not realize that the the that realize not did he that is case Hanson's in flaw only The

to pieces.... pieces.... to

the bottle is hit, provided the bullet penetrates the bottle, bottle, the penetrates bullet the provided hit, is bottle the

will always move away away move always will

/ • • /

description of the eyewitness and medical testimony (even excluding the head snap snap head the excluding (even testimony medical and eyewitness the of description

were fired from the Triple Underpass, ahead of the motorcade, or from from or motorcade, the of ahead Underpass, Triple the from fired were

location [other than the School Book Depository Depository Book School the than [other location

The Commission concluded that "there is no credible evidence that the shots shots the that evidence credible no is "there that concluded Commission The

National Archives whit; I have'seen, I I have'seen, I whit; Archives National

report, describing another film of the assassination, notes that that notes assassination, the of film another describing report,

The Warren Report itself makes; Absolutely no reference to it. In all of the the of all In it. to reference no Absolutely makes; itself Report Warren The

26 volumes of of volumes 26

by both opponents and defenders of the Warren Report, we now turn to the views . . views the to turn now we Report, Warren the of defenders and opponents both by

is no evidence at all that the head snap was ever considered by the Commission. Commission. the by considered ever was snap head the that all at evidence no is

managed not to consider this question - for (to the best of my knowledge) there there knowledge) my of best the (to for - question this consider to not managed

of the Commission itself. Rather, we will try to understand how the Commission Commission the how understand to try will we Rather, itself. Commission the of

168-169, 168-169,

can be read as favoring such a hypothesis, but not very much. See pages pages See much. very not but hypothesis, a such favoring as read be can

wound from the first shot fired; he suggested that all evidence of this impact impact this of evidence all that suggested he fired; shot first the from wound

was obliterated by the fatal shot. There is some eyewitness testimony that that testimony eyewitness some is There shot. fatal the by obliterated was

President's head. (Hanson correctly noticed the blowout effect, but was was but effect, blowout the noticed correctly (Hanson head. President's

can occur in taped melons, and,- we are confident - did occur in the the in occur did - confident are we and,- melons, taped in occur can forced to conclude that the President's skull had had skull President's the that conclude to forced

but noticed no jetting through the entrance and exit holes. That clearly clearly That holes. exit and entrance the through jetting no noticed but

In our preliminary experiments, we did shoot at water-filled plastic bottles, bottles, plastic water-filled at shoot did we experiments, preliminary our In

weak spot through which jetting occurs need not exist before the impact. impact. the before exist not need occurs jetting which through spot weak - -21 - - 22 -

case investigated by us" (Time, Present at all these conferences were Inspector .Leo Gauthier and Mr. this bureau not to draw conclusions in any Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt of the FBI, John Joe Howlett of the Secret Service and Messrs. Redlich and Eisenberg of the Commission staff. Also present Aurust 24, 1970, page El). at most or many of these conferences were Messrs. Specter and Galin ref the Commission staff7, several unidentified assistants of Inspector Several critics have noted this omission by.the,Commission with Gauthier, Inspector Kelley of the Secret Service and Inspector Malley incredulity of the FBI. The consensus which emerged from these conferences is that and skepticim. Thompson quoted Assistant Counsel Wesley J. the impact of the third shot is portrayed in frame 313 of the Zanruder film, frame 24 of the Nix film, and frame 42 of the Muchmore film.... 11.4beler; "'It's only since the critics have raised this point,' Lieboler

One can wonder why several conferences, involving maybe a dozen people, conceded, 'that anybody has ever looked at it closely.'" (Six Seconds, page 86)

were required for the determination of such a relatively simple fact. verhave Returning to the rimults of our experiment, let us examine the limitations,

the memo does no accurately reflect the reason for the conferences; In any of our conclusion. We claim that the motion of the President's head and the

case, it is almost impossible to believe that nobody noticed the backward framents ejected by the bullet are consistent with a single shot from the

notion during any of these meetings, where the relevant frames were being rear. As noted above, we are not claiming that what is observed could.have

examined. It the heed snap was noticed, a serious and independent investigative been caused only by a shot from the rear.

body would have been compelled to call for a detailed study. Cur conclusion concerns only eth motion of the }resident, not his wounds.

