Ⴘഏᴾ Contents

Page ޗ̲ዻᴾ Academic 5 ᵐᵎᵏᵗ ࠰ᅸܖ஖ᴾ ੉ಅἋἃἊἷὊἽᴾ 2019 Fall Semester Academic Calendar 6 ᵐᵎᵐᵎ ࠰Ϥ஖ᨼɶ஖᧓ᴾ ੉ಅἋἃἊἷὊἽᴾ ᵐᵎᵐᵎ Winter Intensive Period Academic Calendar 6 ᵐᵎᵐᵎ ࠰ବܖ஖ᴾ ੉ಅἋἃἊἷὊἽίʖܭὸᴾ 2020 Spring Semester Academic Calendar (Tentative) 7 ྵˊଐஜἩἿἂἻἲᴾ Contemporary Program (CJP) 8 ʩ੭ܖဃỉޗ̲ҥˮể੉ಅ଺᧓ૠᴾᴾ Course Load (minimum and maximum) 8 ଐஜᛖݦૌᴾ Japanese Language Track (JLT) 8 ଐஜݦૌᴾ Modern Japan Track (MJT) 8ˊྵ ୼ᴾ Changing Study Track 8٭ݦૌỉ ੩̓ᅹႸᴾ Courses Offered to Exchange Students 9 ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸᴾᴾ Japanese Language Courses (JLC) 9 ṲଐஜᛖỉἾἫἽỆếẟềᴾ ṲAbout Japanese Language Level 9 Ṳ࣏̲ᅹႸίଐஜᛖݦૌỉỚὸᴾ ṲMandatory Courses (JLT only) 9 Ṳᢠ৸ᅹႸίྵˊଐஜݦૌỉỚὸᴾ ṲElective Courses (MJT only) 9 ӧὸᴾ ṲElective Courses (Both Tracks) 9̲ޗṲᢠ৸ᅹႸίɲݦૌ Ṳଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸί๮܌Ὁᛖ࢛ὸᵍଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸ ṲJLC (Kanji and Vocabulary and JLC (Japanese Usage) 9-10 (ίᘙྵඥὸỉИׅấᚾẲ੉ಅỆếẟềᴾ Trial Classes on September 25 (Wed ዮӳଐஜܖ፼ᅹႸίྵˊଐஜ๫፼ ᵟὸᴾ JSC (Modern Japan Seminar A) 10 Ẹỉ˂ỉᢠ৸ᅹႸᴾ Other Elective Courses 10-11 ɟᑍ੉ಅᅹႸᴾ Regular University Courses 11 ੉ಅᅹႸỉޗ̲ỆẝẺẾềᴾ Course Rules 12 ɟᑍႎදॖʙ᪮ᴾᴾ General Note 12 ܖဃᚰᴾ Student ID Card 12 ੉ಅϋỂỉ᫩᫢Ệếẟềᴾ Food and Drink Rule 12 ੉ಅỆ᧙ẴỦấჷỤẶᴾ Class Announcement 12 ੉ಅૅੲὉᣐॾᴾ Academic Support 12 ỆợỦ˞ᜒᴾ Class Cancellation Due to Inclement Weather 12-13إൢᝋᜩ ӳẝỦẟ In case a delay/cancellation of a public transportationئʩᡫೞ᧙ỉᢃᘍ᡿ࡨὉͣഥầႆဃẲẺ 13 ӳᴾ service is announcedئỊᢃᘍͣഥầʖԓẰủẺ ᙀᜒᴾ Make-up Classes 13 ੉ಅỉഎࠗᴾ Class Absence 14 Мဇᴾ Use of Personal Information, Photographs, and Videos 14إϙჇὉἥἙỼପ΂ሁỉ̾ʴऴ ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸỉἁἻἋἽὊἽᴾ Japanese Language Courses Class Rules 15 ί࣏̲ᅹႸὉᢠ৸ᅹႸσᡫὸᴾ (Mandatory & Elective) ḩώ੉ಅỆ᧙ẴỦදॖʙ᪮ᴾᴾ I. Course Rules 15 ᾀὸЈࠗỉἽὊἽᴾ (1) Attendance Rules 15 ᾁὸഎׅࠗૠỆợỦɧӳ఍ᴾ (2) Course Failure due to Poor Attendance 15 ᾂὸᚾ᬴ὉἁỶἌỆếẟềᴾ (3) Examinations and Quizzes 15 ḪώởớửࢽễẟʙऴỆợỦഎࠗỆ᧙ẴỦӕৢẟᴾ II. Absence Rule for Unavoidable Reasons 15 ᾀὸ၏ൢὉ࣐ࡽẨỆợỦ੉ಅഎࠗỆếẟềᴾ (1) Class Absence Due to Illness/Mourning 15 ᾁὸᚾ᬴ὉἁỶἌỉᡙᚾỆếẟềᴾ (2) Make-up Examination or Quizzes 15-16 ᵨᵱᵡᴾᵆᵫᶍᶂᶃᶐᶌᴾᵨᵿᶎᵿᶌᴾᵱᶃᶋᶇᶌᵿᶐᴾᵟᵇᴾᵡᶊᵿᶑᶑᴾᵰᶓᶊᶃᶑᴾ JSC (Modern Japan Seminar A) Class Rules 17 ḩώ੉ಅỉἽὊἽᴾᴾ I. General Rules 17 ḪώЈࠗᴾ II. Attendance 17 ḫώഎࠗᴾ III. Missing Class 17

1 ޗ̲ႇ᥵ᴾ Course Registration 18 ޗ̲ἋἃἊἷὊἽᴾ Course Registration Schedule 18 ୼ᴾ Adding / Dropping Courses 18٭ᅹႸỉ̲ޗ ἉἻἢἋỉ᧠ᚁ૾ඥᴾ How to View Syllabi 19 ঺ጚᚸ̖ᴾ Grade Evaluation 19 ঺ጚᚰଢ୿ᴾ Grade Transcript 19 ঺ጚွ፯ဎẲᇌềᴾ Grade Investigation 19 ቔᚰଢ୿ὉẸỉ˂ᚰଢ୿ᴾ Enrollment Certificate & Other Certificate 20נ ੉ಅ଺᧓лᴾ Class Timetable 20 ᵪᵳᵬᵟ Ệếẟềᴾ About “LUNA” 20 ᴾ ဃ෇ዻᴾ Life in Japan 21 ỿἵὅἣἋἻỶἧᴾ Campus Life 22 ᵏᵌᴾ ᣻ᙲễấჷỤẶᴾ Important Dates 22 ᵏᵋᵏᴾ ʩ੭ܖဃỉӖẬλủ஖᧓ᵍᡚӊଐỆếẟềᴾ Length of Stay / Moving-out Date 22 ᵏᵋᵐᴾ ἩἿἂἻἲ̲ʕᎍồỉỼἼỺὅἘὊἉἹὅᴾ Program Completion Orientation 22 ᵏᵋᵑᴾ ዒዓỼἼỺὅἘὊἉἹὅỆếẟềᴾ Continuing Student Orientation 22 ᵏᵋᵒᴾ ̲ʕࡸὉ̲ʕἣὊἘỵὊỆếẟềᴾ Closing Ceremony 22 ᵐᵌᴾ ʙѦܴỆếẟềᴾ Office Information 23 ᵑᵌᴾ ܖϋỉɼᙲ଀ᚨᴾ Major Facilities on Campus 23 ᵏᴾ ׎ᨥңщὉ૙ᏋἍὅἑὊᵆᵡᵧᵣᵡᵇᴾ Center for International Education and Cooperation 23 ᵐᴾ ̬ͤ᫾ᴾ Health Center 24 ᵑᴾ ܖဃᛢᴾ Student Affairs Section 24 ࿢ؾೞನᴾ IT Support Center 24إᵒᴾ ऴ ᵓᴾ ܖဃ˟᫾ᴾ Student Union Building 24 ᵔᴾ ᧙ᙱܖᨈ˟᫾ᴾ Kwansei Gakuin Kaikan 25 ᵒᵌᴾ Ẹỉ˂ỉ଀ᚨᴾ Other Facilities 25 ᵓᵌᴾ ỿἵὅἣἋဃңὉࡃὉἇὊἥἋᴾ Co-op Shop and Service 26 ᙱܷɥἃҾỿἵὅἣἋᴾ Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus 26-27 ᅕৎɤဋỿἵὅἣἋᴾ Sanda Campus 26-27 ଐஜỂỉ࣏ᙲễ৖ዓẨᴾ Necessary Procedure for Living in Japan 28 ᵏᵌᴾ ẟếờਤẾềấẪờỉᴾ Things you should always have on you 28 ᵐᵌᴾ ʩ੭ܖဃỉࠊࢫ৑Ểỉ৖ዓẨᴾ Procedure for Exchange Students 28 ᵐᵋᵏᴾ ᠃λ৖ዓẨί˰ൟႇ᥵ὸᴾ Registering Your Address (Jumin Toroku) 28 ᵐᵋᵐᴾ ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖồỉьλểቇତဎԓᴾ Enrolling in Japan National Health Insurance 28 ᵐᵋᵑᴾ ׎ൟ࠰᣿ỉьλể̬ᨖ૰βᨊὉኛ˄྅ʖСࡇỉဎᛪᴾ National Pension and National Pension Exemption 29 ᵑᵌᴾ ἰỶἜὅἢὊᡫჷỽὊἛỆếẟềᴾ About the “My Number Card” Notice 30 ᵒᵌᴾ ᡫܖܭ஖Уទλ૾ඥᴾ How to Purchase Student Commuter Pass 30 ᵒᵋᵏᴾ ৖ዓẨỆ࣏ᙲễờỉᴾ What to Bring to Buy Student Commuter Pass 30 ᵒᵋᵐᴾ ទλ૾ඥᴾ Where to Buy Your Student Commuter Pass 30 ᵒᵋᵑᴾ ܭ஖ғ᧓Ệếẟềᴾ Commuter Pass Distance Limits 31 ӳᴾ When a Student Commuter Pass Expires 31ئ஖Уỉஊј஖ᨂầЏủẺܭ ᵒᵋᵒᴾ ފЈὉ੩ЈཋỆếẟềᴾ Documents to Submit 31 သỽὊἛỉἅἦὊ੩Јᴾ Residence Card Copy Submission 31נ ᵏᵌᴾ ᵐᵌᴾ ἾὅἑἽࠋׇἍἕἚӖ᪸୿ỉ੩ЈίݣᝋᎍỉỚὸᴾ Rental Futon Set Receipt Submission (if applicable) 31 ᵑᵌᴾ ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖᚰỉἅἦὊ੩Јᴾ National Health Insurance Card Copy Submission 31 ỉ੩Јᴾ Departure Date Notification Form 32ފᵒᵌᴾ ࠙׎ ᵓᵌᴾ ἯἃἕἚ ᵵᶇᵋᵤᶇ ᡉҲᴾ Pocket Wi-Fi Return 32 ԓ୿ίݣᝋᎍỉỚὸᴾ Part-time Work Notification Form (if applicable) 32إᵔᵌᴾ ỴἽἢỶἚཞඞ ᵕᵌᴾ ଄ᘍފᴾ Trip Notification 32 ᴾ 2 ᴾ Page ҔၲỆếẟềᴾ Medical Information 33 ᵏᵌᴾ ỶὅἢỸὅἛἳἙỵỽἽỴἉἋἑὅἚἇὊἥἋᴾ Inbound Medical Assistance Service 33 ᵏᵋᵏᴾ ἇὊἥἋϋܾᴾ Service Contents 33 ᵏᵋᵐᴾ ݣࣖᚕᛖểἇὊἥἋ଺᧓ᴾ Languages and Service Hours 33 ᵏᵋᵑᴾ ᩓᛅဪӭᴾ Phone Number 33 ᵏᵋᵒᴾ දॖʙ᪮ᴾ Notes 33 ׎ᛖỂӖᚮỂẨỦ၏ᨈᴾ Hospitals with Foreign Languages Support Available 34ٳ ᵐᵌᴾ ᵑᵌᴾ ϼ૾ሗỆếẟềᴾ Medication and Prescription 34 ᫾ỉᚮၲỆếẟềᴾ KGU Health Center Schedule 34̬ͤܖٻᨈܖᵒᵌᴾ ᧙ᙱ ᵓᵌᴾ ዮӳ၏ᨈỂỉɟᑍႎễᚮၲỉ්ủᴾ General Outpatient Procedure at Hospital 35 ӳᴾ Sickness and Injury 36ئᵔᵌᴾ ၏ൢởࣴ঻ỉ ἯἃἕἚᴾ ᵵᶇᵋᵤᶇᴾ Pocket Wi-Fi 36 ἭὊἲἋἘỶỆếẟềᴾ Homestay 37 ᵏᵌᴾ ἭὊἲἋἘỶỂ੩̓ẰủỦờỉᴾ Your Host Family Provides 37 ᵐᵌᴾ ἭὊἲἋἘỶᝲỆԃộủễẟờỉᴾ Your Host Family Does NOT Provide 37 ᵑᵌᴾ ἭἋἚἧỳἱἼὊểỉဃ෇ɥỉኖளᴾ Promises to Your Host Family 37-38 ᵒᵌᴾ Ẹỉ˂ᴾ Others 39 Ệếẟềᴾ Dorm Life 39נݜỉ๛ ᵏᵌᴾ ἽὊἽỆếẟềᴾ Rules 39-40 ᵐᵌᴾ Ẹỉ˂ᴾ Others 40 ଐஜỉඥࢷểဃ෇දॖʙ᪮ᴾ Japanese Laws and Regulations in Everyday Life 41 ᵏᵌᴾ ᫩ᣒὉտ໺ӧᏡ࠰ᱫᴾ Drinking and Smoking Age 41 ᵐᵌᴾ ᰺ᕤỆếẟềᴾ Illegal Drugs 41 ᵑᵌᴾ ᐯ᠃៻̅ဇ଺ỉදॖໜᴾ Rules When Using a Bicycle in Japan 41-42 ᵒᵌᴾ ៻ỉᢃ᠃Ệếẟềᴾ Driving a Car 42 ᵓᵌᴾ Ẹỉ˂ᴾ Other Regulations 42 ᴾ Useful Information 43إӋᎋऴ ᴾ Immigration Information 44إЈλ׎ऴ သỽὊἛᴾ Residence Card 44נ ᵏᵌᴾ ᵐᵌᴾ ˰ൟᅚỉϙẲᴾ Copy of Certificate of Residence 44 ᵑᵌᴾ ᠃އᴾ Changing Your Address 44 ᵒᵌᴾ Ј׎଺ỉදॖᴾ When Exiting Japan 45 ẲẺ଺ᴾ When You Lose Your Residence Card 46ڂသỽὊἛửኣנ ᵓᵌᴾ ᵔᵌᴾ ࠙׎Эᴾ Before Leaving Japan 46 ấ᣿ể᤼ᘍᴾ Money and Banking 46 ᵏᵌᴾ ᤼ᘍᴾ Bank 46 ᵐᵌᴾ ỿἵὅἣἋϋỉ ᵟᵲᵫᴾ ATMs on Campus 46 ᵑᵌᴾ ӝࡈ᧏ᚨỆếẟềᴾ Opening a Bank Account 47 இ݃ỉỡạẼỢ᤼ᘍᴾ Japan Post Bank (Yucho) Near Campus 47ܖٻ ᵒᵌᴾ ᵓᵌᴾ ấ᣿ỉᡛ᣿ểӖӕᴾ Sending and Receiving Money 48 ଐஜỉᅔଐᴾ National Holiday Calendar 48 ෇ѣίỴἽἢỶἚὸỆếẟềᴾ Working Part – Time and Stamp of Approval 49ٳ᝻఍ ᵏᵌᴾ ৖ዓẨỆ࣏ᙲễờỉᴾ What you will need 49 ᵐᵌᴾ ဎᛪỉ૾ඥᴾ How to apply 49 ᵑᵌᴾ ỴἽἢỶἚỉỂẨỦ଺᧓ૠᴾ Permitted Working Hours 49 ᵒᵌᴾ ỴἽἢỶἚỉር׊ᴾ Part-Time Work 49 ᣁ̝ểᡫ̮৖െᴾ Postal System and Communication 50 ᵏᵌᴾ ᒵཋỉᡛụ૾ᴾ Sending Mail and Packages 50 ᵐᵌᴾ ỶὅἑὊ἟ἕἚỉМဇᴾ Internet Access 50

3 ᴾ Page ˰އểᩓൢὉ൦ᢊὉỾἋỆếẟềᴾ Accomodations and Utilities 51 ᵏᵌᴾ ᩓൢᴾ Electricity 51 ᵐᵌᴾ ൦ᴾ Water 51 ᵑᵌᴾ ỾἋể໊඗ᴾ Gas and Kerosene 51 ʩᡫೞ᧙ᴾ Transportation and Traveling 52 ᵏᵌᴾ ᩓ៻ᴾ Railway 52 ᵐᵌᴾ ἢἋᴾ Bus 53 ᵑᵌᴾ ἑἁἉὊᴾ Taxi 54 ᵒᵌᴾ ᫠ᘍೞᴾ Airplane 55 ᵓᵌᴾ ἧỹἼὊᴾ Ferry 55 ᩗᴾ Natural Disaster – Earthquake 56ע ᐯ໱໎ܹᴾ ̽ᴾ ᩗᴾ Earthquake and Japan 56עᵏᵌᴾ ଐஜể ᩗầឪẨẺ଺ỆදॖẴỦẮểᴾ Caution Required During Earthquake 56ע ᵐᵌᴾ ửӓᨼẴỦᴾ Where to Get Information on Earthquake 56إᩗỆếẟềỉऴע ᵑᵌᴾ ᐯ໱໎ܹᴾ ̽ᴾ Ө᫘ᴾ Natural Disaster – Typhoon 57 ᵏᵌᴾ Ө᫘ểỊᴾ What is a Typhoon? 57 ᵐᵌᴾ Ө᫘ầஹẺ଺ỆදॖẴỦẮểᴾ Caution Required During Typhoon 57 ửӓᨼẴỦᴾ Where to Get Information on Typhoon 57إᵑᵌᴾ Ө᫘Ệếẟềỉऴ ໎ܹݣሊᴾ Disaster Preparedness 58 ᝻૰ᴾ Appendix 59 ồỉỴἁἍἋᴾ Access to KGU 60ܖٻᨈܖ᧙ᙱ ࣯ዴែዴ׋ᴾ Line Route Map 61᧵ ᴾ Training Center Information 62-64إἚἾὊἝὅἂἍὅἑὊऴ ᴾ Application for Temporary Leave 65ފנᧈ஖ɧ ᡙᚾ᬴ᫍᴾ Request for Make-up Examination / Quiz 66 ᙱܷɥἃҾỿἵὅἣἋἰἕἩᴾ Map of Nishinomiya-Uegahara Campus 67

4 ᒚಟ⦅ Academic

5 AcademicCalendar2019Ͳ2020

ԏFall Semester ⛅Ꮫᮇ

RegularSchoolDay FinalExaminationPeriod KGUwillbeclosed FirstDayofClasses

6HSWHPEHUʽ݆ʾ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Date Schedule 1234567 Sep.10(Tue)ͲSep.19(Thu) 2019FallOrientation 㻞㻜㻝㻥ᖺᗘ⛅䜸䝸䜶䞁䝔䞊䝅䝵䞁 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Sep.17(Tue) CourseRegistration ᒚಟⓏ㘓 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Sep.19(Thu) CourseConfirmation ᒚಟⓏ㘓☜ㄆ⾲㓄ᕸ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sep.20(Fri) FirstDayofClasses ⛅Ꮫᮇᤵᴗ㛤ጞ 29 30 Sep.23(Mon)*2 Classesareheldasusual ⚃᪥ᤵᴗᐇ᪋᪥ Sep.26(Thu)Ͳ27(Fri) Adding/DroppingCourses ᒚಟ⛉┠䛾ኚ᭦ 2FWREHUʽ݆ʾ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Date Schedule 12345Oct.2(Wed)ͲOct.3(Thu) CourseConfirmationSheetPickͲup ᒚಟ⛉┠☜ㄆ⾲㓄ᕸ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Oct.14(Mon)*2 Classesareheldasusual ⚃᪥ᤵᴗᐇ᪋᪥ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1RYHPEHUʽ݆ʾ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Date Schedule 1 2Nov.1(Fri)Ͳ3(Sun) CampusFestival ኱Ꮫ⚍ 3456789Nov.18(Mon)Ͳ19(Tue) FinalCourseCancellation ᒚಟ୰Ṇ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Nov.22(Fri) CourseConfirmationSheetPickͲup ᒚಟ⛉┠☜ㄆ⾲㓄ᕸ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

'HFHPEHUʽ݆ʾ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Date Schedule 1 234567Dec.23(Mon) LastDayofClassesBeforeWinterBreak ෤Ꮨఇᬤ๓ᤵᴗ᭱⤊᪥ 8 9 1011121314 Dec.24(Tue)ͲJan.5(Sun) WinterBreak ෤Ꮨఇᬤ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

-DQXDU\ʽ݆ʾ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Date Schedule 1234 Jan.6(Mon) ClassesResumeAfterWinterBreak ෤Ꮨఇᬤ᫂䛡ᤵᴗ㛤ጞ᪥ 567891011 TuesdayClassesareheld ᣺᭰ᤵᴗᐇ᪋᪥䠄ⅆ᭙᪥ศ䠅 Jan.10(Fri)*1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 LastDayofClasses ⛅Ꮫᮇᤵᴗ᭱⤊᪥ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Jan.11(Sat) MakeͲupClassDay ᤵᴗ⿵ㅮ᪥ 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan.14(Tue)Ͳ28(Tue) FinalExaminationPeriod ᐃᮇヨ㦂ᮇ㛫

ԏWinter Intensive Period ෤ᮇ㞟୰ᤵᴗᮇ㛫

)HEUXDU\ʽ݆ʾ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Date Schedule 1 Jan.30(Thu)ͲFeb.7(Fri) GeneralEntranceExaminationPeriod ୍⯡ධヨᮇ㛫 2345678 Feb.4(Tue) StartofWinterIntensivePeriod ෤Ꮨ㞟୰ㅮ⩏㛤ጞ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

0DUFKʽ݆ʾ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Date Schedule 1 234567 Mar.13(Fri) EndofWinterIntensivePeriod ෤Ꮨ㞟୰ㅮ⩏⤊஢ 8 9 10111213 14 Mar.25(Wed) ConsultationofJapaneseLevelChange ᪥ᮏㄒ䝺䝧䝹ኚ᭦䝁䞁䝃䝹 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28  30 31 6 .Νࣰࢬ͢Ήͤɽ *1:Designateddays'classesareheldonthesedaysۂ͹ೖͺࢨఈ͠Η༷ͪೖ͹௪৙द͞ *2:ThesedaysareJapanesenationalholidays,butallclassesandexaminations .Ώࢾݩͺ௪৙ʹ͕Εࣰࢬ͠ΗΉͤɽ areheldasusualۂ͹ೖͺॗೖͲͤ͗ɼद͞

>஭қ@ [Note] ͹ηίζϣʖϩ͗ҡ͵ΕΉͤ ͤThecourseregistrationscheduleforexchangestudentsisnotalignedwithʹ͵ؔغˠި׷ָਫ਼ͺଠ͹ָਫ਼ͳསरౌ࿧ theoneforKGstudents. ͹Ͳɼ஭қ͢ͱ͚ͫ͠͏ɽ ͤInͲclassfinalexaminationsmaytakeplaceonthemakeͲupclassday,so ຦ࢾݩ͹ึߪ͗ߨΚΗΖՆ೵੓΍͍ΕΉͤɽึߪ pleasedonotmakeplanstoreturnhomepriortothisday.Similarly,forcoursesغ಼ۂˠึߪೖͶͺद Ͷͯ͏ thathavefinalexaminationsscheduledtotakeplaceduringthefinalۂࢾݩ͗ߨΚΗΖदغೖ઴Ͷؾࠅ͢͵͏Γ͑Ͷ͢ͱ͚ͫ͠͏ɽఈ examinationperiod,thereisapossibilitytheseexaminationsmaytakeplace ͱͺɼ௧ࢾݩೖͶࢾݩ͗ߨΚΗΖ͞ͳ΍͍ΕΉͤ͹Ͳɼ௧ࢾݩೖ઴Ͷؾ duringthemakeͲupexaminationperiod,sopleasetakethesedatesinto ࠅ͢͵͏Γ͑Ͷ͢ͱ͚ͫ͠͏ɽ accountwhenpurchasingyourreturnticket.

ԏSpring Semester ᫓Ꮫᮇ

RegularSchoolDay FinalExaminationPeriod KGUwillbeclosed FirstDayofClasses

$SULOʽ݆ʾ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Date Schedule 1234 4thweekofMarchͲApr.6 2020SpringOrientation 㻞㻜㻞㻜ᖺᗘ᫓Ꮫᮇ䜸䝸䜶䞁䝔䞊䝅䝵䞁 5 67891011 Apr.7(Tue) FirstDayofClasses ᫓Ꮫᮇᤵᴗ㛤ጞ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Apr.29(Wed)*2 Classesareheldasusual ⚃᪥ᤵᴗᐇ᪋᪥ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

0D\ʽ݆ʾ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Date Schedule 1 2 May6(Wed)*2 MondayClassesareheld ᣺᭰ᤵᴗᐇ᪋᪥䠄᭶᭙᪥ศ䠅 3456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

-XQHʽ݆ʾ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Date Schedule 123456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

-XO\ʽ݆ʾ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Date Schedule 1234Jul.15(Wed) LastDayofSpringSemesterClasses ᫓Ꮫᮇᤵᴗ᭱⤊᪥ 5 67891011 Jul.16(Thu) MakeͲupClassDay ⿵ㅮ᪥ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Jul.17(Fri)–31(Fri) FinalExaminationPeriod ᐃᮇヨ㦂ᮇ㛫 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

$XJXVWʽ݆ʾ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Date Schedule 1 2345678 9 101112131415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

7 ਠ৻঩ম崿嵕崘嵑嵈 &RQWHPSRUDU\-DSDQ3URJUDP ᴾ ʩ੭ܖဃỉޗ̲ҥˮể੉ಅ଺᧓ૠᴾ Course Load (minimum and maximum) ᝻఍ử฼ẺẴẺỜỆẆᵏ ᡵ᧓Ệஇ Exchange students must register at least 7 classesנဃỊଐஜỂỉ๛ܖʩ੭ ˯ᾆἅἰỉ੉ಅửޗ̲ẲễẬủịễụộẶỮẇᴾ per week to keep their resident status in Japan. ᴾ ဃỆݣẲề ᵏ ᡵ᧓Ệ ᵕ ἅἰ῍ᵗ ἅ We advise exchange students to take between 7 and 9ܖỂỊẆʩ੭ܖٻᨈܖ᧙ᙱ ἰỉޗ̲ửᕟỜềẟộẴẇᴾ classes per week. ɥᨂểẲềẆᵐᵐᵒ ҥˮộỂޗ̲ẴỦẮểỊỂẨộẴầẆҥˮӕࢽ It is not possible to register more than 24 credits per .ẴỦẮểỊ semester̲ޗẨễ᝟ᒵầẦẦụộẴẇᵐᵐᵒ ҥˮửឬảềٻỆ ỂẨộẶỮẇᴾ ᴾ

(ଐஜᛖݦૌᴾ Japanese Language Track (JLT ốἅὊἋỂẴẇᴾ The Japanese Language Track is for students whoܖଐஜᛖݦૌỊଐஜᛖửᨼɶႎỆ ᴾ want to focus on their Japanese language studies. ɟᡵ᧓ ᵓ ἅἰỉ࣏̲ᅹႸίᵓ ҥˮὸỉޗ̲ầᛢẶỤủộẴẇᴾ Students are required to take 5 mandatory classes per .(ဃỊஇ˯ ᵐ ἅ week (5 creditsܖ࣏̲ỉଐஜᛖᅹႸửᨊẟềẆଐஜᛖݦૌỉ ἰỉ੉ಅửޗ̲ẴỦ࣏ᙲầẝụộẴẇᴾ Apart from the mandatory Japanese Language ᢠ৸ᅹႸỆếẟềỊẆКᡦᣐ˄ẴỦᅹႸɟᚁᘙửᄩᛐẲềẪ Courses, JLT students must take at least 2 classes per ẻẰẟẇᴾ week. For details, refer to attached course list. Ṹ࣏̲ᅹႸίᡵ ᵓ ἅἰὸᴾ ṸMandatory Courses (5 classes per week) Ṹᢠ৸ᅹႸίஇ˯ᡵ ᵐ ἅἰὸᴾ ṸElective Courses (at least 2 classes per week) ᴾ

(ଐஜݦૌᴾ Modern Japan Track (MJTˊྵ ᴾ ଐஜݦૌỊẆྵˊଐஜồỉྸᚐửขỜỦẺỜỉἅὊἋỂ The Modern Japan Track is for students who want toˊྵ Ẵẇᴾ learn more about Modern Japan. ྵˊଐஜỆếẟềỉዮӳྸᚐửขỜỦẺỜỉɟᡵ᧓ ᵏ ἅἰỉ Students are required to take a mandatory 2 credit ࣏̲ᅹႸίᵐ ҥˮὸầᛢẶỤủộẴẇᴾ course (once a week) focusing on studying and ࣏̲ᅹႸỉዮӳଐஜܖ፼ᅹႸίྵˊଐஜ๫፼ὸửᨊẟềẆ understanding modern Japan. ဃỊɟᡵ᧓࢘ẺụẆஇ˯ ᵔ ἅἰỉᢠ৸ᅹ Apart from the mandatory Modern Japan Seminarܖଐஜݦૌỉˊྵ Ⴘửޗ̲ẴỦ࣏ᙲầẝụộẴẇᴾ Course, MJT students must take at least 6 classes per ᴾ week from a wide pool of elective courses. For details, refer to attached course list. Ṹ࣏̲ᅹႸίᡵ ᵏ ἅἰὸᴾ ṸMandatory Courses (1 class per week) Ṹᢠ৸ᅹႸίஇ˯ᡵ ᵔ ἅἰὸᴾ ṸElective Courses (at least 6 classes per week) ᴾ ୼ᴾ ᴾ Changing Study Track٭ݦૌỉ ୼ẴỦẮểỊỂẨộẶỮẇᴾ In principle, students are not able to change their study٭ஹଐࢸẆݦૌử .ỉᙲˑử฼ẺẶị track after arriving in JapanܭဃỊẆɟܖቔẴỦנẺẻẲẆᾁἍἳἋἑὊ ୼ẴỦẮểầỂẨộẴẇᛇኬỆếẟ Full year students will have an opportunity to change٭ЭỆݦૌửڼ஖᧏ܖବ ࢸᾒᾘᾔᾒਫ਼ᅆெỂấჷỤẶẲộẴẇᴾ study track before their second semester, as long asڼềỊẆ੉ಅ᧏ they meet certain requirements. Details will be announced on the CIEC bulletin board after the beginning of the semester.

8 ੩̓ᅹႸᴾ Courses Offered to Exchange Students ᴾ ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸᴾ Japanese Language Courses (JLC)

ᴾ ṲଐஜᛖỉἾἫἽỆếẟềᴾ ṲAbout Japanese Language Level ଐஜᛖἾἫἽửൿܭẴỦẺỜỉἩἾὊἋἳὅἚἘἋἚίૼᙹஹ The Japanese language placement test will be held on ଐʩ੭ܖဃὸỊ 9 உ 10 ଐỆẆܱ଀ẰủộẴẇἘἋἚỉኽௐỆ September 10 (Incoming Students). Students will be ࣖẳềẆ8 െ᨞ỉଐஜᛖἾἫἽỆЎẬỤủộẴẇᴾ placed into 8 Japanese language levels according to the results of the test. ୼ẴỦẮ In principle, students cannot change their level after the٭ẰủẺἾἫἽỊҾЩܭἩἾὊἋἳὅἚἘἋἚỆợụਦ ểầỂẨộẶỮẇᴾ Japanese placement test. ӳẆộẵỊᐯ Students wishing to request for a level change should firstئầẝỦܤờẲଐஜᛖỉ࣏̲ᅹႸỉἾἫἽỆɧ ៲ỉἾἫἽỉ࣏̲ἁἻἋỉέဃỆႻᛩẲềẪẻẰẟẇẸỉɥ talk to their current level teacher. If they still wish to ӳỊẆᵗᵗஉᵐᵒ ଐί້ὸᾀᵔ଺ change level, students should then sign up at CIEC byئ୼ửࠎஓẴỦ٭ỂẆἾἫἽỉ ᵓᵎЎộỂỆ࣏ẵᾒᾘᾔᾒỆဎẲЈềẆଐஜᛖἅὊἙỵ἟ὊἑὊể September 24 at 16:50 for an interview with the ᩿ᛩửẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾᴾ Japanese Language coordinator. ୼ỉ࣏ᙲࣱỆếẟềẆἅὊἙỵ἟ὊἑὊểɟደỆᎋả During the interview, the student and the Japanese٭ἾἫἽ ộẴẇᴾ Language coordinator will discuss regarding the reasons ᴾ for the level change request and the current level of the .୼ỉࠎஓầᡫỦỪẬỂỊẝụộẶỮỉỂắྸᚐẪ student٭࣏ẵἾἫἽ ẻẰẟẇᴾ Not all level change requests will be granted. ộẺẆẮủˌᨀỊẆẟẦễỦྸဌầẝẾềờଐஜᛖỉ࣏̲ Japanese language level change requests submitted ୼ỊɟЏӖ˄ẬộẶỮẇᴾ after the deadline will not be considered, regardless of the٭ᅹႸỉἾἫἽ reason.

(Ṳ࣏̲ᅹႸίଐஜᛖݦૌỉỚὸᴾ ṲMandatory Courses (JLT Only ဃỊẆଐஜᛖỉ࣏̲ᅹႸᵆᡵ ᵓ ἅἰᵇử࣏ẵ JLT students are required to take 5 classes of Japaneseܖଐஜᛖݦૌỉ ޗ̲ẲễẬủịẟẬộẶỮẇᴾ Mandatory Courses per week. ᴾ (Ṳᢠ৸ᅹႸίྵˊଐஜݦૌỉỚὸ ṲElective Courses (MJT Only Ị࣏̲ỂỊẝụộẶ Taking Japanese classes is not mandatory for MJT̲ޗဃỊẆଐஜᛖỉܖଐஜݦૌỉˊྵ ဃӼẬỆ᧏ᜒẰủ students, but they are able to take electiveܖӳỊྵˊଐஜݦૌỉئỮầẆࠎஓẴỦ ỦዮӳႎỆଐஜᛖửܖ፼ẴỦᢠ৸ᅹႸửޗ̲ẴỦẮểầỂẨ comprehensive Japanese courses for MJT students if ộẴẇ they so desire.

(ӧὸ ṲElective Courses (Both Tracks̲ޗṲᢠ৸ᅹႸίɲݦૌ ፼ᅹ Students are able to take elective Japanese LanguageܖဃờଐஜᛖܖဃờẆྵˊଐஜݦૌỉܖଐஜᛖݦૌỉ Ⴘίᢠ৸ᅹႸὸửᐯဌỆޗ̲ẴỦẮểầỂẨộẴẇ courses regardless of their study track. ẺẻẲẆଐஜᛖỉἾἫἽỆợẾềޗ̲ẴỦẮểầỂẨỦᅹႸầ The elective Japanese Language courses available to a ီễụộẴỉỂẆޗ̲ႇ᥵ẴỦЭỆޗ̲ᅹႸᄩᛐᘙỆᚡ᠍Ằ student differ depending on their Japanese language ủềẟỦᐯЎỉଐஜᛖἾἫἽửợẪᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾᴾ level. Students should check their Japanese level on their course confirmation sheet before registering. Ṳଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸί๮܌Ὁᛖ࢛ὸ὾ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸ Ṳ JLC (Kanji and Vocabulary) and JLC (Japanese (ίᘙྵඥὸỉИׅấᚾẲ੉ಅỆếẟề Usage) Trial Classes on September 25 (Wed ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸί๮܌Ὁᛖ࢛ὸểଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸᵆᘙྵඥᵇỆ The first classes of JLC (Kanji and Vocabulary) and JLC ếẟềỊẆᵗ உ ᵐᵓᴾ ଐί൦ὸỉИׅ੉ಅầˌɦỉểấụЭҞể (Japanese Usage) are trial classes and will be held as ࢸҞẆӷẳϋܾỂܱ଀ẰủộẴẇᴾ follows on September 25 (Wed). The content of the first ЭҞểࢸҞỂᢌạἾἫἽỉ੉ಅỆЈࠗẲẆỄẼỤỉἾἫἽỉἁ and second half of each class will be identical. ἻἋửӖᜒẴỦẦൿỜềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ Students can therefore attend 2 different level classes and decide which one is more suited to their needs. ίͳᎋὸᴾ ίRemarksὸ Ḥᴾ ЭҞỉἁἻἋỆӋьẲẆἁἻἋỉἾἫἽज़ởϋܾỂբ᫆ễ Ḥ Students satisfied with the level and contents of the ẬủịẆࢸҞỉἁἻἋỆӋьẲễẪềờẟẟỂẴẇᴾᴾ first half of class do not need to attend another level class in the second half.

