The Knight Courier

Knights of Columbus, Fourth Degree Saint Francis Caracciolo Assembly 3697 510 St. James Avenue Goose Creek, South Carolina 29445

JUNE 2021

A Prayer for Protection in the Time of Pandemic “O Mary, you always brighten our path as a sign of salvation and of hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the Cross took part in Jesus’ pain while remaining steadfast in faith. O loving Mother, you know what we need and we are confident you will provide for us as at Cana in Galilee. Intercede for us with your Son Jesus, the Divine Physician for those who have fallen ill, for those who are vulnerable, and for those who have died, Intercede also for those charged with protecting the health and safety of others and for those who are tending to the sick and seeking a cure. Help us, O Mother of Divine Love, to confirm to the will of the Father and to do as we are told by Jesus, who took upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows, so as to lead us, though the Cross, to the glory of the Resurrection. Amen!

Under thy protection we seek refuge, O Holy Mother of God. In our needs despise not our petitions, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.” Adapted from the Prayer of Pope Francis, published through the Knights of Columbus

This Prayer should be said daily, and don’t forget the and Chaplet of .

ASSEMBLY OFFICERS FRATERNAL YEAR 2020-2021 FAITHFUL FRIAR Rev. SK Noly Berjuega, CRM 843-795-2753 [email protected] FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR SK Kevin M. Skero PGK 843-324-7517 [email protected] FAITHFUL CAPTAIN SK Francis P. Strunk PGK 843-797-8268 [email protected] FAITHFUL PILOT SK Mark A. Phillips 843-209-4187 [email protected] FAITHFUL COMPTROLLER Deacon SK Lawrence E. Roberts PGK 843-860-4077 [email protected] FAITHFUL PURSER SK J. Stephen Ekhaml 843-860-6540 [email protected] FAITHFUL SCRIBE SK John R. Flinn PGK 843-475-4756 [email protected] FAITHFUL INNER SENTINEL SK Jaime P. Fernandez 843-345-9427 [email protected] FAITHFUL OUTER SENTINEL SK Danilo A. Cariaga 843-810-0567 [email protected] FAITHFUL ADMIRAL SK Alex J. Antol PFN 843-270-6296 [email protected] TRUSTEE 3 YEAR SK Francisco T. DeAsis PFN 843-824-2003 [email protected] TRUSTEE 2 YEAR Vacant TRUSTEE 1 YEAR SK P. Cousino DD,PGK,PFN 843-607-1007 [email protected] COLOR CORPS COMMANDER SK Francis P. Strunk PGK 843-797-8268 [email protected]


2021 PRAYER INTENTION OF POPE FRANCIS: June 2021 Intention for evangelization – The Beauty of Marriage: “Let us pray for young people who are preparing for marriage with the support of a Christian community: may they grow in love, with generosity, faithfulness and patience.”

FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR’S REMARKS: My Dear Brothers, I am ever hopeful that you and yours are in good health, and I pray that the good lord has blessed you with good spirits throughout the month of May. As we enter the month of June, we again have a few dates to keep in mind for they are important to not only the Catholic Faith but to the Catholicity of the Sir Knight. On June 3rd, the church marks the celebration of Corpus Christi, the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. From your Catechism Teachings, the Consecration of the Mass the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ. This is more widely known as . There are several that have been recorded over time where the bread and wine are transformed into flesh and blood during the Consecration, The of Lanciano in the eighth century and Father Peter of Prague from the Thirteenth Century. I invite you to investigate other recorded miracles of the Transubstantiation.

During May we celebrated Mother’s Day and on June 20th we honor all the fathers with Father’s Day. We pay homage to the person who had all the answers, though some of them may not have been totally correct. We admire the person who we went to when Mom said “NO”. Your Father may have taught you to ride a bike, to field a ground ball or maybe to bait a hook. Or maybe you were nurtured by a man who was not your biological father but maybe a “Foster” father or stepfather, much like Saint Joseph was to our Lord and Savior. I pray that your Father or Father figure was a positive influence on your life and in your Catholic upbringing. If your father is still among the living, I beg of you to visit him or contact him in some way and say thank you for all he has done for you but more importantly tell him “I love you Dad and I always will”. If your Father, like mine, is at home with our Lord and Savior, say a prayer and tell him how much you miss him and how much he meant to you.