It is possible that the FBI experts who studied this film on their own A detailed analysis of the contradictory evidence in this respect would not Six Seconds in Dallas, and Fost Forts,, did not notice the head snap. If they had noted it, they may well not have be apuropriate here. (See, for example,

pointed it out to the Commission. It is crucial to any understanding of the by Harold Weisberg.) In brief, almost none of the medical evidence can be

Commission's work, and its relations with its investigative arm, to realize accosted unskeptically. The autopsy was performed under conditions unfavorable

that the FBI essentially did just what it was asked to do, and very little more. to proper forensic inquiry - for example, the doctors were told, maybe by Navy

(For example, the Commission asked the FBI to determine the date of the issue of Surgeon General Edward Kenney, not to dissect the ?resident's non-fatal wound.

the Militant in the photo of Oswald with his rifle; the FBI did this and sent A Panel of experts who viewed the suppressed autopsy Photgraphs with the specific

over a copy of the paper (Shaneyfelt Exhibit 22A). They did not point out that purpose of resolving doubts that had been raised by critics managed to bring up

there was a letter from "L.H., Dallas" in that issue of the Militant - as many new problems as they solved. For example, the entrance wound at the

obviously important. evidence in connection with the questioned authenticity of tack of the skull was described in the autopsy report as being "slightly above

the photograph. I am confident that if the FBI had been investigating this on and to the left of the occipital protruberance." In 1967, the autopsy surgeons

their own, the letter would have been checked out.) Many of the. FBI reports explained that "the photographs show the wound to be slightly higher than its reflect a strong effort to avoid drawing conclusions for the Commission; agents actually measured site' (1467 report, page 3). The panel of experts located it 100 mm - about 4 inches - above the occipital protruberance, without explaining were generally able to transmit their opinions by means of careful selection of the discrenancy. 7o sdlerizer the available evidence on the "-resident's wounds relevant facts. As J. Edgar Hoover has recently reaffirmed in connection with on balance, it supports our the investigation of the Kent State killings, "it has long been the policy of is too confused to allow us to decide whether, hypothesis (and the COmmissien's) of a single shot from the rear. Certainly comparison with Oswald's rifle. In addition, the Commission interpreted the our eiperiment does not resolve the contradictions in the evidence. Zapruder film as showing no reaction by President Kennedy until well after

Our work has demonstrated that the fatal shot probably was fired from the frame 190s their analytic seems to have been inadequate in this area also. direction of the School Hook Depository Building, a sinegal non for any Finally, we emphasize that although our observations tend to support single-assassin theory. To account for the other shots fired, the Warren the conclusion of the Warren Report that lee Harvey Oswald was the lone

Commission relied on the "single-ballet" hypothesis and a third shot that assassin of kreeident Kennedy, they do not in any way vindicate the work of missed. The single-bullet theory (which has been studied at length elsewhere) the Commission itself. Commission supporters have often challenged the critics is we feel, not a likely explanation of the observed facts. We feel that the to Come up with "new evidence" material that was not considered by the most likely hypothesis which is consistent with just one assassin is as follows: Commission. Critics have replied that the old evidence is good enough. In the first shot was fired early, about Zapruder frame 190; it struck iresident many crucial areas. the unexamined and/or unpublished evidence runs strongly

Kennedy in the back or neck, was deflected as it passed through, and exited from counter to.the Commission's dais's. I have found several sensitive areas, the car without striking anything else. The second shot caused all of Governor dealing mainly with Cswald's possibly irregular connections with various

