

Compiled as one of the requirements to complete the Strata I Study Department of English Education School of Teacher Training Education










Accepted and Approved by Board Examiners

School of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

On August, 2019

Team of Examiners:

1. Dr. M. Thoyibi, M.S. (Head of Examiner) (………………………….) 2. Dr. Phil. Dewi Chandraningrum, S.Pd., M.Ed. (Member 1 of Examiner) (………………………….) 3. Titis Setyabudi, S.S., M.A. (Member 2 of Examiner) (………………………….)


Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, M.Hum. NIP. 19504281993031001





Abstrak Penelitian ini berfokus pada isu mengenai Sindrom Stockholm yang terdapat pada novel Undercover karangan Danielle Steel (2015). Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis novel ini adalah pendekatan sosiologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis indikator-indikator mengenai Sindrom Stockholm yang terdapat pada novel, bagaimana Sindrom Stockholm digambarkan dalam novel, dan alasan pengarang menyatakan isu ini pada novel. Penulis menggunakan dua jenis data untuk menganalisis penelitian ini yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer yang dugunakan adalah novel Undercover karya Danielle Steel sedangkan data sekunder yang terdiri dari jurnal, website, kamus elektronik yang terkait dengan isu ini. Terdapat tiga hasil penelitian pada novel ini. Pertama, terdapat lima indikator terkait isu Sindrom Stockholm yaitu timbulnya perasaan positif terhadap penculik, pencucian otak, hubungan romantis, timbulnya perasaan negatif terhadap para penyelamat, dan ikatan emosional. Kedua, pengarang menggambarkan isu Sindrom Stockholm ini melalui karakter, kejadian, latar tempat dan style. Ketiga, pengarang menyatakan isu Sindrom Stockholm dalam novel ini berdasarkan fenomena sosial yang terdapat di U.S yaitu penculikan di pada 1974.

Kata kunci: sindrom stockholm, danielle steel, fenomena sosial, pendekatan sosiologi.

Abstract This study focuses on the issue of Stockholm syndrome found in the novel Undercover by Danielle Steel (2015). The theory used to analyze this novel is the sociology approach. This study aims to analyze the indicators of Stockholm syndrome found in the novel, how Stockholm syndrome is described in the novel, and the reason the author states this issue in the novel. The author uses two types of data to analyze this research, namely primary data and secondary data. The primary data used is the Undercover novel by Danielle Steel while the secondary data consist of journals, websites, electronic dictionaries related to this issue. There are three results of research on this novel. First, there are five indicators related to the issue of Stockholm syndrome, namely the emergence of positive feelings for kidnappers, , romantic relationships, the emergence of negative feelings towards saviors, and emotional ties. Second, the author describes the issue of Stockholm syndrome through character, events, setting and style. Third, the author states that the Stockholm syndrome issue in this novel is based on social phenomena found in U.S, that was the kidnapping of Patty Hearst in California in 1974.

Keywords: stockholm syndrome, danielle steel, social phenomena, sociology approach.


1. INTRODUCTION The major of issue in this study was the Stockholm syndrome portrayed in Danielle Steel's Undercover novel which was published in 2015. Stockholm syndrome is that psychologically abductees show signs of loyalty, affection, and even defense of kidnappers regardless of the danger or risk experienced by the victim. The history of this case is an incident Sveriges Bank Credit robbery in Stockholm, . Jan-Erik Olsson and Clark Olofsson had held bank employees hostage on August 23 to August 28 in 1973 so that this case called Stockholm syndrome (The medical dictionary “Stockholm syndrome” 2015). Besides in literary works this issue has also been studied on social phenomena or actual events. The researchers found seven existing studies related to this issue. There are two types of research found that are based on social reality and based on literary work. Six of the seven previous studies found by researchers were based on the social reality of the Stockholm syndrome and one in seven is based on a novel entitled Anak Perawan di Sarang Penyamun by Sutan Takdir Ali Syahbana. Six studies based on social event Stockholm syndrome are as follows Jülich (2005), Sekarlina, Margaretha (2013), McLaughlin & Marie (2015), Qomariyah (2016), Julich & Oak (2016) and Yuliani & Fitria (2017). While one research based on a novel is research from Akhsan (2015).