We are having a semi-social in conjunction with The Boy Scouts of America on June 16th. This is in conjunction with a Flag Retirement Ceremony we are having at the Hanahan Council Home (Club 62) starting at 6:30 pm. I hope you can join us.

I believe we are close to finalizing our Officer’s for the upcoming Fraternal Year, if there are any of you who are interested in a position that is still open, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please consider becoming an officer and help lead our Assembly into the next year.

God Bless you all. Vivat Jesus! Your Faithful Navigator, SK Kevin Skero PGK, FN

“O of Jesus, have mercy on us!”

IMPORTANT DATES: (Note, many of these events may still be held virtually or with Covid restrictions) Thursday, June 3th – Council 11991 Membership Meeting, 7pm; Rosary at 6:30pm Saturday, June 5th – Presentation of the Silver Rose/Our Lady of Guadalupe at Immaculate Conception. Rosary at 3:30pm before the 5pm Mass, and Marian Prayers and Litany to follow


Sunday, June 6th – Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Tuesday, June 8th – Council 11471 Membership Meeting, 7pm; Rosary at 6:30pm Thursday, June 10th – Council 6726 Membership Meeting. Rosary at 6:30pm Saturday, June 12th – Ordination of Priest at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist 10am (Honor Guard requested) Monday, June 14th - Assembly 3697 Membership Meeting 7pm; Rosary at 6:30pm / Flag Day Wednesday, June 16th – U.S. Flag Retirement at Hanahan Club 67 with BSA Troop 777, 6:30pm (RSVP) Thursday, June 17th – Council 11991 Installation of Officers Sunday, June 20th - Council 11991 Service Sunday 9:30am Mass; Rosary at 8:50am / Father’s Day

FROM THE REGION #2 MARSHAL: “Unity amplifies Charity!” Past Supreme Knight Carl Anderson from his remarks at the 137th Supreme Convention Worthy Sir Knights, I pray this finds all of you and those you love safe and in good health.

I thank the Trustees for finalizing the slate of officers who will help lead our Assembly during Fraternal Year 2021-2022. Our thanks to those Officers who will leave their positions, and thank them for their leadership and stepping “Into the Breach”. We all extend our congratulations to each of the new volunteers and pledge our full respect and support:


Status: - Comptroller SK Deacon Larry Roberts is concluding the final year as Comptroller, a three-year position, and is looking for a qualified person to relieve him. He has agreed to remain in the position for a brief period until someone can be appointed and trained. SK F. Don Mucheck PGK, PFN has volunteered to step into the position of Comptroller but will need to complete the application and be appointed by Supreme. Don, a PGK and PFN, was a previous Financial Secretary for his Council and does have a lot of experience.

Please extend our welcome and congratulations to Brother SK Spencer Tafuri who was exemplified into the Fourth Degree on May 22nd. Several of us had the privilege of escorting Brother Spencer to Irmo for the Degree, and had excellent conversation during the round-trip travels.

A bit of good news! SK David Hood has agreed relieve me of the monthly newsletter responsibility. We met and spoke for some time and discussed how to make improvements needed for our newsletter to be more appealing and functional. David has several great ideas and will be reaching out to the membership for their input. My advice to him was to make it his own and we should see several design changes.


Brother Sir Knights let us continue to be aggressive in our recruitment of new members. Every day is an ideal time to talk with our Third-Degree Knights and encourage them to join the ranks of the Patriotic Fourth Degree. We all need to be more involved in recruiting new Sir Knights. We cannot continue to do much with so few, and the patriotic and faith involvement of the Knights of Columbus is critical at this time. We are after all the strong and visible right arm of the in America and throughout the world.