Connally's wounds; this is the bullet which was recovered at the hospital with government agencies, where the Commission failed to ask for the relevant some deformation but little apparent damage. The third shot, fired from the evidence, and where it seems that such agencies would have been able to rear, struck the President in the head. withhold important information from the Commission without much danger of

This theory (which has been developed in a paper by Don Olson) is based in being detected. In this case, the Commission failed to properly interpret part on evidence in the Zapruder film that there was an early shot: the jiggling physical evidence that was available to its it just happens that they missed of Zapruder.'s camera at about frame 190 (which Dr. Alvarez found and attributed to evidence favoring their case. The Commission's failure to notice the rather a shot), coirrelation of eyewipess testimony with the apparent reaction to a striking svidende of the head snap which points away from their pre-ordained shot by spectators (especially Mrs. Kennedy), etc. However, this hypothesis is conclusion - much less to find an explanation for it - confirms the absurdity not consistent with all of the evidence presented by the Commission in favor of of Commissioner Gerald Ford's claim that "never has a crime been so the "single-bullet" theory, which it described as 'very persuasive" (WR 19), nor thoroughly investigated." (rortrait of the Assassin, page 25) is it consistent with the considerable eyewitness testimony of suspicious activity on the "grassy knoll." In addition, the origin of the first shot can not be pinpointed in this thearv.the Warren Commission noted that a tree in the line of sight made an early shot from Oswald's alleged nosition unlikely if not impossible. A second assassin, firing.from the same general direction, can not be ruled out, especially since no third bullet was recovered for ballistic

- A1.1 - • •


Let us consider a simplified model in which there are just two "particles" .He can see that the,Xittref the recoil and fragment masses depends both before and after the collision, and which is "one-dimensional" (that is, only on the velocities and the efficiency; all of the motion is along a single straight line). Farticle 1 is the incomin7 ON, = 6 ) 111- • A bullet, particle 2 is the recoiling part of the tarret, and particle 3 fl (-10 (6 1!, V We will not use these formsoteguatitns (1) and (2), but rather just represents that fragments that are driven forward. de denote the mass (weight) trtWestimate the masses and velocitieaionelied and see how the equations by m and the velocity (speed) by v for each particle. can becsatisfied. The rass and velocity of bullet. are the best-known quantities. A pristine 6.5 Mannlicher-CarCano bullet, of the kind allegedly used in the 3 ml, vi v = 0 '12, v2 n3. v assassination, weighs about 160 grains (accurate to about 1%) (WR 555; 31399). bullet target recoil fragments V ---> There are 700^ grains in a pound, so mi = 0.0229 lb. MORE AFTER The FRI measured the muzzle velocity of 6 of these bullets; it ranged from The momentum (which is my for each particle) is conserved; that is, 2135 f;:s (feet per second) to 2200 fps, averaging 2165 fps (3H400). At 180 the sum is the same after the collision as before: feet (the approximate distance between the TSBD and the car at the first shot), '1°1 = '2°2 '3°3 (1) the measured velocity of the bullet was about 1900 fps (WR 582, 5877). The Each moving particle has energy of motion, or kinetic energy, equal distanc= from the TS3D at the time of the fatal shot was about 265. feet.(WR loe). to imv2. Although the total energy of the system is conserved, much of the Althou h we do not know the exact rate of energy loss in air, we may reasonably incident (kinetic) energy may be lost as heat energy. Let E denote the take vi = 1800 fps. efficiency df the collision; that is, (1-e) is the fraction of the incident With these values, pi a mlvl = 41.2 ft-lb/sec energy that is converted to heat. Then the kinetic energies can be related El v i i vi2 37100 ft2-1b/sec2. as follows: We will use Thompson's measurements of the backward motion of Tennedy's 61 1°12 = *'2°22 4°3°32 (2) head (Six Seconds, °ages 91, 275). The speed of the Zapruder film has been These equations can be rearranged in various ways. For example, if we rather firmly established as about 18.3 frames per second. The average, backwards know all the masses mi and the efficiency E we can calculate the speed of velocity from frames 313 through 321 is 8.5"/8 frames = 1.6 fps. (The speed each final particle: 1 (m+703) between frames 313 and 314 is only about 0.8 fps.) We will take v2 = -1.6 fps. AI,) ( [i (The minus sign indicates;backwards motion.) vol -,113 ) A reasonable minimum estimate of the recoiling mass would be that of the If we are given e and the velocities, we can calculate the masses: head, which 1 ruess to be 20 pounds. This gives p2 m me2 = -32 ft-lb/sec,