9 ᅹႸӸᴾ Course Name ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸί๮܌Ὁᛖ࢛ίἾἫἽᾀὸὸ JLC Kanji and Vocabulary (Level 1) ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸί๮܌Ὁᛖ࢛ίἾἫἽᾁὸὸ JLC Kanji and Vocabulary (Level 2) ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸί๮܌Ὁᛖ࢛ίἾἫἽᾂὸὸ JLC Kanji and Vocabulary (Level 3) ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸί๮܌Ὁᛖ࢛ίἾἫἽᾃὸὸ JLC Kanji and Vocabulary (Level 4) ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸί๮܌Ὁᛖ࢛ίἾἫἽᾄὸὸ JLC Kanji and Vocabulary (Level 5) ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸί๮܌Ὁᛖ࢛ίἾἫἽᾅὸὸ JLC Kanji and Vocabulary (Level 6) ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸί๮܌Ὁᛖ࢛ίἾἫἽᾆὸὸ JLC Kanji and Vocabulary (Level 7)

ᅹႸӸᴾ Course Name ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸίᘙྵඥίἾἫἽᾀ-ᾁὸὸ JLC Japanese Usage (Level 1-2) ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸίᘙྵඥίἾἫἽᾂ-ᾄὸὸ JLC Japanese Usage (Level 3-5) ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸίᘙྵඥίἾἫἽᾃ-ᾆὸὸ JLC Japanese Usage (Level 4-7) ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸίᘙྵඥίἾἫἽᾄ-ᾇὸὸ JLC Japanese Usage (Level 5-8)

ИׅấᚾẲ੉ಅ὾Trial Classes on September 25 90 Ўᴾ ἑỶἲἋἃἊἷὊἽ὾90 min Time Schedule ᴾ ᴾ ᵑᵓ ЎίЭҞỉ੉ಅὸᴾ ᵐᵎ Ўί૙ܴᆆѣ଺᧓ὸᴾ ᵑᵓ ЎίࢸҞỉ੉ಅὸᴾ ᵑᵓᴾᶋᶇᶌᴾᵆᵤᶇᶐᶑᶒᴾᶆᵿᶊᶄᴾᶍᶄᴾᶁᶊᵿᶑᶑᵇᴾ ᵐᵎᴾᶋᶇᶌᴾᵆᵲᶇᶋᶃᴾᶄᶍᶐᴾᶋᶍᶔᶇᶌᶅᵇᴾ ᵑᵓᴾᶋᶇᶌᴾᵆᵱᶃᶁᶍᶌᶂᴾᶆᵿᶊᶄᴾᶍᶄᴾᶁᶊᵿᶑᶑᵇᴾ

ᴾ ᴾ ЭҞỆӋьẲẺἁἻἋỉἾἫἽὉϋܾỆ฼ឱẴủịẆࢸҞẸỉἁἻἋỆӋьẴỦ ࣏ᙲỊẝụộẶỮẇЭҞỉ੉ಅỉỚỂᾁ଺ᨂႸỊኳʕểễụộẴẇ If you are satisfied with the level/contents of the first half of class, you do not need to attend another level class during the second half class.

ዮӳଐஜܖ፼ᅹႸίྵˊଐஜ๫፼ ᵟὸᴾ JSC (Modern Japan Seminar A)

፼ᅹႸίྵˊଐஜ๫፼ MJT students are required to take the mandatory ModernܖဃỊẆዮӳଐஜܖଐஜݦૌỉˊྵ ᵟὸử࣏ẵޗ̲ẲễẬủịẟẬộẶỮẇᴾ Japan Seminar A. ྵˊଐஜỆếẟềỉྸᚐửขỜỦẺỜỉ ᵏ ἅἰỉ੉ಅỂẴẇᴾ It is a course that holds 1 class per week focusing on ࣏̲ᅹႸỂẝỦྵˊଐஜ๫፼ỊẆ൦୴ଐỉᾀᨂႸẆங୴ଐ studying and understanding modern Japan. ỉᾀᨂႸỆ ᵏ ἁἻἋẵế᧏ᜒẰủộẴẇᴾ The Modern Japan Seminar is offered on Wednesday 1st ӖᜒẴỦἁἻἋỆếẟềỊᐯѣႎỆਰụЎẬỤủẆҾЩἁἻἋ period and on Thursday 1st period. ୼ẴỦẮểỊỂẨộẶỮẇᴾ Students are automatically assigned to one class and in٭ử principle cannot request a change.

Ẹỉ˂ỉᢠ৸ᅹႸᴾ Other Elective Courses

ỂᒍᛖỂ᧏ᜒẰủỦɦᚡᅹႸử Exchange students can also choose from a selection ofܖٻᨈܖဃỊ᧙ᙱܖʩ੭ other English-taught courses offered by KGU. The ܖٻᨈܖẴỦẮểầỂẨộẴẇɦᚡᅹႸỊẆɟᑍỉ᧙ᙱ̲ޗ ỉܖဃờޗ̲ỂẨỦᅹႸỂẴẇ courses listed below are also offered to KGU students.

-ᴾ ዮӳଐஜܖ፼ᅹႸ -ᴾ Japan Studies Courses -ᴾ ỽἜἒᄂᆮᅹႸ -ᴾ Canadian Studies Courses ᢿဃỉỚὸ -ᴾ School of International Studies (SIS) CoursesܖᢿᅹႸίܖᴾ ׎ᨥ- ᴾ ኺฎܖᢿᅹႸίܖᢿဃỉỚὸ (Undergraduate Exchange Students Only) - -ᴾ School of Economics (SE) Courses (Undergraduate -ᴾ ʴ᧓ᅦᅍܖᢿᅹႸίܖᢿဃỉỚὸ Exchange Students Only) (ᨈဃỉỚὸ -ᴾ School of Human Welfare Studies (SHWSܖٻᴾ ኺփ৆ဦᄂᆮᅹᅹႸί- Courses (Undergraduate Exchange Students Only) -ᴾ Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Courses (Graduate Exchange Students Only)

10 <දॖ> ᢿᅹႸở ḤPlease note that some of SIS, SE, SHWS and IBAܖᢿᅹႸẆʴ᧓ᅦᅍܖᢿᅹႸẆኺฎܖḤ׎ᨥ ኺփ৆ဦᄂᆮᅹᅹႸỆếẟềỊẆᅸܖ஖੉ಅஇኳଐˌᨀỆ courses may have examinations that will be conducted ẝỦܭ஖ᚾ᬴஖᧓ɶỆ஖஛ᚾ᬴ầܱ଀ẰủỦӧᏡࣱầẝỦ during the regular examination period, so please make ӳỊẝỤẦẳỜᅹႸỉἉἻἢἋửợẪ sure to check the course syllabus. Furthermore, studentsئửࠎஓẴỦ̲ޗỉỂẆ ᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇộẺẆᐯЎỉޗ̲ẲềẟỦ࣏̲ᅹႸể cannot take an elective course if it overlaps with their .(ẴỦẮểầỂẨộẶỮẇ mandatory course(s̲ޗӳỊئ଺᧓лầ᣻ᙐẴỦ ᢿᅹႸỊ ḤOnly undergraduate students can take courses offeredܖᢿᅹႸẆʴ᧓ᅦᅍܖᢿᅹႸẆኺฎܖḤ׎ᨥ at SIS, SE and SHWS. Only graduate students can take ̲ޗᨈဃỉỚầܖٻᢿဃỉỚẆኺփ৆ဦᄂᆮᅹᅹႸỊܖ ẴỦẮểầỂẨộẴẇ courses offered at IBA. పဋỿἵ ὅἣ Ἃ ḤSome IBA courses may be offered at KGU’s ᧵ٻ Ḥ ኺփ৆ဦᄂᆮᅹᅹႸỆ ế ẟ ềỊ Ẇ ίᙱܷɥἃҾỿἵὅἣἋẦỤᾀ଺᧓ᆉࡇὸỂ᧏ᜒẰủỦᅹႸầ Umeda Campus (OUC). It takes approximately one hour ẝụộẴẇီễỦỿἵὅἣἋỂᡲዓẲề੉ಅầܱ଀ẰủỦ to travel from the Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus to the ӳẆỿἵὅἣἋ᧓ỉᆆѣầ଺᧓ႎỆӧᏡẦỄạẦỆ᧙ỪỤ Umeda Campus. The course registration system will notئ ẵẆޗ̲ႇ᥵ỂẨộẶỮẇ allow classes held at different campuses to be registered in consecutive periods, regardless if one can physically make it to the other campus in time.

ɟᑍ੉ಅᅹႸ Regular University Courses

ẴỦẺ In order to take regular university courses, an extremely̲ޗỉଐஜᛖỂ᧏ᜒẰủỦɟᑍ੉ಅửܖٻᨈܖ᧙ᙱ Ờ Ệ Ị Ẇ ᭗ ẟ ଐஜᛖᢃဇᏡщ ầ ൭ Ờ Ụ ủộ Ẵ ẇ ஹଐЭ Ệ high level of Japanese ability is required. Only students ӳẆờẲẪỊỼἼỺὅἘ who can submit proof of having passed JapaneseئଐஜᛖᏡщᚾ᬴ẐᾝᾀẑỆӳ఍ẲềẟỦ ὊἉἹὅ஖᧓ɶỆܱ଀ẰủỦ ᵰᵡᵟ ἘἋἚḤίଐஜᛖᏡщᚾ᬴ Language Proficiency Test N1 before arriving in Japan, ᵬᵏ Ⴛ࢘ἾἫἽὸỆӳ఍ẲẺܖဃỉỚଐஜᛖỂ᧏ᜒẰủỦɟᑍ or who pass the Regular Course Aptitude (RCA) test ੉ಅỉޗ̲ầᚩӧẰủộẴẇᴾ (JLPT N1 equivalent level) held during orientation, will be ᴾ able to enroll in regular university courses held in ᴾ Japanese. ẐᾝᾀẑỆӳ఍ẲềẟỦܖဃờ ᵰᵡᵟ ἘἋἚửӖẬỦ࣏ᙲầẝụộ Exchange students who submitted proof of having Ẵẇᴾ passed the JLPT N1 are required to take the RCA test. ᴾ ᵆḤᵇᵰᵡᵟ ἘἋἚỂỊɟᑍ੉ಅᅹႸửӖᜒẴỦᨥỆ൭ỜỤủỦ ( Ḥ )The RCA test is designed to evaluate students’ ଐஜᛖᏡщίɼỆᛖ࢛Ẇ૨ඥẆᛠᚐẆᎮᚐễỄᜒ፯ྸᚐỉẺ Japanese language proficiency deemed necessary to ỜỆ࣏ᙲễщὸửยụộẴẇᴾ attend Regular University Courses (vocabulary, grammar, reading/listening comprehensio᾽ etc.). ɟᑍ੉ಅửޗ̲ẴỦ ᵨᵪᵲ ỉܖဃỊ࣏̲ᅹႸểẲềଐஜᛖ JLT students enrolled in Regular University Courses ܖ፼ᅹႸίỴỽἙἱἕἁଐஜᛖίἾἫἽ ᵖὸὸίᾁἅἰὸửޗ̲ẴỦ must register for JLC (Academic Japanese (Level 8)) (2 ࣏ᙲầẝụộẴẇᴾ classes per week). ɟᑍ੉ಅửޗ̲ẴỦ ᵫᵨᵲ ỉܖဃỊ࣏̲ỉዮӳଐஜܖ፼ᅹ MJT students who take regular university courses must Ⴘίྵˊଐஜ๫፼ὸίᵏ ἅἰὸểẝỪẶềẆଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸίỴ register for the JSC (Modern Japan Seminar) (1 class per ỽἙἱἕἁଐஜᛖίἾἫἽ ᵖὸὸίᾁἅἰὸửޗ̲ẴỦ࣏ᙲầẝụộ week) and JLC (Academic Japanese (Level 8)) (2 Ẵẇᴾ classes per week). ૼᙹʩ੭ܖဃờዒዓʩ੭ܖဃờẆᵰᵡᵟ ἘἋἚỆӳ఍Ẳềờ Incoming and continuing exchange students who pass ፼ᅹႸίỴỽ the RCA test, but do not intend to take regular universityܖӳỊẆଐஜᛖئɟᑍ੉ಅỉӖᜒỊࠎஓẲễẟ ἙἱἕἁଐஜᛖίἾἫἽ ᵖὸὸửޗ̲ẴỦẮểỊỂẨộẶỮẇᴾ courses, are not able to take JLC (Academic Japanese (Level 8)).

<දॖ> ፼ίỴỽἙ Ḥ Students who first enrolled in regular universityܖӳẆଐஜᛖئḤ ɟࡇɟᑍ੉ಅửӖẬỦểൿỜẺ ἱἕἁଐஜᛖίἾἫἽ ᵖὸὸỊޗ̲ɶഥỂẨộẶỮẇᴾ courses cannot cancel taking JLC (Academic Japanese .((ᨈᅹႸỉ (Level 8ܖٻᨈဃỊܖٻᢿᅹႸỉỚẆܖᢿဃỊܖ Ḥ ỚӖẬỤủộẴẇᴾ Ḥ Only undergraduate students can take courses offered at the undergraduate level. Only graduate students can take courses offered at the graduate level.

11  ౸঵ఐ৯峘၎ఊ峕岬峉峍峐 &RXUVH5XOHV

ɟᑍႎදॖʙ᪮ᴾ General Note ᴾ ܖဃᚰᴾ Student ID Card ဃểẲềỉ៲Ўử̬ᚰẴỦờỉ The student identification (ID) card verifies a student'sܖỉܖٻᨈܖဃᚰỊ᧙ᙱܖ ဃᚰỊࠝỆઃ࠘ status in KGU and is used to enter the university libraryܖ׋୿᫾ồỉλ᫾ỉᨥỆ̅ẟộẴẇܖٻỂẆ ẲềẪẻẰẟẇܭ஖ᚾ᬴ỉӖ᬴ởᚰଢ୿ႆᘍ̔᫂Ẇᡫܖܭ஖ or training center. All students must carry their student ID ,ဃᚰỉ੩ᅆầ൭ỜỤ card wherever they go. When taking regular examsܖӳỊئлử̅ဇẲềᩓ៻ỆʈỦܖở ӳầẝụộẴỉỂẆẸỉᨥỊ࣏ẵ੩ᅆẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ applying for issuance of certificates, or boarding a trainئủỦ ᴾ using a student commuter pass or fare discount  certificate, if requested, students must show your student ID card. ੉ಅϋỂỉ᫩᫢Ệếẟềᴾ Food and Drink Rule ੉ಅɶỆ᫢Ổཋử᫢ỔỦẮểỊᛐỜỤủộẶỮẇỾἲởỿἵὅ Students should refrain from eating food or chewing gum ἙỵὊử᫢ỔỦẮểờ੘ảộẲỢạẇᴾ in class. ᫩ỚཋỊ᫩ỮỂờբ᫆ẝụộẶỮầẆᵮᵡ ૙ܴễỄẆ᫩Ớཋử Drinks in class are allowed in principle, but there are ᫩ỮỂỊẟẬễẟ૙ܴờẝụộẴỉỂẆӲ૙ܴỉἽὊἽỆࢼẾ some classrooms, such as PC rooms which prohibit ềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ beverages. Please follow the rule in each room.

੉ಅỆ᧙ẴỦấჷỤẶᴾ Class Announcements Ẑଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸẑẆẐዮӳଐஜܖ፼ᅹႸẑỉ˞ᜒὉᙀᜒὉ૙ Announcements for “JLC” and “JSC” class cancellations, ୼Ị ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ੉ಅਫ਼ᅆெỂấჷỤẶẲộẴẇ੉ಅЭỆ࣏ẵ make-up classes, and classroom changes will be posted٭ܴ ᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ on the CIEC Bulletin Board. Students should check the ᴾ CIEC Bulletin Board every day before going to class. ٭ẐẸỉ˂ỉᢠ৸ᅹႸẑẐɟᑍ੉ಅᅹႸẑỉ˞ᜒὉᙀᜒὉ૙ܴ ୼ỆếẟềỊ૙ܖ ᵵᶃᶀ ἇὊἥἋửᡫẳề̾ẉʴỉ ᵩᵥ ἳὊἽ Information regarding “Other Elective Courses” and ỴἛἾἋỆấჷỤẶἳὊἽầފẨộẴẇᴾ “Regular Courses” class will be announced by KG mail through Kyogaku Web service. ộẺẆ੉ಅỆ᧙ẴỦᡲዂởԠỎЈẲửἳὊἽỂᘍạẮểầẝụộ CIEC academic affairs staff and instructors may contact Ẵẇᵡᵧᵣᵡ ở੉ಅਃ࢘ᎍẦỤἳὊἽầފẟẺỤẆ࣏ẵϋܾửᄩ students via email regarding meetings and class ᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ schedule. Students are responsible for checking both the ਫ਼ᅆெởἳὊἽửᄩᛐẲễẦẾẺኽௐẆႏẰỮỆɧМႩầဃ CIEC Bulletin Board and their email regularly. CIEC will ẳềờ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ỂỊɟЏᝧ˓ửểụộẶỮẇᴾ not be held responsible for any trouble that may occur. ᴾ ӳẝỦẟỊᢃئʩᡫೞ᧙ỉᢃᘍ᡿ࡨὉͣഥầႆဃẲẺ ੉ಅૅੲὉᣐॾᴾ Academic Support ӳᴾئᘍͣഥầʖԓẰủẺ ੉ಅửӖẬỦ଺Ệ੉ಅϋỂỉἇἯὊἚởἘἋἚ଺᧓ỉࡨᧈễ Students in need of special support during classes such ӳỊẆ࣏ẵʙЭỆ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ as extended examination time should consult with CIECئỄẆẰộằộễૅੲởᣐॾầ࣏ᙲễ Ểᘍ academic affairs staff beforehand and submit officialܖٻޓ૙Ѧਃ࢘ᎍỆႻᛩẲềẪẻẰẟẇႻᛩỉᨥỊẆ৑ ỪủềẟỦᣐॾϋܾửᚰଢẴỦ୿᫏ử੩ЈẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ documentation from their home university. ἘἋἚỉểẨỆ࣯Ệ଺᧓ࡨᧈửࠎஓẲềờᛐỜỤủộẶỮẇᴾ Advance notice is required. ᙀᜒᴾ ỆợỦ˞ᜒᴾ Class Cancellation Due to Inclement Weatherإൢᝋᜩ Classes may be cancelled if either a Storm Warning or ٻᩋẆ୧᫘Ẇ᭗ກẆඬුẆ୧᫘ᩌẆٻίإẆཎКᜩإ୧᫘ᜩ ӳầẝụộẴẇᴾ an Emergency Warning (for heavy rain, storm, stormئӳỊ˞ᜒỆễỦئᩌὸầЈẺ .Ẇࠊထ஭Ệᜩ surge, high waves, snow storm or heavy snow) is issued؏עầᘙᾀỉẟẵủẦỉإẆཎКᜩإ୧᫘ᜩ ỉᚐᨊཞඞỆợẾềɦᚡỉể If a Storm Warming or Emergency Warming is issued inإӳẆᜩئầஔẦỤЈềẟỦإ ấụỉݣࣖểễụộẴẇᴾ any of the areas and municipalities in table 1, class ỉᾗᾟɥỂᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰẟᾉᴾ cancellation may occur according to the time the warningܖٻᨈܖᛇኬỊ᧙ᙱ is lifted.  ܍․•‣‫ ࠰ࡇ᣻ᙲ↙ⅹჷ↸↊‒ Class cancellation will be announced on the KGU Academic Affairs page. Students should consult the page ᴾ https://www.kwansei.ac.jp/notice/2019/notic before heading to school when in alert. Please refer to the URL and the QR code left side. e_2019.html

12 ੉ಅὉᚾ᬴ܱ଀ỿἵὅἣἋẌɥἃҾὉᎢԧỿἵὅἣἋẍ Courses and Final Examination held at NUC & NSC

ỉᚐᨊ଺᧓ ੉ಅܱ଀ Warning Lifted Class Cancellationإᜩ

6:00 ộỂᚐᨊ 1଺ᨂႸẦỤ੉ಅܱ଀ẇ By 6:00 AM All classes held as usual 1st period cancelled 8:00 ộỂỆᚐᨊ 2଺ᨂႸẦỤ੉ಅܱ଀ẇ By 8:00 AM 2nd-5th period held as usual 1st & 2nd period cancelled 10:30 ộỂỆᚐᨊ 3଺ᨂႸẦỤ੉ಅܱ଀ẇ By 10:30 AM 3rd-5th period held as usual 1st-3rd period cancelled 12:00 ộỂỆᚐᨊ 4଺ᨂႸẦỤ੉ಅܱ଀ẇ By 12:00 PM 4th & 5th period held as usual 12:00 ửᢅẩềờ μଐ˞ᜒ Any time after 12:00 PM All classes cancelled ᚐᨊẰủễẟ ੉ಅὉᚾ᬴ܱ଀ỿἵὅἣἋẌɤဋỿἵὅἣἋẍ Courses and Final Examination held at KSC

ỉᚐᨊ଺᧓ ੉ಅܱ଀ Warning Lifted Class Cancellationإᜩ ҜЭ 6 ଺ộỂỆᚐᨊẰủễ μଐ˞ᜒ Any time after 6ᾉ00AM All classes cancelled ẟ ᾋᘙ 1ᾍ ᾋTable 1ᾍ ṲτࡉჄ ṲHyogo ,Hanshin] Kobe, Amagasaki, Itami, Nishinomiya, Ashiya] شࠊẆྀӸ߷ထẆܰދ߃ࠊẆ˙ɻࠊẆᙱܷࠊẆᑱށẔ᧵ᅕẕᅕৎࠊẆ ࠊẆ߷ᙱࠊẆɤဋࠊ Inagawa, Takarazuka, Kawanishi, Sanda ӧထ [Hokubantanba] Nishiwaki, Sasayama, Tanba, Taka-choٶࠊẆɻඬ൞ẆޛẔ҅છɻඬẕᙱᏥࠊẆስ ,ẔછᄶҤிᢿẕଢჽࠊẆьӞ߷ࠊẆɤஙࠊẆ᭗ჿࠊẆݱ᣼ࠊẆьᙱ [Harimanantobu] Akashi, Kakogawa, Miki, Takasago, Ono ࠊẆьிࠊẆᆖ፦ထẆછᄶထ Kasai, Kato, Inami-cho, Harima-cho ࡅ ṲOsaka᧵ٻṲ ࠊ [Osaka] Osaka᧵ٻࠊẕ᧵ٻẔ ,ẕᝅɶࠊẆ൷ဋࠊẆԉဋࠊẆ᭗ಹࠊẆᒠஙࠊẆሜ᩿ࠊẆઅ඾ [Kita Osaka] Toyonaka, Ikeda, Suita, Takatsuki, Ibaraki᧵ٻẔ҅ ࠊẆ޽ஜࠊẆᝅᏡထẆᏡѬထ Mino, Settsu, Nose-cho, Shimamoto-cho, Toyono-cho ,ிࠊẆ௥ҾࠊẆ [Tobu Osaka] Moriguchi, Hirakata, Yao, Neyagawa, Daitoٻ߷ࠊẆދݏࠊẆރӝࠊẆ௏૾ࠊẆοܣẕ᧵ٻẔிᢿ ࠊẆׄவဲࠊẆʩ᣼ࠊ Kashiwara, Kadoma, Higashi-Osaka, Shijonawate, Katano᧵ٻᧉჇࠊẆி ,ẔҤඕϋẕ݈ဋ௎ࠊẆ߷ϋᧈ᣼ࠊẆ௅ҾࠊẆ፶୻᣼ࠊẆᕲʟݢࠊẆ [Minami Kawachi] Tondabayashi, Kawachinagano ,ထẆඕҤထẆҘଔហ᧵஭ Matsubara, Habikino, Fujiidera, Osakasayama, Taishi-cho܇ٽࠊẆޛ཰᧵ٻ ࠊẆඡ˱᣼ࠊẆԧඡࠊẆ᭗ Kanan-cho, Chihayaakasaka-muraش඾ࠊẆ᝝ٻࠊẆެԧဋࠊẆඡبẔඡ߸ẕ ჽࠊẆඡҤࠊẆ᧵ҤࠊẆࣙޢထẆ༇ӕထẆဋހထẆާထ [Senshu] Sakai, Kishiwada, Izuminotsu, Kaizuka, Izumisano, Izumi, Takaishi, Sennan, Hannan, Tadaoka-cho, Kumatori-cho, Tajiri-cho, Misaki-cho

ӳẝỦẟỊᢃ In case a delay/cancellation of a publicئʩᡫೞ᧙ỉᢃᘍ᡿ࡨὉͣഥầႆဃẲẺ ӳᴾ transportation service is announcedئᘍͣഥầʖԓẰủẺ ଺ЦሁửᎋॾỉạảẆਜ਼ፗẴỦỿ The KGU president will determine the validity of suchܭʖڼݣᝋỉែዴẆᢃᘍ᧏ ẰủộẴẇᴾܭᧈỉЙૺỆợụൿܖἵὅἣἋửԃỜẺݣࣖầ ᴾ while taking into consideration the scheduled train times of the railroad in question. ᙀᜒᴾ Make-up Classes .ӳỆᙀᜒầᘍỪủỦẮểầẝụộẴẇᴾ If a class is cancelled, a make-up class may be heldئ੉ಅầ˞ᜒỆễẾẺ ୴ଐỉ ᵏ ᨂẆᵐ ᨂẝỦẟỊɟ૪ᙀᜒଐỆܱ଀Ằủộ As a general rule, make-up classes will be held on theםᙀᜒỊ Ẵẇᴾ 1st period or 2nd period of any given Saturday or on a ᴾ designated Make-up Day. ẲẦẲẆ੉ಅỆợẾềỊᡫࠝ੉ಅ஖᧓Ệᙀᜒửܱ଀ẲẆ˂ỉ੉ Make-up classes may also be held on week days during ӳỊᙀᜒ the regular semester and might fall on the sameئӳầẝụộẴẇẸỉئಅểӷẳ଺᧓ỆễẾềẲộạ ửܱ଀ẴỦ੉ಅỉਃ࢘ᎍỆႻᛩỉɥẆ࣏ẵᡫࠝ੉ಅỆЈࠗ day/period as regularly scheduled classes. If this ẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ happens, students should consult with the teacher and ᴾ attend their regular class. Ểܱ଀ẰủỦἧỵὊἽἛἚἼἕἩỊᙀᜒểӷẳ Field trips which are held outside regular class hours areٳộẺẆ੉ಅ଺᧓ ӳỊẆᡫࠝỉ੉ಅ treated as make-up classes. If a field trip conflicts with aئẟỂẴẇ˂ỉ੉ಅểӷẳ଺᧓ỆễẾẺৢ ỆЈࠗẴỦợạỆẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ regularly scheduled class, students should prioritize their regular class.

13 ੉ಅỉഎࠗᴾ Class Absence ஜܖỆỊẐπഎẑỉСࡇỊẝụộẶỮẇᴾ KGU doesn’t have an official absence policy. ӳờẆẸ Decisions regarding the handling of absences forئ၏ൢở៲ϋỉരʧሁỂởớửࢽẵ੉ಅửഎࠗẴỦ ỉৢẟỊ੉ಅਃ࢘ᎍỉЙૺểễụộẴẇᴾ reasons of sickness or death in the family are left to the instructor in charge of the course. Ẑଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸẑấợỎẐྵˊଐஜ๫፼ẑỆếẟềỊКᡦܭ Students should refer to p.15 - p.17 for details regarding ỜỦἁἻἋἽὊἽίᶎᵌᵏᵓᵋᴾᶎᵌᵏᵕὸỆࢼẾềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ the handling of absences from Japanese Language Courses and from the Modern Japan Seminar Ẹỉ˂ỉᅹႸỆếẟềỊẆʙЭίɧӧᏡỂẝủịʙࢸὸỆႺ੗ For absences from any other courses, students should ੉ಅਃ࢘ᎍỆႻᛩẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ consult with the instructor in charge of the course prior to the absence. ,ӳẆᵡᵧᵣᵡ ẦỤഎࠗྸ Although KGU doesn’t have an official absence policyئẺẻẲẆഎࠗྸဌầɦᚡỉᵆᵿᵇ῍ᵆᶁᵇỉ (ԓẲềẪẻẰẟẇ students should inform CIEC ([email protected]إဌử੉ಅਃ࢘ᎍỉέဃỆˡảộẴỉỂ࣏ẵ ᵆᵣᵋᶋᵿᶇᶊᵘᴾᶇᶌᶁᶍᶋᶇᶌᶅᵞᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᵇᴾ when they are absent for the following reasons (a) - (c). The course instructor will be contacted when deemed necessary. ṕᚰଢ୿ỉ੩Јầ࣏ᙲỆễụộẴṖᴾ ӐA Certificate is required in the following casesӑ ӳᴾ (a) When a student is absent from classes more than aئᵆᵿᵇஜʴỉ၏ൢỂ ᵏ ᡵ᧓ˌɥỉഎࠗầ࣏ᙲễ week due to illness ӳᴾ (b) When a student has to go back to his/her homeئᵆᶀᵇɲᚃὉᅑ༵൐ὉΩࢂỉᔀࡸЈࠗỉẺỜỆ࠙׎ẴỦ country in order to attend a funeral for a parent, grand ᴾ parent, or sibling. :ᾂଐểẆᆆѣỆẦẦỦଐૠầᡙᚾݣᝋ A student may be granted a leave as followsנᔀࡸửԃớ׎Ểỉ๛ ỂẴẇᴾ - Special consideration will be given for up to 3 daysٳᾃଐˌɥỊᡙᚾỉݣᝋנểễụộẴẇ๛ ᴾ in home country (no special consideration will be given when student stays longer in home country) - Special consideration will be given for traveling days, from and to Japan. ồỉЈࠗầᅠഥẰủềẟỦज़௨ၐẑᵈỆẦẦẾ (c) When a student has contracted a specified infectiousܖٻᵆᶁᵇẐඥࢷỂ disease* as defined by the School Health and Safety Act ӳᴾ that forbids students from attending universityئẺ

Students infected with a specified infectious disease* ئồỉЈࠗầᅠഥẰủềẟỦज़௨ၐỆẦẦẾẺܖٻᵈଐஜỉඥࢷỂ ఄ̬ͤ according to the School Health and Safety Act and itsܖဃồỉ၏ൢỉज़௨ửʖ᧸ẴỦẺỜẆẐܖϋỂ˂ỉܖٻӳẆ -ồỉЈࠗầᅠഥẰủề regulations are not allowed to attend school. To prevent inܖٻμඥ଀ᘍᙹЩẑỂܤఄ̬ͤܖμඥẑẐܤ ẟộẴẇᴾ campus infection, the infected student should stay in their room ఄỆႇఄẶẵẆẴẫỆ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ૙Ѧਃ࢘ộ at home, and e-mail the CIEC academic affairs staffܖӳỊئज़௨ၐỆẦẦẾẺ ỂἳὊἽẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ immediately. ҔࠖẦỤЈࠗᚩӧầЈẺỤẐܖఄज़௨ၐὉႇఄᚩӧᚰଢ୿ẑử୿ẟ Students should have a doctor fill out a doctor’s certificate ềờỤẟẆ੩ЈẲềẪẻẰẟẇᚰଢ୿ầ੩ЈẰủủị૙Ѧɥỉᣐॾử according to the format available below. The student must ᘍẟộẴẇᴾ receive a doctor’s certificate stating they can attend school ᴾ after they have overcome the illness. ܍ܖఄज़௨ၐὉႇఄᚩӧᚰଢ୿ᴾ >Format of the doctor’s certificate: Please refer to the URL and the QR code left side. ᴾ ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᵍᵿᵽᵿᶄᶄᵿᶇᶐᶑᵍᵿᶒᶒᵿ ᴾ ᶁᶆᶃᶂᵍᵎᵎᵎᵎᵎᵏᵎᵖᵒᵗᵌᶎᶂᶄᴾ ℩දॖK‒ ṕNoticeṖ ၏ൢഎࠗ↞⅚എࠗ⇁ᐯѣႎ↚ⅤЈࠗৢⅳⅥ↚ↈ↺ྸဌ↗↞ An absence due to illness does not automatically excuse ↙↹↭↊⇂⅛↭↎⅚ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸ↝↷ⅵ↚੉ಅ∑∞∑ an absence. If there are different rules regarding class ↖എࠗ↚᧙ↈ↺ӕৢⅳⅻᅆↄ↻↕ⅳ↺ᅹႸ↚↓ⅳ↕↞੉ absence in a particular class, those rules will be given ಅ∑∞∑ⅻΟέↄ↻↭ↈ⅛‒ preference.

‒ Мဇ‒ Use of Personal Information, Photographs, and VideosإϙჇὉἥἙỼପ΂ሁỉ̾ʴऴ ੉ಅởỶἫὅἚễỄᾒᾘᾔᾒἩἿἂἻἲỂજࢨẲẺϙჇởἥἙỼପ Kwansei Gakuin University sometimes takes Ể photograph and videos during classes and other eventsإỉ࠼ܖٻᨈܖӸửᾒᾘᾔᾒở᧙ᙱܖٻ΂ẆႏẰỮỉ൞Ӹở ỂМဇẴ that are published in KGU materials. Students who doإử࠼إӳầẝụộẴẇႏẰỮỉ̾ʴऴئМဇẴỦ ஖ỉ੉ not want KGU to publish your personal information orܖӳỊẆᾒᾘᾔᾒʙѦܴỆᅸئỦẮểỆếẟềᚩӧẲễẟ ộỦộỂỆ࣏ẵᡲዂẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ photographs, etc. in university publications should tellڼಅầ .ỉМဇửᚩӧẲẺờỉểẲ CIEC office before the first day of the Fall SemesterإӳỊ̾ʴऴئễấẆᡲዂầễẟ ӳầẝụ Those who do not do so have implicitly agreed to shareئỂМဇẴỦإỉ࠼ܖٻᨈܖềৢẟẆᾒᾘᾔᾒở᧙ᙱ ộẴỉỂẆắʕ১ẪẻẰẟẇᴾ their personal information and images.

14 ଐஜᛖܖ፼ᅹႸỉἁἻἋἽὊἽᴾ Japanese Language Courses Class Rules ί࣏̲ᅹႸὉᢠ৸ᅹႸσᡫὸᴾ (Mandatory & Electives) ᴾ

ḩᵌ੉ಅỆ᧙ẴỦදॖʙ᪮ᴾ Ϩ. Course Rules

ᾀὸЈࠗỉἽὊἽᴾ (1) Attendance Rules ޗ̲ႇ᥵ẲẺ੉ಅỆỊẆẨẼỮểЈࠗẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ Students are expected to attend all their registered .ӳẆഎࠗểẲềৢẟộẴẇഎࠗỆợỦɧӳ఍ classesئɦᚡỉᾀ῍ᾂỉ ỉׅૠỆԃộủộẴỉỂẆදॖẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ The following behaviour will be counted as an absence ᾀὸᵏᵏ Ўˌɥỉ᡿Цᴾ so please avoid them: ᾁὸᵏᵏ Ўˌɥỉଔᡚᴾ ᾀὸJoining class more than 11 minutes late ӳᴾ ᾁὸLeaving class more than 11 minutes earlyئᾂὸ੉ಅɶỆ ᵏᵏ Ўˌɥ૙ܴửЈẺ ᴾ ᾂὸLeaving for more than 11 minutes during class ộẺẆഎࠗểɥᚡỉᾀ῍ᾂỊẆஇኳ঺ጚẦỤถໜẰủộẴẇᴾ This behaviour will also contribute to deductions on final ᴾ grades.

ᾁὸഎׅࠗૠỆợỦɧӳ఍ᴾ (2) Course Failure due to Poor Attendance ᴾ ,ӳẆᐯѣႎỆɧӳ఍Ệễ If students are absent one third of their classes or moreئ੉ಅଐૠỉ ᵏ὾ᵑᴾ ˌɥഎࠗẲẺ ụộẴẇ၏ൢởẬầỆợỦഎࠗờẆཎКৢẟỊẶẵẆഎࠗểẲề they will automatically fail the course. Absence due to ৢẟộẴẇᴾ sickness or injury will be counted as absent. ᴾ ᾂὸᚾ᬴ὉἁỶἌỆếẟềᴾ (3) Examinations and Quizzes ୼Ẵ Announced schedule for mid-term, final examination and٭ဃỉᣃӳỂܖɶ᧓ᚾ᬴ở஖஛ᚾ᬴ẆἁỶἌỉଐᆉỊẆ ỦẮểỊỂẨộẶỮẇởớửࢽễẟྸဌỂᚾ᬴ỆЈࠗỂẨễẟ quizzes will not be changed due to student’s personal ӳỊẆʙЭỆ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ỆႻᛩẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ reasons. If students cannot attend an examination or quizئ time for unavoidable reasons, they should notify CIEC prior to the examination.

