Pipe Dreams Local Boarder Goes Pro and Brands His Own Board
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17 09 / / 03 2009 VOLUME 64 Everything but the books How libraries are staying sexy Arts & Culture page 17 Forget about bribing your prof and make friends with Gundars Reinfelds Diplomas campus news page 6 for dummies Are feelings more important than knowledge? news page 2 Pipe dreams Local boarder goes pro and brands his own board Arts And Culture page 15 02 The UniTer September 17, 2009 www.UniTer.ca "I lived in the Chelsea Hotel How to pick your band LookInG FoR LIstInGs? Cover Image and the people you bump up after a nasty run-in CAmpus, Community And volunteer opportunities page 6 "Grey swallows green" by Johnny Mingo. catch Mingo's work at the into while roaming the halls musiC page 12 with Lord Voldemort winnipeg art Gallery's sales and GAlleries, theAtre, dAnCe And have rainbow vibrations." disguised as your manager. rentals area and in the "12 inch Comedy page 9 5" show at the edge Gallery at 611 Film And literAture page 13 Arts & Culture page 16 Arts & Culture page 18 Main Street. check out his work on Facebook @ "the art of MINGO." UNITER STAFF news ManaGinG eDitor Vacant » [email protected] BUSiness ManaGer James D. Patterson » [email protected] PrODUcTiOn ManaGer Graduation without the grades Melody Morrissette » [email protected] cOPy anD styLe eDitor Chris Campbell » [email protected] Social promotion in Photo eDitor "the education Mark Reimer » [email protected] schools is leaving system should focus newS assiGnMenT eDitor kids without skills, on the promotion Andrew McMonagle » [email protected] of self-worth rather newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor report says Cameron MacLean » [email protected] than the promotion arts anD culture eDitor of self-esteem." Aaron Epp » [email protected] eThaN CaBel -Ken JOhnS, PSychology PrOFessor, cOMMents eDitor BeaT reporTer UniverSiTy OF winniPeG Andrew Tod » [email protected] Listings cOOrDinator J.P. Perron [email protected] A debate has resurfaced in Manitoba do not have an across-the-board so- » grade schools about whether or not cial promotion policy. We take an caMPUS BeaT rePOrTer to retain students in a grade if they individual/family approach to the Courtney Schwegel » [email protected] don’t satisfy the necessary criteria. decision rather than a systematic BeaT rePOrTer In August, the Frontier Centre mega one.” Caitlin Laird » [email protected] for Public Policy (FCPP), an in- Ken Johns, a psychology profes- n T BeaT rePOrTer dependent think-tank in Western u sor at the University of Winnipeg, R Canada, published a report claim- nbu believes that the grading system as Ethan Cabel » [email protected] ll ing that social promotion policies a whole has very little tangible ben- BeaT rePOrTer – promoting students regardless of efit. He argues that retention hurts Samuel Swanson » [email protected] academic achievement in order to the self-esteem because the student culture rePOrTer avoid damage to self-esteem and is looked down upon, while unjus- C. Jordan Crosthwaite [email protected] alienation from their friends – re- teacher and city councilor who co- standards but shows signs of prom- tified promotion causes the over- » sults in students lacking the neces- authored the FCPP report, said he ise, promotion is likely the an- inflation of that esteem. sary skills for later life. thinks that Manitoba schools have swer. It warned against strict social “The education system should Now some professionals are moved in the direction of social promotion policies in Canadian focus on the promotion of self- CoNTrIBUTORS: questioning why avoiding the promotion. schools. worth rather than the promotion stigma of repeating a grade is more “It is very rare for kids in kinder- In 1992, the Seven Oaks School of self-esteem,” said Johns. “Self- John Gaudes, Brooke Dmytriw, important than graduating stu- garten to Grade 8 to be held back Division published a book that esteem is an outside opinion of the Karlene Ooto-Stubbs, Matt austman, dents with necessary skills. a grade and less emphasis on aca- chronicled students that were dev- individual while self-worth is the “It is not automatic that some- demic standards means that it be- astated by being held back a grade. measure of the actual person.” rob holt, alexander Kavanagh, Lee repko, one is retained if [for example] they comes more an issue of self-esteem The book, The Faces of Failure, is Kindergarten to Grade 8 should Mike Duerksen, Devin Morrow, Jonathan don’t have their math,” said Edie than performance.” still used as a reference for the divi- be a kind of day care with edu- Dyck, crystal Laderas, adam Klassen, Wilde, assistant superintendent of The FCPP report