Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences Vol. 14, No. 1 (2011), 159-164

DOI 10.2478/v10181-011-0025-8 Review The carcinogenic effects of benzoquinones produced by the flour

Ł.B. Lis1, T. Bakuła1, M. Baranowski1, A. Czarnewicz2

1 Department of Veterinary Prevention and Feed Hygiene Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Oczapowskiego 13, 10-718 Olsztyn, Poland 2 Veterinary Surgery HelpVet, Plonska 113A, 06-400 Ciechanów, Poland


Humans and come into contact with various compounds in their natural environment. Most of the encountered substances are neutral, yet some may carry adverse health effects. The ingested food may be a source of harmful substances, including benzoquinones which, as shown by research results cited in this paper, demonstrate toxic, carcinogenic and enterotoxic activity. This group of compounds is inclusive of 2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone (MBQ) and 2-ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone (EBQ), defensive secretions of the confused ( confusum J. du V) and the (Tribolium castaneum Herbst). Benzoquinones have a carcinogenic effect, they are inhibi- tors of growth of various microorganisms, they produce a self-defense mechanism in threat situations and affect population aggregation. As noted by the referenced authors, the properties of ben- zoquinones have not been fully researched to this date.

Key words: benzoquinones, flour , quinone carcinogenicity

Introduction set wider than the eyes of red flour beetle. Both spe- cies have well-formed flight wings, but only the red Flour beetles, including the flour beetle flies in warm interiors or in a tropical (Tribolium confusum) and the red flour beetle climate. The flour beetle develops at a temperature of (Tribolium castaneum), belong to the family of dark- 28-38oC (optimal 30-33oC) and humidity of 10-100% ling beetles (Tenebrionidae) of the order Coleoptera. (optimal 70%). The length of developmental cycle de- Flour beetles are small with body length of 3-5 pends on environmental conditions. At 24oC it lasts 54 mm. The head, pronotum and elytrae are shiny, days, and at 34oC – 26 days. Flour beetles may survive red-brown to dark brown in color. Coloring changes for more than two weeks without nutrition. They live with age. Minor differences are observed between 2-3 or even 4 years. The female lays around 15 eggs species. The antennae are composed of 11 segments. per day, a total of 1200 eggs in her lifetime. In the confused flour beetle, the antennae become White-colored eggs with food particles adhering to wider from the fifth segment, whereas in the red flour the surface have the length of 0.6-0.7 mm and the beetle the last segments form a club. Eye setting is width of 0.3-0.4 mm, and they hatch into larvae. The also a discriminating feature. When viewed from the larvae go through 5-18 growth stages (7-8 on average). ventral side, the eyes of the confused flour beetle are Adult larvae emerge on the surface of infested prod-

Correspondence to: Ł.B. Lis, e-mail: [email protected] 160 Ł.B. Lis et al. ucts where they undergo metamorphosis. The pupae zoquinone and 2-ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone. do not feed at this stage, and adults emerge within The specific composition of 2-methyl-1,4-ben- a few days (Roth and Howland 1941). zoquinone and 2-ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone and the Flour beetles are among the most common methods of extracting these compounds from T. casta- insects found in stored grain and milled products. neum and T. confusum were determined by Pappas Both adults and larvae feed on kernels, causing dam- and Morrison (1995). The proposed methods were age to the seed and rendering it unfit for sowing pur- further modified by Pappas and Wardrop (1996). In- poses. Flour beetles produce large quantities of dust sects were kept in methanol (HPLC purity) and ana- which prevents seed respiration, contributes to seed lyzed by UV spectroscopy, reversed-phase HPLC and overheating, excessive moisture, the growth of my- GC/MS. Methanol solutions obtained from both cotoxic fungi, bacteria and acarid mites. beetle species contained methyl-1,4-benzoquinone Beetles have defensive glands which secret (MBQ) and ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone (EBQ). No sig- quinones such as 2-methyl-p-benzoquinone, nificant differences in MBQ quantities were deter- 2-ethyl-p-benzoquionone, hydroquinone (Alexander mined between samples. Significantly higher quanti- and Barton 1943, Loconti and Roth 1953, Engelhardt et al. 1965, Ladisch et al. 1967, Blum 1978, Howard ties of EBQ and the MBQ and EBQ mixture were 1987), commonly referred to as benzoquinones. The found in T. castaneum than in T. confusum. The family is the most prolific source of above authors concluded that the applied methods for 2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone and 2-ethyl-1,4-ben- the isolation, identification and quantitative determi- zoquinone (Omaye et al. 1981). An individual beetle nation of benzoquinone were relatively simple, quick secrets from several micrograms to 0.5 mg of quinones and accurate for determining benzoquinone secre- into the substrate (grain, flour, cereal) (Ladisch and tions from individual beetles. Mcque 1953, Yezerski et al. 2000, 2004). The insects rapidly colonize the infested food, and quinone con- centrations are very high in populations of thousands Structure of individuals. Benzoquinones give grain a characteristic, un- Benzoquinones are chemical derivatives of ben- pleasant odor, and infested flour has a pinkish color zenes. They are cyclic organic unsaturated diketone