ḪώởớửࢽễẟʙऴỆợỦഎࠗỆ᧙ẴỦӕৢẟᴾ ϩ. Absence Rule for Unavoidable Reasons

ᾀὸ၏ൢὉ࣐ࡽẨỆợỦ੉ಅഎࠗỆếẟềᴾ (1) Class Absence Due to Illness/Mourning ӕৢẟỆếẟềỊ ᶎᵌᵏᵒ ửᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ Please see the page 14. ᴾ ᾁὸᚾ᬴ὉἁỶἌỉᡙᚾỆếẟềᴾ (2) Make-up Examination or Quizzes

(ӳᴾ a. Due to illness (infectious diseaseئᵿᵌᴾ ज़௨ၐỆẦẦẾẺ

ồỉЈࠗầᅠഥẰủềẟỦज़௨ၐỆẦẦ When a student misses an examination or a quiz due toܖٻଐஜỉඥࢷỂ ӳẆᚾ᬴ὉἁỶἌểờỆˌɦỉ৖ዓẨửểủịᡙᚾầᛐ a specified infectious disease according to the SchoolئẾẺ ỜỤủỦẮểầẝụộẴẇᴾ Health and Safety Act, the student should follow the following procedure to apply for a Make-up Examination / Quiz. Ṳᚾᚾ᬴ଐỆज़௨ၐỆẦẦẾềẟẺẮểầᚰଢỂẨỦҔᎍỉ ṲSubmit a “medical certificate” filled out by a doctor Ẑᚮૺ୿ẑểẐᡙᚾ᬴Ӗ᬴ᫍẑửᚾ᬴ỉଐẦỤ ᵏ ᡵ᧓ˌϋỆ੩ and a “Request for Make-up Examination / Quiz” to ЈẴỦẇᴾ CIEC within one week of the missed examination / quiz. ӳẆᚾ᬴঺ጚỉ ᵏᵎᵎή Ṿ Students who followed this procedure may receiveئṾᴾ ᚾ᬴ὉἁỶἌỉᡙᚾầᘍỪủẺ Ểᚸ̖ẲộẴẇᴾ 100% of their grade earned during the make-up examination / quiz.

15 ᶀᵌᴾ ࣐ࡽẨỆợỦɟ଺࠙׎ᴾ b. Due to mourning

ӳẆᚾ When a student is to miss a mid-term, final examinationئɲᚃὉᅑ༵൐ὉΩࢂỉᔀࡸЈࠗỉẺỜỆ࠙׎ẴỦ ᬴ὉἁỶἌểờỆˌɦỉ৖ዓẨửểủịᡙᚾầᛐỜỤủỦẮể or quiz due to attendance of a funeral for a parent, grand ầẝụộẴẇᴾ parent or sibling, the student should follow the following ᴾ procedure to apply for a Make-up Examination / Quiz.

.Ṟᴾ ᔀࡸỉଐᆉầỪẦỦờỉửਤẾềẆᵡᵧᵣᵡ ỆЈ׎ЭỆႻᛩ Ṟ Consult with CIEC prior to departure ẴỦẇᴾ ṟ Submit the following documents to CIEC within ṟᴾ ࠙׎ࢸᾁଐˌϋỆẐᑋᆰУỉҞУẑểẐᡙᚾӖ᬴ᫍẑử੩ two days following their return: a copy of their ЈẴỦẇᴾ boarding pass as well as a “Request for Make-up Examination / Quiz”. ᵹදॖὲᵻᴾ [Caution!] ˞ୗỊˌɦỉểấụӕụৢỪủộẴẇᴾ A student may be granted a leave as follows: ஖᧓ ᵑ ଐộỂỂẴίẸủ - Special consideration will be given for up to 3 daysנὉ ᣐॾẰủỦ஖᧓Ịஜ׎Ểỉ๛ ӳỊᣐॾỉݣᝋểỊễụộẶỮὸẇᴾ in home country (no special consideration will beئẲẺנɥ๛ˌ (Ὁ ஜ׎ấợỎଐஜồỉᆆѣỆẦẦỦଐૠỊᣐॾỉݣᝋể given when student stays longer in home country ễụộẴẇᴾ - Special consideration will be given for traveling days, from and to Japan. ӳẆᚾ᬴঺ጚỉ ᵏᵎᵎή Ṿ Students who followed this procedure may receiveئṾᴾ ᚾ᬴ὉἁỶἌỉᡙᚾầᘍỪủẺ Ểᚸ̖ẲộẴẇᴾ 100% of their grade earned during the make-up ᴾ examination.

ᶁᵌᴾ πσʩᡫೞ᧙ỉ᡿ࡨᴾ c. Due to public transportation delays

ӳẆ When a student misses a mid-term or final examinationئỆဇẟỦᩓ៻ỉ᡿ࡨỂᚾ᬴ầӖẬỤủễẦẾẺܖᡫ ᚾ᬴ỉỚˌɦỉ৖ዓẨửểủịᡙᚾầᛐỜỤủỦẮểầẝụ due to public transportation (only train) delays, the ộẴẇᴾ student should follow the following procedure to apply for ᴾ a Make-up Examination .ỂẴẇᴾ ḤQuizzes are not covered by this provisionٳḤἁỶἌỊᡙᚾỉݣᝋ ПბࢸẴẫỆ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ Ệ ṲSubmit a “Delay Certificate” issued by a stationܖٻṲᬜỂẐ᡿ࡨᚰଢ୿ẑửӖẬӕụẆ ႻᛩẴỦẇᴾ staff to CIEC. ᵹදॖὲᵻᴾ [Caution!] .ỂẴẇᴾ Flight or bus delays are not covered by this provisionٳ᫠ᘍೞởἢἋỉ᡿ࡨỊᡙᚾỉݣᝋ ӳẆᚾ᬴঺ጚỉ ᵏᵎᵎήỂᚸ̖ Ṿ Students who followed this procedure may receiveئṾᴾ ᚾ᬴ỉᡙᚾầᘍỪủẺ ẲộẴẇᴾ 100% of their grade earned during the make-up examination.

(ӳᴾ d. Due to illness (not infectious diseaseئỉ၏ൢửྸဌểẴỦٳˌ ᶂᵌᴾᵿ

ᚾ᬴ỉỚˌɦỉ৖ዓẨửểủịᡙᚾầᛐỜỤủỦẮểầẝụ When a student has missed a mid-term or final Ể examination due to an illness not defined as anٳӳẆἁỶἌỊᡙᚾỉݣᝋئỉ၏ൢỉٳˌộẴẇज़௨ၐ Ẵẇᴾ infectious disease by the School Health and Safety Act, ᴾ the student should follow the following procedure to apply for a Make-up Examination ḤQuizzes are not covered by this provision. Ṳᚾ᬴ଐ࢘ଐỆӖ᬴ầɧӧᏡỂẝỦẮểửᚰଢỂẨỦҔࠖ ṲSubmit a “medical certificate” in which a doctor ỉẐᚮૺ୿ẑểẐᡙᚾ᬴Ӗ᬴ᫍẑử੩ЈẴỦẇᴾ confirms the impossibility to take the test on the day and a “Request for Make-up Examination / Quiz” to the CIEC office. ίදॖὸᴾ [Caution!] ᚮૺ୿ểᡙᚾ᬴ᫍỊᚾ᬴ỉଐẦỤ ᵏ ᡵ᧓ˌϋỆ੩ЈẲềẪẻ The documents must be submitted within one week from Ằẟẇᴾ the missed examination. ӳẆᡙᚾỊᚾ᬴঺ጚỉ ᵖᵎᵃỂ Ṿ Students who followed this procedure may receiveئṾ ᚾ᬴ỉᡙᚾầᘍỪủẺ ᚸ̖ẲộẴẇᴾ 80% of their grade earned during the make-up ᴾ examination.

16 JSC (Modern Japan Seminar A) Class Rulesᴾ

Ϩ㸬General Rules 1. Announcements for class cancellations, make-up classes, and classroom changes will be posted on the CIEC Bulletin Board. Students should check the CIEC Bulletin Board every day before going to class. 2. Students are expected to attend all their registered classes. The following behaviour will be counted as an absence so please avoid them: 1) Joining class more than 10 minutes late 2) Leaving class more than 10 minutes early 3) Leaving for more than 10 minutes during class This behaviour will also contribute to deductions on final grades. If a noticeable number of students are regularly tardy, the regulations will become stricter. 3. Students should refrain from eating food or chewing gum in class. Drinks in class are allowed in principle, but there are some classrooms, such as PC rooms which prohibit beverages. Please follow the rule in each room. 4. Homework and other assignments should be turned in by the assigned due dates. Points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late. ϩ㸬Attendance

1. Students should attend class with a sincere attitude. 2. Absent will affect student’s participation mark, even in case of illness. The only exception to this rule is for cases of specified infectious diseases as defined by the School Health and Safety Act. In this case, students are required to provide a medical certificate from a doctor within one week from the day they were absent. 3. In the case of missed/delayed trains, in principle, the lecturer will not give a special consideration to students. However, an exception can be made if KGU can confirm the reason for the delay. In this case, students should make sure to get an official certificate which confirms the delay and submit it to the lecturer. 4. Students should inform CIEC by email/phone in advance if they are to miss a class. Failing to do so will result in the student having to meet with the lecturer.

Ϫ㸬Missing Class

1. If a student is absent or more than 10 minutes late to class 3 times, they will be required to meet with the lecture. 2. If a student is absent or more than 10 minutes late to class in a row, they will be required to meet with the lecturer. 3. If a student is absent or more than 10 minutes late to class 5 times, they will automatically fail this course.

17 ၎ఊఃஈ &RXUVH5HJLVWUDWLRQ ᴾ ޗ̲ႇ᥵ἋἃἊἷὊἽᴾ Course Registration Schedule ỉ஖ The course registration schedule is as follows. Studentsٳˌႇ᥵ỊˌɦỉἋἃἊἷὊἽỂᘍẟộẴẇẸẸủ̲ޗ .୼ỊᛐỜộẶỮẇᴾᴾ cannot add or drop courses outside of those periods٭ᅹႸỉ̲ദὉ̲ޗ᧓Ểỉ ࣏ẵൿỜỤủẺ஖᧓Ệ࣏ᙲễ৖ዓẨửᘍẾềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ Students should register their courses using the necessary procedure during the below schedule.

Step 1ᴾ ޗ̲ႇ᥵ᴾ Step 1ᴾ Courses Registration ᾋμՃ࣏᪰ᾍᴾ ᵗ உ ᵏᵕ ଐί້ὸᵗᵘᵎᵎ῍ᵏᵏᵘᵑᵎᴾ ᾏᵥᵋᵧᵱᵑᵎᵑᴾ September 17 (Tue) 9:00 – 11:30 ᾏᵥᵋᵧᵱᵑᵎᵑ ᴾ Step 2ᴾ ޗ̲ႇ᥵ᄩᛐᘙỉӖẬӕụᴾ Step 2 Course Confirmation Sheet Pick-up ᾋμՃ࣏᪰ᾍᴾ ᵗ உ ᵏᵗ ଐίஙὸᵗᾉᵎᵎ῍ᵎᵗᾉᵑᵎᴾ ᾏᵥᵋᵧᵱᵑᵎᵑᴾ September 19 (Thu) 9:00 - 9:30 ᾏᵥᵋᵧᵱᵑᵎᵑ ᴾ ୼ᴾ Step 3 Adding/Dropping Courses٭ᅹႸỉ̲ޗ Step 3ᴾ ᾋࠎஓᎍỉỚᾍᴾ ᵗ உ ᵐᵔ ଐίஙὸᵖᵘᵓᵎ῍ᵗ உ ᵐᵕ ଐί᣿ὸᵏᵔᾉᵓᵎᴾᵞᵡᵧᵣᵡᴾ September 26 (Thu) 8:50 – 27 (Fri) 16:50 @CIEC Students wishing to add new courses or drop registered ӳỊẆ࣏ẵɥᚡ஖᧓Ệ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ Ểئ୼ửࠎஓẴỦ٭ᅹႸỉ̲ޗ courses should complete the necessary procedures Ểỉٳˌႇ᥵ᅹႸỉ̲ദ৖ዓẨửᘍẾềẪẻẰẟẇɥɥᚡ஖᧓ within the above period. This is the last chance for ୼ỊμềᛐỜộẶỮỉỂදॖẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ٭ students to add new courses. ଐஜᛖἾἫἽỆ᧙ẴỦ᩿ᛩဎẲᡂỚᴾ Japanese Level Consultation Sign-up Deadline ᵗ உ ᵐᵒ ଐί້ὸᵏᵔᾉᵓᵎ ộỂᴾ ᾏᵡᵧᵣᵡᴾ By September 24 (Tue) 16:50 @CIEC ᴾ Step 4ᴾ ޗ̲ᅹႸᄩᛐᘙỉӖẬӕụᴾ Step 4 Course Confirmation Sheet Pick-up <ဃỉỚᾍᴾ ᵏᵏ உ ᵏᵖ ଐίஉὸᵖᵘᵓᵎ῍ᵏᵏ உ ᵏᵗ ଐί້ὸᵏᵔᵘᵓᵎᴾ ᵞᵡᵧᵣᵡᴾ November 18 (Mon) 8:50 – 19 (Tue) 16:50 @CIEC Students wishing to drop registered courses should ửɶ complete the necessary procedures within the above̲ޗӳẆɥᚡ஖᧓ϋỆấẟềئỉɶഥửࠎஓẴỦ̲ޗ ഥẴỦẮểầỂẨộẴẇẺẻẲẆޗ̲ႇ᥵ᅹႸỉӳᚘᡵ੉ಅἅ period. If dropping a course brings the student’s total ɶഥẴỦẮểỊỂẨộẶ number of courses to less than 7 classes per week, the̲ޗӳỊẆئἰૠầ ᵕ ἅἰửɦׅỦ Ữẇɥɥᚡ஖᧓ˌᨀẆޗ̲ɶഥỊɟЏỂẨộẶỮỉỂẆදॖẲ drop will not be processed. This is the last chance for ềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ students to drop registered courses. ᴾ Step 6ᴾ ޗ̲ᅹႸᄩᛐᘙỉӖẬӕụᴾ Step 6 Course Confirmation Sheet Pick-up ޗ̲ᅹႸᄩᛐᘙỉӖẬӕụᵘᴾ ᵏᵏ உ ᵐᵐ ଐί᣿ὸᵖᵘᵓᵎᵋᵏᵔᵘᵓᵎᴾᵞᵡᵧᵣᵡᴾ November 22 (Fri) 8:50 – 16:50 @CIEC Students who dropped courses during the Final Course ୼ẰủềẟỦẦ Cancellation Period should come to CIEC during the٭ӳỊẆဎᛪỄấụỆئᅹႸửɶഥẲẺ̲ޗ ửᄩᛐẴỦẺỜỆ࣏ẵ஖᧓ϋỆ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ộỂஹềẪẻẰẟẇ஖஖᧓ above period in order to sign off on and pick up their ӳẆႇ᥵ϋܾỆ᧓ᢌẟầẝẾẺểẲềờ confirmation sheet. Request of change outside of thisئϋỆἇỶὅửẲễẟ .ɟЏݣࣖẲộẶỮẇᴾ period will not be accepted, regardless of the reason

18 ἉἻἢἋỉ᧠ᚁ૾ඥᴾ ᴾ How to View Syllabi ੉ಅửޗ̲ẴỦЭỆẆ࣏ẵἉἻἢἋửᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇἉἻ Students should check the syllabus of a course before ,ἢἋỆỊẆᜒ፯ႸႎὉПᢋႸ೅ẆӲׅỉ੉ಅϋܾẆ঺ጚᚸ̖ registering. Information such as Course Objectives ፼ễỄầ୿ẦủềẟộẴẇᾦᾴᾱἇỶἚɥ Attainment Objectives, Overall Class Plan, Evaluationܖ૾ඥὉؕแẆแͳ ỉἉἻἢἋỊᛡỂờỴἁἍἋẴỦẮểầỂẨộẴẇᴾ Criteria/Method and Preparatory Reading are available .ἉἻἢἋίᵳᵰᵪὸᾉᴾ on the syllabus. Anyone can access the online syllabusڼ :(Syllabus (URLڼ ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶑᶗᶊᶊᵿᶀᶓᶑᵌᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᴾ ᴾ Please refer to the URL and the QR code left side. ᴾ ᴾ ঺ጚᚸ̖ᴾ Grade Evaluation ޗ̲ẲẺ੉ಅỊẆ੉ಅਃ࢘ᎍỉ૙Ꮛ૾ᤆởᚸ̖૾ᤆỆờể There are circumstances in which times and/or Ềẟềᚾ᬴ở࠯ࠝᚸ̖ễỄỆợẾề঺ጚᚸ̖ầᘍỪủộẴẇ classrooms for normal classes will be changed for mid- Ӳ੉ಅỉ঺ጚᚸ̖ỆếẟềỊἉἻἢἋở੉ಅἽὊἽሁửᄩ term and final examination. Students should confirm ᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ details with department office in charge of their courses ᴾ before the examination. ঺ጚᚸ̖ỉᆔКầẐܭ஖ᚾ᬴ẑểễẾềẟỦᅹႸỊܭ஖ᚾ᬴ The final examination for courses for which evaluation is ஖᧓ɶỆᚾ᬴ầܱ଀ẰủộẴẇܭ஖ᚾ᬴Ịᡫࠝ੉ಅể଺᧓ defined as “Regular Examination” will be held during the ở૙ܴầီễỦẮểầẝụộẴẇ࣏ẵᚾ᬴ЭỆ᧏ᜒܖᢿʙѦ Final Examination Period. Those are usually held during ܴỂᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ different time and in different classrooms. Students ᴾ should confirm the location and date of final examination at the faculty office in charge of courses.

แᴾ ṲEvaluation and GradingؕܭṲᚸ̖ểᚨ The highest obtainable mark is 100 and the lowest ঺ጚᚸ̖ỊҾЩểẲềእໜίᵏᵎᵎ ໜ฼ໜὸỂᘍẟộẴẇҥˮ passing mark is 60. ӕࢽݣᝋỉஇ˯ໜỊ ᵔᵎ ໜỂẴẇᴾ

እໜ Score ᚸ̖ᴾ Letter Grade Pass/Fail ӳ఍὾ɧӳ఍ 90 - 100 S 85 - 89 Aͻ 80 - 84 A 75 - 79 Bͻ Pass ӳ఍ 70 - 74 B 65 - 69 Cͻ 60 - 64 C 0 - 59 F Fail ɧӳ఍

঺ጚᚰଢ୿ᴾ Grade Transcript ộẺ KGU will send two official grade transcripts for eachܖٻޓ஖ỉ঺ጚᚰଢ୿Ị ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ẦỤ৑ܖ஖ấợỎବܖᅸ ẝỦẟỊ෉ᢔೞ᧙ợụ semester to students’ home universities or sendingܖٻỊ෉ᢔೞ᧙Ệ ᵐ ᢿᡛụộẴỉỂẆ ঺ጚᚰଢ୿ửӖẬӕẾềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ institutions. Students should pick up their own copy at ᅸܖ஖ỉ঺ጚᚰଢ୿Ị ᵐ உɦକẆବܖ஖ỉ঺ጚᚰଢ୿Ị ᵖ their home university study abroad office. Grades for the உɦକỆᡛụộẴẇᴾ Fall Semester will be sent out around late February. ဃỉஇИỉἍἳἋἑὊỉ঺ጚỊ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ Grades for the Spring Semester will be sent out aroundܖቔẴỦנᵐ ἍἳἋἑὊ ộẺỊ෉ᢔೞ᧙Ệ ᵏ ᢿบẲộẴẇᴾ the late August. Full year students will receive their firstܖٻޓဃỆ ᵏ ᢿẆ৑ܖợụ semester transcript at CIEC. Another transcript will be sent to their home university or sending institution. ঺ጚွ፯ဎẲᇌềᴾ Grade Investigation ஖ỉ੉ಅኳ Students who have any questions or doubts about theirܖӳỊӲئ঺ጚᚸ̖Ệếẟềίឋբὸွ፯ầẝỦ ʕଐợụ ᵑ ỽஉˌϋỆɦᚡỴἛἾἋỆᡲዂẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ grades should consult directly with, or send an email to ঺ጚွ፯ᛦ௹஖᧓ኳʕࢸỊẟẦễỦྸဌầẝẾềờݣࣖẴ CIEC academic affairs staff within three months starting ỦẮểỊỂẨộẶỮẇ੉ಅਃ࢘ᎍỆႺ੗ᡲዂẲềỊẟẬộẶ from the last day of class in order to request a grade Ữẇᵆᵫᵿᶇᶊᵘᴾᶁᶈᶊᶃᵽᶈᶇᶋᶓᵞᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᵇᴾ investigation. Grade investigation will not be accepted after the end of this period, regardless of the reason. Students should not contact teachers directly with questions about grades. 19 ቔᚰଢ୿ὉẸỉ˂ᚰଢ୿ᴾ Enrollment Certificates & Other Certificatesנ ӳỊ Students who need documents such as Certificate ofئቔᚰଢ୿ễỄỉӲᆔᚰଢ୿ầ࣏ᙲễנᚰଢ୿Ẇ̲ޗ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ʙѦܴồဎẲЈềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ Registered Courses, Certificate of Enrollment should ᚰଢ୿ỉ࢘ଐႆᘍỊỂẨộẶỮẇᚰଢ୿ỉႆᘍỆỊ଺᧓ầ come to CIEC. CIEC cannot issue the certificate on the .ӳỊଔỜỆဎẲЈềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ day and it might take a few days to issue the certificateئẦẦụộẴỉỂẆ࣏ᙲễ Students should make sure to allow ample time before a submission deadline.


ஜܖỆấẬỦ੉ಅὉᚾ᬴ሁỉ଺᧓࠘ỊഏỉểấụỂẴẇᴾ The Class Timetable is as below. ੉ಅ଺᧓лᴾ Class Timetable ᾀ଺ᨂ ᾈᾉ὿὿῍ᾀ὿ᾉᾂ὿ᴾ 1st period 9:00 ~ 10:30

ἓἵἬἽỴὁὊ ᾀ὿ᾉᾂᾄ῍ᾀᾀᾉ὿ᾄᴾ Chapel Hour 10:35 ~ 11:05

ᾁ଺ᨂ ᾀᾀᾉᾀ὿῍ᾀᾁᾉᾃ὿ᴾ 2nd period 11:10 ~ 12:40

ଷ˞Ớ ᾀᾁᾉᾃ὿῍ᾀᾂᾉᾂ὿ᴾ Lunch Break 12:40 ~ 13:30

ᾂ଺ᨂ ᾀᾂᾉᾂ὿῍ᾀᾄᾉ὿὿ᴾ 3rd period 13:30 ~ 15:00

ᾃ଺ᨂ ᾀᾄᾉᾀ὿῍ᾀᾅᾉᾃ὿ᴾ 4th period 15:10 ~ 16:40

ᾄ଺ᨂ ᾀᾅᾉᾄ὿῍ᾀᾇᾉᾁ὿ᴾ 5th period 16:50 ~ 18:20

ᾅ଺ᨂᴾ ᾀᾇᾉᾂ὿῍ᾁ὿ᾉ὿὿ᴾ 6th period 18:30 ~ 20:00

ᾆ଺ᨂᴾ ᾁ὿ᾉ὿὿῍ᾁᾀᾉᾂ὿ᴾ 7th period 20:00 ~ 21:30

/81$ 峕峎岮峐 $ERXWn/81$|

Ṟᴾ ஜܖỂỊẆẐᵪᵳᵬᵟẑểẟạỼὅἻỶὅἉἋἘἲầẝụộẴẇέ Ṟ “LUNA” is an online learning tool of KGU. Instructors ဃỊ ᵪᵳᵬᵟ ửᡫẳềẆ੉ಅ᝻૰ỉᣐࠋẆܖဃồỉᡲዂửẴỦ may distribute handouts, contact students, or have .ӳờẝụộẴẇᴾ student hand in assignment through LUNAئẮểầẝụẆᵪᵳᵬᵟ Ểܿ᫆ử੩ЈẴỦ ṟᴾ ᵪᵳᵬᵟ ỉ̅ẟ૾ỊẆˌɦỉ ᵯᵰ ἅὊἛửᛠỚӕụẆ࣏ẵᄩᛐ ṟ The “LUNA” Practical Handbook for students can be ẲềẪẻẰẟẇίᵩᵥᵳᴾᵧᵢ ểἣἋὁὊἛỂỉἿἂỶὅầ࣏ᙲỂẴὸᴾ found below. (login required) ᴾ ṶଐஜᛖỊẮẼỤᴾ ṶEnglish Version

20 ⏕ά⦅ Life in Japan

21 崕嵋嵛崹崡嵑崌崽 &DPSXV/LIH

1ώ᣻ᙲễấჷỤẶ Important Dates

1-1. ʩ੭ܖဃỉӖẬλủ஖᧓/ᡚӊଐỆếẟề Length of Stay / Moving-out Date ဃỊ੉ಅὉᚾ᬴஖᧓ầኳʕẲẺỤẆᡮởẦỆ࠙׎Ẳ Exchange students are asked to leave the country in aܖʩ੭ ễẬủịễụộẶỮẇݜởἭὊἲἋἘỶẦỤỊൿỜỤủẺଐ timely manner after program completion. Exchange students should leave their KGU arranged accommodation သỽὊἛỆᚡ᠍ẰủềנᆉộỂỆᡚӊẲẆ࠙׎ẲềẪẻẰẟẇ by the determined date and prepare to go back to their သ஖᧓ầസẾềẟềờẆᡮởẦỆ࠙׎ẲềẪẻẰẟẇ home countries even if there is still time until the expirationנẟỦ ੉ಅὉᚾ᬴ኳʕࢸỆỴἽἢỶἚửẴỦẮểỊᛐỜỤủộẶ date of their Residence Card. Exchange students are not Ữẇᴾ permitted to work part-time after completion of their ‒ program.

ܖ஖‒ ᡚӊଐ‒ Semester Moving-out Date ․•‣‫ ࠰ᅸܖ஖‒ ․•․• ࠰ ‣ உ ‥‣ ଐ≋᣿≌‒ 2019 Fall Semester Friday, January 31, 2020 ․•․• ࠰ବܖ஖‒ ․•․• ࠰ உ ‥‣ ଐ≋᣿≌‒ 2020 Spring Semester Friday, July 31, 2020 ‒‒ 1-2. ἩἿἂἻἲ̲ʕᎍồỉỼἼỺὅἘὊἉἹὅ Program Completion Orientation

ᴾ Fall Semester Program Completion Orientationە ஖ἩἿἂἻἲ̲ʕᎍồỉỼἼỺὅἘὊἉἹὅᴾܖṼᅸ ᧏͵ଐṞᴾᴾ Session ձ ଐ଺ᾉᴾᴾ ᵐᵎᵏᵗ ࠰ ᵏᵏ உ ᵖί᣿ὸᵏᵕᵘᵎᵎᵋᵏᵖᵘᵑᵎᴾᴾ Date: Friday, November 7, 2019. 17:00-18:30 ৑ᾉᴾᴾ ᾖᵋᵧᵱ ӭ᫾ ᵏᵎᵖᴾᴾ Place: G-IS 108ئ ᧏͵ଐṟᴾᴾ Session ղ ଐ଺ᾉᴾᴾ ᵐᵎᵏᵗ ࠰ ᵏᵏ உ ᵏᵑ ଐί൦ὸᵏᵕᵘᵎᵎᵋᵏᵖᵘᵑᵎᴾᴾ Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019. 17:00-18:30 ৑ᾉᴾᴾ ᾖӭ᫾ ᵑᵐᵔᴾᴾ Place: G 326ئ ᴾ Spring Semester Program Completion Orientationە ஖ἩἿἂἻἲ̲ʕᎍồỉỼἼỺὅἘὊἉἹὅᴾܖṼବ ᧏͵ଐṞᴾ Session ձ ଐ଺ᾉᴾ ᵐᵎᵐᵎ ࠰ ᵔ உ ᵓ ଐί᣿ὸᵏᵕᵘᵎᵎᵋᵏᵖᵘᵑᵎᴾ Date: Friday, June 5, 2020 17:00-18:30 ᴾ Place: TBAܭ৑ᾉᴾ சئ ᧏͵ଐṟᴾ Session ղ ଐ଺ᾉᴾ ᵐᵎᵐᵎ ࠰ ᵔ உ ᵏᵎ ଐί൦ὸᵏᵕᵘᵎᵎᵋᵏᵖᵘᵑᵎᴾ Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 17:00-18:30 ᴾ Place: TBAܭ৑ᾉᴾ சئ 1-3. ዒዓỼἼỺὅἘὊἉἹὅỆếẟề Continuing Student Orientation ᧏͵ଐᴾ Session ଐ଺ᾉᴾ ᵐᵎᵏᵗ ࠰ ᵏᵏ உ ᵐᵕ ଐί൦ὸᵏᵕᵘᵎᵎᵋᵏᵖᵘᵑᵎᴾ Date: Wednesday, November 27, 2019. 17:00-18:30 ẍᴾ Place: G 326 Ẍᵲᶃᶌᶒᵿᶒᶇᶔᶃẍܭ৑ᾉᴾ ᾖӭ᫾ ᵑᵐᵔᴾ Ẍʖئ ‒‒ 1-4. ̲ʕࡸὉ̲ʕἣὊἘỵὊỆếẟề Closing Ceremony Fall Semester Closing Ceremony 2019ە ဃ̲ʕࡸὉ̲ʕἣὊἘỵὊᴾܖ஖ʩ੭ܖṼᅸ ଐ଺ᾉᴾ ᵐᵎᵐᵎ ࠰ ᵏ உ ᵏᵎ ଐί᣿ὸᴾ Date: Friday, January 10, 2020 (ᨈ˟᫾ᴾ ἾἍἩἉἹὅἭὊἽᴾ ᵮᶊᵿᶁᶃᾉ Kwansei Gakuin Kaikan (Reception Hallܖ৑ᾉᴾ ᧙ᙱئ Spring Semester Closing Ceremony 2019ە ဃ̲ʕࡸὉ̲ʕἣὊἘỵὊܖ஖ʩ੭ܖṼବ ଐ଺ᾉᴾ ᵐᵎᵐᵎ ࠰ ᵕ உ ᵏᵓ ଐί൦ὸᴾ ᵢᵿᶒᶃᾉ Wednesday, July 15, 2020 (ᨈ˟᫾ᴾ ἾἍἩἉἹὅἭὊἽᴾ Place: Kwansei Gakuin Kaikan (Reception Hallܖ৑ᾉᴾ ᧙ᙱئ

22 2ώʙѦܴỆếẟề Office Information .ỉʙѦܴỉ᧏ܴ଺᧓ỊˌɦỉểấụỂẴẇᴾ University office open hour is as belowܖٻ ʙѦܴ᧏ܴ଺᧓ᴾ University Office Hoursܖٻ ᡫࠝ஖ᴾ Regular Office Hours உ῍᣿ᴾ ᵖᵘᵓᵎᵋᵏᵏᵘᵑᵎᵊᴾᵏᵐᵘᵑᵎᵋᵏᵔᵘᵓᵎᴾ Monday - Friday 8:50-11:30, 12:30-16:50 ᴾ ᵖᵘᵓᵎᵋᵏᵐᵘᵐᵎᴾ Saturday 8:50-12:20ם ଐὉᅔᴾ ᧍ܴᴾ Sun. & National Holidays Closed ἇἰὊἑỶἲᴾ Summer Office Hours உ῍᣿ᴾ ᵗᵘᵎᵎᵋᵏᵏᵘᵑᵎᵊᴾᵏᵐᵘᵑᵎᵋᵏᵔᵘᵎᵎᴾ Monday – Friday 9:00-11:30, 12:30-16:00 ᴾ ᵗᵘᵎᵎᵋᵏᵐᵘᵎᵎᴾ Saturday 9:00-12:00ם ଐὉᅔᴾ ᧍ܴᴾ Sun. & National Holidays Closed ᵏᵌᴾ ᅔଐỊ᧍ܴẲềẟộẴầẆ੉ಅܱ଀ଐỉᅔଐỊᡫࠝᡫụ 1. KGU offices will be closed on Japanese National ᧏ܴẲềẟộẴẇᴾ Holidays, excluding Japanese National Holidays in which classes are conducted. ୴ 2. KGU offices will be closed on Saturdays between Julyם ୴ଐẆᵔ உẆᵗ உẆᵏᵎ உỉᇹ ᵐם ᵐᵌᴾ ᵓ உỉᇹ ᵐὉᇹ ᵒ ୴ଐỊ᧍ܴẲềẟộẴẇᴾ 31 and September 2, the second and fourth SaturdayםଐẆᵕ உ ᵑᵏ ଐ῍ᵗ உ ᵐ ଐỉ in May, and the second Saturday in June, September and October.

ʙѦܴ᧍ܴ஖᧓ᴾ Office Closures ಅᴾ ᵖ உ ᵏᵑ ଐ῍ᵐᵑ ଐᴾ Summer Break August 13 – 23˞ܓٰ Ϥܓ˞ಅᴾ ᵏᵐ உ ᵐᵒ ଐ῍ᵏ உ ᵓ ଐᴾ New Year Holiday December 24 – January 5 ɟᑍλᚾ஖᧓ᴾ ᵏ உ ᵑᵎ ଐ῍ᵐ உ ᵕ ଐᴾ General Entrance Examination January 30 – February 7 ‒‒ 3ώܖϋỉɼᙲ଀ᚨ Major Facilities on Campus

ᵏᵌᴾ ׎ᨥ૙ᏋὉңщἍὅἑὊᴾ Center for International Education and Cooperation ẦỤỉӖ The Center for International Education and Cooperationٳဃở૙ᎰՃỉෙܖ׎ᨥ૙ᏋὉңщἍὅἑὊỊẆ ,CIEC) is the central coordinating office for all students) ܖٻồỉ෉ᢔỉἅὊἙỵ἟ὊἚửẲềẟộẴẇٳλẆɳỎỆෙ faculty, and staff coming to KGU and going abroad. In the ᎍở૎ሊਃ࢘ᎍܖỉ׎ᨥ҄ửਖ਼ᡶẴỦᢿፙểẲềẆΟᅵễ promotion of international education for the university, the ửਔࢳẲẺಮẉễᜒࡈởἍἱἜὊỉܱ଀ởẆ׎ᡲễỄỉ׎ᨥ CIEC office sponsors various lectures, seminars, and ,ೞ᧙ểỉᡲઃửࢍ҄ỆѐỜềẟộẴẇཎỆẆ׎ᡲểỊ᧙̞ầ international conferences to which distinguished scholars .ửኽỎẆ policy-makers and legislators are invited as speakersܭขẪẆଐஜỂИỜềẆ׎ᡲἮἻὅἘỵỴᚘဒểỉң ဃἮἻὅἘỵỴử෉ᢔẲềẟộẴẇ׎ᨥ૙ CIEC also promotes cooperation with internationalܖ᧏ႆᡦɥ׎Ệ organizations such as the United Nations Volunteers ᏋὉңщἍὅἑὊỊᾖӭ᫾ỉ ᵏ ᨞ỆẝụộẴẇʩ੭ܖဃỉӖ which sends student volunteers each year to developing λʙѦμᑍỊ׎ᨥ૙ᏋὉңщἍὅἑὊỂؓụᘍỪủộẴẇᴾ countries in order to support development in various areas. Kwansei Gakuin University is the first university in Japan to carry out this project. The CIEC office is located on the first floor (ground floor) of Building G. All administrative matters applicable to exchange students are dealt with through the CIEC office.

CIEC Contact Information CIEC ᡲዂέ‒ ⅺ↸ Outside Japanٳ׎ϋⅺ↸ Inside Japan ෙ ᩓᛅ Telephone‒ 0798-51-0952 (+81)798-51-0952 ઃ࠘ᩓᛅ≋ዬ࣯଺↝↮≌Mobile Phone (emergency 090-2288-8029 (+81)90-2288-8029 only)‒ FAX 0798-51-0954 (+81)798-51-0954 E-mail [email protected] CIEC ˰৑ CIEC Mailing Address Ⅺ662-8501 Center for International Education and Cooperation, τࡉჄᙱܷࠊɥ⇗Ҿɟဪထ 1≐155 Kwansei Gakuin University, 1-155 Uegahara Ichiban-cho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662- ∞⇥∙⇡׎ᨥ૙Ꮛ∝ңщ ‒ܖٻᨈܖ᧙ᙱ 8501 23 ᵐᵌᴾ ̬ͤ᫾ᴾ Health Care Center ᵔᵌᴾ ᧙ᙱܖᨈ˟᫾ᴾ ᙱܷɥἃҾỿἵὅἣἋểᅕৎɤဋỿἵὅἣἋỆỊ̬ͤ᫾ầ The Nishinomiya Uegahara and Kobe Sanda Health Care ẝụẆ൑ଐẰộằộễᅹỉਃ࢘ҔầᚮݑửᘍẾềẟộẴẇᛇ Centers are staffed by various specialists at different times of the week. For a detailed examination schedule ኬỊ ᵑᵒ ἬὊἊửӋༀẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ please see page 34.

ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᵍᶄᵽᶆᶃᵿᶊᶒᶆᴾ https://www.kwansei.ac.jp/f_health/f_health_004018.html ‒ ᵑᵌᴾ ܖဃᛢᴾ Student Affairs Section ဃỆ੩̓Ẳề The Student Affairs Section provides useful informationܖửإဃဃ෇ỆểẾề̝МễऴܖဃᛢỂỊܖ ώẸỉ˂ỉ଀ᚨ .ỉλẾ for all students. The Lost and Found is in this officeإӳẆྵ᣿Ẇᝮ᣻ԼẆ̾ʴऴئẟộẴẇᓳẲཋửẲẺ Students can also obtain a JR Student Discount slip there. ẺờỉễỄỊܖဃᛢỆề̬ሥẰủộẴẇᵨᵰ ỉܖဃлࡽʈ៻

УờӕụৢẾềẟộẴẇᴾ The Student Affairs Section issues Student Commuter ʩ੭ܖဃầܭ஖УửទλẴỦᨥẆᡫܖܭ஖Уទλဎᡂ୿ Pass certificate in order for exchange students to ỊܖဃᛢỂႆᘍẰủộẴẇᴾ purchase Student Commuter Pass.

⁚⁦⁦⁢⁥‬‡‡⁩⁩⁩†⁝⁩⁓⁠⁥⁗⁛†⁓⁕†⁜⁢‡⁥⁦⁧⁖⁗⁠⁦⁥‡⁛⁠⁖⁗†⁚⁦ ⁞‒‚‼⁓⁢⁓⁠⁗⁥⁗‒⁡⁠⁞‛ ‒ ࿢ؾೞನᴾ IT Support Centerإᵒᵌᴾ ऴ ࿢ؾೞನỊἳἙỵỴ౐ỉ ᵏ ᨞ỆẝụộẴẇἉἋἘἲᾘᾓὉ The IT Support Center is located on the first floor of theإऴ ἣἋὁὊἛỉϐႆᘍởܖϋ ᵵᶇᵋᵤᶇ ỉႇ᥵ἇἯὊἚửẲềẟộ Media Building. Students can get help with their KG System ID and password reissued. Students can also get Ẵẇᴾ help to connect to the university Wi-Fi. ᴾ ⁚⁦⁦⁢⁥‬‡‡⁛⁕⁦†⁝⁩⁓⁠⁥⁗⁛†⁓⁕†⁜⁢‡‒ https://ict.kwansei.ac.jp/en/ ‒ ᵓᵌᴾ ܖဃ˟᫾ᴾ Student Union Building ܖဃ˟᫾Ịૼܖဃ˟᫾ể଒ܖဃ˟᫾ỉᾁ౐ầẝụộẴẇᴾ The Student Union Building is composed of two sections; ỽἧỹἘἼỴởἾἋἚἻὅẆܖဃỉἁἻἨ෇ѣỉᢿދầẮẮỆ the Student Union New Building, and the Student Union Old Building. Cafeterias, restaurants, and student club ẝụộẴẇܖဃ˟᫾ỉМဇ଺᧓ỊഏỉểấụỂẴẇᴾ rooms are located in these buildings. The operating hours of the Student Union Buildings are as follow.

୴ଐᴾ ᡫࠝ଺᧓ᴾ ἇἰὊἑỶἲᴾ Day Regular Hours Summer Hours உ῍᣿ᴾ ᵖᵘᵎᵎḗᵐᵏᵘᵎᵎᴾ ᵗᵘᵎᵎḗᵏᵗᵘᵎᵎᴾ Mon. ̽ Fri. 8:00̺21:00 9:00̺19:00 ᴾ ᵖᵘᵎᵎḗᵐᵏᵘᵎᵎᴾ ᵗᵘᵎᵎḗᵏᵗᵘᵎᵎᴾ Sat. 8:00̺21:00 9:00̺19:00ם ଐὉᅔଐᴾ ᵖᵘᵎᵎḗᵐᵏᵘᵎᵎᴾ ᵗᵘᵎᵎḗᵏᵗᵘᵎᵎᴾ Sun. & Holidays 8:00̺21:00 9:00̺19:00

˞᫾ᴾ Closed - ൑உᇹ ᵒ ଐ୴Ẇᵏ உẆᵐ உỉᇹ ᵏẆᇹ ᵐ ଐ୴ଐᴾ - 4th Sunday of each month and the 1st and 2nd Sunday ಅ஖᧓ᾉᵖ உ ᵏᵑ ଐ῍ᵏᵕ ଐᴾ of January and February˞ܓٰ - - Summer holiday: August 13 – 17 Ϥܓ˞ಅ஖᧓ᾉᵏᵐ உ ᵐᵕ ଐ῍ᵏ உ ᵓ ଐᴾ - - Winter holiday: December 27 – January 5 - Ẹỉ˂ܖᨈầܭỜẺ᪥ᴾ - Other days designated by the University

දॖᴾ Notice ḤỽἧỹἘἼỴẆἾἋἚἻὅỉփಅ଺᧓ỊီễụộẴẇ᧙ܖဃң ͤOpening hours for cafeteria and restaurants differ from ỉἭὊἲἬὊἊửᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ above. Please refer to KG Co-op webpage. ‒ ܖဃ˟᫾὾Student Union Buildingᴾ URL: https://www.kwansei.ac.jp/students/students_001170.html (Japanese Only) ᧙ܖဃң὾KG Co-op URL: http://www.kgcoop.jp (Japanese Only) ‒

24 ᵔᵌᴾ ᧙ᙱܖᨈ˟᫾ᴾ Kwansei Gakuin Kaikan ᵏᵗᵗᵗ ࠰ᅸỆỼὊἩὅẲẺẮỉ଀ᚨỊẆἾἍἩἉἹὅἭὊἽẆ Opened in the fall of 1999, this facility houses a reception ἧỻὊἰἽἾἋἚἻὅẆ˟ᜭܴẆἍἱἜὊܴẆἻỸὅἊẆἫὊ἖ hall, a formal restaurant, a conference room, seminar ἓἵἬἽầẝụộẴẇᴾ rooms, a lounge, and the Bates Chapel. ἾἋἚἻὅẐἯἩἻẑỂỊẆԧ᫢ởබ᫢ỉܓራἳἝἷὊởἅὊ The restaurant, "Poplar," offers regularly alternating special ἋἳἝἷὊễỄᝅ݈ễ૰ྸử੩̓ẲềẟộẴẇᴾ main courses, as well as a seasonal menu with Western and Japanese dishes. ἅὊἤὊỴὁὊở̲ʕࡸễỄỉỶἫὅἚửܱ଀ẲộẴẇᴾ Coffee Hour and Completion Ceremony will be held in this place.

4ώẸỉ˂ỉ଀ᚨ Other Facilities ׋୿᫾ᴾ University Library ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶊᶇᶀᶐᵿᶐᶗᵌᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᵍᴾ https://library.kwansei.ac.jp/e ᴾ ἚἾὊἝὅἂἍὅἑὊᴾ Training Center

ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᵍᶑᶒᶓᶂᶃᶌᶒᶑᵍᶑᶒᶓᶂᶃᶌᶒᶑᵽᵎᵎᵐᵖᵖ https://ciec.kwansei.ac.jp/study/exchange/studentlife/fa ᵗᵌᶆᶒᶋᶊᴾ cilities.html ểἩὊἽᴾ Gymnasium and Poolئᇤ২

ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᵍᶑᶒᶓᶂᶃᶌᶒᶑᵍᶑᶒᶓᶂᶃᶌᶒᶑᵽᵎᵎᵑᵗᵎ https://ciec.kwansei.ac.jp/study/exchange/studentlife/fa ᵏᵌᶆᶒᶋᶊᴾ cilities.html#h3-004 ᴾ ҘАỿἵὅἩᴾ Sengari Camp ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᵍᶄᵽᶑᶃᶌᶅᵿᶐᶇᵍᴾ https://www.kwansei.ac.jp/f_sengari/ ᴾ (Japanese only)

Ӵޢᚡࣞ᫾ᴾ Yoshioka Memorial Hall

ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᵍᶗᶍᶑᶆᶇᶍᶉᵿᵍᶗᶍᶑᶆᶇᶍᶉᵿᵽᵎᵎᵏᵐᵗ https://www.kwansei.ac.jp/yoshioka/yoshioka_001297.h ᵕᵌᶆᶒᶋᶊᴾ tml ᴾ (Japanese only) (ؘᴾ Central Auditorium (125th Anniversary Auditoriumᜒځɶ

ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᵍᶐᵽᶆᶇᶑᶒᶍᶐᶗᵍᶐᵽᶆᶇᶑᶒᶍᶐᶗᵽᵎᵎᵖᵕᵑ ᵔᵌᶆᶒᶋᶊᴾ https://www.kwansei.ac.jp/r_history/r_history_008736.ht ᴾ ml (Japanese only) ዮӳૅੲἍὅἑὊίỽỸὅἍἼὅἂܴὸᴾ Student Support and Counseling Office ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᵍᶓᶌᶇᶔᶃᶐᶑᶇᶒᶗᵍᶓᶌᶇᶔᶃᶐᶑᶇᶒᶗᵽᵎᵎᵑ https://www.kwansei.ac.jp/university/university_003953.ht ml ᵗᵓᵑᵌᶆᶒᶋᶊᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ

25 5ώỿἵὅἣἋဃңὉࡃὉἇὊἥἋ

ᙱܷɥἃҾỿἵὅἣἋ ૼܖဃ˟᫾ ৑ᴾ ᛇኬᴾئ ӸЭᴾ ẨễỽἧỹἘἼỴẇỴἻỽἽἚẆἍἕἚἳἝἷὊẆ᰹᫏ẆỽἾὊễỄٻỂɟဪܖٻ ɦᴾ ಮẉễἳἝἷὊử৖᪭ễ̖఍Ể੩̓ẇἲἋἼἲἧἾὅἛἼὊἳἝἷὊỉӕৢẟẝעͨ҅ ᫢ؘᴾ ᵠᶇᶅᴾᵮᵿᶎᵿᴾ ụẇᴾ ɦᴾ බ᫢ἾἋἚἻὅẇ᠉᫢ởἇἻἒẆἅὊἤὊẆኗᒧử੩̓ẇᴾעᴾ ிͨދᅕৎ ỼἧἑỶἲᴾ ᾀ᨞ᙱͨᴾ ᠉᫢ẆἋἣἄἕἘỵẆἙἈὊἚẆἻὅἓἍἕἚẆἅὊἤὊẆኗᒧử੩̓ẇᴾ ἿἥὅἧἕἛᴾ ᾀ᨞ᙱͨᴾ ἋἜἕἁẆἻὅἓἮἕἁἋẆἏἧἚἛἼὅἁሁửᝤ٥ẇᴾ ɤဋދᴾ ᾀ᨞ிͨᴾ ἋἘὊỿởἡὅἢὊἂἍἕἚẆἅὊἤὊởኗᒧử੩̓ẇᴾ ிʮࡋᴾ ᾀ᨞ிͨᴾ ଐஜ᫢ἾἋἚἻὅẇ᰹᫏ẆẦếɽẆἍἕἚἳἝἷὊễỄಮẉễἳἝἷὊử੩̓ẇᴾ ׎୿ቔởᩃᛏử ᵓ῍ᵏᵎᵃỼἧỂᝤ٥ẇ࠰Ệૠׅ ᵏᵓᵃỼἧỉଐٳଐஜᛖ୿ቔẆ ୿ቔᴾ ᾀ᨞҅ͨᴾ ầẝỦẇᴾ ೞ֥Ẇ᫢ỔཋẆଐဇԼẆἅὅἣἁἚἙỵἋἁẆೞ֥Ẇ஌Ẇ᪇Ẇᵩᵥ ἂἕ܇૨φẆᩓ ဃңἧỻὊἻἲࡃᴾ ᾀ᨞҅ͨᴾ ἌẆ׎ᨥἘἾἭὅỽὊἛởἋἯὊ἖ဇԼửᝤ٥ẇᴾ ଄ᘍởӲᆔἓἃἕἚỉ৖ᣐầӧᏡẇᴾٳ଄ᘍỽỸὅἑὊᴾ ᾀ᨞҅ͨᴾ ׎ϋẆෙ

଒ܖဃ˟᫾ᴾ ৑ᴾ ᛇኬᴾئ ӸЭᴾ Ẩễ᫢ؘẇἍἕἚἳἝἷὊởुᓔỉ᣽ụ٥ụẌἂٻಮẉễ᫢Ổཋử੩̓ẲềẟỦ ᫢ؘᴾ ᵠᶇᶅᴾᵫᵿᶋᵿᴾ ᴾ ᾀ᨞ᴾ ἻἲἢỶỿὅἂẍầẝỦẇἲἋἼἲἧἾὅἛἼὊἳἝἷὊỉӕৢẟẝụẇᴾ ἯἃἕἚἰἰᴾ ᾀ᨞ᴾ ἣὅẆἋἜἕἁẆἙἈὊἚẆấࡰ࢘ẆἏἧἚἛἼὅἁửᝤ٥ẇᴾ ἅἦὊἅὊἜὊᴾ ᾀ᨞ᴾ ἅἦὊೞỉМဇầӧᏡẇᴾ

৑ᴾئỉ˂ ৑ᴾ ᛇኬᴾئ ӸЭᴾ ɦ ᵐ ᨞ᴾ ἇὅἛỶἕἓẆἦἻἧẆἙἈὊἚờẝỦտᒧࡃẇᴾעỴἽỽἙỵỴᴾ ׋୿᫾ ἍἨὅỶἾἨὅᴾ ᵥ ӭ᫾ ᵏ ᨞ᴾ ᫢Ổཋở᫩ỚཋễỄẆಮẉễՠԼửፗẟềẟỦἅὅἥἝỺὅἋἋἚỴẇᴾ ἋἑὊἢἕἁἋᴾ ᵥ ӭ᫾ ᵏ ᨞ᴾ ἅὊἤὊἉἹἕἩẇᴾ ؘ ᵏ ᨞ᴾ ἅὊἤὊẆἋἜἕἁẆἣὅẆ᫩ỚཋễỄửᝤ٥ẇᴾᜒځἍὅἚἻἽἯἃἕἚᴾ ɶ

ᅕৎɤဋỿἵὅἣἋ ᇹɟҽဃ౐ᴾ ৑ᴾ ᛇኬᴾئ ӸЭᴾ ἻὅἓἮἕἁἋᴾ ᵏ ᨞ᴾ ᰹᫏ẆỽἾὊễỄಮẉễἻὅἓἍἕἚởỴἻỽἽἚửᝤ٥ẇᴾ ઃ࠘ᩓᛅẆ୿ቔỉᝤ٥Ẇ૨φởἣἏἅὅẆᾐᾥೞ֥ẆଐဇԼẆἉἵἚἽἢἋУử ἚỶἮἕἁἋᴾ ᵐ ᨞ᴾ ᝤ٥ẇ଄ᘍỉӕৢờẝụẇᴾ

ᇹʚҽဃ౐ᴾ ৑ᴾ ᛇኬᴾئ ӸЭᴾ ἧἾἕἉἷἮἕἁἋᴾ ᵏ ᨞ᴾ ᰹᫏ẆỽἾὊễỄಮẉễἻὅἓἍἕἚởỴἻỽἽἚửᝤ٥ẇᴾ ἣὅἉἹἕἩᴾ ᵐ ᨞ᴾ ἏἧἚἛἼὅἁẆἇὅἛỶἕἓẆἋἜἕἁễỄửᝤ٥ẇᴾ

ᇹɤҽဃ౐ᴾ ৑ᴾ ᛇኬᴾئ ӸЭᴾ ỽἻἧἽἮἕἁἋᴾ ᵏ ᨞ᴾ ἅὅἥἝỺὅἋἋἚỴẇἏἧἚἛἼὅἁẆἇὅἛỶἕἓẆἋἜἕἁễỄỉӕৢẟẝụẇᴾ ᴾ

26 5. Campus Co-op, Shops and Service

Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus STUDENT UNION NEW BUILDING Name Location Description The largest cafeteria on campus, serving food a la carte, set lunches, Big Papa Cafeteria BF, North Wing noodles, curry and various other dishes at inexpensive prices. Muslim Friendly meals are also available. Kobeya BF, East Wing This Western-style restaurant serves light meals, salads, coffee and tea. Coffee, Tea, light meals, spaghetti, desserts, and set lunches are served Off-Time 1F West Wing here. Robin Hood 1F West Wing Snacks, box lunches, and soft-drinks are available for purchase. Sandaya 1F East Wing This restaurant serves steak meals, coffee and tea. This is Japanese style restaurant serving noodles, katsu-don (pork cutlet Tonkin-an 1F East Wing over rice), set menus and various other foods. Japanese and a limited selection of foreign books and magazines can Book Store 1F North Wing be purchased at a 5 –10% percent discount. A few times a year, 15% discount sales for all books are held. Stationery, electronics, food, daily necessities, compact disks, Coop Forum Store 1F North Wing appliances, clothes, shoes, KG goods, international telephone cards and sports good are available for purchase. Domestic and international travel tickets for various forms of Travel Service Counter 1F North Wing transportation are available.

STUDENT UNION OLD BUILDING Name Location Description This large cafeteria serves a variety of foods. Food can be ordered from Big Mama 1F the set menu or a buffet is available where the food is paid for based on Cafeteria its weight. Muslim Friendly meals are also available. Fresh bread and pastries, snacks, deserts, pack lunches, and soft drinks Pocket Mama 1F are available at this store. Copy Corner 1F Copy machines are available for use.

OTHER BUILDINGS Name Location Description Arcadia University Library, B2 A coffee shop also serving sandwiches, pilaf, and desserts. 7 -Eleven Building G, 1F A convenience selling food, drinks, and various other goods. Starbucks Building G, 1F Serves specialty coffee, sandwiches and snacks. Central Pocket Central Auditorium, 1F Sells coffee, snacks, bread, pastries, soft drinks, etc.

Kobe Sanda Campus STUDENT HALL I Name Location Description Various set lunches and a la carte items, including noodles, curry and Lunch Box 1F rice are served. This store offers mobile phone services, sales of text books, office and school supplies, personal computers, A/V equipment and everyday Toy Box 2F items, travel arrangements, campus shuttle bus tickets and various other services.

STUDENT HALL II Name Location Description Various set lunches and a la carte items, including noodles, sandwiches Fresh Box 1F and snacks are available. Pan Shop 2F Soft-drinks, sandwiches, and snacks are available for purchase.

STUDENT HALL III Name Location Description Colorful Box 1F Convenience store; soft-drinks, sandwiches, snacks, etc.



1ώẟếờਤẾềấẪờỉ Things you should always have on you

သỽὊἛ ձResidence Cardנ Ṟᴾ ṟᴾ ܖဃᚰᴾ ղStudent ID Ṡᴾ ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖᴾᴾ ճNational Health Insurance Card ṡᴾ ዬ࣯ᡲዂỽὊἛᴾ մEmergency Contact Card

2ώʩ੭ܖဃỉࠊࢫ৑Ểỉ৖ዓẨ Procedure for Exchange Students ỼἼỺὅἘὊἉἹὅỉ஖᧓ɶỆẆỼἼỺὅἘὊἉἹὅἇἯὊἚ Exchange students will follow necessary procedures with ᵲᶃᵿᶋ ểɟደỆࠊࢫ৑ỆᘍẾềɦᚡỉ৖ዓẨửᘍẟộẴẇᴾ the assistance of their "Orientation Support Team”.  Bring your ձ Passport ਤӋẴỦờỉᾉṞἣἋἯὊἚᴾ ղ Residence Card သỽὊἛᴾ ճ Student Cardנᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾṟ ᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾṠܖဃᚰᴾ

ᾋଐஜ׎ቔửஊẴỦ૾ᾍᴾ ᾋJapanese Nationalsᾍ ਤӋẴỦờỉᾉᴾ ᴾ Please bring the following items: Ṟ ἣἋἯὊἚᴾ ձ Passport ղ Copy of Family Registry ṟᴾ ৎቔᜈஜỉϙẲᴾ ճ Student Card Ṡᴾ ܖဃᚰᴾ

2-1.ᴾ ᠃λ৖ዓẨί˰ൟႇ᥵ὸ Registering Your Address (Jumin Toroku) ৑ầൿộẾềẦỤ ᵏᵒ ଐˌϋỆ˰ỮỂẟ Exchange students must register their address within 14ئဃỊẆ˰ớܖʩ੭ ЈửẲễẬủịễụộẶỮẇࠊࢫ৑Ể days after their place of stay has been decided. You willފỉעއ˰Ủࠊထ஭Ệ have to write your address on a registration form so the သỽὊἛỆ˰৑נỊ୿᫏Ệ˰৑ễỄỉ࣏ᙲʙ᪮ửᚡλẲềẆ civil servant can write your address on the back of your ửᚡλẲềờỤẟộẴẇᴾ Residence Card. ӳờ ᵏᵒ ଐˌϋỆ᠃ЈὉ᠃λ৖ዓẨầ࣏ ͤYou must also register your new address within 14ئḤࡽẾឭẲửẲẺ ᙲỂẴẇᴾ days if you change residencies. ͤYou must go to the city/district office again to cancel ửЈẲộẲỢạẇᴾފḤ࠙׎ЭỆờ࣏ẵࠊғࢫ৑ỆᘍẨẆ᠃Ј your address registry before you leave Japan.

˰ൟႇ᥵ửẴỦẮểỂ ᘻ᩿Ệ˰৑ầᚡ᠍Ằ ủộẴẇ㻌 ᵟᴾ ᶁᶇᶔᶇᶊᴾ ᶑᶃᶐᶔᵿᶌᶒᴾ ᶕᶇᶊᶊᴾ ᶕᶐᶇᶒᶃᴾᶗᶍᶓᶐᴾᵿᶂᶂᶐᶃᶑᶑᴾᶍᶌᴾ ᶒᶆᶃᴾ ᶀᵿᶁᶉᴾ ᶍᶄᴾ ᶗᶍᶓᶐᴾ ᵰᶃᶑᶇᶂᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾᵡᵿᶐᶂᵌᴾ 㻌

׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖồỉьλểቇତဎԓ Enrolling in Japan National Health Insurance .2-2 ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖỊ̬ᨖ૰ử൑உૅ৚ảịẆᵑᵎᵃ᝟ਃỂ඙ၲử People living in Japan for more than three months must သẴỦʩ enroll in Japanese National Health Insurance. StudentsנӖẬỦẮểầỂẨỦСࡇỂẆଐஜỆ ᵑ ỽஉửឬảề enrolled will only have to pay 30% of the total cost of ੭ܖဃỊμՃьλẲễẬủịễụộẶỮẇьλỉᨥỊܖဃ medical expenses. Students should make sure to show ᚰử੩ᅆẲẆ̬ᨖ૰ỉถβửӖẬỦẺỜỆẐቇତဎԓ৖ዓ their student card in order to receive the student ẨẑờᘍẾềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ discount. Ṳ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖᚰỉӖẬӕụ To Receive Your Card ̬ᨖᚰỊቇତ୿သỂފẨộẴẇᵆቇତ୿သỉᛇኬỆếẟềỊ Your National Health Insurance card will be sent by ᵮᵌᵐᵗ ửӋༀẪẻẰẟẇᵇᴾ registered mail to your address. (See P. 29 for details about registered mail)

28 Ṳ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖỉ̅ẟ૾ᴾ How to Use the National Health Insurance ၏ᨈỂ̬ᨖᚰử੩ᅆẴỦẮểỂᚮݑᝲỉ ᵑᵎή᝟ਃỂ඙ By presenting an insurance card at a hospital, you can ၲửӖẬỦẮểầỂẨộẴẇᴾ receive treatment at 30% of the cost of consultation. ၏ᨈỆᘍẪᨥỊ࣏ẵ̬ᨖᚰửਤӋẲộẲỢạẇᴾ Always bring an insurance card when going to a hospital. Ṳ̬ᨖ૰ỉૅ৚ẟ How to Pay ̬ᨖ૰ỉ৚ẟᡂỚဇኡầᐯܡỆފẨộẴỉỂ࣏ẵૅ৚ẟử A payment slip will arrive in your mailbox. Use the slip to ẲềẪẻẰẟẇἅὅἥἝẆ᤼ᘍẆᣁ̝ޅẆࠊғࢫ৑Ể৚ạẮểầ pay at convenience stores, your bank, post office, or at the city/district office. (The amount that you pay for your ỂẨộẴẇᵆ൑உỉ̬ᨖ૰ỊẆࠊғထ஭ắểỆီễụộẴẇᵇᴾ health insurance depends on where you live.) ̬ᨖ૰Ị൑உૅ৚ạợạỆẲộẲỢạẇộộểỜềૅ৚ẾềỊẟ Pay your health insurance fees every month. You do not ẬộẶỮẇᴾ need to pay for them all at once.

׎ൟ࠰᣿ỉьλể̬ᨖ૰βᨊὉኛ˄྅ʖСࡇỉဎᛪ National Pension and National Pension Exemption .2-3 ଐஜ׎ϋỆ˰ỮỂẟỦ ᵐᵎ ബˌɥ ᵔᵎ ബச฼ỉẴỔềỉʴỊ Residents who turn 20 years old while living in Japan ׎ൟ࠰᣿ỉьλᎍίᘮ̬ᨖᎍὸểễụộẴẇᵐᵎ ബˌɥỉʩ੭ receive a notification for National Pension. Those who are 20 years or older and under 60 years old must pay ဃᚰử੩ᅆẲܖဃỊẆ׎ൟ࠰᣿ỉьλỉ৖ዓẨỉᨥỆܖ for pension. ềẆ̬ᨖ૰βᨊὉኛ˄྅ʖСࡇỉဎᛪửẲộẲỢạẇᴾ Exchange Students should apply to be exempt of the ᴾ National Pension at the City Hall by showing student card or when they receive notification for National Pension. Ṳ׎ൟ࠰᣿৖ࠚỉӖӕ To Receive your Pension Book ẨộẴỉỂ̬ሥẲềấẟềẪẻ Your Pension Book will be sent by registered mail to yourފ׎ൟ࠰᣿৖ࠚỊቇତ୿သỂ Ằẟẇᵆቇତ୿သỆếẟềỉᛇኬỊˌɦửӋༀẲềẪẻẰẟẇᵇᴾ address. (See below for details about registered mail.) ᴾ

Ṿቇତ୿သỆếẟề About Registered Mail ቇତ୿သỊᣁ̝ཋỉࡽӖểᣐᢋửᚡ᥵ẴỦᣁ̝ỂẴẇᴾ Registered mail is a mail that records delivery of mail. Ắỉᣁ̝ཋửӖẬӕỦ଺ỊҮᦷộẺỊἧἽ἟ὊἲỉፙӸầ When you receive a registered mail, you need to sign for it. ࣏ᙲễỉỂẆ࣏ẵ৖บẲᣐᢋửẰủộẴẇᴾ In case of absence, it will not be delivered and an ᡲዂᅚầἯἋἚỆλủỤủỦỉỂẆࢸଐᣐ Undeliverable Item Notice will be posted. Using theנӳỊɧئỉנɧ ᢋử̔᫂ẴỦẦᣁ̝ޅỆᐯЎỂӖẬӕụỆᘍẪ࣏ᙲầẝụộ notice, you can request for a redelivery at a later date. Ẵẇᴾ You can also pick it up at a designated post office.

29 3. ἰỶἜὅἢὊᡫჷỽὊἛỆếẟềᴾ About the “My Number Card” Notice ώܭ஖ғ᧓Ệếẟề ଐஜỆއ˰ẲềẟỦẴỔềỉʴỆẐἰỶἜὅἢὊẑầ˄ɨẰủ All people who are living in Japan will receive a “My ૾᩿ḵʶ߷ᬜᴾ ᴾشộẴẇᴾ Number card” Notice in the mail. ᧵࣯ܰ ᬜטẐἰỶἜὅἢὊᡫჷỽὊἛẑỊẆࠊࢫ৑ỉ৖ዓẨࢸẆẲịỤẪẲề It will be sent by registered mail to your address shortly ᙱܷ҅ӝ૾᩿ḵဍி ቇତ୿သỂ˰ൟႇ᥵ẲềẟỦ˰৑ỆފẬỤủộẴẇᵆቇତ୿ after you complete the necessary procedures at City Hall. သỆếẟềỉᛇኬỊ᾿ᵌᵐᵗ ửӋༀẪẻẰẟᵇᴾ (See p. 29 for details about registered mail) ẐἰỶἜὅἢὊᡫჷỽὊἛẑỊẆࠊࢫ৑ỂỉẴỔềỉ৖ዓẨỆ࣏ You will likely need this card whenever you do something ЏỆ̬ሥẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ at the City Hall, so make sure that you take proper careٻᙲỆễụộẴỉỂẆ of it and keep it in a safe place at all times. 


4. ᧵࣯ᩓ៻ỉᡫܖܭ஖Уទλ૾ඥᴾ How to Purchase Hankyu Student Commuter Pass

ʩ੭ܖဃỊẆ᧵࣯ᩓᤧὉ᧵ᅕᩓᤧὉ᧵࣯ἢἋỉᡫܖܭ஖ửទ Exchange students can purchase a student commuter ,ɦᤧሁỂỊẆᡫ pass for the following companies only: Hankyu RailwayעλẴỦẮểầỂẨộẴẇᵨᵰ ởẸỉ˂ỉἢἋὉ ܖܭ஖ỊទλỂẨộẶỮẇᴾ Hanshin Railway, and Hankyu Bus. JR and others are သỽὊἛỉἅἦὊ੩Јנ .excluded

4-1ώ৖ዓẨỆ࣏ᙲễờỉ What to Bring to Buy Student Commuter Pass ձܖဃᚰᴾ ձStudent Card ᵐᵎᵏᵗ ᖺ ᵗ ᭶ ᵐᵎ ᪥ ஖Уទλ୿ὸᴾ ղStudent Commuter Pass Certificate ώἾὅἑἽࠋׇἍἕἚӖ᪸୿ỉ੩ЈίݣᝋᎍỉỚὸܭܖᚰଢ୿ίᡫܖղᡫ ճྵ᣿ộẺỊἁἾἊἕἚỽὊἛᴾ ճCash or a credit card ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ

4-2ώទλ૾ඥ Where to Buy Your Student Commuter Pass? ᵐᵎᵏᵗ ᖺ ᵗ ᭶ ᵐᵎ ᪥ ᬜὸỂ Please buy your Student Commuter Pass at the windowشẨễᬜίᙱܷ҅ӝᬜởܰٻ஖Уỉᝤ٥ᆸӝầẝỦܭ ticket counter at either Nishinomiya-Kitaguchi Station or ώ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖᚰỉἅἦὊ੩Ј ஖УỉទλỊỂẨ Hankyu Takarazuka Station. (Exchange students cannotܭဃỊᝤ٥ೞỂܖទλẲềẪẻẰẟẇίʩ੭ ộẶỮẇὸᴾ buy their commuter passes by using a ticket machine.) Make sure to bring cash or a credit card. (3,000 ~ 10,000 ྵ᣿ộẺỊἁἾἊἕἚỽὊἛỂទλỂẨộẴẇίᵑᵎᵎᵎ ό῍ JPY/ 3 months commuter pass) ᵐᵎᵏᵗ ࠰ ᵗ உ ᵑᵎ ଐ ᵏᵎᵊᵎᵎᵎ ό὾ᵑ Ầஉὸᴾ ᴾ

30 4-3ώܭ஖ғ᧓Ệếẟề Commuter Pass Distance Limits ܭ஖ғ᧓ỊˌɦỉᡫụᚨܭẰủộẴẇᴾ Upon arrival, your Commuter pass will be set as follows: Hankyu Takarazuka => Nigawa Station ૾᩿ḵʶ߷ᬜᴾ ᴾش࣯ܰ᧵ Nishinomiya-Kitaguchi => Kotoen Station ᬜᴾטᙱܷ҅ӝ૾᩿ḵဍி ᬜỉỄẼỤ You are only able to purchase a Student Commuter Passטỉஇ݃ụᬜίʶ߷ᬜộẺỊဍிܖέẦỤ᧙נ๛ that is from your place of stay to your final station ஖УỊទλỂẨộẶ destination (either Nigawa or Kotoen, whichever is closerܭέỆᡈẟ૾ὸộỂỉғ᧓ẲẦנẦ๛ έửờểỆൿỜỤủ to your place of stay). The limits for your pass haveנԓẰủềẟẺ๛إỮẇẮỉғ᧓ỊʙЭỆ already been set in accordance with the location of your ềẟộẴẇᴾ accommodation (dorm, homestay or self-arranged ᴾ apartment). You cannot purchase a Student Commuter Pass that is outside of your travel limits. ୼ẴỦẮểỊẆࡽẾឭẲửᨊẟềҾЩỂẨộ The departure and arrival locations for your Student٭஖Уỉғ᧓ửܭ Commuter Pass can only be changed if your address ӳ changes. If you are planning on moving, please contactئ୼ầ࣏ᙲỆễỦ٭஖Уỉғ᧓ܭẶỮẇࡽẾឭẲễỄỂ ỊẆଔỜỆ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ộỂႻᛩẲềẪẻẰẟẇܖဃᛢỂ৖ዓẨὉဎᛪ CIEC in advance to begin the process by first filling out an application. After applying it takes approximately two ẲềẆ১ᛐầấụỦộỂኖ ᵐ ᡵ᧓ẦẦụộẴẇᴾ weeks for official approval.

ӳ When A Student Commuter Pass Expiresئ஖Уỉஊј஖ᨂầЏủẺܭ4-4ώ ܖဃᛢᵆᵮᵌᵑᵎ ӋༀᵇỆᡫܖᚰଢ୿ίᡫܖܭ஖Уទλဎᡂ୿ὸ When your Student Commuter Pass expires, please go to the Student Affairs Section (refer to p.30) to receive a ửờỤẟỆᘍẾềẪẻẰẟẇẸỉ୿᫏ửਤẾề᧵࣯ᙱܷ҅ӝᬜ Student Commuter Pass Certificate and then use it to -஖УửទλẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ purchase a new pass at either Hankyu NishinomiyaܭᬜỆᘍẾềૼẲẟشẦ᧵࣯ܰ Kitaguchi Station or Hankyu Takarazuka Station. Ḥ᧵ᅕᩓᤧὉ᧵ᅕἢἋỉܭ஖УỆếẟềỊẆɥᚡỉ૾ඥỂỊ ͤ If you are buying a commuter pass from another company such as Hanshin Railways and Hanshin Bus, ទλỂẨộẶỮỉỂදॖẲềẪẻẰẟẇᵡᵧᵣᵡ ẦỤКᡦకϋẲộ you cannot follow the above described process. A CIEC Ẵẇᴾ staff will explain how to purchase such Commuter Pass separately.


သỽὊἛỉἅἦὊ੩Ј Residence Card Copy Submissionנ .1 .သỽὊἛỉἅἦὊử੩ЈẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ Please submit a copy of your Residence Cardנʕࢸỉܦൟႇ᥵˰ ੩Ј஖ᨂᾉᴾ Submission Deadline: Ṿᅸܖ஖Ӗλʩ੭ܖဃᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᵐᵐᵎᵏᵗ ᖺ ᵗ ᭶ ᵐᵎ ᪥ᴾ ṾFall intake students September 20, 2019

(2ώἾὅἑἽࠋׇἍἕἚӖ᪸୿ỉ੩ЈίݣᝋᎍỉỚὸ Rental Futon Set Receipt Submission (if applicable ဃỊẆἾὅἑἽࠋׇἍἕἚӖ᪸୿Ệᚡ᠍Ằủềẟ Please check that all items listed on the Rental Futon SetܖλݜẴỦ ỦཋԼầᐯЎỉᢿދỆẝỦẦᄩᛐẲẆӖ᪸୿ử੩ЈẲềẪẻ Receipt are in your room and submit the Rental Futon Set Ằẟẇ Receipt. ੩Ј஖ᨂᾉᴾ Submission Deadline: Ṿᅸܖ஖Ӗλʩ੭ܖဃᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᵐᵐᵎᵏᵗ ᖺ ᵗ ᭶ ᵐᵎ ᪥ᴾ ṾFall intake students September 20, 2019

3ώ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖᚰỉἅἦὊ੩Ј National Health Insurance Card Copy Submission ьλửᄩᛐẲộẴỉỂἅἦὊử ᵡᵧᵣᵡ Ệ੩ЈẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ Please submit a copy of the card. ੩Ј஖ᨂᾉᴾ Submission Deadline: Ṿᅸܖ஖Ӗλʩ੭ܖဃᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᵐᵐᵎᵏᵗ ࠰ ᵗ உ ᵑᵎ ଐᴾ ṾFall intake students September 30, 2019

31 ỉ੩Ј Departure Date Notification Formފ4ώ࠙׎ Ị̲ʕᎍỼἼỺὅἘὊἉἹὅỉᨥỆบẲộẴẇᛇኬỆ The Departure Date Notification Form will be handed out toފ࠙׎ ếẟềỊ̲ʕᎍỼἼỺὅἘὊἉἹὅỆềấᛅẲẲộẴίᾟᵐᵐ Ӌ students during the Completion Orientation each semester. ༀὸẇᴾ More details will be given during this orientation. (refer to p.22) ੩Ј஖ᨂᾉᴾ Submission Deadline: Students finishing in Fall December 10, 2019ۻ ဃᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᵐᵐᵎᵏᵗ ࠰ ᵏᵐ உ ᵏᵎ ଐܖ஖̲ʕỉʩ੭ܖṾᅸ Students finishing in Spring Late June, 2020ۻ ဃᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᴾᵐᵐᵎᵐᵎ ࠰ ᵔ உ஛ắỨᴾܖ஖̲ʕỉʩ੭ܖṾବ

5ώἯἃἕἚ Wi-Fi ᡉҲ Pocket Wi-Fi Return ʕᎍỼἼỺὅἘὊἉἹὅỂἯἃἕἚ ᵵᶇᵋᵤᶇ ᡉҲဇݥለửᣐ You will receive a Return Envelop for the Pocket Wi-Fi̲ ࠋẲộẴẇᴾ during the Program Completion Orientation. ἯἃἕἚ ᵵᶇᵋᵤᶇ ửᡉҲဇݥለỆλủềẆӲᐯỂἯἋἚỆ৲Љ Please put the Pocket Wi-Fi inside the Return Envelop and ẲềẪẻẰẟᴾ deposit it in a postal box/post office.