at at

3 . . 3

2 2


9:720 9:720

22,2 22,2

12,500 12,500

shown that under certain certain under that shown

has has

10 10

10 10

50 50

76 76


p = nv nv = p

Totals Totals

• •

10 10

500 500

v (ft/see) (ft/see) v

= 37,100; E2 = 25.6; in the sample with with sample the in 25.6; = E2 37,100; =

1200 1200

1 1

/b) /b)



m (lb) (lb) m

just tabulated, El = 224270. This corresponds to e = (22,270 4 25.6)/ 25.6)/ 4 (22,270 = e to corresponds This 224270. = El tabulated, just


1.0 1.0

0.006 0.006

0.1 0.1

These calculations, which were done before our experimental tests, tests, experimental our before done were which calculations, These

confirms the statement in the text that there is plenty orkinetic energy energy orkinetic plenty is there that text the in statement the confirms

A more reasonable solution can be obtained bycondiderimg three !repents, !repents, three bycondiderimg obtained be can solution reasonable more A

37,100 = about 0.6. For lei =1.0 lb, v, = 70 fps, s is even smaller, about 0.1k. 0.1k. about smaller, even is s fps, 70 = v, lb, =1.0 lei For 0.6. about = 37,100


This This

convinced so that this hypothesis was not unreasonable; i.e..notobviously i.e..notobviously unreasonable; not was hypothesis this that so convinced

From our calculations, E calculations, our From

calculations would prove anything; the experiment experiment the anything; prove would calculations

circumstances a'backward recoil does occur. occur. does recoil a'backward circumstances

see that energy conservation can be satisfied with a reasonably small small reasonably a with satisfied be can conservation energy that see

Again, momentum conservation is satisfied. (Prom the last column. we eel eel we column. last the (Prom satisfied. is conservation momentum Again,

available to prodinethe "rocket motor" affect.) affect.) motor" "rocket prodinethe to available

inconsistent with the evidence at hand. I do not think that more refined refined more that think not do I hand. at evidence the with inconsistent

essentially the same speed it originelly had, e couple of ounces at 500 fps. fps. 500 at ounces of couple e had, originelly it speed same the essentially

and a pound at just 10 foe; foe; 10 just at pound a and

rather than just one. Consider one-quarter of the bullet going ferwerd ferwerd going bullet the of one-quarter Consider one. just than rather

. From our above above our From .



= =

3 3


= -96 ft-lb/sec, and E2 = 38 38 = E2 and ft-lb/sec, -96 =


2 2

. TO get an upper limit, assume that the the that assume limit, upper an get TO .


= 40 - (-30) = 70 ft-lb/sec. (I have rounded off off rounded have (I ft-lb/sec. 70 = (-30) - 40 =

the recoiling weight might have been as meet as as meet as been have might weight recoiling the

3 3





579), 579),

1 pound were driven.forward at the 70 fps we calculated from from calculated we fps 70 the at driven.forward were pound 1

If If

• 25.6 ft 25.6 •

thii equation would be satisfied. satisfied. be would equation thii

2 2


. .


if the skull fragments recovered in Begley Plaza were weighed. The The weighed. were Plaza Begley in recovered fragments skull the if

.) .)