(Payne 1925). In 1941, Roth and Howland isolated compounds (C6H4O2) that contain two carbonyl the odor excretion from T. confusum by passing dry groups (C=O). Benzoquinones are readily soluble in air over the beetles. The excretion was condensed in organic solvents. Benzoquinones have bright yellow, a dry ice trap, yielding yellow-brown crystals. At room orange or red color and a pungent odor. They are temperature, the collected substance was a volatile commonly found in plants and animals as biologically liquid with a pungent quinone odor that easily reacted active substances, and they are classified into three with KI, H2SO4 and the starch solution, turning groups: monocyclic, including 1,4-benzoquinone and blue-black in color. benzoquinones secreted by the flour beetle, bicyclic As noted by Roth (1943), odor secreting glands on naphthoquinones, including vitamin K, and tricyclic the abdomen and thorax of adult Tribolium casta- anthraquinones, such as alizarin dye. neum, T. confusum and T. destructor (Uyttenb.) 1,4-benzoquinone has CAS registry number beetles contain a pungent, irritating fluid. In a paper 106-51-4, systematic name: 2,5-cyclohexadiene- published in 1943, Alexander and Barton reported on -1,4-dione, synonym: para-benzoquinone. It is a solid ethylquinone secretions in the flour beetle. In 1971, substance with bright yellow color, pungent odor, and Von Endt and Wheeler isolated a new compound, it sublimes even at room temperature. The Interna- 1-pentadecene, in addition to the previously deter- tional Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC 1999) mined 2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone and 2-ethyl-1,4- has classified 1,4-benzoquinone as a Group 3 sub- -benzoquinone produced by Tribolium confusum, vol- stance: atile compounds that are stored in special containers. – Which is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity The aliphatic ketone C14H26O had not been previously to humans and for which the evidence of carcino- investigated. 1-pentadecene facilitates absorption of genicity is inadequate in humans and inadequate or the admixed quinones by Tribolium enemies. Howard (1987) performed chemosystematic analysis of defens- limited in experimental animals; ive secretions in 10 groups from the darkling – For which the evidence of carcinogenicity is in- beetle family (Tenebrionidae), including of the genus adequate in humans but sufficient in experimental Tribolium represented by the confused flour beetle animals, and substances may be placed in this cat- and the red flour beetle. The author determined the egory when there is strong evidence that the mechan- presence of 15 hydrocarbons, of which five were found ism of carcinogenicity in experimental animals does in all studied insects, including 2-methyl-1,4-ben- not operate in humans. The carcinogenic effects of benzoquinones... 161