Jülich (2005) examined through unstructured interview methods, this study focuses on the relationship between Stockholm syndrome in the response of adult survivors to child sexual abuse, which seems to have an impact on their ability to report criminals. Sekarlina, Margaretha (2013) used a qualitative approach with instrumental case study methods. The focus of this study includes the conditions in the dominant relationship as an indicator of the development of Stockholm syndrome, cognitive distortions that arise in the victim, and what reasons make the victim survive in his relationship. There were 3 research subjects obtained through purposive techniques. McLaughlin & Marie (2015) through the psychological phenomenon of the Stockholm syndrome has been revealed and how it applies to Elizabeth's intelligent abduction with the facts that occurred related this case. Qomariyah (2016) examined by Qualitative descriptive research

2 by using 3 samples of each primary and secondary subject selected using a purposive sampling approach. Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection and analyzed using the Miles and Huberman models. The results of the analysis show that teenagers who are victims of dating violence have their own ways to avoid abusive treatment from their partners. Even though their partner has given harsh treatment, their partner also shows a good attitude. Julich & Oak (2016) examined the research by exploration that focuses on the treatment process and the condition of Stockholm syndrome so that the victim does not dare to reveal. Then raises questions "Is caring for the Stockholm syndrome facilitator?" And trying to answer it by examining the precursors and psychological responses that are treatments and the Stockholm syndrome. Yuliani & Fitria (2017) aimed the study to determine the preoccupied role of attachment style towards the tendency to experience Stockholm syndrome in early adult women. The study used a quantitative approach, with participants as many as 232 samples through incidental sampling techniques. Measurements were made with the preoccupied dimensions of the Attachment Styles Questionnaire and the Stockholm syndrome. The regression test results showed that the preoccupied attachment style had a significant role in the tendency to experience Stockholm syndrome which was 1.9%. While Akhsan (2015) through the psychology aspect of literature in this study concentrates on the phenomenon of Stockholm Sayu's syndrome. The characteristics that emerge can be recognized through the behavior of the character Sayu and through the situations that encourage the Stockholm syndrome. Psychologically, Sayu gained a great influence from other figures, Medasing as a hostage who subsequently experienced the phenomenon of five syndromes, and Samad as a savior that encouraged the occurrence of events. The theories used in the research are Robert Stanton's structural theory, Welek and Warren's literary psychological theory, and theories about interpretation.

Based on the previous study above, most of them researched Stockholm syndrome based on social events with sample consisting of people and one based on the novel and with various kinds of methods namely qualitative and quantitative. As for the six writers who raised the issue of Stockholm syndrome in

3 their novel, they are as follow: Jim Thompson (1958), James Grady (1974), J.G. Ballard (1984), Lucy Christopher (2010), A.J. Grainger (2016), and Mary Kubica (2017). From the authors who raised the Stockholm syndrome issue, there has been no research that raised the Stockholm syndrome issue based on the novel. Researcher only found one study namely Akhsan (2015) which raised the issue of Stockholm syndrome based on novel entitled Anak Perawan di Sarang Penyamun by Sutan Takdir Ali Syahbana. It can be concluded that there is a gap in research related to Stockholm syndrome. Therefore, in this study the researcher was interested in analyzing the issue of Stockholm syndrome in the Undercover novel by Danielle Steel.

The theory used by researcher in this study is the sociological approach. Theory relating to the relationship between humans and the environment in society. So that in this theory there are three things to analyze, namely sociology of the writer, sociology of society and sociology of the reader. Sociology of literature is based on the dimensions of the author's background with regard to origin, background and environment. While literature is a reflection of things and social problems such as family relationships and class conflicts (Swingewood, 1972). Thus, it can be concluded that literary works have a relationship with social phenomena.

