Valoda Da˛‚Du Kult˚Ru Kontekst‚

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Valoda Da˛‚Du Kult˚Ru Kontekst‚ DAUGAVPILS UNIVERSIT¬TE HUMANIT¬R¬ FAKULT¬TE VALODA ñ 2015 Valoda da˛‚du kult˚ru kontekst‚ Zin‚tnisko rakstu kr‚jums XXV DAUGAVPILS UNIVERSIT¬TES AKAD«MISKAIS APG¬DS „SAULE” 2015 VALODA ñ 2015. Valoda da˛‚du kult˚ru kontekst‚. Zin‚tnisko rakstu kr‚jums XXV. Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universit‚tes AkadÁmiskais apg‚ds „Saule”, 2015. 404 lpp. Rakstu kr‚jum‚ „Valoda ñ 2015. Valoda da˛‚du kult˚ru kontekst‚” apkopoti zin‚tniskie raksti, kuros atspoguÔoti Humanit‚r‚s fakult‚tes XXV zin‚tnisko lasÓjumu refer‚tu materi‚li. Kr‚jum‚ iekÔauti raksti par latvieu, lietuvieu, krievu, angÔu, v‚cu u. c. valodas da˛‚du lÓmeÚu par‚dÓb‚m: diahroniskie, are‚lie, sinhroniskie un kontrastÓvie pÁtÓjumi, tulkoanas, lingvokulturoloÏiskie un sociolingvis- tiskie jaut‚jumi. Rakstus izvÁrtÁ anonÓmi recenzenti; par rakstu publicÁanu lemj kr‚- juma zin‚tnisk‚ redkolÁÏija. Redakcijas kolÁÏija Varvara DOBROVOœSKA (Krievijas Feder‚cijas Kult˚ras ministrijas Valsts krievu folkloras centrs), Ina DRUVIETE (Latvijas Universit‚te), JeÔena GOREGœADA (Vitebskas Valsts universit‚te), Zaiga IKERE (Daugavpils Universit‚te), Genovaite KA»U–KIENE (–auÔu Universit‚te), JeÔena KO“ICKA (ViÔÚas Universit‚te), Anatolijs KUZ“ECOVS (Daugavpils Universit‚te), RegÓna KVA–ŒTE (–auÔu Universit‚te), Ilze OœEHNOVI»A (Daugavpils Universit‚te), GaÔina SIRICA (Daugavpils Universit‚te), Vilma –AUDI“A (Daugavpils Universit‚te), An˛elika –TEINGOLDA (Tartu Universit‚te), Irina VISOCKA (Novosibirskas Valsts universit‚te). AtbildÓg‚ redaktore Svetlana POLKOV“IKOVA (Daugavpils Universit‚te). Liter‚rie redaktori un korektori S. Mekova (angÔu val.), J. But‚ne-Zarjuta (latvieu val.), V. –audiÚa (lietuvieu val.), G. Sirica (krievu val.), V. TaÔerko (v‚cu val.), A. KazjukeviËs (poÔu val.). MaketÁt‚jas: M. StoËka, V. –totaka. Redakcijas adrese Humanit‚r‚ fakult‚te VienÓbas iel‚ 13 Daugavpils, LV-5400 e-pasts [email protected] ISSN 1691-6042 ISBN 978-9984-14-747ñ5 © Daugavpils Universit‚te, 2015 LANGUAGE 2015. Language in Various Cultural Contexts. Collection of scientific articles XXV. Daugavpils: Daugavpils University Academic Press ìSauleî, 2015. 404 p. ìLanguage 2015. Language in Various Cultural Contextsî contains research articles that were presented at the XXVth Scientific Readings of the Faculty of the Humanities. This selection is devoted to phenomena of various levels in Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, English, German etc. languages, and represents works in diachronic, areal, synchronic and contrastive linguistics. It also includes the issues on the research carried out into lingvo-cultural and sociolinguistic fields. The articles are evaluated by anonymous reviewers; the decision on the publication of articles is taken by the scientific editorial board of the collection of articles. Editorial Board Varvara DOBROVOLSKAYA (State Center of the Russian Folklore of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation), Ina DRUVIETE (Latvian University), Alena GARAGLIAD (Vitebsk State University), Zaiga IKERE (Daugavpils University), GenovaitÎ KA»IU–KIENÀ (–iauliai University), Jelena KONICKA (Vilnius University), Anatoly