(ԓ୿ίݣᝋᎍỉỚὸ Part-time Work Notification Form (if applicableإ6ώỴἽἢỶἚཞඞ ỉ KGU requires exchange students to wait two monthsܖẦỤ ᵐ ẦஉኺᢅẴủịẆѠڼ஖᧓᧏ܖဃỊသܖʩ੭ .ậỆễỤễẟểẟạር׊ϋỂỴἽἢỶἚửẴỦẮểầỂẨộ before doing any type of part-time workڳ Ẵẇᴾ Exchange students who received a work permit and are ဃ working part time have to submit the Part-time Workܖ෇ѣỉᚩӧửờỤẾềỴἽἢỶἚửẲềẟỦʩ੭ٳ᝻఍ .ԓ୿ử ᵡᵧᵣᵡ Ệ੩ЈẲễẬịẟẬộẶỮẇ Notification Form to CIECإỊỴἽἢỶἚཞඞ .෇ѣίỴἽἢỶἚὸỆếẟềỊ ᶎᵌᴾᵒᵗ ửӋༀẪẻẰẟẇᴾ For details about work permit, refer to p.49ٳ᝻఍

7ώ଄ᘍފ Trip Notification ӳỊẆܿ Even if it is only one night, place submit the form attachedئỉểẮỨỆܿජẴỦٳˌע˰އ৑ႇ᥵ửẲẺ˰ ජ஖᧓ửբỪẵẆ࣏ẵފЈửẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ when you will be spending the night out. ᴾ Overnight Stay Noticeފජٳ ểီ Exchange students going on a trip for at least one (1) nightע˰އẬЈềẟỦފỆܖᾀଐ῍ᵔ ଐ᧓Ẇஜ ӳỊẆɦᚡἼὅἁẦỤ but less than six (6) days should submit an “Overnight Stayئ৑ỆܿජẴỦئễỦ ẑử੩ЈẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ Notice” prior to departure. Please use the link below forފජٳẐ submission. ⁇⁄‾‬‒⁚⁦⁦⁢⁥‬‡‡⁘⁡⁤ †⁜⁡⁦⁘⁡⁤ †⁕⁡ ‡‪•‧• ‣‫‪… ‣‫ ᴾ ᴾ Temporary Leave Noticeފנᧈ஖ɧ ẑửݲ Exchange students going on a trip for more than 7 daysފנӳỊẐɧئဃỊᾀᡵ᧓ửឭảề଄ᘍỆᘍẪܖʩ੭ ễẪểờЈႆẲợạểẴỦ ᵏ ᡵ᧓ЭộỂỆ੩ЈẲẆᢩ࠙ࢸỊẴ should submit a “Temporary Leave Notice” at least one ԓẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ week prior to departure and notify the CIEC Office at soonإỚởẦỆᾒᾘᾔᾒỆ

ḤἇὅἩἽỊ ᶎᵌᵔᵓ ỆẝụộẴẇᴾ as they have returned. *Sample: p.65 ⁇⁄‾‬‒⁚⁦⁦⁢⁥‬‡‡⁕⁛⁗⁕†⁝⁩⁓⁠⁥⁗⁛†⁓⁕†⁜⁢‡⁥⁦⁧⁖‡⁗⁕⁚⁓⁠⁙⁗‡⁥⁦⁧⁖⁗⁠⁦⁞⁛⁘⁗‡⁡⁨⁗⁤⁠⁛⁙⁚⁦†⁚⁦ ⁞‒


1. ỶὅἢỸὅἛἳἙỵỽἽỴἉἋἑὅἚἇὊἥἋ Inbound Medical Assistance Service ẐỶὅἢỸὅἛἳἙỵỽἽỴἉἋἑὅἚἇὊἥἋẑỊẆʩ੭ܖဃầ The “Inbound Medical Assistance Service” is a service for .ଐஜỂဃ෇ẴỦ᧓Ệ၏ൢởẬầỂ׉ẾẺểẨỆ̅ạἇὊἥἋỂ international students in Japan Ẵẇᴾ ʩ੭ܖဃỊẆẐỶὅἢỸὅἛἳἙỵỽἽỴἉἋἑὅἚἇὊἥἋẑỉ As an exchange student, you are enrolled in the "Inbound ˟ՃỂẴỉỂẆẮỉἇὊἥἋử̅ạẮểầỂẨộẴẇᴾ Medical Assistance Service".

1-1. ἇὊἥἋϋܾ Service Contents ᾀώ၏ᨈኰʼᴾ 1. Referral ᫘ᢲễỄỂᡈẪỉ၏ᨈửჷụẺẟểẨẆᩓᛅỂ၏ᨈửኰʼ Referral to an appropriate health institutions (clinic ẲộẴẇࠎஓẴủịʖኖờẲộẴẇᴾ and hospital) ᵐᵌᴾ ᡫᚪᴾ 2. Interpretation ӳởᚮݑửӖẬềẟỦểẨẆộẺἑἁἉὊỂ Interpretation service provided over the phone duringئ၏ᨈỆᘍẪ ၏ᨈồᘍẪểẨễỄଐஜᛖỂ˟ᛅầᩊẲẟểẨẆᩓᛅỂ transportation or while in clinic/hospital (doctor's ᡫᚪẲộẴẇίҔࠖầᩓᛅᡫᚪἇὊἥἋỉМဇửᚩӧẲ permission necessary) ӳὸᴾئẺ ḤẮỉἇὊἥἋỊ̬ᨖỂỊẝụộẶỮẇᴾ ͤThis is NOT a medical insurance. ӳỊૅ৚ẟầ ͤ Members are responsible for all medical expensesئḤλᨈᝲẆ඙ၲẆ౨௹ễỄỉᝲဇầႆဃẲẺ ࣏ᙲỂẴẇᴾ incurred, hence students are required to enroll in the National Health Insurance.

ݣࣖᚕᛖểἇὊἥἋ଺᧓ Languages and Service Hours .1-2 ᴾ *ݣࣖᚕᛖᵘᴾ ᒍᛖὉɶ׎ᛖὉଐஜᛖὉ᪡׎ᛖόᴾ Language: English/Chinese/Japanese/Korean ἇὊἥἋ଺᧓ᵘᴾᵐᵒ ଺᧓ ᵑᵔᵓ ଐᴾ Service Time: 24hrs, 365 days Interpretation in Korean may be available ͤ ئḤ᪡׎ᛖỆếẟềỊ଺᧓࠘ỆợẾềݣࣖỂẨễẟ ӳầẝụộẴẇᴾ depending on time and days.

1-3. ᩓᛅဪӭ Phone Number ẒỶὅἢỸὅἛἳἙỵỽἽỴἉἋἑὅἚἇὊἥἋẓử̅ạểẨỊẆഏ Call the number below when you need to use the above ỉဪӭồᩓᛅẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ services.

ՃݦဇᩓᛅဪӭίἧἼὊἒỶἶἽỂỊẝụộẶỮὸᴾ˟ For members only (This is not a toll-free number) 

ḤᩓᛅửẦẬỦểẐଐஜỺἰὊἊỺὅἉὊỴἉἋἑὅἋỂẴẑể ͤThe operator will say “Nihon Emergency Assistance”. ἅὊἽἍὅἑὊỉ̞ỉʴầᩓᛅỆЈộẴẇᐯЎỉӸЭể᧙ Please give them your name and state that you are a .ဃẻểˡảềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ student from Kwansei Gakuin Universityܖỉܖٻᨈܖᙱ If asked for your contract number, please give yourͤ ܖٻᨈܖḤẐ˟Ճဪӭử૙ảềẪẻẰẟẑểᚕỪủẺỤẆ᧙ᙱ ỂỉܖဃဪӭửˡảềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ KGU student number.

1-4. දॖʙ᪮ Notes Ṟᴾ ἇὊἥἋỉ̅ảỦʴᾉᴾ ձ Who can use this service: ˟ՃஜʴỉỚἇὊἥἋử̅ạẮểầỂẨộẴᴾ All exchange students enrolled in the CJP Program ṟᴾ ἇὊἥἋỉ੩̓ೞ᧙ᾉᴾ ղ When/where can you use this service: ਦܭஹଐଐẦỤᡚӊଐộỂᴾ From the designated arrival day to moving out day :ӳᾉᴾ ճ This service cannot be used in case ofئṠᴾ ἇὊἥἋầӖẬỤủễẟ ,໎Ẇ৆ʗẆϋʏẆἘ Strikes, natural disaster, riot, terrorist attack, warټἎ἟ἻἽἋἚἻỶỿẆʩᡫἋἚἻỶỿẆ щʙ nuclear incident, traffic/transport restraint܇ࣄẆʩᡫὉ᠞ᡛСᨂẆ༪ႆẆҾإἿẆ୧ѣẆӒʏẆ ӳẇᴾئ૏ễỄầឪẨẺ

33 ׎ᛖỂӖᚮỂẨỦ၏ᨈ Hospital with Foreign Languages Service Availableٳ .2 ׎ᛖỂӖᚮầỂẨỦ၏ᨈầẝụộ There are a number of medical facilities and clinics inٳᙱܷࠊởᙱܷԗᡀỆỊ Nishinomiya and the surrounding area which are ẴẇᛇኬỊɦᚡỉἼὅἁỂᛦỔềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ equipped to provide service in foreign languages. For a ᴾ detailed list of institutions, please refer to the following link. τࡉ׎ᨥʩ්ң˟㸺Hyogo International Association㸼 https://www.hyogo-ip.or.jp/en/kurashi/byoki.html ᴾ 3. ϼ૾ሗỆếẟề Medication and Prescription ଐஜỂỊҔᎍầЈẲẺϼ૾ሗỆợẾềᕤޅỂᕤửᛦӳẲềờ It is customary in Japan for prescription drugs to be dispensed by a physician at their office or at a pharmacy Ểϼ૾ሗầЈẰủỦẮểỊẝụộẶỮẇଐஜ׎ of their choice. Written prescriptions to be filled at ordinaryޅỤẟộẴẇᕤ Ểϼ૾ẰủẺϼ૾ሗầଐஜỂᡫဇẴỦểỊ࣬ỪễẟỂẪẻ pharmacies are not as common. Do not expect to be ableٳ to renew drug prescriptions issued by a physician outside Ằẟẇᴾ Japan. ᡫࠝẆҔᎍỊᕤửϼ૾ẴỦЭỆᚮݑửẲộẴẇᕤỉࢍẰỊ഑ Generally a physician will require examination before prescribing medication. Drug strengths sometimes differ ቟ỉờỉểỊီễụộẴẇỖẦỉ׎ỂܾତỆ৖ỆλỦᕤờẆҔ from Western countries. Some pharmaceuticals readily ᎍở၏ᨈỉᕤޅỂẲẦλ৖ỂẨễẟẦờẲủộẶỮẇਤ၏ầ available over the counter in another country might only be available from a doctor or hospital pharmacy. If you ӳẆộẵҔᎍỆ஌ဇЭỆᄩᛐẲộ have chronic medical problems, you should first checkئẝụẆࠊᝤᕤử஌ဇẴỦ ẲỢạẇᴾ with your physician before taking any non-prescription drugs.

᫾ỉᚮၲỆếẟề KGU Health Care Center̬ͤܖٻᨈܖ᧙ᙱ .4

ᙱܷɥἃҾỿἵὅἣἋ̬ͤ᫾ Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus Health Care Center Tel. 0798-54-6023 ݦᧉᴾ உ୴ଐᴾ ້୴ଐᴾ ൦୴ଐᴾ ங୴ଐᴾ ᣿୴ଐᴾ Specialty Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. 9:00 - 11:00 9:00 - 11:00 *2 9:00 - 11:00 (9:00 - 10:00 on 9:00 - 11:00 9:00 -11:00 ϋᅹᴾ ˱ᕲ㸦Sato㸧έဃ last wed. of the month) Internal 13:00 - 15:50 Medicine 13:00 - 15:50 13:00-15:50 13:00 - 15:50 ➨ 3 ⅆ᭙㹼15:30 13:00 - 15:50 *2 *2 ˱ᕲ㸦Sato㸧έဃ ˱ᕲ㸦Sato㸧έဃ 3rd week ~15:30 ႝᐎᅹᴾ 14:00 - 15:40 Dermatology ᎚ᱠᅹᴾ 13:30-15:40 Ear, Throat, and Nose 14:00 -15:40 ᇹᾃ້୴ᴾ აᅹᴾ ᵆᾀᾁஉỊᇹᾂᵇᴾ Ophthalmology Every 4th Week (3rd in December)

ഫᅹᴾ *1 9:40 - 11:00 9:40-11:00 Dentistry

12:40 - 15:40‒ ‒‒ 12:40-15:40

ችᅕᅹᴾ *1 13:30-15:30 13:30-15:30 13:30-15:30 9:00-11:00 Psychiatry ỪỦӧᏡࣱầẝụộẴỉỂẆ̬ͤ᫾ộẺỊ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ʙѦܴỂஇૼỉᚮၲ଺᧓ửᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ٭ᚮၲ଺᧓Ị

The Health Center schedules are subject to change. Please check with the Health Care Center or the CIEC office for the most up to date schedule. *1. Appointment only *2. English speaking doctor available (Dr. Sato)

34 5. ዮӳ၏ᨈỂỉɟᑍႎễᚮၲỉ්ủ General Outpatient Procedure at Hospital .ዮӳ၏ᨈỂИỜềᚮݑửӖẬỦểẨỉ්ủửኰʼẲộẴẇᴾ Below is the general flow of a visit to a medical facility ИỜề၏ᨈỆᘍẪᨥỊẆ࣏ẵ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖᚰửਤӋẲềẪẻ Please be sure to bring your Japan National Insurance ኖᎍỂẝẾềờ̬ᨖᚰử੩ᅆẲễẬủịẆஇИ card on your first visit. (Even if you are a policyholder, ifڎẰẟẇί̬ᨖ Ệ඙ၲᝲửμ᫇ૅ৚ạ࣏ᙲầẝụộẴẇὸӖ˄ᆸӝỂỊẆ៲ you don’t show the insurance card, you will first have to Ўᚰଢ୿ỉ੩ᅆầ൭ỜỤủộẴẇờẲ˂ỉҔࠖợụኰʼཞử pay all the cost by yourself.) You may also be asked to ӳỊẆẸủửਤẾềᘍẨộẲỢạẇᴾ show your ID at the reception desk. Bring a reference fromئờỤẾềẟỦ another doctor if you have one. ஹᆸӝẆӲᅹỉᆸӝẆችምᆸӝễỄẆ Large medical facilities will have various counters such asٳዮӳ၏ᨈỂỊẆИᚮ ৖ዓẨỆࣖẳềӖ˄ᆸӝầЎẦủềẟộẴẇݱẰễ၏ᨈỂ reception, bill recovery and special counters for each ỊẆӖ˄ẦỤችምộỂầɟếỉᆸӝỂᘍỪủộẴẇᴾ specialty however small medical facilities may only have one counter.  ஹधᎍဇỉဎᡂဇኡίᚮݑဎᡂ୿ὸồỉᚡλᴾᴾᴾ 1. Fill out the registration form for outpatientٳ1ώ ᴾ ஹᎍဇỉᆸӝỆềίӖ˄ᆸӝὸᴾ 2. At the reception desk for first visit outpatientٳ2ώИᚮ ဎᡂ୿ỆᚡλẲẆ̬ᨖᚰử੩ЈẲộẴẇẸủỆợẾềẆ Submit the registration form and your insurance card. ẝễẺ̾ʴỉỽἽἘểᚮݑУầแͳẰủộẴẇᴾ Your medical chart and patient ID card will then be prepared. ᴾ

3ώᚮݑửӖẬỦᢿᧉỉӖ˄ᆸӝỆềᴾ 3. At the reception desk of the relevant department ẝễẺỉỽἽἘểᚮݑУử੩ЈẲộẴẇբᚮᅚỆᚡλ Submit your medical chart and patient ID card. Fill ẲẆᚡλẲኳỪẾẺỤჃᜱࠖẝỦẟỊᆸӝỉἋἑἕἧỆ੩ out a medical questionnaire and submit it to the nurse ЈẲộẲỢạẇᴾ or secretary. ᴾ 4ώᚮݑᴾ 4. Consultation բᚮᅚử੩ЈẲẺỤẆẝễẺỉӸЭầԠịủỦộỂࢳẼ Submit the medical questionnaire and wait until you ӳỊẟẪếẦỉ౨௹ửӖ are called. Several examinations will be done ifئộẴẇҔࠖầ࣏ᙲểᚮૺẲẺ ẬỦӧᏡࣱầụộẴίᘉ෩౨௹Ẇބ౨௹Ẇᵶ ዴ౨௹ễỄὸ necessary. (Blood test, urine test, X-ray etc.) ᴾ 5ώᚮݑầኳʕẲẺỤᴾ 5. When consultation is over .࣏ᙲỂẝủịϐஹỉʖኖửӕụộẴẇᛪ൭୿ểᚮݑУ Make an appointment for the return visit if necessary ửӖẬӕụộẲỢạẇᴾ Collect your bills and patient ID card. ᴾ 6ώᚘምỽỸὅἑὊᴾ 6. Calculation counter ᛪ൭୿ử੩ЈẲộẴẇᴾ Submit your bills. ᴾ 7ώૅ৚ᴾ 7. Cashier ӸЭửԠịủẺỤẆ૰᣿ửૅ৚ẟộẴẇ᪸ӓ୿ểᚮݑ Pay the fees when you are called. Receive the УẆϼ૾ሗửӖẬӕụộẲỢạẇᴾ receipt, your patient ID card and coupon for medicine. ᴾ 8ώᕤޅᴾ 8. Pharmacy ϼ૾ሗử੩ЈẲộẴẇӸЭửԠịủẺỤᕤửӖẬӕụộ Submit the coupon for medicine. Receive your ẲỢạẇᴾ medicine when you are called.

35 ӳ Sickness or Injuryئ6ώ၏ൢởࣴ঻ỉ

,ӳỊẆ࣏ẵ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ỆᡲዂẲ z If you are to miss class due to a sickness or an injuryئz ၏ൢễỄỂ੉ಅửഎࠗẴỦ ộẲỢạẇᴾ please contact CIEC as soon as possible.

,ӳỊẆẴẫỆ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ỆႻᛩẲộẲ z If you are hospitalized due to a sickness or on injuryئz ၏ൢễỄỂλᨈửẴỦ Ợạẇᴾ please contact CIEC as soon as possible.

ӳỊẆ࣏ẵ၏ᨈửӖᚮẲềᚮૺ z If you think you may have an infectious disease, youئz ज़௨ၐỉွẟỉẝỦ ửӖẬỦ࣏ᙲầẝụộẴẇᵆᵮᵌᵏᵓ Ӌༀᵇᴾ need to be seen by a doctor. (Refer to p.15)

,ӳỊẆỂẨỦẻẬʴểỉ੗ z If you are diagnosed with an infectious diseaseئz ज़௨ၐỂẝỦểᚮૺẰủẺ ᚑửᢤẬộẲỢạẇᐯЎỉᢿދỂܤ᩺ỆẲềẆ˂ỉʴỆज़ avoid contact with other people as much as possible. ௨ầ࠼ầỤễẟợạỆදॖẲộẲỢạẇᴾ Stay at home in your own room to rest and be careful not to spread your sickness. z ၏ᨈỆỊӲᐯỂᘍẨộẲỢạẇᴾ ᴾ z Make your own way to the hospital/clinic.

z ଐஜỂỊᕤửờỤạẻẬỂờᚮݑửӖẬỦ࣏ᙲầẝụộ z If you would like to receive medication from a Ẵẇᴾ Japanese health practitioner, you will have to be examined.

嵅崙崫崰 :L)L 3RFNHW:L)L

ỊˌɦỉểấụỂ The Pocket Wi-Fi contract that we have prepared forإኖẲềẟỦἯἃἕἚ ᵵᶇᶄᶇ ˟ᅈỉऴڎầܖٻ Ẵẇᴾ exchange students is with the following company.

Don’t hesitate to contact them with any issue or ٻẦ׉ẾẺẮểầẝủịӲᐯỂᡲዂẲềẪẻẰẟẇẸỉᨥẆ˴ ὸể൞ӸửˡảềẪẻẰẟẇ concerns. Make sure to share your name and the nameܖٻᨈܖӸί᧙ᙱܖ of KGU when making an enquiry.

O Planning Contact Information إO Planning ऴ ἭὊἲἬὊἊᾉᴾ www.oplanning.comᴾ Homepage: www.oplanning.com

∇∞∑⇈⇯−⇟‒ ‬‒[email protected] Email Address : [email protected]

ᩓᛅဪӭ‒ ‬‒050-6869-1881 Phone Number : 050-6869-1881

36 嵃嵤嵈崡崮崌峕峎岮峐 +RPHVWD\ ᴾ 1ώἭὊἲἋἘỶỂ੩̓ẰủỦờỉ Your Host Family Provides

ᴾ Mealsڼ ᫢ʙ ڼ ὸᴾ Weekdays: Breakfast + Dinnerٸ࠯ଐ ᵐ ᫢ίஔ ὸᴾ Weekends/National holidays: Breakfast + Lunch + Dinnerٸଐᅔଐ ᵑ ᫢ίஔଷם

Private Roomڼ ܴ̾ ڼ ܴ̾ίݏφẆதẆౝ܇ẆӓኛἋἬὊἋẆỺỴἅὅὸᴾ A private room with a bed (or futon), a desk/chair, storage space, A/C unit

(Internet (Wi-Fiڼ ỶὅἑὊ἟ἕἚ ίWi-Fiὸ ڼ (ỶὅἑὊ἟ἕἚίᵵᶇᵋᵤᶇὸỉ੗ዓỂẨỦ࿢ؾᴾ A Wi-Fi connection to internet (speed not guaranteed

2ώἭὊἲἋἘỶᝲỆԃộủễẟờỉ Your Host Family Does NOT Provide

ᴾ Lunch on Weekdays ڼ ᴾ ࠯ଐίᧈẟ˞Ớỉ᧓ửԃớὸỉấଷắ᫨ڼ ӳờ࠯ଐỉଷ᫢ỊᐯЎỂဇॖẲộẲỢạẇᴾ You are to make or buy your own lunch on weekdaysئᧈ஖ỉ˞Ớỉ including during long-term breaks.

Outing Money ڼ Јᝲဇٳ ᴾڼ ἭἋἚἧỳἱἼὊểɟደỆЈẦẬẺᨥỉᝲဇỊἭὊἲἋἘỶ The cost of going out with the host family is not included in ᝲỆỊԃộủềẟộẶỮẇᴾ the homestay fee.

General Living costs ڼ ᴾ ဃ෇ᝲڼ ᩓᛅˊẆἁἼὊἝὅἂˊẆଐဇԼίἉἵὅἩὊὉἼὅἋὉჽᰣὉ Please pay for your own phone bills, dry cleaning and other ሪὸễỄỊᐯЎỂᝰẟộẲỢạẇ daily necessities, etc. ӳỊẆἅὅἥἝỺ ͤIf you need to borrow your host family’s phone, please buyئḤɢɟẆἭἋἚἧỳἱἼὊỉᩓᛅử͈ụỦ ὅἋἋἚỴễỄỂᝤ٥ẰủềẟỦ׎ᨥὉ׎ϋဇἩἼἬỶἛᩓᛅ a pre-paid international/domestic phone card at a ỽὊἛử̅ဇẲộẲỢạẇ convenience store and use it to make the call.

3ώ ἭἋἚἧỳἱἼὊểỉဃ෇ɥỉኖள Promises to Your Host Family

ᴾ ᫢ễỄỂắ᫨ầᙲỤễẟểẨỊ࣏ẵᡲዂẲộẲỢạẇᴾ z Please contact your host family when you will not beٳ z eating with them or if you are going to be out late. z ấ᣿ử͈ụẺụẆ᝱ẲẺụẲễẟợạỆẲộẲỢạẇᴾ z It is best that you do not lend or borrow money from or to your host family. ӳỊẆẴẫỆἭἋἚ z If you scratch the floor, spill something, or damageئz ࠿ởُửͻếẬẺụẆ൲ẲẺụẲẺ ἧỳἱἼὊỆᛅẲộẲỢạẇ᱈ẾềẟẺụᨨẲẺụẴỦểẆࢸ something, let your host family know immediately. ỂἚἻἨἽỉờểỆễụộẴẇᴾ Withholding information will likely cause you problems later. z ઃ࠘ᩓᛅễỄỉ̬ᚰʴỆễẾềờỤẾềỊẟẬộẶ z You must not have a host family member be your Ữẇᴾ guarantor for things such as cell phone contracts, etc.

When You Live With a Japanese Personڼ ଐஜʴểဃ෇ẴỦễỤ ڼ z ࣏ẵ൑ଐấ᫘ԏίἉἵὁὊὸỆλụẆ៲˳ửฌ๹Ệ̬Ẽ z Take a shower or bath every day, and maintain ộẲỢạẇᴾ personal hygiene. .(z ݱộỜỆίᵏ ᡵ᧓Ệ ᵏ ׅˌɥὸඹຩẲộẲỢạẇᴾ z Frequently do your laundry (more than once a week 37 z ၏ൢỉ଺Ịज़௨ၐỉӧᏡࣱờẝỦỉỂ࣏ẵ၏ᨈỆᘍ z Going to see a doctor when you are sick as it could be Ẹỉ˂ ẨộẲỢạẇ၏ൢỉ଺ỊἰἋἁửẴỦễỄܼଈỆạếẰ infectious. Wear a mask when around your host family ễẟợạỆᣐॾẲộẲỢạẇᴾ so they do not get sick too. ửẨủẟỆẲộẲỢạẇᴾ z Occasionally hang your sheets, bedding, etc., and keepދz ấࠋׇỊ଺ẉ࠮ẲẆᢿ a tidy room. z ẐấỊợạẑẐẟẾềẨộẴẑẐẺẻẟộẑẐẟẺẻẨộẴẑ z “Ohayo!” “Tadaima!” Always remember to greet your ễỄỉਮਠửẲộẲỢạẇộẺẐẝụầểạẑẐắỜỮễẰ host family (when entering a room or coming back from ẟẑửẨẾẼụẟạẮểờଐஜỉဃ෇ỂỊểềờ᣻ᙲỂ outside, etc.). This is very important for Japanese Ẵẇᴾ people. z இ˯ᨂᐯЎỉẮểỊᐯЎỂẲộẲỢạẇᐯЎỉ᫢ỔẺ z Let’s manage your own things and cooperate with .ࢸỉ᫢֥ửɦậỦễỄẆܼଈỉဃ෇ỆңщẲộẲỢạẇ family life, such as clearing the dishes after eating

.Curfew, Trips, etcڼ ଺᧓Ệếẟề ڼ z ᧉᨂẆἉἵὁὊỉ଺᧓ễỄỉဃ෇ɥỉἽὊἽỊẆἭἋ z Please follow the curfew, preferred shower time limit, ἚἧỳἱἼὊểஇИỆൿỜộẲỢạẇᴾ etc. of your host family. ଺᧓ẆଐᆉửჷỤẶ z Please let your host family know when you go out, goܡЈẆ଄ᘍỉᨥỊẆᘍẨέẆ࠙ٳ z ềẦỤЈẦẬộẲỢạẇᴾ on a trip, what time you’re coming home (or not coming home) every time.

Electric Billڼ ᩓൢˊỆếẟề ڼ z ଐஜỉή༏ᝲỊểềờ᭗ẟỂẴẇᢿދỉᩓൢởỺỴἅ z Utilities are very expensive in Japan. If you are not ὅỊ̅ỪễẟểẨỊෞẲộẲỢạẇᴾ going to be in a room, don’t neglect to turn off appliances such as air conditioner, heater, or any kind ᴾ

of electronic device. ἽὊἽỆếẟề z ỺỴἅὅỉᩓൢˊầ᭗ẪễỤễẟợạỆẆ஌ễỄỂᛦૢ z Please do your best to save electricity and if you feel ڼ ἾὅἑἽࠋׇỆếẟề ڼ .ẲộẲỢạẇᴾ hot or cold, add or remove layers of clothing

Having friendsڼ ӳئӐʴửਔẪ ڼ ӳỊẆ࣏ẵẸỉЭỆἭἋἚἧ z If you would like to invite your friend over to your hostئz ӐʴửܼỆᡲủềᘍẪ ỳἱἼὊỆႻᛩẲộẲỢạẇᴾ family’s house, please make sure to ask your host family every time in advance. z ᐯЎỉᢿދỆီࣱỉӐʴửλủỦẮểỊᅠഥẲềẟộ z Do not bring friends of the opposite sex into your room. Ẵẇᴾ ڼ ᡚݜỆếẟề ڼ ,ӳỊẆἭἘἽễỄКỉܿජ z If your friends and family come to Japan for a visitئz ܼଈởӐʴầஹଐẴỦ ଀ᚨửМဇẴỦợạỆẲộẲỢạẇᴾ please have them stay in a hotel or other similar facilities.

ڼ տ໺Ệếẟề ڼ Social Networking Servicesڼ ᾢᾝᾢỆếẟề ڼ z ܼଈởᢿދỉϙჇử ᵤᵿᶁᶃᶀᶍᶍᶉ ễỄỆ᠍ẶỦểẨỊẆ z Receive permission from your host family before ࣏ẵἭἋἚἧỳἱἼὊỆᄩᛐẲộẲỢạẇᴾ posting any pictures of their house, them, or their ᚧբᎍỆếẟề ڼ ڼ .children before posting it on social network services

38 4. Ẹỉ˂ Others

ᴾ z ἭὊἲἋἘỶỂ˴Ầբ᫆ầឪẮẾẺᨥỊẆộẵἧỳἱἼ z When something goes wrong with homestay, let's talk ὊểợẪᛅẲӳẟộẲỢạẇᚐൿỂẨễẟể࣬ẾẺỤ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ to the family first. If you think you can not solve it, ỆႻᛩẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ please consult CIEC. z ἭἋἚἧỳἱἼὊỉᣃӳỂܼỆජộủễẟểẨỊẆᵡᵧᵣᵡ Ệ z If your host family cannot host you for a few days due ႻᛩẲộẲỢạẇᴾ to personal matters, please contact CIEC. ,ӳỊẆᵏ ỽஉЭỆỊ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ z If you would like/are going to leave your host familyئz ἭἋἚἧỳἱἼὊỉܼửЈỦ ỆᡲዂẲộẲỢạẇᴾ please notify CIEC at least one month in advance. ЏỆẲộẲỢạẇ z Please take care of your host family’s belongings andٻz ἭἋἚἧỳἱἼὊỉܼỉờỉởᦆễỄỊ possessions, and do not lose your key. ӳỊẆʙЭỆ࣏ẵ z Please let your host family know ahead of time if youئẨễờỉửទλẴỦٻz ᐯ᠃៻ễỄ ἭἋἚἧỳἱἼὊỆႻᛩẲộẲỢạẇᴾ will purchase a bicycle, or something large. z ἭἋἚἧỳἱἼὊỉἩἻỶἫὊἚỉᆰ᧓ỆλỤễẟợạỆẲ z Please refrain from entering rooms and areas that are ộẲỢạẇᴾ reserved to your host family. z ἭὊἲἋἘỶέỂỉᝮ᣻ԼሥྸỊᐯࠁᝧ˓Ệễụộ z Valuables management at homestay is your ẴẇᦆỉếẟẺἋὊ἖ἃὊἋễỄỂ̬ሥẲộẲỢạẇᴾ responsibility. Please make sure to keep your valuables in a suitcase with a key.

ᅟ峘฽૔峕峎岮峐 'RUP/LIH ᴾ

1. ἽὊἽỆếẟề Rules

About the Rental Futon Setڼ ἾὅἑἽࠋׇỆếẟề ڼ

λݜỉᨥỆἾὅἑἽࠋׇӖ᪸୿ử̅ẾềͳԼễỄỉἓỹἕἁ Please use the Rental Futon Set Receipt to check that you ӳỊଔỜỆ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ỆჷỤ received all the items upon arrival. If you are missingئửẲộẲỢạẇɧឱẆɧφӳầẝỦ ẶềẪẻẰẟίᵑᵏ ἬὊἊӋༀὸẇᴾ something, notify CIEC as soon as possible (see p.31).

ࢸଐẆܴϋᚨͳỉɧφӳởͳԼỉɧឱỆếẟềဎẲЈầẝ Late notifications of missing or broken items will not be .ӳầẝụộẴẇᴾ entertained and you may be billed to replace the itemsئẾẺỤẆᝲဇửᛪ൭ẴỦ

Leaving the dormڼ ᡚݜỆếẟề ڼ

ᡚݜẴỦᨥỊ࣏ẵ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ỆᾀỽஉЭộỂỆᡚӊଐửᡲዂẲề If you are to leave/want to leave the dorm, notify CIEC at ẪẻẰẟẇᴾ least one month in advance.

Smokingڼ տ໺Ệếẟề ڼ

.৑ỂỉỚտ໺ӧᏡỂẴẇᴾ Please always smoke in the designated smoking areasئൿỜỤủẺ

Visitorsڼ ᚧբᎍỆếẟề ڼ

ݜỉᚧբᎍỉݣࣖỊݜỆợẾềီễụộẴẇݜỉἽὊἽử Different dorms have different rules about visitors. Please ܣụộẲỢạẇᴾ make yourself familiar with your dorm’s rules.

39 Utility Billsڼ ή༏൦ᝲỆếẟề ڼ

ή༏൦ᝲỊ൑உẆஉИỜỆᡛ˄ẰủộẴẇਦܭỉ஖ଐộỂ Gas, electric, and water bills are sent every month to your Ệૅ৚ửฎộẶềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ dorm mailbox. Make sure you pay before the deadline. ᫩ᣒὉտ໺ӧᏡ࠰ᱫỆếẟề Curfewڼ ᧉᨂỆếẟề ڼ

.ᧉᨂỊݜỆợẾềီễụộẴẇᴾ Different dorms have different curfews

.ụộẲỢạẇᴾ Please obey the curfewܣẸủẹủỉݜỉᧉᨂỊ࣏ẵ

Garbage disposal ᰺ᕤỆếẟềڼ ắỚЈẲỉἽὊἽỆếẟề ڼ

ࠊထ஭ỆợẾềἆἱẻẲỉἽὊἽầီễụộẴẇൿỜỤủẺ Depending on what area/city you live in, the rules for ἽὊἽỆࢼẾềẆ༓ảỦἆἱẆ༓ảễẟἆἱẆἥὅẆỽὅẆἬἕἚ separating garbage differs. Please follow the rules for ৑ồЈẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ burnable, non-burnable, bottles, cans, etc. and put yourئܭἮἚἽሁỆЎКẲềẆ᫾ϋỉਦ garbage out in the designated area.

Ẩ Please talk to your dorm manager if you need to dispose ofٻἆἱửਾềỦᨥỊሥྸʴỆᡲዂẲềɦẰẟẇίἆἱỉٻቫ ἆἱửѨ৖Ệਾề large objects as you may need to pay a small fee. It is illegalٻẰỆợẾềấ᣿ầẦẦụộẴẇὸộẺẆቫ ỦʙỊඥࢷỂᅠഥẰủềẟộẴẇắදॖẪẻẰẟẇᴾ to do so without proper disposal, so be careful.

2. Ẹỉ˂ Others ᵌᴾ ᐯ᠃៻̅ဇ଺ỉදॖໜᴾ z ỖẦỉᢿދỉʴỉᡕषỆễỤễẟợạỆẆ᪦ỆỊൢử z Do not be a nuisance to other residents and be aware ώ᧸ཛႇ᥵ ˄ẬộẲỢạẇᴾ of your noise level, especially during quiet hours. z Ѩ৖ỆʴỉᢿދỆλỤễẟỂẪẻẰẟẇᴾ z Do not enter someone else’s room without their permission. z ЈẦẬỦểẨỊỽἀửẦẬềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ z Always lock your door. z ီࣱỉᢿދỆλỦẮểỊᅠഥẲềẟộẴẇᴾ z Members of the opposite sex are not allowed to enter each other’s rooms.

z ྘᧙ỉଢ଼ᚰဪӭỊዌݣỆ˂ʴỆჷỤẶềỊẟẬộẶ z Do not tell anyone outside of your dorm the password Ữẇᴾ to get into your dorm. ώ્ፗᐯ᠃៻Ệếẟề z ଐஜỉܼދỊỽἥầဃảởẴẟỉỂẆẮộỜỆ੭ൢẴ z Japanese houses/rooms and objects become moldy Ủợạ࣎ầẬộẲỢạẇᴾ quickly, so please maintain good ventilation often.