It is our hope that all Fourth Degree Knights will prayerfully consider obtaining the new uniform regalia and become the foundation for our Color Corps. Recognizing that the new regalia is very costly, if you have not yet invested, I encourage you to purchase the new uniform of the Fourth Degree as soon as possible and become an active member of the Color Corps so we can return to what we do best!

Personal Note: Worthy Sir Knights, here is the final part of a prayer that I pray every day just to keep me focused on what is important to my personal spiritual growth and hopefully work to make me a humbler Catholic Christian man. You will have to be the judge of that. I hope it has had some benefit to you as well. This is part 3 which concludes the prayer: The Litany of Humility “ O Jesus meek and humble of heart, hear me!

That others may be loved more than I, …Response, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it! That others may be esteemed more than I,…R That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease,…R That others may be chosen and I set aside,…R That others may be praised and I go unnoticed,…R That others may be preferred to me in everything,…R That others may become holier than I, Provided that I may become as holy as I should,…R” Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val (1865-1930) Secretary of State for Pope Saint Pius X

Let my heart be humble, Oh Lord, and my spirit be meek. Amen.

I pray you and those you love will all continue to remain safe and healthy.

Laus tibi Deo! …Thy will be done… SK Michael Cousino, DD, PGK, PFN Region #2 Marshal

ADORATION OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST: Daily Adoration at Immaculate Conception Church is Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 6:30pm. Evening prayer begins at 6:00pm prior to 6:30pm Mass on Monday through Friday. Come and give our Lord an hour or two of dedicated quiet and prayerful time. Give Him an opportunity to speak with you in a peaceful environment. The Adoration Chapel is open from 9:00am until 6:30pm on Thursdays. Only 8 people are allowed in at one time, and it is strongly recommended that a mask be worn anytime in the Church. First Friday overnight Prayer and was reinstated under strict health and safety guidelines, and unless other restrictions are put in place, will also be authorized every First Friday.

VETERANS VICTORY HOME, WALTERBORO: To honor our continuing patriotic commitment, we ask that all continue to bring toiletry articles to any of our meetings and socials throughout the year. These items will be collected and shared between the Walterboro Veteran’s Victory Home and the Felician Sisters in Kingstree.


The Veteran’s Victory Home also asks for craft items, books (prefer large print), periodicals and newspapers. Some of these items are used in their therapy sessions. The adult coloring books with colored pencils are exceptionally popular.

OUR LADY OF JOYFUL HOPE: The Felician Sisters in Kingstree continue to help those in desperate need with the basics of food, clothing and shelter, and humbly ask for help in replenishing their pantry with food, toiletry and hygiene items, and adult and infant clothing. We will continue to collect toiletry and hygiene items to help with restocking. Therefore, at each meeting, social or gathering we will have a box available in which to put any donated items. The Felician Sisters at the St. Anne Felician Center remain humbly thankful for our donations and support.


As of June 1, over 20,155 babies have been saved! Every 30 seconds, a baby’s life is taken by abortion.

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel for the End of the Culture of Death: “Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”

You are encouraged to research the following websites to find accurate, encouraging and genuinely informative articles focused on respect for life matters in all stages:

HUMAN COALITION: We will not waver! “Covid-19 can’t stop God’s work. “For with God, nothing is impossible.” Luke 1:37 Amid all the turmoil and division in our nation, one issue should unite us: protecting preborn children. We have a vivid hope that abortion will become unthinkable and unavailable in our lifetime. With unwavering hope, FOR LIFE! We continue to affirm that abortion will not be ended in the Courts – It will be ended in our Culture! So Every Child Makes Their Mark, Brian Fisher Co-Founder and President, Https://

SOUTH CAROLINA CITIZENS FOR LIFE – The first civil right is the RIGHT TO LIFE! The Issues That Matter to Us: Alternatives to Abortion Dear Friends of Life, Thanks, and blessings. Annette Griebsch C: 843-708-2498 South Carolina Citizens for Life promotes legislation to protect innocent human life from abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. Read more about the issues that matter to us here.