KUZNECOV (Daugavpils University), Regina KVA–YTÀ (–iauliai University), Ilze OœEHNOVI»A (Daugavpils University), GaÔina SIRICA (Daugavpils University), Vilma –AUDI“A (Daugavpils University), Anzhelika SHTEINGOLD (Tartu University), Irina VYSOTSKAYA (Novosibirsk State University). Editor Svetlana POLKOVNIKOVA (Daugavpils University). Editorial Address Humanit‚r‚ fakult‚te VienÓbas iel‚ 13 Daugavpils, LV-5400, Latvia e-pasts [email protected] . Saturs / Contents DIAHRONIJA UN ARE¬LIE P«TŒJUMI Brigita BU–MANE. LeksÁma parpalas latvieu valod‚ (Lexeme parpalas in Latvian) .................................................................. 11 Марина ДОРОФЕЕНКО. Виконимы Беларуси, восходящие к названиям архитектурных объектов, в лингвогеогра- фическом аспекте (Viconyms of Belarus Derived from the Names of Architectural Objects in the Linguistic and Geographical Aspects) ............................................................... 18 Елена ГЕНЕРАЛОВА. Значимость имён прилагательных в истории русского языка и культуры (на материале старорусского языка XVI–XVII вв.) (The Significance of Adjectives in the History of the Russian Language and Culture (on the material of Old Russian of the 16thñ17th centuries)) ................................................................................. 24 GenovaitÎ KA»IU–KIENÀ, Irena KRUOPIENÀ. –iaurÎs panevβiki¯ tarmÎ ir jos atspind˛iai smulkiojoje tautosakoje (The Northern Auktaitian Dialect of Panevβys and Its Reflections in Minor Folklore) .................................................. 31 Елена КОРОЛЁВА. Представление о болезни по данным говоров старообрядцев Латгалии (Conception of Disease by the Data of Latgalian Old Believersí Dialects)....................... 43 Анатолий КУЗНЕЦОВ. Диграф еры в первоначальной глаголице (Digraph jery in the Earlest Glagolitic Alphabet) ...... 52 Anna STAFECKA. Par da˛‚m tendencÁm augzemnieku dialekta latgaliskaj‚s izloksnÁs (On some Tendencies in the Latgalian Sub-dialects of the High Latvian Dialect) ............. 59 Надежда ШАКУН. Проблемы исследования кирилло- мефодиевского наследия в белорусских говорах (The Research Problems of the Cyrillo-Methodian Heritage in Belarusian Dialects) ............................................................... 66 5 KONTRASTŒVIE P«TŒJUMI UN TULKO–ANAS JAUT¬JUMI Edita BARTNIKAITÀ , Jovita DAUK–YTÀ. Lithuanian Identity in the Context of Other European Cultures: Semantic Peculiarities of Paremiological Units (Литовский идентитет в контексте других Европейских культур: семантические особенности паремических единиц) .............. 73 Жанна БОРМАНЕ, Мария СТРИЖАК. Игра слов в переводе художественного текста (на примере переводов романа В. Пелевина «Generation P» на немецкий язык) (Word Play in the Translation of Literary Text: A Case Study of the Translations of the Novel Generation P by V. Pelevin into German) ............................................................................ 81 Александр ФИЛЕЙ. Особенности передачи урбонимов в разговорнике ´Ein Rusch Boeckª (Peculiarities of the Transmission of Urbonyms in the Phrasebook ìEin Rusch Boeckî) ..................................................................................... 88 Марина ХАЛИМОНЕ. Специфика внешнего проявления эмоции «гнев» в рассказах А.П. Чехова и Р.