Broken Toys 32 is not the second Halloween Issue, published by Taral Wayne, whose tenure on this mortal plane is still at 245 Dunn Ave., Toronto Ontario, M6K 1S6. On the spiritual plane, he can be reached by séance (or Internet) at
[email protected] . This is Kiddelidivee Books & Art 289 . The October issue is dated early in November, 2014. Halloween Not This was supposed to have been the Halloween issue, but it is not. There is a reason for this that I will get to. As for Halloween itself, I wrote a few words about it on Facebook. “Halloween this year reminded me a great deal of the first Halloween I can remember. I was about six, as far as I recall, and living in a part of town I can no longer identify. It was the same year I saw my first issue of Mad Magazine (with Alfred E. Newman as the Headless Horseman), bought the only package of Canadian Football League bubblegum cards I ever owned, lost a Matchbox Toys Jaguar E-Type behind the stacked auditorium chairs in the school basement, got locked in out on the upstairs porch by accident, heard Kennedy debate Nixon on TV, and found fool's gold in the schoolyard. I looked forward to Halloween that year, because I was living in the city again, and could go trick-or-treating. Unfortunately, just like this year, it was cold and rainy. My parents wouldn't let me go out! Rats! “I was all grown up in 2014, thankfully. I went out any way, and bought myself about $10 worth of chips and candy to wolf down by myself.