ӳỊẆẴẫỆ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ z If you scratch the floor, spill something, or damageئz ࠿ởُửͻếẬẺụẆ൲ẲẺụẲẺ ỆჷỤẶộẲỢạẇί᱈ẾềẟẺụẆᨨẲẺụẴỦểẆࢸỂἚ something, let CIEC know immediately. Withholding ώʩᡫἽὊἽỆếẟề ἻἨἽỉờểỆễụộẴὸᴾ information will likely cause you problems later. z ἠἻཱྀỆỺἇửởẾẺụẆᢿދỉɶỆλủẺụẲềỊẟẬ z Do not feed the wild cats outside. Do not let wild cats ộẶỮẇᴾ in your room.

.ʟỊ˯ẟỉỂẆදॖẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ z Beware of the low ceilingsټz ݜỉ

,ӳầ z In the event that something has been broken or soiledئӳỊẆᝲဇửᛪ൭ẴỦئz ൲ẲẺụẆْẲẺụẲẺ ẝụộẴẇᴾ you may be responsible for any repairs or cleaning expenses that occur.

ӳỊẆᡚӊẲềẟẺẻẪẮểầẝ z If you cannot follow these rules, we can have youئủễẟܣz ݜỉᙹЩầ ụộẴẇᴾ removed from the dorm.



1. ᫩ᣒὉտ໺ӧᏡ࠰ᱫỆếẟề Drinking and Smoking Age

᫩ᣒẆտ໺Ị ᵐᵎ ബẦỤỂẴẇᴾ The minimum age for drinking and smoking is 20 years old. ᴾ

2. ᰺ᕤỆếẟề Illegal Drugs

ẨẪӕụɥậỤủềẟộẴẇộ Drug abuse is becoming more of a problem in recent yearsٻᡈ࠰ଐஜỂỊẆᕤཋբ᫆ầ ẺẆᕤཋʏဇỆỊểềờӈẲẟඥࢷầẝụộẴẇἰἼἧỳἜử in Japan and there are very strict laws with regards to drug .ᡚӊở঩ࢫễỄẆፘẶỤủộẴẇᴾ abuseٳԃớᕤཋ৑ਤỊẆ׎ ᡚӊở঩ࢫễỄẆፘẶỤ Possession of even a small amount of any drugs; includingٳἰἼἧỳἜửԃớᕤཋ৑ਤỊẆ׎ ủộẴẇᴾ marijuana, will result in either imprisonment or immediate expulsion from Japan.

3ᵌᴾ ᐯ᠃៻̅ဇ଺ỉදॖໜᴾ Rules When Using a Bicycle in Japan

1ώ᧸ཛႇ᥵ Security Registration ӳỊẆ࣏ẵ᧸ཛႇ᥵ửẲềẪẻẰẟẇᐯ᠃ If you buy a bicycle, make sure you get the necessaryئᐯ᠃៻ửᝰẾẺ ៻ᝤ٥ࡃỂ᧸ཛႇ᥵ỂẨộẴẇӐʴὉჷʴễ security registration card from the shop. You can register at ỄẦỤɶӞỉᐯ᠃៻ửᜯụӖẬẺểẨỊẆ࣏ẵ a bicycle shop. If you get a hand-me-down bicycle from a ᪸ӓᚰởᛟଢ୿Ẇ᧸ཛႇ᥵ỽὊἛờɟደỆӖ friend, or buy a used bicycle, be sure to receive the ẬӕẾềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ purchase receipt, user’s manual, and the security registration card.

2ώ્ፗᐯ᠃៻Ệếẟề Abandoned bicycles ፗẟềẝỦᐯ᠃៻ỆѨ৖ỆʈẾềỊẟẬộẶỮẇ્ፗẲềẝ Do not ride a bicycle that appears abandoned. You can get Ủᐯ᠃៻ỂẝẾềờѨ৖Ệ̅ạểፘẶỤủộẴẇᴾ arrested or even deported for using or stealing abandoned bicycles.

3ώʩᡫἽὊἽỆếẟề Rules of the road .ӳầẝụộẴẇᴾ You will be fined for breaking the below rulesئʩᡫἽὊἽỆᢌӒẲẺỤẆፘ᣿ầᅹẰủỦ z ᐯ᠃៻Ịᐯ᠃៻ݦဇἾὊὅẆộẺỊ៻ᢊ߼ͨɟЗឥ z Bicycles are to be ridden in designated bicycle lanes ᘍỂẴẇᴾ or on the left side of the road (with traffic). z ᐯ᠃៻ỊɟᑍႎỆഩᢊửឥỦẮểỊỂẨộẶỮẇᴾ z In general, bicycles are not allowed to be ridden on sidewalks. .Ị࣏ẵἻỶἚửếẬộẲỢạẇᴾ z Always turn on your light at nightٸ z z ઃ࠘ᩓᛅỂἘỿἋἚử৙ẾẺụẆ̅ẾẺụẆᩓᛅửẲẺụ z Do not text, use, or make phone calls with your phone ẲễầỤᢃ᠃ẲềỊẟẬộẶỮẇᴾ while riding. z ἪἕἛἭὅởỶἶἭὅỂ᪦ಏửᎮẨễầỤᐯ᠃៻ỆʈẾ z Do not wear earphones or headphones and listen to


ềỊẟẬộẶỮẇᴾ music while riding. z ᫩ᣒửẲẺỤẆᐯ᠃៻ỆỊʈủộẶỮẇᴾ z Do not ride a bicycle under the influence of alcohol. z ʚʴʈụỊẲềỊẟẬộẶỮẇᴾ z Only ride your bicycle with one person at a time. z ʩᡫʙ૏ửẰẬỦẺỜỆẆἽὊἽỊܣụẆ໯ྸễᢃ᠃ z Please use your common sense and follow traffic ỊᢤẬộẲỢạẇʩࠀໜỂỊẟẾẺỮͣഥởܤμᄩᛐể patterns to avoid an accident. Follow stop signs, traffic ẟẾẺʩᡫἽὊἽửܣụộẲỢạẇᴾ lights, etc.

4ώ៻ỉᢃ᠃Ệếẟềᴾ Driving a Car ʩ੭ܖဃỉ៻ởỼὊἚἢỶỉᢃ᠃Ịᅠഥ You are not allowed to operate cars or mopeds/scooters. ỂẴẇᴾ ᴾ

5ώẸỉ˂ᴾ Other Regulations ࣱݦဇЗ៻ầẝụộẴỉỂẆදॖẲộẲỢạẇᴾ z There is a train car designated for women only. Beڡ z careful. z ἆἱỊЎКӓᨼẰủềẟộẴẇᴾ z Trash is divided and collected separately. z ˂ʴӸ፯ỉᡫܖܭ஖Уở ᵳᵱᵨ ỉἣἋἯὊἚễỄử̅ạ z It is illegal to use a commuter pass or a USJ passport in the name of another person. ẮểỊᢌඥỂẴẇᴾ 

42 ཧ⪃᝟ሗ Useful Information


သỽὊἛ Residence Cardנ1ώ ׎ʴỊẆ៲Ўᚰଢ୿ửࠝ All non-Japanese nationals are required by Japanese lawٳỉٳˌଐஜỉඥࢷỂẆଐஜ׎ቔ ẴỦʴ to carry proper identification at all times. Those whoנỆઃ࠘ẲềấẪ࣏ᙲầẝụộẴẇଐஜỆ ᵗᵎ ଐˌɥ๛ reside in Japan for longer than 90 days will be issued a သỽὊἛầႆᘍẰủộẴỉỂẆࠝנỆỊẆϙჇầᘙᅆẰủẺ "Residence Card" in the form of a photo I.D. card, and ଺ઃ࠘ẲềấẟềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ must carry this card with them at all times. You must register your address at the local municipal office or one ފửעއ˰ỉࠊғࢫ৑Ểע˰އଐஜỆПბࢸ ᵏᵒ ଐˌϋỆ ẬЈễẬủịẟẬộẶỮẇᴾ of its branches within 14 days after arriving in Japan. ,ӳ Changes to visa status, authorized period of stayئ୼ễỄầẝẾẺ٭သ஖᧓Ẇ׎ቔẆӸЭỉנသ᝻఍ởנ nationality or name must be reported to the appropriate ẬЈửᘍỪễẬފ୼ỉ٭ỆᘍẨޅỊẆᵏᵒ ଐˌϋỆλ׎ሥྸ Immigration Bureau within 14 days. ủịẟẬộẶỮẇᴾ

2ώ˰ൟᅚ Certificate of Residence ࠊғࢫ৑ỂỊ˰ൟᅚỉϙẲửႆᘍỂẨộẴẇ᤼ᘍӝࡈỉ᧏ Your local municipal office can issue a copy of your ử͈ụỦểẨễỄỆ࣏ᙲỆễỦẮể Certificate of Residence (Juminhyo). This might beއ˰ኖẆڎᚨởઃ࠘ᩓᛅỉ needed for opening a bank account, renting an ầẝụộẴẇ˰ൟᅚỉϙẲỊ ᵏ ௏ ᵑᵎᵎ όỂႆᘍẲềờỤảộẴ apartment, etc. Bring your Residence Card and 300 JPY ᾋỚễẲϐλ׎ᚩӧỆếẟềᾍ ᾋ ᾍ .သỽὊἛửਤӋẲẆࠊғࢫ৑ỆᘍẨộẲ for each copy you requireנӳỊئỉỂẆ࣏ᙲễ ỢạẇἰỶἜὅἢὊầ୿ẦủềẟỦ˰ൟᅚỉϙẲửႆᘍẴỦẮ You can ask for your “My Number” to be listed on the ểờӧᏡỂẴẇᴾ document.

3. ᠃އ Changing Your Address ṸӷẳࠊϋὉғϋỂࡽẾឭẲửẴỦểẨ ṸIf you move within the same municipality သỽὊἛẆ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖᚰẆἰỶἜὅἢὊỽὊἛửਤẾềࠊ Bring your Residence Card, National Health Insuranceנ ୼ẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ Card, and My Number Card to the city office and apply for٭ғࢫ৑ỆᘍẨẆ˰৑ a "Change of Address" (Jusho Henko). ᴾ

Ṹ˂ỉࠊởғỆࡽẾឭẲửẴỦểẨ ṸIf you move to a different municipality ỮỂẟỦࠊғࢫ৑ỆᘍẨẆ᠃ 1. Before moving, go to your current municipal office and˰נᵏᵌᴾ ࡽẾឭẲửẴỦЭỆʻྵ ЈފửЈẲẆ᠃Јᚰଢ୿ửӖẬӕẾềẪẻẰẟẇ᠃Јފử submit a Notice of Change of Address (Tenshutsu Todoke) before the date of moving and receive a ЈẴểẨỆ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖỉ̬ᨖᚰỉᡉҲầ࣏ᙲỂẴẇᴾ Change of Address Certificate (Tenshutsu Shomeisho). At that time, you must also turn in your National Health Insurance card and My Number Card for any necessary procedures.

ਤӋẴỦờỉᴾ What to Bring  သỽὊἛᴾ ࣭Residence CardנὉ ὉἰỶἜὅἢὊỽὊἛᴾ ࣭My Number Card  ࣭National Health Insurance Card  Ὁ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖᚰᴾ ᴾ  ⅛λ↻↕ⅾ↏ↄⅳ⇁܇↚ӳ↞࣏↉㸯㸬ئ↺ᵐᵌᴾ ࡽẾឭẲửẲềẦỤ ᵏᵒ ଐˌϋỆẆૼẲẟࠊғࢫ৑Ệ᠃λ 2. Go to the municipal office in your new location within ϐλ׎ↈ ử੩ЈẲềẪẻẰẟẇộẺ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖỉьλ৖ዓẨầ 14 days after moving to submit a Move-in Notificationފ (Tennyu Todoke). At the same time, reenroll in National ⅛ↈ↖ܭɟ଺ႎ↙Ј׎↖ⅱ↹⅚ϐλ׎ↈ↺ʖ ≕܇ ϐỎ࣏ᙲỆễụộẴẇᴾ Health Insurance.

ਤӋẴỦờỉᴾ What to Bring ⅛⇂ⅱ↹↭↊↞ܭⅤϐλ׎ᚩӧⅥ↝ஊј஖ᨂϋ↚ϐλ׎↝ʖ ≔ သỽὊἛᴾ ࣭Residence CardנὉ ὉἰỶἜὅἢὊỽὊἛᴾ ࣭My Number Card ࣭Change of Address Certificate Ὁ᠃Јᚰଢ୿ᴾ  (Tenshutsu Shomeisho) ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ

44 Ј׎଺ỉදॖ When Exiting Japan .4 ӳẆẐỚễẲ When leaving Japan for the purpose of vacation in aئ଄ᘍởɟ଺࠙׎ễỄỂɟ଺ႎỆଐஜửᩉủỦ ϐλ׎ᚩӧẑỂỉЈλ׎ểễụộẴẇɦᚡửӋༀẲềẪẻẰẟẇ foreign country or for a visit to your home country, please make sure to do the following things.

Ṟϐλ׎Ј׎ᚡ᥵ίϐλ׎ᾔᾓỽὊἛὸỉϐλ׎ᚩӧỆợỦ ձFill out an Embarkation and Disembarkation Card for Ј׎ửࠎஓẴỦഇửἓỹἕἁẲềẪẻẰẟẇίϐλ׎ ᵣᵢ ỽὊἛ Re-entrants. Don’t forget to tick the “I am leaving Japan temporarily and will return” box. (This document ỊẆЈ׎ἄὊἚỆஊụộẴὸᴾ can be found at the airport/port, right before going through Immigration). သỽὊἛểϐλ׎ ᵣᵢ ỽὊἛử੩ᅆẲềẆ ղ Present your Residence Card and a filled-outנỆܫ௹ṟλ׎ݙ ϐλ׎ᚩӧỆợỦЈ׎ửࠎஓẴỦଓửˡảềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ Embarkation and Disembarkation Card for Re-entrants to the Immigration Officer.

Ḥ৖ዓẨử᧓ᢌảỦểသܖἥἈầ໯јỆẰủộ ͤFailing to do so will result in your “Student” visa being Ẵẇᴾ voided.

ᾋỚễẲϐλ׎ᚩӧỆếẟềᾍ ᾋSpecial Re-entry Permit Systemᾍ သỽὊἛử With the new “Special Re-entry Permit System”, foreignנỚễẲϐλ׎ᚩӧСࡇểỊẆஊјễἣἋἯὊἚể ׎ʴỊẆЈ׎ỉଐẦỤɟ࠰ˌϋỆϐλ׎ẴỦ nationals with a valid passport and Residence Card whoٳ৑ਤẲềẟỦ plan to re-enter Japan within one year from the date of ӳỊẆҾЩểẲềᡫࠝỉϐλ׎ᚩӧỉӕࢽửɧᙲểẴỦờئ departure no longer need to obtain the Re-entry Permit in ỉỂẴẇᴾ advance, in principle.

঳ফਰ৔峕崩崏崫崗厕峼 ো島峐岹峊岿岮岞 3OHDVHFKHFN 厕 ZLWKLQRQH\HDU

    ⅛λ↻↕ⅾ↏ↄⅳ⇁܇↚ӳ↞࣏↉㸯㸬ئ↺ϐλ׎ↈ Please check ‒ ܇ without fail ⅛ↈ↖ܭɟ଺ႎ↙Ј׎↖ⅱ↹⅚ϐλ׎ↈ↺ʖ.≕܇ I am leaving Japan temporarily and will return.

⅛⇂ⅱ↹↭↊↞ܭƑ≕.Ⅴϐλ׎ᚩӧⅥ↝ஊј஖ᨂϋ↚ϐλ׎↝ʖ I do not plan to re-enter Japan while my re-entry permit is valid.

45 ẲẺ଺ When You Lose Your Residence Card МဇӧᏡ଺᧓ίɤʟ˰Ӑ᤼ᘍẆỡạẼỢ᤼ᘍẆ൷ဋඡ߸᤼ᘍὸڂသỽὊἛửኣנ .5 ửႆᘍẲềờỤẟộẲỢạẇᴾ 1. Go to the local district police office to get Receipt ofފڂộẵᜩݑፙỆᘍẨẆኣ .ỆˌɦỉờỉửਤẾềᘍẨộẲỢạẇᴾ Notification of LossޅഏỆλ׎ሥྸ 2. Take the following three items to the Immigration Bureau (not your local city office) to take care of the paperwork.

ਤӋẴỦờỉᴾ What to Bring ὉἣἋἯὊἚᴾ ࣭Passport Receipt of Notification of Loss ίᜩݑẦỤႆᘍẰủẺờỉὸᴾ ࣭ފڂὉኣ ࣭One portrait photo ὉϙჇ ᵏ ௏ίᵒᶁᶋᶣᵑᶁᶋẆᵑ ὇உˌϋỆજࢨẰủẺờỉὸᴾ (4cm X 3cm; photo must have been taken within 3 ώӝࡈ᧏ᚨỆếẟề ᴾ months) ᴾ <ᾋஇ݃ụỉᜩݑፙᾍ

࠙׎Э Before Leaving Japan .6 ử੩ЈẲẆ׎ൟͤࡍ̬ᨖửᏮᡚẲềẪẻẰ Cancel your address registry, Japanese national healthފࠊғࢫ৑Ể᠃Ј ẟẇộẺૅ৚ẟửẴộẶềẟễẟờỉỉૅ৚ẟửẴộẶềẪẻ insurance, internet, and other similar continual contracts. Pay for any outstanding bills that have yet to be paid. You သỽὊἛửᡉҲẴỦ࣏ᙲầẝụộẴẇᴾנẰẟẇЈ׎଺Ệ are required to surrender your residence card to the immigration officer at your point of departure.

இ݃ụỉỡạẼỢ᤼ᘍܖٻώ 岴স峒਒ষ 0RQH\DQG%DQNLQJ

1. ᤼ᘍ Banking

ᴾ Ẇ᤼ᘍỉ᣿МỊ᭗ẪẝụộẶỮầẆấ᣿ửấỨẲẺụẆ᪳᣿ Though interest rates are low, opening such an accountנྵ ᡛ᣿ởਰஆẆπσ૰᣿ỉૅ৚ẟễỄỆ̅ảộ enables you to deposit and withdraw savings, use a cashٳửẲẺụẆෙ card, arrange for foreign remittances or money transfers ଐởᅔଐỊ᧍ộẾềẟộẴẇộẺẆ࠯ଐờםẴẇᆸӝỊᡫࠝẆ and pay public utility bills. Banks are normally closed on ᵏᵓ ଺ỆỊ᧍ộụộẴẇᴾ weekends and national holidays, and on weekdays, they close at 15:00. ׎ỉ᤼ᘍỽὊἛử̅ảỦ ᵟᵲᵫ ỊᨂỤủềẟộẴẇỡạẼỢ ATMs which accept foreign bankcards are limited. Onlyٳ ᵟᵲᵫẆɼᙲễἅὅἥἝίἍἨὅỶἾἨὅẆἧỳἱἼὊἰὊἚẆἿὊἏ ATMs from the following banks will accept foreign bank cards: Japan Post ATMs and 7-Eleven ATMs located at ὅሁὸỆẝỦ ᵟᵲᵫ ầ̅ဇỂẨộẴẇଐஜỉ ᵟᵲᵫ Ịᾃఐỉଢ଼ᚰ convenience stores. ATMs in Japan only accept PIN ဪӭỉỚМဇӧᏡỂẴẇᵒ ఐˌɥỉଢ଼ᚰဪӭỊӖẬ˄ẬỤ numbers of four digits. Any cards which have PIN ׎ỉỽὊἛỂẝủ number larger than four digits will not be accepted. OnlyٳủộẶỮẇᵮᶊᶓᶑ ở ᵡᶇᶐᶐᶓᶑ ỉἰὊἁỉẝỦ ịẆᵟᵲᵫ Ể̅ảộẴẇᴾ foreign cards bearing the PLUS symbol which is part of the International Cirrus and Plus System can be used with these machines. ӳờẝụẆᵐᵒ ଺᧓̅ Furthermore, ATMs are generally not open 24 hours andئᵟᵲᵫ ửМဇẴỦᨥỊẆ৖ૠ૰ầẦẦỦ ảỦỪẬỂỊẝụộẶỮẇ᤼ᘍỆợẾề଺᧓ỊီễụộẴẇ᤼ may charge a service fee for using the ATM at certain hours. Daily withdrawal limits are based on the financial ᘍỉ ᵟᵲᵫ ỂỊẆᵏ ଐỉྵ᣿ỉࡽẨЈẲỆɥᨂầᚨܭẰủềẟ institution where the card was issued and should be .ộẴẇᐯЎỉ׎Ể̅ဇẲềẟỦ᤼ᘍỆᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ confirmed directly with the bank

2ώỿἵὅἣἋϋỉ ATM ATMs on Campus ᙱܷɥἃҾỿἵὅἣἋểᅕৎɤဋỿἵὅἣἋỆỊẆɤʟ˰Ӑ There are SMBC and Japan Post Bank ATMs located on ᤼ᘍểỡạẼỢ᤼ᘍỉ ᵟᵲᵫ ầẝụộẴẇ൷ဋඡ߸᤼ᘍỉ ᵟᵲᵫ both the Nishinomiya Uegahara and Kobe Sanda Campuses. Ikeda Senshu ATMs are only located on the ỊᙱܷɥἃҾỿἵὅἣἋỆẲẦẝụộẶỮẇᵟᵲᵫ ầМဇỂẨỦ Nishinomiya Uegahara campus. The operating hours as ଺᧓࠘ỊˌɦỉểấụỂẴẇ follows:

46 ATM МဇӧᏡ଺᧓ίɤʟ˰Ӑ᤼ᘍẆỡạẼỢ᤼ᘍẆ൷ဋඡ߸᤼ᘍὸ ATM Hours of Operation (SMBC, Senshu Ikeda Bank, and Japan Post ATMs) ࠯ଐᴾ 9:00 – 19:00 Weekdays ୴ଐᴾם 9:00 – 17:00 Saturdays ଐ୴Ὁᅔଐᴾ Мဇɧӧᴾ Sunday & Holidays Closed ᴾᴾ

3ώӝࡈ᧏ᚨỆếẟề Opening a Bank Account ଐஜỆỊಮẉễ᤼ᘍầẝụộẴầẆ᤼ᘍӝࡈỉ᧏ᚨửࠎஓẴ There are many banks in Japan but Japan Post Bank Ủʩ੭ܖဃỆỊẐỡạẼỢ᤼ᘍẑầấѰỜỂẴẇᴾ (Yucho bank) is recommended for exchange students who wish to make a bank account in Japan. ӝࡈử᧏ᚨẴỦỆỊˌɦỉཋửਤẾềẐỡạẼỢ᤼ᘍẑỉᆸӝ To open an account, exchange student will need to bring ỆᘍẨẆ৖ዓẨửẴỦ࣏ᙲầẝụộẴẇᴾ the things below to any JP Bank branches. - ἣἋἯὊἚᴾ - Passport သỽὊἛᴾ - Residence Cardנ - ᴾ ‒‛⁘⁡⁤ ⁓⁦⁛⁡⁠‒⁓⁔⁡⁧⁦‒‼⁓⁢⁓⁠‒⁂⁡⁥⁦‒‴⁓⁠⁝‒‚⁋⁧⁕⁚⁡⁠※≓إⅵ←↶᤼ᘍ↚᧙ↈ↺ऴ↵ ⁇⁄‾‬‒⁚⁦⁦⁢‬‡‡⁩⁩⁩†⁜⁢‟⁔⁓⁠⁝†⁜⁓⁢⁓⁠⁢⁡⁥⁦†⁜⁢‡⁗⁠⁑⁛⁠⁖⁗†⁚⁦ ⁞‒

இ݃ụỉỡạẼỢ᤼ᘍ Japan Post Bank (Yucho) near Campusܖٻ4ώ

‒ ᴾ ᧙ᙱܖᨈЭᣁ̝ޅ‒ Kwansei Gakuin Mae Post Office Ⅎ‒ Kamikotoen, Nishinomiya 3-9-5 ‒‧‟‟‥ טᙱܷࠊɥဍி ‒ ‒ ʶ߷ᣁ̝ޅ‒ Nigawa Post Office ᴾ ℳ‒ ᙱܷࠊʶ߷ထ ‥ ɠႸ ‣…‟‣…‒ 3-14-14 Nigawa–cho, Nishinomiya ‒ ‒ ɤဋↀ↳ⅼӨᣁ̝ޅ‒ Sanda Keyaki Dai Post Office ᴾ ℴ‒ ɤဋࠊↀ↳ⅼӨ ‣‟‣•‒ 1-10 Keyaki Dai, Sanda ‒ ‒ Takarazuka Station Post Office ᴾ ‒ޅᬜᣁ̝شܰ ℵ‒ ࠊ௿ထ ․ ထႸ ‟‣‒ 2-8-1 Sakae-cho, Takarazukaشܰ ‒

փಅ଺᧓ᴾ ᾐᾣᾜМဇӧᏡ଺᧓ᴾ Banking Hours ATM Operating Hours ୴ଐᴾם῍࠯ଐᴾ உ ᾈᾉ὿὿ᴾ 㸫ᴾ ᾀᾅᾉ὿὿ᴾ ᾈᾉ὿὿ᴾ ὼᴾ ᾀᾈᾉ὿὿ᴾ Weekdays Weekdays & Saturdays ଐᅔᴾ Мဇɧӧᴾ ଐ୴ଐᴾם ᾈᾉ὿὿ᴾ ὼᴾ ᾀᾆᾉ὿὿ᴾ Sat., Sun. & National holidays Closed Sundays

47 5ώấ᣿ỉᡛ᣿ểӖӕ Sending and Receiving Money ݱЏ৖ở᤼ᘍ৖࢟ỊଐஜỂỊỖểỮỄ̅ỪủộẶỮẇộẺẆ Personal checks and bank drafts are rarely used in ᫇ỉ৖ૠ Japan and may have large fees and take a long time toٶảỦẺỜỆỊẆểềờᧈẟ଺᧓ể٭ẸủỤửྵ᣿Ệ cash. Don’t send money through the mail. Electronic ૰ầẦẦỦӧᏡࣱầ᭗ẟỂẴẇྵ᣿ử৖ኡỂᡛỦẮểỊỂẨ transfers are a convenient way to remit money from a bank abroad to your bank account in Japan. The ܇ӳẆ᤼ᘍӝࡈồỉᩓئẦỤଐஜỆᡛ᣿ẴỦٳộẶỮẇෙ ӳỊഏỉờỉầ࣏ᙲỆễụộ following information is required to complete a bankئਰᡂầ̝МỂẴẇᡛ᣿ẴỦ Ẵẇᴾ transfer: Ὁ᤼ᘍӸᴾ ὉૅࡃӸᴾ Ὁૅࡃဪӭᴾ Ὁӝࡈဪӭᴾ ࣭Bank Name ࣭Branch Name & Number ὉӸ፯ᴾ ᴾ Ὁᵱᵵᵧᵤᵲᵍᵠᵧᵡ ἅὊἛᴾ ࣭Account Number & Name ࣭SWIFT/BIC Code

ӳỊẆᩓ̮ໝஆởᣁ̝ᡛ᣿ởἰ἟ὊỼ Sending Money from Japan can be done throughئଐஜẦỤᡛ᣿ẴỦ ὊἒὊễỄầẝụộẴẇ᤼ᘍẦᣁ̝ޅỂᡛ᣿ỂẨộẴẇᡛ᣿ methods such as Telegraphic Transfer, Mail Transfer, and International Money Order. These methods can be ӳầẝụộẴẇئӳẆἰỶἜὅἢὊỽὊἛầ࣏ᙲỆễỦئẴỦ done through either the post office or directly through ᛇẲẪỊ᤼ᘍẦᣁ̝ޅỂᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ banks. When sending money, your My Number Card will ᴾ be required. For specific information, please check directly with the bank or post office. ỉ᤼ᘍễỄẦỤấ᣿ửӖẬӕỦểẨẆᡛ᣿ྸဌầ࣏ᙲỆ When receiving money from an international institution orٳෙ ễụộẴẇ᤼ᘍỆᩓᛅửẴỦẦẆ᤼ᘍỆႺ੗ᘍẨẆྸဌửᛟ bank outside of Japan, a reason needs to be provided for the transfer. You can either call your bank, or go to it ଢẴỦ࣏ᙲầẝụộẴẇᴾ directly to state your reason.

঩ম峘໑঩ 1DWLRQDO+ROLGD\&DOHQGDU ᵐᵎᵏᵗᴾ ὿ᾈஉᾀᾅଐᴾ ૟ᎊỉଐᴾ Sep 16 Autumnal Equinox ὿ᾈஉᾁᾂଐᴾ ᅸЎỉଐᴾ Sep 23 Respect for the Aged Day ᾀ὿உᾀᾃଐᴾ ˳Ꮛỉଐᴾ Oct 14 Health and Sports Day ᾀᾀஉ὿ᾂଐᴾ ૨҄ỉଐᴾ Nov 3 Culture Day ᾀᾀஉ὿ᾃଐᴾ ਰஆ˞ଐᴾ Nov 4 Substitute Public Holoiday ᾀᾀஉᾁᾂଐᴾ Ѯіज़ᜓỉଐᴾ Nov 23 Labor Day Thanksgiving ᵐᵎᵐᵎ ὿ᾀஉ὿ᾀଐᴾ Ψଐᴾ Jan 1 New Years’ Day ὿ᾀஉᾀᾂଐᴾ ঺ʴỉଐᴾ Jan 13 Coming of Age Day ὿ᾁஉᾀᾀଐᴾ ࡫׎ᚡࣞỉଐᴾ Feb 11 National Foundation Day ႐ᛓဃଐᴾ Feb 23 Emperor’s Birthdayټ ὿ᾁஉᾁᾂଐᴾ ὿ᾁஉᾁᾃଐᴾ ਰஆ˞ଐᴾ Feb 24 Substitute Public Holoiday ὿ᾂஉᾁ὿ଐᴾ ବЎỉଐᴾ Mar 20 Vernal Equinox ὿ᾃஉᾁᾈଐᴾ ଯԧỉଐᴾ Apr 29 Showa Day ὿ᾄஉ὿ᾂଐᴾ ঙඥᚡࣞଐᴾ May 3 Constitution Day ὿ᾄஉ὿ᾃଐᴾ ỚỄụỉଐᴾ May 4 Greenery Day ὿ᾄஉ὿ᾄଐᴾ ẮỄờỉଐᴾ May 5 Children’s Day ὿ᾄஉ὿ᾅଐᴾ ਰஆ˞ଐᴾ May 6 Substitute Public Holiday ὿ᾆஉᾁ὿ଐᴾ ෙỉଐᴾ Jul 20 Marine Day ὿ᾇஉᾀᾀଐᴾ ޛỉଐᴾ Aug 11 Mountain Day ὿ᾇஉᾀᾁଐᴾ ਰஆ˞ଐᴾ Aug 12 Substitute Public Holiday ӳờẝụộẴẇᴾ ᴾ Note: Classes may be conducted on some of the JapaneseئᵈᅔଐỆ੉ಅầẝỦ national holidays. 48 ෇ѣίỴἽἢỶἚὸỆếẟềᴾ :RUNLQJ3DUWt7LPHDQG6WDPSRI$SSURYDOٳ᝻఍ ẑỂỊ΁ẪẮểỊᛐỜỤủộẶỮẇỴἽἢỶἚửࠎ Under a “Student” visa status, you are not allowed to beܖသ᝻఍Ẑသנ ෇ѣỉᚩӧửӖẬ employed. If you wish to do a part-time job, you must firstٳỂ᝻఍ޅஓẴỦểẨỊẆʙЭỆλ׎ሥྸ ễẬủịẟẬộẶỮẇẮỉᚩӧ໯ẲỆỴἽἢỶἚửẲẺụẆᚩӧẰ receive special permission and a stamp of approval from ủẺር׊ửឬảẺỴἽἢỶἚửẲẺụẴỦểϼፘỉݣᝋểễụộ the immigration office. Working without a permit, working ӳỆợẾềỊẆࢍСᡚӊỉݣᝋểờễụộẴỉỂẆҗЎද outside the jobs permitted by the Japanese government, isئẴẇ .ẦỤ ᵐ ỽஉ illegal. Depending on the case, you could be deportedڼỉ஖᧓᧏ܖỂỊသܖٻᨈܖॖẲềẪẻẰẟẇ᧙ᙱ ậỆễỤễẟểẟạር׊ϋỂỴἽἢỶἚ Due to the need felt by KGU for students to get properlyڳửኺᢅẴủịẆѠࢍỉ ửᛐỜềẟộẴẇᴾ accustomed to student life in Japan, we require students to wait two months before doing any part-time work.

1ώ৖ዓẨỆ࣏ᙲễờỉ What you will need ෇ѣᚩӧဎᛪ୿ίᵡᵧᵣᵡ ỆẝụộẴὸᴾ 1. Application for Permission to Engage in Activity otherٳᵏᵌ᝻఍ ᵐᵌἣἋἯὊἚᴾ than that Permitted under the Status of Residence .(သỽὊἛᴾ Previously Granted (available at CIECנᵑᵌ 2. Passport 3. Residence Card

2. ဎᛪỉ૾ඥ How to apply Ệ੩ЈẴỦẇᴾ 1. Take the items mentioned above to the Immigrationޅᵏᵌᴾ ࣏ᙲ୿᫏ửแͳẲềλ׎ሥྸ .෇ѣᚩ Office and turn in the applicationٳӳẆ࢘ଐỆ᝻఍ئᵐᵌᴾ ဎᛪỆբ᫆ầễẟểЙૺẰủẺ သỽᴾ 2. If no problems are found in your application, you will beנӧᚰҮἉὊἽầᝳỤủẺἣἋἯὊἚểᚩӧᚰҮỉẝỦ ὊἛầʩ˄ẰủỦᴾ given the stamp of approval on your residence card and .ԓ୿ẑử੩Ј passportإỜẺỤ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ỆẐỴἽἢỶἚཞඞڼᵑᵌᴾ ỴἽἢỶἚử ẴỦẇᴾ 3. Once you have begun your part-time job, please come to CIEC and hand in the Part-time Work Authorization Form after you filled in the details of your job and pasted the front and back copies of your residence card.

ᾂώỴἽἢỶἚỉỂẨỦ଺᧓ૠ Permitted Working Hours ᵏ ᡵ࢘Ẻụ ᵐᵖ ଺᧓ộỂ΁ẪẮểầỂẨộẴẇᴾ You may work up to 28 hours per week. ୗỆᨂụẆᵏ ଐ ᵖ ଺᧓ộỂ΁ẪẮểầ During the university’s summer, winter and spring˞ܓὉବܓὉϤܓỉٰܖٻ ỂẨộẴẇᴾ vacations, you may work up to 8 hours per day. :(ẰủềẟộẴẇᴾ University vacations (according to university regulationsܭЩỆЩẾềʖỜᚨܖỉܖٻୗ஖᧓ᾉ˞ ᵐᵎᵏᵗᵍᵐᵎᵐᵎ Ϥܓ˞ୗ஖᧓ᾉᵏᵐ உ ᵐᵒ ଐ῍ᵏ உ ᵓ ଐᴾ 2019/2020 Winter vacation: Dec 24 to Jan 5 ᵐᵎᵐᵎ ବܓ˞ୗ஖᧓ᾉᵐ உ ᵏᵓ ଐ῍ᵑ உ ᵑᵏ ଐᴾ 2020 Spring vacation: Feb 15 to Mar 31 Ϥ஖ᨼɶ஖᧓ửᨊẪᴾ (Winter Intensive Period excluded) ୗ஖᧓ᾉᵖ உ ᵕ ଐ῍ᵗ உ ᵏᵗ ଐᴾ 2020 Summer vacation: Aug 7 to Sep 19˞ܓٰ ᴾ သ஖᧓ầസẾề ͤYou are not allowed to work after the completion of yourנḤἩἿἂἻἲ̲ʕࢸί੉ಅὉᚾ᬴ኳʕࢸὸỊ ẟềờỴἽἢỶἚỊỂẨộẶỮẇᴾ program.

