MANITOBA HYDRO-ELECTRIC BOARD, (Hereinafter Called “Hydro”)
AGREEMENT IN PRINCIPLE BETWEEN: NISICHAWAYASIHK CREE NATION, (hereinafter called “NCN”) OF THE FIRST PART, - and - THE MANITOBA HYDRO-ELECTRIC BOARD, (hereinafter called “Hydro”) OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS: 1. NCN is a Cree Nation which carried on, and continues to carry on, activities within its traditional and Treaty 5 areas. NCN’s vision statement is: “To exercise sovereignty that sustains a prosperous socio-economic future for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation”. 2. There are about 4,500 Members, approximately 2,300 of whom live on Reserve Lands located at Nelson House, upstream of Taskinigup Falls and Wuskwatim Lake and downstream of the Notigi Control Structure. 3. Neither the AIP nor any other arrangements entered into between the Parties will alter or amend treaty or aboriginal rights recognized and affirmed by s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, including any inherent rights of self government of NCN and its Members. 4. Hydro is a Crown Corporation that was established in 1949, and which is continued by The Manitoba Hydro Act, RSM 1987, c. H190, as amended from time to time, for the purposes of providing a continuing supply of power adequate for the needs of the Province of Manitoba; providing and marketing products, services and expertise related to the development, generation, transmission, distribution, supply and end-use of power within and outside of the Province; and marketing and supplying power to persons and other entities outside the Province. -5- 5. In the late 1960's Manitoba and Canada determined that it would be in the Provincial and National interest to expand the planning and development of hydro-electric generating facilities in northern Manitoba.
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