Report of the Tomato Genetics Cooperative

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Report of the Tomato Genetics Cooperative Report of the Tomato Genetics Cooperative Number 54 – September 2004 University of Florida Gulf Coast Research and Education Center 5007 60th Street East Bradenton, FL 34203 USA Foreword The Tomato Genetics Cooperative, initiated in 1951, is a group of researchers who share an interest in tomato genetics, and who have organized informally for the purpose of exchanging information, germplasm, and genetic stocks. The Report of the Tomato Genetics Cooperative is published annually and contains reports of work in progress by members, announcements and updates on linkage maps and materials available. The research reports include work on diverse topics such as new traits or mutants isolated, new cultivars or germplasm developed, interspecific transfer of traits, studies of gene function or control or tissue culture. Relevant work on other Solanaceous species is encouraged as well. Paid memberships currently stand at approximately 145 from 25 countries. Requests for membership (per year) US$15 to addresses in the US and US $20 if shipped to addresses outside of the United States--should be sent to Dr. J.W. Scott, [email protected] (see address information in Announcements section.) Please send only checks or money orders. Make checks payable to the University of Florida. We are sorry but we are NOT able to accept cash, wire transfers or credit cards. Cover photo of Heinz 1706. Heinz 1706 is the tomato variety being sequenced in the worldwide tomato genome project. For further information see report by Rich Ozminkowski on p. 26 who provided the photo. Photo editing by John Petti. - J.W. Scott THIS PAGE IS BLANK IN THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT Table of Contents Foreward........................................................................................................................................... 1 Announcements............................................................................................................................... 5 Research Reports Effect of three anthocyaninless genes on seed aging in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Balacheva, E. and Atanassova, B.............................................................................................. 9 Use of SNP markers to genotype commercial hybrids and Spanish local cultivars of tomato García-Gusano, M., García-Martínez, S., and Ruiz, J.J........................................................... 12 Mitochondrial-specific RAPD analysis in the Lycopersicon CMS system Gianniny, Christine, Stoeva-Popova, Pravda, and Dimaculangan, Dwight .............................. 16 Tomato lines resistant to the South American tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta Meyr. (Lepidoptera:Gelechiidae) Gilardón, E., Hernández, C., Pocoví, M., Collavino, G., Gray, L., Gorustovich, M., Olsen, A., Bonomo, C. and Broglia, V ................................................................................................. 19 A recombinant inbred line mapping population derived from a Lycopersicon esculentum x L. pimpinellifolium cross Graham, E.B., Frary, A., Kang, J.J., Jones, C.M., and Gardner, R.G ...................................... 22 Pedigree of variety Heinz 1706 Ozminkowski, R ....................................................................................................................... 26 The study of T1 generation of transgenic tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) with introduced genes of ugt/iaglu from Zea mays L. and acb from Arabidopsis thaliana L. Rekoslavskaya, N.I., Salyaev, R.K., Mapelli, S., Truchin, A.A., and Pacovski, R..................... 27 Yellow shoulder disorder in tomatoes under natural and controlled conditions Romero-Aranda, R., Fernández-Muñoz, R., López-Casado, G., and Cuartero, J.................... 34 The obtaining of transgenic potato Solanum tuberosum L. with high productivity by the transfer of the gene ugt/iaglu from Zea mays L. Salyaev, R.K., Rekoslavskaya, N.I., Mapelli, S., Korneva, A.V., Stepanova, E.G., Chepinoga, A.V., and Truchin, A.A .......................................................................................... 36 Observations indicate epistasis of nipple tip gene n-2 over n-4 Scott, J.W ................................................................................................................................ 41 Identification of GSK-3/SHAGGY-like protein kinase homologue from Lycopersicon peruvianum Wilson, Kimberly, S., Stoeva-Popova, Pravda, and Dimaculangan, Dwight ........................... 43 Varietal Pedigrees Eliana Alvarez, M., Lara, M., Rodríguez, J., Fernández-Muñoz, R., and Cuartero, J ......................... 