Page 2 Officers for 2009 Charles A. Lloyd, Chairman & Sec.Treas. 1985-2009 115 Wall Creek Drive Rolesville, N.C. 27571 1-919-570-0909
[email protected] Ron Carlson 616 Putnam Place Alexander, VA 22302-4018 703-549-5908 Board of Directors Dear Armed Guard Crew, Feb 14, 2009 C.A. Lloyd . NC Bill Bartzatt. NE Don Gleason . KS I start out with this POINTER knowing you want get it Clarence Korker . FL Joe Colgan.. MD before Valentine’s Day. I did want to get it to you before Gerald Greaves . RI Ground Hog Day but, it looks as if it may be Easter Al Sniff . FL before it arrives. Anyway, I am glad to be around to send Kenneth Sneed . IN Ralph McNally. OK out another one. Good to have you, too. Joseph Benedict . MN Richard Hudnall. AZ Zed Merrill . OR First!! Corrections to Oct. 2008/Jan. 2009 POINTER. Joe Esposito . IL Go to Page 5 and change OHIO to KANSAS below and Bernard Stansbury . VA to the left of the photo. I knew better that Bob Dole was a Forrest Flanagan. WV Hilary Makowski. PA former Senator from Kansas. I just didn’t catch it. Page 22 Arnold Latare . IA story was also printed when I found out it was a hoax. Put Bob Ober . OH J.F. Carter . LA “FICTON” under the title. I would appreciate it as it may Howard Long . SC fall into the hands of the “ENEMY”! And to those who Mike Molinari. NY did not get that POINTER, let me know.