2. METHOD In this research the researcher conducts a study in qualitative method. According to Creswell (2014) qualitative method is to describe the complete data in the hypotheses that are already available and then tested from the literature. The problems in qualitative tend to lead to social and humanity. The main issue analyzed in this study is Stockholm syndrome. The primary data used in this study is Undercover novel by Danielle Steel. While the secondary data are books, journals, and websites related to this research. The steps to collect data conducted by researchers are as follows: reading the novel Undercover by Danielle Steel, reading related books to get the theory and website or journal related information, understanding from other sources related to the analysis, writing the data

4 correctly, taking notes from booth primary and secondary sources, classifying the data into categories and developing them into good unity. According to (Miles & Huberman,1994) in data analysis involving three activities, namely data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification so that techniques for analyzing the researcher used data reduction, data display, and conclusion with sociological approach.

3. FINDING AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Indicators of Stockholm syndrome Based on data found by researcher in this novel there is an indicator of Stockholm syndrome namely the development of positive feelings towards kidnappers, brainwash, romantic relationship, the development of negative feelings towards savior and emotional attachment. 3.1.1 The development of positive feelings towards kidnappers The development feelings towards kidnappers is the emergence of the victim's trust in the kidnapper. Some good treatment makes the victim feel safe so he can trust the kidnapper. In this novel a positive feeling arising in Ariana towards the kidnapper, Jorge began when Jorge treated her well after being treated harshly by Jorge's subordinates. Jorge's good treatment of Ariana was like feeding her, giving her clothes and delivering her to bathe in the river every day and let her sleep in a tent with Jorge. 3.1.2 Brainwash Brainwash is a change of mind in a social influence. Unwittingly brainwashing victims will find new thoughts whether positive or negative. In this novel the kidnapper does brainwashing by talking to the victim about poverty. Jorge the kidnapper considers himself a hero who helps the poor to live from the on his abduction mission. Jorge thinks that rich people are people who make poor people miserable. With this conversation Ariana felt that Jorge was right even to consider it holy. 3.1.3 Romantic relationship


Romantic relationship is an emotional relationship between man and woman with the existence of volunteerism in maintaining relationships. In this relationship there is also sexual attraction. In this novel the romantic relationship between Jorge and Ariana arises when they live together in everyday life in the forest. Because of good treatment shown by Jorge, finally Ariana loves Jorge. Then Jorge impregnates her. So that they have a stronger bond in a romantic relationship. 3.1.4 The development of negative feelings toward savior The development of negative feelings towards savior is where there is resentment towards the victim against the savior and even the family. In this novel Ariana does not want to be saved by the saviors. She rebelled and thought the savior and her father was wrong. 3.1.5 Emotional attachment Emotional attachment is an emotional bond that is formed between two individuals specifically. This bond can be eternal and usually owned between parents and children. This relationship is supported by daily behavior or habits. In this novel an emotional bond is formed because Ariana contains Jorge's child and she loves Jorge even after being rescued. Ariana still keeps the aviator box containing love letters and journals written after Jorge died.

3.2 The Portrayal of Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome in this novel is depicted through character, event, setting, and style. 3.2.1 Character The character that describes the issue of Stockholm syndrome in this novel consists of kidnapper, kidnapped, and savior. a. Kidnapper The kidnapper of this novel named Jorge. He is a kidnapper who has several subordinates. He considered himself a revolutionary in Argentina like Che Guevara. To carry out his mission he lived in a move around the Andes montains in Finca, Argentina. In the case of Ariana's kidnapping he gave


