A Small Biography of R.M. Khaladkar 17/5, Shindenagar, Bavdhan (Khurd), Alshashtri Jambhekar NDA Road, Pune – The First Indian who Headed E-mail:
[email protected] the Colaba Observatory The Colaba observatory was established by the below in order that it would provide information and East India Company in 1826 for astronomical inspiration to many of our colleagues of the present observations and time keeping services for and the coming generations. Bombay (Mumbai) port. The geomagnetism and meteorological measurements started in 1841 Early life th by Prof. Orlebar who was then the Professor of He was born on 6 January 1812 in a remote natural philosophy (science) at the Elphinstone village- Pombhurle in Sindhudurg district of Konkan college. However, in 1842 he had to go on the region, Maharashtra. After primary education in medical leave for two years. During this period, Marathi and Sanskrit, he shifted to Mumbai at age one Indian luminary - Balshashtri Jambhekar (BJ) 13. There, he excelled in many fields as fast as it was appointed as the Head of this observatory. was almost impossible for any other person, Considering the fact that at that time, most of the especially when the educational institutions, means top positions in India were occupied by the of knowledge like books, newspapers were not Britishers, exceptionally a great honour was available in India as they are today. bestowed upon this young Indian at an age of just Subjects and languages mastered by BJ 31 years. Undoubtedly, it was because of his When most of the population of India was proven merits in the scientific field.