М. Блауманиса (Specific Aspects of the Emotional Expression of Anger in Chekhovís and Blaumanisís Short Stories) ................................. 97 Zaiga IKERE. Text in Philosophy: Word Creation and Translation (Teksts filozofij‚: v‚rdrade un tulkojums)............... 103 Svetlana KOROœOVA. Rendering Cultural Realia in English Translations Produced by Non-Native Speakers of English (Kult˚ras re‚liju atveide tulkojumos angÔu valod‚ k‚ svevalod‚) ............................................................................... 111 Алина ЛОГИНОВА. «Путь же взял он по направлению к Васильевскому острову через В-й проспект…». Аббревиатурные топонимы в романе Ф. Достоевского «Преступление и наказание»: аспект перевода на латышский язык (ìThe route he took toward Vassilievsky Island by Bth Avenueî. Place Names in Fyodor Dostoevskyís Novel ìCrime and Punishmentî: Aspects of Translation into Latvian) ............................................................................. 118 Галина СЫРИЦА. Фразеологизмы с компонентом-фитонимом в русском и немецком языках (Phraseological Units With the Vegetative Component in Russian and German languages) .... 125 6 SINHRONIJA: FON«TISKAIS UN GRAMATISKAIS ASPEKTS Liene MARKUS-NARVILA. Lejaskurzemes izlokÚu morfoloÏisk‚s iezÓmes J. ÕÓbura manuskript‚ „Sendienu dziesma” (Morphological Peculiarities of South-Western Kurzeme Sub-Dialects in J. ÕÓbursí Manuscript ìThe Song of Bygone Daysî) ...................................................................... 135 Veronika RUfiA. Sintaktisko strukt˚ru ÓpatnÓbas dzÓvesst‚stu valod‚ (The Features of Syntactic Structure in the Language of Life Stories)........................................................................... 148 Dzintra –ULCE. P‚rdomas par da˛iem valodas jaut‚jumiem „Latvieu valodas gramatik‚” normatÓv‚ aspekt‚ (Reflections on Some Language Issues in ìLatvian Grammarî in the Normative Aspect) .......................................................... 153 M‚ra VALP«TERE. Partikulas „it k‚” un „t‚ k‚” un to atbilsmes norvÁÏu valod‚ (Particles ìit k‚î and ìt‚ k‚î and Their Equivalents in Norwegian) ............................................... 163 SINHRONIJA: LINGVOKOGNITŒVAIS, LINGVOKULTUROLOÃISKAIS UN SOCIOLINGVISTISKAIS ASPEKTS Janusz BOMANOWSKI. Sytuacja i rola jÊzyka polskiego na prze˘omie XX i XXI wieku na terenach KresÛw Wschodnich (The Situation and the Role of the Polish Language at the Turn of the Century in Areas of the Eastern Borderlands) .... 172 Ina DRUVIETE. EU Language Policy: Cornerstones, Latest Developments, Future Prospects (Eiropas SavienÓbas valodas politika: pamatprincipi, pareizÁj‚s tendences, n‚kotnes perspektÓvas) ............................................................................. 181 Larisa IœJINSKA, Oksana SAMUILOVA, Zane SE“KO. The English Language as Lingua Franca in Science and Technology (AngÔu valoda k‚ lingua franca zin‚tnÁ un tehnoloÏij‚s) ............................................................................. 191 Antra KœAVINSKA. V‚cieus apzÓmÁjoi etnonÓmi latgalieu folklor‚: lingvistiskais aspekts (Ethnonyms Designating Germans in Latgalian Folklore: The Linguistic Aspect) .............. 199 7 Renata LUKO–IENÀ. Studentsí Names of
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