Ariana good treatment after Ariana was tortured by his subordinates. Jorge also requested ransom from Ariana's father. Then one day Jorge impregnated Ariana and brainwashed her with a statement that she was a helper to the poor. Jorge considers himself a hero to the poor who can help the poor with the ransom he gets. So Ariana believed and loved him. b. Kidnapped The kidnapped figure is Ariana. Ariana is the daughter of the Argentine ambassador, Robert Gregory. She was kidnapped when she wanted to attend the event in Finca, Argentina. She was kidnapped and taken to the forest and put in a chest but Jorge, the kidnapper's head gave her good treatment every day to impregnate her. After Ariana was rescued she still loved Jorge and even blamed the saviors and his father. She had difficulty in forgetting Jorge until she finally decided to calm down in a church with the nuns. The calming did not make her recover from her trauma so she decided to treat her with a deprogrammer in . When she lived in Paris, it turned out Ariana met a former DEA agent, Marshall Everett. After Marshall found Ariana apparently still in danger, CIA agents required Ariana and Marshall to disguise and go to Wyoming. In their disguising at Wyoming, Ariana and Marshall engaged in emotional ties and they loved each other. After they were free from danger they finally got married and lived happily in Paris. c. Savior The savior's character in this novel is the family and people who tried to save Ariana from kidnapping to the case of Stockholm syndrome. Rescuers consist of father, CIA agent, deprogrammer, and DEA agent. Ariana's father, Robert Gregory, was an Argentinian ambassador who loved Ariana very much. When Ariana was kidnapped he felt very worried and did everything to save her daughter. Local police, CIA agents until the president helped him to save Ariana. After the rescuers rescued Ariana Robert Gregory died because of a heart attack and worried too much. Then the head of CIA agent named Sam Adams was ordered by the American president to address Ariana from the kidnapping case. Sam Adams not only saved Ariana from kidnapping cases,


but also helped her recover from trauma to the case of Stockholm syndrome experienced by Ariana. Then a deprogrammer named Yael Le Floch who helped Ariana recover from trauma after her father and Jorge died. Yael lived in Paris. He gave therapy for Ariana with the techniques he had. Many CIA agents used his services with extraordinary results. The goal of the treatment was after Ariana managed to bury the aviator box containing love letters and Jorge's written journals and forgot about it. The last savior is Marshall Everett. Marshall Everett was a secret agent who retired due to gunfire on his arm until he decided to go to seclusion in Paris. In Paris, Marshall met Ariana because of an aviator box buried by Ariana. Marshall found the mystery in the box and found that Ariana was in danger and required Ariana and Marshall to go to the city of Wyoming and disguise it. The disguise caused a love of location between them and finally they got married and lived happily. Ariana recovered completely from Stockholm syndrome and managed to bury the past inside. 3.2.2 Event In the event, the depiction of Stockholm syndrome in this novel consists of six types namely, kidnapping, brainwashing, rescuing, self-calming, therapy and disguising. a. Kidnapping Kidnapping is a condition in which Ariana is kidnapped and taken to the forest and then put into a chest by Jorge’s subordinates. The day goes by in the forest with good treatment of Jorge. So Ariana believed and loved Jorge, the head of the kidnappers. b. Brainwashing Brainwashing is a condition in which Ariana is brainwashed by Jorge. Jorge persuaded her to talk about poverty and put himself as a hero of these poor people. So Ariana believed it and considered it holy. c. Rescuing Rescuing is where rescuers try to save Ariana from kidnapping case in Finca, Argentina. This was done by several CIA agents, local police and


soldiers from Israel. They traverse the mountains by helicopter to investigate where Jorge lives. Then arranged a strategy that finally succeeded in saving Ariana. d. Self-calming Self-calming is where Ariana calms herself after the incident. She felt guilty for the death of his father, the baby he was carrying, and Jorge. She committed forgiveness of sins and calming himself on St. Gertrude, Berkshire. She was there with the nuns and did daily activity with them. e. Therapy Therapy is where Ariana does therapy with a deprogrammer in Paris. Ariana conducts daily therapy for several months in Paris. This therapy was carried out by a well-known deprogrammer, Yael Le Floch with several techniques until Ariana succeeded in forgetting Jorge, precisely burying the aviator box containing journals and love letters written by Jorge. f. Disguising Disguising is a condition where Ariana and Marshall hide and disguise because Ariana was almost kidnapped again in Paris then saved by Marshall. It caused them to go and disguised themselves in Wyoming. 3.2.3 Setting The settings section here explains where Ariana lives her life. It start from before experiencing Stockholm syndrome, the stage of healing, the disguising to recover completely from the case physically and mentally. The settings here consist of four countries namely U.S.A, Argentina, France, and England. a. U.S.A Depiction of U.S.A here involves three cities including New York, Washington and Wyoming. New York is Ariana's residence before being kidnapped. In New York Ariana lives with her father in a different apartment. Ariana lives in apartment in Tribeca while her father lives on the Fifth Avenue apartment. She likes her life in New York and also her job. New York is also a city where Ariana's father is buried after dying of a heart attack