Absorption and metabolism The above suggests that benzene exposure can cause aplastic anemia (Post et al. 1985). Benzoquinone is readily absorbed from the gas- Benzene and its metabolites inhibit RNA syn- trointestinal tract and subcutaneous tissue. It is ex- thesis subject to the applied dose, at 50% inhibitory creted partially unchanged and partly as hy- concentration of 5×10-3M for benzene, 2.5×10-3M for droquinone, the major proportion of which is elimin- phenol, 2.5×10-5M for hydroquinone and 6×10-6M for ated as acid conjugates. The application of ben- p-benzoquinone; the phenomenon observed did not zoquinone causes local skin changes, including discol- result from impaired cell viability. RNA synthesis in oration, erythema and the appearance of papules; macrophages is most probably inhibited by benzene necrosis can occur. Exposure to vapors induces seri- which probably blocks uridine transport in macro- ous vision disturbances; injury extends through the phages, and phenol which inhibits their conversion entire conjunctiva and cornea (IARC 1977). into covalent bond forms. The above suggests that 1,4-benzoquinone depresses cellular respiration in benzene and phenol may inhibit the synthesis of he- tissues under in vitro conditions. Large doses induce matopoietic colony-stimulating factors (Post et al. local paralysis, clonic convulsions, decreased blood 1986). pressure and death due to paralysis of the medullary D’Odorico et al. (1997) demonstrated that syn- centers. Signs of kidney damage were observed in se- thetic quinones such as menadione cause DNA dam- verely poisoned animals (IARC 1977). Benzoquinone age, most probably with the involvement of free rad- is a metabolite of benzene which, if ingested, under- icals in the redox cycle. They suggested that synthetic goes a series of transformations and reactions that quinones may induce neoplasm formation in various produce more toxic compounds than the original sub- locations. Using human colon adenocarcinoma grade stance (Monks and Jones 2002). II cell line HT-29, they investigated the extent of Benzene’s mechanism of toxicity has been studied DNA damage induced by menadione and vitamins K1 extensively. Post et al. (1985) investigated benzene and K2. Menadione caused significant DNA damage metabolism and the effect of benzene, p-ben- at low concentrations (25-200 μM) in linear correla- zoquinone and hydroquinone metabolites on the body tion r = 0.95. In the presence of dicoumarol, the in- structure. Their findings suggest that benzene may ad- hibitor of DT-diaphorase, signs of damage were ob- versely affect the bone marrow stroma, resulting in served at concentrations five-fold lower, indicating defective hematopoietic support. The above authors that free radicals produced in the redox cycle play pointed to a correlation between benzene’s toxicity a key role. The reported results suggest that despite and its effect on macrophages in the bone marrow their participation in the redox cycle, natural forms of stroma, the main source of protein factors supporting vitamin K do not cause damage to DNA in HT-29 the proliferation and differentiation of precursor cells. cells. They investigated benzene’s effect on the synthesis of Soucˇek et al. (2000) investigated mutual trans- macrophage RNA. Unlike phenol, the main benzene formations of hydroquinone, semiquinone and ben- metabolite in the bone marrow, benzene itself is not zoquinone in relation to spontaneous and enzymatic metabolized in macrophages. Benzene is transformed processes. Their findings suggest that hydroquinone by peroxidation into free metabolites and their deriva- and benzoquinone stimulate the formation of OH tives which covalently bind to cellular macromolecules free radicals in microsomes and inhibit lipid peroxida- (proteins). tion. Other authors (Soucˇek et al. 1999, Kondrova´et Post et al. (1984) used benzene, hydroquinone and al. 2007, Zhongwen Xie et al. 2005) studied reactive p-benzoquinone metabolites to inhibit mRNA syn- benzene metabolites – 1,4-benzoquinone and 1,4-hy- thesis in the nuclei of bone marrow cells in rabbits. droquinone, and the effects of their toxic activity re-

The inhibition process is correlated with IC50 values sulting from covalent and/or oxidative damage, bind- for both 6×106M compounds. Phenol did not inhibit ing to DNA and proteins. Efforts were also made to mRNA synthesis at a concentration of 10-3M, and the investigate the mechanisms by which catechol, 1,4-hy- above was attributed to the fact that only benzene droquinine and 1,4-benzoquinine damage cytochrome metabolites have an inhibitory effect on bone marrow P450 and induce oxidative stress in liver microsomes cells. An in vitro study of mouse spleen lymphocytes in guinea pigs. In the group of the studied meta- demonstrated the inhibitory effect of p-benzoquinone bolites, 1,4-benzoquinone caused the greatest damage (PBQ), a benzene metabolite. Already at low concen- to cytochrome P450. Yezerski et al. (2005, 2007) re- trations of 5 μM, PBQ inhibited lymphocyte-stimulat- ported that are inhibitors of growth of various micro- ing factor IL-2 without affecting lymphocyte viability. organisms. 162 Ł.B. Lis et al.