eqnatien (1) is tor be satisfie7d, n satisfie7d, be tor is (1) eqnatien

*14, *14,

Tr Tr

It is clear that all the matter driven forward did not have the same same the have not did forward driven matter the all that clear is It

Sediell reports could provide an upper limit for the amount of matter matter of amount the for limit upper an provide could reports Sediell

It is difficult to estimate the amount and speed of the fragments which which fragments the of speed and amount the estimate to difficult is It

know know



eltPe4Werthis gives a gives eltPe4Werthis

total weight of the matter driven forward as something less than 1 pound. pound. 1 than less something as forward driven matter the of weight total

brain neighed 1500 grams (3.3 lb) after formalin fixation; we may estimate the the estimate may we fixation; formalin after lb) (3.3 grams 1500 neighed brain

lidelnihare.) lidelnihare.)

not not

expelled from the head. (Of course, much of the loss of bone and brain matter matter brain and bone of loss the of much course, (Of head. the from expelled the glass the

recorded in the autopsy could have occured long after the bullet struck.) I do do I struck.) bullet the after long occured have could autopsy the in recorded

no idea how fast a fragment would have to be going to crack but not penetrate penetrate not but crack to going be to have would fragment a fast how idea no

speed. (The presence of matter close to the head shows this.) One fragment fragment One this.) shows head the to close matter of presence (The speed.

froarthe fatal shot probably caused the small crack in the windshield. (I have have (I windshield. the in crack small the caused probably shot fatal froarthe

The actual velocity of the streaking material could be quite a hit greater. greater. hit a quite be could material streaking the of velocity actual The

oecured some time after the previous frame. The clearest streak is perhaps 4 4 perhaps is streak clearest The frame. previous the after time some oecured estimated by noting that they have traveled several feet since the impact, which which impact, the since feet several traveled have they that noting by estimated

feet long, which means a velocity of at least 4 feet x 18.3/sec = about 70 fps. fps. 70 about = 18.3/sec x feet 4 least at of velocity a means which long, feet

head, and a couple of streaks going forward and upward: Their speed can be be can speed Their upward: and forward going streaks of couple a and head,

were driven forward. Frame 313 shows a reddish blob around the President's President's the around blob reddish a shows 313 Frame forward. driven were

might be about 0.8 fps. This would give p give would This fps. 0.8 about be might


120 pmeed?. The average rearward velocity of the upper part of the body body the of part upper the of velocity rearward average The pmeed?. 120

about 170 Wends (WR (WR Wends 170 about !Mai eel Idwebing around the hip. Since the weight of the entire body was was body entire the of weight the Since hip. the around Idwebing eel !Mai - A2.1 -

.APPENDIX 2 - THEY SHOOT MELONS, DON'T THEY? (Or, Six Seconds in San Leandro) These pictures show the results of our final shooting session. The

targets are taped-up melons, weighing 1.1 to 3.5'peunds each. Targets.1 - 3 were placed at ground level, on the board which is on the side of the support

away from the gun. Targets 4 and 5 were placed on top of the wooden support, to

ensure that the melon would not bounce up, as it might if it were shot from

above. (The support is about 2 feet high.) Target 6 was suspended by a single piece of filament tape from the edge of the top away from the rifle; target 7 was suspended fron, the edge towards the rifle. The film (super-8 mm.)-was

taken at a setting of 24 frames per second.

The next two pages are Xerox copies of prints from slides which were made

by cutting up a copy of the movie film. The earliest frame in each sequence is at the upper left. Color prints can be obtained from me upon request, at costs

35O for 3 x 5", $ 1 for 7 x 10", etc. A duplicate of the entire film is $ 6. (The prints show the results as well as the film.) The 7 targets are on 5 slides, as follows: Slide 1 (target 1);2 (2-3); 3 (4); 4 (5-6); 5 (7). A few copies of this report are being distributed with prints which were done backwards; note the orientation of the L-shaped support. In the Xerox copies, the rifle is to the right.