9 and worrying excessively. Robert's funeral, Ariana's father is precisely at Frank Campbell's, the funeral parlor on Madison Avenue. The airport in New York, exactly JFK airport is the airport where Ariana wanted to fly to Paris. Then Washington is the place where Ariana and Marshall were ordered to meet the CIA exactly Sam Adams and given further direction what they should do. They arrived in Washington and were secured by the CIA when they passed customs and immigration. They stayed at the Four Seasons hotel in Georgetown in a suite with two bedrooms and a living room. An agent was placed on guard outside the door. The next day they met Sam Adams at the CIA office located in Mc. Lean Virginia, a few kilometers outside Washington. After getting a decision from the CIA to get them to go to Wyoming to disguise themselves, they had walked along the Rock Creek Park escorted by four agents while discussing the plan. Then the last setting in New York is Wyoming. Wyoming is a city in the USA where Ariana and Marshall hide and disguise themselves. Flights to Wyoming take four hours from Washington. The situation there is not as fancy as in big cities. A large barn appeared, where Ariana wanted to put the horses she would keep. Then they saw the main house complete with a porch and peg fence surrounded by old trees. Casper Mountain also appeared from a distance. The weather was quite warm and windy. There were no other houses within a mile or two. Besides these facilities, they also provided a list of local shops at the kitchen counter, all of which were sixteen kilometers away. They also discouraged themselves from going to the city to buy the items needed to live in . On the way there they passed a small town, where a side shop was located. There are also Laundromats, dry cleaning services, bookstores, gas stations, and several other shops. Half an hour's journey they finally arrived at Casper city, a city full of young people and busy people, also having restaurants, bars and coffee shops, several art galleries and an antique shop on Main Street. But not infrequently they also heard howling wolves from a distance made Ariana careful to bring Lili, the dog came out.

10 b. Argentina The description of Argentina here involves two regions including Buenos Aires and Finca. Buenos Aires is where Ariana lived after her father officially became Argentina's ambassador. They lived in Posadas in the Recoleta district but before the embassy was ready they stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel. Ariana liked the situation there. She was shocked by the prices of goods that were so cheap, the beautiful and handsome people who were also pleasant. Ariana also had time to spend her weekend with her friends in Punta del Este, Uruguay. It was the favorite beach resort of the rich and aristocratic Argentines. Then Finca is the place where Ariana was kidnapped. Finca is a two-hour drive from Buenos Aires. Finca is a mountainous area where Ariana is kidnapped and taken to the forest. So the rescuers need to make a strategy to land the plane when they want to save Ariana. c. France The portrayal of France here only involves one city namely Paris. Paris is the place where Ariana does therapy by a deprogrammer. Paris was also the place where she met Marshall because the Aviator box was buried by Ariana. Ariana landed on Charles de Gaulle Airport and then headed to his apartment on Avenue Foch. The neighborhood looked very respectable, and Avenue Foch more luxurious than she had expected, and it was a close to the Arc de Triomphe and the Champs-Elysees and the apartment was warm. Besides, the deprogrammer’s house is on Rue de Naples, in Eight Arrondissement. While therapy with Yael, Ariana also liked to take a walk along the quais and riding the Bateaux Mouches that sail along the Seine. Ariana also became aware of the characteristics of Paris people who gave each other lilies on Paris Labor day and they also liked to keep dogs. When Yael went away for a while, forced Ariana off to do therapy. She went to southern France on vacation too. The places she visited in the south of France were Aix en Provence and St. Paul de Vence, go to St. Tropez, staying ten days there then driving casually back to Paris. A few days later after the holidays she returned for therapy until the final stage of the therapy was to bury the Aviator box from Jorge.