concluded that sion, Wilde said. cational opportunities and high amie Seier, Kathleen cerrer, Sagan Morrow, the Seven Oaks School Division. there are times when retention is “The number one negative ef- schools should require standards of “We ask what the most appropriate appropriate if a student has not ful- fects of retention are the damage to admittance like post-secondary in- J. williamez, Jihan Muhamad, Megan environment is for the student.” filled the required effort. Similarly, self-esteem and the decrease in the stitutions, he said. Turnbull, clayton winter, cindy Titus, Michael Zwaagstra, a Steinbach if a student falls just short of the level of self-worth,” she said. “We aranda adams, James culleton The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership based organization in which students and community members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www. BY JIHAN MUHAMAD uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a member of the canadian University Press and Q: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PRACTICE OF PASSING STUDENTS, IN campus Plus Media Services. ELEMENTARY AND JUNIOR HIGH, When they don’t haVE PASSING GRADES? SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@ uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline for submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before publication. Deadline for advertisements is Justina Schewe Tendai Maruta Subhan Mohammed noon Friday, six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves the right to refuse to print submitted Psychology, second-year International development, Business, third-year “I think that’s pretty good material. The Uniter will not print submissions that “At one point of view you could third-year are homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we actually. I really wish they had see why they should pass them “I think in the long run it would also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. because they want to be with their sort out the problem. I mean not done this system when we peers. But if they're not developed just in that time but in the higher were in the school. That would enough they should be held back institution of learning. You are be awesome for us.” because they might feel inadequate referred to things from junior high CONtACt US » with their peers. You could also or elementary [school]. It may General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 look at it from a parent's point of cause a problem, but then again, Advertising: 204.786.9790 view; you probably wouldn’t want that is debatable, because some editors: 204.786.9497 your child held back.” people improve as they go on.” Fax: 204.783.7080 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.uniter.ca LOCAtION » Bonnie Mccue Donna Razor Jason Chisholm room ORM14 Waitress, Saint Regis Full-time mom Mail carrier University of Winnipeg “Crazy, bad, nuts! That’s what “It’s not fair because the other “Go back to Grade 6 then. 515 portage Avenue they did to me when I was people would have a passing grade Go back to Grade 6 and Winnipeg, manitoba r3b 2e9 a girl, passing when they … but it’s good for the child. If they finish their grade. Try to shouldn’t have been, 'cause don’t have a passing grade they pass your grade.” later on in life it's going to affect should be expected to take extra them.” courses or have a tutor.” Mouseland Press Board of directors: Michael rac (chair), Shawn coates, courtney Berthelette, clayton winter, Devin King, alex Freedman, Shannon Sampert, rob nay, Brian Gagnon, Meg McGimpsey, Kelly ross (UwSa representative). For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] NEws 03 www.UniTer.ca September 17, 2009 The UniTer What about the Senate? local Speculation over conservative platform grows as possible election nears News Briefs compiled by John Gaudes eThaN CaBel BeaT reporTer WInnipeg GEts a WEEkEnD's WoRtH oF FREE stuFF For every winnipegger who has As the federal political parties pre- dreamed of a free-for-all weekend pare for a possible fall election, for getting everything you’ve speculation is growing over policy. ever needed, the city of winnipeg The Conservative Party has been is about to provide in a big way. committed to Senate reform since according to cTv winnipeg, the its formation in 2003. However, the city’s first “Giveaway weekend” will prime minister recently appointed take place on Saturday, Sept. 26 and nine senators to the upper house, Sunday, Sept. 27. causing some to speculate whether The idea behind it is simple. Leave or not Senate reform will make it your unwanted items on the curb, into the Conservative platform. then wait for others to come claim “I don’t think they have aban- them, free of charge.