A Case of Maternal Pelvic Trauma Following a Road Traffic Accident, Associated with Fetal Intracranial Haemorrhage
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Case reports 115 J Accid Emerg Med: first published as 10.1136/emj.14.2.115 on 1 March 1997. Downloaded from A case of maternal pelvic trauma following a road traffic accident, associated with fetal intracranial haemorrhage Geoffrey Matthews, Beth Hammersley Abstract procedure of the American College of Sur- Maternal pelvic injury resulting from geons. Her airway was intact, and she was able road traffic accidents may cause fetal to speak (complaining of severe pain in her intracranial haemorrhage. A case is de- right hip). Her blood pressure was 150/90 and scribed. Caesarean section should be con- she had a pulse of 1 10 beats/min. There was no sidered in acute trauma. clinical evidence of abdominal, chest, or head (7Accid Emerg Med 1997;14:1 15-117) injury, and there was no history of head injury or loss of consciousness. Cervical spine, chest x Keywords: road traffic accident; pregnancy; fetal intra- ray, and x ray of the right femur were all cranial haemorrhage. normal. The patient had noticed fluid draining vaginally since the accident and was now con- Road traffic accidents are major causes of tracting 1 in 4. There was pain on any attempt trauma in pregnancy.' Maternal injuries in- at moving the right leg, particularly in the clude pelvic fractures, which are associated region of the right hip; the other limbs were with fetal intracranial trauma. normal. The uterine fundus was soft (between Review of published reports over the past 30 contractions), with a symphysial-fundal height years suggests a high fetal death rate in associ- consistent with 39 weeks. The fetal heart was ation with fetal intracranial trauma in such present at a rate of 160. circumstances.'-3 A case is presented of pelvic Radiological examination of the pelvis acetabular fracture in late pregnancy with showed a comminuted right acetabular frac- associated fetal intracranial injury, following a ture. The fetal skull was engaged in the pelvis, road traffic accident. In the case presented, the with possible fractures evident over the parietal fetus was delivered by caesarean section soon and occipital areas (fig 1). after arrival in the accident and emergency Vaginal examination revealed the cervix to be 4 cm dilated, almost fully effaced and the (A&E) department. http://emj.bmj.com/ This type of pelvic fracture is an uncommon vertex 1 cm above the level of the ischial spines. injury in pregnancy, having been reported on Faintly blood stained liquor was draining. only two previous occasions.2" The mechanism Pethidine 100 mg was given intramuscularly of fetal and maternal injury is discussed. for analgesia (in retrospect the intravenous route may have been more appropriate). Six units of blood were cross matched; the haemo- Case report globin on admission was 12.9 g/dl. A 31 year old woman was brought to the A&E In view of the possible fetal skull fracture it on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. department after a road traffic accident. She was decided to deliver the baby by emergency was 39 weeks pregnant in her third pregnancy. caesarean section. This was done under spinal The pregnancy had been uneventful to date. anaesthesia. No uterine or other intra- Her first pregnancy, in 1987, had been uncom- abdominal trauma was noted at the time of plicated, resulting in a normal vaginal delivery operation. at term of a 4.3 kg male. Her second pregnancy A pale floppy female infant was delivered was electively terminated in the first trimester. with an Apgar score of one. Initial resuscitation Modbury Public The patient had been driving the car which with oxygen by bag and mask and intramuscu- Hospital, Smart Road, collided with another vehicle. Her vehicle was lar naloxone produced a rapid improvement Modbury, South fitted with the- standard lap-sash seat belts, with the Apgar score of 8 at eight minutes. A Australia, Australia which she was wearing. The other vehicle hit large swelling over the left parietal area was G Matthews the driver's side door, briefly trapping her in it evident clinically. Intravenous human albumen before she was released the emergency serv- Princess Anne by 4.5%, 35 ml, and concentrated red cells, 40 ml, Hospital, Coxford ices. She was attended at the scene by a were given and the infant transferred to the Road, Southampton, paramedic crew, and a local general neonatal surgical unit for respiratory manage- United Kingdom practitioner. Her neck was stabilised in a hard ment. E Hammersley collar, and a 14 gauge intravenous cannula Computerised tomography showed a large sited. No intravenous fluids were begun subdural haematoma in the left temporal area, Correspondence to: because of her stable condition. Entonox was with of the ventricles Sixty Dr Geoffrey 0 Matthews, compression (fig 2). 