Finally, she buried the box somewhere called Bagatelle. Of course the place was open, loose land, there were bushes and hedges around it. Whereas when Marshall arrived in Paris the weather was colder than in Washington but the air was clean and crisp. d. England The portrayal of England involves two regions, namely St. Gertrude, Berkshire and New Scotland Yard. St. Gertrude, Berkshire is a place where Ariana calms herself after the trauma of her abduction and her dead father. She forgives sins in a small room in St. Gertrude and a priest and accompanied by a nun. She lived there a few months with the nuns. One of the nuns' daily lives is gardening in the garden. They plant tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, lettuce, and peas. Then Scotland Yard is the place where Ariana was taken by Marshall to save herself after Marshall saw her almost kidnapped again in Paris. To go there they took a few hours to drive the car then rod the tunnel at Coquelles near Calais. They took 35 minutes to cross the English Channel. Finally the train stopped at Folkestone and they went down there and then continued on the car for twenty minutes until they reached Marshall's friend, Geof MacDonald's house. The weather there was not as warm as in Paris. They stayed a few days at Scotland Yard. So they shopped in Harrods where Ariana could buy some clothes 3.2.4 Style a. Figurative language The figurative language found here is simile like sentences “She felt like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz”, “Now she felt like a ghost, with no future and no past”, “so she was keeping the box with her, like the Holy Grail”, “The letters were a little too Romeo and Juliet for him”. b. Diction Researcher found the language of diversity at the time of the kidnapping in Finca, Argentina like “and were calling her “La Rica” the rich one, when they referred to her”. Then typical French sayings like “Well bon voyage” and sentence “She was enjoying a stroll along the quais one day, after looking in


the bookstalls at the Bateaux Mouches sliding by on the Seine”. and one special expression like utterance ““Bingo,” he said, the minute Marshall answered his cell phone”. Then the names of places in Paris and surrounding areas such as Arc de Triomphe, Champ-Élyseés, Place de la Concorde, Place Vendôme, Tuileries Gardens, Rue de Naples, Bois de Bologne, Aix en Provence, St. Paul de Vence, St. Tropez, Bagatelle and Deauville. c. Symbol In this novel, the researcher found a symbol on the words of one of the nuns who said farewell to Ariana who was going to Paris. like utterance “Bring me a beret”. Beret signifies a France which was a place of mass production in the 19th century.

3.3 The reason of addressing Stockholm syndrome The author specifically addressed Stockholm syndrome in Undercover novel that is based on the social phenomena in U.S.A. In this Undercover novel by Danielle Steel, there are a few storylines that are exactly the same as the Patty Hearst kidnapping cases in California in 1974. In a true story, Patty Hearst is kidnapped and taken by car. The kidnapper who kidnapped Patty Hearst is a group of Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA). They requested ransom with demands on the Hearst family to provide food for the poor as much as US$ 2 million with an additional US$ 6 million. Hearst allegedly voluntarily surrendered to join them after being threatened with death. Whereas in the Steel’s novel, Ariana was kidnapped by revolutionaries in Argentina and her father was asked for a ransom of US$ 20 million. Here Ariana falls in love with Jorge, the head of the revolutionaries. The same things in this case is the case of Ariana and Hearst both living with revolutionaries, brainwashing, being indoctrinated with the evil capitalism of previous lives, made happy to become pregnant. Steel also mentioned the Patty Hearst case in her novel. Steel directly stated that the Patty Hearst case was packed in the story.


