The Geology of Gloucestershire
GLOUCESTERSHIRE. [KELLY'S THE GEOLOGY OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE (Revised to :rgos.) NATURAL HISTORY AND SciENTIFIC SOCIETIES. 188o-xgor. Reports of Excursions to (r) Stroud and May Bristol Microscopical Society, Berkeley square, Clifton. Hill, May, 1870; (2) The Cheltenham District, Bristol Naturalists' Society, Berkeley square, Clifton: July, I874; ( 1) Bristol, Aust Cliff and the Mendips, Proceedings. August, r88o; (4) Cheltenham and Strand, June, Cheltenham Natural Science Society. 1897; (5) Tortworth, Avon Gorge and Aust Cliff, Bristol and Gloucestershire Archooological Society, Eastgate, May, zgor; (6) Vale of Evesham and the North Gloucester : Transactions. Cotteswolds, April, 1904, Proceedings, Geologists' Clifton Antiquarian Club : Proceedings. Association of London. Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, Eastgate, Gloucester: 1881. Longe, F. D.-Oolitic Polyzoa, Geol. Mag., p. 23. Proceedings. Wethered, E.-Grits andSandstones of Bristol Coal MusEuMs. field, Midland Naturalist, vol. iv., pp. 25, 59· -'Gloucester Municipal Museum, Price Memorial Hall, Muni cipal buildings. 1881. Wright, Dr. T.-Physiography and Geology of the · Cirencester: The Corinium Museum (Antiquities), and the Country round Cheltenham, Midland Naturalist, Museum of the Royal Agricultural College • vol. iv., p. I45· . Bristol Corporation Museum (and Reference Library), Queen's road, Bristol. Smithe, Rev. F.-Liassic Zones and Structure of Churchdown. Hill, Proc. Cotteswold Field Club, vol • XI., p. 247• - PUBLI<)ATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Harrison, W. J.-Bibliography of Midland Glaciology, (I) Coloured Maps, on the scale of one inch to a mile : Trans. B'ham Nat. Hist. <f Phil. Soc., vol. ix., . Sheet Ig, Southern part of Bristol Coal-field, &c. ; Sheet 34, p. Il6. Stroud, Cirencester, &c.; Sheet 35, Bristol, Chipping s~d bury, Dnrsley, &c.
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