SYDNEY ALUMNI Magazine Summer 2006 And the winner is ... Sydney UniversityUniversity toto hosthost USUS StudiesStudies CentreCentre Details,Details, pagepage 66 andand 77 >> INSIDE: SYDNEY ANNUAL, A 20-PAGE SPECIAL REPORT SYDNEY ALUMNI Magazine 6 8 14 19 NEWS: SYDNEY WINS US BID RESEARCH: INDIGENOUS HISTORY ESSAY: HOLIDAY PLEASURES SPORT: MEDAL HAUL Summer 2006 regulars Editor Dominic O’Grady The University of Sydney, Publications Office 4 OPINION Room K6.06, Quadrangle A14, NSW 2006 Bring on the festive cheer. Telephone +61 2 9036 6372 Fax +61 2 9351 6868 5 NEWS Email
[email protected] Sydney wins US Studies Centre bid. Sub-editor John Warburton Design tania edwards design 8 RESEARCH Contributors Tracey Beck, Vice-Chancellor Professor Gavin Joe Gumbula: our first indigenous research fellow. Brown, Graham Croker, Julie Ji, Valerie Lawson, Stephanie Lee, Alison Muir, Richard North, Maggie Renvoize, Chris 14 ESSAY Rodley, Ted Sealy, Mark Tedeschi, Richard White. The pleasures of idleness means different things to Printed by Offset Alpine Printing on 55% recycled fibre. different folks. Offset Alpine is accredited with ISO 14001 for environ- mental management, and only uses paper approved by 18 SPORT the Forest Stewardship Council. A bumper crop of medals. Cover photo Getty Images. 21 GRAPEVINE Anita Larkin’s fictional tools for unknown purposes. Advertising Please direct all inquiries to the editor. Editorial Advisory Committe SPECIAL The Sydney Alumni Magazine is supported by an Editorial Advisory Committee. Its members are: Kathy Bail, editor; SUPPLEMENT Martin Hoffman (BEcon ‘86), consultant; Helen Trinca, Sydney Annual: Editor, Boss (Australian Financial Review); David Marr A report on achievement (LLB ‘71), Sydney Morning Herald; William Fraser, Editor, and philanthropy.