UPCOMING EVENTS The organization, Priests for Life, has called for each Catholic to pray fervently for the closing of their local abortion facility. A pro-Life Rosary and prayer service are conducted on the third Saturday of each month from 5

8-9am at the Planned Parenthood (Abortion) Clinic, 1312 Ashley River Road. The next Rosary is scheduled to be prayed on Saturday, May15th. See our state website at Kathy Schmugge, Director Family Life Office, Diocese of Charleston [email protected] or [email protected] 803.547.5063

NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE We will continue to do battle on behalf of the unborn at every turn. You are encouraged to visit the National Right to Life website at for additional information. Join us to help make a difference. Carol Tobias National Right to Life President

40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Shawn Carney President/CEO, 40 Days for Life Visit us!

CHARLESTON 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: TAKE A STAND FOR LIFE Please continue participating in a peaceful prayer vigil witnessing Christ’s saving love for mothers and their pre- born children and praying for an end to abortion. May the Lord bless you, 40 Days for Life/Charleston Call us! 843-580-6587 Write us! [email protected] Visit us!

PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE The Month of The Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a moveable feast, but it most often takes place in June, and thus June is traditionally dedicated to the Sacred Heart. That's why on June 1, 2008, at his weekly Angelus address, Pope Benedict XVI urged Catholics "to renew, in this month of June, their devotion to the Heart of Jesus. "The Sacred Heart, as the Holy Father explained, is a symbol "of the Christian faith that is especially dear, to ordinary people as well as to mystics and theologians, because it expresses the 'good news' of love in a simple and authentic way, encapsulating the mystery of Incarnation and Redemption."

The Sacred Heart reminds us that Christ is not God simply appearing as man; He is truly man, just as He is truly God. As Pope Benedict put it, "From the boundless horizon of His love, God entered the limitations of history and of the human condition. He took a body and a heart so that we can contemplate and encounter the infinite in the finite, the invisible and ineffable Mystery in the human Heart of Jesus of Nazareth." In that encounter, we feel the presence of Christ's heart within our own. The Sacred Heart represents Christ's love for all mankind, and our devotion to it is an expression of our faith in His mercy. We can follow Pope Benedict's example in renewing our devotion to the Sacred Heart by making use of these prayers for June, the month of the Sacred Heart.

An Explanation of the Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the Church This prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is offered for the sake of the Church, that Christ may guide and guard it and that we may all remain united to the Church. It is also prayed for the sake of the souls in purgatory, that they may enter more quickly into the fullness of Heaven.


“O most holy Heart of Jesus, shower Thy blessings in abundant measure upon Thy holy Church, upon the Supreme Pontiff, and upon all the clergy; to the just grant perseverance; convert sinners; enlighten unbelievers; bless our relations, friends, and benefactors; assist the dying; deliver the holy souls in purgatory; and extend over all hearts the sweet empire of Thy love. Amen.“ Cite: Richert, Scott P., ThoughtCo. "Prayers for June." Learn Religions, Feb. 8, 2021,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREETINGS to the Sir Knights born in the month of June: 2 – SK John J. Landolfi 7 – SK Richard A. Gabriel PSD 12 – SK Frank Donald Mucheck PGK, PFN 18 – SK Albert J. Tsakanikas 21 – Rev. SK Sebastian Thomas CRM 23 – SK Orlando B. Cacao

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to our Sir Knights and their lovely ladies celebrating during June: 16 – SK Gerald R. and Betsy Arter 17 – SK Thomas G. and Cindy Risso 19 – SK Thomas and Debbie Gasparich 21 – SK David A. and Therese Hood 22 – SK John R. and Irmy Flinn 24 – SK Nazario E. and Cristeta Yangco 24 – SK Jason and Alene Lowe 26 – SK James and Joan Harris 27 – SK Orlando and Lily Cabading 27 – SK Robert M. and Joyce Gallagher

Please note: We regret that some SKs may have been omitted from the Birthday/Anniversary recognition. We have some gaping holes in our roster and believe it has to do with upgrades and downloads by Supreme. I ask you to make a contact with me to help correct these deficiencies. -MC

