

⦿ Connects to thorax ⦿ 3 ◼ Glenohumeral ◼ Acromioclavicular joint ◼ ⦿ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRIz6oO A0Vs ⦿ Functional Areas ◼ scapulothoracic ◼ scapulohumeral SHOULDER MOVEMENTS

⦿ Global Shoulder ⦿ Arm (Shoulder Movement Joint) ◼ Elevation ◼ Flexion ◼ Depression ◼ Extension ◼ Abduction ◼ Abduction ◼ Adduction ◼ Adduction ◼ Medial Rotation ◼ Medial Rotation ◼ Lateral Rotation ◼ Lateral Rotation SHOULDER MOVEMENTS

⦿ Movement of shoulder can affect spine and ◼ Flexion of arm Extension of spine ◼ Extension of arm Flexion of spine ◼ Adduction of arm Ipsilateral sidebending of spine ◼ Abduction of arm Contralateral sidebending of spine ◼ Medial rotation of arm Rotation of spine ◼ Lateral rotation of arm Rotation of spine

⦿ Scapulae ⦿ ⦿ Sternum ⦿ Provides mobile base for movement of

⦿ Collarbone ⦿ Elongated S shaped ⦿ Articulates with Sternum through Manubrium ⦿ Articulates with through STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT

⦿ Saddle Joint ◼ Between Manubrium and Clavicle ⦿ Movement ◼ Flexion - move forward ◼ Extension - move backward ◼ Elevation - move upward ◼ Depression - move downward ◼ Rotation

⦿ Usually movement happens with scapula Scapula Scapula ● Flat triangular bone ● 3 borders ○ Superior, Medial, Lateral ● 3 angles ○ Superior, Inferior, Lateral ● Processes and Spine ○ Acromion , Process, ○ Supraspinous, Infraspinous, Subscapularis, Glenoid SCAPULA (ANTERIOR VIEW)




⦿ Acromion articulates with clavicle ⦿ Gliding joint – opens and closes angle between scapula and clavicle ⦿ Supported by 4 Conoid & Trapezoid Acromioclavicular ligaments joint SCAPULAR MOVEMENTS

Elevation Depression Adduction/Retraction

Abduction/Protraction Upward Rotation Downward Rotation SCAPULAR MOVEMENT DOWNWARD ROTATION UPWARD ROTATION video of scapula https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRIz6oOA 0Vs GLENOHUMERAL JOINT

⦿ Ball and Socket Joint ⦿ Glenoid Cavity and head of humerus ⦿ Primary joint of shoulder ⦿ Mobile but unstable joint ◼ Head is 2-3X larger than cavity ◼ Cavity is shallow ⦿ Glenoid Labrum - Washer Glenoid Labrum GLENOHUMERAL

⦿ Attachments ◼ Outer rim of glenoid cavity ◼ Head of humerus ⦿ Ligaments ◼ Superior – Coracohumeral

to greater and ◼ Anterior – 3 glenohumeral ligaments

• Border of glenoid cavity to neck ⦿ Reinforced by tendons of

SHOULDER MUSCLES Scapulothoracic Muscles Those muscles that affect the movement of scapula and clavicle on the thorax SERRATUS ANTERIOR

⦿ Origin: Upper 10 ribs ⦿ Insertion: Medial border of scapula ⦿ Action: ◼ Fixes scapula in place ◼ Abduction and upward rotation of scapula ◼ Inspiration by elevation of ribs


⦿ Origin: Rib 1 and cartilage ⦿ Insertion: Underside of clavicle ⦿ Action: ◼ Depresses clavicle

⦿ Origin: Ribs 3-5 ⦿ Insertion: Coracoid process ⦿ Action: ◼ Pulls scapula down and forward ◼ Assists inspiration by elevating ribs


⦿ Origin: Sternum and Clavicle ⦿ Insertion: Mastoid Process ⦿ Action: ◼ Elevates area where sternum and clavicle meet to assist inspiration Sternocleidomastoid LEVATOR SCAPULAE