The results shown on the next two pages are summarized here:

Target 1 rolled violently backwards and to the right (relative to the rifleman). A strong forward spray is visible in the first few frames. Target 2 lost spray forward, a smaller jet upwards and back, and then just slowly rolled over. Target 3 rolled about a foot backwards. Target 4 showed a very clear backward recoil after a forward jet. (A Xerox copy of a negative Thermofax print'of these frames is Figure 1 in. the body of this report.) In target 5, there is a clear backward jet as well as a forward one, The backward one is less strong, so the melon recoiled backwards. Target 6 was driven back and to the right, into the side of the wooden rig. Only the spray can be seen in the film. Target 7 sprayed forward and recoiled back in an arc, held by the tape. After about half a second the tape unwound itself from the rig. This target and # 4 show the rocket effect most clearly. Target # 3 Direction or bullet: 1=----- Target Target # 5 # 6

7 Target # 4 Target # Direction of bullet: < - A3.1 -

APPENDIX 3 - STILL PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND RESULTS • This report includes a Xerox copy of four representative still photos.

816 (lower left) shows the general setup, looking from behind the target towards the shooter's position. For comparison with other photos, note thatthe horizontal leg of the L-shaped target support extends away from tho:rifle. resting on the The movie camera is out of sight to the right. Target # 5 is top of the support. Cl was taken as the shot was fired and shows the recoiling Whom where melon in flight. C2; taken from the direction of the movie camera, are 2 antl 6 the melon came to rest. (The vertical lines painted on the support exit. hdie inches long.) In C4, a stick indicates the entrance hole; the larger

is also visible. The rest of the 64 photos we took can be obtained from me at cost upon 4) or standard prints are available. request. Xerox copies (at 60 per page of A brief catalog of the photos is presented here: Al through A24 were taken at the second of the three experimental sessions. The targets in A6 through All were rubber balls filled with gelatin; they tended to go away from the gun, but not in a direct lime. The film did not show much of a forward jetting of material. All through A16 show plastic bottles filled with water as targets; they tended to explode. The last target is a pineapple, taped up but not thoroughly; it shattered, with the largest piece going perpendicular to the bullet path and one major fragment driven back toward the rifle. The B and C series were taken at the third session, as were the films presented in Appendix 2. B5 through3; B9B15 show through target 819,'target # 1; B10 and# 4; Bit, . target # 2; 813 and 314, target # 6; C10 through. C14, Cl through C4, target # 5; C5 through C9, target # target # 7. C12, which was taken by snapping the5 frames shutter after in reactionimpact; to the sound of the shot, corresponds to about it shows the melon held by the tape, which is almost horizontal, after having recoiled backwards. - A3.2.- - 14.1 - - A4.2 -

APPENDIX 4 - TESTIMONY OF IANDAL SRANEYFELT IN TNE TRIAL OF CLAY SHA4 Woe Of ballistics, this has to mean elt had not been entered as a From the New Orleans Times-Picaffiano, Fehrwarf 15. 1969, page 1243: as one. le to speak ti.om his view as a Shaheyfelt said he and FBIbellistics expetItObattil. pireision is that the shots came from Dealey tlaza May 24i 1 ,:t0 rerapact individualt of the apprOxiallew-lize of /04i The purpose, he said, was to„repeiiiion-the conclusion, did you take into the direction of the th4si' —the siitgpcs,:6 4t s body in frame 3137 loCatiOn of the liaPuSini: t. the Warren dommission:rai. a ;taiga after frame 313? Dymond asked ants of the body, but used the 10.c) that theshif54'=;0 I *aterial streaking through the air/ -- On radix'-' was soMething pink streaking frame, but also forward. the distant; he 0.4":PO (.6 OBST! Ed frame, is in7.'

he'was:;t* or whateve, MAO:

From the:,

thaV- .that In of his head. `'