Rasigan Maharajh Curriculum Vitae Version 20100131 Personal Date of Birth 8th November 1969 Details Place of Birth Durban, e’Thekwini, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Nationality South African Race Black Gender Male Civil Status Single, in Domestic Partnership, with one Child Contact Postal Address 34 Pieter Bouwer Street, Riviera, 0084, Tshwane, Gauteng, Details South Africa Mobile Telephone +27 82 8828781 Facsimile +27 86 6791595 Electronic Mail
[email protected] or
[email protected] Core Õ Public Policy Analysis and Strategy Formulation, with emphasis on the Political Competency Economy of Science and Technology, Research and Development, Systems of Innovation Statement and Sustainable Development Õ Theoretical grounding in Evolutionary Economics Õ Extensive experience in managing evidence-based research, strategy facilitation and policy formulation at domestic, regional, continental and international levels Õ Intensive capability in conceptualising, contextualising and generating policies, strategies, scenarios, and programme design Õ Globally networked capacity to develop and assemble monitoring, evaluation and learning frameworks Brief Rasigan Maharajh is currently Chief Director of the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation Biographical (IERI) based at the Tshwane University of Technology. He was previously the Head of the Note Policy Group at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) following his deployment as National Coordinator of the Science and Technology Policy Transition Project for South Africa’s first democratic government. During this time he was employed by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).Prior to 1994, he worked in the non- governmental sector concerned with literacy, education and human resource development whilst simultaneously holding elected leadership positions within various student, youth and organised labour structures of the United Democratic Front, Congress of South African Trade Unions and the African National Congress.