ᾃώỴἽἢỶἚỉር׊ Part-Time Work ʩ੭ܖဃầᘍảỦỴἽἢỶἚỊᅈ˟ᢊࣈỆӒẴỦờỉỂẝẾề Exchange students may not engage in immoral activities ৑ỂỉỴ as part-time work. Working at adult entertainmentئỊễụộẶỮẇ᫘̨փಅẆ᫘̨᧙ᡲփಅầᘍỪủỦ ἽἢỶἚỊᅠഥẰủềẟộẴẇ̊ảịẆἢὊẆỿἵἢἾὊẆἣἓὅ establishments or establishments where adult ἅẆ᰺ᨸࡃễỄỊẆˁʙỉϋܾỆ᧙ỪỤẵ΁ẪẮểầᅠഥẰủề entertainment is held is prohibited. Regardless of the ẟộẴẇᴾ content of your job, you cannot work at bars, cabarets, ෇ѣᚩӧử੩ᅆẲẆ΁ẪẮểỉỂẨỦ଺᧓ૠ pachinko parlors, mah-jongg parlors and other suchٳᨽẟɼỆỊ᝻఍ ởᎰᆔửჷẾềờỤẟộẲỢạẇᴾ establishments. Please show your employer your approved residence card so that they can create a proper work schedule for you. ᾋදॖᾍᴾ ẬЈầ࣏ᙲỂẴẇỴἽἢỶἚỉ If your part-time job is found to be improper, CIEC mightފӳỊ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ỆئỴἽἢỶἚửẴỦ ӳẆỴἽἢỶἚửᠴỜềờỤ ask you to quit said improper job. Please talk with a CIECئϋܾሁầɧᢘЏỂẝỦểЙૺẲẺ .ӳầẝụộẴẇỴἽἢỶἚửൿỜỦЭỆ࣏ẵ ᵡᵧᵣᵡ ỆႻᛩẲề staff before choosing your place of workئạ ɦẰẟẇᴾ


ӳỊẆଐஜᣁ̝ầɟဪଔ The Japanese postal system is a fast and efficient way toئᣁ̝ửᡛẾẺụẆӖẬӕẾẺụẴỦ ẪẆјྙႎỂẴẇᴾ send and receive mail. The Kwansei Gakuin Mae Post Office is located across ᧙ᙱܖᨈЭᣁ̝ޅỊẆᙱܷɥἃҾỿἵὅἣἋỉദᧉᡈẪỆẝ the street from the Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus main ụẆஉ୴ẦỤ᣿୴ỉҜЭ ᵗ ଺ẦỤҜࢸ ᵓ ଺ộỂ᧏ẟềẟộẴẇ gates and operates from 9:00-17:00 Monday to Friday. ầỸἕἙ For the Kobe Sanda Campus, the Sanda Keyaki DaiޅӳỊẆɤဋẬởẨӨᣁ̝ئᅕৎɤဋỿἵὅἣἋỉ ᬜᡈẪỆẝụộẴẇҜЭ ᵗ ଺ẦỤҜࢸ ᵓ ଺ộỂ᧏ẟềẟ Post Office is located outside of the Woody Chu-o trainځỵɶ ộẴẇᴾ station and operates from 9:00-17:00. ᙱܷᣁ̝ޅỊẆ᧵ᅕᙱܷᬜᡈẪỆẝụẆҜЭ ᵎ ଺ộỂ൑ଐ᧏ The Nishinomiya Post office located outside of Hanshin Nishinomiya Station is open until midnight every day. ẟềẟộẴẇᴾ

ᾀώᒵཋỉᡛụ૾ Sending Mail and Packages ӳẆᑥẉễ૾ඥầẝụ There are various ways to send mail both within JapanئồᒵཋửᡛỦٳଐஜ׎ϋẆờẲẪỊෙ ỪụộẴẇ୍ᡫᣁ̝ở ᵣᵫᵱ ầ and abroad which vary in speed and cost. Standard mail٭ộẴầẆଐૠỆợẾề͌െầ and EMS are the most common. For sending packages ӳẆỺỴἳὊἽẆᵱᵟᵪ ̝ởئỆᡛỦٳɟᑍႎỂẴẇᒵཋửෙ abroad methods such as airmail, SAL (Sea, Air, and ᑔ̝ễỄầẝụộẴẇᴾ Land), or by ship are among the most common methods to send postage. ỆếẟềỊẆɦᚡỉἼὅἁửӋༀẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ For more specific information please see the followingإᛇẲẟऴ link: ଐஜᣁ̝ Japan Post ⁚⁦⁦⁢‬‡‡⁢⁡⁥⁦†⁜⁓⁢⁓⁠⁢⁡⁥⁦†⁜⁢‡⁗⁠⁙⁞⁛⁥⁚‡⁛⁠⁖⁗†⁚⁦ ⁞‒ ᵤᶃᶂᵣᶖᴾ FedEx ⁚⁦⁦⁢‬‡‡⁩⁩⁩†⁘⁗⁖⁗†⁕⁡ ‡⁜⁢‒ ἶἰἚᢃ᠞ᴾ Yamato Transport Co., LTD ⁚⁦⁦⁢‬‡‡⁩⁩⁩†⁝⁧⁤⁡⁠⁗⁝⁡⁓ ⁓⁦⁡†⁕⁡†⁜⁢‡‒ ଐஜᡫᢃᴾ Nippon Express ⁚⁦⁦⁢‬‡‡⁩⁩⁩†⁠⁛⁢⁢⁡⁠⁗⁢⁤⁗⁥⁥†⁕⁡ ‡‒ ᵢᵦᵪᴾ DHL ⁚⁦⁦⁢‬‡‡⁩⁩⁩†⁖⁚⁞†⁕⁡ ‡‒ ˱߷࣯̝ᴾ Sagawa Express ⁚⁦⁦⁢‬‡‡⁩⁩⁩†⁥⁓⁙⁓⁩⁓‟⁗⁢†⁕⁡†⁜⁢‡⁗⁠⁙⁞⁛⁥⁚‡‒

ᾁ. ỶὅἑὊ἟ἕἚỉМဇ Internet Access ỿἵὅἣἋỂỊܖఄầ੩̓ẲềẟỦỶὅἑὊ἟ἕἚỆ੗ዓẴỦẮ All students, faculty, and staff are permitted to use the .׋୿᫾ởἳἙỵỴᄂᆮ౐ễỄỂМဇ school computers which have internet accessܖٻểầỂẨộẴẇᾟᾒỊ Computers are available in the University Library, the ỂẨộẴẇ໯ዴ੗ዓầ̅ဇỂẨỦ̾ʴỉἅὅἦἷὊἑὊửờẾ Media Research Building and various other locations ӳẆဎᛪửẴỦểỿἵὅἣἋϋỂ̅ဇỂẨộẴẇဎᛪ throughout campus. Students who have wirelessئềẟỦ ૾ඥỊỸỹἨἇỶἚửᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ capability on their personal computers are able to apply  to use wireless internet available on the Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus. This can be applied for through the ᴾ following page: ‒‡࿢ؾೞನⅠ※⁆‒⁅⁧⁢⁢⁡⁤⁦‒‵⁗⁠⁦⁗⁤Ⅱ⁚⁦⁦⁢‡‡⁛⁕⁦†⁝⁩⁓⁠⁥⁗⁛†⁓⁕†⁜⁢إऴ≝‾⁄⁇


ᾀώᩓൢ Electricity Ị ᵏᵎᵎ ἮἽἚỂẴẇộẺẆᙱܷửԃớᙱଐஜỉᩓ Electricity in Japan runs on 100 Volts. Nishinomiya andןଐஜỉᩓ ൢỉԗඬૠỊ ᵔᵎ ἪἽ἖ẆிଐஜỊ ᵓᵎ ἪἽ἖ỂẴẇ̅ဇẴỦ the remainder of western Japan have a cycle of 60 Hertz and Eastern Japan is on a cycle of 50 Hertz. Please ЭỆೞ֥ầଐஜỂ̅ဇỂẨỦờỉẦỄạẦ࣏ẵᄩᛐẲềẪẻẰ ensure that your electronic devices are suited for ẟẇᴾ Japanese circuits before using them. ᾁώ൦ Water ầɥ Tap water in Japan is drinkable. The municipalޅ૾ỉ൦ᢊעଐஜỂỊ൦ᢊ൦ử᫩ớẮểầỂẨộẴẇӲ እൈᓏϼྸửẲềẟỦẺỜẆ൦ᢊ൦ởɦ water department controls both the upperطɦ൦ᢊửሥྸẲẆ water lines, used for chlorinated tap water ൦ểẲề̅ဇẴỦẮểầỂẨộẴẇᴾ from filtration plants and lower water lines ᴾ used for sewage.

ᾂώỾἋể໊඗ Gas and Kerosene ໱ỾἋử̓ዅẲềẟộ The Osaka Gas Company provides the Kansai Regionټỉ෩҄חỾἋఇࡸ˟ᅈầẆ᧙ᙱ᧵ٻ ẪỉܼࡊỂỊẆ૰ྸởଡ଼৐ỆỾἋử̅ẟẆϤỉଡ଼ with liquefied natural gas. Many Japanese homes useٶẴẇଐஜỉ gas for cooking, heating, and kerosene for heating in the ৐Ệ໊඗ử̅ẟộẴẇᴾ winter. ཎỆϤỉᆰൢầʑ༞ẲềẟỦ଺஖ỆẆẮủỤỉ֥φử̅ạểẨ Please take the utmost care when using such .ẪẆ equipment; especially in the winter when the air is drierٶỊẆදॖẲềẪẻẰẟẇଐஜỉܼỊẆஙỂỂẨềẟỦẮểầ Japanese houses are traditionally constructed from ộẺ݅੗Ệ࡫ềỤủềẟỦỉỂẆ້ầ༓ảởẴ wood and built close together and therefore burn fairly Ẫ࠼ầụởẴẟỂẴẇݏỦЭởܼửЈỦểẨỆỊ easily. Be sure to check appliances and do the following, ɦᚡỉẮểỆൢử˄ẬềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ before going to sleep or leaving the house.

ᾀώỾἋỉΨఀử᧍ỜỦᴾ 1. Turn off the gas at the stopcock (main valve) ᾁώଡ଼৐ởỴỶἿὅễỄỉᩓเửЏỦᴾ 2. Turn off any heater, iron, and other appliances 3. Make sure to extinguish any cigarettes, candles or ᾂώἑἢἅởỿἵὅἛἽễỄỉ້ử࣏ẵෞẴᴾ other sources of fires ᴾ ᾋදॖᾍᴾ ỾἋἋἚὊἨở໊඗ἋἚὊἨỊʚᣠ҄໗እử੎ЈẴỦỉỂẆൢ Please be aware that gas stoves or kerosene heaters give off carbon dioxide. If the oxygen in the room ử˄ẬềẪẻẰẟẇᣠእầɧឱẴỦểɟᣠ҄໗እɶ൒ỆễỦẮ becomes insufficient, carbon monoxide will be produced ểầẝụộẴẇᆸửɟ଺᧓ắểỆ᧏ẬỦễỄẲềնឪửẲẆൢử which can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. To avoid ˄ẬềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ such an occurrence, please ensure to maintain good ᴾ ventilation by opening windows once every hour or so when using gas or kerosene.

ᴾ ᴾ


1. ᩓ៻ Railways ,Ẇτࡉửԃ In the Kinki District roughly extending from Lake BiwaޛᑣẆԧജډẆ᧵ٻ૾Ị࿄࿅ฯẦỤʮᣃẆעᡈဴ ỚộẴẇ᧵࣯Ẇ᧵ᅕẆᡈᤧẆʮ᧵ẆҤෙẆᵨᵰ ầɼễᤧᢊ˟ᅈ near , through Hyogo and including Osaka, Nara, and Wakayama, there are six major railroad systems: ɦᤧờẝụộẴẇʮ᧵ᅕעẆᅕৎẆʮᣃỆỊ᧵ٻỂẴẇộẺẆ Hankyu, Hanshin, Kintetsu, Keihan, Nankai, and Japan ,Rail (JR). There are also three subway systems: Osaka ٶẴỦʴầܖỺἼỴỉỖểỮỄửᩓ៻ầឥụẆᩓ៻ỂᡫѮὉᡫ ẟỂẴẇᴾ Kobe, and Kyoto. Train routes are well developed in the cities and suburbs of Keihanshin which covers Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe, and many people commute by train. ,Nishinomiya has three railroad systems: Hankyu, JR ٻᨈܖᙱܷỆỊẆ᧵࣯ẆᵨᵰẆ᧵ᅕỉ ᵑ ែዴầẝụộẴẇ᧙ᙱ Ầʶ߷ᬜầᡈẟ and Hanshin. In the Kwansei GakuinטᙱܷɥἃҾỿἵὅἣἋỆỊẆ᧵࣯ဍிܖ Nishinomiya-Uegahara Campus area, you will probably ỂẴẇộẺ ᵨᵰ ᙱܷᬜẦỤờἢἋỂᡫảộẴẇᅕৎɤဋỿἵὅ ride the Hankyu trains to Kotoen or Nigawa station; ἢἋ however, it is also possible to commute to JRۈἣἋỊẆᵨᵰ ૼɤဋᬜờẲẪỊҤỸἕἙỵἑỸὅᬜẦỤᅕ ỂᡫảộẴẇᴾ Nishinomiya Station and then take a bus to Nishinomiya ᴾ Uegahara. For the Kobe-Sanda area, you will most likely ᴾ use JR and the Shinki Bus system to get from the JR Shin-Sanda or Minami Woody Station to the Kobe Sanda ᴾ Campus. ᴾ ṼICOCA Ệếẟề About the ICOCA IC Card ẐᵧᵡᵭᵡᵟίỶἅỽὸẑỊẆᩓ܇ἰ἟ὊೞᏡ˄Ẩỉ ᵧᵡ ỽὊἛʈ៻УỂ The ICOCA IC Card is a prepaid e-money card for Ẵẇᴾ moving around and shopping. ʈ៻଺Ệો஝ӝỂỽὊἛἼὊἒὊỆἑἕἓẴủịẆɦ៻଺Ệᐯ Simply touch the ICOCA card to the reader at the ticket ѣႎỆᢃ᝹ửᚘምẲềẪủộẴẇႆУೞỂʈ៻Уửᝰạ࣏ᙲ gate when out and about. There is no need to purchase a ticket from a vending machine. The fare is ỊẝụộẶỮẇờẲ૰᣿ầɧឱẲềẟủịẆʈụឭẲችምೞỂ automatically calculated at the station where you get off. ᵧᵡᵭᵡᵟ Ệấ᣿ửἓἵὊἊẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ When you get off the train or bus, the fare will be ᴾ calculated at that station. If the balance is insufficient, however, you will need to add more money to your ICOCA. ộẺẆᵧᵡᵭᵡᵟьႱࡃίᵱᶓᶇᶁᵿьႱࡃὸỂỊἼὊἒἻỶἑỆἑἕἓẴ The ICOCA can be used not only for transportation but ủịᝰẟཋửẴỦẮểờỂẨộẴẇᴾ for shopping as well. You can use your ICOCA to make purchases for spending at ICOCA members (Suica members) shops. Ṽᧈុᩉ଄ᘍỉẺỜỉἓἃἕἚʖኖỆếẟề Tickets And Reservations for Long Distance Trips ᡫࠝẆУ٥ೞỊ ᵏᵎᵎ ỿἿச฼ỉЏᇷửᝤ٥ẲềẟộẴẇᴾ Most regular ticket machines sell tickets for travel of less ẲẦẲẆẐᵨᵰ ỚỄụỉႆУೞẑỂỊྵ᣿ộẺỊἁἾἊἕἚỽὊἛỂ than 100km. However, you can also purchase bullet train () tickets and Special Express (Tokkyu) train ᭗ᡮЗ៻ίૼ࠴ዴὸởཎ࣯ỉᩓ៻ỉЏᇷửᝰạẮểầỂẨộ tickets from the JR ticket machines by cash or credit ẴẇỚỄụỉУ٥ೞỊ ᵨᵰ ỉУ٥ೞởẐỚỄụỉᆸӝẑỉᡈẪỆ card. The JR ticket machines can be found in most train .ẟỉỂẆදॖẲ stations near ticket machines and the JR ticket counterٶẝụộẴẇဋᑀỉᬜỂỊУ٥ೞầễẟẮểầ ềẪẻẰẟẇẰỤỆẆẮủỤỉЏᇷỊẐỚỄụỉᆸӝẑỂờᝰạẮể Please note that some rural stations have no ticket ầỂẨộẴẇờẲଐஜᛖầᛅẶễẟỉỂẝủịẆἋἲὊἌỆЏ machines. Moreover, you can also purchase these tickets from the JR ticket counter. If you do not speak ሁửኡỆ୿ẟề̞ՃỆᙸẶỦẮעᇷửទλẴỦẺỜỆờႸႎ Japanese it is recommended that you write the data on a ểửấѰỜẲộẴẇᡈᤧởҤෙᩓ៻Ểờᧈុᩉỉཎ࣯Уởࡈ piece of paper and present it to the salesperson at the ࠗỉʖኖầỂẨộẴẇ ticket counter in order to make the purchasing process smoother. Please note that Tokkyu “Special Express” train tickets and seat reservations for long distance trips are also available from Kintetsu and Nankai.

52 ṼJR ܖဃлࡽʈ៻У JR Student Discount ӳẆᢃ᝹ầ ᵐ лࡽỆ This 20% discount off the regular fare is applicable onlyئМဇғ᧓ỉ༾ᢊầ ᵏᵎᵏ ỿἿˌɥẝỦ ễụộẴẇ৖ዓẨỊഏỉᡫụỂẴẇᴾ to travel of more than 100 km by Japan Rail. ᴾ ᴾ ṞܖဃлࡽᚰửܖဃᛢỂӖẬӕỦẇᴾ ձObtain a student discount slip (gakusei waribiki-sho) ṟỚỄụỉᆸӝỂܖဃлࡽᚰểܖဃᚰửᙸẶẆܖဃлࡽ at the Student Affairs Section. ղPurchase a student discount ticket (gakusei waribiki УửទλẴỦẇ ken) at a JR Midori no Madoguchi service counter with this slip and a valid student I.D. ṼJR ᩷ବ 18 Џᇷ JR Seishun 18 Ticket ᵨᵰ ᩷ବ ᵏᵖ ЏᇷỊẆஊј஖ᨂϋỉạẼỉ ᵓ ଐ᧓Ẇᵨᵰ ỉ୍ᡫ The JR Seishun 18 ticket, which gives you unlimited Ẫ଄ᘍ travel for any 5 days within the period of validity on localܤᩓ៻Ẇࣛᡮᩓ៻ầʈụ્᫆ỉЏᇷỂẴẇଐஜ׎ϋử (futsu) and rapid (kaisoku) JR trains, is ideal for traveling ӳễỄỆ̅ảộẴẇ᩷ବ ᵏᵖ ЏᇷỊ ᵏᵏᵊᵖᵓᵎ όỂМဇئẲẺẟ cheaply around Japan. This ticket, which costs 11,850 ஖᧓ầᨂỤủềẟộẴẇộẺẆ˂ỉʴểɟደỆ̅ạẮểờỂẨộ JPY, is only available seasonally and can be shared by ẴẇᛇኬỊɦᚡỉἭὊἲἬὊἊửᙸềẪẻẰẟẇ several people. For more details please refer to the following website: ⁇⁄‾‬‒⁚⁦⁦⁢⁥‬‡‡⁩⁩⁩†⁜⁤⁗⁓⁥⁦†⁕⁡†⁜⁢‡⁗‡⁢⁓⁥⁥‡⁥⁗⁛⁥⁚⁧⁠‣‪†⁚⁦ ⁞‒‚‷⁠⁙⁞⁛⁥⁚‒⁡⁠⁞‛‒

2. ἢἋ Bus ṼᆰลἼἲἊὅἢἋ Airport Limousine Bus ɻᆰลồỉʩᡫ The airport limousine bus service is a very efficient and˙᧵ٻᆰลἼἲἊὅἢἋỊẆ᧙ᙱ׎ᨥᆰลể ৖െểẲềểềờ̝МỂẴẇẺẪẰỮỉἽὊἚầẝụộẴầẆỄẼ convenient way to travel to and from Kansai International Airport and Osaka . Although there are many ỤỉᆰลẦỤờᙱܷ҅ӝᬜỆᘍẪᨥỊẆẐᙱܷ҅ӝᘍẨẑỆʈ routes available, students and scholars who are traveling ໜỉ᧵࣯ᙱܷ҅ӝᬜỆბẪộỂ from either airport to Hankyu Nishinomiya-Kitaguchi willע៻ẲềẪẻẰẟẇἢἋỊஇኳ ỆẆẟẪếẦỉͣသ৑ỂͣộụộẴẇᡫࠝẆ᧙ᙱ׎ᨥᆰลẦỤ catch the bus destined for Nishinomiya. This bus stops at ༾ᢊ ᵕᵎ ЎỂ ᵏᵊᵕᵓᵎ όẦẦụộẴẇࢮࣄЏᇷỊ ᵑᵊᵎᵖᵎ όỂẴ several stations before arriving at the final destination ɻᆰลẦỤỊấợ (Hankyu Nishinomiya Kitaguchi). The bus ride will˙᧵ٻầẆទλଐẦỤ ᵏᵒ ଐ᧓ஊјỂẴẇ normally take around 70 minutes and costs 1,750 JPY Ẹ ᵓᵎ ЎỂ༾ᢊ ᵕᵐᵎ όỂẴẇᆰลἼἲἊὅἢἋỊɤဋỆỊẝụ for adults for one-way tickets going to or from Kansai ộẶỮẇᴾ International Airport. Round-trip tickets can be ᴾ purchased for 3,080 JPY but are only valid for 14 days ᴾ from the date of purchase. From the Osaka Itami Airport, ᴾ the journey will normally take around 50 minutes and costs 720 JPY for adults one way. Limousine buses do ᴾ not run from Sanda City. ᆰลỆỊᩓ៻ỂᘍẪẮểờỂẨộẴẇᴾ Both airports are also accessible by trains. ⁇⁄‾‬‒⁚⁦⁦⁢‬‡‡⁩⁩⁩†⁡⁝⁝⁔⁧⁥†⁕⁡†⁜⁢‡⁗⁠‡‒ ṼែዴἢἋ Local Buses ଐஜỂỊẆɟᑍႎỆ˰ܡᘑểɼᙲᬜỉ᧓ỂἢἋầᢃᘍẰủề In Japan, regularly scheduled bus lines serve many ẟộẴẇᙱܷỂỊ᧵࣯ἢἋể᧵ᅕἢἋầẝụẆ᫁ጛỆἢἋửᢃ areas where trains do not run, such as through residential areas between major train stations. In ᘍẲềẟộẴẇẟẪếẦỉᣃࠊỆấẟềờӷಮỉἢἋỉᢃᘍầ Nishinomiya, the Hankyu and Hanshin companies ỂỊẆɼễᬜẦỤᚇήἋ provide frequent scheduled bus services. Some citiesעᑣỉợạễᚇήډẝụộẴẇʮᣃở ἯἕἚồ᫁ጛỆἢἋầᢃᘍẰủềẟộẴẇᴾ also have their own bus systems. In nearby tourist ᴾ centers such as Kyoto and Nara, regularly scheduled ᴾ buses run frequently between major stations and sightseeing spots. ᙱܷɥ⇗Ҿ⇓∉∙⇷⇟↧ᘍⅾ∑ There are two different Hankyu bus routes to Kwanseiܖٻᨈܖⅺ↸᧙ᙱטဍி ∞⇮↞ɼ↚ ․ ஜⅱ↹⅚ɟ↓↞ᙱܷ҅ӝᬜ↚ᘍⅾ↱↝↖⅚ Gakuin University's Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus from ↱ⅵɟ↓↞ᙱܷ҅ӝᬜ↗ࠊࢫ৑⇁ኺဌↆ↕ஔϿထ↚ᘍⅾ Kotoen station. One goes on to Nishinomiya Kitaguchi ↱↝↖ↈ⅛‒ station; the other goes on to Asanagi-cho via Nishinomiya Kitaguchi and the City Hall. ⁇⁄‾‬‒⁚⁦⁦⁢‬‡‡⁩⁩⁩†⁝⁩⁓⁠⁥⁗⁛†⁓⁕†⁜⁢‡⁝⁥⁕‡⁝⁥⁕⁑•••‣․‥†⁚⁦ ⁞‒‚‼⁓⁢⁓⁠⁗⁥⁗‒⁁⁠⁞‛‒

53 ṼᧈុᩉἢἋ Long-Distance Bus ᧈុᩉἢἋỊẆᵨᵰ ἢἋửỊẳỜẆಮẉễ˟ᅈầᢃᘍẲềấụẆ The cheapest way to travel long distance is to use the ᘍἢἋờᢃᘍẲềấ night buses operated by JR or various other busٸỂ଄ᘍẲẺẟʴỆấẴẴỜỂẴẇ̖ܤ companies. These can be quite comfortable, with ࣱݦڡụẆἼἁἻỶἝὅἂӧᏡễࠗỂẆൔ᠋ႎࣛᢘỂẴẇộẺẆ amenities on board and with individual wider reclining ᬜẆ seats. There are also buses specifically for female᧵ٻဃлࡽờ̅ảộẴẇᵨᵰ ɤܷᬜẆܖဇ៻ầẝẾẺụẆ .ẨễᬜỆỊἢἋἑὊἱἜἽầẝụộ passengers. Student discounts are also applicableٻʮᣃᬜẆễỮịᬜễỄ ᘍἢἋẑễỄỿὊὁὊἛử̅ạểᛇẲẟ These buses depart from many places. Departure pointsٸẴẇỸỹἨἇỶἚɥỂẐ ,ӳởẆ᫠ᘍೞở in this area include the JR stations in Sannomiya, OsakaئẟܤầࢽỤủộẴẇộẺẆ᫠ᘍೞợụờإऴ and Kyoto and from other places such as Namba, ӳầẝụộẴẇᴾئ৑ờẆἢἋỂᘍẬỦئᩓ៻ỂᘍẨỆẪẟ Shin-Osaka, and Tennoji. Using the key word "overnight bus"(yako bus) in your search engine can give you access to websites which can provide you with details about long-distance bus trips. ᫠ᘍೞ ṼἉἵἚἽἢἋ Intercampus Shuttle Bus ỂỊ੉ಅ஖᧓ấợỎᚾ᬴ܱ଀஖᧓ɶẆᙱܷɥ Kwansei Gakuin University provides a shuttle busܖٻᨈܖ᧙ᙱ ἃҾỿἵὅἣἋểᅕৎɤဋỿἵὅἣἋửኽốἉἵἚἽἢἋửᢃ (approx. 60 minutes) between the two campuses namely Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus and Kobe Sanda ᘍẲềẟộẴẇ༾ᢊኖ ᵔᵎ ЎỂ ᵒᵎᵎ όỂẴẇ Campus, when classes and exams are in session. It cost 400 JPY. ᙱܷࠊɥ∜Ҿ⇓∉∙⇷⇟‟‒ ᅕৎɤဋ⇓∉∙⇷⇟ ᅕৎɤဋ⇓∉∙⇷⇟‟ᙱܷɥ∜Ҿ⇓∉∙⇷⇟ Nishinomiya Uegahara ĺ Kobe Sanda Kobe Sanda ĺ Nishinomiya Uegahara ἧỹἼὊ Јႆ଺᧓ᴾ Departure Timeᴾ Јႆ଺᧓ Departure Time ᵎᵕᵘᵒᵎᴾ ᵎᵗᵘᵑᵎᴾ ᵎᵗᵘᵑᵎᴾ ᵏᵏᵘᵐᵎᴾ ᵏᵏᵘᵐᵎᴾ ᵏᵑᵘᵒᵎᴾ ᵏᵑᵘᵒᵎᴾ ᵏᵓᵘᵐᵎᴾ ᵏᵓᵘᵐᵎᴾ ᵏᵕᵘᵎᵎᴾ ᵏᵕᵘᵎᵎᴾ ᵏᵖᵘᵒᵎᴾ

৑ᴾئἢἋͣᴾ ἓἃἕἚᝤ٥ Bus Stop Location Ticket Purchasing Location ᙱܷɥὈҾỿἵὅἣἋᴾ ૼܖဃ˟᫾ỉ҅ͨᴾ ᵟ ӭ᫾ᙱͨᴾ ૼܖဃ˟᫾ ᵏ ᨞ᴾ Nishinomiya North side of the Student Union Building, ἇὊἥἋỽỸὅἑὊᴾ Uegahara Campus West side of Lecture Hall A 1F Student Union New Building ἚỶἮἕἁἋίᇹɟҽဃ౐ὸᴾ ᴾ Toy Box: 2F of Student Hall IئᅕৎɤဋỿἵὅἣἋᴾ ᇹʚҽဃ౐Эᬟ៻ Kobe Sanda Campus Near the car park in front of Student Hall II ἣὅἉἹἕἩίᇹʚҽဃ౐ὸᴾ Pan Shop: 1F of Student Hall II

3. ἑἁἉὊ Taxi ầẝụộẴẇЗỆɳ Many train stations and bus terminals feature a nearbyئᬜởἢἋἑὊἱἜἽỆỊẆἑἁἉὊʈụ ỎẆἑἁἉὊửࢳẼộẲỢạẇἑἁἉὊỆʈỦᨥỊẆ߼ͨẦỤʈụ taxi stand with a taxi pool available to take passengers quickly. Wait in line for your turn. Board the taxi from the ộẲỢạẇἛỴỊἑἁἉὊỉᢃ᠃৖Ệợụ᧏᧍ẰủộẴỉỂẆൢử left side. Stand back until the door, controlled by the ˄ẬộẲỢạẇᴾ driver, is opened. Similarly, the driver will shut the door after you get in. ἑἁἉὊỉИʈụ૰᣿Ị ᵔᵖᵎ όỂẴầẆἑἁἉὊỉ៻ỉἇỶἌ Basic fare begins at about 680 JPY depending on the ởࠊỆợẾề͌െầီễụộẴẇ૰᣿ỊẆុᩉể଺᧓ỂьምẰ size of the cab, varying slightly from city to city, and advances by meter at a fixed-rate combination of ủềẟẨộẴẇἓἕἩỉ࣏ᙲỊẝụộẶỮẇἑἁἉὊửᨀụỦểẨ distance and time. No tipping is required. At your ỊẆἛἻỶἢὊỆ૰᣿ửૅ৚ạểἛỴử᧏ẬềẪủộẴẇᴾ destination, after you have paid, the driver lets you out.

54 ᡫụỂỊἑἁἉὊỆൔ᠋ႎቇҥỆʈỦẮểầỂẨộẴầẆᩋ Taxis are easily hailed on major streets, thought this isٻ ỉଐởҜࢸ ᵏᵏ ଺ˌᨀẆᅔଐễỄỂỊᩊẲẟӧᏡࣱờẝụộ harder to do on rainy days, after 23:00, and on some holidays. You may also telephone (in Japanese) the ẴẇᩓᛅỂἑἁἉὊ˟ᅈỆᣐ៻ửʖኖẴỦẮểờỂẨộẴẇᴾ dispatch center of a taxi company for pickup at a ᴾ designated time and location. There is an extra charge ᴾ for calling a taxi. Ὁ᧵࣯ἑἁἉὊᾉᵎᵕᵗᵖᵋᵔᵔᵋᵐᵕᵏᵕᴾ ࣭Hankyu Taxi: 0798-66-2717 ὉႻʝἑἁἉὊᾉᵎᵕᵗᵖᵋᵑᵖᵋᵓᵖᵖᵖᴾ ࣭Sogo Taxi: 0798-38-5888 ;׋ử Taxis may be numerous but addresses are hard to findעἑἁἉὊỆʈỦᨥỊẆଐஜᛖỂ୿ẦủẺᐯЎỉ˰৑ở ဇॖẲềấẪểᑣẟỂẲỢạẇଐஜỉ˰৑ỊܼắểỆဪӭễỄầ houses are not numbered consecutively and 'street names' usually represent an asymmetric area of several ӳầئਰụЎẬỤủềẟễẟỉỂẆ˰৑ẦỤ੕ẴẮểầᩊẲẟ blocks. It is good to have a map and/or directions in ẝụộẴẇᴾ Japanese for your driver, as you may need to provide them with directions. 4. ᫠ᘍೞ Airplane ଐஜỂỊẆᵨᶃᶒᶑᶒᵿᶐ ở ᵮᶃᵿᶁᶆ ễỄỉ ᵪᵡᵡ ỉᑋᆰ˟ᅈầݼᑋẲ There are a number of Low-Cost Carrier (LCC) operating ẪẟẪẮểờӧ both domestic and international flights in Japan such asܤễỄỆἍὊἽửМဇẲềٳềẟộẴẇ׎ϋởෙ Jetstar and Peach. Those companies often have sales ẪݼᑋẲềẟộٶᑋᆰ˟ᅈỊ᧙ᙱ׎ᨥᆰลỆܤᏡỂẴẇ఍ and seasonal discount and are considered safe. Feel ẴẇᛇẲẪỊӲᑋᆰ˟ᅈỉἭὊἲἬὊἊửӋༀẲềẪẻẰẟẇᴾ free to look for interesting flights on each company’s websites.

5. ἧỹἼὊ Ferry ,׎Ẇʋ߸Ẇ҅ෙᢊở᪡׎Ẇɶ׎ễỄỆỊᑔỂᘍẬộẴẇᑔ Travel to other islands (Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawaׄ ӳẆ଺᧓ỊẦẦụộẴầẆ᫠ᘍೞởἢἋẆᩓ៻ễỄợ Hokkaido) is cheapest by ship or ferryboat. Though boatئỂᘍẪ travel is slower, fares are usually one-third to one-half ẟỂẴẇᴾٶӳầئẪᘍẬỦܤụ those of trains or buses. ᴾ ᴾ


ᩗᴾ Earthquake and Japanעᵏᵌᴾ ଐஜể ׎ỂẴẇᴾ Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries inٻᩗעଐஜỊɭမỉɶỂஊૠỉ the world. ᩗỊẟếஹỦẦỪẦụộẶỮẇଐ᪭ẦỤ᧸໎ỉͳảửẲềấ It is important to be prepared against disasters on a dailyע .ЏỂẴẇᴾ basis since earthquakes can occur anytimeٻẪẮểầ

ᩗầឪẨẺ଺ỆදॖẴỦẮểᴾ Caution Required During Earthquakeע ᵐᵌᴾ ᵚᴾ ែɥỂỊᴾ ᵜᴾ < On the street > ৑ỆᡜậẆࡈ 9 Stay away from buildings and sit down on theئễỄẆԗụỆ᭗ẟ࡫ཋầễẟئở࠼טπ 9 ᩿ỉлủႸễỄỆදॖẴỦẇᴾᴾ ground. Be careful about cracks occurring in theעỦẇẸỉᨥỊ ground where you are sitting. .Џủề׶ủɦầẾẺᩓዴỆỊᚑỤễẟẇᴾ 9 Beware of falling roof tiles, etc 9 9 ẦỪỤễỄᓳɦཋỆදॖẴỦẇᴾ 9 Do not touch fallen or drooping electric cables. ễỄẦỤᩉủỦẇ͂ủỦүᨖẝụẇᴾ 9 There is danger of block walls collapsing. KeepتἨἿἕἁ 9 away from them. ᵚᴾ ދϋỂỊᴾ ᵜᴾ < Indoors > 9 தỉɦỆλỦẆܼφẦỤᩉủỦẇᴾ 9 Get under a desk, get away from furniture. 9 ỐểỮởộẪỤỂ᪽ửܣụẆܼφầ͂ủềẮễẟểẮỨỆ៲ 9 Protect your head with your futon (bed mattress) or ửỐẶỦẇᴾ pillow. Lie down where furniture won’t fall. 9 ἛỴử᧏ẬẆЈλụӝỉᄩ̬ᴾ 9 Open doors, secure an exit 9 ້ΨửᄩᛐẆЈ້ẲềẟủịИ஖ෞ້ửᘍạί໯ྸẶẵ 9 Check sources of flame (fire), if a fire has started, try ܤμᄩ̬ầஇΟέὸẇᴾ to extinguish it as soon as possible. However, securing your safety comes first. 9 ỾἋỉΨఀử᧍ỜẆᩓൢỉἨἾὊỽὊửЏỦẇᴾ 9 Switch off gas mains and electric circuit breaker

ᵚᴾ ෙެỂỊᴾ ᵜᴾ < Seaside/coastline > ,ỆදॖẴỦẇᴾ 9 If you are near a coastline, evacuate to high groundإӳỊẆ᭗ӨỆᢤᩊẲẆ඾ඬऴئෙެỉ 9 .ồᢤᩊẴỦẇᴾ pay attention to tsunami informationٳỂỊẆẺẻẼỆދầẬửᏑỆẲẺܼ 9 9 If you are in a building that is near a cliff, evacuate immediately. ඾ඬễỄỊ ᵏᵎЎẦỤ ᵏ଺᧓ˌϋỆႆဃẲộẴẇܤμầᄩᛐẰ A tsunami or flood may occur within 10 minutes to an ủỦộỂỊ᭗ӨỆᢤᩊẲềẪẻằẟẇ඾ඬầࡽẟẺể࣬Ếềờ hour. Reach and stay on high ground for at least several hours or until it is announced to be safe. ૺዓႎỆஹỦӧᏡࣱầẝụộẴẇᴾ Sometimes tsunamis may seem to recede but may come back in waves. ửӓᨼẴỦᴾ Where to Get Information on EarthquakeإᩗỆếẟềỉऴע ᵑᵌᴾ ൢᝋ࠻ᴾ Japan Meteorological Agency ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶈᶋᵿᵌᶅᶍᵌᶈᶎᵍᶈᶎᵍᶏᶓᵿᶉᶃᵍᴾ https://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/ τࡉ᧸໎἟ἕἚᴾ ίဎᡂСὸᴾ Hyogo Emergency Net (on subscription needed) ἳὊἽởἭὊἲἬὊἊೞᏡửМဇẲềẆ໎ܹႆဃ଺ሁỉዬ࣯ Municipalities in Hyogo Prefecture distribute urgent information and a variety of disaster prevention םẆإẆཎКᜩإᩗẆ඾ඬẆൢᝋᜩעίإ଺ỆẆዬ࣯ൢᝋऴ ሁὸửẟẼ information including earthquake, tsunami, and weatherإẆᇕࠇදॖऴإẆඕ߷ව൦ʖإჿ໎ܹᜩ়ऴ ଔẪჄൟὉࠊൟỉ૾ẉỆႆ̮ẴỦἉἋἘἲỂẴẇᴾ warnings by email or on website. ᛇኬỊᾉᴾ For more details: ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶃᶀᵌᶎᶐᶃᶄᵌᶆᶗᶍᶅᶍᵌᶊᶅᵌᶈᶎᵍᶉᶉᵒᵎᵍᶎᵿᵐᵎᵽᵎᵎᵎᵎᵎᵎᵎᵎᵏᵌᶆᶒᶋᶊ http://bosai.net/e/regist/flyer/flyer_e.pdf



ᵏᵌᴾ Ө᫘ểỊᴾ What is a Typhoon? ๖ụ In Japan, there are many typhoons during summer andעẪẆࢍ᫘ởᝍᩋỂٶଐஜỂỊٰẦỤᅸỆẦẬềӨ᫘ầ Ệදॖ autumn. Strong winds and heavy rain cause a lot ofإൢʖټởව൦ễỄỉᘮܹầᴾ ႆဃẲộẴẇଐ᪭ẦỤ damage such as landslides and flooding. Pay attention ẲềẆӨ᫘ầᡈỀẪЭỆẆࢍ᫘ởව൦ỆͳảộẲỢạẇᴾᴾ to weather forecasts regularly and be prepared for strong winds and flooding before typhoons hit the area. ộẺẆଐஜ˄ᡈỆЭዴầͣ๛ẲềẟỦểẨίểẪỆపᩋ஖ỉኳ Damage caused by sudden downpours occurs when Ừụᴾ ᾆஉɦକὸẆᨼɶᝍᩋỆợỦᘮܹầႆဃẲởẴẪễụộ there are stagnant fronts near Japan (especially at the end of the rainy season in early July). Ẵẇᴾᴾ

ᵐᵌᴾ Ө᫘ầஹẺ଺ỆදॖẴỦẮểᴾ Caution Required During Typhoons ᵚᴾ ែɥỂỊᴾ ᵜᴾ < On the street > 9 ࢍ᫘ỂჃெầ᫠ỮẻụẆᘑែ೔ễỄầ͂ủẺụẴỦүᨖ 9 Danger of signboards and trees along the street ầẝỦẺỜදॖẴỦẇᴾᴾ being blown down. 9 ᡈẪỉ᪴ɣễ࡫ཋỆᢤᩊẴỦẇᴾᴾ 9 Seek shelter in a strong and sturdy building.