19 Queen's Avenue, given for analgesia en route to the A&E millilitres of blood were evacuated from the Burnside, South Australia department. subdural space in theatre, and she was given a Australia. 5066, On arrival the she was immediately trans- further 60 ml of fresh frozen plasma. Accepted for publication ferred to the resuscitation area and managed She was ventilated and sedated, and moni- 11 October 1996 according to the advanced trauma life support tored with an intracranial pressure transducer. 116 Case reports Table 1 Outcomes in 30 cases of maternal automobile J Accid Emerg Med: first published as 10.1136/emj.14.2.115 on 1 March 1997. Downloaded from trauma in Louisiana,from Dyer and Barclay (1962) Type of injury Number Outcome Pelvic fracture 10 3 LSCS (1 fetal skull fracture) 1 15 week miscarriage, 8 term vaginal livebirths Other fracture 11 1 maternal and fetal death, 1 20 week miscarriage, 9 term vaginal livebirths Pelvic and other 2 1 term vaginal livebirth, 1 fracture postmortem LSCS (stillborn fetus) Abdominal visceral 2 2 term vaginal livebirths Other (including 5 1 27 week stillborn (preterm concussion) labour), 1 40 week stillborn (abruption), 1 38 week stillborn (intracranial haemorrhage), 2 term vaginal livebirths LSCS, lower segment caesarean section. maternal pelvic fractures were described, two Figure 1 Anteroposterior x ray ofthe pelvis showing comminuted right acetabularfracture in which there were fetal cranial injuries. One of the pelvis. There are possible fetal skullfractures over the parietal and occipital areas. case was of a fetal skull fracture following a road traffic accident at 37 weeks' gestation, with subsequent delivery of a live infant at cae- sarean section. The second case involved a patient at 36 weeks with serious injuries, including pelvic fracture, maternal death oc- curring soon after arrival in hospital. Postmor- tem caesarean section in casualty produced a stillborn infant with cerebral haemorrhage. Stafford et al' reviewed eight cases of lethal fetal intrauterine trauma. In two of their cases there was a maternal pelvic fracture, one of which was associated with a fetal basilar skull fracture, the other with a subdural haematoma in the fetus. A three point restraint was being worn in the first case, while no restraint was worn in the other case. Pepperell et a13 reviewed all cases of road http://emj.bmj.com/ traffic accidents in pregnancy in the Australian Figure 2 Neonatal computerised tomography scan of the state of Victoria between 1973 and 1975, and head showing a left subdural haematoma. found 27 cases of fetal death, and a further five At 36 hours she had two grand mal seizures cases where the mother was also killed (table 2). and phenobarbitone was started. No further These investigators observed that placental seizures occurred, and she was extubated on abruption was given as the cause for fetal death day 4. Subsequent progress was uneventful, in 14 cases, and that in 12 of these cases seat on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. and at one week of age she was moving all belts were being worn. They speculated that limbs normally. At six weeks of age she had the wearing of seat belts may predispose to pla- normal milestones. cental abruption in the event of an accident. The maternal injuries were managed by the However it is noteworthy that in the five cases insertion of a Denham pin in the right tibia to of combined maternal and fetal death, there enable downward traction, and insertion of a were no instances where seat belts were being percutaneous screw into the right hip to enable worn. In a more recent case report from lateral traction. Postoperative haemoglobin was Australia, Ford and Picker5 again implicate seat 10.4 g/dl on day 1, and she did not require a belt usage as the mechanism of injury to a fetus blood transfusion at any stage. She began which sustained subarachnoid haemorrhage mobilising with crutches at 6 weeks, and was after a road traffic accident. The mother was discharged home at 8 weeks. wearing seat belts, and was free of significant injury, but it was speculated that the rapid Discussion Road traffic accidents account for the majority Table 2 Outcomes in 27 cases of automobile trauma in of trauma cases occurring during pregnancy. ' Victoria resulting infetal death,from Pepperell et al (1977) Dyer and Barclay2 note that maternal pelvic Maternal injuries Number wearing Incidence ofplacental fracture was an uncommon injury before the sustained seatbelts abruption widespread use of cars, as it is an injury usually Nil 6 2 2 (1 with seatbelt) associated with great force. These authors Bruising 9 7 (1 unknown) 9 reviewed 53 cases of severe maternal trauma in Fractures 2 2 2 pregnancy in the State of Louisiana over the Multiple 5 2 2 (neither in trauma seatbelts) preceding 30 years, including 30 cases involv- Death 5 0 2 ing road traffic accidents (table 1).