48 Ohio 9834 and Ohio 9816: processing tomato breeding lines with partial resistance to race T1 of bacterial spot Francis, David M., and Miller, Sally.......................................................................................... 49 Fla. 7514 hybrid tomato tolerant to bacterial wilt Scott, J.W., Olson, S.M., Jones, J.B., Stofella, P.J., Bartz, J.A., and Somodi, G.C ................. 50 Fla. 7964 hybrid tomato resistant to tomato spotted wilt virus Scott, J.W., Olson, S.M., Bartz, J.A., Maynard D.N., and Stofella, P.J .................................... 51 Stock Lists Revised list of wild species stocks Chetelat, R.T............................................................................................................................ 52 Membership List ............................................................................................................................ 77 Author Index................................................................................................................................... 82 Obituary (Oscar H. Pearson)......................................................................................................... 84 From the editor Greetings to the TGC membership from your veteran editor and his highly capable staff. Gail Somodi continues to do most of the work keeping the TGC operation organized. John Petti is our webmaster who has been very busy with one of our major goals, getting all the reports on the web and searchable by keyword using the Google search engine. Our policy will be to have all reports available in electronic format with the exception of the latest report, it will not appear online until one year after the publication date. If you have not visited the website lately you may want to check it out as it is changing frequently ( Let us know (see my e-mail address below) of any problems you encounter so we can get them fixed. There is a lot of interesting information in the reports and we hope to make this information easy to extract. Since this project is very labor intensive TGC funds are being used to accomplish this. One other major change is taking place and that is that our research center is scheduled to move in January 2005. My email ([email protected]) and the TGC website will not be affected but our mailing address will change: From: To: 2004 address 2005 address Jay W. Scott Jay W. Scott Gulf Coast Research & Education Center Gulf Coast Research & Education Center 5007 60th Street East 14625 Balm Road Bradenton, FL 34203 Wimauma, FL 33598 USA USA 941-751-7636 ext. 241 I hope I can get my office cleaned out by January! I’m going to miss the leaky roof and some other things but our ability to facilitate the Tomato Genetics Cooperative should not be affected. Keep the research reports and varietal pedigrees coming in 2005! Oscar Pearson, one of the great vegetable breeders of the 20th century, died this year. You will find his obituary on pages 84 and 85. Take a moment to find out about one set of shoulders that modern day tomato breeders stand upon. His son, Dr. Robert Pearson, wrote me that he was unable to evaluate his father’s plant breeding accomplishments but he said, “I can assure you that his genetic and moral contributions to the human gene pool are important to us, his children.” Jay W. Scott Managing Editor UPCOMING MEETINGS Tomato Breeders Roundtable, October 17-20, 2004 in Annapolis, MD For registration information please contact: John Stommel [email protected] USDA, Agricultural Research Service Vegetable Laboratory Bldg. 010A, BARC-West 10300 Baltimore Avenue Beltsville, MD 20705 XVth Eucarpia Tomato Working Group Meeting 20-23 September 2005, in Bari, Italy Please visit to view the first announcement and registration details GRANT OPPORTUNITY USDA Funding for Tomato Germplasm Evaluation Funding will again be available from the USDA, ARS in FY 2004 for evaluation of tomato germplasm. Evaluation funding will be used on germplasm maintained in or destined for the National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS). Relevant NPGS germplasm includes the tomato collection maintained by USDA's Plant Genetic Resources Unit in Geneva, New York and the collection at the University of California, C.M. Rick Tomato Genetics Resource Center, Davis, California. Proposal guidelines are noted below. All proposals will be evaluated on the need for evaluation data, national and/or regional interest in the problem, scientific soundness and feasibility of the proposal, the likelihood of success, germplasm to be screened, and the likelihood that data will be entered into NPGS databases and freely shared with the user community. Proposals will be reviewed by the Tomato Crop Germplasm Committee (CGC) and applicable ad hoc reviewers and ranked in priority order for funding. Funding for successful proposals has ranged from $5,000 to $30,000. However, this year’s letter indicated a cap
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