Carcinogenicity and toxicity into 10 groups based on sex and the administered sub- stance: MBQ (2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone), EBQ Takizawa (1940, 1941), Takizawa and Sugischita (2-ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone) and TT (mixture of MBQ (1948) and Sugischita (1950) conducted pioneer re- and EBQ). The tested substances were administered search into benzoquinones in the early 1940s. Over by s.c. injection in four doses of 3 mg and 16 doses of a period of 200 days, Takizawa placed drops of p-ben- 6 mg. Injections of identical volume, totaling 108 mg zoquinone dissolved in benzene at a concentration of in 7.2 ml, were administered every other week. Tu- 0.1%, 0.25% and 0% (control – benzene alone) on the mors were observed in all 10 groups, and the skin of experimental mice every 1-2 days. In the con- first instance of carcinoma was noted after 66 weeks. trol group of 46 animals, one mouse developed papil- Four tumors were reported in the group of 31 rats loma, while pulmonary adenocarcinoma was observed receiving MBQ, seven tumors – in the group of 28 in two individuals. In the group of mice treated with animals treated with EBQ, and five tumors – in 27 rats 0.1% solution, six were diagnosed with papilloma, two administered TT. Four neoplastic changes were ob- animals developed skin cancer and 10 – pulmonary served in the control group of 20 animals. adenocarcinoma. In the 0.25% group (44 mice), papil- Omaye, Wirtz and Fruin (1981) determined loma was observed in three animals, skin cancer was LD50 values of 2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone and found in one mouse, and pulmonary adenocarcinoma 2-ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone administered to male rats in – in five individuals. Ten years later, Ladisch and doses of 165, 145 and 205 mg/kg. An analysis of per- Mcque (1953) developed methods for obtaining cent lines of the applied doses of p-benzoquinone and quinone from the flour beetle. Ladisch (1953) re- its substitutes revealed curves that were not signifi- ported on the carcinogenic effects of quinone con- cantly displaced (p > 0.05) from parallel lines. taminants in food products. 2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone was 0.4 times more toxic In a study investigating the carcinogenic effects of than 2-ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone, and LD50 in a single locally applied p-benzoquinone, Tiedemann (1953) dose of 1-pantadecene was estimated at more than 10 did not observe neoplasms in a group of 80 mice re- g/kg. Based on subjective results of animal observa- peatedly treated with benzoquinone in a benzene sol- tions, the above authors concluded that quinone ution. Loconti and Roth (1953) determined the com- exerts a toxic effect by disrupting the functioning of position of T. castaneum secretions. In a series of ex- the respiratory system. periments analyzing the carcinogenic effects of p-ben- El-Mofty et al. (1988) investigated the carcino- zoquinone, Kishizawa (1954, 1955, 1956) exposed genic effect of benzoquinones administered per os to mice to benzoquinone vapor and observed pulmonary Bufo regularis tadpoles. The experiment was carried carcinoma in several animals. In 1957, Umeda admin- out on mature tadpoles of both sexes, with body istered injections of p-benzoquinone in a propylene weight of around 50 g, divided into two groups (con- glycol solution to a group of 24 rats. The author ob- trol and experimental) of 100 animals each. Flour served two cases of fibrosarcoma on experimental (200 mg), colonized by the red flour beetle for 1 year, days 423 and 481. was mixed with 1 ml of water and administered to Ladisch (1963, 1964, 1965a,b), Ladisch and Suter control group tadpoles three times a week. The ap- (1965, 1967), Ladisch and Suter (1963) and Ladisch et plied dose equaled 1/3 LD50/30 days. The experiment al. (1967, 1968) isolated toxic quinones produced by lasted 14 weeks. In the group of 100 experimental insects to determine their carcinogenicity and the animals, 22 tadpoles developed liver tumors, of which presence of other carcinogens. The secreted substance six were also diagnosed with liver tumors. Microscopic contained 2-methyl-p-benzoquinone and 2-ethyl- observations revealed the presence of hepatocellular -p-benzoquinone at a 1:4 ratio, and it was termed carcinoma cells in hepatic lobules, whereas secondary “Tetritoxin”. The authors concluded that quinones foci of primary hepatic tumors were found in the kid- are a natural carcinogen. Ladisch (1964) suggested neys. Neoplasms were not determined in control a correlation between human neoplasms and milled group animals. products contaminated with