From: Edward Screven <edward.screven@oracle .com> To:
[email protected] <
[email protected]> Sent: 11 /16/2013 7:19:12 PM Subject: Fwd: Cove r Oreg on Qual~y Assessment of Oracle work Degin forwarded message: F rom: Lany Ell ison <lany .ellison@oracle corn> D:ite: November 16. 20 13. 10:38 :46 AM P ST To: Edward L Screven <
[email protected]> Cc: Larry Ellison <larrv ell isonlf1l ora cl> Subject: Fwd: Cover Orego n Q uality Assessment of O racle work Edward. You are in charge. l will give you whatever re sources you need ... immediately and in quanti ty. Please send me daily report s on thi s. Larry Sent from my iPad Begin fo rwarded message: F r om: Safra Catz <
[email protected]> Date: Nowmbcr 15. 20 13. 7.09.57 PM P ST To: Larry Elli son <larry .ell ison@orn> Subject: Fwd: Cover Oregon Q uality Assessment of O racle work Edward has been on th is since we spoke. Putting him on it was the ri ght call Read the november 6 nore Begin fonvard ed messAge: From: Edward Screven <edward screven1iloracle com> Date: November 15. 20 13 at 6·10·37 PM P ST To: "Calz,Safra " <sa fra catz(!iloracle corn> EXHIBJT ""'"'J~\ __ Subject: Fwd: f wd: FW: Cover Oregon Q uality Assessment of O racle work WIT: ,..)QrWMz one of the executives i wil l try 10 meet. DATE: //,JO- I J CAROL NYGARD -------- Original Message------- Subject: Fwd: FW · Cover Oregon Qua lity Assessment of Ora cle work Ex 8 - Wilson Decl Page 1 of 4 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION ORACLE_STATE_01549316 Date: Fri.