ᵚᴾ ދϋỂỊᴾ ᵜᴾ < Indoors > ở᫠ịẰủẺཋỂᆸỾἻἋầлủẆᄊ༾ầԉẨᡂớ 9 Strong winds and flying objects can break windowsן᫘ 9 үᨖầẝỦẺỜදॖẴỦẇᴾᴾ and cause the glass to fly about. 9 ᩋৎẆἉἵἕἑὊẆỽὊἘὅử᧍ỜẆ᫘ầࢍẟạẼỊᆸỆ 9 Close storm windows, shutters and curtains and do ᡈỀẦễẟẇᴾ not go near windows when the wind is strong. .ỆЈễẟẇᴾ 9 Avoid going outside unless absolutely necessaryٳỂẨỦẻẬ 9

ᵚᴾ ෙެỂỊᴾ ᵜᴾ < Seaside/coastline > 9 ෙồỉ᠃ᓳở᭗ກẆ᭗ඬỆࠇẨᡂộủỦүᨖầẝỦẺ There is a danger of falling into the sea and being ỜදॖẴỦẇᴾ washed away by tidal and high waves.

9 ࣯ẟỂෙެẦỤᩉủỦẮểẇᴾ 9 Get away from the seaside/coastline as quickly as possible.

ửӓᨼẴỦᴾ Where to Get Information on Typhoonإᵑᵌᴾ Ө᫘Ệếẟềỉऴ ൢᝋ࠻ᴾ Japan Meteorological Agency ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶕᶕᵌᶈᶋᵿᵌᶅᶍᵌᶈᶎᵍᶈᶎᵍᶒᶗᶎᶆᵍᴾ https://www.jma.go.jp/en/typh/ τࡉ᧸໎἟ἕἚᴾ ίဎᡂСὸᴾ Hyogo Emergency Net (on subscription needed) ἳὊἽởἭὊἲἬὊἊೞᏡửМဇẲềẆ໎ܹႆဃ଺ሁỉዬ࣯ Municipalities in Hyogo Prefecture distribute urgent information and a variety of disaster prevention םẆإẆཎКᜩإᩗẆ඾ඬẆൢᝋᜩעίإ଺ỆẆዬ࣯ൢᝋऴ ሁὸửẟẼ information including earthquake, tsunami, and weatherإẆᇕࠇදॖऴإẆඕ߷ව൦ʖإჿ໎ܹᜩ়ऴ ଔẪჄൟὉࠊൟỉ૾ẉỆႆ̮ẴỦἉἋἘἲỂẴẇᴾ warnings by email or on website. ᛇኬỊᾉᴾ For more details: ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶕᶃᶀᵌᶎᶐᶃᶄᵌᶆᶗᶍᶅᶍᵌᶊᶅᵌᶈᶎᵍᶉᶉᵒᵎᵍᶎᵿᵐᵎᵽᵎᵎᵎᵎᵎᵎᵎᵎᵏᵌᶆᶒᶋᶊ http://bosai.net/e/regist/flyer/flyer_e.pdf ᴾ


ᴾ Ḥዬ࣯଺Ệ࣏ᙲễờỉửˌɦỆਫậềẟộẴẇỄẮỆፗẟềẟ ͤ At the time of emergency, necessary items to ỦẦửჷẾềấẨộẲỢạẇᴾ have/bring with you are listed below. Please make sure you know where they are. ᝮ᣻Լᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᾉᴾ Valuable Items : ,သỽὊἛẆ᤼ᘍᡫࠚởҮᦷẆͤࡍ̬ᨖᚰẆᴾ Passport, Residence Card, Seal/Personal StampנἣἋἯὊἚẆ Bank book, National Health Insurance Card, Cash, ྵ᣿Ẇઃ࠘ᩓᛅᴾ Cell Phone ᩼ࠝ᫢ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᾉᴾ Emergency Food : ἉἼỴἽẆἓἹἅἾὊἚẆᴾ Cereal, Chocolate, Bottled water, Rice (boil-in-bag), Canned food ἬἕἚἮἚἽỉ൦Ẇ቟ίἾἚἽἚὸẆፃᛄᴾ ᩼ࠝ଺ἂἕἌᾉᴾ Emergency Equipment : ૔࣯ረẆἻἊỼίʖͳỉᩓ൷ửԃớὸẆদɶᩓ໊ίʖͳỉᩓ First-aid box,Portable radio (with spare batteries), Flashlight (with spare batteries), Portable gas stove ൷ửԃớὸẆઃ࠘ỾἋἅὅἿίʖͳỉፃửԃớὸẆἪἽἳἕἚᴾ (with spare gas cartridges), Helmet 

58 ㈨ᩱձ



㈨ᩱղ  㜰ᛴ⥺㊰⥺ᅗ Hankyu Line Route MAP



60 ㈨ᩱճ  Training Center Information

[Open days] 2. Use of dressing rooms Weekdays (including holidays with class and regular -Be sure to lock the locker and do not forget the locker number examination days) and code number. 10:00 to 20:00 -Check if you forgot anything after using the locker. (10:00 to 18:00, July 31 to September 15) 3. Clothing -Wear appropriate clothing such as training wear when training. [Closed days] -To prevent injuries, use indoor training shoes. { Saturdays, Sundays and holidays (however, the center is 4. Use of Strength Room open on days on which there is class or regular examination.) - Please use the training tools properly and carefully. { Foundation Day (September 28/ however, the center is open - When using a barbell, be sure to use the plate equipped with on days on which there is class or regular examination.) each rack or platform. Do not use the plate for other racks. { Summer rest period (August 13 to 21) - When doing squat or bench press on a rack, set up the { New Year Holidays (December 25 to January 5) J-hook for barbell and the safety rack to an appropriate height. * There are also times when the training center is temporarily Also return them to the original height (where the sticker is closed other than the above (entrance ceremony, graduation stuck on) after using. ceremony, etc.). - When using a barbell, be sure to wear a collar (plate fall prevention fitting). [User registration] - Be sure to return the used machines, tools, dumbbells, A user has the qualification to use the Training Center for 1 year barbells, plates and so forth to the original positions. since the following day of lecture participation. To continue the - Use a rack in multiples as much as possible. qualification, he/she must renew the user status. Purchase - Use the training tools only at the Training Center and do not “Training Center user registration fee (renewal): 1,000 JPY” at take them out of the Center. the ticket machine and go through the renewal process at Sports - Use a platform while facing a mirror. and Culture Section. A list of users whose expiration dates are - Do not use plates other than bumper weights on a platform. close will be posted on the Training Center bulletin board. - Do not perform free weight training while wearing earphones or headphones. [Outline of facilities] - Consult a Training Center instructor if you have any questions ¡ Strength Room about how to use the machines or how to do training. 5. Use of Conditioning Room This room has platforms, combo racks, squat racks, bench - When doing athletic rehabilitation or reconditioning, use the presses, smith machines and so forth, mainly from HAMMER small space on the western side with priority (the room with STRENGTH. The users can do weight training from basics to beds and so forth). highly specialized levels to match the purpose such as - Do not use the bed or table for purposes other than athletic hypertrophy, muscle strength improvement, explosive power rehabilitation, reconditioning or taping. generation, and muscular endurance improvement. There are 6. Manners also treadmills (room runners), upright bikes and so forth mainly - Bring your own towel to wipe yourself off the sweat from from Life Fitness. Users can do systemic aerobic and anaerobic training and also off the machines, tools you used as well as endurance improvement training. the floor. - Do not use cell phones for purposes other than training (do ¡ Conditioning Room not distract the concentration of the others). Users can do core training using balance balls, medicine balls, - Only drinking water can be brought into the Center at any agility discs and so forth, as well as stretches using poles. This time. room can also be used for injury care and rehabilitation. - Have sports drinks, fruit juices, protein and so forth in the lounge space. [Precautions in using the University Training Center] - Always consider the other users while training or resting so Please observe the following rules so that all the users can use that all the users can benefit from the effects and joy of training. the Training Center comfortably: - Be careful about safety. If you find abnormality in equipment 1. Entry and exit and so forth, immediately report it to the instructor or -Touch your student’s identification card on the card reader at administrator. entry (also touch for reentry). -Store the outdoor shoes into specified shoe rack. -Store personal items in the security box, and do not forget the box number and code number. -Take your student’s identification card with you when exiting the Training Center (when using the bathroom, etc.). -Do not allow unauthorized entry by lending your student’s identification card.



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62 Before Starting Your Training

- The most fundamental rules you should know -

Training = What you do to improve your functions from before.

* The training done at the training center mainly focuses on weight training, in which weights are used, including dumbbells, barbells and training machines.

[Effects of weight training on muscles] Ordinary people Athletes To improve health or have the ideal Purpose Performance improvement body shape Increase in fat combustion efficiency Power (speed x force) Hypertrophy To achieve the ideal body lines improvement Energy Improvement in fat burning and basal Improvement in agility through consumption metabolism weight reduction and so forth Mental effects Sense of achievement and self-confidence! * People whose main purpose is shape-up shall perform many times with relatively lighter load.

[Why do muscles grow?] 1. Muscle fiber (muscles) becomes damaged as muscular force stronger than one used in daily life is used. 2. Muscle fiber is repaired. 3. The repaired muscle fiber is stronger and thicker than before. o Super compensation * Protein and vitamin B are mainly necessary to repair the muscle fiber. o It is difficult for the results to appear unless we are careful about ensuring nutrition and rest after training.

[How often and how much training do we need to do?] To promote hypertrophy - - - Rest period Frequency Set Repetition (min.) (per week) 3 to 4 8 to 15 1 to 2 3 to 4 * Reps - - - Maximum Repetition one can perform. One needs to know his or her own limit first. * Rest - - - Rest the used muscles for 48 to 72 hours. o To allow super compensation. * For the muscles that are constantly used to keep the posture such as neck, abdominal muscle, back muscles and calves, the guideline value is 20 times x 2 sets. In addition, recovery is quicker for abdominal muscle and back muscle than other parts.

[Speed of movements] (E.g.: Exhaling when pressing o Inhaling when lowering. * Breathing must never be stopped. Lifting Lowering Change in the speed of Purpose movement movement movement Constant speed Mastery of form 3 seconds 3 to 4 seconds (with limited acceleration) Constant speed Hypertrophy 2 seconds 2 to 3 seconds (with limited acceleration)

[It is recommended that training is done by dividing the muscle parts by the day.] Those who can train 3 days per week - - (E.g.) Monday = Front side of upper body, Wednesday = Back side of upper body, Friday = Lower body, Those who can train 2 days per week - - (E.g.) Tuesday = Upper body, Friday = Lower body, * Front side of upper body - - - Bench press, dumbbell fly, etc. Back side of upper body - - - Lat pull down, iso-lateral row, etc. Lower body - - -Squat, leg extension, leg curl, etc. Abdominal muscle and back muscle as necessary.

End of document 

63 Ἒᴾ Ἶᴾ Ὂᴾ Ἕᴾ ὅᴾ ἂᴾ ửᴾ Ẵᴾ Ủᴾ Эᴾ Ệᴾ ᴾ

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 ᡵ ǻȃȈׅׅૠᲢׅᲣ˞˞ক଺᧓ᲢЎᲣ᫁᫁ࡇ

᳸ ᳸ ᳸ ᳸

èׅૠȷȷȷᐯЎƷᨂမLJưƋƛǒǕǔׅૠŵLJƣᐯЎƷᨂမǛჷǔƜƱŵ èè˞ऒȷȷȷ̅ƬƨሂᎹƸᲮᲲ᳸ᲱᲬ଺᧓˞LJƤǔŵ ă ឬׅࣄƞƤǔƨNJŵ ưᘍƏƱǑƍŵLJƨŴܤѬǛ̬ƭƨNJࠝƴ̅ƬƯƍǔሂᎹƸ  ׅg ǻȃȈǛႸۋèᬍȷᐃሂȷᏑሂȷƾƘǒƸƗƳƲ ᐃሂȷᏑሂƸƦƷ˂ƷᢿˮƱൔǂׅࣄƕଔƍŵ  Ƃѣ˺ƷǹȔȸȉƃ Ტ̊ȷ਀ƢƱƖƴӻƘ ă ɦǖƢƱƖƴԈƏŵèԠԈƸൿƠƯƱNJƯƸƍƚƳƍŵ  ҄٭Ⴘ  ႎɥɥƛǔѣ˺ɦɦǖƢѣ˺ѣѣ˺ǹȔȸȉƷ  ȕǩȸȠƷ፼ࢽᅺ᳸ᅺɟɟܭǹȔȸȉᲢьᡮǛСᨂᲣ  ǹȔȸȉᲢьᡮǛСᨂᲣܭ ᅺ ᳸ ᅺɟ  ٻሂᏄ  ƂሂᎹƷᢿˮǛଐƴǑƬƯЎлƠƯᘍƏƜƱƕƓѰNJƃ   ᡵ  ଐưƖǔ૾ȷȷᲢ̊Უஉ୴ଐᲷɥҞ៲Э᩿ ൦୴ଐᲷɥҞ៲ࢸ᩿ ᣿ᲷɦҞ៲μ˳   ᡵଐưƖǔ૾ȷȷᲢ̊Უ້୴ଐᲷɥҞ៲μ˳ ᣿ᲷɦҞ៲μ˳    èɥҞ៲Э᩿ȷȷȷᴥᴶᴵᴙᴤᴷᴲᴕȷᴘᴶᴵᴥᴶᴱᴤᴯᴊ GVE  ɥҞ៲ࢸ᩿ȷȷȷᴯᴇᴜᴤᴷᴱᴘᴶᴋᴵȷᴉᴊᴗᴯᴛᴯᴱᴳᴋ GVE ɦ Ҟ ៲ȷȷȷᴕᴐᴴᴇᴜȷᴲᴇᴐᴶᴌᴐᴕᴛᴵᴔᴆᴵȷᴲᴇᴐᴶᴎᴈᴱ GVE   ᐃሂȷᏑሂƸƦƷᣃࡇŵ ௨ ୖ

64 ㈨ᩱ䐢 㛗ᮇ୙ᅾᒆ䠄୍᫬ᖐᅜ䞉ᾏእΏ⯟䞉㛗ᮇ᪑⾜➼䠅 㻭㼜㼜㼘㼕㼏㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㼒㼛㼞㻌㼀㼑㼙㼜㼛㼞㼍㼞㼥㻌㻸㼑㼍㼢㼑

ẅ׎ᨥ૙ᏋὉңщἍὅἑὊᧈẅോܖٻᨈܖ᧙ᙱ ᵢᶃᵿᶌᴾᶍᶄᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᵡᶃᶌᶒᶃᶐᴾᶄᶍᶐᴾᵧᶌᶒᶃᶐᶌᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᵿᶊᴾᵣᶂᶓᶁᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᵡᶍᶍᶐᶎᶃᶐᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᵊᴾᵩᵥᵳᵊ

ފЈଐ ࠰ உ ଐ ܖቔဪӭ ᵱᶓᶀᶋᶇᶑᶑᶇᶍᶌᴾᵢᵿᶒᶃ ᶗᶃᵿᶐ ᶋᶍᶌᶒᶆ ᶂᵿᶒᶃ ᵱᶒᶓᶂᶃᶌᶒᴾᵧᵢᴾᵬᶓᶋᶀᶃᶐ ൞Ӹ ᵤᶓᶊᶊᴾᵬᵿᶋᶃ ᩓᛅဪӭ ἳὊἽỴἛἾἋ ᵷᶍᶓᶐᴾᵮᶆᶍᶌᶃᴾᵬᶓᶋᶀᶃᶐ ᵣᶋᵿᶇᶊᴾᵟᶂᶂᶐᶃᶑᶑ

έ὾ᵮᶊᵿᶁᶃᴾᶍᶄᴾᵰᶃᶑᶇᶂᶃᶌᶁᶃנ๛ ṳἾἊἙὅἋḪ὾ᵰᶃᶑᶇᶂᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾᵧᵧ ṳ գଢݜ὾ᵩᶃᶇᶋᶃᶇᶐᶗᶍ ṳṳἾἊἙὅἋḫ὾ᵰᶃᶑᶇᶂᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾᵧᵧᵧ ἭὊἲἋἘỶ὾ᵦᶍᶋᶃᶑᶒᵿᶗ ṳṳἾἊἙὅἋḬ὾ᵰᶃᶑᶇᶂᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾᵧᵴ ἛὊἱὊ౿Ὀɯ὾ᵢᶍᶐᶋᴾᵩᶓᶑᶓᶅᵿᶍᶉᵿ ṳ ἾἊἙὅἋḭ὾ᵰᶃᶑᶇᶂᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾᵴ ṳ ἛὊἱὊᑱދ߷὾ᵢᶍᶐᶋᴾᵟᶑᶆᶇᶗᵿᶅᵿᶕᵿ ṳ ฌ᫘ݜ὾ᵱᶃᶇᶄᶓᶐᶗᶍ ṳ ἛὊἱὊᙱܷᧉৎ὾ᵢᶍᶐᶋᶗᴾᵬᶇᶑᶆᶇᶌᶍᶋᶇᶗᵿᶋᶍᶌᶂᶍ ὾ᵱᶃᶊᶄᵋᵿᶐᶐᵿᶌᶅᶃᶂᴾᵿᶁᶁᶍᶋᶋᶍᶂᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌܡṳ̲᩺ݶ὾ᵱᶃᶇᶑᶆᶓᶐᶗᶍ ṳ ᐯ ṳ ঺μݜ὾ᵱᶃᶇᶘᶃᶌᶐᶗᶍ

ɦᚡỉྸဌỂއ˰έửᩉủộẴẇ ᵧᴾᶕᶇᶊᶊᴾᶊᶃᵿᶔᶃᴾᶋᶗᴾᶐᶃᶑᶇᶂᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾᶎᶊᵿᶁᶃᴾᶂᶓᶐᶇᶌᶅᴾᵿᴾᶑᶆᶍᶐᶒᴾᶎᶃᶐᶇᶍᶂᴾᶄᶍᶐᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶄᶍᶊᶊᶍᶕᶇᶌᶅᴾᶐᶃᵿᶑᶍᶌᵌ

὾ᶍᶓᶒᶑᶇᶂᶃᴾᶍᶄᴾᵨᵿᶎᵿᶌٳέỉ˰৑ ṳ ଐஜ׎ϋ὾ᶇᶌᶑᶇᶂᶃᴾᶍᶄᴾᵨᵿᶎᵿᶌ ṳ ଐஜ׎נᘍέὉ๛ ᵢᶃᶑᶒᶇᶌᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᵿᶌᶂ ᵿᶂᶂᶐᶃᶑᶑᴾᶍᶄ ᵿᶁᶁᶍᶋᶋᶍᶂᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌ

஖᧓ ࠰ உ ଐ ࠰ உ ଐ ᵋ ᵮᶃᶐᶇᶍᶂ ᶗᶃᵿᶐ ᶋᶍᶌᶒᶆ ᶂᵿᶒᶃ ᶗᶃᵿᶐ ᶋᶍᶌᶒᶆ ᶂᵿᶒᶃ

ජỉႸႎٳ ᵮᶓᶐᶎᶍᶑᶃᴾᵆᶇᶌᴾᶂᶃᶒᵿᶇᶊᵇ

ဃỊ࣏ẵἭἋἚἧỳἱἼὊỆờᡲዂẲềẪẻẰẟẇܖජЭỆ੩ЈẲềẪẻẰẟẇἭὊἲἋἘỶỉٳṸ ࣏ẵẆ ᵮᶊᶃᵿᶑᶃᴾᶆᵿᶌᶂᴾᶇᶌᴾᶒᶆᶇᶑᴾᶄᶍᶐᶋᴾᶀᶃᶄᶍᶐᶃᴾᶑᶒᵿᶗᶇᶌᶅᴾᶍᶓᶒᴾᶍᶔᶃᶐᶌᶇᶅᶆᶒᵌẅᵦᶍᶋᶃᶑᶒᵿᶗᴾᶑᶒᶓᶂᶃᶌᶒᶑᴾᶑᶆᶍᶓᶊᶂᴾᶅᶇᶔᶃᴾᶒᶆᶃᶇᶐᴾᶆᶍᶑᶒᴾᶄᵿᶋᶇᶊᶗᴾᶎᶐᶇᶍᶐᴾᶌᶍῃ ᶇᶁᶃᴾᶀᶃᶄᶍᶐᶃᴾᶑᶓᶀᶋᶇᶒᶒᶇᶌᶅᴾᶒᶆᶇᶑᴾᶄᶍᶐᶋᵌ

ԓẲềẪẻẰẟẇإบᑋኳʕࢸỊẴẫỆᵡᵧᵣᵡồٳṸ ɟ଺࠙׎Ὁෙ ᵮᶊᶃᵿᶑᶃᴾᶌᶍᶒᶇᶁᶃᴾᵡᵧᵣᵡᴾᶍᶄᴾᶗᶍᶓᶐᴾᶑᵿᶄᶃᴾᶐᶃᶒᶓᶐᶌᴾᵿᶑᴾᶑᶍᶍᶌᴾᵿᶑᴾᶎᶍᶑᶑᶇᶀᶊᶃᵌ

ӳỊẆЈ׎ỉᨥỆϐλ׎ỉ৖ዓẨửẴỦẮểửࣔủễẟỂẪẻẰẟẇئบᑋẴỦٳṸ ɟ଺࠙׎Ὁෙ ᵵᶆᶃᶌᴾᶊᶃᵿᶔᶇᶌᶅᴾᵨᵿᶎᵿᶌᴾᶄᶍᶐᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶎᶓᶐᶎᶍᶑᶃᴾᶍᶄᴾᶔᵿᶁᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᶇᶌᴾᵿᴾᶄᶍᶐᶃᶇᶅᶌᴾᶁᶍᶓᶌᶒᶐᶗᴾᶍᶐᴾᶄᶍᶐᴾᶔᶇᶑᶇᶒᴾᶗᶍᶓᶐᴾᶆᶍᶋᶃᴾᶁᶍᶓᶌᶒᶐᶗᵊᴾᵱᶒᶓᶂᶃᶌᶒᶑ ᶑᶆᶍᶓᶊᶂᴾᶋᵿᶉᶃᴾᶑᶓᶐᶃᴾᶒᶍᴾᶄᶇᶊᶊᴾᵿᶌᴾᵣᶋᶀᵿᶐᶉᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᵢᶇᶑᶃᶋᶀᵿᶐᶉᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᵡᵿᶐᶂᴾᶄᶍᶐᴾᵰᶃᵋᶃᶌᶒᶐᵿᶌᶒᶑᴾᵿᶒᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᵿᶇᶐᶎᶍᶐᶒᵌ

ቔᄩᛐầỂẨễẟנỉ஖᧓ỆܭቔᄩᛐቐỆፙӸửẴỦ࣏ᙲầẝụộẴẇਦנဃỊẆ൑உИକỆᵡᵧᵣᵡỆềܖ᣿Ӗዅܖڜ Ṹ ቔᄩᛐỉἋἃἊἷὊἽỆදॖẲễầỤᚘဒנỆẴỦᨥỊẆנӳầẝụộẴẇᧈ஖Ểɧئ᣿ỉૅዅầỂẨễẟܖڜӳẆئ ửᇌềềẪẻẰẟẇ ᵱᶁᶆᶍᶊᵿᶐᶑᶆᶇᶎᴾᵰᶃᶁᶇᶎᶇᶃᶌᶒᶑᴾᶋᶓᶑᶒᴾᶑᶇᶅᶌᴾᶄᶍᶐᴾᵿᶒᶒᶃᶌᶂᵿᶌᶁᶃᴾᵿᶒᴾᵡᵧᵣᵡᴾᶇᶌᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶀᶃᶅᶇᶌᶌᶇᶌᶅᴾᶍᶄᴾᶃᵿᶁᶆᴾᶋᶍᶌᶒᶆᵌᴾᵱᶒᶓᶂᶃᶌᶒᶑᴾᶕᶆᶍᴾᶁᵿᶌᶌᶍᶒ ᶁᶍᶋᶃᴾᶒᶍᴾᶑᶇᶅᶌᴾᶂᶓᶐᶇᶌᶅᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶂᶃᶑᶇᶅᶌᵿᶒᶃᶂᴾᶎᶃᶐᶇᶍᶂᴾᶕᶇᶊᶊᴾᶌᶍᶒᴾᶐᶃᶁᶃᶇᶔᶃᴾᶒᶆᶃᶇᶐᴾᶑᶒᶇᶎᶃᶌᶂᴾᶄᶍᶐᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶋᶍᶌᶒᶆᵌᴾᵱᶒᶓᶂᶃᶌᶒᴾᶑᶆᶍᶓᶊᶂᴾᶋᵿᶉᶃᴾᶑᶓᶐᶃ ᶒᶍᴾᶁᶆᶃᶁᶉᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᵿᶒᶒᶃᶌᶂᵿᶌᶁᶃᴾᶑᶇᶅᶌᴾᶑᶁᶆᶃᶂᶓᶊᶃᴾᶀᶃᶄᶍᶐᶃᴾᶎᶊᵿᶌᶌᶇᶌᶅᴾᵿᴾᶒᶐᶇᶎᵌ


/ Stamp / missed missed



ࠚ CIEC / must besubmitted within one week / must besubmitted within one week /within must be submitted two days of / Flight or night bus delays are not not are delays bus night or / Flight

/ Public Transportation Delays / Public Transportation examination only examination ࠙ / onmust be submitted the day of the

㸧 㸧 / consultation necessary prior to departure / Illness ͤ㏣ヨཷ㦂㢪࡜ῧ௜᭩㢮ࡢࢥࣆ࣮ࢆࢥ࣮ࢹ࢕ࢿ࣮ࢱ࣮࡟Ώࡍ Due to Mourning / International Travel

࠙ヨ㦂ࡢࡳࠚ e

c n e s



㸧 r 㸧 o

f ࠙ヨ㦂ࡢࡳࠚ

s n / Infectious Disease o s

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/ ͤᖐᅜ๓ࡢ஦๓┦ㄯᚲせ 㸦ᖐᅜ᪥࠿ࡽ㸰᪥௨ෆ࡟㏣ヨཷ㦂㢪ᥦฟ return date 㸦ヨ㦂᪥࠿ࡽ㸯㐌㛫௨ෆ࡟㏣ヨཷ㦂㢪ᥦฟ examination of the missed ͤ㣕⾜ᶵࠊほග➼ࡢ㛗㊥㞳ࣂࢫࡣᑐ㇟እ this by covered provision 㸦ヨ㦂᪥ᙜ᪥࡟㏣ヨཷ㦂㢪ᥦฟ examination 㸦ヨ㦂᪥࠿ࡽ㸯㐌㛫௨ෆ࡟㏣ヨཷ㦂㢪ᥦฟ examination of the missed ⏤ ⌮


ᖍ Ḟ  ឤᰁ⑕ ڧ㸯㸧 බඹ஺㏻ᶵ㛵ࡢ㐜ᘏ ڧᚷᘬࡁ࡟ࡼࡿ୍᫬ᖐᅜ 㸱㸧 ڧ㸰㸧 యㄪ୙Ⰻ ڧ㸲㸧 ⯟✵ๆࡢ༙ๆࡀ࠶ࡿ ڧ ᖐᅜ๓ࡢ஦๓┦ㄯࡀ࠶ࡗࡓ㸦┦ㄯࢆཷࡅࡓேࡢྡ๓ࢆ☜ㄆ㸧 ڧ ヨ㦂᪥࡟ឤᰁ⑕࡟࠿࠿ࡗ࡚࠸ࡓࡇ࡜ࡀド࡛᫂ࡁࡿ་⪅ࡢデ᩿᭩ࡀ࠶ࡿ ڧ ヨ㦂᪥ᙜ᪥࡟ཷ㦂ࡀ୙ྍ⬟࡛࠶ࡿࡇ࡜ࢆド࡛᫂ࡁࡿ་⪅ࡢデ᩿᭩ࡀ࠶ࡿ ڧ 㐜ᘏド᫂᭩ࡀ࠶ࡿ ڧ

㸬 ḍ ͤ㏣ヨࡢྍྰࡢ᭱⤊ุ᩿ࠊᐇ᪋ࡢሙྜࡢ᪥⛬࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣᚋ᪥ Ϫ ㄆ

 ☜ examination only 㸯㸧ឤᰁ⑕ 㸱㸧බඹ஺㏻ᶵ㛵ࡢ㐜ᘏ࠙ヨ㦂ࡢࡳ㸭ࢡ࢖ࢬࡣᑐ㇟እࠚ 㸰㸧ᚷᘬࡁ࡟ࡼࡿ୍᫬ᖐᅜ 㸲㸧యㄪ୙Ⰻ࠙ヨ㦂ࡢࡳ㸭ࢡ࢖ࢬࡣᑐ㇟እࠚ  ົ   ஦ 

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᪥㸦 E

㢪 / Quiz / p

/ Examination (midterm Examination / u 㦂 - e ᭶ ཷ k a ヨ

 ヨ㦂 ڧ ࢡ࢖ࢬ ڧ M ㏣

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n R e d u

t S / Course Code


/ Student Name / Instructor / / Student ID Type / Test ሗ / E-Mail Address E-Mail / / class Missed Title / Course / Course ᝟ ⏕ ┠ Ꮫ ⛉ 㐃⤡ඛ Ꮫ⏕Ặྡ provide an (Please E-mailaddress through which we can you.) contact Ꮫ⡠␒ྕ

㸬 㸬 Ϩ ϩ

   㸦ヨ㦂࡟㛵ࡍࡿ㐃⤡ࢆࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊᚲࡎ㐃⤡ࡀࡘࡃ㐃⤡ඛࢆ᭩࠸࡚ࡃࡔࡉ࠸㸧   ヨ㦂✀㢮 Ḟᖍ᪥ ࡇࡢࡓࡧࠊୗグࡢ࡜࠾ࡾヨ㦂㸭ࢡ࢖ࢬࢆḞᖍ࠸ࡓࡋࡲࡋࡓࡢ࡛ࠊ㏣ヨ㦂ࢆཷ㦂ࡉࡏ࡚࠸ࡓࡔࡁࡲ    ᢸᙜᩍဨ period weekday day Month I hereby submit my request for submit my request examinationI hereby a make-up / quiz as below

ᤵᴗࢥ࣮ࢻ  ⛉┠ྡ ᅜ㝿ᩍ⫱࣭༠ຊࢭࣥࢱ࣮㛗 Ẋ To the Dean, Center for International Education (CIEC) Cooperation the Dean, Center for International and To ࡍࡼ࠺࠾㢪࠸⏦ࡋୖࡆࡲࡍࠋ

66 To Nigawa Station E F Hall Kaikan Gakuin Health Center Kwansei To Kotoen Station Lawn Main Entrance Clock Tower Central Library University BUS Finance Department Central Auditorium Japanese Garden Pond D C B 1 A 4 Student Affairs Graduate Combini IT BA Center Fujita Global Lounge Student Lounge Combini Big Shop Coop Big Mama CIEC Office Shop Coop Papa MR G プ ラ ザ ATM G Room Coop KGU Senior Club/Cercle Center Restaurant Training High School G-IS To 3rd and 4th Field KGU Junior Sport Ground 1st Field Sport Ground High School Tennis Court BUS Combini To International Residence IV To 2nd Field


68   ৴൪੔

&RQWDFW,QIRUPDWLRQ ᴾ ׎ᨥ૙ᏋὉңщἍὅἑὊᴾ Center for International Education and Cooperation (CIEC) Organization for Worldwide Collaboration Kwansei Gakuin University ᴾ ᧏ܴ଺᧓ίᵠᶓᶑᶇᶌᶃᶑᶑᴾᶆᶍᶓᶐᶑὸᴾ ࠯ଐίஉ῍᣿ὸᴾ Weekdays Monday – Friday ᵎᵖᵘᵓᵎᴾ̽ᴾᵏᵔᵘᵓᵎᴾ ଷ˞Ớᴾ Closed for lunch ᵏᵏᵘᵑᵎᴾ̽ᴾᵏᵐᵘᵑᵎᴾ ୴ᴾ Saturday ᵎᵖᵘᵓᵎᴾ̽ᴾᵏᵐᵘᵐᵎᴾם ᴾ ᩓᛅᴾ ᵲᶃᶊᶃᶎᶆᶍᶌᶃᴾ ᵎᵕᵗᵖᵋᵓᵏᵋᵎᵗᵓᵐᴾ ἧỳἕἁἋᴾ ᵤᵿᶖᴾ ᵎᵕᵗᵖᵋᵓᵏᵋᵎᵗᵓᵒᴾ ᵣᵋᶋᵿᶇᶊᴾ ᶇᶌᶁᶍᶋᶇᶌᶅᵞᶉᶕᵿᶌᶑᶃᶇᵌᵿᶁᵌᶈᶎᴾ ˰৑ᴾ ᵟᶂᶂᶐᶃᶑᶑᴾ ẖᵔᵔᵐᵋᵖᵓᵎᵏᴾ ᙱܷࠊɥἃҾɟဪထᾀὼᾀᾄᾄᴾ ᴾ ᵥ ӭ᫾ᾀ᨞ᴾ ᵏᵋᵏᵓᵓᴾᵳᶃᶅᵿᶆᵿᶐᵿᴾᵧᶁᶆᶇᶀᵿᶌᵋᶁᶆᶍᵊᴾᵬᶇᶑᶆᶇᶌᶍᶋᶇᶗᵿᵊᴾᵔᵔᵐᵋᵖᵓᵎᵏᵊᴾᵨᵿᶎᵿᶌᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ઃ࠘ᩓᛅίዬ࣯଺ỉỚὸᴾ Mobile Phone (emergency only) 090-2288-8029  ỺἰὊἊỹὅἉὊᴾ ἳἙỵỽἽᴾ ỴἉἋἑὅἋἇὊἥἋᴾ Emergency Medical Assistance Service 03-3811-8124