⦿ Origin: Transverse process of C1-C4 ⦿ Insertion: Superior angle of scapula ⦿ Action ◼ Elevation of scapula ◼ Downward rotation of scapula


⦿ Minor and Major ⦿ Origin: Spinous process C7-T4 ⦿ Insertion: Medial border of scapula ⦿ Action: ◼ Retraction of scapula ◼ Downward rotation of scapula


⦿ Origin: Occiput, nuchal ligament, spinous process of Cervical and ⦿ Insertion: ◼ Lateral 1/3 of clavicle and acromion(upper) ◼ Scapular spine (middle) ◼ Trapezius tubercle and medial end of scapular spine (lower) ⦿ Action: ◼ Retraction of scapula (all 3) ◼ Elevation, upward rotation of scapula, and elevation of clavicle (upper) ◼ Depression and upward rotation of scapula (lower)


⦿ Subscapularis ⦿ Supraspinatus ⦿ Infraspinatus ⦿ Teres Minor

⦿ Together the rotator cuff tendons reinforce the capsule


⦿ Origin: Anterior Surface of scapula ⦿ Insertion: Lesser Tubercle of humerus ⦿ Action: ◼ Medial rotation of arm SUPRASPINATUS

⦿ Origin: Supraspinous Fossa ⦿ Insertion: ⦿ Action: Abduction of arm INFRASPINATUS

⦿ Origin: Infraspinous Fossa ⦿ Insertion: Greater Tubercle below Supraspinatus ⦿ Action: ◼ Lateral Rotation of arm ◼ Abduction of arm TERES MINOR

⦿ Origin: Lateral Border of Scapula ⦿ Insertion: Greater Tubercle (below Infraspinatus) ⦿ Action: Lateral Rotation of arm Scapulohumeral muscles


⦿ Origin: Coracoid Process ⦿ Insertion: Medial Surface of humeral shaft near middle ⦿ Action: ◼ Flexes arm ◼ Adducts Arm


⦿ Origin: ◼ Short Head – coracoid process ◼ Long head – tubercle above glenoid cavity ⦿ Insertion: Bicipital Tuberosity of ⦿ Action (of arm): ◼ Flexion ◼ Shorthead – adduction ◼ Longhead - abduction


⦿ Origin: ◼ Clavicular head – Anterior and medial clavicle ◼ Sternocostal head – Sternum and costal cartilage ⦿ Insertion: Lateral aspect of ⦿ Action: ◼ Both heads –Adduction and Medial rotation of arm ◼ Upper fibers – flexion to 60 Degrees ◼ Lower fibers - flexion from 60 degrees


⦿ Origin: Sacral and Iliac Crest, Thoracolumbar fascia, spinous process of T7-T12, posterior surface of lower ribs ⦿ Insertion: Bicipital groove ⦿ Action: ◼ Extension of arm ◼ Adduction of arm ◼ Medial rotation of arm


⦿ Origin: posterior surface of inferior angle ⦿ Insertion: Medial aspect of bicipital groove next to latissimus dorsi ⦿ Action: ◼ Extension of arm ◼ Adduction of arm ◼ Medial rotation of arm


⦿ 3 groups of fibers ⦿ Origin: ◼ Middle fibers - lateral border of acromion ◼ Posterior fibers - spine of scapula ◼ Anterior fibers - clavicles ⦿ Insertion: lateral surface of humerus ⦿ Action: ◼ Middle fibers - Abduction of arm ◼ Anterior fibers – flexion and medial rotation of arm ◼ Posterior fibers – extension of arm THE ELBOW

⦿ Elbow – where , radius and humerus meet ⦿ ◼ 2 • Radius • Ulna ⦿ Motion ◼ Flexion and Extension ◼ Pronation and Supination FLEXION AND EXTENSION

⦿ Flexion – movement that decreases angle between anterior surfaces of arm and forearm ◼ Active flexion – limited by contact between bodies of muscles ◼ Passive flexion – more range because muscles are more compressible

⦿ Extension – Return from flexion to anatomical position or increase in the angle between arm and forearm FOREARM HUMERUS CONTINUED

