Rasigan Maharajh Curriculum Vitae Version 20140308 Date of Birth 8 November 1969 Place of Birth Durban, e’Thekwini, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa al Nationality South African 1 on s Race Black r Gender Male Pe Civil Status Single, in Domestic Partnership, with one Child Postal Address 221 Harvard Street, Apartment 3, Cambridge, MA, 02139 Mobile Telephone +1 617 642 1650 tact Facsimile +1 617 266 8303 on Electronic Mail
[email protected] C Social Media óExtensive experience in the application of evidence-based research, policy formulation and strategy facilitation at local, national, regional, continental and international levels. cies n óGlobally networked capacity to develop and assemble monitoring, evaluation and learning frameworks. ete óIntensive capabilities in conceptualising, contextualising and generating policies, strategies, scenarios, and omp programme design. C e or óPublic Policy Analysis and Strategy Formulation, with emphasis on the Political Economy of Science and Technology, C Research and Development, Systems of Innovation and Sustainable Development. 1Nota bene: The use of this appellation cannot be construed as an endorsement of its veracity. Rather it merely reflects a historically- determined South African Category that currently serves the purposes of measuring the redress of apartheid prescriptions. Rasigan Maharajh is currently an Associate Research Fellow of the Tellus Institute in Boston and Visiting Scholar at the George Perkins Marsh Institute of Clark University in Worcester, United States of America. He is also the founding Chief Director of the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation in the Faculty of Economics and Finance at Tshwane University of Technology in the Republic of South Africa where his primary research foci include evolutionary political economy, innovation systems and public policies in the context of the global knowledge commons, economic development, social cohesion and democratic governance.