Ecosystem Assessment of the Tristan Da Cunha Islands
ECOSYSTEM ASSESSMENT OF THE TRISTAN DA CUNHA ISLANDS NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PRISTINE SEAS, ROYAL SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OF BIRDS AND TRISTAN DA CUNHA GOVERNMENT Expedition Report | July 2017 Jennifer E. Caselle, Scott L. Hamilton, Kathryn Davis, Marthán Bester, Mia Wege, Chris Thompson, Alan Turchik, Ryan Jenkinson, Douglas Simpson, Juan Mayorga, Paul Rose, Mike Fay, Dan Myers, James Glass, Trevor Glass, Rodney Green, Julian Repetto, George Swain, Katrine Herian, Ian Lavarello, Jonathan Hall, Andy Schofield, Sam Dews, David McAloney, Enric Sala HOW TO CITE THIS REPORT: Caselle J.E., Hamilton S.L., Davis K., Bester M., Wege M., Thompson C., Turchik A., Jenkinson R., Simpson D., Mayorga J., Rose P., Fay M., Myers D., Glass J., Glass T., Green R., Repetto J., Swain G., Herian K., Lavarello I., Hall J., Schofield A., Dews S., McAloney D., and Sala E. 2017. Ecosystem Assessment of the Tristan Da Cunha Islands. National Geographic Pristine Seas, Royal Society for Protection of Birds and Tristan da Cunha Government. Expedition Report. July 2017. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . 3 INTRODUCTION . 11 OBJECTIVES . 17 RESULTS . 21 Nearshore Kelp Forest Scuba Surveys Deep Sea and Pelagic Camera Surveys Shark Research – Movement Studies Invasive Species Research – Surveys, Diet and Life History Studies Microplastics – Methods and Results Pinniped Research Fishing Effort and Vessel Traffic Oceanography DISCUSSION . 59 RECOMMENDATIONS . 71 DETAILED METHODS . 75 Landsat Kelp Imagery Nearshore Kelp Forest SCUBA Survey Techniques Pelagic and Deep Drop Camera Survey Techniques Data Analysis for SCUBA, Deep Sea and Pelagic Camera surveys Shark Tagging Methods Pinniped Methods Invasive Species Research – Methods Oceanographic Research EXPEDITION TEAM . 83 REFERENCES .
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