Radial fossa Coronoid Lateral fossa epicondyle Medial epicondyle fossa


⦿ Attachments: ◼ Above radial and coronoid fossae ◼ Above ◼ Medial and lateral condyles ◼ Neck of radius ◼ Medial surface of ulna ◼ Circumference of ⦿ Loose in back to facilitate flexion


⦿ Radial collateral ligament ◼ 3 slips from Lateral epicondyle • 2 encircle and inserts on • 1 inserts on lateral olecranon ⦿ Ulnar collateral ligament ◼ Medial epicondyle and attaches below medial coronoid process and olecranon ⦿ Collaterals allow flexion and extension but prevent lateral movement of elbow Bone for FLEXION/EXTENSION

⦿ Flexion ◼ Radial head fits into ◼ Coronoid process fits into coronoid fossa ⦿ Extension ◼ Olecranon process fits into olecranon fossa MUSCLES OF FLEXION/EXTENSION

⦿ Flexion ◼ Brachialis ◼ Brachii ⦿ Extension ◼ brachii ◼ Anconeus BRACHIALIS

⦿ Origin: Anterior surface of distal humerus ⦿ Insertion: Coronoid process ⦿ Action: Flexion of elbow


⦿ Origin: Lateral ridge on distal humerus ⦿ Insertion: ⦿ Action: ◼ Flexion of elbow ◼ Initial stages of pronation and supination • Assists in pronation from a supinated position

• Assists in supination from a pronated position


⦿ Origin: ◼ Short head – coracoid process ◼ Long head – tubercle above glenoid cavity ⦿ Insertion: ⦿ Action (of elbow): ◼ Flexion of elbow ◼ Supinator of radius (inserts on posterior aspect of radial tuberosity)

• Uncrosses upper radius from pronated position


⦿ Origin (3) : ◼ Long head – Tubercle below glenoid cavity ◼ Lateral head – Humerus (back, upper, lateral shaft) ◼ Medial head – Humerus (back, lower shaft) ⦿ Insertion: Olecranon ⦿ Action: Extension of elbow


⦿ Origin: Lateral epicondyle ⦿ Insertion: Lateral olecranon and upper ulna ⦿ Action: ◼ Extends elbow ◼ Abductor during pronation


⦿ Supination – Radius and Ulna parallel and palm faces anteriorly ⦿ Pronation – Radius crosses over Ulna and palm faces posteriorly


⦿ Radial notch and head of radius ⦿ Pivot joint ⦿ Annular ligament ◼ U-shaped – wraps around head of radius and attaches to front and back of ulna ◼ Surrounds and secures head and neck of radius ⦿ Allows pronation and supination PROXIMAL RADIOULNAR JOINT DISTAL RADIOULNAR JOINT

⦿ Ulnar notch and ulnar head ⦿ Pivot joint ⦿ Radius rotates anteriorly over head of ulna ⦿ Articular disk connects styloid process of ulna to ulnar notch ◼ Holds radius and ulna together during movement at the joint ◼ Separates distal radioulnar joint from joint


⦿ Interosseous membrane – connects shafts of radius and ulna ◼ Holds Ulna and Radius together during pronation and supination ◼ Acts as a site of muscle attachment MUSCLES OF PRONATION/SUPINATION

⦿ Pronation: ◼ Pronator teres ◼ Pronator quadratus ◼ Brachioradialis ⦿ Supination: ◼ Biceps Brachii ◼ Supinator PRONATOR TERES

⦿ Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process of ulna ⦿ Insertion: Midlateral surface of radius ⦿ Action: ◼ Pronation of arm ◼ Assists in flexion of elbow PRONATOR QUADRATUS

⦿ Attachments: Anterior surface of distal ulna and radius ⦿ Action: Pulls radius across ulna in pronation


⦿ Origin: ◼ Superficial layer – lateral epicondyle of humerus ◼ Deep layer – Superolateral ulna ⦿ Insertion: Between neck and lateral side of Radius ⦿ Action: Supination of forearm