3.4 Discussion After analyzing this novel, the researcher found a connection between the issue and the environment of the author. Which, in the case of Stockholm syndrome in the Undercover novel has similarities to the phenomenal kidnapping case in her country, the kidnapping of Patty Hearst in California in 1974. And there are two to three plots in this novel taken from the author's own experience like profession, setting, and life experience. Based on the sociology of literature, the issue of Stockholm syndrome in this novel is real life in society. So that readers can get to know more about this issue and community case descriptions in literary works. Thus, this novel is dealing between real life in society and literary works with different methods but the principle still has many similarities (Faruk, 2010). There are also similarities and differences between this research and existing research. Previous research was Akhsan (2015) entitled “SINDROM STOCKHOLM TOKOH CERITA DALAM ROMAN ANAK PERAWAN DI SARANG PENYAMUN: ANALISIS PSIKOLOGI SASTRA”. The equation of this research and previous research is from the formal object which discusses the issue of Stockholm syndrome and in literary works. While the difference is from material objects which the existing research uses Anak Perawan di Sarang Penyamun novel by Sutan Takdir Ali Syahbana, analyzed by literary psychological theory and in this study researcher examined the novel Undercover by Danielle Steel using sociology theory.

4. CONCLUSION This section outlines the conclusions of this study. The issue depicted in this novel is Stockholm syndrome. There are five indicators of the Stockholm syndrome found in the Undercover novel that is The development of positive feelings towards kidnappers, Brainwash, Romantic relationship, The development of negative feelings towards savior, and Emotional attachment. First, The development of positive feelings towards kidnappers. This condition is where abductees can make peace with their captors. This condition is caused by a positive attitude given by the kidnapper to the victim. After being kidnapped and

14 then given protection the victim will feel safe and then grow these positive thoughts. Second, Brainwash. Brainwashing is a social influence with a method to change one's thoughts without his consent whether to the positive or negative side. In this kidnapping the kidnapper positioned himself as a hero. His abduction mission is to help poor people. Precisely from the ransom. He considers the rich to be the cause of the suffering of the poor so the victim considers his mission to be noble. Third, Romantic relationship. Romantic relationship is the existence of an interaction between two people so that an intimate relationship arises in both. Then they acknowledge each other's relationship. This can occur because of the habitual relationship. In this kidnapping case the kidnapper took the victim's heart by fostering a positive attitude and then approached physically and impregnated the victim. Fourth, The development of negative feelings towards savior. In this condition where the victim does not want to be saved. Even the victims have negative thoughts on their families. The victims consider the kidnapper to be the right person and they have been trapped in brainwashing and finally they can help carry out the kidnapper's mission because they think the saviors are wrong. Fifth, Emotional attachment. Emotional attachment is a bond that is supported by closeness. An emotional bond that can develop between individuals that have special meaning in their lives. This bond is usually owned by parents and children. In the abduction case, there was an emotional bond because of the closeness between the kidnapper and the victim even after the victim was successfully impregnated. Because of this emotional attachment the victim becomes difficult to forget the kidnapper. Even after the kidnapper died and they were successfully rescued. The author portrayed Stockholm syndrome in this novel like in characters, events, settings, and styles. The depiction of the characters in this novel include three characteristics, those are kidnapper, kidnapped, and savior. In savior characteristics they consist of father, CIA agent, deprogrammer, and DEA agent. While the depictions of the event context include as follows: kidnapping, brainwashing, rescuing, self-calming, therapy, and disguising. Then in the context of the setting is included four countries with various cities like U.S.A, Argentina,


French to the United Kingdom. U.S.A here consists of three cities, namely New York, Washington and Wyoming. Then Argentina consists of two regions namely Buenos Aires and Finca. While France only takes place in Paris. And the last is England which consists of two cities such as St. Gertrude, Berkshire and New Scotland Yard. In this novel there are styles such as figurative language, diction that mostly describe the city of Paris and a bit of Argentinian accent and a symbol that describes one of the typical French hats which is called “beret”. The author specifically addressed Stockholm syndrome in this novel because of the social phenomena. That is story of Patty Hearst's kidnapping in California in 1974. This case is a phenomenal that has got the attention from the American president, especially because Patty Hearst was the granddaughter of a billionaire in America. This case has also spread throughout the world. So Danielle Steel reflected this case on this romance genre novel, Undercover.


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