quinone secretions of In a follow-up study, El-Mofty et al. (1989) inves- Tribolium beetles and other insects of the darkling tigated the effect of infested flour in biscuits fed to beetle family (Ladisch et al. 1967). In 1968, Ladisch et tadpoles and biscuit baking temperature on the car- al. determined 15 cases of sweat gland carcinoma in cinogenic properties of flour. Similarly to the previous 41 CBA mice after single exposure to insect quinones, experiment, tadpoles were divided into two groups. and one sweat gland tumor in the control group of 51 Experimental group animals were fed 200 mg ground animals. biscuits mixed with 1 ml water. About 2 kg of biscuit Shimkin et al. (1971) conducted a 100-week-long flour had been infested with 20 red beetle individuals experiment on Long-Evans rats which were divided for one year. Ca. 22% tadpoles from the experimental The carcinogenic effects of benzoquinones... 163 group developed hepatocellular carcinoma metastasiz- a toxic effect on humans and animals. This effect may ingtothekidneys.Neoplasmswerenotobservedinthe be direct or indirect where, after a series of enzymatic control group. The authors of the study concluded that transformations via the metabolic pathways, ben- baking temperature did not minimize the carcinogenic zoquinones become secondary metabolites of benzene, effect of flour infested with T. castaneum beetles. suppressing cells and tissues and causing carcinogenic El-Mofty et al. (1992) continued their research in changes. Due to the scarcity of in-depth research inves- an experiment on Swiss albino mice administered flour tigating carcinogenicity in mammals, follow-up work is infested by the red flour beetle, biscuits made of con- required in this area. taminated flour as well as 1,4-benzoquinone. Ca. 35% oftheanimalsfedinfestedflourdevelopedhepatocel- lular carcinoma and lympholeukemia. Neoplasms were observed in 29% mice fed biscuits, mostly in the liver References (lympholeukemia) and nipple (type A adenocar- cinoma). In 33.6% animals administered 1,4-ben- Roth LM, Howland RB (1941) Studies on the gaseous secre- zoquinone, neoplasms were found in the liver and tion of Tribolium confusum Duval. I. Abnormaliteies produced in Tribolium confusum Duval by exposure to spleen (lympholeukemia). The researchers suggested a secretion given off by the adults. Ann Entomol Soc Am that 1,4-benzoquinone, administered alone or in com- 34: 151-175. bination with other quinones secreted by beetles into Alexander P, Barton DHR (1943) The excretion of ethyl- the flour, may be a cause of neoplasms in mouse or- quinone by the Flour Beetle. Biochem J 37: 463-465. gans. Loconti JD, Roth LM (1953) Composition of the odorous Elhassanen and El-Moaty (2003) grew Tribolium secretion of Tribolium castaneum. Ann Entomol Soc Am confusum beetles in wheat flour for eight weeks. In- 46: 281-289. sects were removed from the flour which was fed to Engelhardt M, Rapoport H, Sokoloff A (1965) Odorous Se- rats over a period of 10 weeks. Blood samples were cretion of Normal and Mutant Tribolium confusum. collected every two weeks for the determination of Science 150: 632-633. Ladisch RK, Suter MA (1967) Affinity of Tetritoxin to Ani- oxidative stress indicators in the plasma and red blood mal Protein. Proc Penn Acad Sci 41: 206-212. cells. The results obtained pointed to lower activity Blum MS (1978) Biochemical defenses of insects. In: Rock- levels of the antioxidant enzymes GSH-Px and GSH-R stein M (ed) Biochemistry of insects. Academic Press, in the red blood cells of rats fed contaminated flour. London, pp 465-513. A 9.72% and 32.09% drop was found, respectively, in Howard RW (1987) Chemosystematic studies of the the activity levels of the enzymes studied. The (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): phylogenetic in- GSH/GSSG ratio in the plasma, a sensitive indicator of ferences from the defensive chemicals of eight Tribolium susceptibility to oxidativestress,wasmuchlowerat spp., ratzeburgi (Wissmann), and 5.29 ± 1.35. The plasma concentrations of antioxidant oryzae Waterhouse. Ann Entomol Soc Am 80: 398-405. vitamins (A, C and E) were also much lower in rats fed Omaye ST, Wirtz RA, Fruin JT (1981) Toxicity of sub- contaminated flour, reaching 38.25%, 37.49% and stituted p-benzoquinones found in the secretion of teneb- rionid flour beetles. Proc West Pharmacol Soc 24: 169- 43.21%, respectively. Plasma TBARS levels, nitrite -171. (N2)andnitrate(NO3)concentrationswerehigher Ladisch RK, Mcque B (1953) Methods of obtaining than those determined in the control group by quinones from flour beetles. Science 118: 324-325. 124.92%, 188.97% and 178.35%, respectively. 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