PRAYER REQUESTS FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER: Please keep in your prayers for healing and spiritual support: SK Richard Koehler PSD, FM SK Ronald and Paulina Povero PSD, FM SK Thomas Monahon, PSD, VSM SK Robert Gallagher FDD SK Lucien “Don” Boissonneault FDD, PGK, PFN SK John Mallon PFN SK Alex Antol PFN SK Francisco DeAsis PFN SK Michael and Cindy Arcady SK Dr. Heinz Greibsch SK Nazario Yangco SK Gene PGK and Sofia Alaura SK Harold Phillips PGK SK Lloyd Bursey SK Roger Luengo SK Jerry and Betsy Arter PGK SK Joseph and Paula Schepisi SK Michael DellaCroce SK Matthew Smith SK Robert and Carolyn Rose SK Donald Bailey SK James Harris SK Thomas Karabees PGK SK John Karabees SK Remigio Silva SK Don Mucheck SK Thomas and Cindi Risso and family SK Timothy PGK and Linda Kenefick SK Stephen Ekhaml SK Ronald PGK and Anne Snyder SK Christopher Totolo and Family Loretta Gabriel (wife of SK Richard Gabriel PSD) Lynn McCauley (wife of SK John McCauley GK, PFN) Susan Jaruzel (wife of SK Ron Jaruzel) Rebecca Kelly (g’daughter of SK James Kelly PGK) Danielle Theobald (daughter of SK Gene Alaura) Bob Fleischmann (brother of SK Gene Alaura) Joanne Labelle (wife of SK Larry Labelle) Ms. Cinnamin Schott and Gaige Hernandez Jaycee Wall, great niece of SK Marty Kozakiewicz

Pray for all suffering the effects of the Covid-19 disease, and those others not mentioned sick and in distress, relatives, friends, widows and associates, those that care for them and for all Knights. “When we do all we can, then God will do what we cannot."

PRAYER FOR OUR CITIZENS: Continue to pray for our citizens, for an end to the Covid-19 pandemic, and for an end to the continuing, seemingly escalating, senseless violence in our community and throughout the country. Also, pray and for the safety of all members of Law Enforcement, Fire Service, Emergency Medical 7

Services and other First Responders. Let us also pray for our Country that our national leadership will make decisions supporting religious freedom and Right to Life with positive effects on our entire Country and the whole world.

PRAYER FOR OUR RELIGIOUS: We ask for your prayers for seminarians SK Blake Schuman and Zachary Beck discerning their calling to the priesthood. Also, from Divine Redeemer SK Kevin Seibert, and SK Jesse Schuman who are progressing in their calling to the Diaconate studies program. Recently announced at Immaculate Conception, these men have begun to the Diaconate formation: Emerson Georgeto, Ferdy Lemus, Israel Loa-Luhan and Robert McColl. Also pray for our other Adorno and Diocesan Seminarians and those other young men and women progressing in their religious discernment and studies.

PRAYER FOR OUR TROOPS: Continue to keep our military servicemen and women - those who are now where many of us once were - in your thoughts and prayers, as well as those in public safety.

“Protect them from the physical and moral dangers of military life. Keep them close to You and help them live the Commandments. Lord Jesus, give them courage to serve their Country with honor and dignity. Be with them when they are in danger strengthening them when they face hardships. And Lord, grant that, when their service is finished, they may return to us sound in mind, body and soul. In particular, we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their fellow man and Country. Amen.”

“It is a great time to be a Catholic and always a great time to be an active Knight.” We ask all Sir Knights to keep actively recruiting our patriotic Knights.

GOD IS GREAT - ALL THE TIME! ALL THE TIME - GOD IS GREAT! Vivat Jesus! SK Michael Cousino DD, PGK, PFN Editor “The Knight Courier”

The Sword and The Shield Our Sword is Prayer and the Rosary Our Shield is Good Works Informed by our Faith